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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 3

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Pretfty DouE New Ycr sDayviston iMr. and Mrs E, Wclster and Fletchex la a pacitit in Memn- ~llutt mi aMu. nd ]j loi spenit NeirYeaus.Dy Fia evxngDogH- W avSouesof Trono, u'il iMr. andMî I- isJm Web- drsnreturned hmefrom a p taItvid I lICId Paul, Wesiens included Mrandfrviendii of lis qfr omn iCIath Wil1Mi.n. aidIr.,M11, l Mrs. F. H-enderson and Carol HgIScboiol, 8ais vsîoa er M.and Mr. and Mrs. NemI Sclby and Mi.adMsC. . Jonces Mrs Moiev Robinison aîd Christinie, Mr. and Mrs. Taxiýji n is ea Jonlcs a1rived family and M. Bob Fosier, Turner and Sherry, Nemelstle ier eaStrdy fter bavinig M-r. aii Mrs. Roy Austin andilMr. and Mrs. W. D. Murray, spenit Crîtma sd Newr famly Mx V . Prouse and ýLakeshote eaainEmoi o vth Mr, Chrieîr. aind Mrs. O. Bd-l Mrs. lys Fau'rom accompan- and Mrsz. Budi Jonces and farc- gerf on.ild Mr.-and Mrs. Jim Farrow ily. Wîfî '. acINdîMs.Stan iand family, Bommanvilie, tb) O Mr. HnyRicîral spnt Page an flaimiiy mere iVr. anid Maple Grova on New, Year's severai days lere reccnfiy MsR:Pag>.e axi f, mîcra al mare dîinen mitî Mr.rand JMrs. îmAdemai. an Ms R Pmilanlam- guesta mitl Mr. andid Mrs.M. anid Mirs. Jimi Gilmier, 11, i of To-rnto, Mu'i. and Philup Finney. îKaren, Jeif anid Lys of Port -Mrs.. Ligltibournt, Mi. and Viitors miii Mr, sud Ms Hope, mare dînner guastaSet Mr'J.'aeqclilad family, Wilfred Peeden at dinner D)ec. urday cvcning, wifli Mr. aid and 1r( Mrs, G. MQa and,3lst included Mr. and Mi's. Mrs. F. Gilmer, cellraiig famiy, ccopaxiedby tra- lrlarvcy Paeden of California- Jim's birtlday. tivs fromMonreal. -,,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peeden' Amoxig flose aiteiidinýgfe of Michigan, Mrs. Carl Pacden, Eastern Ontario Sectinel o Mr. and Mxs. Wayne Paedexi Figure Skating>laid li King- and Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Ban- ston, Anena, Saturdayv evening r:oyv Cooper and Shannon, ail of mereléMis. Mary Wadc and rO~fi~~.~Bomaxiville; Mr. LornaPaea- Grant, Mari-Lou Powell -of' dcxi, Crooked Crack, Mr. and Orono, iras ini foutl place. . Mns. Len Lambert, Mr. HranI "Possiliies liRancirais" Peedexi, Naircastle; Loti-Rosa mas thc flame of 'Rev. T. ~ 4'~,x" Cochrane, Oshawa. Snelgrovc's Suxiday morning --~-""" POR TF R BT MN On Neir Ycar's Day, Mr. a d discourse sfressing fhe impon- "M.- urii QUALITYMrs. W. Peeden wcxc dinnen tance of oun faitl and trustiun guasta mitI Mr. and _Mrs. God. TIechoir sang thîlnd * M.trGahTUS Roger Whiffîeld,- Grafion. favorite "WIaf a Friand Wa --xeuer ir r rr Mrs. Margaret Whitney ires Have lI Jesus". ~'.'-rrMlr5i"~ O FEUROPE a visitor several days lasi u adMs.B DSi adMiiVuui' COLOURED BROCHURES 'mac ih mlMns. Wixinifred, Mr. and Mns, . GedLom î 't andi'LîV AND BiPor oit. wreat Mlto RLSERVATIONS Mr. and Mrus. Norman Lacoe otDyner i a~n x:# î,iki FROMof Cambrey vatc overnicht Alnport on Sunday f0 say fare-. gu si m l x a d Ws C em il to M iss M a is ogge n and ' y:, s i~ YOUIR TRAVEL, AGENT R. Farrow last Tlursday. ýMiss Rcch nturning f0 ileir homes in Harlem, Hoiiand, a" '~'~~ 'r Sorry f0 lean Mns. ....fftt...i.k..rat ee r~~'r mil relatives., ~-g~'~- , Mn. and Mrs. C. R. itarnowr... r" 1 àand Mr. and-Mrs. S. Lancaster I ~ (Ilea n ers (113h L C4 e mre supper guesis ,Sunday ~r.ik'"'" ithIMx. anid Mrs. George 'x"" !Kimball, in Neircastle. rr.-i Afc-,lIow who oece pieketi a winning horse hy accident, Word mas necived lare on - anicoidn't give Up the habit of trying again, took an after- Monday of île passixig of Mx, noon off to go to the races. Russell Strang et Tara, near Omwen Sound, lasi mach. Mr. 1Gsb Ihoýpe I break aven,"ha toid bis compenion as andi Mts, Sttang mena they left the office toga-ther. 4I sure need the nioney." deants o ftfIls village iomne i yaars ago before fahing Up residance li Port Hope, mîcre CLOTHETS CARE HINT: tci'sn ln , SURl lvas. Pirt andi grime have acutting action on faînecs. Brush gr'Womcn's Insfitute 'miii cc at fhe home of Mra.Wîfd maniit raquaentiy and rememiber drycieaning remove-s dui,PadxWdJn1tet23 tint ant grime.p.m. AIl lad ies melcome.MnadM SUPPORT VOUR LOCAL HOCKEY St NigtidJuvenile; Sn uir~I Candela bras fou mcd a pretty île c(1 VVcst c W setting i Sf. Paui's United, d'h " Chure , Bommanville, on Set- I "Av urday, Ociobex 14, 1972, whenA D~~AI AALU~ UIUE On the aftcrxiooxi of Jan. île Rev. H. A. Turner uud TIc b: ~ ~~ W IVI"'&% V LLE 3rdý; the- members of Black - i marruage Kathleen Mer eld stok 'omc'sInsitue mt1garet Osborne, only dauglitex formai il at -thetowshi ofice of, Mis, Clarence Lloyd Os- Empire CL A mNER S LTD. --cse tonhi11fcea borne andi tle late Mr. Os- cummeu'1 guese o th Clek, issborne, Bowmmanvile, anid Johni ifI fhu Doreen VanCamp, Seatcd i Wayne Colley, son of Mn. and long, lic eg-84, KING ST. W. 623-55i20 tle council dhamIerira wena' Mrs, Haxry Leonard Colley, xicchlixia ~ Wa Specielize In Shirt Laundaning", givexi a asummeny of the dut- Pickering , and a les x,,cutad Ib' île clark, iGiven li marniage by ber leeves, tarspcrsedir i th informel faihex, ince deceaseri, Katly trircrmad ques",tion a.41d ansmer paniods. came dom îlhe aisia as Mn, Thc bi VeWa uc ýsso invited fo coma James Faix sang "Tc edding orange, et , ny -ne4nd examine old Prayer" accompanîed ly Mr. Woîurn join LIS E)t the...record h ooh, lamaapplicable, Rosa ýMeicaîf, atxdutiig roses, o. to Illcesaior b ash o Ji tc m n ilnasca boof pic-I yarcor oling ,'public officel li Cetirrig,as meli as of avent s of puiblic ixtarest, and - wc mare invited b parusa if ---- ai ay rnýte. Misa VanCampl IL ÀV Mb, Ë!mas thaiked by tIc ladies, for W han informative talk. Members tIen adjourxiad to C alypsoTownslip Hall hrt1e mntsof lest marc ncad and CARNIVAL reports given blia: R N Ilkw' A LTreasurar, Fruit and Fln wen Committea, and dlgt n thle Axas Convention. Thank- FRIDAY and SATURDAY You notas fon Christmnas cleer boxes irere reari as Weil as 1 Jý 0 other correspondenca, A mo- tion ires caxnîcd thet boohaý for 4-H Club girls mouid not lic suppliari ly tle w. I. focr """ r Jan ary l9t-2O h the next unit, Afiax anImel mony ms vta s orr' FESTIVAL HALL OPENS AT 7 pm. b le Saeyîle Chlîd Fuxid o keep up the adoption of our litile girl li Hong, a u ri 11Kong, ihougli tle fac basi risexi ly over $20. Holl Cal mas Wcli ansmar- ' *PEGGY JACKSON cd by a lair1I muid luhe fo sec enforceri, moat members - *WEST INDIES F00D0 feeling that tle most necri * TEEL meDadLIB ws for lama dealing mitE - BANO andLIMBO rigs and s nommobiles, Foi- fCovtr Chage -Iiiellos ingy)redlng of tle motto (Covr Chrge Inluda Favr) I"Ifyou dan find s path xsitbil Dni obatacles, At proliably Teetoltt îNhd1 The Mrs. ~~~~~~~H. Bailey, convaxior for mnh h smsadBrhas tTeepfi'. m, naad -pomlby on earisdonmacemdbrlthanc, JANUARY *SALE., St arts Thursday JANUARY Ith, 1973 AT FURNITURB LIMITED KING STý FAST BOWMANVI LLE NEWTON'VULLE umanville. Neil Newton Photos R'ein g Featured in Whit by Exhibition Well - knownu plotographejr Neul Newtfon of Ennishîllen is one of fÈve area nîniogra- i bars mIn mi l e cxhiiîng thleur work, ai Whiihy Anis lI- corDoraf cd ihis monil. Thc exliibifiox i ofphotographe wm rxi, on mehna from Jan. 6i1 ilir.ougl fto île 28t1, and a spacîsi "mcci -ile-plotog- rapletýs" eceiing miillaid1-eJ on Frîday,,, Jaiuaî'y 12t1. Whiiby Axs ncoxporati«4 la locafed inlxieîlend train siation onn Henry Siraci Souh ini WlitIy anila gopenin îl te public from ,2:00 -5:0)p.M. on flan ,and tIare la ns io adm)ission charge. omvea couac- lion plate is avilabla for don- Me on l Ospital Weekly Report Admissions c I 1- r Aénd nque oNew iofrinks P ilnuesMd hemnkae)oidkdrpf mngdta, I A's anown anLoreachist-itutels mefonti uqe leslung subsaîano ceand isomnou-i lopinues ant speedaun hAliSgofrflc injeret e cs i ae , i01jrule eey W ESLEY VILLE Thî seonddaY of 1973 has en appraciatari ly avaryne for uts lovely sunahine afteri fino months of vary darhi days.1 Christmas, holidays have1 come and gone ve-ry quietlyl lin ibis commuinity. TIc Thorndykes mxclir py lhave daughiterý, Saox ari I Binda, home mIlblei lins-ý banda, and Paul -osun hian is living miw ls antanrii uxicle, Mr .and Mrs. Brýi I- ver. Afier -l uîasa l 'famnily home, theyateneda Chr'istmas gatherng ettc h ome of Clir tit'ne Forsyth ie1illip doghfmils ,spentChima mi tîr chîldxer n bSabrule NaVi r ea' n nd fa ilÀ tiig Mr n Ms Gog of Port Hope,AMx, ani iVrs D )oug ; Jarvis of Cbug x anrI Ms Brial Smith Of Roy AusLti ai fmiy Thc Carroll N(hilrfauly ma,-rc ail hle 5f mc tImeI on CînîistisDa an fo NerYear'.a; Glori ms om fýrom Bodo ai Mx. and Mxi.Gart JginsMicaL axiri ~ ~ ~ a, iaicifo or oe BUT~. DROP IN AND BROWSE THROUGH OUR LARGER FACILITIES AND INCREASED INVENITORziY INCLUDING rPALAZZO SPANTS $10,00 PANT $15,00 Grand IR "- "' 1 , -"" c'mevm Unbelievable Prices!1 LONG ýflWlNI % ' Op ening,-rT of $12 00 SKID ROBE LAIS OTHER AilSze $8-$1 I 8KinSt. W i £11 TE IALS =rrutsv'fle 7-It 'h daughtËr te Caaia atmi, o tnvnJa.1,J~ ,le R i nqg Ce rem o ny B.onnie and family f or CritR .JRmi'ssro a 1entaelngms fk F-riendals erearad ii porl a essgefr NwJeret retrned ome o Hpof Bey O0,,a-h vht r yulo gwihChristmas By"e to seaxn grauate of Port Hope higl or1k"Itl în e oia ihlirprns A I o1, ere interstedpc tk stock of -the plans Locr will lierernrg hrtyt kno s.on, Chris. ws u ds n tegudnL e acovr hP:sa c thnfficiai band of the Eo-e will nleed He used týhe farn- been wr in fr emz tme Bowl1 parade on New Ya' à morn i olhog ~ us ouotation used byGeorge, Sha 'as -ýý li AustralIaia fr o po . ngbla tichouhmt , ir -VIln o nae o f liiChrîstmas of lstwIr pibl opc messages, yeaRrs aLgo, "go out --,Hoad Psean the hua bandinto the dark, and put your m besohr aiysrent Pra Christnmas 'eek w-ere hand in the liard of God .. nrt o atwe .Knso ;3o ushed there ira, no rpotPoïsett a niants i ere lovel lir he rretkngpr sent in of the local unlit, metetl iand tha choir's anthemi h atrnOtresc lng of the U.C.W. for Decem= însr1,pfing a always.Follow- tional of the Cjaacian fgr ber, Even at this late date t!: -ng ihe service the i!unior skating Aýssociatin. Jetffresý is worthwhile men t!ion corheld practice for share plàced first j i tha ciass such a fi ne programme. The ini a future service. r-juyelkla mcxinfiue meeting was held at thei Archie Ford iras 'isîing iniand fourtl in ixfe skatinglx hoime of Mrs. Howard Payne. theýe communîty on FridEa a das of sixNnc iac It ias oenodliv lie ra iîglit wirle Mrs. Ford attend-1 l7th in a juvenile ladies' cie. s_ den, Vir. en inerwh c a meeting, liut was reacli- of 31. Co-ngratuilations folio conducted the business ard ed cdiy phone as selon as hra a- dedicated the white gift of- rivad home, to go to tile ferig reeive forthè redscene of the train wreck easi, osrea anlefon Vicor issonIt rasdacd-of Port Hope. where maixitèn- satisfactorilv if I, r!o~ ,l edI to meet with the local unit ance crewswere lbard at work wrapped. quîckfrzn ad xIn January as ireli as the to liring order out of chaos kntati dgr sF. r1ý ~ generai meeting at Welcomre, At this iri ing, roads lni Alirsys remrembelr. reii for the purpýose of fellowship th ea re xclntbt doesn't imrv eai an, anid work projects. The devo- maxi driveways and laîvnsi oly kseoi-the maa oda tinconducted liýy the lead- around the houses are very Meat i n forfna er fortEe moth, Mr, H. iy. Birds are ala to get corn ore ftpqaîyo o- Paýiyne, used tthehenie mpOf from the field ta aeainet r en - pro221tei n,'ic "Keeping Christmas". ,Slides most liar o aor garsesetia fr grotFnh dr take (n on ber trio b A 1ustralia Feeders have their usual i- pair of lid tsue. -et anld other countries irare tors of haîry anid dowyhe antyofurdtax. shoiru by Mrs. Margaret woodpeckers, jays, trac an1ar-, Canadian prcsosaeCoi'î Langdon; presented iîth cx-jroirs, dhickadaes,eav en gr nuîy tîIng toputhg. celet oxtxiit adcorn- 1 groslieaks and at soma, cardi-,est qu-aiity nicat onto thec W mexitari-, they gave a clear1isadohricnue'tals tara- picture of th e areas visited S anda Paye, who ha s ': oxiabia coat.ý ý Members irere olaased to bave Mis.'B..CrI derman, nirý rsîdont, shiare the meeting, Wu thiem. Mrs, Brian Smith "etu-r cr to ber home un Broukvillia on Tue-dsy after spending flic bouldaY at home, and xi a ar compartied by Peari Aus-ýin and David -wlio plan tor- H turn home hi the weekend, IMesdames K. Dinner. G. FORD FAIRLANE I5 Tufford, E. BarroirclougliHd. adtp7Lc.3194$27 B est, M, Pay ne and T, Wils'uniý -ittendeýd an executive me- ing of fhe Weicome Ulnited Churcli Womnen at Welcome FORD) FAIRLANE 500 churcli on Wednesday morn- Fastlacký 38,000 miles. ing, Jn, 3rd. Mrs, Ken SyiIcý 280499 mons, president. conductedr thie business wliuoh deait ît tecoming gexieral meig > CHIRYSLER NEWPO,!RT ond pret forthe coug $ ond the 911,fari the bet 4-dr. Hardtop. Lic. 342906 The- aonaimeeting 0of tua r%. John Wayneý_ ColIey cemeterv con-mttea 'nsahiri 7 ORD GALAXIE 2 i0 Photo by Astor Studio efthte home ofMrs, E. Ba-1r7Hnto.Li.29p umon Il peform a irîteveivet muff. The irith Messrs, Clarence Nuch--___________ LodsPrazyer"an mrio fut frimmed boodnd o, Arniold Thorndvke. W,ý ras woirn as [le headpiec, fiee, G. Tufford. L. Ouglitrcdi FORD LTD COITNTRY SQUIRE $ 77 ride ~m-ý irsloey x aMs.Pul -eh nl atron of The metn ra hîcdlvaWgon. Lic. '39040X maiinied elvtbnoir; bids iMs. Don- L. Ouglitreri and deait iîth___________ engl gwnstyedon ad Obre sister-in-iaw, planning the annual lie, fin- unswih bltd owanile~ Mrs. William ancial mattersanaxd arrangingPIT buxi d 11 a'1;i t th bck _M eoK ric)on, Scarborougli; Mrs. for grass cuttîig for 1973,r5 a onCmR IaiLe, WeswIîck:EMra. C. Dickinison and Mrs, 17 11Lic. 40545N $157 Výr, LuryKesick EBarrorclýougli iere at the irith hood a 1ttaduhed,-! The flower girl iras Miss Historîcal Centra in Port, cnapel tri n, the atnexieOshorne-, nie-ce of fhe Hope on Saturday afternoor'i Thealiovae cars a-re completeiy, reconditionîed hood and rai irere hbride. The bridiafttenda,-nts anid iith ether members cfi Ar'-,gua,ýran1ee-d. 1 ith maru.bnu. motvre formai enh onsthe aociety removad tha arti-1 ridesF bqutiaofithchocoiete liroirnivet es wirhîdi id leex i loaned cybiiu odhd,ksirts,,gathered bboicsOf and prepared ftherooma -foi' Abby Seeteat den rage hifonend~ ta eguarmeetings. Itlad!ýî rane sarfomes o ane ohair pic, tr asleiope-n gsînce Der, ls cx -- trimmediirih bAola v lvet B irthda s e oiYof tesî san dau'k aumme Best maxi ias Mr. Johnk '69 V. , automatic Lir. A148ý34, '1 -nW9 Li jenkînison, Rosebank, and ush- Visit the . .96N.ilinoces o rConCidÎt'inig; MLeJke vUS ens ir ýere_ Messrs. Donald Os- ýý ' boilre bnîde's brother, Boirw i ian of fer we cau' rfuei m vll;William MacKi.nno.n, City le e Scarbi1orough; Kennetl Craig, We.Hill anid Glenn Hart, Q Whîtbv ChOpe e.~Foi îl te' reception held li Ileydcnshore Pavîlion, Whtly,I the lrîde's mother receîved Speeializing n te' ieguasts li a formai gown Perms -colorsa and celat ensemble of aqua for- Ciairol Wigs B' itel, ut h mîlol aIe more Latest Cutting Techniques natching fînted shoýes, an aqua coloreri bow pinnedin u PHONE 6231-5455 21-'lKKng S.E omnil 2-481 h ler haîr and a corsage of yel- 37 King St. W. low SS etîcari uroses. TIc Bowmlanville groom ýs mother assisted in0 e..receuving the guesta n formai goirn of purpie velvet, blackc accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations a-d - B"R iS biM TheWE AEETBL HE pink weetea arys Os borne, Mater-of-IN O U R Caremoniet tfIa ecpto ot go ay, JLaucatfIen ou anlge orchid and r oses. The L oa t 1lhappy couple wililic esiding I I N. Ir vç

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