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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 15

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RelEstcde for Scde 'RealEstate for Sale'Real Estate for Sa1eýPRear1 Étate ~ TL sorey r ine room hom"e CORONO-Two storey, th-ree- r"vrt 7K v 1 Oron y f our berooa -bedroom home, laundry room i~"- -- ~ ~ '~ et ~ lu31y o ,:boa- off large kitchen..Call 983-5261. REAL ESTATE - REALTORý PETERS Lomgaae.lËcaed lon---2 181 CHURCH STREET ELYTD ng 2 900 wth terms.- S __________ O MNIL ELYLD BOWMAVILLERealtor m47 vnigs 2-f 23448728-7328- 103 King St. F',.-IVATEr sale - central Bow- aanville, large brick home ,..overed wthaluminum sid-ý gdou'ble garage, largue lot, six edroms, rcan be in- .,ome home dutplex, 110 On- tarlo- St., Phone 623-3501. 46-tf LOW DOWN PAYMENT 3 BEDROOM HOME Nreed ;q nrw home but short Pt cash? Theni investigte n lew Beaver fHomes! W'e'l)shel ?,reet the attractive Beaver 1ý'îilowdaie model, a .31 bed- room beauty on your lot and foundation for just $9,200. You can save as much as $3000 Dver coniventional building mrthods. If you own a lot, Fou may be able to start 'Tour Home" With only $200 dcown. We'li help witb mort- gage arrangements and land availabilities too! For furth- er details Phone rAT NORTREY at 723-4558 o)r drop in te your nearest Beaver Lumber Store- and pick Up a new BEA VER HOMEJ CATALOGUE, only $1O,00, i colour wlth floor plans fer more than 40 homes, 7-tf 623-7661 JI7 King .K E ., Bowmianville J?2-ACRES of future in- dus.7trial land close toa ah ser'-1 ices, terrifie land investment.1 $1,000 down for this 3 bed- romchalet type home on g / acrÉrs in i a %village. GIVE 'US AN OFFE.R. LOTSand LOTS of LO0TS. lames Robinson l4aiY! Smith - Banner Passant ElIe -Spencer 92amuel Amnis Rtolly Spencer Peter Kowal, Jr. REAL EST ATE , GEtNER-AL INSURANCE 52 Kig St, W - Bowmanvilie 'n rickhoethabc! wzsde sc eating ares, ful bas-ement, 4-piece suid 2-pce. bath, in gaod ares, Two tao chcose from. Twa bccroom bungalow, imvth water snd sewer, plenty ef garden space, in north-wost part nf tivwu; a good first on reieethome., Nice bLuilldings lot in the ca-untryý, 138' x 338', close Vo pvdcounty -road. Priced et S<E,~7~ ~~e Min Street, Oronio - Lange 2 torey brick home wvith 41 -bedroomi sud attached gar,-; age. Aixiauis Vo S-ettIe estate. - Make tus an offer. 50 Acres - partially Vîeed, on paved road, no, of Orono. 623-2503 Asking $16,500-00. Termu., Orono - bealtiu-staceyIi3 bed-oom frame Oron - eautfu ,ranhbouse on' large lot. Zoned style homne on lot 118 x 110, light industrsal. A s ki n g wh%-th 3 badroomis, separ-ate dia- $7 0000 ing room, double attachcd, garuage anc! over 1300 square 371'h Acces - Pivat e rc ao fcea livýing area. -Asking back of this roliing, patly $314,900 with ermi. Veed pnropcty with streamT aond pond. Hydro andi tele-! Linclsay anea - 38 acres or phone available. Fantastic güood land, wîtb imail barn., view. Ideal 'building site. well and somne bush. Aslksng Only$19;500.00. $7,000 down. Newcastle - 3 bcdroom split- 3 levai home with finished mcc. roomn, fireplace aud broad- $32,500 with ermi. Bowmanville - gooti cottage F lot 90 x 150, bas well - sud saptie tank. Askingý $6,200 wth $2,000 down. Newcastle ares - lovely 10 acre parcel with crack, all fenced along road frontage, Building permit available for 234 Khi g St. E., Bowmanvîlle !200 square foot home. Ask- 623-3393 îng, $15,000 with $4.500 down.Nwcse Pontypool - building loti Country living in this 3 100 x 150 on paved raad. Ask- bednoomn bungalow. Finisbed ing-$3,000 with $500 down. rerain om mmclt throughouLt, attacbed garage. Fencad lot with patio. Oniy $27,000. Termi. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. Heln MDonld 62-391 IBowmanvillîe Ares mele D'IDonad 62-391 Bungslow with 1 acre anc! LodAtchisan -705-932-2761 haro, 4, hedroomi, ccc. caom. 3-I On paveti roati. Good garden - ________- sou,. barri 24 x 36. Owucr i auxiaus Vo salli, ieving coun- try. Asking $34900. Term. IAÂ~ iÂiCail Wm. Sutherland!. RE ALTO RS " 623-4403 Country Living ]3acksplit - 5 bedroom, two couic! be used as office, sew- îng room, etc.- Shag rug in family room. Plush broadloom in. living room. Paved drive, garage. patio. Lot 10W, x 150', Terrifie view., Five miles from town. $34,000.00. 5 Acres Two trout stream's, beauti- fui pond, very privaýte. Oniy minutes from Bowmanville. 20 Acres 2 mailes niorth of Bowman- ville. Front elear, pronid site,. available, $.29,900.00. Terras. Vendor, anxious, Executive Home Private, in-ground pool, 3 bedroom, 2 hathroom, finish- ed rec, roomi. 1 acre lot, doubie garage. Nicely land- scaped. Many, many extras, Appointment oal-y - $53,000.00. After Houri Cail: David: Allhson mtike Belmonte Mielille Dale Elfricde Jos! Ruby Ingleton- Wm. C. MeFeetens 987-48671 263-2032 623-2627 -725-1726 3-1 'VACANT LAND FOR SALE 96 ACRES on Pontypool-Millbrook Road. $20,000 down. 230 ACRES near Pôntypool. Accesi on twvoroadi. $25,000 doive. COLBIORNE: 23 acres with 2,000 IL. frontage on river; $20,000 full price. 1VERTENTE LIMITED REALTY 416-983-5366 SATURDAY NIGHTS AT THE NEW No Cover Cag oMnnu Normal Bar Pie Comnplimentary snack later in the evening. Informai, plenty of -free parking. Fuit dining orders taken in main lounge until 8:30 p.m., al evening in adjoiing dining room-, OPrrENING NIGHT SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th Mae ip a party, corne and join the fun opening niglit with "THE CAVALIERS" (TED KOSS FOUR PIECE BAND) THE NEW DUTCH OVEN 6 lmiles no-rth orf/401 on Hwy. 3 &15 at North-East Corn-ier of Taunton Roac, CAL 1-83-001forResrvations 90 Acres, Kendai His Terrifie vicw of Lake Ou- tario. 6 coom bouse, haros 40 x 80 aud 30 x 40. Access ta Kendal Conservation park. Must be sold for haalth ceas- an. Asking $85,000. Termi. 100 Acres,Necsl Barnni 43 x 67 soc! 12 x 20. G-aoc!upingi, ideal pond site. $65,000.00. 100 Acres, Bowmanville Excellant 8 maom brický home, barn 40 x 100. %,, mile1' race rackfor bans. ,Only, 1 mile tram Bowmanville. $175,000M0. Termm. 74 Acres, Stream, View Rolling land with fait trou! stnesm in Manvers HNuls arcs, niorth of Pontypool. 25 acres erty. $35.000. Termiq. Cali Bill Turansky. 100 Acres, Kendai Huis q Haîf wooded, 2 srcams with good pond sites. $50.000 with $10.000 down. 160 Acre, Feedlot Laîkard. Beautiful rolling pcapenty. 8 room home avec-, looks rolling country. Barnni 120 x 120 aoc! 80 x 40, Two silos 25 x 75. Pushbutton facding. Que mari eau look atter 500 haad of cattie. This is anc of the moît up-to-date feediat operations lu Ontario. Two streams an popety. A5sk- ing $250,000, Terrms. Commercial, Bowmanvîlle King St. E. - Brick 3 bac!- room home with office. Idèal for doctor, iawyec or take-out restaurant. Asking .$42,000 wjth $5,000 down. Caîl Phyl- lis McRobbie. Bowmanville 3 bedcoaom brick and alumn- inum. semi-detached. Nean, OSHAWA BALUSAM LAKE - 81 cottage with 2 kitchens. 9] the summe in haif andi the other hîalf._ Fully f ur ed also. Extru lot foc bi îng.1 ---60 ACRES VACANT Lý -about 160 cadi higi froutage. Spring-fed ci land rollsng, part bush pastujc. 25 acces workab SERVICESAIO CONFECTIONERY 'STO ahýso 5 coaom brick home.( busijnesan good bighi Caîl Wmi. S. Gardn, 728ý'- or 987-4037, Keith Pý RealVy Limited, Reeltor. 33. King St. East, Bowman Phonoe 623-3950 or 623-: 3 ACRES WITH 3 bcdr home. Oil beatcd. 4- bath. Barn. Price $19,ý STONE HOUSE: 4-bedrc Oui beated. 4-pcea.bath. B Garage. On 3 acres, well kapt. Caîl office, NEWCASTLE: New 31 caam back spljt. Large Oit heatad. 4-pcea. bath.1 cd et $28900. BOWMANVILLE: 31 maom. 11% stoney home. heatati. 4-pce. bath. Gar Neat sud ean. Pcice $23 15 ACRE FARM wil hedroont brick home. heated. 4-pra. bath. B Ponid. Excellent gardon 1 Caîl office. 10 ACRE FA-RM: 31 romhome. Oil hcated.E Barn. Running water.1 fencced. Cahi office. 192 ACRE FARM: Bl home. Ail modemn conv cucaes. 2 haros. Pavedr Cail office. S40 ACRE PARCELS VACANT LAND. Near i castle. Piin $700 par a( APARTMENT SITE: RE foc high cisc. Reason price. Call office. PORT HOPE. Duplex. aodc! ean. Modern veniencas. Double lot. ing $34,000, Termi. Aftei' hours p7iease rail:-- Harry Coutds [Iarry Vaerman Gary Haacock- Jo.i Barnoski John F. DeWith Erie Carlson- 725- 623- 786- 987- 372- Wesley Anderson- 349- Rosi Davidion -277- GET CASH'TODAY THROUGH P O E 621-3203 kof(C& ForAr/ sool. E1creha.$590 1973 haraltis the Silver A~ Termi. Caîl Ksy Bco'\zn, versary Year of Thé Cana( Buildig LotActhritis aud Rheumaý BuilingLotSociety. Canadiens thrc North of Orono, almoit 1/2 the, yeens have showu acre. Askîng only $4,250.00. mendous abilîty ta'tackle Caîl Audrey Plain. fheuit problems. Pari Bowmanville, Beauty Parler througb their efforts dise Weil estahihed, ail mac!- such as TB,, diebetes, audr arn equipment. Health forces have n00w been controlled. sale. Pricad et $4,400. Caîl hope tbrough this saeaai, Pet Yea. Vo brsng -about e contmco the fomaîeble future Garden Hill man's oldes! aoc! mas! 10 acres, woodcd with pliug disease of arthritis. sprsogs. Good building site. Ttc aoswar more otten1 Asking $10,900.00. Cali Bihl not rests witb the pu' Turansky. Without public support greatly increaseti funds Orono Are 'a determination, the prosp 98, acces, excellent view. for succeis will ha slii Goc! praductive land, gond fioding a contrai forc anti springs. 9 oom bouse, h)aro Over 5 per cent of Caoa 32 x, 70, suitable fon hanses o)r total population, moret cattle. Asking $95000 with 1,500,000 Canadiens su tarmi-. Caîl Bihl Turansky,. fcam athritis sud the o Bowmanville yheumatic diseases. Anti: djsables 3,000 cbldreu Make ya.,ur finît tcp t infants, confinas 95,000 ad better li'v-tîin itis 3 ýbcd- ta bac! or whaclchair, esa raam bl-rick biungalow. Pan-- 9,000,ý000 las! womk days claed recceatsan roamn with Canada annuelly et a cos ban, extr~ anc dbdom$457,000,000O in erniogi. I in besement. Fenccd yard. are 656,000 Chronically Only $31.900 wýitb ternms, s abiati persans in Ontar set now, Cal Phyllis Mc- 24.6 par cent of hem Robbie. abied hy arthcitis. Acti is a root ceusa of povien Are Yeui Considering a Thece is. as yet, no cure MOVE or TRANSFER? arthrîtis. But the mneical We are equipped to handie, vjsocs of The Canedian A your home, needi aywhere ritis aoc! Rhcumatism la Caada nd US.A. ciety agrea that the conh la Cnad sudU.SA. ofarthritis iu aur time matter of scientifie proli ity - we are on the thr Coa.stto Coast aid of the hast arthritis RelEstate ServfiCe trol program in the w The Society's immediate After 9:00 p.m. cull: seeki your support of its Roy Poster - Orono 983-5801 gram of resear-ch and ed Phyllis McRobbie - 62,3-7159 Vian. Bill Turansky, Orone 983-5420, You arc juvitedt t send donation tQ C.A R.S., c/o Jan Oudihooru 623-2984 Rayai Bank of Canada, Bill Sutherland - 623-3102 280, King Street, Bowman- Audrey 'Plain - 623-3563 An officiel cecelpt wil Norm Wetherap - 723-4809 issued proînptiy for ax1 Pst Yeo- - 623-3077 A door Vo door camuý Dane Feund e 623-3965 wvilha heldidnhoBowman, Dolores Rosi 725-1498 the wack of January cecil Hall - Lindsay 324-97,58 thnough to Pcb. 5t9fh 1 corntdti-ted by mnii of Kay Brown - - 623-3150 recentiy fori-ed Knîghts 3-1 iColumbus Club. 1 m-&â&àmoAirm U-2 A'-kl The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, jean, 17,198 5 quest pasig, wdilY liarm syad repuyIes-M Pot C folowiog recent braiu sur-2% AG i a cstto L. C. Mason,Q.C.; Mayor gary soc! wE express theýir HO11MO BAGS2% B S bi against picketers et the sain ocr n neetî LibameBar, . ice, Miss bis improved bealtb.S c onld Can,, M. Couch, L. Lucas, G. Tighe, Mr. sud Mc-s. Aiýda Nesato, ___________ orl Eftlft*UIlKK ftêCMayor Hobbs. Louiand! Elizabeth wera. goal proves-fgFI~~ Museum Board- A. M. weekend visitons with the HOMO JUGS 2 JUGS R SThompson, F. Diliing,-Mci. R. Harvey Maleolmi. Mci. Hn pro- n mn Lunncy, Mmi, I. Munday, W. Boon Sr. rtre oP lpaA r ..m n Teeple, Cou. . Cban, Credit with the NasatoiPo i 76c yor At council on Mondey nigbt, Planning Board-R. Heth- Holand this week folowiogy The thc following appoiutments Vo e ington, R. Woodward, A. M. e five-week visit ta Canada 'i Box boards aoc! committees wemc! Thampian, Caun. D. W. Aluin, with hec family bacc. ý ville. approvcd, ou recommandation Coun. P. Chant, Mayor Hobbs. W er ihrge f_ l AIC SoeIor ha bef the Strikiug Committec, Conservation Authority -- lerMon. 9-6rt o -pur- Mayor I. Rabbs, Chairman; (Caun. M. Prou!th.unieh1>1în 31af0-R. * ~ T Reeve J. Bell sud Deputy Negotiating Committea cc re.dntaf'roiuiges. 9-6 paign Reeve M. Prout, Coun. N. Allison, Reeve j. Lotus, Mci. -Tomh Rawlson, the F M a'1ket Wed. 9-6 - IVil Hospital Board, Councillor Bell. former Mary Kerr., Iu hem OOUrs,9- 29hCobban. Chember of Commerce-. vouth, Mary wssa elgh-1- 77 Kinn s ý. W, hursi 9- 17. Committea of Adjuisitmantii- . Caun. L. Thrashar. spirited gi, fulof the iayiF19- f thc M1. McKnight, T. Rchden, D. Central Ontario Joint Plan- of living - a welcomie adc!- HOM 0 QALITY) Sat. - bs of Gilhooly. nsug Baard-H. Hammond, ian Va any gatheriog. Synt-1ý Industriel Commission -. Mayor Rabbs, pathy extended ta the family. 1;,ý AlnRout Edwin Je& Mac McýIDo WiIf Hawkî - -725-053 ans - 623-7152 onald -623-3911 ,e- 9 83-5274, - 623-3795 e 786-2283 - 623-3258 - 623-7664 - 623-7694 3-1 After houri Cal G. Beech - 1. Barton - P. Kowal e 623-5265 623-3098 623-5868 3-t REF. ED VANHIAVERBEKE FONTYPOOL L. N E~I ~~ I L N CarIeton Professor Tlnliaryv V.C.Meeting IVMrs. O C 'ýhtnattende ran r Q .Astn Past Preident B a r ba r a te ainnua1 liouýIlice Reunin er uniaine guests of E U Howe chaired thýeweIl attend- B'anquet and Programi at th'Miss K McMulln and W»lr a e e Jnur lot'h meeting Of toyal York, Toronto. Ch-as. Ashton,O aw. Jmti n ls Th re n5'iskýillen U.IC.W. held at Ms Lm rifn;Bak Trno eeSaudy ii th hm o esieSero,stock, wsSýàday afternoon tors at Mr. and clI. A. Te aad ian LClub of Wîest orvywold du i and prsne the wors ip. visitor anid tea guest at R., rysDrhm me nT Ity m ,Xpr ,othe c ntriao The hymnn "Wîhl Your Anchior Gifn.Saps e nT l Vm;1 or orecnrbt! Hold in the Storms of Life&" Gifn Mr. and Mrs. Dunican Cam- Chucch HaTivll Frîday. Jan. l 2tHmae ta world ctznhpb was suIng in menaory of gýrand- Mrs, D. B. Kay, Toronto, eron, Oshawa, were recent to ha Professor Peytvon V. the laVe L B. Pearson,. mothers. The l7tb. Psaim -was spent a few days with Mr. vis,.itors of c. a, nciMns, Geof Lyi, talký on The Piaadax af rmany otlicr noted Canradiahý cead responsîvely. Joy~ce Vir- and Mrs. A. Sharp and Mns. Irwinr. Ntonls.'ioess Lyo, iieso h aetp~H Eattue e a splendid fin ancial H. Gregg. Mr. and- Mrs. E. R, Taylor, t'aches Political Scienice a!-eePle te andan re report for, 1972. After expres-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lamre Lamb were supper guests at Mr. Carleton University, Otw.card rince 1945: as a ý- sing appreciation Vo oaur hos-1er Sunday dinner guests of and Mrs. -Gerald Kelly's, Ha stated that Canadairit1 wý,orldl citizen as second tý4 -con tesi, B arbara gave a specil'M.anMs, iloStntnBaksck probably the mos! in- na'in pend thank-you nto officers, lenders Mfiss Betty WrIght elPcn M.and Ms. Vrnn enrytoa aini h otm neeiee o aaa! Cet In inniier eommrittee fori couple afday with Missi Mar- Rexdale, were Sunday vj,îîr-s oa nd un- 5loa ed~I ri~-their &cdicatcd servi-ce during guerite WihOhwalsc1 at Mr. A. Sharp's. odJ1-ibl-ce uild- the -Pa ra, also a note rf visited her grandfather, Mr., Mr, and Mci. E. R, Taylor (sto eoe eial n thiankjs andc John and Jessile N. E. Wright at Hîlsdale! were hast Monday .supper oe eabe fo-Cnd Siemon for great service over Manor. guestg of Mr. and Mc, .Gar- mhn or mat pleapý ales -j ,AND the years, so willingly done, Ducing the holiday seasa don MeLean, )3awmanville., hway being recelving centre for Mr. andi Mrs. E. R. Tyl r M. and Mrs. E, R. Taylor MP1eritd ittýti ,eek,, baklng for dinners, clothih'g, xvere supper guests of Mr. accompanied Mr, and MrF. oftIetl dofrsn eo~ and collection, etc. and MrTs. Douig Taylor, Baw- Lloyd iSIreman, S3usan anMM 1Cie tegraýticn wlt m, N ble. Th ot ru evdamanville, Fred',,Haydon, whoa ail wac UtedStates, thece Ir ea15 AND bountiful luIneh' wll mm- Mr. and Mns. Bruce Mot- dnner guests of Ms ar yDaeBret dsenbeaclua ea~ R E, bers af the U.C.W. xere eleet-, gomecy, Hampton, were ce- Johns and Mrs. Helen White, if.ei aaa nra& Good cd Vo fil vacant offices, as Cent guest-s Of Mr- and MmIr. Hampton. I3ack to the ald gcind with suiprnot for Caia rt anAý ,way. follows: Co-Presidentýs, Ruth'E. R. Taylor.. A hearty welcome hisex- lots af work on the sideWe netarenbo, usc -7328 MGill and Shirley Pollard; Mr. and Mrs. James Dick- tended ta Mr. and Mrs. Gor- entered the halwed halle fý ilmos, hsdm.taigtr leters liMoner Committee, A nn ie soni and famiiy, Beaverton,,don who have purchased the of Clarke again on Jan, 3rd, hncrecse vitAl!t- In oaur cukl I Wright, buying and advlsorîr Mr, and Mrs. Norman Howe former residcnce of Berice17 aira eyrersin up, ni 3- cnvno, ooin dnnrsfor nd fail, hiby wread JeLkead retChristmas holiday. -On aur By etuiste.v1vtrn - oin dnersMfor andfaîy , hitbyof er an oe a e, db Mandaî e-firs! day hack the' gymnasticsIntiwa-ld ,ffair-s pnide WIn 41lý committee, Joyce Vinte a udygetîa c n vctedbyMc ndMrs.çb h,1d their annual meet- Cnda eiaei eea rie Sharp, Shirley Stainton M$, R. Ho-we'. ____ Murray IMarEvsyoall.'md r ady i a s po'e aut and Elleen McLaughlin. The ta wark aut an the equipmcent us as aCAnadsan au3idvýrcej Sgroup leaders 'are responsible ae then have to go ta Toronto for that was set up in the gym. te u aalyfrlt~ f or programming aond phoning a pproval. It is the policy of O Fray Ja.5h the aitioalm ur gceateM1È fr for food. Elsie Beckett and QensPr al!teapi Clarke Senior Baktaikyt appy, dsictive$ May McGill will fi vacan- R cations for eppointment sil! for team werE heck on the courts nineîîsm 1focCnaa cie asgrup eadrs Bar r l~ 30 days while they investigate. pîaving Paýrt Perry., Despite bara -Hawe was appointed toaf eens Pa r find hepo- a lot of support from Vhs'FN ULT represent the U.C.W. on the <EROM P'AGE ONE) eite hyrje h p studeots and a lot 0f hard MNMNT N nville Manie committee. hieintost onî pointments and the Commit- work on the part of the piýay-NMNT N terrsgain oCueltees' work wauld be Vurned ers, we hast. Mycarao AKR 3111 The executive are te mec! following a mushrooming se- avec ta the Clarke Township fo hirdfa weathe Port fA o KE R~dit~U Jan. 24th at 1:30 p.m. a!t th-e quence of events which began Lenc! Committeeafr Peir b a a ayer ort4Z,,..o roomn home of Barbara Ho*e. with an editaîjal in the New- In theinteaiaail te Com-6' 1V" 900c. Pes brn nclothes foc castie Repocter on, Jan. 2nd. mItte e riof aitme's bus i- lane,'.ae)~STFOU 90.hostel by end of Jenuacy. A ýThe editoniai charged that rnies uchas djuàvmn cc' s s- (3jnehl v oom. motion-was made toaedd 10% the outgoing 1972 Cauncil has ndappeais to zoing b y-laws Barn. inccease to aur allocation for saddled the newly elected wouîd stidie. Aircpady the(nre OU Very the years 1972 and 73, with- Council with the Committee oflr eea icsa uies~u~me drawing a previaous motton Adjustment appointment which which are waitinig ta be ! bc-made a! December meeting. were made at the lait meetingtcd. lot. The Sunday morning church of the old Council on Dec, lSth, W,,dyard DefendsCmmte i Prie- service provided a imessage 1972. 1 Woodyard edded, in defense. ' loeded with good'advicc and The editorial said, "This i of the Commirittee, that he liasLStforor bc-guidance, as aur minuster c- wrong. No Council on its way neyer hadâyn ntcz 011 ferred Vo the good example out of office has the right ta their decisians. irage. seh b Paul when he imploceÏ,d impose its eppoinfmentsan the Regerding Mr. Lavekin's ai JlTIL ITNGSRIEL IMI TE D 3,500, te Philippians Vo "forget incoming Council." Howcver leged conillict Of interest, Reeve eiE tae B adBol 13, binA, Vlings which a re he- the editorili did noV make Woodyard pointed, aut that O hwý~i&Dsa t .-Wib. th4h ,aoc! reach forth unto dean thet only anc persan, Mn. Lovekin iii noV a fuli-time sel- a SL EsLlb Oil those thingi which are bc- Osborne, was a ncw appoint- aried employee of, the To-- Phone Wbitby 633 Barn. fore." Rcv. Hopkins statedi ment. The other two members ship and that he chocs not recf- ~ ' ~ ' land. that ýwe must noV traverse are serving out the remainderArive retainers for bis serviceýs. back and forth ovec the seme of their three yeer termi. lie mccciv sets as the Towr- bed- terrain but we should le-avo At the finit meeting of the ship's sp1iciVor whcn Council Weil fonward with light baggage uty-Reeve Cur! Entwistle mav- hres..i~, p&a e 3 Wy în greater service. Referenice ed' that Council scek legel Waodyand hed spoken ta Brick Vo a pensonel expecience by Opinions concerning these aP- representative of the Depant- yen- armnster In his eeriy days pointments as set Ou!tihl 13Y- eta MncplAfantb road. afwrîgi efudadlw1-43 passed by the pre- assured hlm that aithoîugh ofw aconreteeepl fiu ouncil. liw17 t wes alsa there couid conceivebly be unnccesîery luggagc. lni suggested that E. R. Lavekin some &"egrcy acs", in thne S OF bad depletcd the attendenc ha a conflie! of interes! by opinion of the Depentmenit, V New- in the choir end congregation. ser'ving on the Committee f "hr obn rn"wt crc. The Messengers had theýic Adjustmcnt because he asa Mc. Lovckîn's situation. edy monthly meeting in the S. S. sets, on occasion, as the TO'n-1 Reeve Entwistlc was suspie- SWIFT PEM-IUM or niSWIFýT LAZY MAPLE nable roomn during the church sec- ship's solicitor. liaus thet the "gney areas" of vice. A letter was sent ta the o v e r 1 e p ping responsibilities Nive The S.S. session had its Newcastle Reporter this weck, would leed Vo trouble in th'- COfl- abpeningwrofîp n thDrap- f heComite, oitig utoveappingis ImpossibletAAT!A ONl whose subjeet xas 4'Commu,1n- thet, according ,to provincial avoid iin an area like Ciark LEAIN-METEON MC , ict. "sttutes, a rotatiug system of Towxnship. The pannig bard, - 269 Two previaus Suniday s had appointments hs used whercby for exemplle, technically basa ONLES MAq ;-69iuteresting famlly teairr in only, onc ncw member h eap- ~sîlar grey ares of confiet -7597 -the poipit In the openîng pointed Vo Committee of Ad- beceuse hey owu pcoperty in -5155 leadership, viz: Mr. and Mci. justment fre hrec yearlVhe same township Vhey paROAST 1 Brasig M ,b -2256 E. Taylor and Mci. KeîibMe- terma. The letter edded that 'for. No anc considens this i! -04GîlI with ber Vwo sans, Dale "the province obviously adop-luation a conflict of intercî,,t EU -3742 and! Brian. ted Vh-s systcm in order ta either, said Woodyerd, 716 j Please, treesurens of churéh give the Committees indepen-1 New By-law PasÉse -2669 orgenizations bave your an- dence. as under hs system no The Council sdjournced short, -2804 naul records auditcd as soon anc Council could "Peck" the ly after 11-00 p.m. Va discusiS WITPREMITUM FAlIy Cooked StoLe Slce 3-1 as possible Committee with its awn fev- the situation -in camera, and,I r- - Sevenal ladies atterfded theorites." when they retucncd,th f meeting in Whitby. the comment, "your (editonial) ing the Casnmittce's résigna- W N ER H MI3 b : S Mr. sud Mmi. J. Siemon, comments . . . have created ian. Rýeeve Waodvard intra- Mc. R. Omistonthat the Committcc of Adjuit- the previaus by-law whicb, as-- I EAE*ED EN a~~ ment have ail tendcred their Councillor Chenlie Reid poinit- iOTRON.iTBJ El I I IIr. esignations." cd ou!, was vaguely and im-ONAI 1TBL u ~ j f Jjf Council Debates Resignations prapenlywrte, cas it fâ w llîv ld I their letter of resignation implied that- ail tbrec cm to Council, dated Jau. lOVh, the bers of the Committee aidPbac!OÏeS 9 Pi Comnmittce stated "certain un- been re-appointed. ,l i'u ll ll e faunded and ill-canceivedai The new yl- seiMïI, P'~5 ~ IIV IJ* legations bave cither been recommeids the a1ppointmrcnit made or acquîesccd Vo by uit- of E. F. Rus.5eîl Osho)ire Vo utFRESUE i CRIS 1ESf RSp *~* ~ 5ting members of Clarke Town- for a Vhree ye-ar term a n th e Drus tu las inounheL"debate ,oncern- SatsmuBreaks Nei C lryfeat LETTUCE ing the Issue tteTpdy ta Osborne ~tnni- jan.16th Council meeting, Mr. Osborne wes contsctd dan *jReeve Woadyard talc! Cauncil' Wednesday morning [,y thle u h :ou IC keter situation" before themn. the Council's decision thý pn--7 e c tre- "I don'! Vink you realize viaus night, Askcd F he wouldU -P IESECA ý1 Sdif.- ~'i how seriaus-,1! is," be addcd. accept the sppoÎDciin t,M.CU RCESE AL ! ta1ly PI e vacar 11e suggested hs! if the Osborne seid he wauild eVta»- eases H L CCommittce's resiguetian was gether with the ather m- FLO Y WERDALE SUNBURY P' kg. olui100 Bagt-ý accptd threwil oVbebera Aeromitecbeor

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