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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 1

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VOLUME 119 NUMBER 3 TedHalinn rde fork-I.if t truck instead of a horse-, but he sg western s1ongng TireCliistnasseasn sartyea Plat, alianliasbee Its a45 .p.m 3tcre îsc ed. ut o a god ote or Td o theloca muie sene or nd Hilma wr ten f ir Hailan.A reordhe h~ nne ears prniarly s asong, "ome Werei ng Townepebe a fina vcaibuaiolngTBe" Tre f9t sid l getig o henaret rrymi uta, owlithpe " rea y ud" tenb A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e poe1rc rvri e obcm einiii rp nftelam ihsl %h n iE Bnm-yauvli Plie ld u o t W h elp fron ebtyuay monng c. 'reOP tr oie two mei y r c c a b tireAP nte Polic e !ouud cie c erceysmen 00ha--g estbreak,eteran. y ater2:0 cm. SO unsoce goodeMsudponsssin 'I cled tr plcfwoa outice" ne wlthmuE ~ýA7IDO LEAVEospAILl ately the Ibesthecometl gram lias ben taredunte ad bourg' lVtraHare- QpL Atln reet, Diermeundbve sop0edg- ~o PLotis, 23, froni Monîreal, iras m irecu reicased ou $500 catir m bail wirile Augebo Hagihietos, lO 25, o! Trenton, sud Mue An- 55 gelo, 26, froni Belleville, botir îe pasled $1.000 property bonds. Tire Ilunce u1î~n wilI als-pear ~n m Bowmanvifle Court on Jan ~d I6tir, o! Coustables R. Bromley sud o! D, Anderson o! tire Bowmau- is ville Police made tire arreets. -y hb rarv ounF dyJa, t, wttb M4rs. T, Wesley Cawker pre- Seven egularmeetings er heM il porm o Mn te] Halth" "The Wirye Hosptal by r. 'm ooper, sar tlkfr nMrs, Peters, tie ieian witli Beaver Foods onlier i osptl pro- gram,. Spe'la evntso!- tire year wer tie embrsiîpTea at Mis . V Hor'shome, tie Blrtirdy Teaand tie Ray About $»00 was ralsed b ly $1 îî, ýmenb;rsh!ip tee,doa tios aà tle irtirdy Te, Fouromes (Vaursi gBrid- ges, GiftSlop an treRa DudleyConcet 2ort Hope Citizens Forx 6Coup to Oppose RegioncI6 o vernmenit: tyBo esSoun!w,, Wodoftieaverage cîtiens lu Part HopesudCoba, nosdacc,;ttirejids o!frun plan s, Ie on dedouc en by tire waxlunir îee otM& leu onmpiante sn Teugirbo sudleae irel up tsa ire weM e pîepîaad aItir Royval Caadan egs bllon ucn t. Tbe soc don President Cd Haler wos But quiteicnoppste lias max, Gadon Weteî,oies i ready pnepared acopciu- cuve, 12pagealternative pan 10 ire princialpropasais, IY tesneWaltevu pnucelle or twoa sepaereiuoeo tire ~ a oud nie o niru- LoAl 14382D o! TrecutC lTr! uîiey peîd aven for new sotr qip m asfoosPelPsMiS Jamres;PreduMsTH Smiir;le Vie M KMac- kcnie~2ndVic, Ms J Welsir Scîeha.y M se.W Anoacidenivolg heesowile uCak man1 to hospîital ithmlil fatrs Don fRâ uhl, 9,o R 1 Oo , was inÎ,ted Skolie wh drtven o lld wt anrhon ve ace rivnarck Atkinson , 1, rosR antrsnowobiele , rien-yAActBrn, 29 the r fFatcoliio al Rugl iele An interestiîig facet o!fIlie] crash of a cargo 'plane ini Edmonton on Jan, 2nd, wirichj claimmd tire lives of fîve men, lias corne to hgrt. Tire 'plane was flying 85 iread o! iocally1 raised beef cattle 10 Korea aI tire, time and a Bowmanville nman wee very neerly tempt- cd to go aloug for thie trip Tire veterinarian, wlio pre- fers to rernaîn anonymous, is on tire staff of tire Canadian Departinent of Agriculture, Healtir of Animais Division,. in Bowmanville. He lias in- spected tire cattle wliîch were being exported by tire Kohu Brofflers in Brooklîn. "Mr. X", Ilie Departmnent of Agriculture employee, liad gone as f ar as getting bis passe MANY ALTERNATIVES More and. more alterna- tives te the roDese4 Re - îonal Geverament lanfor touacls an pvate dliÈ- Ldes.Seel eeigar nch4duled -for ceamuis l 1fiInewfiâacctable pro Mackeuzi, Mîaioî,Mns, Young; GîifISir"op, Mis.W. Rudeil, Miss E. Hugýhes; Vol- untecre MsR. Cramp, Lib- ,rery, Mrs, E.,Thomon;i Trey Favours?, Mis:A. Hoar. Lay- cItes, Mrs. Sylvester; Bursar- lsMs.Ar-re; Mcmbersiîîp, Mis, W. ippell; Progremn, Mis, J, Wclsir: Press, MisS& James, *Executive Members aie MsD, Smith, and Mrs, J, Fou eaxnienEnt-ertain Jacks a-nd Jilis port readýcy but eie gie takingtre- grte9ir s minute Tieso-v r far,anirknwnno!te fîecewiebrv aor tire Tire 90 people wiro atleuded ed their barirersirop-styl h - Ra kirai, Ken Hoc'kix aad 'plae, o ie dcldd tretit he annuelBnqetoftire moules around sucir old ie K'eitirJackson. wouln't ealy ir wo ti Jack and Ji117 lubat rîn- favorites as Bye By13 c n diio otreBase end to waî o ietrtP ty Uuited 'Cthuch w r rat- bird, ad dA Nigirt l u iii re eck sd Jilîé irarda corne otrer im ed to tir eneraientoftire deligited tr unewtheadres roru tre Rv, Herir We imaginre etrmly "Beauxmn, on', T uesday thirîrpolîslied ;stage bnte. Lndstead., xor ctircdand a thankful ire c 3ed tstiy evening, Jeuan . Tire Beaux- Tire Beauxincu are, eft to ormer Police ýC ort Cliaplain home. imcx, al local rsdet, blend-iriglit, Dr.-Keith ilem,, Doug ixTorouto, Tielaqe a ieli ofAil ucinfo ie17 Reeve Quantrili itbdicraws 'ýW sy'n Bniser iJ Th Bwanileasud Dis- Wa1 aey rgaeep- , 'I ' ,fIlI IVYUI1i trîct Brnd e trRed GCoss1 eriry ulfe struc trie ea sud n urgent i os îs Adporîstr boye tr cbesrpand end interst roemi Jwtlotgle tiretýýll numbero! wouer -J-o1,c- wwor, eet g, knttong assiet wopi 7CIbis wrte.whîie etc. Tin workTatter comple aTced the annuermtns gren1~~a r auietc iUense iePdel nuie4a~ oto ! ieUîe l~~eliipo %rl luea, Ju ay l.lfmle aesfee uamtracdn onissdwtrre ossuei come wih nen as. onsoccu, Bt al o!tispen r owrdbjensir i n Howcverie fee w tira ItC Tire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qarr RutCrssserest3% pogasrrqrreloclneole vryim otan ear f omtir grum aBoaDorCutsletersu ie workZ u oet on Thrdb y mrin, and ase tr oa uiia Port testandTh stoe fornerlyscaueers wioal ae ap fers Altrnatuv ve Cheek MterMda e trtHop sruid bene adverisemeaî laIisedi-presenteil sud enirasdcle o shawa egi OV~~~~~~ tien for more eal. bsectr ,'alno iUne mans altern.ative 10 thre O0shawa-ccuned-regiou leS au i ,dpedent Norliubeiu ,îunicîpal!ties înstado th'e ex-istîlng24. Tire an man, Gro Walenras already iranded iris 12-pagedtald uirisin1 Unied ountieCouncil Ïand- to tire individuel municîpal He ,s.d-tday tirat cEs wîl ~ i sîog aPeier Wi- ïTUN T PAE IWO) GETS INTO THE ACT Al1lan Lawrence, M.P, for No-rthumberland-Drba had bi*s tirst encoantr it llea!ýgues ia the House ! o omeslasI Friday we lieé asked severalqutin e! bcLiberal miaister,oA of today, the Lbrl r stililuIn pewe ýr, baviing sur- vived a te,-t(eo confidenceý on Tuesda,-7 w:îtb h pr front NDF P aad 4jre members. Instai-jl ew vMasonic Officers forJeuamLdg Buoncceme11h192tie nlaato o!ir ofier ! eusim og N.l1oé,wanîl Hendry, Treas, Wor, Bro, 1, M. Hovey, Ass't Sec,; Tirlrd row: Bro~- W, R. Mutton, J~. D,, Bro John Manuel, J.S., Bro. W, L, Eby, I G., Ena, Ray Walker, S.S,, Bro. B, E. Bridges, JW. Fourbir row: Bro. E. W. Kîng, S D,, War. Bro. H G Freeman, Tyler, Bro C. W Trewin, S W, R. Wor, Bro. A B Loir, Sec, ~XVIcItobbie ~hotography Animuale offîcèe wo wsalotaboa rd- the plane, that crashed re e lyo is way ta K orea with a load o! catlle is Coninedtiat someon-e uptee"j lqkig fer hieineese ON. THE SPÔT Thr eaohe rams ai lis wifewl robabiy aiaecnsdr, themelve iuky-atithe mment.!Mr. aud Mrs te have ploned hmefrmNewOreas ona niglit te le iefiwakhm ko le liadn't beese uigthttril oda il teise nipers on. tterof o itLTisîBisn wCerecither gueste u ta Vot4or-er 11Wel hear more wlien tliey returu aey herepr lences would b a ntrstn topie tasevc club meeing. COMFORTING Wu etînd uancorastu! report fîom in t dedu xlsoni eebru where five nmen vwerespoedtteewakdaa wenafine captan cLled for terirl"eoees a tnapnped victs, Ti Teyatroo' tr i captain vehemenly dnisir icienwic _-ms rcmforlng.Wve didu'. beir ve touaI Canadien cmen chi inemp r t raS wjuecoa,éw PAPE BoYl We ve aerrueavial for a yun aboyo!rlAuthe eastern scectinC Bowanvi f itretdapi t seStates-. ApPROVES 'We note pttitWhtbycoucs!lt', week p proedanuexudreo about $900oO or drawn op as coonpasrpoSsible euda visitortirs prnorig whpsugesed in re rud o en rsed a, mine RidgeScehool woiu ie anxeln spot for Bowmandile and Desarlnlo twlcatea nw hîghwai y4ide ppoai l cmpetdautuse e crd o! twn, cQruepotretcoud sbeoe aa one-wa body sirouldstarit working nwbi wmvbeore regional CHILY Fiende linFlorida And other spots that are Supposedlt-e senrm are advised thati Swe h t eeun abkn eigU r n ieMi ovr ie ekedand ut e. moenti, about we'e tyin tekeep tise plae eins yu ,U ~IUIIU wardeu o! tire Umted Copn~ tics ~f Nonthxmbenland and DLî4~hem. Canadian Club Speaker Ous wego w ot àîl 'a oe r. l riay, Jan.- War e2h t 8:15 Tra. cpves fantob. lu d'a W >cd wa ît tRos i Schouar Frecla Clark o! tire Board o! Examine e o tire Royal Coneenvatory o! Musîc will canduet cunneut cx- amînations fan lire Royal Con- senvatany lu Bowmanvrile Miss Clark, an active piano teacher aI tire Royal Couserv- stony of Music, wes a pupil o! Hayunga B. Caîman sud Ai- me Cochiruru, A graduate o lire Concervaîory, Miss Clark wae tire wiuuer a! tire coveted V rda Coalcworth Pr'rze, ýomen's Auxieliary, ý.VOLtME 119 'IT l»: Ellril, 2 R e- d- Cros, s Soc. Urgent pleff foi

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