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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 4

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4 The Candin tate-sinan, Bowmanville, Jan. 24, 1973 B e.Sure You Attend Young Canadi This Saturday from early morning ail members of every beain unillabe at aternoon, minor hockey good outing-, with good sp( teýms fromr here w ill entertain and doan inestruhts becst to outscore teams from otheraspil and faines bhougob, a Onitario cenitres, It should be a greal spsiltn enbdc dyto lie in wîth Minor Hockey Week This is possible althoug inCnad anýd, according b bbhe slogan, to believe frorn some of theg a,ýiters aespoe olk hi witnessed tbis year. We thi boys b bb arena 'and stay to watch enîs' role is bo cheer tbeir .bbîem play adding encouragement to t We take bbe liberty of adding sev- extent, even going so far as neaioher thoughts 10 bbc hockey pic. good efforts by opposing te ,br.First, wile the theme is addressed isp'b considered lreasçrn. b fthrswcllbel there arc more beaven's sake, pleasetry bo rpothiers teras usual, than fathers. that the officiais looking aft( Il t secms- to wo,-rk out that waýy and cion't have eyes, in the ba, has- over the years. beads and are buman, iyi WeQ'd ai]so'likýe b suggcst that Ihe job. So, Let's cul out the betwaY of rnakding a good day of il i.s swearing at the refs anid Ii forevrybdyto tbink more in terms of show our kd htwa good hockeyý than winning. We've noth- is to be gooc ingagins wnnigit's part of il, but Have a good day, kids Saturday wvc feel the main part is for and lots of luck, Sec yo 1th( AmazinaCitizen InvolFvement The voluînïious reports ernanabing Ifrolbb Port Hope-Cobourg area rbes ays, inidicabte that bbc Ontario :governrnenit, wibb ils regionai govcrn- m-rent proposais, bas stirred up more citzcninviveentand reaction than we 1have cnicountered in many years. Possibly, ail bbc credit shouldn't g- o btbbc Ontario governrncnt for Ibis ara z in g dcveioprnent, sm sbould aIso go tb bbctwo local newspapers ~and bbc couincils of bbc bowns wbo bacve be-en most vociferous inIbeir Cov- elrage and ctonidemnlation 'of bbc propo- The resuli bas been a spate of pub- lic m-eetin,-gs and bbc organization of ~grops, nnurerale leters tb bbc ncws- paper edibors from privabe citizens, ncýýwspaiper editorials galore exprcssing ~tcrvicws, lengbthy speeches and cx- ,planatijons by bbtntwo Memnbers of bbc ~Legislabur -inivolvcd and other sundry t ib-,s .. ilof wbicb bave been iuyreporbed in bbc press. T'le end resuit of ail Ihis public, fnvoiernebý, scd mnily on tbehbcne Ihl Port Hlope and iCoboutg wanb- niobbl-ýing b do witb a Regioniai Govern- ment lied in with O)shaw,,a, fias tbhave q-n effecî on bbc On-itario goverient's plan. ., and may wchl persuade tbcm be aller il considerably for polibîcal rbeasons, if -nothing cIsc. Some of that fýrppsition rLini bhc asbcrn region is also, ~rbigoff oni Peberborough -wbcre council anld bbe press. are dcmanding bo kn whwere Ibeir future lies. And on Mïm4aner7s and other municîpalibies in- vvd, who are als(o demfanding more A Tremerdu 116w oleh'ave you beard somie- ornc complain Ibat bbc press reports inot!hînjg but te bbbd news - bbc rag- edies, deabhs, wars, governinental in- comp'qebence, anithe ike? Al btooOflen tebýc ccsation iis truc. Il's not that news- paýper peopie ike bbc nasty stuff but ,, inply because bbc bulk of bbc ncws- wobyevenîs are unbappy or unpleas- ant by nature. So il Cornes as; a real breatb of Sprin-g air when Ibere is somcething ruly good b rprt, Sncb an event bas bapènd obieBomanville labely and îil,-,ouý1ldnol gon nberaidcd. JTust afler Chrisîrnas, a $25,000 f ire tava edbchorne of Mn. and Mrs. John Runiep on bbc -Middle Roadi. The build- igwsa cbarrcd ruin. Tne addition at bblc rear wasý complete! ll'bed and 'ai- mosl ecvrry roorn in bbc home was badiy do wa'is so good about a dlevas- The eal'roringpec Or bbc silubio wasbbcrespnseof thé friends, reaivsand neigbbors of bbc Runie fa ily jtIl gt ns ma i lng w a bCI ,o i Fîvýe days aflader bbe f ire, work crcws composed r 0bsrcly o vlunteer belp, bega Ubo or on bbc bouse. Bebween al0- cpi 15 men burn-ied upit)every day for bb hnxbbbee wee'k, and virbualiy re- built bbýc bouse f ,rom scratch.' AIl that wa saivageable fro t bbc ~original bui1lng werc bbrcc oubside waiad ia small part of bbc floor aI bbc norlHi end of bbc biouse. The rcsb of bbc Pfiooniing. ilings, insulation, Wall board an-od plaster ail bad bo be pulied out alind repiacecd. Evcn bbc roof had bo be cntirely nrippcd off and rebujî1t'from bbebick lfrarne iup. The w7omen in bbc area aiso deserve a spcialcomrnendation). Eacb day Phon JOHN M. JAMWES EDITOU-P"UBLISIHES iaDay n. to have a )ortsmanship, sf ew fights ffcking. gh, it's hard games we've Ânk the par- br eads off, their fuilesl b toappiaud eams if 'that Andc, for understand er bhe garne .ck of their Lng o doa abuse and nesmen and Sadulîs, also dsports. and parents iere- ,information and holding public meet- in'gs bo obtain the reaclion of citizens. Here, both council and bbc generai electorate don't appear bo be nearly as antagonistic t'b the overali scheme and the Osbawa lie-mn. The fact Ibat Most of the densely-populated section of Dar- Slingbon will become Osbawa under the snew Scbrne, hasn't had any apparent 1negativ e impact other than some regret sand desire b bargain a bit on'the final decision. There lias beer i nupublie uutcry frorn Oronio, -Ne-wcastle or the, Township of Clarke or Darl 'ington over the plan to tnld hem as part of the new municipaliby of Bowmanville. Maybc Efolkýs iithtis area don't consider Osbawa as the overpowering ogre trying bo dom- ilate eveiytinrg in Ibeir orbit. What- ever il is, we may be missing bbc boat by nol becomn-ing aroused and indignant enough to make ouY feelings feit a't Queen's Parký. 1Time wiltell how much good al this public inivoivernent will dlo the Port Hope an, d Cobourg area iies Cer- bainiy, the,\ deserve fiul iîmarks for their efforts il, trying b 'LoanalyIze anid study the proposais vey horoughl1iy before bhec ncwvregioniai ovrm tbecornes a fait accompli. We, ini this areCa,.uay weli, find thiat by inot baking anytbing but'a casuai iînbercst in bbce propo'sais, we'il be sorry, later on wbnthe weaknesscs and faults corneIb li'ght. By teit rnay be boo. labe for us bo do much bo correct >themj. Possibly' , we lhave more cobfi- dence in our eiecbed representatives or. we could be Just boo-indifferent or lazy bo careý. Ccmmrunily <Effort there ,vas a smnall goupof bnz grime- co vered0 men bo be fed and thie ladies breated bbem bo notbhing but bbc best _-,-- inc, roast lurkey, bbc lob. If you hIavl-e ever prepared ia meai for 15 people, yuknýowv how mach work was ïnvniv\ed. And regLaniy during the day, bbc ladies fromn the airea brought the men fresh coffcc bo give bbcrn a break from their bard -work. i addition b ail this, money was coiiected bt buy ncw ciobbing and other n-ecessibie for- the f amily. Tlhere was eniougb lcft over bo give bbce Rundies a srniil nesl egg to gel bbcm back on their As Johnu Runle's brother AI com- nmenbedi, "ib was just a brernendous corn- miby i \-effort. John w-vas 1underLstandabiy ini pretty poor spirits aftcr tbbcfire and ib's imnpossible b ,imagie a mrorale builder tbe wbole bhingý was."' So, if you ever sbart b ond1oier if brotibenly love and comnrunty spirit exists any longer, just bbink of bhc frienids and neigbbors of John Rundie. itf's a lesson we would ail do weli bo >remember. NTIME FOR AN ELECTION PieMinister Trudeau and bis L ,bras ouId do weli bo hoid off on ciigan election for a wbîic., The new enhypersonai income tax forrns are airriving bbhrougb bbc deiayed mail ser- vice and appear likely bo cause consid- erable irritation bo harricd baxpayers. Wc doubt if bbce page adveri-tsements in bbc, da ilyý papers wii help much to sooth bbc' shattcred nierves of thosqe individ- uials brying bo complete bbc new forms before the .deadIine, And if yvou bhink îthose are complicabed, you sbouid sec bbc new income tax regulabions for cor- porations. Ail in al, accountants are assured of permanent jobs for some lime bo dbrne Durham County's Greai FamriIy Journai Established 119 years ago ia 1854 Also Incorporatiag The Bowmanville News The7Newcastle Independent The Orono News- Second class mail registration number 1561 Produced everý' Wednesday by THE lAMES> PUBLIÈHING COMPANYLMIE 62 - 66 King St. W., Bowmniville,, Ontarlo GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULD D BuS1NEss MGi. SALES MANAGER t. -~ k r 623-330à, DONALD BISROP PLANT MGa. ' and/aor praperty riqhts gubsist ln the linaq e appearing onl thîs proot. Permission ta rep)rodiuce in whol, or in part und in aliy faim whatsoever, parficularly by photographic or offset praes t a publication. must 1» abtained tram the publisher and the printer. Apy unauthorized ieî)rfLictjoia wll b.e ubject ta cecourse , a w. " $7Ï.CO a year - 6znonhs $400 $9.00 a Year in the United States 'tityin adIvarc Althougb ery prccautton wtt! b. f alien teavoyid errei The Canadien Stateenaâccepte; adveie.s tpin its Clumas ,on the un 'rtanding that if will net be, lirible fer any errer i aay crdvertiseent puhteh~ beeuac~i ntee aProfcf e sucS advertisment is requested ini writinq by the advertieer crdreturaed ta, The Cr 'aIuiSttes(T business office ciuty sigaecf by the advertiser and with such erri r crrctfaeptafal y aOttainwiitioq therean, and in that case ifay errar se aated je net ccrl'rcdb! TIi. Ccaadiazn Stee"Man fttc tiobitfy scoitnet exceed such ca portionatithe catira cost o,,» uch advertfstiment us tis epace orcupfed by the noted errei bears ta thre whole epace occupted by e ucb zadverttseement. R. R. 1, Orono, Ontario. January 20, 1973. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviiie, Onbario. Dcar Sir: I am writing bo you bo voice my disapprovai of bbc regionalgovcriincn proposai wbicb Mr.' MacNaughton bas unvciied for Ibis arca. Having rcad bbc proposai, I cannot but feci that bbc underiying therne us that eventuai urb- anizabion of bbc area is inevibable and Ibat governrnent nuist be organqýized with Ibis in mmnd. May I suggcst Ibat representation as outlined in the proposai wouid not permit sufficient input frorn bbc agri- cultural community in sucb mabters as land use, dog control, property rigbts, c.g. sniowmobile respass and damage; etc., duc bo a council that is bigbly urban orientedd witb a iargely urban back- ground. Might I aiso suggest Ibat Ibis coui d be corrected in part by rcducing tbeze oA f bhc region bo include only bbc Pickering, Wbitby, Oshawa area in bbce Oshawa cenbrcd region. A second region wouid then include bbc United Counties area whîcb would bhen be more agriculburaly oriented. I realize Ibat bbe Port Hope-Cobourg région bas been designated a mrajor growtb arca for bbc future, bowevcr, I feci Ibal tbis is anotber case wbere bbc governrnent is aiming boward an evenbuai botal urban socicby for Soutbern Ontario, and I bbink Ihat Ibis is definitely not inthe best interest Ôf tbc-people of the com- munity or bbc province. As Ib3is proposai is, or at least sbouid lbe, a plan for bbc future as wcll as bbc present, bbe government sbould bhe concerned with conserving our most im-portant resource witbout whicb we carinot srive and Ibat is our land. On1ce il basi gone under cernent and asphait in bbcniarneof progrcss, it can- not be reciairned. I bbink bbc govern - ment sbiould be baking serious action 10 stop urban sprawl and deveioprnent on prime agicuitural land and direct fut- uire development bo land nol ideaily, suibed bo agriculture. Tbis does not scem to be bbc case' as plans are being made to pave over Picke ring and Uxbridge townships in bbc immediate future and Hope and Hamnilton by bbc year 2000. 1 know that Ibis rnay sound like an alarm- ist altitude land that littie can be donc in ny cv'venb, but sornetbing mus t be donci. In December, 1972, bbc Bcibisbh Columbia governiment baîîned compiete- ly bbc stibdivision of ail exisbing anrd poteiai, farrnland in bhc province as bbc first step in bbc establishment of a provincial farriand preservation poiicy. I know Ibhat sucb action would resuit in a great oubcry by developers, specu- lators and farmrers alike wvho fcarcd for iost capital gains, but sonictbîng equal- ly drasbic rmust be donc b preserve.Ibis vanishing resource. This land is our land - it must be saved for generations bo corne. Yours truly, Neil S. Allun. In the Edit ' Mié Jan. 22/'73 No. 3-He will obtain tax Mr. James support for Knox Christian Dear Sir: School, on Scugog St., or As we are now well into Private School, or' even the year 1973 1 would like Dutch School as some pre- to take this opportunity, to fer to call it. înforma the, citîzens of the Space, î arn sure, will flot Town of Bowmanville on a allow me to dwell on the few matters pertaining to abovre items in détail, but 1 the laât election, held in hopý' to do so in separate our town for the purpo)(se of letters on cach item via your electing a Mayor andic Coun- newspaper in the year 1973. cil fo-r the years '3274. I would lîlke the citîzens As you 2ail know, 1 was a of Bowmanville to know candidate for thie office, of that 1 have lost my f aith Mayor, buit did flot get elect- and respect, for Mayor Ivan edi. 1 accepted this, as a Hobbs, and I will tell you facut that thie people have why. spoikeni. t was 3 years ago when Aithouii ýI regrepeat I was elected as your Reeve that, I wiIlfriot',bcart)f <that Mr. Hobbs, congratulat- ýyour, Munic-ipa-l Counicil, ed me, and t oiçi me that if I for, the neît -2 -ears, I, have ever decided to run for May- sincerely eunjoyd thie past or, that in nio way would bie, 5 years on council and act- Mr. Hobbs, oppose This ed to'the be-st of m-y ability., according to Mr. Ivan >After the el]ectioni was HFQbbs, wATas an indication of over, thie question, some 0ýf how higbly hie feit about my supporters were askýing, the service I was supplying was, w,,hat haUppened?? Well, to the town and he also in, my personaloiinthe spoke very highly about my followin, itemis i suri- performance on Council. mariîze whiat dfid haïppen and Well, as you ail know, wh1y 1 . Mr. Hobbs diçi NOT keep- During 4h te uým1 it b isword, but diçi oppýosemee mright haive temd o thec at the last election, 'and Ii utieas adea li-,- congratulated him on win- paign but it ccrtainly- was ning. But it now bias be- fav 'fro-m t1hat. It was c e- corne quite apparent to me peatedlv brouaht to mny at- that Mr. I-obbs does NOT tenition before and after thcýe want Bob Dykstra, and has Election that certain rumors seen fit to bypass me for had been spread. any appoîntments to any No. i Mr. Dykstra is not committees. 1 well and therefore flot able I bave served on Planning to do the job.> Board for'the past 5 years, No. 2-He is a Dutchrnan and was Vce-Chairman for and do we want him, run- the last 2 years. 1 have ning our town? serv-ed on the Central On- In the Di and0 Distant 1Past Froin the Statesmian Files 49 VEARS AGO Thursçlay, Jan., 31 19Z4 Mc. C, S. Magon of the' Upstairs Ready - o - Wear Shoppe. Bowmanville. bas just re-turnoçi froni a three- weeks boiu of bbc larger cibies of COntarlo and Que- ber on a buying trip of bbe newcst styles in ceady-to- wear. He brought back 26 dresses, 12 cloth, 4 georgette crepes and 10 canton'crepes in Tricotines and "Poiret Clotbi. Sizes -14-44, priced from $15.00 to $49.50 bbc dresses will go on sale this vreek, and its doubtfui any will be lefb by the weekend. The Upîta irs Shoppe is ho- cated a1bove' tCoucrb, Johns- toa & CIyderman's Store (now Ellis Sbhoe Store). Orders dcawn on Treasur- or for Daîlington Council were: W. H. Moore, gravel, $1.75; Thos. Taylor, break- îng roadi, $3.10, F. W. Allun, griavel, $5,25; Harold Ben- nett, gravel, $.5.63; Sid Nicb- ouis, work, pib. $12,50; G. Wrîght,. stabute labor, $13.00; J. J. Smith, adv. S. S., $100; A. I4îllson, Adv. S. S. $100; Counties Tneasurpc, sale lots, $17.-5; Mci. E. V. Sco- bell, Treas. Bond, $5.00; F. J. a, audiitor, $12,50; !. F. Osborne. audibor, $1250 TorotSam-p anid Stencil Work, og tags, 52.0 .R. Allia, Town- Lockbiai Us. ing iii Enniskillen,,was in, ,charge, of Plrs. .\oyMrGîhl. -A debabe. Rsle That Religion basq cofilferred great- or benefits upon bbe world than science vrai debated affirmatively by bbc Black- stock team of Mci. R. G. Carruthers,, Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mc. George Crawford. The negative of bbc home tcam consisted of Miss tLaura, Andrew, Mc. Frank Doclaad and Mr, Har- old Gilîcian. Judges wece bhe High Sebool teacher Mc. Marshal Malcolm, Black- stoýck and Mr. E. E. Sýtaplos, Enniskihlcn. The negative team won bbc debýate, Z5 YEARS AGO Thursday, Pcb. , î1 948j Nigbb Constaibie Waiýte'c Ha a sl bonored aICh regula ourl etigo the tonon tecmîto of 35 years service and re- sented with a choýque for $150.00 in appreciation of excellent work. Ccossing Ontario Street1 on bis way tb achool 7Marvýin Walker vrai struck by a jeepr anCi suffeced sex ere utus about bbc head. Lloyd Winaacott, a Statesman cm- ployce, carried the'boy intô bis home and called Dr. Birks wbo treated the boy. 1W. H. Br'own sponsored a sbowing of moving pictures and en-mrtainment in Maple Grove on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sandy Muir gave sev- orlmonologues, wbile Wii- Ii d Cacruthers, acconrp- anied by Ross Metraif, sang murb enioyed solos. Mr. Ivison Munday expressed a vote of tbanks to Mc. Brown on behaif of the assembled group. Prîzes wcre won hy Elgin Greenbanri, J. R. 0cm- iston, Mrs. Stuart Morbon and Miss Joan Buirde-it R.W. Bro. E. H. row conducted an ipesv ceremony at the installation and investiture of officers of Jerusalem Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 31, when the fol- iowing, offirers wcre in- stalled: W.M., W. Bro. M. L. Ciemeas; I.P.M., W. Bro. W. J. Found; S.W., Bro. L, C. White'- J.W., Bro. K. Werry; Chaplain, Rev. Bro. G. C. Quigley; Treas., W. Bro. J. R. Stubt; Sec'y, R.W. Bro, E. H. Brown, S.D., Owen Nirb- olas; J.D., Bro. A. B. Lobb; D. of C., W. Bro, L. T. MeI- Laugblin; Ocganist, V.W. Bro. W. Workman;, I.G., Bro. R. J. Dîlling; S.S., Bro. G. A. Brown; J.S., Bro. C. L. Warren, Tyler, Bro. H., G. Freeman, Mc. and Mci. Rosi Page and famiiy, Hampton, wibb MVr. and Mci. Leonard Brad- ley, Ennlîkillen.. Tlie higbligbt of St, John's Angli'can Cburrh Vestry Meein on Monday evenîng- vrai bbcieburning of bbc note or mortgagc, borrowcd in Juiy bo reonovate God's Houie tarlo Joint Piannning Board for the past 3 years and 1 rau freely say that I was greatiy appceciated by bbe mnembers of these boards, and also well, respected for tbc ime and effort I spent on Planning. At the last town Plar)ning Board Meeting hcld la Dec. 1972, bbe members and Chairman expressed their feelings well, when bbey said that they boped Coun- cil would see fit to reappoint me as an appointed member for '73-'74 (and Mayor Hobbs was present wbea THIS statenienb was made). Al 0 f you may flot be awaîre of tbe fart that we have bad-2 resignations on Planning Board, Mr. Law- rence Mason and Mc. Albert Cole~. I have gained great respect for these bwo mca. They botb served on Plan- ning Board foc well in cx- cess of 20 years. Now, you wouid figure that Council or the Striking Commitbee whirb, was made up of the following mcm- bers: M/ayor Ivan lHobbs, Chairmnan; Reeve Jameýs would at least bave had bbe eourtesy 10 ask if 1 was willing to continue, as an appointed member on these boards,, dueto bbc experi- ence and knowledge I bave gained over the paît 5 years. But, No Sic' ! I was not asked at ail, at one of the most crucial iimei in our histocy. Regional govern- mentis crowding upon us., We now bave a serious situation wbcre -we have a Planning Board with four new members, and a Coun- cil witb four new members. I hope that Counril in bbe near future will sec bhrough some of the av- enues used by Mayor I. Hobbs, in order bo get cer- tain items througb or pais- cd by Council. (Beware! bbe less you know, bbc better he will like it). Wbat about Regional Gov- ernment? Is Council not conccrned about public par- ticipation or, input? AU around us we sec the dif- fevent -municipalities hold- ing public meetings bo gel the response from their people. 'It makeî one wond- or,,whrn arc wc, going to bave some of Ihese meet- ings in Bowmianvillc? ? I suppose, maybe aftcr the deadline of Fcb. 28/73. Ia my opinion, inrluded la the brief that Counril hs pre- pacing sbould be Pub>lic Opinion or input. But, so fac, ail these meetings, wherc Council bas taiked about the Pro- viincial Gvrmetspro- posai for this area, have been Comn làittee of tbe Whlue meetings wbcre noile -of our ritizens or bbc press can, sit in andi listen, to hear their elected representatives' viewpoinbs. Tbank you. Robert Dykstra. Cobourg, Onta-rlo, Januacy 18, 1973 Dear Sir: At a rec ent méectlng or the Lawi Association of tbe UntdCounties of Nor- tlhumtberland and Durham, bbhe matter of regional goN'- crnmont, as 'il may affect bbe administration of Jus- tice, Was discusscd by bhc Iawyeýs present, On 'a motion made at tbat meeting, bbc Association P1resideal was directed bo- communiicate witb bbc ne- sponsible authorities, bo ask that bbc lime limit for the nrýopasal ho extended 10 Decemberý 31, 1973. It vrai the opinion of bbe lawyers, thal bbe public ,and bbc various intcrested assoria- tions require at least Ibisý length of lime bo adequale- iy, sludy bbc government proposai and make thon- recoinmendations with re- ý:oect Ihereto. Ibis felttibal bbc time limît set, of Pcb- ruary 2?, 1973, did rot af- ford adéequate tlme tb fully consider bbc proposai and make suhmissions Ibereon. In addition, bbc Counties Law Association bave ap- polnted a oommiltee bo in- vest1gate aad report on.Ihe Sgand and IBy Bill Smiley TOO TIMID? PERHAPS WE ARE Is there anytbing new under bbc sun, despibe Ihe old adage? Not rnuch. I've just been rcading a i24-year oid cssay by Henry David Thoreau, and il could bave been written hast week by anybody wbo dislikes, nay, despises governmcnt and what it stands for. The author says tbat, Ihat govern- ment is best whicb govecns ieast. Many Canadians, wbo are sick to dcatb of gov- crnment and its agents pclking Ibeir in- quisibive snouts into every aspect of bbc individual's if e, would agree beartiiy. Most businessm en wouid not only concur, but wouid raise a cheer for the sentiments expressed. Ask any man who runs a smali business, if, you want bo gel a blistered car, whab be bhinks of goverument. Thoreau suggests that bbc first pur-, pose of any governmcnb is not to seek out and aboiisb injustice, but to perpet- uabe itself. Ask anyreaiistic poliician, and be'I agree. We sbouid not necessarily cuitivate a respect for bbe law, but for wbat is righb, says Thoreau. He uses bbc illus- btrabion of an-undue respect for, Ibe iaw, of soldiers rnarcbing bo war against their common sense and consciences. This bas been happening for years in Viet Nam.> There are tbre types of men, he says. Firsb are those who unquestion- ingly serve the state with Iheir bodies, sucb as solduers. Next are Ihose who serve bhc state with Iheir minds- politicians, iawyers, office-bolders- but not witb Ibeir consciences. Finally there are bbc veryfew - martyrs, re- formers, patriots> in bbc Ireai sense - wbo serve it with Ibeir consciences also, and 'arc commoniy breabcd as enemies by it. The brigger for Tboreau's cssay was bis strong.disapproval of bbc Arnerican govcrnmcnt of bis day on two issues, bbc iVexican War and slavcry. The Mekican- War was. one of flagrant ag- gression in which bbc Americans moved in and conquercd vast bcrritorics in bbc soutbwcst. (lb has always been a source of pîcasuire bo me, wben Amreicans decry British "colonialisrn" to rernind bbem of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, bbc Phil- ippines, Panama and Texas. Tbey have convcnienbly forgotten, in mnost cases, that many of these "acquiisitions"I were a resuit o-.f direci àand violent ýconque,-t.) Thoreau spoke openiy of revolubion. "Wbcn a sixtb of bbc population of a nation whicb bas underbaken bo be bbe ipice refuge of liberty are slaves, and a whoie country (Texas) is unjustly ýoverrun and conquercd by a foreign armny (U.S.), I think il is not 100 soon for bonest men to rebel and revolutionizýe." Isn't the situation airnost exacbiy bbc samne boday? Biacks are not legal slaves, but bbey are cconornic ones. North Viet Namn was not cxactly over- run, but not for wanb of brying. Andwbat would happen b Thorcau if he expressed sucb sentiments today? Probably nol rnucb, because Ibere is a growing, swelling anger against bbc sbu pid war amonk Americans of al walks of life. But if be'd said il ben ycars ago? Or in bbc era of Joe McCartby? Hc.'d iikeiy bave lost« bis job, been barassed by bbc CIA -and/or FBI, abbackcd by some segments of bbc press, and gen- eraliy dniven like a fox before bound5. Ib speaks mucb for bbc growing LACK of freedom in bbc U.S. (and cisc- wbcre) that nobbing senjous bappencd bo Thoreau aI ail, wbcn be ubtered Ibese. inflamrnabory rernarks., He did spend one nigbb in j ail, wbcrs. be refused bo pay bis pol bax, on the basis bilat bis dollar might buy cithet' a man or a muskeb bo'shoot one with. But somcbody paid bis f irie, and be wa, relcased. Today we bave bbc prospect of mnen spcnding years in jail because bbey re;- fuse bo go againsb their consciences. VVe bave bbousands of U.S. drafb-dodgcrs i$ Canada, forsaking their home and natl, ive land for reasons of com-mon sense (who wantstb be kiled?) or cons.ecienceI Joan Baez, bbc foik-siniger and a ni'i war individual, trie d b bake a sim-ilar stand by refusing bo pay' ber incomé bax. Tie gover:nmeýnb mcreiy dedu.cted il aI source, from bbce record compAniEai wbo paid ber royalties. Thoreau advocabed that, if Éibere were an uinjuisb law', we sbouid break il. Wbab do you bthink? Wbab wouid bappen bo an ordinary Canadian AwhIo said, "I will pay bo bavé rny garbage coiiccted and bbc streetfs repairedî. But I will not pay one penny for "na9tional defence"l. I don'b waInt welfarc, uncmnpioymcnnt insuranee, rme' dicare so 1 won't pay a nickel toward bbem."? Tbe answer is obvious. Tbab bold Canadian would spcnd tbc rest of li if e in bbc law courts, bcing punîsbc4 by "bis" government, instcad of bcing aiiowed bbc simple, sensible alternaqtivE* of ouot. Lif e is boo short. But arc e govcrned to deabb? Oh, for a fcw Thot'- caus in these imid days!', JY corner fo/90t WHAT WILL TOMORROW BRING? Will I, be here tomorrow To sec the sun corne o'er the hili To chase the starry night away? 1 oniy hope I will., Will I be here tomorrow To hear the prettyblue skies fi With the music of a robin's song? I only hope I will. Wiii I be here tomorrow To taste thc snappy winter's chili 0f a thousand dancing snowflakes? I only hope I will. Will Ibe bere tomorrow To smell bhc flowers on the s,ýilI As their silky petals open wide? I only hope I will. Will I be here tomorrow To feel the sulent, secret t.h1rill 0f saying something iiice to >somneone? I only hope I wili. -Tom Chard, Nýewcastle JOE'S OLD DAD As the nakcd brees in agony sway, The ciouds scut by, ]ike a hank of yarn As I plow through the drifts to the barn. The world is locked fast in winters grip And I curse and swear as I slde and slip, Eighty winters I've fought tisF. snow and cold Is there no rest for a mran thats growing old. The cruel wind culs deran through to bbe bone And I bile my lips to chôke off a groan, I'm afraid thèse days 1 move kind of slow I wbo uscd tb be so full of gel up ari go. I guess this wintcr could weli be mny hast But I regret not one moment of the past, For cigbby odd years I've livcd bbc giood Bicssed witbi a fine famiiy and a lovine wife. But rny frien-ds bhave ail lefI me, one And now cai4!l morýning I'm ahane bo greet bbc sun Weariiy' --I drag m -y acbing body out of bcd It's igtloeonwbnyourfrnd arc ail dcad. But l'm not icomph.ainiing, dntgel inc wrong For I stil greet bbc sun withi a cbcery son g, And 1 can stili dance you a merry jig Mik ynu a cow or siop you a pîig. Oh yes, there is ife in bbc old boy yet And with a brokýen icg ll make bbc 1barn you bel, 1 bavcn'b goithbbc lme tb stop and pray For bbc -%cvili mies on a windy day. people poend lesi on ooý,d u that Is bbc United Sf ttet L awrei- e, A tt a k 5In 1961 one boôuc of w Lawrenthcep tfacksý7 Libeals'Inacion cMy 2,4 pounds of steak, hle William Jarvis P-Pr Wilmot) spoke of bbi-c "o na i -,i e lostask" of filling «olit tle ý9_ weekly shopping list and of Conservative Ailan Law- Mr. Whlcher asked the R-ouie bbc "fatal" ring of bbec cash ronce, chastising bbc govcrn- vrhy the "he iueat register. Harkening bark î10 ment ia the Commâons Thurs- of Ontario's B iguBin a-bbc Oct. 30 election, he at- day for lack of action on food chine" had not donc anytinig bribubeçi tbe Liberal victory prices, housing and healbh about food prîces when be bo sheer luck. Had bbe elec- care, ran into 'a barrage bim- vrai a member of bbc rovn-lion been held on a Friday or self roin ello Ontaio cil coservaiv rovm-i Saburday, aftor food bills Kbad sel fcm fllo Obaro cai oosrvbiv goeraonbeen mung up, bthe br4 member Rosi Whicber (L--bofore lait fall's fedcral cicr- wouid bave had a bard ltime Bruce). tion. matc-hing bbc NDPs 31 ica,ï,k Mr. Lawrrence (Northum- "I'm disappointed that beý Had ltbheen at bbc begia- berland Durham) is former didn't give ns any anivrer, ýniag oýf bbc monbb, wvrcn Ontario justice secccbary, and 'ho said. Mr. Wbicber defond- mrgg and cent paymenti cdr,, suipermiarkets and aedete rudbv offerts, If any, of bbc said bb1 oe raen.AIlae 1i- f u il diffiuit b hatce proposai, on the adminis- nocent of causing fonod price 'e Social Credib's 15 seats, tration of justice in bbc incroases, bc mainbaiaed. Mcïi. Jarvis said. And if htie Unitedç. Counties of Nor- Part of bbc problem vrai cloction had occurced on a bhumberiand and Durham. "surface costi" -stuch as b rans- Friday or Saburday aI the Yourî vcry bruiy, 1portation ind wagcs. bcginning of a monbb bh.11e David I. Stewart, Al h not as dark as il would have harely nriatbied President, smtne looki, be said. "In bbc Housýe's inýdepenideol ' United Counties Law, relation b bbce world there is presenlabion oýf two ea Association. oaly one-ot'her country where This Land Is ur Land im

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