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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 17

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I .~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 The aainýaemej oasIe,3! 0 93 1 * C ASSFE * MoId Chanoe Produces $100 Award EstctIeRWOr---,e______7___77,7_ C-EFO0RGCE VANlD YKi IIEAL F,6TATE - REALTOR ~O.P.P. REPORT The Newcaslef Detaclimeut ofaitque dilsei, mîaille dlck, ai' the Ontario Provincial Pol- a large amount i ', bcddintg, a1d' ime Jinvestigateti flic fo1iowving a quantilfai ewlcyvlut matafr vebicle cllqin ai aIapproximazýtcly $2,0 occurrences bteiDe(-ejni-Driving Tip - S-'Iipp3ery R0aasý Citizanship sud Social Acu icp iîysgrwsiatirhcome uaagnes istue bildig " rne, viiton wer BonCurr tra Delr foMs D. Kennedy; Coi- mr coilex tha act-fiai ftune- upon exPericuce - wc are Hewlett saitita e ii'Malf asams albt muuity 'Friendship sud Visitf '0of 'courncll bave a fend- prouti of aur heitage. The condamna New Year's resolu- Ncvertbeiess, He managed ta Halihurton, MlFenilsa't iîg, Mrs. G. Graham,; Co-open- ency ta becoma maore remof e Canadian axpeimant in na- lions, as many people do, be- influence flhe live a'mliuByWhtîgo trm O-j S lffod Boihrs ation lu Chrstian anti Mis- fa-building which took tri cause' theY are indicative ai' of people. sîonary Educatian, Mrs. J. Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Ms. ',in 1867 was ccrtainly a -balt a certain moral stnength. The This, conclutict Hewlett, is awa. Paîlersan; Stewardship anti Coombes, Mrs, K. McArthur; anc, sncb was the courage anti individual who maires a maso- the kinti ai Influence aîl Ro- 1'ast president' Mal a Vocation, Mrs, C. Dudiley; Lit - Fiowcr-s, Mrs. D. Bac; Mauise, vision of the mnaiaf that tue, loution bas laken atIclest the tartans shaulti cudeavor ta wss congratlated hy Presi- LMTDerafure anti Communications, Mrs. D. Bac, Mrs. C. Purtiy, "What of today? What is tirst isLcp fa lmproving hlm- axent. Asir yaurselves," le dent Bill Wilson ,on bis iJ iirs R ý,Abcmnctby. Ms A dai;Nrmations, aur vision? We lice hMarau self . sat, "ar peopfle batter bc- cent binfhday, whllc Harry BOX 133 uîpply, Mrs. R, Stevans; !Mmi, 'VIch r. M.Samn- cxciag wan(ýlti, We mustlThaSIv),r omfffrr asea'their contact w0îtb Cooke,-Dick Ela'Utnanti Tom1, ____________________Mrs: DD, Grardi, Mrs. G. Prout, D. cAth-um, aof local government aee a new 'nleneAil tou oïteni lue itial' bU8inessmn, elet .hnsfata oky1rw ree Phone Servi c- Miii Heip Citizens Yit1h 1in c ome T axs ana,~~~ Ea alta bac h theirufax nieumS. Ms,.i lamail incame txirnorma- asae uic guida.' 1 t a, fic Hanourable Robemt if licy 'stili havea naini înhury annouuc(ed todîay. itis ugctc1haýt fenn Mrn, Staabuî y, Miniistei r a ' c heur DsritTa htouai Revenue. saidtita aOffiCe cîý7ther Livtlehne i .NITH ti-ratlpaelte or by vstn the prcpsn, mvice forftaxpayar ls seeking ses. dormaticioInfedrual incarne cx goes into affect flic cou-n-: Z jy over ou that date. If one lives h11n,'1 t.eI J81 cîuiiCH TREETber 17,'thi and £Dect-ni-i, r di, So-, se__t and fee1~ a xOMNIL 1972ý rmeain loss of traction. wilenI 12-41,Th accident laie for- the you add that to the imany pat ee as ve igh witth other hlazards of Iliwîte N'~î ,800sq. t. brckiha 62-2P_ 4 bcd om21,f503 40 otor vehlile accidents ini- dlivng aoyo h:Ave reail 4 bcci ,etigated, includ1ing two acci- piroblems. The remiedy%,oM Sand d (ouble attaýI1ced ioroo- beautiful 3 1bedroom ýu1 UIZnwîth double mar- dents involvinig nwmbies ourse is to 1reduce you se ag~on cr~u ~ bugalw ~ uof wchwas fatal. e -eial1-li en neain1g cu - v fge dng room and ov er- bsmwa skn d~ square feet of living orenpran ufrde, nescinraiway ecross- 3712 ares- n lot 118 x 110. Asking peisonal injury, and as a re,-,ings and other citical spots. o p~rta1lytree wlh loely 911suit 14 persons are chai ged Also i es the distance view. Bas treani nn pond. ' ith driving offences including when followingohrvhc rde' h 5,in it. Onlv Bowmanvile- older 5 bed- tw rmnlcd riigo-o lpeuy pavement, and Na $195000O.Teris.roo hoe coseta osptalk' ents.avoid the incr-easing number zE and hoppnga real famiOy 7~hm aorte landrge0sq ~corner lot. Ask- O,172 at 1:45ofrredcliinsta f. store. Centr lly ,inloaed 11ln g3,0nia.. a suownmobile northhound accur eachi year. Bowm-ranville. xlet fonte shw - Darlington Remember: You caiýïn' ke ni:ta:m îetet skn 8900. Hmtn -large ranch CL ol 1 r Tertms. style 4 bedr 0 HmP oonuglw onLn olded with alfast stop on a sipr od r wtwAlkout basement on pe a proiaeyoe 10 aresnearOshaa. ahait mile inorth o Hy. 2 er spriig-fed streai andgood ~ ~ cresof welltrepr-h driverk. Cl . oftesnwoil a ew'ville'Sterkville creck Caîlfor tykled i i strey edronif rmesinice Jawaary19742, th ee0: bouse on large lot. Zoned Pontypool area-buligBw ngy lot 100 n15lot.kng $3000per sonis wre kýiled ou n w-I I moie lu ewcste Dtac- eague b lîglit indus.,trial. Asking $17, 500i th 100 x15,ow n. 3OU eab EstteSae -Tw sore mntar a sa estf ol - !December 28th T brcl om o ai Sr<~t Bancroft area - 87 acres of0idngwlth parked veicl. High single, Peggy Milîsolc Orno Fu he oo ~ roer 10 h uacre lake, l This i o niaionl re- r30;:high averageMree~ ~pcosliving- rooni and -i, ideal for huaiing or fishirng. 1lecting the d1angýers of Opera-Sae 197; hlgh triple, Pegg siti up room. Anxious t ë til Askin g $15000 w ith terras. îgasombl npbi iîa 2.t esta,q1 Make ul ls an offer. i Lindsay aiea - 38 acres aofod.Eseilyatngt 200 Ganles o 2-1 land with s'nall harn, wetl .hal~t nsomhlsd Peggy Milison '20-244, Lyn- mpond sitalofammarot supply sufficient lighting dWisher 242, Shirley Mar- go ___________________chiaery. Asking $25,500 wth ita allow the driver ta stop the tell 233, Olive H-enderson 229, lui $7000 down. suowmobhi 1e ~f thg Joyce Stacey 225-213, Marlene ser i II Lspeeds. Stacey 217-212, Nadine ývi@ Llod Aehion 05-32-761The Newcastle officer alsol Trimible 217, Dorothy Stark rei kAlan khout 725-03-53 completed 66 general investi-1209-209, Doris Tompkius 209, duý Edwin Jeans - 623-7152gations of wblch thriee, wereRoeWds21 Mbreak, enter and trei ,seveni Gaines Won prc %lac McDona!d 623-9911 623443 ilfHake- - 98-574tbeft, three 1ifu damagel Banana Splits 32, Tweety Ca: Heln cDnad -62-311complaînts, lane trespassing re- Birds 28, Raadruuners 25, ha, 10 Ares luspart, Iwo disturbanc-es, one as- Flintstclnes 18. o ~~~~~~~ . e e b e ro nc3y e r o lnol n i ll dn o e i s i g p e s a e p r . 9e a e sT hoe îh argaae.lone sault, two domestic complaints January 4th ha( fîrepflare aiin g ronise P- w-wo occurrne ivledte Marlene Stacey 197, Marg tiaý arate dia ing, rooi,. 2 bauths. -. ..... recavery of stolen propDe)'t, MacDonald 189, Joyce Stacr I 'Mdmcoutyliig Pic IF *E also the ere - o"el)(,)ts 188, Doris Tompkins 186, npl ed~~~~~~~~~~~~~n ta'l n ibsvno.S15 I Ê otpaet u n eot Dorothy Stark 185, Lynda ta CaV. i HflAMR lW59of round propertLy. Wiillher 182, Rarie Wos12 fic Four persons arechre Olive Henderson 180, Maiec open VTour 1E. es" aid~~~~~~~~~~~~ *c h au ati ihciia fecs o îl 180, Grace Farrow 180', PSl acre fan, with excellent 5* per'sans cbarged xith liquaorJneMKn17,Nde * hero omatcdgar- oncs and four per sTîbe12 eg iîo ge od bal'[ and out-b)Uild- chgdwith impaired drtiv- 171, Shirley Ma,.tel 166, Cathy ing, utomatie ,feedilig ,sys-IZ34 King St.E, Bowmii~ inig.La er16,udSacy54 temcorer ropetysho623Vi93Occrre~ce unvstiate luMarie Davis 150, Karen Cart- -onmutinig distance ta Toron-thpatwearasflos m1,Mry rppe 4, t.Shuit your ys athso- Bowmaflville Area OnWd, c.gth, 1972, Bby Cak14 lnh ptuiyand regrets will Bungalowv with anc acre and ,folo.baro. 4 bedro s erai r al, tr acdtetas nor Jus 3,Lorintohsa avdra.God Keith Stedmian a1)d1coverepaatstwo cottages en,ýe Petroviez 103. victures(u iewromonPavd oa"p"p'arsmndeatBilnvlî,of 1-aydon. Stolen weme small fHigh single, Rorle Woads7 180 q f.bakpltwihgarden sali Barn 24 , 36, îîousehold a)ppliances, drapes, 23 ihaeae aln attacheýd garage. 1Il,"yerOwner anxious ta seli. Leav- samciesofed ada omtv1e KihScmnhsa p or-fod, rifles, flshing equipiment, Sacey19;hgtrpe ý'asing country. Asking $34900. tunity ta work in man y places ann the plant. T1iat's whiy he knaws where inlprove- radios, hinoculrd'e u rm75 lid. Brdoom editrg - Trnis ments are needed and he utilizes his ingenuity ta make them. Recetly, he Won utier-y. 150 over \-okiIl SAidcr oick2se modhamhep r., hStolow197; ohic. 00Gh tie, ai dioors tai patio, paved ive i ces orea $100 suggestion awnrd for recommending a change in a ml n h ump par thefoloiu a onDec. Rre oo203021Gainesi Loti 100 x 10orÎo n1 oidbik2stryhm.dprment which made extracting the parts from the rmold much casier. Ie malst, officers of Newcsl D- rieWood6-2 273-219,yabre d' depari. t~~~~achmient osrvdavehlicle rm26-6,Cth1ab mustOnari. eador be. iving erooni. NiL arg dnand won twa smaller awards during the year. Greg Stephens, who works ini the punlp wLtwooccupants picking up 236', leenderso 227-213,c SArstrees. $53,500. Terms. parts department won $30 for euggesting that the rings aof a certain type of pump- tii(-stolen goods from the coi,- Maletacey 21 8, JaycaWilse ofr the most b'eaUtifol anld 111Acres, Bowmanviile prtmald be boited tgthrfor ipovdefficiencfy. ____________Clan tgswihwas hiddeu la a 208, Mary Topple 208, Grace _____lanf)_ F wýarrow 202, Karen Carter 201. On 0- Covrlef.Idal-men wý%ere arrested sud charg- Gaines Won ofDrlnto ffr lrefor Shopping Centre or Serv- aeD E Pond, two trot srenipriv- Cnte7room brick ~II~~IMi~ed ith lbreak, enter sud thleft; rBanasSplte 3ç5, Tweety,,, Pry plus. A dueamers d ren i bouCen 36e. 80'.Asking i li o vîous cottages !lu the Býirds 29, Roaduunes 25, corn trc. aîlforappont-Il -200asTrmC> LiUU a VIE R~ Newcastle area, whîich cu-Funsoe 0 mOie tru.Clifripi cl $2,00 eri e il1red withln the past; fclw -_______ 217 Acres, NewcastieEz il Emots Afer H" outrrCail: 1,300' frontageonT; , ae n laPEmlyeso-jeEsaHy I u Los to LaktieIe H-m Woad, 'MkeBlione 576î-1908 tartia. 2-starey brick bou1se I L1401 ervce.cntr gasbar sund opîcke-t ues haveeeiet in--n f,- mentl ntacet 2I' 203' frautges. Ecellentinvest ~itle ae - 623-5638 Tri.Cti 'ih tJ5 KnPtndeadsoc 0t .praNw ice Centtre. On Friday, W esL e 2367148 Acres, Bowmanville Newcastîc-Thýe N. & c1t ea a sO h hefrt 2dsvea eprs1ee) i D,,uby Ingl0.eto thenextgoal assisted h c stie corc ancoa, wierevdthatstriesat thle 21 n(- p dgrounds. Barn 4Ô' 9-2 on Tuesday, Dec. 26th la Barrett. Tony' Balson scared goal by,-the ýComlbines tugoe s o r f nm toists wb w'l T'he H . .d oosaywe > Wm. MFeete5 - ?54726 2-staci brck bonei-4'ineseTed omilt-e G tn irdpand sud Dgarl O _1-kefied soredthr.i Theas erieietrse, amgn x 8', silo. Goad level li lNate W Thile Cin tesfi ut-the pthird adffhgolo eryopoîth asîsscossngthe picktues n er ]maae nth ei Pelr Kwal Jr close ta Bowmanivillc. witli plac odil h lsttepro ihassgoing trou l 'lohIlsselof thesrkesis cbarged wlth finl frathed 2nfli- Anîu fronage nK3road. $65,00. eriod, scoring three 1un- ta Doug Rickard, onRI c-N!atc tthi ia niiato sar~l fhina Pee Wee oc ce REA ESATE Tenrs.answcred goals. The first ard (twice) and Gre-g CGray. goj1a l i hesecond pcniod. It darnage aud 1forcibly obstruet-Tunaet yBs'Rde GENERL INURANE 48ocle, ,opostscocedhy Dean Cox. The 'fourth goal was sord y %wa-,.scored hbY Doug Rickard, ing the igt o oi ts o ayRide. 6?2 Kîing st. w. - Baowmanville48Ars opt assists ta Jamie Wrigbt and Glenn Murphy asitdb itlî ihWagar and GlunThea owmanoife2squa Phone 623-2453 Ail laatcd ta young Spruce Bob Tennant, the seco,(nd hy Robin and Dauig Rcad. Mrhy Lsing. On Dc.. 23rd, at 2:30 .mTo he flrt w o gamle sub trees. $30,000. Ternis. Doug Rickard oa iassists tram Woodvîllc played good -, ý'lhe Comnbines failed ta holdis yautb Irom Newcastle wasl defeating Linds a 5-0 aid BR,1AND NEW Spcos110 Acres, BIackst'c e ntndcadTnyBl esvehce nth atbc Lkfedl he third ,rrcsted near Omono on Hw'y. HuLrnb)erview which is a M., 7 s;toceyhome lu, a chi e resi ose nc2soryI son The third gol ame period, as the Combines sco- period, as they scorcdfv wc and l"ossin' ..tai yasor f30 ri -ptipi lcatinba an ultra . frani handy Tnn u ith cd only anc goal. Grey Gray goals. Roy Vechurgh had a 'o'f a car stoaencoromoOro-0, of ronitrae pls 4roo hu- aSsists going ta Jami-ie Wright sîcored, Glenn Murphy and busy n-ight in goal ih~ 'pr ic n~jSoigfrBwavlcl modm kth a i ple: n- ab. an inCbisnia nd Ken Partridge(. Ken Partnidgc assistcd. shots fired at hlm. 3drvae htbeketrtefr anGerard Mmi ir* anid fricinds. Large ,liv-ing rc.$200.0cs.l tescn -ciad Nël Waodville got thair final The Combines play Halibur- son ad 'two goals sudoi roiwith ampile wvall spiace 35 Acre MarketG e amcasîle a g a i ni overpowered1 goal lu the third period. ton ou Tucsday, Jan. 16 on tho f Pcutyoo a-o' sist, Do c att Stoensanc, adalrewdwprvds Nawtonvillc. 2 bedrooni Woodvillc witb five goals toi Ou Sunday, Jan. 7th the homne ice. Came su sc hos,ýàile e cs on 2r,172 n sssSot tV )is , mostconitorotableplace for bungalow.' Greenhouse 27' x Woadville's one.Bll Wagar N. & 0. Combines jouneyed goad gamiit)(, fstarîs t 8 Prnt weei Dec. Toth sud 2ond, 1972. 10.Eutry was galncd by prying asEymg o ayanc goal, r"laxation1-Mster medroo . Stream for irrigation. oe lcktchen door of thessist gIngtlay us il, lar'ge witb closeis âacross $49,900. Termns. Cali Bill omiopnmheu darp, Bfrad Godfrcy adT ana hlpal -ic tiled Tui:ansky.N e hou,". Stolen was a quautîty Buttaushaw. Bria îraser1j uimompusa2pic ws-Bowinvillc, West Beach rlin u to ,i au rorn olnifir-st floor. Thisi 4 rooni cottage, lot 25' x amEyTraspres A laiý (fi i h l t icenm ryI the second game', agaiust I hoeh ul l h odta- 1135'. Hollywood kicnI a er a f airly fast skating ilumher- dîtinl way including plst- iglassed in porch. $9800 cash, eed w al1s. E xc7ellent ternslfuil prie. f viw team, Gerard Morrisoni thi loal sai-etahed Ais YU aiiideiig a Folowngis tha j!ýinaugural1Pi ad less respausive rta the horizon witb greater dirnen- uay8hsingle. Bras Godfmey picl homer. Ask1ing, $26,000.0t. Twa MOVE or TRANSFER? address of Gamnet Rkickard, general public. Local gavera- sions. Huisman 1739, S ar g i nsonlup two assists aud Rick Bainý tri chronse frn Wc arc equipped ,ta handie new Reeve of Darlingtau ment although dsigncîd ta he '"In our iramediate ares, 1769, TSheeha 1626, SeMotonec Britt Murphy gained the BUILDINý,G LOT Nearijyour hîome necds auywhcre Township, given at Hampi-ta)n closest ta the people, is the 1669,arTownodyeythe26,vinie1a545 shutout for l3owmauville. Eile Lk tRseet ib ini Canada sud U.S,.A. oa, Jan. Sfb. level of administration they aur al ortbod thes P erovin-l, ar1545.i 1i te hrdgnt aist ueryacest wtnrot Members ai' Council, seeni to know lcast about. cm ls averet basnmlcl28;High sible, Mary Huis ay lu thesthd gaine againt Pi'x 3'. BARGAIN, A tTIfLadies and Gentlemen: "It ws efersn hosaiti pmpeî o ao n oa 8 rs" lacked theii' usual s-, i $2,450 0. I Coast.oCoaSt "I wouîd ika taongat-and I quota 'When a man govarain t nThesce pta ---- ing punch sud desire tauvi NRH AD Coy2 Real 'Estate Service Ilata mambers aof council on assumnes a public trust, ha ponsadithbaiî thesan' u onhpthe big one, as fhey wceout fimon u"na n aqueti ~their alection and welcomc eshould coasidar biniseit pub- posais i baialy' sepondhaur township. îhscrd21 yafie stretclse 0 sore iastheni hena taday ta this aur lie praperty'.i' as publice ovvemn a'tepr- " av enchrc itb score 2-I hy anieduBa ule otwi' l Iaysair npoAtsa900pi.caicinuoranmetngiOaed'sevatswear a e c-poaitcneîntit eea nth rspnihliy i'lede- idosferleBadevrl ht I îs, 1\4rWaarn, is a new mcm- couintqbla ta the citizens we shaulti ha axamiaad very ship. Ia this 1 ask that wela gaod manv scorng chancsjl Garge ETA1TE SALE!KaY Brown --623-31 Iyadçntutvl esn50 ber f on cil, the others of us must be prcaared ta discharll critîcallyadcntutieyrso ogether, maire a dc-lbut appearcd f sag at tues. Onl 32,90. toxFoter- ron 98 501 av prvoul~seredas our respansibilities in a man- ragardiîîg the welf ara of resi- cisionan sd st. Leadership iýs1Garyý Dusseldonp romhinedý PIIONE 23-2453NOW mararespai' ona nerttaIwill stand examina- dents of Ibis township, I sug- hwg f h oucla awitb Brad Gadtrev for Bow- sud ourhomemayha old ~~11j5McRabie- 63-719 Ti acepîng he oit.ï o lio; away heamg a nind estIha we oldpublc maf-whol inassssin, frmuat- anviies loe tihy RESULTS COUWri MULTIPLE LISTING SERVIfl Real Estate Bard Oshawn & Distr! with Quality Service a nd Budget Prices BUDGET SPECIAL! STEAK SALE BRAKAS RUS S E 4LS11 BACON SPROUTS 891b. 39c pkgs FANCY No. 1 5-lb.Ba MacntshAPPLES 5 CARROTS 29c g Kaiser - lIsqs'2 Save 12e BUDGET SPECIAL!! ONTARTO No, 1 TABLE POi TIDES SAVEI!! AV! 10-lb. Bag 1MRTS FAANCY RIEEWHL APPLE SAUCE SmallCart BUDGET SPECIAL! BETTY CROCKER Assorrted F llav4ous CAKE MIXES 39cps DOG FOOD IECE 10 ins $1,00 79c,/ Sa .ve!!,Save!! ~ otdFaor BUTTERNUT T0ASý,TI'4JAýSTER MARGARI N E ~1îeie 4 lbs, $1e0 24-ut, 7 100% ur Vg. OtLoa'výe- l DYKSTRA'S Food Market 713-77 Kn St. W. (HOME 0 QALTY Thurs, 9-, Fr.9-94 Oum ai' myanaai'flic Depart- wnt's 28 Distdrict Ta-xation fîices flinc)oobnutCanada, ha îy teaphan1e totcharge: calliug the lang-distanca, erator andi mskiag for ZEN-ý H 0I-4000. Besitieutsai'flice alimunitias lun ecaorovincal ,hcra flic 'District Offices ara tuafod wiil continue tlacall ie reguL[arnofberai'cdi fthe office(s. Taxatýion is flicfis dra ivarumecnt departcment fa fate a taî-tre telephana, rvice so fat p evm ctie ill bave 'the 'saniefrac apid ,ady acces fainformatin uring ragularoffice bus. up tAthe presant Mmenan- aximaý'tciy 47 par cenýt ai'ail anadian taxpayers w ould ava been requira ifla pay îg dîistance charg;er if thay d tcelonedti liir District mation Offices for informa- n. Introduction oet ',tic KNITH sysqtan euaizs li )portnity ai'al] Canadiausý cat DistrictTaxaon0f-I aes frac ai'chare The Depamantuzrges fax- yam tarend caratully f hein

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