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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper were won by Mrs. Molly wnre undayguests with bis Hortsman, Bowmanville, Mca. sisfter, Mr-, R. Ambrose, Osh- Jim Reyenga, Tyrone, Lionel awa.Byam, Jim Latimer, --aglan, Mr.andMrs Hgh Ander- Mrs." Arvilla Barreti, Tyrone, sýon, Port Credit, with ber M\rs, Edna Vivian, Oshawa., oier Ma.P, . E Green-iThe 50-50 was won by iVrs. ti l , i e r y P la c e . M r i a n n , P o t P r r y Mrs R N. Rea (Florence),'and the ucky chair by Mrs. Portage lai Prairie, and Mrs Molly Hortsman, Bowman- W"J Laingmaid (ois lville. Osha;wa, spenit Thursday wiulî Recent visitors with Mr. thecir sisLter and busband, Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverly, Prince andr Mr.s. Rloss Stevens, Scu- St. were Mr. and Mrs. Gord gog- st. Kilpatrick, Scott and Troy, Frîends1, of -"Mike" Oke,in Pickering; Mr. and'Mrs. Joh ,n ,iurd i -c-den al Infusini, Lavienla and Rox- six mýonths ago, will be pleas- ark'Ohaa r.Wle ed to kowthiat Mike bas Pr, Tyrone; Mr. aud Mrs. betransierred fromr the James -Park, Peterborough;, bonpital i'n Ottawa tol 1(M- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steels orial ositLowmanvîlle. Peterborough. Tbey later vils- ited Mrs. Walter Park who is Cogaultosto Mr. and a patient in1 Memorial Hos- Mrs GergeWaddell, Beth- pital. any, whio rflflcntly celebrated Dram Cut Clb o their 60fthi wedd[ing anniver- Duhm C nt Clbo sar. arried ou Christmas Toronto wil meet Friday, Day 1912 at b igh noon. he Jan. 26tb, ai 8 p.m. at. the resied i Oroo u til ov Education Centre, 155 Col- Ingio -,',tian in193, ege St., 6th 'Floor, McCaufl lng o Behanylu 138. Street. Mr. Fred Frost, florisi, LosClub Hockey Draw wilî speak on "The Peculiari- winr7N, H.L.-Feb. 3, Mau- ties of Plant Life as I seeat? rien J .effery, K. McQuade; Tis wîll be fcllowed by a Feb . 7,Ross Graham, Larry question and answer period. Taylor; Feb. 10, Terry Black, For information regard!ngý S.Pilky; Feb. 14, Bob Rich- Durham Club meetings pIçase rdjohnr Luffman. Jr. 'A'- contact Miss A. Aked, Presi- Fnb,) 4, Borb James; Feb. 6, dent, phone 654-4022. HiebKap; Feb5, Jake The Telephone Pioneers of Knýr)p Fe. 1, Jke merica ln association with Brown. the Canadian Hearing Socie- Mr.MlyCalmas 252 King ty is pîeaaied to announce the E.,HenryApt.,Apt. 401,1 sponsorshlp of an open de- is, celebiinijg ber 9th birth- sgn competition for the de- daiy today, Tuesday!p, Jan. 23rd. velopmenî of a symbol that S;omne f the nepighbors bak'vd wîll repressent the society aud a cake- forMs.Cairns, who its work with the hieariu.g lives lursud m,,qainli er handicapped. Thia symbo1 own pal.riet despite hav- will be incorporated mb th'(1eý ngsulffeced two brokeni hios. socieîy's îeîterhead, en vel- Conratlatonsto ibis grnd opes, brocures and other -young" lady. suitable ama2s. Cash award! Mc.andMrs Frd Cowle', $500. The oompetition is olîen M.adMrs. Laircy Dew>11, 10 evecyone. Entries must Mie Wayn Paden Wane arý- on 12"x12" illustration board mii Bcmavlea[ttended and should be direcied to: th wuSound Juior BI'F The Canadian Hearlng Socle- Tournaeut l OweuSo-und ty, 60 Bedforcd Road, Toronto on he wveekCend. vanny Cole M5R 2N22. Entics, togeiberi la cAin of the "Greys"sud itb aPbridscription of bis team -nreaïched the finals the smomust be lpost- to be pt oui by Oakvllle mnarkýed nio later than Marchi "Blaes" -6.16, 1973. For hurilier informa- TilayarteasrnmCa1 lion contact The Caniadîin word, nd hePolish people Heacing Society ai the above In paýrticula,3 hjonors[ th 1e five address. hunidredcth nni rsr of tbe Fab-Fabulous "Joey Varnu blrth of the great astronomer Quartei" enieriaind ai the Coeniu.To, marký the oc- Legion on Saiurday eveuning~ caýsionj, the MLaug laPn- for our annual Let's Cele-1 eiaqriuým cf the Royal Ontario braie "Winier Dance."' A pro- Mueu ill open a new fusion of Snowmiobile pic- aho, "he geof Coperni- tures and Aretic Cats' own u",on Februamply 1, 1973. Kitty Cai 'helped to provide' Th oliwingOshwa;ki1 an aimosphere of congenial- Clubmemerssuen anen-ity. A capacity crowd danc'd, ~oyaîe ay kiin aiSicto the inimitable style of' Sam' In, Hlibuton ouJoey s own faniastic four Sundayý: BruoceCo)lwelMa who played polkas. walizes, dowvîewBlvdC., Ski Picoler etc. with that extra touich ndVice rsdn of the that meana so much. As uisuapl Lpastern Zoine, Jlim Green, many birthdays aud anntiver-ý Ltin ve. Ski Paimler, and saries wecý-pe celebraied, buit ~~~~'- ~ ~ ~ f1c -ignIoaoLiieAe bsMonib h wwth niuch ~ a ondeful ay.Toev's own ereat four. Dur- Peiecb-lorough -- Trent Uni- ing iheevnndaswr hrfs-ield withi the winners as fol- so .M.(oa)Vastokas 1 s So aces-Mr. sud bas ibeen samided a $12 ,000 Mrs. W. Helson, Murray Caley cýý1a;q riiliilinit o cn-and June Jackson; Door priz- tiitue ber'5stuýdy of the art and e-Mr. su i MMca. . rtedly, 'architcture o)f Narthwest Mr. and Mrs . B ae.n'tie CoatiIniaa.The gra nt isMran s. Bie Do' the lasit of ibmele received b forget our Sweethesri Dance Prfsor Vastoasfo on Feb. 17, 1973.11 onr the aýtud(y which began in A snmaîl army of sin)gers 197(1."T'le total amount of the sud musicians will paRitici- grant flaÎ7about 2600. paie lu the 301h asonnai tiill Euhi-- n heGresier Toronto Klwanis Mui- Frldy nibt uchr lu hesic Festival from February 10 Comunly HllTyrnehad to 24 xvhen a record 31,000 13 tablesplig.T'le prize$ youung arîlssawîl compete In .. 4000 muicalvatn. ipý;-T..,,+ REHOBOTHj Christian Reformed Church SclnKogStreet Phiono p623-7407 SUDYSERVICES 7 pm Back : te God Heur- Dial 1,310 Radio Evry sulnday 10-30 la. S.PauI's Upited Church Minister Rev, 11, A. Turner B.A., B.D. Organist Mr. R. Meteal A.R.C.T., A.U.C.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:5a.111. 9 ye-ars and up, 11:00 4 to 8 years 11:00 a.. Puiblic Wrhp Ilifait cr duigservice. year 30,000 partîclpated. En-1 tries have been received fromn ail parts of Ontario, mairilyl Southern Ontario, and Tor-: onto, with a few coming in from pther provinces. For the fîrst tîme in the hlstory of the Festival, coropetitors have entcred fromn outside Canada and the United States. Two young prianists - 16-year-old Grac MaEaraneand Paul Sa,15, are eriming from Kingston,.Jamnalca. This year's comnpetition offers for the first time a Speech Commun- ication, division, iwhich I1 an exmpansioni of the Speech Arts section introduced last year. Thiis wuif1linelude Shakes- peare at both teenage ,and adujit ievei.5, and t.he niarrat- lIng- of any ponem (no-Shakes- -peare) b\7 juniors, teenagers, and aduits. Anotheýr section Is Impromptu Speech Iu which entrants wiil be given a choice of topics, tinie to or- ganize their- ideas,. and de- pending on, their age. up to seven minutes to express their th)oughts. A special sec- tioni, Mtchling Memories, hasý beenin lcludeld for senior citi- zens. , ollowýiing a çhoice of subject, each speaker wlll be given 30 minutes to prepare an Informai talk to match memories with other entrants on certain occasions or events Iu their lives., Competitîons wiil be staged at the Q., Theatre, Music Hall, Hock-ey Hall of aei CNEGlebe United Chur-ch, Heintýz- IMP ma al and Lawrence Park Coliegiate. Followlngi the opening of thie exhlibit Of "SalIY Wild- mnPainings" ai the Robert McLughlnGallery, Osha wa, on Tunsday eenIng, January 1601, Ted and Margot Samuel entertain-ed. at their home iný TR1NITY UNITED CHURCH Miniter- Rv. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th, SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1973 MORNIN-G'WORSHIP> SIJNDAY SCHOOL HfOURS Junmior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. at 10a.. Beginniers, Kinider-gartet- and Primary Depts, at Il Nursery Care in Chutrch Parlor A W-ARM WVELCOME TO EVERYONE Ken's Meh's Weir Spiel Concludes with Fas5h[inSho Tc CndinSttémn Town League Basketball In ' i u kc d conimasi b lasâsii Ib lirstai slter. But, suribtc On Saburday, the annual Ken's Men's Wear mixed ýbonsRpiel was hield at Bowý,manville Country Club with an inter.estiugrgram fhîlowing thec dinner, in the eveing, when sponisor Ken Nieks jindwith Lynd'a Flegg of Lyrnda's Boutique to present a. fashiion show. YMr. Nieks was the cmaster of crmoisfor the event, Takiug pl'art wer, top photo, fr-omlf to righb, Mrs. Faiy Mlmy rJudy VanNe, Mrs. Lynda iFlegg, Mrs. Marilyn Coty; back row, Mike Saunders, John Flegg and Ken Nicks. Background -rnusic was provid(ed by Doug Lux-toni and John Dustan, 'In th e lower photo a4'e thewîinej.ý rs ofi hepiel, from rleft to right, Mr. and NMri. Ron Manningý and Mi-. and Mrs, Chris'Johns>ýoný , A eliejous dinner was served by the club's Chef anid staff. Bownanill.og the, ýef ýe Comme ial_&-1League guesi; of honlour, Sa1ilyWid man, wvholivesa sud paluts near 1o)ly nta ro;i:the Eduicatior n sd xtnsOf-SpencersM sTo MecCabe wbo iorgauîzed thec show; Gailiery Director Glen Cu aig nsd Board Mem bers othe(r than Mr. Sam-uel,ýDrkopping-2 to Mm. Ted Basiedo, Mrs ý.Gordon, Hare, Ma C. ]Ellioti, Mrs. Angus Dixon, Dr. Barry Woods and Dr. A. WaisglassM U tï,o n s D f a aceompanied by their respec- tive spouses, and Mr. Reg 71,W L T i, Smith. Oui of iown guests pni'sRa1 lncluded: Mr. 1sud Mrs. H. Secr elEtt 4 B 5 1 1 Gordon MacNeill, Mississauga; Brook's Superie-st 14 7 7 0 1,4 MVr. and Mca. Ca-rl Keddy,ý Muton's Sheli , 14 6 7 1 1 Samnia; Mr. sud Mca. R. Wild- Walter iFrauk IReal Estate 14 à 2 12 man, KMib rg;M. sud Mca Sol Mrls Cobourg; audi SCOREIlRS photographier Neil Newton G A Ps 1 and xvife Anifrom Enniakil- f' A lis J len, Prom Toronto for th, S. Burns, (Brooksý)-------15 10 ?25 O occasion wece: Mm. and Mca. G. Wilson (W. iFrank). 12 13 215 18FI Jaâck Wildcidge, of Robaît's B, Hellam (W. Frank) ------- 8 13 21 C. Gallemy; Mc sund Mcaý. Don D re W ru)----i 9 1 H-at Mr. and Mca. -John D re W rn)--f----- 1 8 ý Mereditih: Mr. sud Mca .G. G. Thompson (Brooks) 10 7i 17 ci Culvers on; :Mr. sud Mcaý. Man- R. Rogers (W. Frank)-------------8 8166 del Sprachimsu; Mm. sud Mca. R. Woolner (Mutions)------ - 6 10 16 0 Tl. W. Newtin; Mc. sud Mrs, ,Brs(.Irn)------ l 1 Ilamiley Greenbaum; Mr. snd L un W rn)--------- l 1 Mca. Hugo Idler; Mc. Paul G. Sainsbury (Muttons) ---------il1 3 14 3 Bennett, former Dicector cf I. Gill (Muttons) ------ ------ 8 6 14 17 the Gallemy, now Dicector1 of the Canaddian Guild of Handi- Su aiJnuary 281h crafis; nrtists Tom Hodgson,, 9:00 arn. - Brook's Suýpriesi, vs. Wle rn Claire Shionîker, Don Morri- 1:5am utnsSci s pne' sou suidJacquie Bouighucr; 101ar.-MtosShivaSpnrs sud Mc. sui-d Mca. Joseph by Jsm hae aot ai fxnîishng iz Rosenfeld. There were mauy SeiesRa saems-tr (nrFctl1egp other gues,ýis fcom O shawa, Sece' Rs Ettemss the mmrcal L.eguLe Bowmnvileasd tibeu vr- ed a chance tb clincb lima- l te9a..acone ouud(ings. Among those wbýo place during, at uda u tt- ohndF it aa hiioanled paintings to the, ex- mocniung'a doubleheader 4= -2--baiîjL o tpv)2 hibit are Mr. sud Mms. Mac- iug, Needing only a victomy to test Bhnvaerugh s goal Neill, Mr. sud Mrs, Meredith, captucýe top spot foilowing 1test. from B-ucy"goaluri Mr. sud Mca. Culverson sud Brooks 3-2 defeat againsti1:50 foer pîa y aid, rida Mcr. sud Mca. Samuel. The Mutions, Spencers dropped a 1ihoerShelayuucraid, h lb>d. exhibit wilI continue ai bbe 5-2 decision with Walter teSelbnhwh'h Gallery, locsted iu the Civie Frank Real Estate in the laie third peciod wluner. Centre, Oshawa, until Febru-ý couteat. With juat two wecks Brooks, 10-3 wiunacs in amy 4. The Gallemy la i open to emnaining i lu te mgular their iass meeting wilh Larr:, the Public, without charge, schedule, three tean s sîlîl Chant's ,cew, domiuated thb,> Monday to Fciday 12 noon 1t opening frame sud led 2-0, 5p.m. aud 7 p.m. bo 9 p.,-, "Luke" Prout sud Joa Balzon Saturday 12-5 p.m., Suuday U * connected ou au overworkac t Aj supemb subbiug for rte Memorial Hos pital Weekly Report Major ophQetio 1 - - 1 5 If actions took the place of words, the world's misery would very soon be changed inte comfort. BAHA'U'LLAH PHONE 623-3171 Cuiin -heSI ci!l nets. Barri Virtue halveci Brooks' nsg Gn a glittering isolo dash 1at 1,4:18 of the -second peîod. The ouly score lu j bbcfn 20 minutes camre foMut- ionr's George Ssiunsbury as 13:25 sud Brisu Hughes' wip!n uier 85 seconda later. (us1oua penIalty was 4cailai 1aBoih oaie Vaione ari Spot b Franks Brooks Mui osaller a groggy i ;atr, impicovcd as bbc garne' progmessed, w lb Vausione brilliant whenevem bhcy floun- decnd. Brian Hughes bsd oe of bis finesi gamas for the Shah btroop, whihe Sainsbury, Virtue sud Ken Holmes wcmc aise prominent up Iront. Mut- tons lbai bbc services cf Rick Woýolncr (lcg) sud Murray O'Brien (kune) dumiug the sbmugglc. Hopcfullyi both Wihl ha back ln hamnesa ilis Sun- day morniug, Foc Brooks, who l -ailed Ir close îthe gap bcbweu ibcmrn selves sud lirai place Spcn. ccc s Joc Balson,> "Tully' Thompsou sund Bob Sieci stood. out, along 'vith Wright. Steve Burns was limibed ýt an assi7tt, ln shaming tirai place in bbc scoring race. a nd au ssit lu Walýteî Frauk's5- iuovrSpcn. -cers asud pulled eýven i a BTumus. DaveGee wsth -2 wlnncrs' !top gui), aiiu r-pair of geais, wifle oth'crs t weui b toBob 1Hellam inand SBarry Wvýeish. Spepicerhs Smamksmsn was Grant Fîlu- le toff, witb bis third sud f ourbi of the sealson. week twoclifhaugrstheI two games played Jan. 1l6th in Men's Town League Basket- hall wereu'" even close. The fimat place Kenýs team buried Hooper'a Jewellry 39-19, while Coronation Cafe bandily de- feated Stepben's Fuels by a 32-18 score. Iu the Ken's - Hoopera cou- test, D. MacDonald, paced the wiunera with 16 points whiTe R. Billuaki was close' beblud witb' 13. D. Tyo a tops For. Hoopec's, netiug 9 poinýts in aosiug cause. Keu'(-s led ail 1he ws in bbe contieat, oui- poîiing the Hooper's crew 11-4 lu t1he firsi quarter and stretiching t heir lead right 10 the final bell1. la the second gami, the Steohlens team made a" go of Il for awhile, leading c8-7 afieri maniville, Jan. 224, 19737 MhIXED MAJOR- The "Whîstier" Rossa Wright wrapped Up) high triple for the evening xý1hth 746, gamea of 28ô,25 and 20,6. 6Ohersý ,making over the 700 barrier- .j un i v:,py ddt, bfl:1Ic. U second quarter, Coronation Buday 733 (275), she ls pumnped in i70 points to take snags top average spot wih. a 17-11 iead 'into the dress- this; Don Bagneil 718 (6. ng room' at, and, 250), John Luffman 710 (2501), after that they neyer looked Albert Saman 706 (264). back. Other- games1 250 and over:- No scoring leader, emerged John Ogden 290, Joan Sutciiffe- for either team an ýs ever:yone 290, Pete Dobilins 260, Norm got loto the act. J. Beam for McKeen 260, Vît ginia Fairey Hooper's tallied 8 points but 254 and Ollie Patfield 251. A. Murdoch and D. Wilson Top 10 Averages were right beb'nd, with 7 Bernice Buday 245, Larryý ig.ints and J. Noble potted Piper 243, Albert Saman 243ý, baif dozen, For the los.ers, Ross Wright 237, Ernie PIerfect B. Burgesa managed 5 points 234, Jim Murphy 228, Pete- c while J. Coyle, F. Calloway Dobibîns 22.3, Peggy -Hayne7. and K. Brack ail added .-pts. 222, Virgula Fairey 222, Mau-i This week's action left Ken's ice Aonnaert 220. with a solid hoid on first Team Standings place, sporting a,7-3 won-lost Buday ------ -- 621---0 9 record. Hooper's is in second Haynes 4___0_-,6036 spot with a 6-5 record to thei.r Sheehan - 4 61231 credit.- Wright .- - 4 5 930r Joli -- 3 6220 N.ecastle.MWpes Out Western Ilectrics in Ou01,Saturdsay, J.2Otb1, capouship round, Bow-, BomuvleMio Bua aPTanv ieme a big bard- took part lu the Little Bribalu skating leam fmom Newca!.tle:, lanilua BatamTounamjitwhich oui-muscled our boyýs sunui Bntam Touusmet sght lcom the atari. Tt was- sud ,veve elimiuated by Nei-la see-saw batile until hif casle( 7-4 afier dowuvring Osk- way bhcough the final periodý wooýd 5', with Western Electric leadîug Thir i- ai gae vwas s clos7e, 4-3, Then, Newcsble coredî hadfogtcontesl i sd lb four limes on as mrany aboIsi wss ] o iiy lubci at rpeciod tb take s 7-4 win. t Western wce n able te Ms7bty Preston contlnued pull1 rha oc r he iu. Scor- bis fine play of laie scormng ing pisys foc Bo nvil le twice, with Tecry Sarginson were Maiy Peso tlomassaisting ou both sudRobect Tercy SagnoJh Ho- Ormiîston onl one. Other acr- gaih rm Robecit Ormisbon, ena were Ron Jukic fcom Sar- Ormistocn ou passý'es fcom S',ac- qinson, sud Sarginson unas- ginson sud Hogarth, John sisted. Nine goals were acored Conboy lrem Ron Jukie, sud by 'Bowmauville lu the lwo Sairginson unasaited, gamesansd Tecry Sritu 11u th-e semi-final cf th e picked up g-even points. Bantam DoWeiI af Port e 1ryTurne y Alhoug- Bowmauville Ma- deflected acreen abat, with! jor Bautams did net make It 25 seconds leftInl the game [b Vhe Cbampionship garni, A five minute suddeu deain thiey played týwe good gamea ovectime period, was played! of hockey iu a touruament but bbc score remaîned 3-3.1 beld aI Port! Percy on Sabur-, Three players wece chos2n i day, Ja1l. 201h. jfom eacb team by their' Bowmanvill1e came out fly- coaches lu take altemnaba 1 ing l ibeirfirsi game, tcok penalty shots on the epposing, ain early lead sbd beld on bu, goalie. Bowmauville players deleai Whitby by a score w(,ee unable to score sud of 5-3Oshawa s5:ncmed once sud wece Jim ilutton unasîitd)[ felaidbc viines. Fina,\l opcned ibe soigwt cr a -.Ossaad- good sýhot lcom i ind ace ucapîuhpgm the bue hu. Brin Macîn oginatPort eiy made ,the score 2-0 eo ngol Tega aoeafor Bow-i set Up by Bihl Leamania.ýn iânville lui the game werei Wicxscorcd the nexit wo~ Brian Mamilu, Ted Puk sud goals with Duke Brunt assistiBill Leam-an. Leaman aiso ing on the first aud Ted Puk eacued two assista, DsnnYý on he ecod.Rîc JaesCox aud Martin eue each. oe 'oue sed. Rik JamesLen ny Chappel weni the dis-' Bowmauville. Rslph Cryder- tsuce lu the nets in bothl ]man sud Paul Sobil gained games sud p]synd vemy weli,1 assists.Knapp's Towiug Banisuis,; tbeir nexi home gameý Bowmanville advanccd lu on Wcd., Jan, 24th (tonighb) their second game lu the ai 8:30 p.m. This la an'exhi, chsmpionshîp ound, Oshawa bition game againat Trenton. Mînor Baniama weme the ep- Bewmarville la nowwaîiugý po'neuts lib is game, Osaasfoc playeffs lu begn Wtc1 L5 a fast skating tesm sund the paper for lurihar notices1 coucentrate ou playiug hoc,- ,sud ce rrne out sud see sopm, key for bhree complete uer- excing hockey. lods. Boxvmauville buili up 5__i__ 3-i lead going into thb thivrd GET CASH TODAY pei-iod. Lack of checking Pand FOR OLD APPLIANCES penalties by Bowmauviile nu -1 THROUGH sbied Oshawa bu score tVI ST AT E SMA N goals. The tying mackerws aCLASSIRIDS Coolp ____3 53 Sutcliffe3 52( Patfieid .-- ------ Crossey ----- 2---1)40 Vandenberg - 2----- 648; W ray -------- ,Eeid i 53 u R FORD '-I 'y Walter Fmankzs led 2-1 afIe r une pemiod suid 4-1 following -40 minutes. Officiais Junin sud Crossey had crue cf thiri buisier workouts, dealiug eut 21 penalties, 12 of these gi. rtoi Spencýers. The only - ývpaidment ilu wTihbSeer Àcame away winnems, \vas l àt severel bncief kimmlsýhes luh rug1 ged match. Green, WloîIo irad Welsh %vere, ate iFranrk'atopprfme, ie - sud FocieyM - ater '!'can 1k- 1hi n Muito'sýK ~I5A! eai10.15. hile shopping for itese Super 6 Specials, check I.D.A. Eve-rydagy -v Pies.- on, popular l-lealth and Beauty Needs, They fao&, iake I LDA. Drug Stores "Well Wonh Luok ing For"I West 623-5 792 Bowmniville

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