Darlinglon Towý,nsh*p Council Hold's IagM l etn ~uswe nteed he irt wekPierqcredeMiquelon when erut tire seem o împred;nny hichgratefully wasblpe areas an een urlocl ea-byneghborliness of Marlittime CI peoie llu u - oinces. shn-o[una loi ilig. A second special item ini the '.lIlough1'it wasi accort-pan1iedl by Isrice was the dedicatîon ofà tn tcemmetr eadig by- he presentation by Me. and er1g1 rondze2 lrglcn-Mes. Harvey McGill of a loose gegto tede h on.eaf bound 1tm Book for, e ing~~~~~ wosi.[ s omn he Hammond org aniiin loving in Sda with Mes.J.Sie- memiiory of the late Me. J. A. m ýn andCMe.I RoF, Asht'1on Werry which was accepted by I repnible for the se7ttirngq"nd Me. Ray' Ashton wýho is supply claîu fthe( Communio1ý1n oeganist for this teem. Tabl. Fur embrs f Ss-'Mes. Grant -Weery was iii in.Eides A J Wer£y, Ross charge of the Jr. Congr'egain ý-cGllan WJan. l7th, 1973ýaI 8:00 pm Blakbrnassstdoure'Min- ilbehmein of the Offi- iste wih srvig te beadcial Boardwhc is toi include udwe.the whole ,-conigregation whX ,,R.C. IHopk!ýins' sermion a very ietan-ýtt matter miust tile "als su Tre" asbe attendecd as our pulpil will basd n te salis'5ver'se be declared vacant in June, "I ilft upn mine eyos iunto 1973 by Presbytery due to the ther huiîs feýom whence cm retireraent of nue minister, etimyh lMy help com?-ýth Re\,. Hopkins. All secretaries : frmtLord."In a most in- and treasurers of each church ,k torslig nd ouselin 'v'~organization are uegentîy re- Le tbultedseveal eauofi quested to have reports com- a,, id bt theonl true source pleted before that date for the of' assistanice la from God. purpose of compilîng the An- The Darlington Township Council held their inaugurali meeting veericly and constructive ly."Rada called for publie Suespcialrfrncs.]. nual Report. in Hampto nFiaJnay5h oiwing a get-acquaintçd meetings to discuss regionai governiment.il-T hen-1,w C ouncil members cluedthei1labonau aen- Me and Mes, O. C. Ashton luncheon at the Acees Restaurant. In bis inaugurai addrcýss to Coun- arc, ici t tb right: Don Wcarns, eiectcd tlo his fit errn as a Coun- aIaof the pFr ench Isie !of Ste. were* guests of Mr. and Mes. cil, Reeve Carnet Rickard (thîrd from left) said thal w,,hile '"the ilrDeuyR v b acamtoB u1_ ev G nt IHaery Worden to celebrate clo;Dpt-ev yacaain rc ik ReeGre bithsy for Harry and O. C. concept contained wiîhiu these proposais (for regional goverument) Riekard; Thomas Baker, who led the polls as C'ouricillor; and rc-ciect-1 Many happy returns fellows! is basically sounid . . .many of th e proposais1..-, hould1be eýxamiued cri Counci]lor, Graham Dallas. Mi-jr and Mes. Donald Pie- soOshawa, were Sunday Courtice, weee Sundaiýy supper Reccut visitors with M..lcsok n Mr.Bo H E AR! N G calles at Me. sud Mes, R. guests of Me. and Mes. C. E S T L E e n eDnFeVe- TeGog esla e ~and Mes, Bruce Heaslip were Smith, Toronto. Ar. andMes. B. Wonuamak- MrI. and Mes. Waynle Beckett, Me. and Mes. Charles Briggs, Ma nus Vandeeheul and Di- lake; Mes. Melville Irvîne, Lloyd Heaslip and Me, Verner I er, Seagrave, were Tuesday Penny and Pauline, Master Toronto, spent a few days anme and friend, R.R. Black- Lindsay; Me. Alan Irvine, Michele, Ottawa, were dinner dinner guests of Me. and Mes. Gordon Sharp were Sunday last week in thebe Nestieton stock. Mr, sud Mes. Wilson Janet sud Bill, Bowmanville. guests on Christmas with lr. A. Sarp.eveing înnr gustBofManissbrele.ls iitdwt were New Year's dinner aud Dinner guests with Me. sud sud Mes, Maurice Nesbit. The W E A PR E R S A Shan rp. GatWelasAviclinBe ett of nvllMis o era Mou tedwithsupper guests of Mes. Ruth Mes. George Heaslip on Sun- Nesbitts were New Yesr's A pfe eviefo n frilPsurrhd Me. sud Mes. Laurence Mir. Alfred Samelîs, 'Bow- Wilson sud Mes, Anul.-e M- day, December ý24 -were Me. visitors with Mr. aud Mes. G. Bettr srvie fr lSnday ight supper with Me. Wright, Toronto, weree 'th manville, visited' on Thuesday Quade., aktc.sd' Mes. Charles Smith,,Heaslip. yor eain ad eas and Mes. F. W. Werry. Me. sud Mes. E. Wright cnrithMe. sud Mes. Norman --- better heain for o Mr. sud Mes. Wilfrid Bow- Sunday. Samelîs. ma. nuasd Erie were Feiday Me. sud Mes. Keuneîh Lam b, Christmas Day guesîs of Mr, evening supegussaMeOkvle speut Sundsy with suad Mes. Victor Malcolm were ansd Mes. M. Stainton's. M. u Msandam. Me. sdMes., Rae Malcolm"N, Me. sud Mes. E. A. Weery Me. sud Mes, E. A. Werry, Mis; Nacy Judson, Janet- I wee atedy vein cîl M.and Mes. Allan Weery audvlen.sdilMes. WaynieÏ ers aI Mr. sud Mes. Allai' family were Thuesday- even- Malcolm, Shelly sud Kevîn, W ry's. ing guests of Me. sud Mes. Me. sud Mes. Mark Malcolm ÏM . Erei Stainton, Oshawa, Russell Tabb. sd Jodie, M. sd Ms. Ay-J with bhis mother, Mes. Edith Master Bead Clemeus, Hamp- thouy, al of Nestleton, Me Stainton. ton, were Saîedyavnigsd Mes. James Kent, Orono; Mr. sud Mes. Adam Sharp, sup-oer guesîs of Me. sud Mes. Me. Barry Malcolm sud Me, Mes. Irene Gregg were FrîdaY E. Wright. David Malcolmn, also of Nestle- * - ~ dinrier guests of Mr.sdM.M. and Mes u s Mc ton. New Year's visitors were,, Wayne Beckett, Penny and shah sund family, lefI on Fri- the Wayne Malcolm family, esueto -Visit our Iext Pauline. éday for thele homne at Barton, Mr- n e.JmsKu Belon Srvie enre Me. and Mes, Floyd Pethick, S Orono, sud Mes. Haines, Cae- (wfiOO ' JEW, LLEs Scaerborough, were Sunday Me. sud Mes. Joe Lake, St. ares. LT.visitors with Me. sud Mes. S. Cathainles, were vîsilors ou For Christmas, guestlaVwitb R. Petbick. Sorry Mes. Pethick Satueday with W. Griffin's sud Me. sud Mes. Balfour Moore' 2.9 ling St. E., had a faîl. We wbsh lher a f amily. _________Ms, Peggy s Calhy, e.5 Bomavilespeedy recovery. .i-.-nsck Sedmyande.Cffrd TUSAN11h Mr. sud Mes. Allan WerryJakSd nIi.Cfor I pm. o 4p.m ansd James were recent guesîs E H N Sedman, Me. Tomn Sedman, __________ «of Me. sud Mes. Gary Vickers BE HA alo Whitby; Me. sud Mes sud family, Hamilton. Get îhM u Dave Robinson, Toronto; Me T R Hi S A Me. sud Mes. R. Howe sud Carlsmî wthwreM e, ud su d Mes. Oran Moore, Davicd sulSih pe r.adad Lynne, Nesîtleton. AN ARY 11 th, 1973 I41 i l ;1 G . 5E %'yCrl family weee Sunday visitors Mrs. Ray Porteouýs sud famiy DIANNE BERNATH with Mr. sud Mes. Keith Wil- Me. sud Mes, Alîsu Smitýh David Moore speut s coupI _________________________ 110 George St. N., son, Port Peeey. 0fndsys IssI week wbth bis PeebrugOntaie Baby Brook Clemens, of sd fmîy Mss Gas Phne75-24 amtnws ween uetSmith, Whitby, Jîm Beown, geandpareuîs. Congratulatin s COM ,,ýP L ETE LINE 0F OshawM.sdMs i cernber 31. Ou Decemnber 30 withi his graudparents, the E. Beggs, Peterborough, Mr. and bsgadaet ee l Wright'S. Mes. NormatiWlsn aYl birthday paety wheen bis ____________ Me.sudMes.FredHogathverîonu sud Mes. Thomas guests were Mike Dc JougW N E C A So. J ackson. Stephen sud Alîsu Hudson~u m m A K T Mes. Ina Palmer spent Dougie Roheer sud Lynue PE NKJACKI aChristmas with Me. sud Mes. More.Nw ee'gesso Ed McGlyuuii of Peterboogh the Balfoulr Mooee's weee Me. ~h I t e iiyGuesîs wjth .Me. sda ensd -Mesrr. 1rrD; _ave Robinson, To- C R CO T il a eCarl Ponteous were: Mes. routo BeleSit;Me nd~ Mes. Edl, Lawson and Bruc, 1PLAINAN FU-R T RI1M MEDÎ Gordoni Moffatsud familv, Me. sud Ms. Bruce Heasipjo Bowmauville; M17. sudMs speut New Year's wîh Me.asud S l nGlenn Smith, Hespeler; Me. Mes. Marwood McKee, Blsck-SA NG UP T sud Mes. Norman Beaith- stock, A N S P TC waite sud Leon, Cavan; sud Me. sud Mes. Mark Maloi Miss P'aula Buck, Peterbor- sdJdevstdo New isplasd o nnuneough. Yea's Day with hier parent,. REGULAR thtattendled the New Yeae's Eve Port Peery. PRICE dance lu, Bethauy, sponsored Me. sud Mes. Hseley Jackson by the Bethany Athletie As- sud family spent a couple of sociation. A buffet dinuer days last week lu Kitcheer xvas served-sud the remainder visitiug with hee sister sud DE S S E dancng.Theluck dor pizeWright sud Me. aud Mes. Jerry Ï was won by Miss Grace McCarthy. Marîettù ~Smith, Whitby, sud Jim Guesîs foe New Yea's Day. ' 'EYN ofGeg)Brown, Oshawa, Other prizes with Me. sud Mes. Haeley- FOR EVERcN (fort-ierly o ris weee won by Allan Smnith aud jackson sud family wee e Hector Beadley of Ca van sud sud Mes. Gordon Wîh, OE A ARl~ have joined their staff. Mes. Charlie MeGill of BelL- Kitchener; Me. sud Mes. Ger- G- EUT uy. The dance wass eld lu sld Jackson sud family, Port .,0Up O ffE PRIE *B COME N ANDSE~ TEM te T.om-ilHall. Perey; Miss Marilyn Jackson CO E NAN SETHMBeaverton; Mes. R. W. Jac- OTHERS CL E ARIN G AT GET CASHI TODAY 'Sou, Me. Alan Jacksotu, MeTN W R J 30ON! FOR OLD APPLIANCES sud I es. Bil Shephard, confl THROUGH nie, Raymond sud Jeffeey, al $ 0 10 0 L &T AT E M A N of Csesaeea; Me. sud Mes. Roy mP FOR APOINMENTCLASSTFIEY)S Judson, Janice sud Doug G EA Reutl a Car for Me. and Mes. Dallas Judso, -AIL SIZES 5-15, 8-20, 12Y½-241/z A JN S T Rounie sud Beisu, Miss NancUy ____________________________ ILA DAY OR WEEKEND Judson, Viewlake; Me.,,lVenv PHONE 623-7541 o T.-SWEATERSBOSS 65 I NG EAST - BOWMANVILLE Mrand hli Lasdwre t At setThursday , t Sunrlsv tl A D Mr_ A LIC -.J0Il 1t Nt~ andS * OUR BAG AND JUG MILK AND OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS ARE PACKAGED BY GaIen Rae Dairy Ltd. WIE GUARANTEE OUR COTTAGE CHEESE THE HIGHEST QUALITY OF ANY ON THE MARKET MAPLE LEAF ONE PER CUSTOMER 16 ozA. carton 45c FARM FRESH EGGS 7doz. $1,29 Open 7 Days a Week DAIRY BARN STORES I' 7 a.m. to Il p.m. 215 RING ST. 'EAST 0F LIBERTY with her parens, Mr.Î and Mrs.GlerRsatavtok Dinner and supper guests il with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc-' l'aughlin for New Year's were Mrs,. John Werry, Bowman- ville- Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and John, Mr. Roy Werry, Mr. Harry Sanderson, oi f Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin, Lynn and Brent, Nestieton. Afternoon and evening dbn- niec guests on Monday with M Ar. and Mes. Clarke Williams were Mr. and Mes. Ronald Williams and famile, Oshawa; Me. and Mrs. Doug Fallis, Glenn, Lawrence, and Carl, EýBowmanville; Me. and Mrs. Arýnold Williams and family, I Mr and Mrs. Milton Stephen- sont, Nestieton, Master Howard Baîley and Uile Miss Tara Bailey, of Blackstock were New Y1eae's veand overnight guests of tergrandparents, Me. and Mesrý. Grant ThompËon. MIr. and Mes. R. Douglas DaLvison, Scott and Neil, Pet- erbýor-ough- Mr. and Mes. Carl Eliott, Davîd and Kim, Leask- dale, visited for New Year's dinner and supper with their parents, Mr. and Mes. Richard Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns- ton s pent New Year's with MVr. and Mrs. E. Beamîsh of Rex-dale. Valerie Wilson, litie daugh- tee of Me. and Mes. LloydA Wilson of West Hill, spent Satueiday to Tuesday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson, Mr. and IMes, Bruce Knapp, OshaWa were Ï.eekcend guests of hier par- et.Other guests during the Chistmas week were Mis DïOroÏhy Bolyea,. Mr, and Mri ChrisVeljo f Lindsay MeV. anrd Mes. 'Vernani Wilson ndfamily, B3rnoklin. On Fi id, - c', iin ,fic lan W 1 1I_1 sons visited ithM, anJIU LAKIUAri5 and PULLUVERKS FINE and BULKY KNlTS, SHETLAND BLENDS- LAMBSWOOL - ORLONS - ACRYLICS Reg ula r $0, 00 to, $20.00 TAM& SC ARFr leg, $6,00 to $10.00 0F3BW0AFILL ALL ALESFINAL NO REFUNDS O R EXCHANGES The analia SttesnBowavlille, jan , 1972 5 i WE WILL FIX 'YOUR CAR OR TRUCK Quicly Reasonably. 'Where, Fr iendly People Meet" 219 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle 623-4481 N AL ENNISKILLEN