VOLUME 119 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1973 NUJMBER 4 Of'ficiai Returns Show N ie Gsure j cscrîgt amlpal os gAlnL- aimest twîce ns o ubl a t eapgurnbRssi placpec'u e tr D addt imrHl eotc nc Ai D tc hmw an ls xesv prt uary2OthJChistianJheo formig at he Flin Dutch Luxto, entrtaintheo guesi adsaff t Bau illa Nusng Hme, iloth gesti coThecnewisnueerevil and ne soloa, e adg it mienti were served. Teoffi;ciai accounýt of eeto xessa potr"uses-atOlanasientise, he PMogresiveo- ievtive candae pen a toi of el tCOd whildae liaInssliHoneyspent 1empennes naos&d Mr, awrnbuwothe eleetinOwyth 7,85vt;m eleetion ralnpign bi ysany candidate could be, and ini mostcases in, mucixigxer haci te Moffca total filed v wi t h etr gOfficer, "Pi vate Eye rtR e otarian TelisCfrL n owmnvitManl Heaéds Shriner' s Theins iatin f te 973of ierof thcOhawSW hoe Clubtook plac ,WTedn eatthen clu n Simcoe StuiN.Cr ou la is sitnt bbn wr rîppled childen's yCaima, Mru MeGee iYrCivng h;A rnstalainpapersý from~~ MrMle Attlof$,0 wsaie ecntlytg o toste Shrîners' DNs tlfo rîpplca' îren, onteal STes taf ht LawrIenie Crte A",tndm're % These sx Cartrîght ligh School st udents wýere mnembers I th Neworl ~ductianCruie inDeceberand have taken tfinieta desýýcrbethaî mos Star for the phot e mpayigchu article.Thecgils ar, front ro, ïlaIta Yjght aihleRbnaJnsDrei iddle ro-.Mr a alom er S=w;bark roue. LauraProcunierand Susan Thompson. «cU o - 'wuF r t Ca 2-embr er uyton uenenimpasive lagon Af!, zoenaitd Parîdli Fagan not one car etinîtnc àyear lesouacceistscjouic Howev eflc jr Sudiaanhd unde o tir 23yca-oi Oono rimn gilt t atemped urILr Stf-SneatLa Wmgame, ea h OPPdeacbmnt inNewcstie bas een ssigea ncw osng a tie Dstrit Fur Haciuanescilu lSligar Fals. n, Singammr wîl b prootei t th rn a erentMjo.an omecebJie x'espensbilitiescîjilcblt,17,RpaigSf-g. lin explanatÎonethepo aRotarian PedetBi[ Wilsor said that ,- f00oten, thec newcr membýers o! tîle club are'utmbrwt h x as a rtrnal .Iorgaizaio where busi'nessmnen couald relp ADVISORY ONMITTE YrnewUietonisWr crs ancishoiib vîei o aieas urcn po,Sbutcail fin in ae ncotheicr uowngu asotros.Femn ecent reots En other nwppnif =Wd ppear thatventsoe snowmbilrs oul use lke surfaecs wthenomanes Therehave CLOSE» MEETING Micipal omunilsutnthés area arv shu euolda closdmeetin lai nihtwit rereenfties of lic nrloe propsai andhav som oftheirqetin n Th sie. ns0wesouobsininfomainsuf op- some ! t s bhoa tte, e won't be ae toute0 Mousauclgr yof whm hpenedp. aïqi pi pr - posr rt7o à 1s YOUN CANDA DY 4AsthîsisonrAHcke Wcck, we pay ieîbuetaail thîïesyong Tensetwho the gane,44 te inch)asing thei sillsin hefy ona- te a unas a rsetoDgoStamteevoluntaesoacheu tuans an ni 0 ar"ydigeUCsrsuh okafnte, ms n theReretio Dpnten taff n Bomavilc il cf tem d ousa&gran jb ad aetacbe ommende foler effo'rsy iwatnaymYug aadWa SagamMesram aly nrning autil lat ufenoMi ta t atend6-dtý-4d to teinij i W-oSPITsuL TErJA - On Friday, Fruy2nd chaîrinAtHbywscis tej the clb nairbbil- (TURN TO PAGS. TWO Non union emer o the Unit&dCute tf have beenganeanSpr cettinerease La ay a with other workers on stfaff. LionsClub Praised ,"Few lb n etr Says e uy-veno BomnviieLinsuateniw e soJlr rvds lb rjci raîsd anualy y ficslubas pRncia onet er et oion , Te etig iA Port Hope latweAn e pnoe ytelEcet bath~~~~~~~~~~~~~t 1h ieasadte1IPIl omdCtzn nu oi the~~~~~ý prpsd ln frrgîn ewsVicsOipsto Electrocuted A 45 year-old Kendal nian, Godfrey D, Wynne, dîed atten bclng elecfnocufed at tire AVP Extrusion plant in Newcastle on Fniday, Ja-î. loti lie lad been atteîrpting fa re-wîr~ a swîtcî te a 575 Volt centrol panel. An OPP spakesman indicaf ed tirey were nof mire cxactly îow flic accident occurrcd but added tint Wynne wns using an alummnuni lndder at tire fume whiclî h bciieved te have contnibutcd te bis dent h. Tire accident is being investigaîed by OPP Censtable D. C. Mackny and Cpi. M. Nimîgon. Tre Durani rogrSs ive fmoinsgceue neeeotio a esorc!al meting la O ono ee àdi aarta iscussion on Asdusciaton annualmeetreg in~~~~~~5 ToototomFli 41 PLS ue !W rg Chafone a for flicOBIG persone ad svrya e!e M hes el ndaoy, J5, tic flc Ziarono m enu., fa etng ta f ilc thie as fohgi~ hs$0 apoîrtl 5OQt Ditic eut oer2o WiesaOalyistdo- manille on Mgonday, Juare Former Editor Back in Action A foîrner newspaper cal- ~caguc, Deputy Reeve Foi- fer M. Russeli et Hamilton Towasrîip, was as lis cdi- tonal lieut on Fndny aI tire meeting et tire Dlnmend Triangle plannîeg commit- tee la Poîf Hope. Mn, Rus- sdi, betore bis semi-netîne ment as edîtor-publisirer et flic Cobourg Sentinel Star woa nraay au nids for lis fortirniglit editorials Speaking et tire contîo- veisial Regional Goverîr- meaf plan, le described former Ontania mensurer Clianies McNa giton ns 'a carpet-baggen mayor wiro ponres b fowe puta tir commnunity or oeIl nnd walk~i out." Mn, MeNaugli ton preiented tire proposai in Decerriber and rcccntiy nealgncd frein tire Ontanîo govemniner t. Suppontlng tIc widc- sprend local opposition b il- e governmcnf's proposais Mî, Russeil declared tIre people did îîot have te ne- cept tircin, and eomnicnt~d tiraI "a nation writec iii awn ubî~ucry. Fatalîsrn 15 for the weak." Theft Couns 0 'S-oui île nwa pecsdun les BEwat il c 1 t w 0el qfo pu cèc 40o DOaI SmîhorLve Laney iirasc.te Wej oylunbcacppnw- balfientrWpo ice sr cea al ymontap cq, p îin gda,3a s u Lew an IlstclowNDP' PontHop nndCoburgin Sorry f0 inform Newcastle readers that a report et th~ Planning Board meeting ns well as personals, hockey new~, etc,, ans gene astray and so far lias not been located Apparently, Editor Plor~ ence Tiflion, who Is em~ ployed at Brysen's store~ Bowmanville, a s e d a youngster to deliver if to The Statesman for lier but what happened to if tliat h a mysfeiy Te ý r 1 e Danj iglon Fires Resuit 'nCnieal Damage - 1 ý1- 1 1