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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 8

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FLSHAC -25YerAg In the Pee Wee LeagueTdCowl' Wildcats and Jack Neil's Môhwksgame in a ro score game while Alvin Stacy's.luebomboers and jim ,Shaw's Killers ended in discuss,-oin as the Blutebombers scored the only goal of the game seconods after the fin~al whistle. Lnup:Wildccats - Ted Colwell, JackHuhs KêX iltGen Richards, Rýaymond SeIllers-, Barry ColnJohni Lunn, Jaýmes Ferguson. Mohâawks - Jack Neil, Robin Miller, Joe Markle, i&,on Kitson, Rny oren Clifford AlIldre-ad, Bru-ce Smnithsoni, Bob Carrutheb(rs, Bluebombers,-ý, - Alvin stacpy, Ke9,n Keil]'Y, FBufch Cole, P1p1g1 Willatts, Bill Klrklton, Lo)uis B-ýickle,, Alvin Moý1ffatt Donald Oke. Kihlrs JimSha,.Mr'e RchrdDon Laird, Vinc Vastoe, lenCrossey, Lloyd Staintonl, ELASHACK 10 earýs Ago - Over 1,200 yong ad 0old anLuned out for Young Canada Nighit -t Bowman;ville AMena on Tuesday nlight t e -,ee Mjaurice "Rockeýt" Richard. Little ,NiL.L. President welcomed the fans and intro- duced Che excuitive of the Little TNH.L. Do» Gilhooly, Gog Cawker, Morley Oke, Franik Hooper, Don ,iMasters, lriv McCullough and Mrsi Sîimmis. lThe ERocket refereed two gamnes and SAFE SIIG- ena arena manager Roy Neads ind is wife spent ada skiing last week manipulat- îingf the runs w\ith ease. AMter returning to their car ai-d reo iis siRoy fell and injured bis RON SELLECK - bowling in the Young Aduit CommercialLeague Mutton's Lipset Frank's 4..3 Spencer's Blank Brooks h i Ji i rethi co:(ring at 8l :3 0 o f tr'110,ar thathir1td. "Bu1c kY pnercReal Es;tate mojýv- mittile pericti. At 3:00 'Of the ug s(2.3"5) and ole c'd a -,tf'p doser la ,thr cf-thîrti, Don McMurter losti(9:0,3) shaivetiMut into Ra forts tr cinch ir trt pliace, fôl- ouith gamie'c scoring, wlJth 4-2 leati. Green wrappeti up lawhng their 2-0 -verdict avArý Grant Flintaff assLstinig. the scbing iarrowing th-1e Bros uete nSuntayOv Officials Al J unkin ni dgap wvith leSýs than eighit mn-1 marnin. Thevlctoy, thir Bo H --ii hantci out 14 ites ramang,. WalcD rn irs nlafour meetings wthpealieswth tIreReal E-peebut Wright antihi B3rook-s, leave'-(sSpencers thr ec itta craw (collemtinig 2aight. ,struggiiing mates hun111.-enilfor ponts la front of thep er- Bah teame hlatigoot iir- Mutton's frtwin l iv, test buncti, wlth threc- games ou! rts, as, Spe-ncef'rs finall1y Man- weeks. Mutton'eS Ted 'Brawn ramaining. egati t aquer tIre Su Per-': rew ývthc gamcsoDiy penalty In thea-secoýnd match, Mut-ftest clubater four meetinigs, la tIra, scmnt. ton'.s Shahl slipped past Wal- Brnooks heve outecoreti Spen-' Thic Suntin la th 9 aýrn. ter Franik Real stt 4-3. It ers 104 ibis sao. lsMuttons mlceat Brooks, wac thie Shah 1outts.first a Ire f, 10:15 enuter, while Secesanti Walter vitary clame thay posteti a Wright, filling in -for regula, r Frabks collitle et 10:15. Wc'ill Dec. lth C-4 triumph over netmintier Curi Venstana, pro- have leagiue "stats"avlae theý Frank club. vitict Muttons with comai for next we' paper, asth Grant, Wright sew action in clutch stops, as thay etigetiscrigrame la thls ye ar's bath gemnes latIre nets anti Walter Franks 4-3. Thea'Real'Comecil eaue arambia wss b ri11iiný duiring sbath Estata crowti lad 1-0 after 20 is a szlr contacts.' Ha wac bestat inlaminutes on Gary Wilsýoni's W'ilith threc eek of tIre the opener by Spencer's Ken litIr gol of the sca'son. regular schetufle to go, Stevoe Vitch, who fouleti up the Tire Shaîil bunmch aaswvterd Burns, Brooks' bal of tire, Brooks' scoring jmachinery -with tailles, by Rimk Woalacr holtis a anc paint etge on wîth hie second shutout. anti Bria Hug.hes, as thiey Walter Frank'lçs Gary Wilson, Bath neiminders shone la lad 2-1 following 40O minutas Another Walter Fraânk heas- fhAxxi1lnlqpd FÈîr a, of ,.,1v. DP1-,Green fie.r Itliner. Bob T4p1lçam, le nly Minor Pe. Wees[ (orne frorn Rear To Down Whiltbyýl In a hard hltting hiockey, gamnýe inBomnll Arena on SaturdayJan. lSth, fn awBowmnaDville Minor Pee W ýees cojrn-efron behinti a 2 to 0 defic it to de3feat whit by Minor Pee WVees by a scor;ýe of 3 to0 2. Gooti pasing ai goodti0ù chieckýin)g vwtlhgoals g oin o -murray Rudcly soigti and Wade PrestononeA- sýists went to Scott Sclifton wlth two, Scott Sellers with two,. Kenny Cowle one anti G reg 13runt one. On, Saturday, fans \ýho carne to the arena saw four local teams play good hai u p, exciting hockey. Wýi th playoffs coming up, plan to attend anti cheer the home toin tea>ms on. Liberty Belles I evein rele atreenou 90 wthgams f aw SecrsTiiPro t openliup wth his eighth 9goal, a fu onsbak______TeaniPins Pis. 2M5, 364.10, 2Congkiratcu1lations Ronl. Tow Iau Hockey Lanti 1837 31 t t f ow ~eaueGibson 1830 31 300 CLUB --Wininers Saturday, Jan. l3th: No, 173 iCcolviles1825 2, T. A. Fani '.ng, No. 180 E. Soule, No. 43 Burt Grain,89 i1ILIF'oýf 1%a(là 0% le RSobinson - 1694 2 Cy 2gson ICosmes17265 -No. 28 Alima Forbes, No. 73 George Martin. v u5N5y Horstman1-___ 1705 LtIÀFtTt Roberts - - 1688 1 Sheehan I641 1 w e n fi-rsn r>te e e hae A g ~ r %J pâ 0%u J S tep h en s -- --- -_ - 1664 (O w fi ii pnlarac i ,Pla-ofe ms ndu dates 'MN til y s r e r wï ýs 4Bons -----------1615 0O wIlisbe aencetdaty. Planf eatteand dteHigh single.. Marlon Gibson0 games14,nd inicher thee Pla on. tedth by Ji= Clarke Hughes, bis first of four in a f orwards, ran is goal output 284; high double, Marlon Gib-F t t t t t C2"untliCerysier, wllh Laon.magnificent scoring démon- for the 72-73 campaign to sonfi 479 (284-195).9 11 L WODPE EE --plye tre ams n their ffis fe, uth ofstration in a loslng cause. The seven. An Impressive figure,laTon ib1240r, Sian1 ny Burna noroviding Uho quartet gives 'Bucky' 16 for considering due to shiftwok MrnGisn20Stn their tagg-dthe season, Second only to Grant bas performetîIn aoni LWagn e ,7MaFyorance08 the weekend, losÏing the first game in Brantford Sun- Locke TV wîth a 7-5 los in, Steve Burns (18) ant i Rck eight, games anti favorsoteCWarolaRCoomb s 20,orn v d1ay morning by a. score of 5-1, and then tîeing the lest Thursdait night' pnr oletelau' crn hcigrl.Lni25 ao oets 25 sercond game Suniday evening 2-2. The evening game Kramp's Furniture W er e leader, who has 17. Kramps received goals from MBrend 20St ephensi5,Mrg.s wa tleas o cbl T orth Hmito-Banfodnutiget into, the cellar, fol- It was 4-3 for County after R3A Dy onoghue (11), Dave M99,Dolnal 2039, etySirohis wýýs [lec 01 c;lî-Lý VTo th Hailtn-Bantordlowing McgNulty's 4-3 triumph 40 minutes anti they helti a Green anti Fred Alltiread.' o 19, Melen Cook 198, Droth ire.a. On audyini a league' gamne with Mairkham, in the 9q:30, affair. 3-2 etige in eorlng over the The F'urniture gang picked up t the -gam-e rended ina2- deadlock.- The vjictori' for the Sports- coig2 minutes. Other aIl three of the gamne's pen- JenaryOthlak 28; hgh ripe, . Sithnow own a share of first et inl with three asslts blnk Steve Burns, amao Tea Saning 72 26, 28.18).place with Lccec i whilc Larry Hellam had a accomplishment. but ctv ATA IL 15 p0 24,28 10.oints, pair. Larry Perris connectel idt draw two assists. I1-aynes 5, Richaqrds A. [,ux- !eam Pins Bts. ~GrantFlnofasher- for his lSth goal to complei,, te h was 1-0 McNultys after ton 5, Johinstoin 0,Weta , dieainns 696G Teain Standings mier snlper in their 4-3 win, the TV crowd's scoring. one pe-rlod anti 3-2 Kramps qOgtien O, Gibson 0, F'airey à,. -Srhds-6317 14T 3 EMSTNIG i t rwbll- 183~ Total -,a oceig thiree goals anti as- Officials Terry ae anti followingl 40 mnts h EMSADN I-c 675 3Pis ts ssin o teother 'm, Irv BrueSmpo lagged dw ni crsI h ~gWslk -- - -0 I-il-yCas 83 3DNoan. 5770 14 Gi. eight violators, bothsiefre were both by Flin-toff A.ïduxtoey 10 ,-yte 3,s-599 1 . i tlk , 54 1 n the 8 p m. starter, Coun- trawing four minor pe al -t2:21 anti the wvinner, wt aires ----- -- 10 Laie bcHih cngeL.P B1 py 1579 tylep into a 3-1 first Per- County have now beaten Kramps shorthanted, at 5:5 1. ans~-- ~- ~dm 6; ihtipe .ç oc 88 oieige, on goals froin Bar"y bock<es. in three orf their five This Thursday at 8 P.rn., Gibson ---- - ------ ~dams60. A Vn oor 570 7 Virtu ini lth), Ray , meelmtings, withj the- TV tro.op Kramps wîîî b atîemptimgRihds- - Me-O_, Kna1pp 25S .Gut - ..57 7 antibnntBra. sok holding a 25-19 margînInlato hait a six game losing Otn ~ . ~tims 86,. Rzem - 5462 loerelcmpfom'ucky' goals scoreti, streak when they oppose Johnston -----O 6a8620. n %ve . mTh, 5283 7 1 1 e - 'm" rm'Recently acquireti Ray Pic- bocke TV, ia the 9:30 match, 111GB S&iGL b.Ae K'29 ,Grto 4,N.Dwo . 37 5 LL.L.ehll (three goals In bis two the etr e a k In g M77ys.Rcars-411 L.Ka 2. AdKnapp 285, Js, . Roaison -- 5213447 5U IG R games) has atideti a large Sportsmen meet the oncom- M. Westlake - - ------- 17 Il. Smpea 272 D. Sowtin G.Heath -- 530 2dose of supcrb, two way tai- ing County Chrysier crowd. S et 7 14,S. Atiam 21230, M. , WiHear----- 4248 2 Jaar Utnt to the County liaeup. Wie culy reude 1GH DOUBLE - dams 23, M ,ilas----_428 2 ni" Cole 231ulys re H. ~ainin 2,Avrgs 20 ni vr Hgh Sni, M. awso In the late affair, Grant featet I n their lest six gaines,' b. Richards ------------ 4251 23.5,A_____ 23,_H .len293;' j i gh tr>i l e, M . Tr wm le ln to f iiecardeti bis tiefen- County are alm ot, as im pres- M . W estlake - -- - --- 3111 Mi:G. Cou hi 244,1B 6. Psive dutles long enough te, sive, having hast only oceBAaire BOYS 30 Smit 237 R. estlke 22, eamn, Standings sam la three goals in leading andti tîct once over a smiler AAMBS C.Bue2---342 cutst hi 43vritsxgm span. Thé four Carswell 5, Botter 0, Bond 5,1 (0F Bowling P. Murphy 228,, A. Van GorBCmih- 5348 5,oXTr Kramp's Furniture. The clbs wrap up theéeglaTRcardSTANI 21,J bee 218, R. Van- BWlbur ------ 5485 4 steedy Flintoff, one of the sason o3erur th, four itEAM STANDING--10 Janury Zthdererg200;Lades:P. attr D.Ogdn - - -502 4 eague&s toughest checking weeks awaY.Bod - 0 Ladies .r. Hi1 h cnge, R. 207, . Dwson 0,M etr.R aistogn ---------553022Crwcl --- 51 ala 27~hlh rile R 25,S.R 7,non20. HaK Cepbîî 05*2Richards5 M.200 Gaies 2M ixle d major League Bote HGRIIGE M.Dawson 293, M. Trimblê D. Carswehl 183 265, W Mccl22 J. c- ------- 139 b .ean 260 f;, J. i Me21 25 The Mxeti Ma,4jor beAgue Peggy Hyè 712', Shirley J, Rozena - J 2WoudrJ.225. B2gescommeniced theirse ec o ndiFawler 503, Ron Heynes 186, HIGB DOUBLE 227 F ûdystra 232, K aschedule on January 8th with Tony DykÈtra 201, John Ogticn D. Carswell --------- _ 2531 i 7o' 2, DA. russ22, 230- ovmilesownb a r ry 227. J. Rôzena - _---- _23» D .Ogten 217,22, 2, ~Piper ha the limeight. Larry barry -Piper 271, Alhart JUNIOR GIRLS 217 2,5, 14,B.rolîcti 813 for high triple Saînan 250, Ernie Perfect 250, Taylor 7, Chow 0, Mitchell 5, C LEARANCE Smitb 214, 234, G. Downey whihi uei30frhih BrieBta 246, Péggy Brooks 2, Gray 5, Hôiroyd 2. -A AWîlhur 210, C. Bruce cnltu iighmhg Haynes 237, Virginia Fairey TAMSNDG SKS OLS OOS20!, G Dykstra 201. average of 271, How about 232, Bete Dobbine 227, ROS Gray 10! ho svuS BOOTS ~Averages (180 and ilever) the-iq for openers, Wright 227, Maurice A!rnaer'-t Taylor gi M. Trimble 214, A. Samen H jow aice it we-s to sec aur 226, Rus ately 222, Gàrdý Brooks .71 207 (1), D. Ogtien 204i, Bw Ernie Perfect inaking Oowlhng 219, Murray Cata 215, itchell 7 R'1Wilhur 202, J, YMcbefan 199, thoise pins dance for 752. The John Fowler 214, Jînt Murphy Holroyd---------7 I-K !- . FHulme_, 198, B. Sith 1Q5, R Beeve of Tobacca Landi, A]-1, baeWit20,JhCw - 2 Imua rlbrg- 69"Re. $8,8 -NO $44 J. Dixain 10 .Lrruss;o8, bjert Saman, seesta he off ta Ogden 209, Linda Crossey 209, HIGII SIN lrnurs rbr ,-6 Re" $8.8_ NOW WA- 'Py ta17,A ugesavcygot trt 5.Fol- Jack McNuity 206, Cheryl B.-Tylor. -.251 Arler 67 Re. $9 5 1S ,I Wriht 18rIwi g o them n te c75 elyWray 205, Ron Burgess 203, B.Taoeha ----------- - 1 .1r la 1Aler 1 1'Rg 440 O $20- - Brnc uay77atiPgyCliff Draper 202, John Luff- oaa 1 fiirý rbrý 5' e.$4.0NI W1,0Haynes 712, Nice to See the man 200. B. Mahire - 214 ~Ueîner6'" nd '5 Rg.$7.95NO $99.1 girls gîve the mea came keen 1 Team Standning A hsi 1 and 5" eg.f79.5 NWo$,9ers 5camDeition. Sheehan ------ 3 1 K. Aide ------ -208 Daiwa lass 6'5"and 67" Reg $6,9 NOW 32.47Just ta be a lîttie dfférent Butiay .- 2 3059 S ros- . 0 b fL ~we helti aur aill-off for cheer Hayae 2 3052C.Mthl -.27 BOO S /3 OF iro Looug ftr s wth the wdn- Wright 2 3106 ]HIGH TRIPLE 52 prop bourg ajýtt-r Christma iffe 2 3005 B. Taylor -------------- 6 BOT AOFRase Wright 291, BillCrassey 2269BMir -53 Jr Tra Srs 1- 2132Re. 2695-NO)$fi n Sauray J14 54, Virginia Faircy 697,' Joi --- ------ 1 3097 JUNIOR BOYS JrTyý o Szesil 12132 Rg.$2695- IOWSJ )ý Sauray ,Raid -- -- 1 2861 Reynolds 0, banc 7,-Bishop 7, 1---5Rg $99 NW$9.9MWray ----- 1 2802 Letty 0, Coombes 5, Stacey 2. Sie 4-- eg 2.5 O ý1,9 On SetiurdLay, Jan lt oviceS Patfielti - 1 2800 TEAM STANDING Tyrol Sires 5-4-2 Reg. $28,95, NOW $19,39 Preston the Mavers mnet Ca- uirS Vendenberg 1 2762 bLanc ----------------------14 Tyrol (red) Size 5 Reg. $36.95 -1B Vclaf vle ein NOW $24.69 bura% ehdu-t am-a--oe - 0 290 Stae s LaooieSires 5-9 Reg. $37.77 NW $2 5. 19 omilic Arna5ani de-Loseu1-0u Coomb---------9 Tyrul Sire 6RRg..$$59995A S RyANd NOW S 399 iý7RabDeaeaet rub RIuV ~ii ------~ Aa oaugtat niMort" 111GH SINGLE Laolom,-ite Sires 9-91/2Reg& $3777 9NW 1$25,9 ua Vîl rctn utoa nài eA U~/ .bnc---- 7-2 tinueti puttlng oin pesur owmanvllhe Robert Sl-1/VéJ~T~~~b îhp ~ 1-4 Size 812-9 c,- ; 1ýjj cný jý.f ýineïrstNavcez e À ', rr4c- i5z Ali. r,-Ch2225 TyolPlstc ir 8-9Rg_$3,9 -NO $4.9 ni by te1at te iretmlg Pool Mînor NvcsI STWUULYiR. Cawe 1 Tlyrol Plastýic S .e9 Reg. $995-NOW $39ý,99 periocjcti e ari'.ading 4-0. trappeti a close i1Ln 0 exhi-R.Sae21 Rieer ize 9-0 le $995 - NW ~33 BrsIons seondgoal was bition game te Cabourg Ma- IIS / 0/AG (1. Coosnbes __218-212-212 g.ý coreti by Terry De bucaias jr W,' eioMhmebere B'Raynold--- - -----.- 214 Rieke Siz 6 ~g. $9,99NOW .$16,66 isttci by Stan Greenham anti cently. 7T o /'lM anits.- - Chumki,ý Welsh. Then Dale Cobourg gat the oaly goal 11GBTRPL Th aov mrhadie e-vilblniiol afe-Boaescoreti unassieti asr of thîe game front an uncav- 4 iý'11 64 e looý1iFpuck et Cabourg'si ereti left winger bayenln l 'k__ G. Cbac----------. 7 that are ieàtcd andmany one of a kind h okt Gitýteloepc ertecese1 1ý-I,,1 . BCoombe-62 blua lina anti rîfletiasottabaapcknSEtNIeae ~ .BcOpR- - . - - 629 froýnt wçhl a Near t e n Toby Rowe ana Kevin Welsh, SEIO MXD EAU g o ae ri Gray 5, Davcy 2, Bradley 5,i of the perioti BOOTSDeBoo saore-ti h lrsfor BowmenvIlllc owe2 Rbrt Mastercan ME'San BYS LCD OOS icseon oal sicaiby playati well with caverai ol ,Rbrs5 SeeHuismn aenti Garf M\c- Saves, bath pleylng stantiup 12, Brooks 5, Coombes 2. PR E Rg$1.5t$2.5hovckey. TEAM STANDING latheseonCproti-C.The Robart Swimia Pol-Robert9 - -- _12 boug am aIjve atmdwaforwards wcre skating înuch Bradley - ..1 hrough týhe perloti scoreti. harder ln this game. makingBros..---___ 0,LbuStzff I Ehatibat iuc rouncit1the tics wtth thair checking anti ý '>" bDac LIMITED ~~UANTITIES ~ net. Ina the third. perioti Terry paeslng. The iprveiplay ome".--.-.------ . Mihlr scretiassitet by of bbc teant, is begninlg tn, E ~ hel Cwc-----. - DBrent Clamlens. ho atc tree peiu , atrO . on Jan,ýuary 2Ot'h, Mrhmgiswith Cnoaurg crlg \ 1/ Se rv ice I0NL i I I i aorestaBornanlle aniattlaA2gasat B ~ ~ ~ G atro 287 the ae hol I l ac oiaihlof19-U.goalseyI-i(!- 286 -DE M ,Ï-U 'alier la tbc ypar wc d e- Tbee nxt acion for the~ 8 IGE .Ga 5-7- feaet -!-)ni,1laa c-Swrina P o boys i 7 BWMA1N VILLE S ae 6 PlAv tac sa,ýnie type iof hr-g an,7:30 CiP.m 90 1G TIL 160CRJECT T, 23251 satig ocky.Core a te rea-lntheony tai~ IonMeLeian Dn Pai D.Gry D--on i tk auriy Jn20h t1beattac owérfuil ByRtne,. rey------694 5 p.m. anti cheer Brectens an 7Machine ta date, ..Piper ..--- 671 Town League Bi Ken's W Hooper's CENTRAL ONTAII LEAGUE STAl G? Lindsay -23 Cobourg 21 BRowmanvillle __23 Oak Ridlges ----22 Sutton -------------21 1Markhiam - ----- 22 Port IHope-------- - ---- 24 Port Perry 21 1Penetang ---------- 231 [0 JUNIOR "CI- NDINGS ry 12th W L, T GF GA Pt%~ 17 3 3 159 90 37 16 3 2 13 7 68' 34 13 q 1'115 Ili1127 12 8 2 8j3'77 2 6 9 10 2 107 104 20 9 13 0 95 98 18 7 14 3 106 139 17 7 12 2 99 121 1A 220 1 6)3166 5 's30m&29 Cliffhanger lie Stephen's 26-e26 Youwot find 'basketball until thýe endi of the game. I ei'3 '16-26 tie with thn' garnes rnuch dloser than the R. Bilinski was the top so-leaves them Ôonly haif A gain% two coltests playeti in the er for the Ken's team, potting ouOLt Of seconti fflacf, in thP ME-n's Town League last Tues- an even tiozen points. . standings. day, January 9th. Camipbell anti D. M\,acDonaild Stephen's hati ]eH t1e gamaq TheKe' Men's Wear sçjuati weren't far beýhinti with eighit at the enti of each of the lirst took overc undisputeti posses- points apiece. Thiese three t1hr-ee ure taking An 18-115 sýin of first place in the league shooters accounteti for ail but leati into the final frame, But standjings hy virtue of a tight two of Keni's points. The a last quarter raily by the. 30-2ý9 vitoy ver second Coronation cre(w spread their Hooper's.tea, coupfled i wth pla:ce C(ioonaion Cafe. In the scoring arou-nti a littie more poor foui shooting by Steph- other- gawe, the Hooper's evenly, with seven men hitt- en's, salvageti the tic. Jeeler bnchi battieti Ste- ing for points. A MVurdoch In that final quarterHo- phen's Fuels to a 26-26 tiraw. was the highnian- in the los- er'7s waýs gooti On three of In the Kl' en's - Coronation ing cause wit1 -3 points, in- live foilshlots while StCphcen'sý duel, th n]sing Coronation clutiing six in a fourth uatr ui manage( only two of crwgot off to a fast start antiCoronation rally which fellseven. 'In aii, Stphen1's tirewe helti a 1W-6 leati going into just short. 1 12 of the gamne's 20 'LOUIS ail- the- seond perioti of play.! Ken's now leati the league cd. Ken's qickýly foughit back, ýwith a 6-3 won-lost record, D Kramip was the garne's hoeeandi by the endio pu edf au1.C ronationleading sLco, a iStep eh- the, first haif of play the he('dis iin se-cond place wth a 5,-5 en's with 1U points. or a lm157-14 Leati ant i an- irerord Hooper's Chris Steeýl was tops ageti to h)okl onto ther [nati i nth other game, Hoop- with 10 points. Vojwles Eagle--s bSp-lit Pir Los toPortHope ir s. 4-3 Then ý#,Beat Sut ton RangersÀ the Phil Vowlcs Bagles t, ra- from Brian Grubb. Paul For-O hrdyJauy linwleewsligdoTn[ velledt t Port Hlope ai came sey scoreti Bowmanvî7lla'e lest out on the wrong tune 4-3. anti wlnning goal essidsteti by Phil Wratts, Doug!ý FinnIey, RO- Dan Smith anti Bria Grubb. gar becs anti Bob Thickson The Sutton goals weret scoredti he four goals for Port scoreti by Rab bochieý with1 Hope. Glenn Rime anti Doug two anti Roc Cooper with Crough eech scoreti once for dcc. Bawmanville. Glenn Rîce whol One thing -I would like ta was flying twime the specti fcomment on'here is the spirit a normal Eagle also scoretI ifount inla dme of aur fans. Bowmacville's third goal on We now have noise makers e blisterlng slap shot mWith anti lots of cheerlng. Oae only 30 seconds ramaining la woman even matie up litî.l è thre game. shoulder tabs with the Segias 1On Suntiay, January l4th, name on itnant pair of the Eagles came out with the skates that hang from thre win sang. Eren though it came tg.They evan have was a very close geme they blades. Thay, are bard ta ex- titi it. Don Smith scoreti the plain co 'taIre a look amoag irst goal frain Paul Forscy the fans who u, ýsually sit right anti Max Johnson. This gave alongeitie tIe agles beach. the Epaglas a 1-0 lest wbihidatsia ouscont theyN keýcpt for thr eiterouh it!e fth0earena came oïf the ganie.'MaxJoacn hFu ta camh Att Ren- scrtthe second goal fr-omnikIharibswfmte Raatiy Allun, Doug Crough1 thcm. back-hndetii the third goal Bt this st.ll is't eougi If we had ail the fnswha attended the Eagles gamnes contributing in some litile w-,ay, event just, by yelling, t hen we would have complete fan support, Andi before a tearn can win an,.Ail-Ontariy titie they must have suýpport from their Îans. So let's fol- low the steps of these re-ally gooti fans and Ift thie roof right off the arena, (D, neeis, a new one anywayv). The Eagles play Sutton la Sutton on Friday" vanti play back in BwavfeSunday, Jan., 2lst, iaga.insu Lindsay. Hope We seC u hee Rený't a Car forI ADAV 7OR WEEKEND Ask forý Ras-, CUYLE-O GE LV 4. T AILORED - TO m MEASURE Re.$110,00 $125.00 $135.00 Nowf-f89l $99-95 $110,00 -ALSO- OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F READY-TO-WEAR SU U TS!Now0onSl SOME AS LOW AS --.- j..... $15AO MEN'S AND BOYS' eSPORTCOÂTS e TROUSERS e JACKETS ALL WINTER INIES RED UCTIO SOV>0-Of UP TONOf

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