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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1973, p. 11

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i The Canadian Statesmagn, Bowmnanville a 117 Hea WeeFe , -10 PainleSS Dent iS ,r Era Mr. anid Mrs.KnKoKnMcin ayadR Pectersburg, w e r e Suda ben saa iie iht M . Bruce T sonEd r Phone 987-4213A visitors with Mr. and Mrs. cryderans John IiKniox. iMr.o rsrhsrtr S O n ~ ~~M%..nd Mrs. LodBrooe d om foma.orbsa qff ppea s A most aie and and Dale were Sunday sup- Orilia 'P l n l* y 1 o a rV t sIper guests of'-Mr.. andMs.MVr. adMs e ir ntr'sdentists have an ich have t.aken place-. but research now underayI Wallace Munday,Osa . Stephe ndNran r 1 r eouraging mnessage for their1 igh sqpeed drills, il'niproved is expected to yield results in John and Glen cow l, awa,wreStrdy vni tients during Dental Health techmiques, and new furmiture the nlext few' years. Eowmnanville, wvere overnight r a1,S1CCe n C arke0brar ic elimY1 inateste °; Od A"Bli, ded"e e Gn t o ges-of lMr-and Mrs Tom) Ch a L gm Th. ldinae f hedet-lpe a vaccine wehich could reduce Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cry-i famil1,1ur Newcastle -- At thre recentIpointing Mr. R. B. Rickard to, Chairman Yates, who voted Mrs. Ron Hadley, iwho hlas ist as the iman hthlhas roi Ad while a vissit to thie urtiefheld test pro eþtidemn re1y a so n i ith Mr. an Oen Meeting held by miem- chair the election. The results against receiving payment. been assistant librarian at the niflet pain on his Patienits dentist will probably never initial results. The vaccineismn Newm-rarket. On $atur- J. W. DyeOhasd bers of the Newcastle Planning aretht'ogr atswill During the discussion, itClarke Public Library, %vas while filIling - or extr-acting be a Joyful experience, ear 1vl dmninistered through urli day evening Mr. and Mýlr Sunaywee upeIges Board, Chaii'mnRoger Yates agaàin lbaeChairman, Alfs Gray wvas inentioned that the secre-Irecentlly appointed librariani eth should soo-,n be a thmg -and 0romipt treatmnent - before :ýshots in the mouthr follMwedi-'--s r adMs aodPso welconied Del Moore, newlyVc-himn n t aysoudt liebepaidI followingtersgaino h at codn t h rbesbcm eee-wl yabooster shot andthen called El1-1ihs bpeued fiMr.n r.Brc a appinted to the board and!Barr- Secretary-Treasurer. for his -service, as his work Mrs. Olga ,Beauchamrp. Mrs. ý ntario Dental Association. keep discomfort to a inimum, annual' innoculations. u e s t eeSna fenoma reaigLou Swinghammrer. With the exception of Mr. wAas considerably laden with Beauchamp handed her resig- Ada arslt h-nm e ntssla.itte samne .Dental scienitists are optirn a sociateàd 80 er centathedriln ersonMsLlia Oer members -were Reeve Moore who has been appointed1 paper wlork and correspon- nation to the Board at the ofPeople wého deprive them i-time, the knwég hitic ht oét fc rlThVw- wanil Alf Gray and Couneiilltors ýto a three-year termo, onelcdence Mr.. Barr who felt that December meeting. She wville selvsof foer dsntalare youre t h a oodbecaresu wl be developed to prevent eéiLiing thliean sri eMrnanlMr Hrold Franik Hoar and Keith Barr, rnember serves a one year either everyone be paid or no however, continue on wAihd9 ntao' " dcy Oesud"eetve hetoh otebri1siglweernoweSud Messrs. Murray Paterson anditerm and the remnaindier two'one, was later voted out when lwork at the Library. aIna s tes t th w intw aetve discomf t e.poted us Ofn e z ym e 1e lgtplaticlip battchd o veiigBust onM DulsCunininghamr. year termis. motion was made to hav1e In 'the annual report it was niber o ppu whre, itm vains dsoifr -1dextranese to control d ay.thepatient's ear.Mr.WsYlove. Addressmng the small attend- It was sug,-gested that thelimfthe secretary-treasurer sae htje:irr oeegtndb etssa bu On the horizoni, accordcing The enzyrne appears to 2ta( ack I tat doesn't wor k, thlere's anceof itersted persons at secretary write a letter .of receive -$50 a year- tains a total 7,475 books ion thirdl of the poplatior. And to dental i-esearchers aranbekupatri1thalyscpntr.DnalRtaCrfo thi metng e hirmntak oIPlg.Mlr olwg tecorso-teshelves Nwhich comparesIetragedy is t at this fear further new techniques!wich lae whic oma net ramn abe eotd ADYO EKN asedtat îanyone wishing to Swvinghammer for his ideasdence, business was dealt ,with wit ,ýh7,005 at the end of 19!1. r nedlesipaneeuinna eiiaeLh a i as ndlastRdcy ohave been carrou t an give suggestionsi and opinions and hielp to the board while regarding (1) Mr,. Stabys' re-IOf, the total number of books childhood, dentists say. es of dental diisease a ndi Tests in other -parts of thielessly in China uisingz thisi AskfoRa. in regards to the village, for a member. quest to reviewv a previous, 2,197 are adult nion-ficti<on,l Today,7" adults hear stories hience of thie need for mnostI world claimn success in on- acettcnqe and dentLal CUT exmpe hewte fonpaks Cnidraledscssonws eqes/ora uidngpemi.2,045 adult fiction, along with om rlth irParents of dental fillings and etaiosroinpinncuetent- scientists are, now investigat- anything, to kindly write to igiven to the idea of whether (2) Mr. Jacobsen revised 3,1.53 in the Junior depart- goy'i a earlier genera- Not all thlese tcnqe ltetet n h osb1yo ningCHRSLRDOG the secretary. All maeil wouldilor not members of the ,plan- plan, requesting planningl ments. Ilon, and mrany do not realizelhave yvet been tested widely, In the Soiviet Union, an elec 'the rocedur e to the Westernl6328 he elom an radmngbordshuldbepad fr oadsdircton(3)th sb-Total circulation during the te tremnendous improvemients enoughf to ensure thieir success, trical anaesthetic a eworld The minutes of. the lastitheir timne. After hiearing mem- division agreement (4) the'er n--ae-b-amot-n regular -meeting were read by bers reasons ither for or proposed Kerr Developmrent -j 7 nr,3sdb ains n the s;ecretary', Mr. BaIrr . against the suggestion, a vote! Windsweep and Selby (5) the thousand to a to tal of 22,824. Following t'his, the election wais taken findling Barr, Cun- Interi Land Use By-Law and 1V[emnbership numbers 500 re- of executive members was ningham and Höär voting yes, finally 1(6) a discussion of 'the sidents from the Township. held, with the Chairmian vacat- wt Gray, Paterson and Moore1 possible Genleral Public Meet- Consideratiton is being given ing his seat and Mr. Grayap voting no. Breaking the tie was', extend the services of the' 'ir including a vertical! le of informatison on a num- R W 85er of elassified subjects, iThe Board isý to incld twoi niew members in Miss Carole M ewc stieOrdonez, R.R. 1, Orono, and IMr. Kirk Entwisle, Deputy- A total of 174,709 studîents 'reve of Clarke, as well a,- OC GOil we pia n Emspoynnen Ml ew llowei ,Ray through all Canada Manipower -Tms Centres last sumimer, an in- Newaste:-The 1st New- ward the, boys and their :crea-se of some 32,5007 oveIr castle Cub Pack wiere delight-teamos. the numbers placed in 1971,SLE edi with a visit fromn Scouter, Ten Newcastle ladies, at- Manpower and JImmiigrationi Then Welter, a leader from 1stedg nusDroreeMiit RbrtA ráa Our U.,C.W. unit met at the Browr'cPack, when on Mon- lege, have come through with nuc eety church on Januiary 23rd. The da-, Jaïnuáry 15th hie showýed flying colours. They are Marg A record 130,000 studen.ts, wrhpsric pndwt the boys sildes taken fro Hasy, Nellie Vanderstarre or 75 per cent, found em-plo.y- qitmscbyiisGrl Brenda Nesbitt, Donna Dil.. ment through 137 specialque rscbGrpd different Cub activitiestin lor, Rene Luckhart, Shirley Canada Manpowe Centres for Shackleton and a call to war- cluding the 1972 PinewoodLokJnRbnsEle Studentsrmore than double the ship by MIrs. Johin Coombes. Derby Races. The boys werLe Fro,JMaeRouinonk allnd 63,000 plaeed by the 119 The themne of the worship andi able to pick up a few ;differ~ Linda Reid. Congratulations CMCs for Stu-dents operating programn was building, wvithi ewn ad gDd idbe5lor e h o them. on completing their I h dmgro 17.. the tBought being that to irace, held on Saturday, Jan. course, with some of the Placemenits by region for have a good building we must 27th. 'There were six winners putting it to good use by both Secondary and postsec have a good foundation anid In speed and six winesn working at South Haven Nu- ondary students were: Atlan.- to have a good home we instSHW RPAEadP SSAV 89 deini ahPc.Wnr ngsing Home, while others jlust ti ,16,452; Quebcc, 35,287; On,- have a good foundation, thei zî F ER LOOndR TE denin ed o e c ast Wie werewanting a pratctical know,-itar iO74,597; Prairie,427 os important being 'the:CRTIÑ AsLf-adhe,1" DCO OR S eof ase, ndNellegeo nrsg o aoud c, 14102 Bible. A number of transla- x I2" tile easily ap- ake, 3rd Lenard Hartford, tehm.Fryprcn of thre totaltIon fth il eeo Youtre sure to be able plied by the do itNauadrkck 4th John Windi 5thi Brian Apologies are extended to Canadian student labour forcel display, also a large braided t iktesoe yourselfer. Sim-ply 1"x1"x½ Verbeek and 6th Cecil Kniapp. those who telephoned in news, registered for summr em rug m ade by Mrs. Bob Colla- 1 peel off backing, square Indeig wre 1t hanitems and hockey scores last p)loyment w tith the special cott. We sang "Wondru curtain yout want from plcef andpes.It'n prpakg Ggarr od, 2nd Mlichael-John week, only to have them mis- ý centres,- coinpared with 25 per Word of Love". Mrs. Gwen package of 2 Iinside frosted ths1oohclor ndtat simple. Choose Ielfrwlso Charland, 3rd Harry Hirsh- placed. Not only has the news cent in 19711. Thre 376,000 sec- Coombes gave the mneditation ý41 pattern selection. Be- from a completebuetnbad feld, 4thi Clarence rion th not .shown up, but neitherlondar'y ánd post-secondary followed by prayer by Mrs. light bulbs. 40, 60 and 100 causee they're a manu- - pattern range. Reg..Esl-ntle 'Michael Bennett and 6th neýiIlihas the little one who hais students registered at CMCs Bob C ilaot.Readings on watt.Reua 47e ulr $289 pr 9 ilejustpeelpape of DeJog Laer ndCbsbenacig smesngrgilcompares with 212,000 in 1971, the Bible ,vere given by Mrsfcuersdscniue akae 2.49 per sl-deiebc &aso!enjoye-d a message from these past few weeks. The representîng a 77 per cent in- L. Welshi, Miss Mildred Phil- line, youl'Illmake a 9 tile packLage. Do adapy the founder of Scouting, Lord following was intended for crease in registratio3 lipp and Mrs. Gerald Shack-! V real savings too. your 9' x 12' roomRe.28 Baden Powell and Lady Ba-. last week:"The 1Pc-a Centres were leton. We closedth orhp- for only_------ den Pwell, the message was MVnr John Sikma Newcas-ytafed0 stiudents rally wý,ith "Take timne to be Holy."I taped on B.P.'s 80th birthday.te a made ,$92.25 richer conímittcdto hel ing theirl /rs. L. Welsh read a mesý- o I The boys are presently work hnhstce a ulled at fellow students fin summirerl age' written byD. Rber g wih-pln fr Baenthie Lion, 50-50 draw in Jan- -s "M 4mrsaid. "Theiý r cClure telling 0"hi-wr o1l ekt ehl dur. uary. Tickets for the next! dedicatioit was reflected in1 foIrite past year at Kapit' LUMIJ ET -ing the week of' February drw are already available the -greatly increased num-ber Borneo0. 18hand with each ticket puchas- of placements". Our leader, Mrs. Bob >Crag ed, the pro.iect "POOL" rises "heineiemntofteeonucedthbsies. Mn OS Mr. andr Mrs. Charles Aqui- that much higher. Any Mmr- Oanadian) Chamrber of Com- utes of last meeting were lina travelled tn King City, ber WEIlbe rnost happy to merce ad h c-peaio f ed ndtan ounte ls Ontario, on Saturday, Janu- sell you as many tickets as the business and civic comread Finiancial report wvas T iary 27th, to, help eelebrate you re uire. Congratulations munity at the local level were gien11. Vo[lnteers were as-ked Hefre's thie ulimate in a the 75th birthday of thei1r toi Mr. S kmna. also major factors in last for- to hielp at a d3inner on! flashi ght. Has saed aunt, Mrs. R. G. Wright (nee Lynda Huber, r e e e n t 1y summer's successful record of Feb. 17th. Bessie Wetherall) who at one a Patient of Memorial Hospi- tdn rpomn h oiltm a n e nergy cell that is guarani- time was a Newcastle resi- tal, has again returned home. Minister said. followingc the meepting. ted0t last for a yecar and dent.. Her daughter and son- cold last longer. oce t lanMa tan bsi e. The space age portable'YO0U R CHOI 1CE bie and Nancy hldOpnc tsorce7By evra OF 2 DOOR MIRRORS SUBSTAI AL liouse In the afternoon, wIth VNLREDUCED INPRC FOR BEAVE DY reatve nd friends visiting STO 'rom near and far Mrs. TABLE COVERS PLACFr MATS Vhese sheet glass iîrrors% have g-enuiegla e W;t a completely sur WH1ere's a chiance to buy opper plating for latngbauy acks r utpof rived, but delighted thatso ahayguevnlTeeqaiy m t ramyes are drilled for easier mnn g.Srwlnld many hiad wanted to make cover at good savings_ are made of top qual- d. afelypce i ar -ome-p age the day the suctcess that It d- thanks to a mnan- ity Vinyl, attractivel'y dS ypak iezy-o N dine r icSande facturer's ecarout. decorated with floral 6 x5"Bonfis -Reua$95 Mrs Ine wth heprpaa-Colour-fast. M1ildew- design. Hiave none-skid tions and alsó helped serve ~proof. Washable. In cushion baeks. Wipe p 0 l odfns eua 99 throupout the day. They co-uiulfloa esign c lean with cloth, A-x30 1iCl.fns Rgpur serve ai llybuffet lunch ýom-plete with abeauitifully dcrtdbirthdlay cake. Pe- --- Tpa ple ttededfrorn Kremnore, 1 PrestnPeterboriough, Port -1 Zght hghl-e-i--e Hlope, Garden Hil, Toronto -panel for us e i SPRUCE STUDS AND STRPPN ýY Construction 20 standard. Ideal for dlo-it-orê b 3 6 aroud the home 3 1 x 2" x 8' DMS Reguflar$.2$.9 ~ - -'«\x1 " x 8' D 4S R egu lar .44.4 tF 2 x 2", x 8,DMS Reguar 1.76406 WmPJohnsto Stoe au Gs - MOr Off -Fue l&; and Grease MN OWD83 I FURNACE INSTALLATIONqsMO.T i,830'I6 AND REPAIRS T HURS., F RI. 8M30'T11L 9 E À Vmï6

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