EECREATiON HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS as of Saturday, Jan, 6th, 1973 Tcam amiLeague 'fanlger's Bl ad Forlesrs-----Tigr--- qrgyalsc- --- ----------- 'SiSnsme . Bruins - - . ----- Rams --------------- EEWEE LEAGUE Frank's Variety ----- Canaidians ----------- Goodyear Rangers - Bla-,des -- ------- Rotary Kig ------- Cnty. Chry. Beavers W ings------- ----------- Leafs ----------------- B ruins ------- 1------ BANTAM LEAGUE Cubs- Shiarks ------ ----- Kinsmen Bennet Pav. Beavers Flyers ----- - -------- Parithers ----------- - Braves - - ---- Huskies- WL TPts. GF GA MIGTLEAGUE --------- ----O 1 17 64 ý20 Ge-nerals------3239 329 Cauk --- ---------.4 3 1 9 3 33 l"!t. Royals ---------3 4 1 '7 26 35 Tf-'R. 1 O 9 0 (O il4 '53' wêTheoe b Ji7Murp0 Sijeehan one goal, whîle Sid l cc o l u i i n le w s -1Tomlin son had one assist. In the second gamne Frank's Varié-ty defeated the' Hawks, In )thé first gamer Tues., scored by Mike Reynolds wýth y Tae2dthe Baes dO.Tehaon goaland RJe aynJar- The Jnaymeeting of thqewere six deaths 10 report. Al but fouri started playing1 jeaed he -0.Thehadonegoa an Rady ar-Senior Citiuzens washliLiJ Mrs. Ru dided in Decem- in November 1972 and onily Cardinals7ç goals were scoreci vis three assists, The Hawks the Lions Centre on 1- uesdayr, ber 1971 but after the Decem- four had a year's training. ErwiDny Eliioib and Marty goals were scored by Rick January 9th with Mrs. T, W. ber meeting. In 1972 Mrs. They were from, Grades 6, 7, Cayley one goal and one as- Cawker presiding. Tyler, Mrs. Walkey, Mr. Syer, 8 of Central School. Those The secondci ontest saw thl1 gist, John Labatt and Dean After a good pot luck supper Mr. Sexsmithi and Mrs. Mundy. taking part were: R. Chow, M. Rangers defeat the Foresters Rutïherford one goal each, the meeting opened with Mrs. A minute's silence was oh- Chow, D. Stackaruk, S. 3-0.' The Rangers goals Were while Joe Nowlan and Steve~ Young readîng the minutes Of served in honor of Mrs. Walker, S. Brooks, P. Sheri- scoredl by Robbie Johnson Cole each had one 'assist December meeting. She then Munidy. A mninute's silence dan, M. Foster, D. Strike, K. wit tw, tevn TomSte-ISat., Jan tthga e paRonr rexiewed by the month eight is given in honor of ail mem- Schl J, Ives, D. Stevens, one goal and one, assist,St-S.,Jn 6hheRar programs. This included the bers in their memory at the J. Jeans, F. 'Stackaruk,. M. yen Carruthers and Gregory Kings defeated the Bruins speakers, Mis. Kennedy, Miss time of the group hearing of Preston, T. Whillans, G. Syl- Dreossi one assist each. . 5-2. The Kings goals were Hoskin and Miss Aked; the the death., vester.11 The first game on, Thurs., scored by Keith Sheehan with musical events by the Golden The new members joining They openedi their program Jain. ith, the Steelers shut out two goals and one assist, Sid Legionnaires Choir: Mr. Jack- for 1973 were aàked to stand, witlî choral by Bach and dur- thec Americans by 4-O. The Torlnson one, Scott' Collo- so and his fainous Quartet; These were Mrs. ,Adams, Mr. ing the~ evening they played Steelers goals were scored, by cutt one goal and Jimmy the Courtice Secondary School and Mrs. Ilar, Mr. and' Mrs. such ltunes as Jingle Beils, Drew Kearney with two, Murphy one goal andtwo as- under Mr. Metcalf and Mr. Clark, Mrs. Harnden, Mrs. The Crusaders, Evening and Sandy Wiseman and JefU Vyf- sists, Leonard Hone two as- Virtue's trio; the district pic- Colwell, 1Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Morning. scaft one each. sists, Neil Campbell one, as- nie to Belleville. Cramp, Mrs. Cowie, lVrs. Mor- Mr. McArthur spoke on The second game the 'In- sist. The Bruins goals were She also reported sending rison and Mrs. Brooking. each Instrument and a child dians defeated the Hornets1 scored by Glenn Ferrill whlle 22 gel well cards and five Votes of thanks were ex- demonstrated for ýus ëach 3-1. TheIndians were led by~ Stephen Larmer and Gordon sympathy cards, two trips tenided 10 the Lions Club, Mr. instrument as he went along, Kevin White with lhree goals~ Sharp each had one assist. gîven by the Kinsmen Club. Fanning and Recreation Club They finished by Bacharah - while Jim Hogarth pickcd up The second contest of the Mrs., Armitstead gave the and kirs. Bain for their help Close 10 You. two assists. day saw the Canadians de- trcasurer's report, qhowinîg a in 1972. The pupîls' deportment was Atom League feat the Wings 3-1. The Can.- balance of $172.09. A, separ- Mr. Graham gave a short perfect.ý Their program was In the first game of Thuirs., adfians goals were scored by aIe fund is now set up besides talk on the secret ballot. well rcceived by the audience. Jan. 4th, the Kinsman defeat- Jody Ross with two, Kevin the $172,09 which , ils10 go Mrs. Cawkcr then introdue- Ail the way through they ed the Rams 5-1. The Kins- Woollcy one goal and one as- towards a 1973 trip some- cd Mr. Don McArthur of scemed so happ. man oalswerescord b 1sis, Jim Walker one assîst. whcre.. This was started by Central Public Sehool 'who Mr. Colin Taylor on behaîf golswrcscrd y$19,.20 from 'the Christînas was in charge of an instru- of Sr. Citizens lhanked Mr. ToyTran with two, Dan Me-1 Bastam League grocerv raffle,' mental group. Withhim were 'McArtbur and the children Mullen and Tcrry Hanna one In the gamne played on Miss Crydermari reporled 16 young musicians with their for a' job well donc. They goal and one assist each, Tues., Jan.. 2nd, the Sharks 160 paid-up members for 1972, clarinets, trumpets, lrom- have come a ilong way in so Dana Severn one goal, Wbilc defeated the Huskies 5-0. The 18 new members joincd. There bones, Saxophones and fife. short a lime and we certainly Ritcb White, Steve Maguiire Sharks goals were scorcd by -- and Ed Lott had one a"iist Glenn MVartin with Ilirce, Bill cach. Tlîe Rams goal Was Rivexs and Randal Locke ane scored by Anthony Clicff as- cach, while Jim Maguire had sisted by Tom Hone. two assists, Neil Killens, Ke-, In the first game Of Sat., vin Wheelcr, Mathcw Joncs Jan. 6th, the Seals and Clip0- and Gary Pascoe one assist pers battled to a 2, all tic. each. The Seals goals wcre scoreýd The first game played on hy Mark Roberts and Scott Sat., Jan, 6th, the Bennett Kelly, while Gary Vyfachelaft, Paving Beavers defeatcd thc Jeff Saliows and BrianSmt Braves 3-1. The Beavers goals cach had one assist. The CIip- wcrc scorcd hy Gordon Wal- pers goals wcere scorcd 5Y lace and Peter Knowlton anc Carl Chambers. goal whlle Frank Leach pick- In the second game the cd up anc goal and two as- Royals dcfcated the FangOs sists. The Braves lone goal 2-O. The Royals goals xWre was scored by Larry Burges scorcd by Teddy Withierspj:oon assisted by Neil Ryan. and Kcnncth Hoy while iDa:na In' the second game the Peebles and Kevin, Goddard Flycrs defeatcd the Pnhr each had one ass.2-O. The Flycra goals w(-ec 11n tee third lgaime the scorcd by Paul Passant one, Marian na Tig*,,ers iecfeated goal and one asitFedRg Grpýaams IG.A. Brutns 2-0. gers one goal., whilc P-eterý The Tigcrs goals wýere scrËiosgra and Jimimy BSeers earih byDain Jennings and Douglas hdacast Dilling while Wayne PortierMigtege had wo ssits nd atrci~ The gamne which waýýst1up- Brinlow ne.posed to be playcd on TUe1ý'1 The fourth , game sa Jan. 2nd, saw the Generalsf Frank's Varicty defeat the 'tared b game by defaltl Bisons Z-0. The Variety's goals as thee ine Ridge Sehool were 'scored hy Brooke Bain ýteain were unable to play. and David Masson one goal, In the game played on Sat., and ne ssit cch.Jan. 6thi, thie Comets defeated Fe Wee League the P.R,.S. 15-O. The.Come,ýts le bbc finst game of 'Fri-,~ goals were scored by Rusty Jan- 5th, the Canadians de- McQuidc with five, Bob feated the Kings 3-2. The Shacklcton four goals and Canadians goals were scorcd tw.o assists, John, Turner lwro by Paul Hodgson, Tom Fowl- goals, Joe Bennett one goal er and Jody Ross, while'Bob- and one assi t, Lex Goleki by Chllds, Kevin Woolley and bwo goals and one assi. t, Ivan Cunningham each had Brian Head anc goal, while Robert Mlford and Dennis Knapp had one asslst each. .. BETHANY' senior ciîiens Thrce new members5 were wclcomcd tb the Golden Star Bethany-Cavan Senior Citiz- ens' gruup when they met in the Bclhany Panish Hall on' Wcdnesday, Janiuary 3. SA sing-song 0f old lunes was conducted under the leadership of Mrs, Ruth Jen- nings with the purpose of be- gnnga Senior Citizens' choir. The response was most encouraging and later programs should be fillcd with song and gaîcty. SMr. and Mns, We-s MeMahon showed films and commentéd on their bus tour across West- ern Canada down the Wes Coast and up truhSi Lake City. Sldes w-e show-n of their boat ftnp the Brit- ish lsles and their bus tours1 through England andSo- land. The next be(st thing tol bcing there is b se,(c tbbc beauty of Our lani ilis nat- ural colora on thie :sereeý-n. The president, Mýrî,Ja Argue, lhanked the MeMahons and announccd the Pnxt mcc- ing would be a.kuhro paty be, given 10 further musical numbrs. Dedication Srvie Dunring the Commi-,union service at Bthany United Church on Sunday, r.Vn cent Jacksn, on bhaîf of the Session and Mrs. Jean Argue,, unveiled a beauiful brass communion cross, inscribcd in memory of the late Mr. Banl Argue and prescnted bheceross to Rev. Gordon Fieko 10 be dedicaled ta the Church of God. Weekly Bowling' Resuits The, following are the re- sults of' last weck's mixed bowling league: Ladies' high single, Chris Neals 273; ladies' high triple, Chris Neals 661; men's high single, Lloyd Dav- idson 2ý27; mcn's high triple, Lloyd Davidson 596. Gameps over 200 wcrc:-Belle Smirth 239, Diane Wilson 2316, Joh n Snush-ali 3 >18 Jack Brag 209, Helen Melville 208à, Dave MCRe-elîs 203. Teaîm standîngs: Bcd Prstz, 61' Ding-a-lîng 55, Haiýy Gang 53, Ding-bats 47, ÈAlP1ratt 44, Go-geblers 43, HopefulS 41j Dcad-eyes 40. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ba. c .and Mr. Kirk McMahon, Osha- wa, were recent dinner gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mc- Mahon. Miss Hazel Preston bas re- burned home t Stonewall, Manitoba, alter spending the pasl monlh wilh Mr. and Mrs. Emcry Smith. Guesîs with Mrs. Belle Smith werc: Mr. andi Mrs, Gordon Moffatt, Bowmanvîllc; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Caàvan; Mr. and MVIs, Norma;n Braithwaite, Cavan; M.an1d Mrs, Carl Porteous and Mn. and Mns, Emcry Smith, both of Bclhany, and Miss Hazel Preston, Slonewall, Manitoba. Miss Norma Smith bas re- lurncd 10 Winnipeg, Manitoba, alter spendîng the paet îwo wccks visiting with parents Mr. and Mis, Carl Smith. Mrs. Carl Porteous has haci themiist fortune of falling 1-nd breaking lher lefI elbow. Best wishes fora pdyrcvî, 'The Canadian Statesmran, flowmarlcn11(3ait 17, 1973 1 will be fàllowing them in the croinol, r3. arLd future and wish them every Mrs Gi1bjrt's group re e success. piilifr ebu y r- The reslt of the evening was sosbefrFbur e spent in playring cards ena rsen. Hme 22T - 24' NEW, anct USED MDL FOR RENTALS , CONFIRM RE$ERV7ATIONSEAL SPECIAL MONTHLY RATES AVAILAB-itý FOR FURT-IIER INFORMATION'tCAýLL 62 3 -5326 9- after 5, ORMAN S. TRIPP 232 LIBERTY ST. N. BOWMANVILI, Try cable todaý Your 'child's personalîty and intellectual deve.topment art -dcernùlncd b Ify ±hings. Children's toys,, bocks andl cf course, belevisîin, ain affecl his overail devolopment. Today, children's toys arc se realistie and ineehanized, they ]cave hlte for the chilcVs imagination. I many cases, boys and doils do and say sucli remai-kabie lhings, they Jeave a chid with an inferior feelîing - simply because he cannot do ail those wonderful things toc. The key then is participation. Participation where the child ean. show himseif that ile i s capable of accomplislunent Little successes cadi day give your child the confidencelie needs 10 assure an. acltiv role inn hf e. MaychÎidren'television shows discourage active participaton The ±wo educainltlvso network c.arried OVCr cable TV, offer progressive programs tdut encourage exprssion and participation. Programs sueli as "The Electrie Company', IThc Polka -Dot Do(c? su2d "Ssatn tet a i ontributete yourý cilds deveiepment. Cabje TV can be installed ini your homc for nly 4.95 per menth witl au nsiulatîon chwrte csof CALL TO ""DAYf 579-2232 WHITBY 668-9331 BOVVMANVILLE 623-2506 ' 51 cable 114ni