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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 4

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The Lbeagverrment in Ottawa hsnov. survived for over a week and, much te the dliqrma.y of the zealeus' Proresive- Conservative opposition, doesn't aper te f be in any immediate da3nger Of flig Theiî_r strategy iappearte tbe keep- ing G-ithevew Demen(crat1s on their sidle of the fence wît-h leader David Lewis, a bitpepu these days, enjeying te the fuihi-, new foundr prominence as the king--maýker or kingý-breaker. Nevr hiave he and hi-s party played such a reTe in histry ad neyer -have they taken ise much abuse for the part they are paig The Speechi frorn the Throne' was ex-ýpertly d 1ine0t provide broad and eto tee wel deffined cernfort for every- crie whe d uring the election was dis- gruntlerd over many ef the pelicies cf tlhe goveriment ýor its leadership. The P ri me Minister is cernritted, te his new rele as the humbled lead in a play, sw_1tqbing without rnuch apparent ef- fort and, se) far, is treating the House en alide with much less disdain than form-erly. It's ail mest interesting te see the remaining miembers cf a once pow- erfuli, secure govrn iment bending ever backardste keep t'he1relves in power. You hav\e teO h'anld it to'themrn, they're' not gi iup witheut a real fight. At thle mncen, t hey are almest fellowing the creed eof the reformed alcoholie, lkngahlead only' a day at a tirne, thoin n smoke screens and red her- rings âtevr oppcrtuity te gain yet aneotherdas grace while they dream up so(rneth2ing niew vfer the merrow that will disýtract t1heir eppei1nnt from their main objective of throwving them eut. Tt, must b'or- acina;ngbut trying and tiring period in the !Ife cf both the 1-ri lasit week's Statesman, the bead- tng on the rýeport of Newcastle's couri- cil mee-ting fz eat'ured the fact that Mrs. Irvir (Jean) McCullougb, had agreed te ta on as cierk. Earlier, shehad ad- viedcunci that ahie wtshed te retire ai the end of 197', but chariged ber mind liecaus--e of the Regienial Goverriment ?ropesaiibat weuld be corning trio Faffect later Ii er Saturday nihtsetktîwbe retuirring from na hce gamne-ând was brought te hosptt4 bÎIiere wbere she dted duiring the nigbt. Her, funeral was held Fýrm the reports being reccivced, It eudaopeartee' goirig te be soe ~hI~estng radig duitgbecnexkt few morlithis from ibemeetings o e bcCeurty Board cf Edlucatton 'and the Clarke Towns-hip couicil, Ther e is, evcry îindication that ncw riîb rs o the. Board cf Educatien, especi-all bbCe three- from the Cebou.rg area, mm-d oaur ,ncwspaper colîcague frem Ne-wcastleÈ, are gcoing te dtg deep imb the administrative aiffairs cf the local educatieri system te find out wbait gees on.ý Alreadyv, at bbic inaugurali meeting, thney bave m ,ade their presence felt and there wil be more te felow witheut d,4oubt. The neiw members cf Clarke -ouiricil are aise stirrig things tîp about thez apeilen o ethe Cemmilîe eof Adjusment anibr is bas aiready resu.ll- cd tri1 ibeir rsgitos Wc'll dc Our uLmiost te kcep remd- A Clfonascienuisi bas predicled that by 1983 we wilbe abeo produce human bi emrig witb wbalcvcr physical or mentL abiit or pcnrsonality wc choosez,. The mehod tcalled "lnrg - ie atifcia prdudierof bumran beinga Genebic enginleering ,weuid make il, Possible te creale a piersoi with Hbbc L ~iris cf ari Eîtsbeiri, bChephysique ef a BbyOrr mdnbbcvoice cf a Marie Lrz.The am roesweuld elim- tîlbeai posstbility c f genettc defect andi discase. Normal procreation weuld beir bypa.sscd. * The ethicai anid social questions ta- vovdarecnerirmous, Sbcuild wc alow nomlparentbeed te be elipsed in fof "mari as 'bbc master cf bis ewn' desltny\" ias some bave put it? Ts mari ready on fit te ceitrol bis own dcsliny te uc a pne-çmtsirig degrce? government strategists- and thuse on the oppesing benches. Mr. Trudeau and his scherners knew full well that se, long as they can keep the NDP frem really being upset on a matter cf principle, they'll1 support them. Se, avoid anyth 1ng thât might distract these New Deme- crats, at ail cost. In the meantime, the Pregressive-Conservatives are burning the midnight cil trying te find a weak spot and exploit it. Fertunately, or unfertunateiy, such tension can pnly go on for a brief f ew months at mest. Seener or later, the gevernment will be jefeated on an im- portant measure and have te give up power er go te the country in anether election. We weuld think il; ceuld coe in June if the gevernmerit has its way and has made strides in lncreasing its pepularity by deinig ail the things i al parts of the ceuntry that a majerity of peeple wanted it te de. It will be costly for taxpayers gerierally fer these things te be dorie, but that will be a seceridary tbeught for'the geverrimerit, the main censideration at the moment is te pre- pare, by pump-priming, the ground fer the election . . . at any cest'. As spectaters'with a vested interest but net rnuch say until these ballets are counted, we will watch with iriterest the manipulations and maneeuverings of Parliament for the next few menths as the demeocratic precess evelves. Especially, we'll be watching our riew Memberof Parliarnent Alian Lawrence whe se, far appears te have run inte a bit of trouble over the rules, However, that will pass quickly as he becomnes acclýimatized and gets bis teeth irite the legisiation and fthe battie e Ltakeovêr the goverrimerit benches for themselves. yesterday. Mrs. McCuleugb, 55, will be soreiy missed in the areà bath by ber famiiy and the best cf frierds she bad acquired because cf ber friendly peýrsorailiiy, ber eagerness te be of service ard ber kriow- ledge. She ran the village's a-ýffaýirs with a kird but firm.bard, dealirig with the mest complex matiers ýwith despatch anid efficiercy. She'll be bard te replace. 1,Our sympathy -gees eut te ber bus- bard and the famtly cf five boys. New- castle jusi wer't be the same wilbout lier, crs up-to-date cri the delaîls, wbich 'sbould be mesti tcresliig ItI's edd ho1-w tbimgs go long fr a wbile quiLe smnoothly, unuil somebedy stans tr) probe int maltersanad cornes te bbc conclusion thal in ibeir opinion, cvcny- thirig isn't what il sbould be, Fotunate- ly, under cur systcm, if bhey are cor- vtnced that changea would make for improvement, they bave tbe epportun- iluy cf deing sornclbing about il mmd ti the proccss may gel cleclcd if lhcy cari cenvirice olbcn people te b)ack bhem. TbaI's whmt lhmppcried aI bbc lasi dec- tien and ncw we'li see beow Ibey make eut ti cenecîilthebbcsituiation. I's a gr eat systern thal reaes pub- lic interesl and manages te cusi gcvern-ý mens ai ail levels. Il also bnings new peeple ito public dfairs and keeps civil servants on tbeir-tees .,wbich isn't toc bad! The raisîig cf these questions car- net be delaycd. Teccbrolcgy appears le roll alorg ils course airnos urichcckcd and ils purpeses are not awys bbc best for mankird. WX Liesss cur prescriet pol- lution problemas and bbe possible bbreat cf nuclean wmr! Humari parcntbocd arc.ty ta sacred and ,nreplaccabie. Neocrie wouid dcny bbc geieticisl bbc noie cf prcventing birib defecîs sucb as blindriess, Down 's, Syndrome or grotesque deformittes but bo replace buman parcntbood with "batchenies" producing tccbnicliy-madc humans is b meve beyond human e- sertimlily. Wc e musl impr ess oun desires upen the scicnlist fer te de otherwiseste t assign him, by default, tbe vital decis- ions on clentrg, test-tube babies arid gene manipulation.i,11 Durhacm Count y's Greca Family journal Esiahlished 119 y."rrs aga in 1854 Alse Incorporating The Bowmanvjlle News TIi Newcastle Inde pendent The. Oromo News Second classe mail regfistration numnber 1561 Phono 623.3303 JOHN M. JAMES ErnTos.PsrsLxsnn, Produced every Wednesd«ay by T}HE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED ,52 -89 King St. W., Bowmianvilîe, Ontario GEO.- P. MORRIS PATRICKICGOULD E Buu1sINEaMaa AE AAE Phone 823-3303 DONALD BIS'HOPý 'Cryiqt ndazprpetyrights zsubsiq the i. ma go ppearinq en tus 5 pan. onisia t in -uc t hoie or in part rMd 'n any faim whatscever, paýrtîrulCtly by pbatoqicph , i tet1 proie. ta publcatin, muet b.,btained fro theb.pubiiebýer arnd tlb printeï. Any uotois îÉpraductian vili b, subieet to recours. in Iiawom $7M tO ayea - 6 months $4.00 $9.00 a Year inillte United States strictly in advance tnp lthughevery procaution -wxtI b. taken n<oavnid error Th, 1Canffdia(n tatesman acepe nderts. laisclumns en the ud sadiqthit it vill nat b. hable tor any erraii nyavrtsma puieeibereu1nder unies. a rcoal ai sueb advexjinentî i requlesed in writirn by <.avre andretrnd t Ti. pnian ttesman bu.in9SS office Cnu)7 Siqnd by the adive;tser nn wusu eraiornO~cta,~ iany nd nwring ieraand in tha nsi n ra antdl O earectd b Th Caa~in SaemaniFlsiolbjljty shall ait ece uh a particn i the enireiOs ai unbqderteeenîdsthespco ocacuritu by the naîed e ,,iBucrstet*,.whlg spaC' c oipied byFcbau etseht Clarke Twp. Committee Resigns Jariuary 101h, 1973 The Reeve In Council, Township cf Clarke,, Municipal Offices, ORONO, Ontario h bhas come te the attention cf tlb menibers cf the Cemmitlee cf Adjusi- ment and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Ccm nittee tbal certain unfounded and iii ccriceived 'allegaitens coricerri ing the Cemmillee cf AdI usîment have been eitbçr made or acquiesced ti by sitlirig members cf tbe Clarke Town- ship Council, While the Commiltee bave bestial- ed ti reacbing ibeir decision because theydid not wisb le give substance 1< unfeurided and unfair comment; the Cemmiliee and the Secretary-Treasurer are cf the unanîmous opineon ihal il is essenttal ibat perfect barrnony and com- plele mutual understarding shouic exisi belween the duly electedrepre. senliatives cf the peopie and tbe Com- mîltee cf Adjusîrnent, Wbile the Cemmiltee and indtvid-. mnembers of Couicil wii aimositri.- eviLably bave differerces cf opinionrint -spec.ific'cases;, acompiete lack cf good faith would lead te such difficuit work- ing conditions ihat the besititeresîs'ci the a wbole \Vouid net' be served. The Comilîc;"e membersard tbe Secetay-Teasrercfthe Commitlee cf Adjustment therefore, bereby tender their resignations a"rd respectfuily re- quest that these resigrattens be accepled forthwitb. Eric, Richard Lovekin- Chairmari Klaas Scboenmaker- Member Russell Osborne - Member Elipa Yeo- Secrelary Treasurer January 15, 1973. K. E. Lyle, Editor, Newcastle Reporter, Newcastle, Ontario. Dear Sir: Reference is, made, le your articles cf January 3rd and January 10th, 1973 regarding the Clarke Township Cern- mitiee cf Adjusimenl. May we peint eut the folicwing facts: 1. Only crie person a yea~r cernes up for re-appeintment'te amy Commit- tee cf Adjusîment ti Ontario. The Planning Act as. passed by the Goverri. ment cf Ontario sets up a retattig sys- tem with each member beirg appoinied for a three year term; and. Ihus crie member only cornes up for ne-appoint- ment or re-placemeril the finsl cf every year. The rule ts the same Province wide. Il could have been any member that came up for re-appoinimeril crithe first cf Jariuary 1973 and il just hap- pened te be Mn. Russell Osborne, the Junior Memben cf'ibe Cemmitlee. The cîher naimres were apparently mention- ed ti'the by-law simpiy te su;mmanize the expiry dates cf the vartous appoint- mens5. Tbe Province obviously adepled Ibis retaiirig syVsîemcof app oinîmenls ti erder le ivih,- ie CorltLeesome coniruiy rd le ensUe h Commit-: tee's reprdec s under his syýýslem ne creCounrcîl cculdpck hCm mlite w-tth iLs own ft avorites, ý3 2.,It s quite, dean as a malter cf Law that the local Municipal Couricil muisi make appoinîmenls tb the Cern- miltee cf Adjusîmeniti accordarice wtth Provincial Law, itriibs case, tbe law ta laid dcwniri bbPlanigd e (refen Section 41). I yeur Editontal you say. "as the new Couricil bas le ýwcrk with ils Cern- Smillees ilta c nly ntghl Ibal the new '- Couricil should have Ïbe task cf appoint- e ing Cermiiitee members. Wc car i i- y agire'semeene hollcning "polilica" and 1-1 the answer te Ihis ta "sure il's politics, whal cîse?*" T repeat for clarification the. legal 0aulhenily Ihat laya down the melhod e of appointment fer Commitlee cf Ad- Sjusîment Members is tbe Provincia~ sGeverriment aI Queeri's, Park. The cid -Townsbip Ceuricil or ary new Township jCeuncil or tbe old Cemmiîlee cof Adjusi- niment or lamy ncw Commiliee cf Adjust- ment bhave absolutely ne auibonily or capacity te doal wtth the rnethod of ap- pointing Commilîce Members, Tf your peint is a vaiid crie, ard we are not saying wlietben il is or il isrit, your 1argument is wilh Queens Park and the -wording bf bbcth Planning Ad md r ot fwith the 1locaïl Municipal Council or tbe Commillec cf Adjustmenl., 1Yeuir cemonîs, bowcver, bave cri.ealed suc h an uripleasant almesphere thýatthe Commilîce of Adjusîment have ail tendercd ibeir resigrialiens, tbus velunianily putliîïg tbc malter squarely itlethe harids c f Courcil. Yeurs very bruly, E. R. Lovekin, B.A., LL.B,, Chairmari 'K. Scbocrimaker, Memben E. F. R. Osborne, Member 'Wonted: Nobel'Peace Prize Candidates For the 191h lime since 1901, the annual Nobel Peace Pnize ita b be lef t un-awarded. The f ive mari Nobel Cem- milie cf the Norwcgtan Paritarnrt gave neofica reasor for ils decision te withbbld. the award, but il is gen- era Ily belicved thal the Cemmilîce was uriable te, fird a wenlby necipient. The pnize moey, approximatcly $100,000 will be kepbt itbc Nobel furd,' I the samie year, a mathemnatician bas decided that every mari, weman and cbiid in the wýonld ts wortb aI least the explosive force cf 15 tons cf TNT. Slockpîlcd weaponry intriheRussian and US. military forces divîded by tbe worid population resulîs ti thal 15 ton dividerd cf cach cf us. -Al cf w,,hicb shows oun uriforlunabe emphasis. Heslility seema more natural anid real tbari peace. Tf tbc effenî' s spcnt cri more ar-id belien wveap6ns werc ex- pended on more and beller allempîs te reconicile mcn and nations, pcrbaps cach cf uiscud disewri our 15'bon ibeoncli- cal shiare cf TINT tI favon cf "gccdwil loward m1l imaikind"'. Let us hope Ibat, ti 1! 73 ibie Nobel Cemrntttee will"be rible 'te finrd that marior wcrnanrthr1y cf the Peace Pnile Who wilbcip us resolve the cdîlemma. ERE'S SOME LAUGHS TO HELP YOUR 1973 RLt was ratýher A goryerid tà1972, with the deatbs of scrappy Harry Tru- mlari and that fine Cariadian, Mike Pearson, and the eternal sheotirigs amen g the mad Irish, and the earth- quake in Nicaragua. Se let's get off On the right foot fer the next twe7lve months with semethi'ng a littlelighter. Some colun-ists are smnart erieugh' te keep a file of funny or unusuail tbirigs that happenied during the previ,, eus year, se, that, the~y hav-e a ready- made columi jutst atter New Year. The onfly fuinny or uinusual thîng areund our place is mny filing syste m. I just teck a look at it, eighteen iches high ail over my desk, picked tip My typewriter and meved te the dining- room table. Theile's nobedy here but us crumbs. Whereby 1 decided te pass along some things that I censider amusing, with the hope that yeu will'tee. They're net orignal, anid are cuiled from the centuries. Her&-s Stephen Leacock describing an ericounter with a pirate sbip: "ýThe two-c ships were brought side, by side. Theyv werýe then iashe(d tightly together wIh bag- string and binder twirie, and a gangpla nk l.aid between them. Ir, a '4 Nash, that great bumôrist tivre.Ti one's eèntitled Song Of The Openi Roadi: I1 thinkthat I shal neyer see A bilîboard levely as a tree, Irideed, uniess the bilîbeard3 f ahl, V'II neyer see a trée at al. That's typicaily American i theme, and content, but here'g à- utile emouplet ef his that is symbolic and untversal: If yeu hear the scream of a parither, Dcn't anther. I1 cari't resist one miore 0OgdenNsh andc if you haven't rèad Ihim, buy a -ýCopy, This is cailed Reflecticons On Ice-Break- ing. Cardidý, But liquer, Is quicker. Theni, ef course, there's- theetgan a very brief witty observation. Its mas ter wýas Osca ý.r Wilde, whe camne tt'ia bàdl end, tri rmore ways thar n ene. But our sampfle will be Iroém Hillaire, Belloc. Entitled On His Bocks. Whien 1 arn dead, 1 hope il mnay be said: His sins were scarlet, but hin books were read. Isn't th-at a nice examople of the iun, as well as saying in two lunes snie thing about the monstrous- pride of fite Moment the pirates. swarmed uperi our Hresarither by Beýlioc, l'cati- deck, rolling their eyes, gnasbing their, ed, simply, Epitaph On My Witt: teeth arid fiMing their nails.". Here lies my wife, And, as herelates the ensuing carn- Here lies she. age: "I neticed one gigantic fellew Hallelujah! braridishing a krietted tcwel, and strik- Hallelujee! irig right and left amorig our fellows, Theri there is the limerick, Soene until Captain Bilge rushed at him and of the furitest (anid foulest) verses ; ii struck bim fiat acress the mouth with the language are fourid in f(rr'M. a banana skin." But this is simply cievér, or cic-verfy That's the humer of tncerigruity. simple. Here's an exampie cf the humer cf The bottle cf perf urne that heartlessness, cf wbicb a master was Willie sent Harry Graham.,Try writing sonie cf Was highly dlîspleasi-,ng te your ewni. Millicent; The ice upen our pond% sos Her thariks were ,se crld thin They quarreled, I'm toldJ That peer Mamma bas falleri >Tbrough that siily scent Willie i sent Millicent. We canet reach ber frorn the The- fine art of satire hai fa4 shore Irito lethargy these dlay8, ,xcept p& Until the surface freezes haps arneng pelîtical cartootiis, whe more. 'it is ien merely cruel, rather then Ah me, my heart grows weary witty. But the Rernari satirist, MarÏÏ1, waiting- wrete a- verse that is just as modere,> Besides, I warit to have some oiý t was 2,û000years age. skating, -The gode air Fabulla Anethe-ýr cf ,bis was: e* i the dririking-weli Ta hers. Who cari deny it? Which the plumber butt er She swvears 'tis bers, and truec~ Aurit Eliza fell; she swears We must buy a filter. For I did see ber buy ItL Here's a teuch cf the irone. And Many' Cariadians tend te take !,îe' 'd like te ask my friend Dr. Hackstet- very serieusly. I hope these samIe., ter te please note. ninety per cent ef which were taý-,nr "The denuniciatieri of the yeung is frern scbeel texts, wili belp dispel1 a riecessary part ef the hygiene cf eider preeccupatien. Se. Whether your tr0i'. peeple, and greatiy assisis the circula- hiles are kids, er parent, er oldpe, tien cf their bloed," or unrequited love, remember, ycu h;"i4 How about a couple from Ogden only crie lîfe, Andthis is it._EnJoy. -2 Weekfly Awards Dim and Distat To GM 'eWorkers % ver $14,OOO ThEd'ILS.AGO 49 YEAR: AGO 1 Average M eekly awards Among officerselected te The Herticultural Soc totalling more than $ 14,000 various pests for the ceming annual meeting wAc hedld> were paid te General Motors f Canada people in 972 for year were Walton G. Pas- the Council, Room o Thu Lheir suggestions. Total awards cee, elected head .ýf Pales- day, Jan, 10 when the ~ for the year were $753,6 18 - ine Chapter, Roýyal Arch pr o 1923 shoed îp rom $88,28. Te n- Masons No. 249, G.R.C.; ot e aouncement84was0made t-ayReeve Alex Stephien of membership of 207. Ofticc% y Presient John D.maerda Hadimnand County, elected elected for the new yll by resden Jon D Baer. Warden of the United Coun- were Presidèrît Willielt GM of Canadaý has paid eut fies. Former flowmanville Tei;itýie 3,995,618 te employees dur- man Byron S. Vanstone Tei;ltVcRc ýng the past five years for sug- elected Vice-President cf Jarvis, 2nd Vice, Mrse.j :estion's resulting in material the Bank cf. Toronto. Alex Lord, Secréetary, Mr.Edith avingsy or impro)ved qujaii'ty Mairs, a Life Mernber of V. Scobell; Treasurér, J. nd produr't safety, heýusekýeep- the Royal Canadjan Legion, McClellan; Directors, A ng, manufacturing methods or Mrs. Stuart James, Presi- A. Fletcher, W. J. Mriw ni-plant safety procedures. dent of Trinîty Evening C. Rfhder, A. Maihison. RFevý .hie company accepted 14,052 Auxîliary. G. S. Postlewaithe, M. *,ef, ýugestions lest year, ,95 cf f it e heped construction James, J. W. Hyds, Jý Khich were worth $ ,00 or cf ie new Ontario Street Nokes, Mrs. H. L. Quriýtý soe.Public Sehoci will begin in Mrs. Milton Ellictt, MnÉ 1948. Estimated cost wiIl Jean McGreger; Auditori,1" Generai Motors people at be $150,000, 50 per cent of S. Moorcraft, G eo. W !one sales offices or parts ware- which je borne by the prov- James. iciuses in Moncton, Montreai, ince. D.C .See a >tawa, Toronto, London, Win- Canvassers for the New- pointed Chairmno ft iipeg, Regina, Calgary,, Ed- castie Memorial Rink an, Bowmanville Publie Schoà nonton and Vancouver as nounce the fund in the sec- Bloard wîth coxmaittee.s 1*e vell as in the plant chties cf ond week's drive ie over folîows: VIiing, A. N. Iî- Ishawa,, St. Catharines, Wind- $4ÔOOo. The J.- A. ,Smnith Millan, H. C. Ca8verîr, YF.ý or, Ste. Therese, Que., Scar- factory employees have con- Morris; PoètC. P, plRîee, )orough and London shared lributed generously te the H. C. Cvry .D aiI he awards. fund with 94% of, the em- n;ti Financé, H. C. aet plonyees contributing a sec- F. F. Mý,orris, A_ D, ai ond time, ,son; Rjréét tove th I OBTU IR ~ It's been so darn cold Hfigh sehôiBôýàrd; Cv MIt. CARLS GEEN hens blow on the straw inI Chiet Jarvis. MX.CALSGEN the rests te try te warm it ] wavheHA c~o ~up befôre settling down te AtStrathaven Nura 9ng yHockey Teatn3m ÔlStuar." [orne, Bowmanville, on Fri- l Jameà; defêéncé, Wîll ?oîý iay, January 12, 1973, the On Jan. l6th the first ten, Jacke Côlé;cnté Hr ieath occurred of Mrs. Charles Red Cross meeting was held Osborne; wîngt. El1 w e ' 1reen, aged 89. - aI Bradley's with President Fenneil,Ram d Cot A resident of Bowmanville Bob1est aie hi, sulbe, Ernestý Roach and d un ve 6 yare te orerSecretary Olive Crydermaný Rundie, defeated Wht1yý orgne 6 Jae Brw, tdeughter read, the minutes. High Schoel 6-2 lest Satuiý f n. an MBrowGeorge BrownFriends of Nestleton cern- day. _ d M. ad Ms. eore Bown munhty presented Mr. a nd as bora and educated in the Mrs, Dan Black, Jean and B o w maavii Ie YounZ T.S.A. Married April 26th, Dora with a beautiful set ef People'S Leegue met Nzew- 922, to Charles, Green, her dishes, prier te leaving for castie ir the tiret round cf rief interests centred around their new home in Haydoa series cf inter-league d ier home and church; she where they have boughî a bate in Newcastle on Mon~ ras a member of the Roman fr.dyngt em 'pthoic fith.The tollowing were eleet- Bowmanville Alfirmativ*' Surviving is a niece, Mrs, ed for the hockey commit- Stanley Symoas, Bert W~ >aul Miller. Mrs. Green rest- tee in Tyrone: Archie Virtue, erhouse and Olive Fowleizý- d at the Northcutt Elliott Ralph Glaspeil, PeÈrc y Negative, Harry Joýe,Cl luneral Home unlil Moaday,, WerrY, Lloyd Skinner, Mur- ence Allun, Eari Oshorn auary 15, 1973 when ihe rgy Tabb, Russell VIrtue. The tiret debate waswoa ineralseric was condue- This cemmittee -will get by the affirm~ative teanrwe- d by- Fathier Francis Mihelic lumber for the aides around Subjeet t Ofdebate:ý ResohIt iSt. Joseph's Church. Pail- the rink. ed that Religion hias coisý (-arers were Messrs. Tom Lieut. Col. Lyall Carr, fenred greater brnefits uDoriýý lasterso(n, Joe Cuiddahee, Officer Comfmandiag the thie world 14han Sine ari Mloy .Coles, W. Midîlandï Regimeat, announec- Officiais and Juidges'weî1 ola. . Gdda.intermnent .sIa Pr oewilhv rnest Gilbank, Gordop 0 gÇY- asiniBwani Ceme- a 11- armou01l nie, ebec ern- J. H_ JOIh'nstoin, W.>M K rpleted 'by Aprîl 1948ý, bell and Mr. L. Mighl, fc i sa Jin Tu c c i, dE Ai hf wî Cî Pà et FI fw teëi EDITORILCOMMENT They Might Make ht for a While and By Bill 'SmiIe Spice Tragic Death in Newcastle There's Trouble Brewîng Better Humans, Yes - Artificial No!

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