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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 7

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M'r. Corry Kuirpers, Toronl îIs výis:liîg hsparents, 1N and Mrs\.îi Mýaurice ,Kuipei KaataDowns on Hig wa'y 928 will open it s secoi yeaýr of racig on Sunýda Janý. J4, 1973'. Mr. nd Mrls. Zack Adar tif -M'r. ana Ms. Thorni Mýr. L. B, Nichl13return( home after spending N Year'swîth r. andMi Douglas Nichol, R ingston. Mýrs. Brian Purdy ianid dai ghtc-r Glinette. Concession S have returned froma visitil hier pairents iii St. Catharine Chrlstma.s visitors with 1M ;nd 1Mrs. W., aidnadwei Miss Jenne Ballatine ar Mlissr- Beatrice H1ealey-, bathi Mr, nd rs.H. E. Mls Ellen anld Cathy' , Orono, wei dinoer guests- Sunday evei img ith Ms.A.Moffal Sm onAve, Mr.Sam Br-ooks has ri turnd f 't apleasan Christmaiis holiday wlth h( conusiin, DMrs.MaVrion Keith, St. Ptrbug lorîda. In the Janiuary 3rd issue the utllesof the Legic ~Liteýra-ry ccontest onie of t]' r, ames should hapve' read Cyr thia BIl, 13. Cenitral Pubi Schoiol, rnot Cynithia Browl SorrY. M r,.aid Ms RgrMeý il 0ws, Lonon, rcently visi ed'i -parent, Mi, and Mr R oge.-r Medow, rkwa Frîids of Ms.Glenlhoîn Huges eresorr1Y ta lear thaýt a few days before Chrisi mnas he had theinifortiln t taIandamibreak aan ankl5 i t-wo placeýs. Boma;nville- and M'Irs. Ad Hawiey, Osh )catspen aver Pleas5art New Yeair's vceker visiting frienasrad relatlv4 REHOBOTH Christian Reformaed Church SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am,1 7 pan. Back 4o God IHour Dial 1310 Radfio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "EveryolicliWelcone S'PauI's ý-Lnited Church Zey. N. JA. Tuirnetr B.A., B.D, 31r. R. MeJtea"lf SýUND)AY SCHOOL 9:4à a.m.l 4tO Syars'ý Puiblic osi JInntcare lîuring J'Service. TRINITY UNI Miniistr - Re\,. N. SUNDAY, JANI 11l MORNING SUNDAY SCI Juir ntermediate and Beginners, Kindergarten Nursery Care ii A ARM WELCOITnrý1 CHIL COMPLE STOCK 0F ATI9 PANI COAl UP TO 4O,ýo 9 ALL, SALES CASH ln the .oldtye Ukalal ( f ~tel, Port 'Hop, on We(-dne ',a r ,s B n 62~3O ay anay3rd. Th euxIap a ams Lose Ouf A of tadtinl Ukranian disli- einuded Barschi, a s-iurý 623cream and beet saup, perahe,i a pitate and chieese dump- lingls, calbbage rails and, ko- I iv r S i k T u n Ande- lcba hme-adeUkranian SoKnnoaBwanil Lt, Mr. and Mrs, Donald bnd rea. h malws 1Kap's Tawing Major Bani- and Paul Sabil. crn o omnil fr.~~ son ttened he fneraaofserved rs, s ncltnddt e, r an with wllne ori-Cassack mead, tams dawn 4-0 at the end. of In the game against Chiln- against Oshawa ýwere Paul Arhi ne, BeMevilGord ntW which is vodka, iiean w periods, scored th-ree-goals guacousy, Bowmanville did net Sobil with the bat trick, Rick ïhaoney, seered bat. in the third but were unable look sharp until the third per- James (2), and Bill Leamnan, Sonly broôther af the late J.ta get the equalizer in a 4-3 lad. Tbey were caugbt off bal- Ian Wilcox, Ted Puk witl T Ind Elmo AAéderso7n. New Year,'s vi;sitars with loss ta, Chînguacousy. Thus, ance by a rough, fast skating singles. Assîsting in the sýcar- ets, ay, Lions Club Hockey Draw, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lane, they were eliminated from team that did net allow themn ing were: Ted Puk (3), Jim the winners: N.H.L. - Jan. 1:3,J. Muriel and Stan, Shaw's, were further play ln the Silver ta finish, off their plays, The Hutton (2), Rîck James (2), in B oi Luffman, A. Eyman; Jan,. 31,' Mr. and Mrs. Phllip Eldridge, Stick Hockey Tournament tables turned in the third as Ian Wilcox (2), Dan Cax (1) hein( stý Dave Higgon, Del Rudman Newmarket, Mr. and Mns. which is ta be completed in Chinguacousy did net bave a and Gary Nemisz (1)'. onr la Jr. "A" - Jan. 14, M. Bawes:' David Werry, Lisa and Scott, Port Huron, Michigan, later in shot on the Bowmanville net. The Bowmanville -, Port ta be Jan. 20, L. Pernis. Ajax, Miss Chris Burgess, the season. Bowmanville won Altbough Bowmanville were, Ferry game left mnuch ta be defei ied r. ad Mr. KenethGuelph, Mr. and Mrs. James their first game 6-5 ever Ajax eliminated they did net look desired as players from bath T ed r.and Mr. KnnthLane, Tarante, and Mr. Doug- in the Preliminary Tourna- out of place playing teams cf teams were chippy and spent T w Fetcher, Clearwater, Florîda,' las, Wesley and John Lane, ment held at Bramalea dur- a hîgher category, Scoring fer much cf the game in the pen- asa rs. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guelph. Doug Lane lis o a ing Christmas boîidays. the locaîs in ibi game were alty box. These are twa fine a'h Fletcher, Picton, spent the Research Analyst with Farm The Ajax gaine was a close Rick James, set up by Brian iiockey teams and couîd enter- Midg lu- boliday season with the Flet- Credit Corporation, Toronîto, contest down ta the final buz- Martin; Ted Puk, assisted by tain the fans mucli more by 1as ,t.cher family on Queen St. ast t.and Wes Lane is with the On- zer with Ted Puk scoring the Ralph Cryderman and Bill sticking te hockey. The only are .ng Miss Nancy Goadwin bas tarie Ministry of Agriculture~ winning goal with less than Leaman unassisted. goal for Bowmanville was 1i es. returned ta Lakebead Univer- and Food as Assistant Repre- five minutes te go la the gamne. In a couple of exhibition scored by Paul Sobil, assîsted ig /fr. sity, Thunder Bay, after sentative in Renfrew. Paul Sobil and Bill Leaman games played at Memorial by Ted Puk and Ian Wilcox. time ýre spendîng the holidays witb ol peefrAeai h oiasBw en hpelwn h i-C sd bier parents, Mr. and Ms Dr. E. J. Keail wiîî report scoring twe oal peefrAeai h aias o-L yCapi etteds C bi ndns aheecvainBawmanville, Bnrry'Shackle- manville defeated a major tance la the net for the lacals. 1pulle cf Percy Geodwin, Rehder Ave. oisfidn tthe ecvto ton notched a'singie la an un- Bantam recreation team from Next homne game will bel hast The Len ta kate f te Nippur site, la an illus- The Larn o Skte tatedlecture at the Royal assisted effort. Assists wont ta Oshawa by the count cf 8-4 played Sunday, Jan. l4th atl-butz a, gramme is held every Mon-, datania uem owî Rick Scott (2), Ian Wilcox, and were defeated by the Port 11:30 a.m. Markbam will be, able e~Msem daHeo -33 wilhln dis- Ted Puk, Raiph Cryderman Ferry Bantarns 2-1. the visitors. open ý ay classes -taught th e ucuss "Nippurad the Romîan-l mclse agtby th lblPersian Conflict", the bistori- SaIn tt, prafessionals, Mrs. J. Brown (ai and .political implications I l c r SEE E I au c Mr .and Mrs. George Bow- vacethirfrnter vitlele.M T ers, Nestleten, Mr. and Mrs.1 lst and 2nd cetaures AD. Dr.26Th er Allan Bearock, Mr. Rey Duna, Keail, Assistant Curator in EIUAl El at Blackstock, were Suaday ev- the West Asa9eat .I~. » III . I L,.L I... ~ w.uJMidg ofening suppen uss fii. fRMwiîî give h .s lecture 0-af/'j ~ <J haîf and Mrs. Z. Adams. Aisa Miss this Thursday, Januany 1il dt, J meut EnU t on Roslyn Adams 'and Miss 4:30 p.m., at the Rayai Onâ fThI he Sherry_ Berwick of Oshawa tarlo Museuma, Avenue Roa 20ing 1 n-were afternoon visitors of the at Bleor. Admission is freei Tjeh ic Adams. M.qndMnh, DMaTN rE LJLJIi-Jw m. Mr ad rs WwInxit Over the weekend, Lawv- spent Christmas Eve and beeii arence Welk saluted Canada Christmas Day evening with Bowmanville Minor Bant- one a blast frem the point'by well the same story as the night i with an heur-long program Mn. and Mrs, A. Garson. Mr. ams made a fine showing in John Canboy after John Davis apposition was anoither AAA Wh rof music by Canadian mui- Tony Garsea, Tarante, spent the Brantford Firefigbters ,y cans. Nice gesture and the Christmas Day. Boxing Doy Teurnament held on Dec. 30- won the face-off, team from Burlington, and Satur 1enly thing missiag was a and New 'Year's Day, includ- 31 and Jan. 1. In the second game, Bow- they were just tee big and futur neMouatie la bis red ceat. The 'ng Miss Lisa Boisjaue, Ot- ,la the epening game they manvihle drew an AAA club wore or beys down in the in aci s iaig cf '"O Canada" by the tawa,- naw Tarante, and Mrs. were matched agaiast ýStrat- fram Brampton wbich had hast peniod te wia by the te ctira cast at the conclusion Caral Wonnacott, Bowman- fard and came away 4-0 win- defeated Guelph the previaus saine score, 3-1. The lone n cf the pregram was beauti- ville, with the Garsons. Mn. ners. After two scereîess Day. This game was also Bowmanville goal was againi ni- ful rnendnd Mrs. A. Garson wene dia- periads, Stratford man eut of scoreiess untîl the hast period scored by Ron Ju kie with Mn. and ivrs. Zack Adamns nr g Uests-,ef Mn. and Mns. A, steam aad Westerns scored wvhen Ron Jukie put Westerns assists ta Robent Ormiston ifl beld their New Year's party lesia Bayview, Tenon- four unanswered goals ta wîin te tbe lead on passes frem and Eddie Gnuyters. a as usual on Jan. lst and îni-1t, t he Yacht Club, Lake- going away. Sarginson and Ormiston, But, Our beys played sorte ai ry cliuded la it thein whole fam- shore, Tenanto, and later at The scoring phays were Han despite some excellent goal- their finest hockey af the uily and graadcbildren, except the Fînkiestien home. Mn Jukic from Terry Sarginson .tedn by Mk Gaisaonnti tuam tb- CS! fer a few who oouldn't at-1 an1d Mrs. Garson, were al * Jukic again, with the assîst Brampton kept the pressure cause of solid team efforts tend. Included in all were 34 gucsts t seM., Ziemaa's te Bob Biuckle. Robent Ormis- on and scared three tîmes with outstandiag goaltending z uets. Everyone expressed wirne aad cheese party, aad tan from Terry Sarginsen and hate in the game ta wia 3-1. frem beth Mike Gosick and Sthein thaaks and appreciation the home o Mr. and Mns.C Jhn__Hogarth, and the last, On Monday, it was prettyiTim Vanstene. ta, their parents for a very JohnPs, Bewrnaavilie. I ovely alternoon and a houa- India, Swedea, Yugeslavla,0 r.nd vste Hughes ladand te UitciKgdra Lagles ÎBe-afenby Lîindsayýl recnty vsied isfamily, beceme ciassnooms for Mc-' Mn. and Mrs. Harny Hughes, Master University Interna- Rowmaaville, and atteaded tinlSme eolstu. tise 40th waddiag annivensary dents next July and Augýusth U a e O k R d e - Party of thein parents held at SubjeCts ta be studied ia eacn the home af Mn. aaid Mrs. ceýuntry rng treugisfine John Hughes, hast weekend. arts langRiiuage, phîiesophy,J Evea thougli this game i Tse goal scorers for Bow- Deug Crough, who was flyiag, Brent, a memiser ofI St. Leuis bsoy eiin isîs e-ahti ae etogtyumnile wene Bian Grulb scored four goals. wbile Paul Blues, braka bis ankiale a a graphy, social weor, scîloy Ihtike ta kn ow the latest an d Deug Tamblyn who wsFre a ih eîd game agaiast tise New York1 music, political, scienice, and1 statistics of thse Junier C miakipîg bis debut, tin from Fre a ih eid Rangers. Mn. and Mrs. Hughes1 personnel and industrial re- Eagles. It was December 22 Our Bawmanville Juveniles picking up two. have retunned te, St. Louis. hations. Tise International and ail ? ? tisrough the arena (Redimen). The whole team played ex- T'ise Canadian Bankers' As- Sme Scbaols' overseas ? ? the FEagles' fans wera dis- Then, on December 27, Bow- tremely well and if I was saciatien have just released a def Os.or Canadian stu- aPppeînted as Bowmanville manville travellcd to Oak afraîd af bad luck I wouldni't firs3t edition of a f(aueC offer degrea-credit un-1 dropped their second game. Ridges and came eut ahead by be saying "Watch eut, the dâur en- rdaecuse epo This oaa was ta Lindsay by a score of 6-3. Ail six goals Eagles are on n, winning tited "Yurmaey tda c al aesan i ai als f sore cf 8ta2. were sc.ýored by wo -ales. trakagin. and omemnew" - You may, hindine w t obtain a copy by -writinig t', ho ma catrUi P.O. Bx 282,Royal fl'mst 1versîty dssin rqi Centre, Tarante 111, c onickpeciailîy ,valuabple tte a umhs G as M ies Lose, To w p aat oini- on mentTse rda gsre es f o s i t s a l iag oae up at any Caniadian wrigtwr erat chateedbatk.T1eý hoe xtnson students in' many ft ctheroe bank.heyopfeldsandtetisose wisi ag te o t H p o rn mn0o A a tiabkiet llbe l ye u s; broaden thein standing in tlhe YOr ar p uliar frsubi ects offered. Tisera isP o t H p o na e o A j x 1 sPace tee fan people qualificdý Mayor Micbael Wladykai, oniy as "Ilsteners', who e do Tise Bowmaavîlle Censum- Bwavl'secn gmete iuesranngnte bis wif e and fastmraclr ie nudrtnlg eftscrs' Cas Mites extreme- was against West Rouge and game butcud'tgre a folUkrala cotum asistdubjectsý but don't, necessaniiylly busy weekend, playing an tise Gas crew won by a score score. Tisa locals missed on !want or need accreditatien inIO.,H-.A. Mite Lakesisore of 8-1. fiveclear-cut breakaways dur- them. ' League game in Newcastle on In tise first period, Rod Plain ing tise game, inciuding two la B A HA I Scarbro )ugh Caîlege cf tise Friday night and taking part started things off fer Bewman- tisa hast twe minutes cf play. Univrsit of Tarante is in tise Port Hope Mite Tourna- vill orna goal assistcd by, Ken Woedard and Bniant pleased with the respense te ment on'Saturday. Billy'Hegarth and Biliy Sains- Ruddy shared tise geaitendîng The bontîe f the tise courses it is cureatly aof- On Friday night, Bowmaa- bury. Hogarths scered,, the as- duties i l i Litre gamaea. I Ihebontes f he ferng at Durhsam Ccllege. ville dcfeated Newcastle 5-0. sist an tisa play geing ta Eddy Tise BOwmanviîîa teamn play-, Blessed Perfection Tise enrohîment la Canadien Tise first peniod was sceneless Osborne wiso la playing ex- well during tha day, and'con- content 'courses is particular- witis Newcastle checking tise tremely well, Jeif Loga com- ductcd themscîves an and off are infinite. ly strong. Frnnoiment la tise Bowmaaville sisooters at every pleted tise first period scoring thise in l a manner t at made Englisis courise "EForms cf opportunity tise assista going ta Plain and thaîr parents, Manager and Twentietis Cntr Litera- lRed Plain scorad a pretty Barry Cullea, Coachs feel extremeîy preud. MAN MA tE'u A turc" is 42, "Canadlian HIîstony goal te open tise scoring la tise John Klomrpmaker scored Tisa Consumes a ie ~ ta 1867" whiclis began la thec second period. Tise assists on Bowmanville's faurtis goal on will play an exhibition game fahl bas 46 situdieats, andtise play weat ite Jcff Loga an unassisted play. Hogarth- against Lindsay on Tisursday "Canadian flistry Since Con- and Mike Stocker. Logala- scorcd tise ncxt twa goals ta igist la Little Bnitain, travel PHONE 623-3171 fedemation", starting la Janu- creascd tise lcad, tise assiats camplete bis isat-trick, tise flrt ta Cobourg On Friday for a ery, bas 43 studeats register-igoing te Plain and Steve Cary. ana set up hy Cullen, the sec- League game, and play Osh- cd. Tise introductory geogna- Loga sconed again, tisis time end, unassîsted.. awa on Saturday night lnaa pby course "EnvIronînental tisa assist geing ta Ed Osborne. West Rouge scared a goal la League game, game time 6:00 î j ~Septenîben has 17 students, Bowmanvilc's lead te 4-0 in Bewmanville's RickErn ITED CHURL nlis hc agn l on lmmkr nrac ts hr pro.m . Wesley Oake, B.Th. cou -fse "'Regional Analysis" Joe Niil andi Osbsorne. Logea cd by Cullen and Klompmaker. startiag la January bas 15 completed bis hat-trick, tisa Klompmakam scored thse lest i UARY l4th, 1973 studants egistered, "Intre- assista geing te Plain and goal af tise game, the assista duction te Piilosaphical Prob- Barry Cullen.,giing0 te Stee(Cary a.dCuhle ýDoby P8r7 Pegers5.3 IEDUCED PRICES Dw otPry53 _______________________________ On Tisursdaýy, Janary 4th, Bowmanville teok contr@1 , Bowmenville J u n i o r 'C' of tise tird period. An early Exceptional Values ý Eagles travchled te Port Perry. goal was scered by Paul Fer- r Port opcned tise sceriag scy from Johsosn and Ban- with Johns Montegue getting neli. Tisen witb leas then fiva eM agealisallway tismougi tise minutes remaining, S t e v e D.5E E finst. But befora tise peried avies, a slaady dalenceman, DRE SE ended Bowme:nviile sc:red 2 scored abeautiful goal assist-. ONE RACKe iacdcfts is.Tise put a finisbýing toucso h k" goas wrescoed y ohnongaine and laIt Bowmanville ta 1 frin mFarsey1 and Smiths,,d win 5-3. "REATLYby Crougli fromi Gnuib. At tisa outsct cf tho second Do y-ou alle.r yeur famýily O f f C E T Y R E U E eidBwavaSCorcd buntrnrt offer-itgs? Many sî'sticd by For-scy an-d Sm1,ýItb.1 end yu famnilyprefera ALL-SALES FINAL hce e iaîeedte e eeyîwrt Isejin terna 1'1- KING ST. EA STI iletneie ')ce. Go1 (al -1came cooking temperature ýtu 170 fren rentice and Coch11 re, degrees -P. The Canadien Statesman, Bewmanvihe, ian. 10 f, r,1737 fi dget-s Beaf. PDort Hop >y Lopsîded 14 Ioi Counf by David Goheen se MoGregor Druga Midg alter tisoir domination aI Silver Stick ToumnamentF' Bramalahast waek came ne and pleyed Port H-1ope Saturdey. It turned eut ae no conleat as tise Mîdgets eatcd Port Hope 14 to 1. ha gama was e teameefort alasost every player'hadý and la tisa scaring. T1i gels' defensive prowess- bea llustratad aven tiseir lefur oulings.. Tisa fclaws ralyskating and kcap- wits tiscir cisecks every,7j ltbey step cale tisa ice. ced tisa goaltenden, in tie P A l It few minutes cf tise game, agein Far Hope was un- ete peatrete and score ant in net goal. ntiseir next outing thisý unday nîgbt, et 8, Bow-ý nville will meet Steuff-1 se weekend cf tise 25b> 271h tisa Bowmanvilie Igels wiil play tisa second c f tise Silver Stick tourna- U It in Sarnia. M lie Juvenîles are still wail- for tisa playoffs ta begin. ,y have tried te gel some ýý bition games but et tiss ing. no opposition bad -19 King St. E. Bowmanvîlle 6348 ifound for this Saturday it - but thare could ha. isy net coma to tise amena rday aîgist and sec tie ie W.H.A. or N.H.L.'ers iction.7' s s s 1SHOP 1,1DA. FORLwEaVEpy D AY pRIýc Esi AlexMcGregor IDA rg ing St. West 623-5792 Bowmanville by INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO. . NO WALLACE & COMMUN ITY BY ONEIDA Gt12,S'aNQ 1ONEIDA SALE Sîlverpiate Sale Price 20 PC. service for 4- $17.25 ea. . $39.95 Goldplate 20 pc. for 4 - $36.25 ea --- ---$99.95 1881 Silverplate 20 pe. for 4 - $11.75 ca. - $29.95 Coinmunîty Stainles 20 pc. for 4 - $11.00 ea. - . . Otiaida Deluxe 20 pe. set for 4 - $8.75 ea.$195 $24.95, PSTAINLESS )VR25%N on 5 piece Place Settings NAVAHO ýVANGE UNE NRS GIGI NrS s 7.795 $9.9 5 Reg $11,00 Rg$40 Int ernmationialq SAVE 120% ON OPEN STOCK Preluýde Royal Danish- Angelique Joan cf Arc Valenicia Pine Spray, 1847ROESRO. OVER S VRLT 250/H oni 5 piece Place kdegmIar $1695 I X Jewelers 623-5747 BOWMANý.ýVILLE ~, r

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