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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 3

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Two "Five Genecrations " i nOn e Family BRIDAL SSALON V Coen uandf lat u3 rn-ake youn dreamsaa \ ~~gown that matches i-oui- fondest wish foi- a beautiful wedding day. Vie would take pleasure Yýeý-4 Iu ahowîng i-ou oui- new sprng collection cf v bridai gowns rasging lu petites fi-cm 5 te 13 aud jregulars 8 te 20. -jMai- we sai appàointmant Telel îggest an ephono 725-1912 BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR i72SIMCOE ST. N. i 1 OSHAWA, ONT. OPEN WEDNIESDAYSI 'TIL6PF.M. OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. I KnowYour Nh BILL WESSEL1 Bihlla sprobabli- wo have, os the fore though the business m results, as today bis whea ho startod with Bora in Holland, came te Canada sud farmod for 8 i-cars.1 prairies ho moved te in the -BowmanviIli Ho workod for P.i Raiston before joining 1969. Bill uow serves S on a route that take Hampton, Enniakillen, tleton, Tyrone sud ho: Bill married bisg with their three boyî Bill is a memberc Chai-ch, sud spends i gardening. PHONE 623-5444, FOR HOME' King St, W I-NESTLETON % 4The Can2adIan 9tatesnman, Boivmanville, Jah. -17, 197V - Mn. and Mrs. Howard Jack- would bo Friday, Mai-ch 2nd,H.MLghnasstg h son, Mount Hoi-eb, vsîted' 197,3 at 9 p.m. inth Pesy-hssa nd the vote c itb MMs.R. W Jackson snd 1terian Church In Nestlaton. tanks extended by Mrs. G 1Alan, Caesarea, for Wednas-1 The i-cil caîl using the word He.aslip, day ovening dînner. "Woýrld" in a Bible versewu Mîd-week guesta with 'mrembweeds, I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 .n r lne Mi nwrd tan m ho r,1Visit the. Wlasand the hi-mn ,Work for were Mn. and Mns. Chifton nîgbt is Coming" was aung, Moore, Oshawa. followed by the Mizpah bene- Ôt e diction. Syl Mr. and Mrs, Normian Saum- Te ga icue elle vere Vennesdlay eveningi1 Thadiog Y o i nued Ofe- 'l hr~ visiton wîth Mn. and Mrs.L. 1 ring Enveope" hy Mnfr-ôh p lIamatra, R.R. 1, Blackstock. 1 McTaugh-iîn. and "Mi- New Mr. and Mn . Ernest Fi-car, Yaîrý's Prayen" hi- Mrs G. SpeciaU-zing In: Onîllia, -%vaie Thunadai- even- HTeasîio0 An article from the 1 perms - colojra- lng drnner, and overnight Gla d -T'dngs regai-ding thel1 Clairol Wigs gucats of -Mr,. and Mrs. Grant ravision cf, the Book cf1 Lateat Cutting Techniques Thompson. They as calledlPrase tellîng us to "Cori-oprti on their son and wfe, Mr,. and1 us siog of a Wonderful Love" PHONE 623-5455 Mrs. Bob Fi-cen abd famiiyý and use thase hymns, new 37 King St, W. The Thom-osons visited Sun- and old, in the chui-ch. Bowmnanvî1le day Sftei-noon with Mr. and' Lunch '.usserved hi- Mrs. _____________ Mrs, Naîl Bailcy, HIoward and ý Tara, Blackstock, and xerel evaniog dinner guesta for a beiated New Year's celebra-ý tien. Cy leaners 'Chvkuc4/t Mn. and Mns, John B3uchan,l Carolyn and Douglas, Lînd-! say, wene Sundav visitons! is Honor (sternly): l'Weil, wýhat's your alibi foIpeed wth han mother, Mrs. Ivan iiig sixty miles an bour tlîrough the reaidenial setion?" - The annual Congregationali Meek Defendant: 111 had heard, your honor, thatte meeting of the Nestictn , ladies of my wife's church group wore holding a runimage r Presbyterian Church -wîll hal sale, and 1 was hurrying home to save mi- othor pair of patsY .,ý Thunsday, Januany l38th. In the United Church, Sun- day merning, ee-n îtr1 CLOTHES CARE HINT: Pansons chose "When You flirt and grime have a cutting action on- fabria, Brush gar.-- Pi-ai-" for th*e theme cf biS nmonts frequontli- and remember drycleanlng removsduait, message, readîng John, cbap- ter 17. On Sunday, Jan, 21st, dirt and grime. Sacrament cf the Loi-d's Sun- par will he commremoi-ated 'in ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION DANCE hoth the Prashytenian ard United Chunches and thera iJan. 2th - Joeyý Vann Quartet will aiseo be Confirmation services. The annual Congre- gational maatng in the Unit- ed Chui-ch wil ha eSundai- B -W MANVILLE Preshyterian Ladies' Aid The regular monthly mee-t- inEn cf the Ladies' Aid wias hald at the boeeof Miss Ruth Proutt on Wednasday, Jan, lOth, 1973, ut 7:30 p.m. The weicome tomembers '~To iv-e-generati ons in one family are very i-are Petler Gatcheliwith ee ,Wanda .Mc Keen on her gi-cnt- iMrs. 1-1, Lce as i enhi-inn indeed. In the above photos, great- gre at-grand mothrget- nmther s kce. in the other photo, ai-e Ms. "Comae Let Us Sing cf a Wo- Mrs. M. Rowa;, proudly holds her two gi-et-giest a uhs alH1ighes, and Mrs. Peter Gatcheil, denful Lova" xvas sung, f'oi- I hel by er geat-reat lowad by the Loi-d'%Pi-ai-ar. gnanddaughters. The lef t photo sowfrorn the lef t, with littie Charlotte beJng hl ybr'ra-ra- The davotionai thame wa.s' Mrs. Norman MoKeen, Mrs. Allan MocKeen and Mrs. gramdm-other'. fom Phiippians 4: verser 3, sndf 9, explanation and praycrl In the Secon-d World War he fi-oni Thasa Daya. and served in the Pnincesa Louise takan by Miss Ruth' Prcutt. T Y R O N ferred to thie Medical Corps, meeting were adopted as -cadi Tha Tyrona United Church sncf Social Assistance, Mrs. P. Hai-mer and Staphenr retuns1- lIn,19-30 homiai-i-ed Elsie' y hitle sacretani-, and the fis- Wýomaen mat in the C.E. Wing Vaneyk, read bv Mrs. Henni- cd home after ,,Pending a ,.Chase, who survives hîm. Ha ancial report fer the-car oni Wednsdsy evaenîng, Jan. Stainton; Christian Educa- waek with Mr .and YMra Jobs lis aise, survived hi- one daugh- 1972 givan, The bocks hadî 1lOth. Mr.,. Rai- Davai-pnesid- tion, Mrs. R. Lambert repent- Hoar, Langiai-, B.C. - ter, Mrs. Willîs Sayesu (Mai-- bacc audited andf found coi-- ad0. Yaanre-7 (portsý were givan cd on Vacation Bible Schooi; Tynone Communiti- HaIll ion), Hampton; two sons, rect, and this report wouldi as follow s: Treasunen Mrs. A. Uppen Roem for shut-ina hi- stai-ted the, 1973 Euchre wlvith Howard cf Hampton and Carl ho includad is the annual ne- 'Knowlton naportad a succesa- Mrs. E. Wood; Social Func- 12 tables of cardaïý, p1ayers cf anGerdinal. Two sos Gs-aimpotsn le for e onrthenai fui i-car finianciali-; Mns. Rai- tiens hi-Mrs. Gondyn Brnrt; ceming from RagIlla ,,ot Mr. Georige, dipevali-.s meeting lanad forThurs Davai- reperted os oui- fosten Cataning, Mns. J. Woodley; Penny, -Zion, Bomnii4M-1,arntnl losr aJnai 8h child in Brazil; Corrasponding Program, Mna. P. Vaneyk, Newcastle, OQi-o, OshIa nla ndvîve d hi- ix g andcine-n, Corrngeespnace was raad Sec, Mns. J. Rundie;- Suppli- read hi- Mns. Tom Pleasanco. Maple Groe, We stanted ~Agi u hlo ~arn-icuigsvnl"bn -u The convnrcfteNmi- With hain apiie for the ton andf Steven, Brian, Michael letters for Cbristmnaas rnm LONGSÀUL nstn ComtaMsrD snwooftathsehe m nsd Carl Sayesu. hi-acces. The committee in Sotbwell pnaseted the saeloaD ad.eei-fuiPeo Ho la survîved also hi- foui- charge of gifts teshut-ins> f offican s foi 197:tPhe s Thwne sfr a. sisstera, Mrs. Roland Mutard secrieari- for the Christmas ofi-.fSncf Mis.rC.9P3nwardacisThe wei Jîm Latimr, gan, h(Lydia), Misa Ernili- Rairing- carda sert out, and aise the Mar.aStndai- . ev wddenn ge t , -, Sci-tari-. Mrs Pc oi rrui;Ms. Donald Dier committea fortecarpet, cf Mns SophidayKvaca.gust Vaneyk; Treasuren, Mrs. D. Beasice Morgan, Qi-ena, Clar- (Gladys), Kingston; Mna. Eim- were thanked for carring Mn.andMr. Wlli DMileSouthweli; Coir. Sec, Mrs as Woodrey, Bertha White, an Tri-en (Graco, Brîfad u hi ui Toiene;Mn snf rs JbsJohn Rundia; Suppli- and Se. ioeLui oaiQh Another, sister Mra. Louise If was pianned to gathar Vaneyk, Týynene, were Satunr- ciai Assistance. Mrs. 'Palsa Wnîfe Carnoo, Nugent, died peoul. ed lused ciýothing. sud, use- dayevnig istea it M-.Vaaik;Communiti- Fiend- in icheTopo , a-Thi-e brotheras, unvive, Geo- fi ousahldarticles for, anî r.WVny .shipr, Mrs. W. Rshm M r a.R ieGv. wnth 9-0igo of Delta, Fred asti*Arthun balje te he s- ýent to Evanjg-l Mi-. and Ms, F. Q. Smith, Hils; Chiistian Ediucation, oYw f Canleton Place. Hall, Toi-ente. AIl donations Bowmranvilleasncf Mr. and 1Mrs. Mrs. R. Lambert, Literature i\r, sent Mr. inel Byartn4, fIroquol eiooimbr f help withthis haie la-e J.. C. Cook wai-e Sundai- sup- sncf Communications, Mrs. E. wn eetdne use0 held asoi-vice iu Mr.lIai-ring- have articles i-cadi- foi- Tues- paraust~cfthe Smiths. Wood, Mrs. T. Pleasance; Se-M.snf rsCci Wod ton's memnori- Jan. 6i. day, Januani- 3th. Mi- and Mns. Bruce Yeo, cal Functiens, Mrs. A. K'-owl- .Qsswa. Mile The funeral srvice- was at The yeanly alaction of offi- Orene, wana Saturdai- oves- ton, Mns. G. Brant, Mns. J. Ms ebi ile aesti . E. Fitzaimmens Fuserai cens resultad in flic foliow- ing guasta cf Mr. and Mrs. Chîfton; Catering Cornrittee, spentf a wcekend t ir m-HmIeuiSna- a.îg st'rsdnMs . Sidney Cornish ancf girls. Mrs. J. Wocdlay, Mrs. ',wo1t "cel fmt-ujc-17 at 2:00 p.m., conducted hi- Lac; Presidant, Mi-s. H. is- Mn. and Mrs. Peter Encage- Dri-adale; Buying Committee, to nfctîe e etf-Re V.Willis Mac fCria o;ltVr ia.M-G vassnf un sentth wek Ms.G, Aildread, 'Mns. A. sefrtcigJuork- Froc Mthodiat Church sud Heaslil; 2nd Vice Pi-as., Mers. end with Peter'aistanr in To- Richards: Raprasentative te ing. ReT. J. Riddall cf Prcscott N. Johnstone: S eci-eta ni-j-, rente. Officiai Board, Mrs. A. Roar;ý Oc Jun, l2th thereý7 were Il churcbý a close friend cf the Treasuner. Misa Ruth.,,Pnoutt; Miss Grace Smith speut Auditers, Mrs. M. Ye, Mrs,. R tables-,cf carda, wlth the farnîli.' Plansat, Mrs. G. Thomp3,cu; 000 000 000 000 eoo oobOSOO Glaspaîl;' Nomninating ,Cern- pie going toe John Booem. The interment was at Rose- Taiephoce Committee, Mrs Sj Tueadai- aftercoeu with Mrs. mittoo, Mns. W. Roi-, Mns. T .fi-at; Richard Marns, Port îawn Memerial Gai-dans, Mait- Meceiy: Assistant, Mna. L.1ý Edith Murphy at the home cfWoecfey, MnsD. Seuth* ,vadOt.Pll; Pari- hw;Prs Sc.,Ms.A Mr. sud Mrs. Aoi- M\IcLsugblin. asomta eieat-thîn , scond:iMn.L. ym ad On alhaer ar PorP-cstc',Mr.R Mansecf; Carl GimhlatttPort ohn Ruggard, Josepb Critias, Davison: lHcspital Representa-1ý, Blackstock. Evenyona will tvMs R i Pari-y, fountb. Lcw corrs,'Roy obnson, Ervîn MacMil- tive, Miss R. Proutt; Aitaýr-1 be plesedink- if-w tat The business includcd: A Ai-chieTh son, Mpl uJochn Lewis and Thomas nata, Mnýs. R. Daviacu. iandins Mrpy s eeing notice of Pi-escyteri- Execu- G-e; rdPaticQ i-on.Lewis. We wei-a advised the Wo- asde Jan.king mucWestmttsrerThe luchi- chair wus won b hi- oldDyo 'ryr 1\Mn. sncf 'MrsGennLewis tv a. Shu Wsmntr Ms.Launie Hoakin, Oshawa,n-n'WodDa cfPaio andfaili, harotLake, U.C.; St. Patricha Tes Wcd- ancf the 50-50 hi- Mrs. Mai-. made aurpi a isit te Mi-. nesdai-, Mai-ch 1.4; onderng ofcreVnOaaa snc Ma.Maili Cria- udLenten Carda; Mrs. G. Brent ji-. ud nce sh. -hitu-ua dieý?s famii oa the xxckurnd qn appointad te look loto pur- havapurcbased a home on Suda-Mr. sndf Mna. Billchasing s piano for CE -cen;lsav suewil h oi ng l ville, vîsîted with the Car- Jas, 27th; World's Day of,1er nth er uue * ley's.Prayer iylarcIi 2nct Mrs. Ray Davey conducted 1IU RE Rent a Car for the installation of officers for OBT AiL 1973. The mecitation period A DA ORWEEEND was conducted by Mrs. G. Ail- ALVA EDWARD BURLET Akfor Rae . dread and Mrs. E ý.Wood. Miss COUR TVDiane Lambert, guest speak- A rerently retired mechanic CHRSLR-ODG, told of lier Mediterranean and foreman at McCallupi tour and showed memnentô, Transport for 25 years, Allva 723.25;16 snapshots taken on her trip Edward Burley died ut t4e - ~Meeting closed with prayer Oshawa General- Hospital on and lunch hy the group, . ~Snday, January 14. E. WodMrsG. lldradHe was a resident of Osha- Mrs, L. Smith. wa for the -paat 50 yearsand Mn- and Mrs. Clifford Cook, resided at 190 Nonciuon Rd. 7mk Mn. Bunlev, who was in bis Georgetown, spent the wPee- yawatesn0h end ithMr. ud rs, .C.late Hettie and Emerson BR-ý iiCook, ley HIe was'born in Bloomn- Mn. and Mn-. H. Wonnacott, fieid on Auigust 11, 1902. Toronto, spent a weekend HIe was the huaband ol the- with -Mn. and MVras. F. A. Vin- late Ona May Burley and la S tue. survived by bis second wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bige- Rose. low, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur HIe la survived by three the Most coniscîentilpllma Richards visîted Mrs. - Mary sons, Kenneth, Keith and .ce, serving each aceounW a Findlay, Unionville, on Mon- Douglas, and thnee daughters, vas his own. This bas h roughit day. Mrs. Steve (Gladys) Rice,,Mrs. sales are about double that. Club 49 quilted a crib quilt George (Helen) Lowe and Mrs. à Glen Rate. this week. Geno (Betty) Gatto, al of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Oshawa: also survivedi by, a Bill farîned until 1954. He~ Mr aind Mrs G, Knowlton sisten, Misa Gladys Burley of 1went to Aberta whcre hie and girls were Satunday e'.- Osbawa. Tred of the cold and blcak ening gucats of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Burley served overseas th aaabladstld S. Goble, wît thelcOrnrance Corps from ditebsaaitcat.cte Mn. and Mrs. A. Youngr-an 1940-45 and was a member disrit.and Betty wene Saturday vial- of the Royal Canadian Legion tors of Mr-, and Mrs AlLan and Kingsvicw United Church, 'Me Ridge School, and Farina Youtinan, Toronto,. Funcral service was con- tg the Glen Rae staff lu Oct. Mr. and Mns. A. Youngman. ducted by Rev. L. W. Herbent tores, restaurants and schools Roy and Betty, Miss Doneen in the chapel at Mel'ntosh- es hlm to Town Lino, Zion, Goswell, Bowmanvlle, were Anderson Funenal Home on iBurketon, Blackstock, Nes- Sunday visitors of Mr. and Tucsday at 1:30 p.m., Inter- (Me. ment waa in Mount Lawn Mr.Don Thompson, Courtice. Cemnetery. Mn. and Mns, Jim Woodley___ good wifc Alite, in 1961, Whlo, and family visited lier par- 's, live at 10 IlibertY St, N. ents, Mr. and Mns. R, D. ED)GAR ALFRED of the Chnistian Rofonmod lIodgkinson, Aurora, on Sun- URIGO bis spare tUme reading and day. ARIGO Mr. and Mrs. Mac Short, A patient at the Brockvîlli LIakefield, spent the week- General Hospital for the ps end with Mr. and Mra J. 10, yeara,, Edgar Alfred Hair-1 flnwaî, and boys. Mr. a-ndl rmgton passeci away thci-e on! DELIVERY Mrs. Earle Bell,,ai-d faily, Thursday, Jan. 4th, 1973, iu bis, Oshawa, were Saturday sup- 74th year. per guests of the Rowans, and Son of the late George Mn. und- Mrs. Bruce Milis and Harrington and Lydia Drow, hie famlly, Enniakillen, w e i-e was horn April 26, 1899 in rY Sunday callers of the Rowans. Lond on, England, conmng -to a iMrs. , . Stephens, Toronto, Canada. at the age of sevený and son Douglas werc Sunday He spent moast of blis early ilfo oust f Mnr and Mrs. R. lu the Elgin a--rest, mov-ingtoî Gibbs. , Ioquois 42 -yoars ugo, as ýa BowanvîîeMr-. snd M-s, J. Gibbs vlst- lockman and farmeiýr. ed Mra. Clans Gibbs at Gol- Ho soi-yod in the Fir- World den 'Plough L.odge, Cobourg, Wsr ln the 136th1 Battalcionl Ivrs. A. J. Hvar, Mrs. John France,, Hllfand and GerMany, Januani- Sth Higyh -ingle, Bileen Moore 3 76 high triple,, Eîleen Moore 869; hidgh average, 0111e Pst- fieldI 235. Over 7100 Triple Riloon Moore 869, Donna Bradlli- 744, Thaîrna Foi-ies- toi- 729. Averagos over 200 (48 gamea) 0111e Patfîold 235, Donna' Bradley 229, Sharlene Cai;n 2.14, Eileen, Moore 209, Marilyn Colo 208, Helen Decew 207,1 Bai-h. Qsborne 207--4à, Shii-ley Davis 204, Dot. Brooks -204, Helen Rogers 204-45, Judy Brasgg 201, Thelma Foi-iester 201, Joyce Lyle 201, Qule Etcher 201-42. Team Standing Pins Pis. ,J. Major ,--- 46897 35 T. Foi-i-ster 45505 321 Q. Patfieid 45458 30i D, Brooks 45787 29 i D. Bradle; - 43959 24Î T. Wiseman___ 44700 22 B. Oshorne 44190 21 S. Davis 43534 21 J. Bragg 44765 '20 H. Depew - 42782 19 E. Moore 43555 18 H. Rogers- 43806 17j Gaines Over 220 i Eilecn- Mcoi- e 376-2C67-226, 1 Theirna Foraster 288-259 Sharlene Cain 271, Eva White- head 262, Judy Bragg 262 jean Rai-nasa 260, Donnaý Bradley- 259-249-236, Heleni Rogers 253, Judy MeMulian' 2,90, Qîlie Patfîald 249, Shir-1 loi- Davis 242, MiyCewaci 239, Donean Park 2,31, Murieli Tannant 230, BIll Bfallantiuae 228, Lily Edmondson 227,, Muriel bRoi-c-cf225-221, Mari- hi-n Colo 223-221, Joyce Lyleý 22,Marion Wiseman 221', Breuda Wilkins 2291. Wimiers of lat Schoduloý 'Joyce Major 35 uts.. Qîliei Patfîeld, bîgh average, 235;1 Erlcen. M-oore-hîbgh aingle 376 aud high triple, 869. Congrat- ulatiýons te ail. GET CASIR, TO9DAY, FOR OLU APPfLIANCES THReOUGH S T ATE SM'"lA N C L A S S 1F EDS PRONE 623-3303 ý CLEANERS 'LTD. lcloT4s, 84 KING Sr.W.2352 "We Specialize In Shirt Lamldejiringt Loo k --at Ibis k 1969 FORD LTD (OUNTRY" SQUIRE Station Wagonl BRIGHT RED WITH DISTINCTIVE WOODGRAIN S1DING.-ALL POWER, COMPLETELY CERTIFIED. LIKE NEW, LIC. 39040X. W/AS $2195. No ou"$6 950 199FORDM FAIRLANE 500 2"D r. Fa stback DIEEP MAROON WIT-H BLACK INTERIOR. V-8, AUTOMATIC, POWERF EQUIPMENT, 38,A00 MILES. LIC. 280499 WAS $195. NOW BUY IT FOR $1-4-9ý5,,0 0 "19 King St. E. 623-4481 6lwmanviiie "Where Friendly People -Meet" DURHAM COLLEGE Durham College îs presenting a series of monthly lectures featuring leaders from varous avenues of Canadian Life. Topics include Religion, Minority Problems, Canadian Wiig Foreign Affair, Women's Affairs, Law, Business and Politics. The fourth lecture W seshedule.-,d fer Frîclay, January 1,,at 8 p.m. in the Coîlege Lecture Thea.-tre-.Ad isson s$1.00 10 bepaA id 145 door. SUBJECTý SPEAKER- "'LAW, IN A CIIANGING SOCIETY" DR. ALLAN LEAL, CHAIRMAN 0F THE ONTARIO LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Dr. Leal is a leadîng figure in Ontario Law Reform, and a popular public speaker. As a former Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, hie is in a unique position to discuss the relevance of Canadian Law in today's Society. i

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