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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 3

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M"M me going inIci173? RarvestIsl east, summier is endeti, Who STLE we? Why are we e? N E S T LE ife without Gad le likeaa Co~rtuIa l nsta Mr. rill\TanCamp. Moe hwwc Satur- tire wîthnut balance - a sblp Wetn Bnsa, Deputy- Mrs. Alan Wilson bas ice- diay anti Sunday go uiests of Mr, iithout a sail. Leaders ini ,reveof Hope Township, who turned ta work citer five and Mes. CareWilliams. prei randin Kryraup7ar was electedi Warden of the weaks' vacation. Me. and Me . Don Thompson, who higcgnzt nKy'3 liieiCounties of Northum- irs. Bruce Knepp, Osha, lýfad the misfortune ta break Francis Scott, Billie Graham, -elniianti Drham n Tues- were Sunday visitors with ber aîm, anti has bat iit ati- Ethel Waters hae. bean eut- day, Jaur16th. Thasa e-t- hec parents the Alan Wllsons.1j usteti hy three caste, Je hop- standing leaders -in evangol- Ie11iný f * o Catwriht hurday eveing dinnerl! - ta have the lest oeara- ism. Dr. Robert McClurea b a 'l nsipwera Reeve Law-iguests with Mr. anti Mrs. moveti within the next waekdelivion . Fmlof4 arse o rnce anti Mes. Malcolm, D"- -George Bowes were Mc. and Gond luck, MVuriel! w dias tical tFo ctoyersinhl ty-reeve Vernon anti Mrs.,Mes. Earl Wright, RHR. Pan- Mr. andi Mrs. Bert Gibson, da ewstefetlya Asselstine, Mr. anti Mrs. Mer-I typool. On Friday Mr. andi Plackstock, Mr. anti Mes. dia.iea the Unitetiyma _____________________Mrs. Bawars left for North Norman Maies. N est le t on, Churto of aaate snit Vîîttie ~Bay whare they are spendîng visited, bar Friday evening h isofaa da.At missiny a few days with their daugn- dirner witb Me. anti Mes. ihuaI a-e.I ~~ ~ ter, Mcs. Docotby Cbepman, Victor Malcolm. On Suntiey vnyht aptliei h S! & ~ Mes. Richard Davi-. cvcning dinner guests of 1\1r. Pea an mlyM.ati rsMicmwraoniy doctar. Thase former Me. an adt hunters are gentle and, <-) F on were Saturday afternoon and Mrs. Meccili VanCanîp tiuring the McCluce's six Siio pe f andi evaning dinnar guests Biackstock. with Mr. anti Mrs. R. Douglas Mc. anti Mes. Don McColl, menthe tire, no fight or Davison anti boys, Peterbor- Oshawa, visiteti on Setucday ~irl hshenseninp Specializing in ' o ugih. This wes, ta honor their with, Mr. and Mes. Neil Lee, aysn goemet Prerms -Colors geantison Naîl on iris hieth- Damna anti Davidi. In tire wak o etan hr isns- a- Clairol Wîgs day. c vening the McCoils and Lues wti on. Thisti oetat Latest Cuttiag Techniques Sympathy is extendedte t visiteti with Mr. anti Mcs. tie. Thce cecme sta esart Me. anti IVrs. Davison on the IBoh Bryens, Blackstack. - m e n ho neoon iî. aith i PHONE 623-5455 > tieeth of hec uncle, Mr. AI -tMrCci Smith has movetimentshorayer halt v a chs 37 Ring St. W. heetý Robson, In Hope Haven freim the Bcuce Heeslip spart- an ryrhl atcrs Bowmar"nVille Nursing Home, Part Hope. ment bo Bancroft, wirere he .' nfemilies togethr. Key Mc. anti Mrs. Cliffocti is employeti by the Depact-73 is calling anc continent ta ment of Lands anti Foresti. rapentive prayer anti commit- (?/eaner (3<Mr./anti Mcs. L haeceCao-. ment.pem Cee" îng into tire epertment Feh- hY Meýs. Earnshaw anti Mcs. _ý muary lst. Williams reati "Who is Ha For more than a year, a man had eaten in a small ces- The annuel Congregabional Kitiding" taurant whose siga reati, "Mary's Home Cooking", but caver meeting of Nestiaton Pcesby- Mes. Malcolm, essisteti by once had he seen Mary. Finally his curiosity got thse better tecian Chuecir was liralt on Mes. Williams' unit, serveti of lim and he said to the waitress, "I've been having lunch Tirsday evaning. Me. Rick lunch anti al anjoyeti the ln here for a long time, and Mary is neyer around. Where j Glas, tira minister, ciraireti social houe. Appeeciation was she?"tire meeting anti Mes. Richard extentieti y Mes. George Davison was acting sacre- Bawacs., She's just where tise sign says she îs,"1 the waitress tacy. Splendid reports ware Court Lady Snowbird anpswered, "Home cooking." given on ail financiai sus h othy meig c It was also an excellent yes ea ourt L y mnweetingCen.b CLOHESCAR HTT~of christieni fellawsbip. Rev- Foresters was iralt on Tues- Thiere is nothing cheaper thau thse cost of having yourtgar- erent J. Neilson, initer-mati- day evenig Jn StI he niants cleaned and pressed .. They are renewed to herrtoWes ai-o peesent. ne oing al n.emirers re original freshness at just a fraction of their original cost. Nestieton pîntetioti meberpis wanti United Churcis Womaa cartificatas. We walcome ea TlTS 1IS "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK" Mes. Victor Malcolm was Mîllay, Marylin Bohel antid 'SUPPOrt.. YOUNG CANADA DAY lidstass on Tuasdey afternoon Grac Vleger. Saturdafor the Januar7 meeting of As elections were an the SaturaJa.2 Memorial Arena Nestietan, Unitati Churcci Wo- agenda we hati quite a busy men, evening. Four of the ladies ~ Tire prasitient, Mes. Neta shal cti iei rsn Holant, oenti ha eetngpositions as they do snch an or GO WFlàeqn,.V I LE wîthý a poem "God'sWa, excellant job tiret we fait it te *efter wbich she thanketi the Wise ta ýkaep tham- thera, W ** ~ hostess anti extentiedth ie wel- wîth a littie persuasion. in M ores. h Ht Thanks girls. t Mrs.Arthr Hyandwo Tire new officers are as fol- i ir~84 KING ST, W. 623-5520 prepared bbe Devotianai, Tas laws: Cirapiain, Jean Mîlley; t] "Wc Specialize Lin Shirt !Laundering" ucbe.Haalip e esretind ratiWacden, Maeylîn Bebel, Con-M ______________________________________________________ aucoJadoln-ne ing "Goti's Most NeetietiPao- Gutr, rene Train, uter ne pie." Tire Bible passage, Ro- Guard, -rae ieerain AnOti- t5 mans 12: 1-5, wsreeti y tacs, CanaDoylieg anti atg Mes. Charles Faensiraw, The Leearo. Dye nxir lîymn "~I Neeti Thea Evcry W Houe" anti prayer concludet Tire bulletins will ha issucti tý this part of the meeting. by Jean Mîlley anti Jean Be- a, G U TA ndIM~'inuesoftire'Decemober lan The kitcian comrnlttae tacy Mrs. Norman Maire, anti Lee, Dorobhy Lee anti Irene f finances wace reparteti A Train. Jean Balan wil ha in were eceied fom, hosecards, etc. Gooti luck ta al th j", vo wer remmber'd atin tire coming Christmas. An invitation Was On tire evening of Feb. 6birth LE» U >receivedtiet attend a lunchean, It was decietiet have a an ~OENOMETJanuary 17, from 12-1:30, on snawmobile ridiefoliowed by or F11'P.L1ýENTFEES, NO GIMMICKS , soea of tire ladies would ha Santiy Day iras voluntearedCti E ahle ta attend. te Cooak . bless hec, We woalt Bc at The roîl eaul "Projeets fer like te bhank ail tire ladies, wl 1973" poieisome l ntaresb- theugir net member, wiro se pe LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE ing ar Pes ata was dis- kindly assisteti us in1 making sponsored by tribut1ti icd e Iole Mmb r orhaea iresces tw anistudy tin s asMisDrn Tire Qc A nice lunch iwa-,s VanIiCamp wil PL ha iegus ec b y Irene Train anti Di eon s M usic Studios speaker at, tire Febr:uacyl Dorothylc,,aM meeting. Miss VanCamp. wire - - NEW CLASS STARTING IN FEBRUARY Idap sa isof ryeec l bein PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS able te mîe s sioaywl hanI- OBDIT il p fermation on this vast ceun- i AVAILABLE NOW.. try. JAMES (ELI) MAIRS mi Mcs, Arnoldi Williams chosein ASK ABOUT 01JRINSTRUMENT RENTALS as her topic "Keý'(y '73". Jesus James (El!) Mvaire af Nqý_es AS AOU OR î1r tietan dieti January 7tbq, 17, be Cokey5576re573et Part Peery Community fr Renta Ca faHospital aftee a short ilinem. R WED. and THURS. NIGHTS CALL 623-9010 A DAY OR WEFKEN»D Harwas l iris882,st eae, or WRITE TO:l Ask for Rae . . . Scni avstr o F" tire LINSCMM NTYCNTECOUNT-Y late Mc, a ti Mc Alex Maies a LIOS C MMUITYCENRECHRYSLER»DODGELT senior., Ha bcd beau a resi- v. 26 EEC AV., OW ANVLLE623258 tent of Nestleton Pr tira past C, 26 BECHAVE. BO MANVLLEsavanteen yeers anti an ad- MI ______________________________________________f_________ rent oaiNesleton Unitedtiîn Churci wî Mr. Maire we-'tireirushant Fé of the late Ada Cooper. Ha je ai surviveti by fou r sans, Ivan, Co Vancouver, Norman, Nastle- ton, Gardon, Windsor, anti w Ted of Canningten; andt ireaIn,, tieugirtars, Jean (Mrs. Gea. or IWindsor), Baliantrae, Bacul ce (Mrs. Gea. Sellers), Celling- woed, anti Joyce (Mca., IdO Virtuel, Bowmenvalle'. Haeî.S ai o surviveti hy one sîsb " la & RePnie He-Tndrirks of Sasa- * SPRTC ATS ~ ACKES 152,ta William Gardon th- - Cowie, tfha reiresidedati eoa 6ý Victoria St., Bowmenville HO AIL WINTER UNES for 19 years. A member of, Teinîty Uniteti Ciurcir, sire K7, Iwa. aise an empioyee ai Allieoi 5 h Cable Reels anti a member cf f12 IIDT~tire Long Sanit Ritige Run-!1P0 UP TO ~ nec Ski-doo Club.' 11 Survlving are her bu -bani, W a tiaugirter Wendy Diane, anti1 hec m-otirer, Mrs. Wiîfreti ai Smnala. fco Rev. N. W, ake -ondu 'ted, on tire 'uneael er-vice from ý.tira W Morris Funeiral îChpi, PBw-i Wv manvîlle, on Tuasdey, Dacem- Ke bar I.bir 1972. Pàeree wera Messe:I',ý Faye Mauntie y, Jîm Betiford., - MENeS W AR LTD-Bill Lyle, Kan Lintiy,, Mur- et ray Joynt anti George Brook, on gowmanville, Ontarlo L ferment was in Bowmau- Th ville Cemet xy, a Cceehraites Firsi Birthday Little Matthew Reginald Ellis celebrated iris firsbý birthtiay an Januery 4th, 1973. He is tire son of prouti piarents Robert anti Bannie Bulis, Oshawa and grand-1 son of Mcc. Rose Bulis, Oshawa and Mr. and Mcc. Frank Smith, Bowmanville, ____ .-McRobbie Photographyl 34M on atnPLs o 3olenPlouhLog Ray Bothrwell, atiminÎstrat- c, cf Golden Plougir Lotige, éiti Ceunfies Cauncil lest Weatnestiay tirea was e wait- [g 11sf ai 34 people, wenting oglet into tire letige. Me. Botirwell saidtateoa fie 34 va:iting, 30 wee wa- iaen anti four wera men.q Ha otet tire lotige euecentiy ires 156 ceaidants icitire 136 betis reat wec availahie. Me. Bothwell indicateti if was the province tiret set tire 3tndards foc admission.,Ta ha icýcptad mb tirahe Golden ?langir Letge an epplicent înst heable fa waik into tire nuiltinîg bimsaif anti look iter bimseilf. "Tira tocteers papiers arc tire mas tidet ermîne wiretier ,ey gat into tire lotige,l" seiti îe adiministratior. He stresseti îey tret t maka it a home utd net just a place ta stay Dlaeiiugton TawnsimPReeve zarnet Richard aiati Mr. eotirwell if ie avec. hear"d 'hy tirey tlýidut gtmr eopieiin tireafe cln- it tira ir)of i s. \W. H.! asýte-r fc ire Jnry met-rai îg. Tirrawerc ïnnaladies )rsant. Foliowing tire open- ng oftira meeting tire niutas ai tire Decamber îeetîng wee eact anti atipt- i. Tirea s quife e num- ai- cf tirank yen notes reat rom thosa wiro rýceiveti hrîstmes boxas. Tire foie vas teken by Mes. A*-. Law ire chose te epeck arn tire leplabînig cf tia fisbýîiin - hustcy cl (f Qntitelling irew 1lier tcuntLi ies iare taking et- î of waters close ta a;nada, Mes, Wm, Hoy anti Ers. A. Foster peýoviteti a da- rions lunch, A vote cf thenks vas movet te ur hast ess. Tire èbeucry meeting willha irait tirae home cf Mes. Eddie 'ureux. Anyaue wising teisernti foc voaiian hi nkats tirroilgr.tira i titute may ta se by coun- acting ciltirr Mes. E. Courou-,x' SMes,ýW. H. Fostee. Mc. Haetiey Barlow ai )roua anti Mc. Edwarti Lcpp dNanaîmeo, Vancouver Ilandit, ileti on. Mr. anti Mca. Gar- andi Catiart and Arthuc 7hmpson on Wctinesticy et- encan, Tira ceinmuity was sirock- Id hy tira uccideetal. deatir cf c. Gctf'ray Wyl',,,nee lest Feî- 1y. Ha lîvatiJ on tire 8th encessiýon cf Cah.Mr. Vynna was repairing some ectrical equipmant et;tire ime. Sympatiry is extendeti r is wife anti twa teen- ýga sons. Tirea s a card party in ie Orange Hall on Fritay raening. Tira priza -winners aere as fclicws: Lady's bigir, aena Maece: ilaty's icw, Mca, 'ies. Gasac' genVs higir, Me. cerlant Eliîotf anti gent'lsle ent ta Mrs. An Coopac, dayîng con a gent's card, Trie 050 tiraw was won by Mc., as, Caswal. On Safueday eftecneon tire entai P.TA. hait a rum- egae sale in tire scirool anti- oeîum. Tire wece greet les ci uset clcthîng et whicir Lay dît vaey wail, Mr. anti Mes, I. E,ýliatt anti Ies. W,.IH. Pcster attantieti Le 50tir Wadting Ainîva--ersary- 'fMr. anti Mca. WinBa. a ifR.R. 4, PortHoeonSu- îy evening. If t ash inc he Durhram Memariu H -all n Hîghwýay 28, Northr cf Part lopa. Mes, Erc Wilkin anti' Mis ýahy Dannis cetueneihobe li Seatucday aftec a visit ta La Bahama Islandis. Tirey ce- ort ireving a very geadti ime. Mc. anti Mes. John MeMVll- in cf Thercibili spent tire aaekand aI their cottage. Mr. anti Mes. Eddie Coucoux ntactainati a number ai fcik, rnm Kanal et thir cbtg in Lake Kusrog lavec tire vekent, Tira snowmcbihlng ias bafet,-ireain eraunt entai. rl-Stewart wel- es, Da cane , RutJairas a rit Susan, al! ci Scarirerough,-t in Wetirîestay. Mr. anti Mrs. lies. Stevens calieti on Thurs- ly aiternoo)n. ,, - ton anti Clarke Towbships anti tira Tcwn ai Bewmanviie. Ha bnoe ery have anly 10 people ici tire lotiga frern iris ac ea. Mc. Bothwell replieti hatiti h lave a lot of peaple cerne frin mDclingtcn Township te inspiiect tire iodge. "Tirey wueîy because if lsac long pieca te coma ta visit" ira sait Ini iis report, -Mc. 3Bh well noe tatetreaware 141 rasidents in tihe me ntliris lest repoet a year Cge. Since tireýtfinie 17 new ceaidants bave beau admitteti; 38 ha1ýva beau re-admittati, 13 have tiet anti 47 have been dis- cirged. 0f tire 136 ceidants in tire borne, 59 ara mcci anti 77 ara woman. Me. Bothwell sait tiret about 54 ta 56 cf iris resi- dents pay their' cwc way. They pay for tirair be inletire home wirethar they use Af al tire lime ce net. Total fuli anti part-flînepaer sonnai et tire Golden Pleugir Lotge la 63, wirich incluties fule ml - Lime regîstaet nurses, twe ac-i r eg- eue arfndiaeadut nuse. Alsa on staff arc sevn c- aesanti ana beusekeeper, a secamstress anti au office iwerk- er;f two launtiry 'essisteants pins ane maie geneal- hrcea malts, two maintenance men, a. kitchen heeti cook, second coek, cime ml ltime hîtchan' help.andt wieo acI-lime. Staff aise incinties an adjuvantf anti a ci-ait assistant, Cobourg Tops List Cobourg iras tire iigirest nurnier ai patients lu tire Golden Pieugir Lotige, 40, whila Port Hope anly iras 16 ceaidants; Hamîlton Townsip la naxt witir 13 eut Hope anti MîllIireeek acir bava aîghit, whîle sýix ara frem Cevan Towns,'iip., Aiynwick Township hbes tirerersitants; Bowmianvîlie, oea Brighton Village, twe, Cartwright Townsip tirrea; Clarke Tewnsip, fourý Coi- berne, seven; Ceamabe Town- amshp, tirc; Darlingbon Town- ship, fira; Haldîmant Town- ship, four; Manvers Townshrip, birrea; Murray Township, ana; Newcastle, ona; Percy -Town- ship, birrea; Seynmour Townr- ship, tirrea anti Southr Mon- agh an, two. Brighrton Township, Camp-. beilforti anti Hastings Village hava nana fcem their respect-. ive munîcipalîties as ceidants ici tire Golden Plaugir Lotiga. Mr. Bothwell tld coueties cauncil niembars tirey coulti caii hlm any heur ai tire nigit or day anti irewcnld ire gladti t talk te tram. Ha sait tire werc 20 bats icitire originel wing wirich tiricrw c Dow nef allcwe t b use. Whan- tire new adtitînus complet- et, lire total capccity ai tire ictige wil increase te 180 betis.-Examiner. WESLEY VILLE Tire anr'ual congregational meeting cf Welcorne Unitedi Church-wa e iriton I'uestay eening, Jan. 16 with open- ni, tevetions contucteti by Rav, J. Ramîit. Followîng tire caaiding of tira minutes from tira lest annuel meeting, re- ports werea irarti from tire dififcrant tepartments of tire cihrci. Mes. H. Osherne ce- portati a very setisfactcry total fac M. & S., givings, George Tuffced sirowed an everaga atteeldence of 50 for tire 41 Sunticys Sunday Scirolwas balti: Mes. L. Kalloggcapcte tire y,(aa endîng witir 23 menie- bers ici CGlT fi-cm diffarent pa( itire towniship -anti tîicafteneminations. Due- ling-ir ybccrtbcy bat Bible Stuiy, aui African therne for a Meîrclir Tee, Eater..Suncise Service cf Song et Gerdenii Hill,1EfiHeeHaven, anti11Miss Dariogs HstHomne ici Pr Hopc , c cap-entaaqnti oa girl qïent le Ontanlecam cineir, ir,la a ner th i , e3,e eýnce Centre, particinateti ici càee Uric.,D. Lord and JeryiT Iled tire Cubs ait er Leader Mca. D. McCail. Tire AOTS fer tire pastoral charge helti n prancake supper, auction sala, po)t lurk supper anti cern ostanti conducteti churcir srieon Layman's Suntiey. Tire reports from Welcome meinse, Waiceme anti Wes- Ileyville cemeteries were giv- en by Me. M. McHolm. Tira five out-going eiders ware ra- electeti. Cerrmmttea of Stew- ards, Clarence Nîcirols, R. Me- Hoim, A. Osborne, R. 30w- man anti J. Groanevaiti, Tra- sucer, Mc. K. Symons: M.& S. Treas., Mes, H. Osborne. Choir leaders ce-elacteti were MeIs. H. Reeve, J, Groeevelti, Mrs. Carroll Nichoîs anti new assistent ôrganist, Mes. C. Beattie. Junior Leaders, Mrs. 1Dennis Ccaft anti Mes. R. 1Lax. Suntiey Sciroal Super- intendant, Murray Payne; Cemetery Bartis rémain tire same. ,Rapoets cf tira twa units cf tire U.C.W. were tee lengtiry ta report but sirawad a year cf activity anti fine programmes, During tire vear the tircea churcires haiti joint meetings lu tire summer mentis. twc ai themo being fine autdoor wocsirip. Mes. C. Dickinson anti Clarke, anti Mes. Ken Asirby bavelbacc veey iii wîtir flu se wace not able te attend tire regular meeting of tire His- banical Society ici Port Hope ou Watinestiay avenîng, but Mrs. Ro-y Austin eccampanieti Mes, 'E.'Bareowcîough tbcire. Tire stoey cf Lezarus -anti tire ricir man was tire besis foc 11ev. Remjit's sermon, 'ýThe mcciwiro canitie 'f caca ilss' an Suintiey mernîng. T-wo loveiy arngmntof .flowes were iici mecy 0 ýýf tire lete Mi. ,A. YE. Sy;mons. DeniseMargaret, dauigliter of Mr. anti Mrs. Scott Rebînson, ies reccaiveti intec)tire churc'n theougir tha Sacrement of Baptismo by Rev. Ramjit aind on ireif ai tire cengregetion hy Me. Lloyd Kellogg anti Mr. Leverne Farrow. Junior Choie peactice was hait follawing tira service. Severel freoibacc attendeti tire funecalinic Port Hope on Tuestiay af Mr. A. E. Symons, an oid neigirbour. People cf tire cemmunity wece sheekedti t iear of tira sutitentietir of :Mes. Etigar Eley ôn Sunday. Foc niany years Mc. anti Mes. Eiley farmo- eti iiPort Britain iandti bey Iwi thtieir ferniiy weee faitir- fui attenders aI Wesleyviile Circc anti Suntiey Scboal. Mes. M. Bankin ef St. Cath- arines, icitire vicinity ta at- tend Mr. A. E . -Symans' fin ccci, vîsteti with Mc., anti Mes. H. Bcrrow.cleugir wîth whrmsire lîvati turing tire yeacs sire laugirt in Wesley- ville Scirool. MYAPLEGRV 1sf Maple' Grave Cuirs anti leaders wonld lîka ta wish Mes, Shirley ,IBubar a'-sDoeatIy re-_covary. Sire is opa ai li ýe urtia, Jeuary27thas Pinse :Wooti Deriry Day. Tire Mapie Grave Cuba wiil race thaer cars- 1!t 10:ý30 'ciock sharp et St. Jio; eph'î Auditorium, 127 Lîberty Street South, in Bow- mentvîlle. On Tuesdey, Je.. 30th, tire Maple Grave Cuirsý will be going ta Oshawa for- e tour of tira naw Oshrawa Police Station. Tire leaders woulti like tai walcome el-ght new Cuirs for tire season of 1972-1973, To mmry Callis, Donald Deigle, Tîmmy Dakin, Eiie, Glen Eeuwes, Grant Carnociran, Ecul e Thiale, Scott Vansen. Hope bý,irey will have fun anti enjoy Cuibbing. Akela: Andj Van, IHmemn.- TheCaniau Sn taiesxnan, Bowmanville, J'an. 24, 1973 3 Church services were helti. MIizah Beniediction. Mrs. Howard White had the, The cnrgtoa etn services and spoke on Drayer was held an Wednesdayevm and tld us tliat the week of inrig. the 2lst ta the 28th had been ;VMr. andi Mrs. H. unrl set aside as Prayer Week by s-nent Sunday afternoon it the varlous relîgiaus sects. Mr. and Mrs. J. Currier, Pr The choir sang a number. A Hope. It was Mr. and Ms vote on whether we agree to Quantrill's wedding aà r- keen Rev. Ramojit for another versary. year was taken and wîll be Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer EatJ counted and given out at the Stever and Vîcki Fajt, Ponty meeting at Canton on Tues- pool, overnight. day evening. Mrs, H. Thickson and Ms On Wednesday the executive R. Westheuser snent Priday, of the United Church Women in Oshawa, was helti at- Mr. and Mrs. M. Kenneth Fowler .vas home,- Gardiner-s' home. Mrs. Gard- for the weekend and wentI irer rearl a poem and Mrs, KT' back Sunciay nirght. Trew opened the meeting The Skî.doo Cubhati with a summary of the New card party et Mr. andi Mrý-, Year's work. The minutes E. Fowlers' over the week.end. were reati by M'-s. W. Ban ister, Mrs. N. Bristow has Announce N1-17 consenteti to be aur presïdent foýr next year. Past President, Ua M ýrs. Ken Trew; lst Vice-Pres- laigSbt te Leaders, Mrs.- B. Wheeler, Shrinks'Piles Ms. K, Longyear andi Mrs. E.F Watkins; Secretary, MeS.Edsvhsigusacpoetsrs W. B anîster, Treasurer, Mrs. hemrndoids and repsir dand tissus C.Bell, Social Leader, Mrs.A nwedreahiattehs M.Davis; Represetitatîve ta rh t rh Stewards, Mrs. D. Munroe; faounti a unique hesiing substanc-,e ragram, Mrs. M. McAllister, with the ability ,ýto shrinjr hemcq. Social Assistance, Mrs. G riiaids painesslyJ!treLevesitch"- g Morris; Press, Mrs, H. ThickI andi dîscamfart îniminutes ani son; Flowers ant i Sck, Mrs. sped up healing of thre injuret,, S. Mercer.- . inflameti tissue. A discussion an forming a in case after case, while gentlyi Young People's graup- was relieving pain, actuel reducti«a hield and we agreed ta assis, (shrinkage) tbah placeý. in ,iny way we coulti. Mrs-. Most important of al-resuita Davis would leati thîs group. were so thoraughthatthisimprave- Teachers in tire Sunclay School ment was maintaineti over a period are ta finti out howt many, of manv months. children wauld like ta go ta Tis -wes acecorplîshed 1with a camp. We plan ta halti the new heahing substance (io-Dyne) Worlti Day af Prayer andi ask which quickly helps hZh injïireti Percytown ta help. Ib will on cels, and stimulates growth ofat e, March 2nti he 2:30. tissue. 1Mrs. Bristow took avec the Now Bia-Dyne îa affered ir l ointl- chair andi propaseti we have ment snd snoloyfr alt a thank offering at Easter PeaainÇ sfrbtidu Several other items were dis- st0res Stsato o ormn- cusseti anti reports rsi The refulnciedi meetinig closeti wývit'i htie______________ 1ýz 1971 FR LXE50' 351 V-8, automatic, powersterng pwe brakes, radio, white walls, wheelcoes Beautiful medivrn brownýv metallic withl Matching interior, This type of car is regularly selling for- $2800. Buy it this-ý week for c. t29295 $2400 A40 19 70CHIRR YSL E R NE WP V-FT,î »-Dr, HA RDT with white v yltop arid blue inîerior, Soid niew for $5300. NOW ONLY$ 'Where Friendaly People Meef 219 King St.E FINA'L 623-4481 Bowinanville s VALUES REGULARLY $6.00 TO $20.00 BLOUSES- SWEATERS - SKIRTS HOT PANTS- SLIMS - SWIM WEAR DRESSES and LOUNGE WEAR q3rshn~sstaff invite you to' COrn tni anc1 Lrowse tkrough/ our flC 9 Spring styles, rrdngca/y .-ESLIN'S ofBom vle AIL SALES FINAL- NO REFUINDS OREXANS - ------- -- 0 ulii Lýý 7 GARGAIN , 1 PRICED from 0 0

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