Returning from ockey Tourna ment The exuberanc~ that foi- lowed the MeGregor Mid~ gets winning the Interna- tional Silver Stick hockey Charnpionship în ~arnia over the weekend was con~ siderably darnpened an Sunday night, when word carne thraugh that thrce o! the people accQrnpanying the tearn were senîously lu- jured lu a car-tractor-trail'- or collision near Londor' Fuet St, and the Assistan CW eads !the tnom. 1He was takn e te ew nier mjulle cuts and bruises. last vight aftyervsiting in eeo ai. him, told Theo ttsa esvecr nS.J fIat le has Soule paralysis Hospitai,ondon, wit] that they hope lu tempore ere head ïin ieéc( ory, butDae in conscaous a dfeep laceraion a aud in Modporits coa- back ou. te head,! iderig what e' ben ratued aw ad was wekd ir t awhe"nrqi Bowaniie rea ambu1c The thrd ocupai ance ~ ~ ~ ~ 0t atvdn ieWi feWih arlwa e in in- and Mrs, Colin Cooke, 48 seph's Third St SIe is aise in St. I sev~ Joseph's Hospital, London, Inding with a !ractured rigît t the thigh boue, cîest injuries, dus a breken nose, numerous cuts a pes- and abrasions. Her condi~ trav- tien is net censidered ser- e give ions. Dectors operated Tues~. ed day inserting a rod lu 1er ut o! thigli. oieen j ~ ~TURN TO PAGG TWOI VOLUME 119 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31,, 1973 15~ Per Copy NUMBER S Lone C i m il Fireen tosc e te ago Dmage ta helarge, eie. ýr efrnrv o. fAf h hW of He ryiarb-style bousp ii. im mo, spr- I Ioa t .Rigerof R 2 Bowanvlle edat $e,500.oftebs.Che aC<oanfth buotrdAantweeuaaeothvntatgbxfd the laz, wbcbqpr:ead from h as ag ubt nso h o Dh ie t theUnroof and tA mtnaey i hedost mnhdie touble ont anadoînngdoulegarwite w a wr ightlccie in te flas. McGregor M D getsnthNrh AmekanMidet A Caposi over the weekend in te-S e Stick Tofaen i Sarnia, winning ail thiree of their games. A T lrge foloin f locMI fans and parents was on hand to cheere boys on fo tliheoutstanding vircary, TR aPG OUT (0F SIG-HT Yucranyhvet efeil oup aculve inthsontyLatweiwablm buit this Imornrng it nan 106boero. We'Uonly hoPe thos AsanLondn ad oher u bgs o4, frozen BLO Whie imsttpeope mane ed ail their blutekepwrm here a resem h ap ently have a esrplus They are advised that the Red CossewlImot d a Blood Donorlinic at the Lion Cetre n Wd.,Fe b' 7thfrom 1:30 te 43u and b6:30nte :0 p.m. The ýblbankshaveben ed. please heip Coalmaaan L-eionmi!l holdifn, nuaPublic Speaking commtest lathe Lein all ueear treet Everyonis wlcomn te taworea dseoese bENIThe vOn the ediorial page, thre ae som commiD e bu ttmnsrprel aeby John D. aker,resientdo! Genea Moe,' rabout Mis dralnswithe WfuedealgerumnQt Sincomehtpgwacopeeleaprty 1hs dened akin th staemets atriude hlm Te anncalFstrneoter who didth NmEW HrIZONSf Sameon( e rugh ina cipîn outinig athe many PrOsd e W eiuderftke grn tundet the federnal onr nent'sPoer Hions program. eyouldn tlia auth <qing fior owmanvlle or 5easenorcizsumPssbythyavaple raed tisofice A te nxtmetinue ightI NEW OFF HEAD The Newcastle detachment of the OPP gets a new hcad of staff on Tbursday, Feb, lat, Staff Sgt. Lau Swing- hamme ha been promotcd ta the rank of Sergeant- Major and rcceîvcd a 'iev' pastîng la Niagara Falis, Staff-Sgt A, M Wilson, formenly wîth the Prcscott OPP, will replace Swing~ hammer as the bead of the Newcastie detnchment. psacode for cntral OntriiinOshawa on Tuesday,! jen. 3OthM 'cepousalnode becmsesee npve eb. lut 14 Iii e used by the pUSt office peed up ail mai handling.B 17,oipo and w"hv4be codeýdAan'd the ibuhl o!theail adigi h larger cntresguihl one mecbohaaly. asdste urrounding ire manes, the posalcoe v il holdeceaine aaflet un 1evenspeedn n up!emlwîCh plaing he ostl cde nd sotedby and orastnce The 1es #4bi orshe patiulr oe cl ah maLcaers and do k ot Boa Eucau-on truste boe arcsil aubotktasuhe MesnieafaEdcatnùTe bers,ldbyRnC k 'r !d acopeelpe'a the~~ ~ bori pia Th ïuli etig w ake place ie Bado The Bowmanvîlle Chamber of Commerce bcld their an- nual meeting and awards ban quet at the Flyîag Dutchman Motor Inn on January 24th, 1973. Close ta 75 .people en- joycd an excellent roast beef dînner, applaudcd the nanual award wir' ,crs and grcetcd the ncw Cbamber of Cam merce executive for 1973, Mayor Ivan Hobbs was on hand ta present the kcynote address for the evenîng. Outgoiag Chamber 0f Com- merce Presideat, Jack Loake 0f L & L Tools, actcd as mas- ter of ceremanies for the cvenîng. He presented Cita- tions af Ment ta il local merchants, cîther la recog nition of improvements or ex- pansions ta exîsting business- es or ta n~wly iocated com- mercial cstablishments, These Cîtîtions went ta Boss Jackman of Flowcrs by Jack- man, Johnny Scto af the Cor- anation Cafe, Hans and Tina îTURN TO PAGE TWO> Dedcat Nw Sgnat rinity nied Church ilum Thebeau ulMé mntiedT-irim, sCONrk oSessionà, Msiomavlein 1857, P0 a ganresde hi BowManviilg inmeor f erprets hewa loel onece Winh evi BnnrMws rdindpurvive MsAnona cot lateSfa Ms Afe on iere and h e- ac93idbi istpsort Glds , Pet io utb prnineontedd~ owcuc rua h 80 tlan, w elcope cadP ir- WpThaeéey, ohQBune, cainaefa ett ib:Hsmte' annm as' ing, reirîgtamta hagÎehei teUiedCuc lmEWWDECaRNauLm the Èannu in Bdg srmes of evts lnedut inteti almnaeso hfor ly Receive Chamber of Comnmerce Certificates of iv thc e pau iU n e Y nthcm a de s Then a , uy dra s w cr -icd , $440.LeIn, ra Chi- nWe eaay Jauay th tis fucrearetedwico maeb lais h wr tis iatl oalt 50 whercastIee MMe 5 wÎid-thr Thirteen awad we e p -Av en ta lneca swobdtweîi; n.Lna FlgWs;_onmeoCrnto se ud n recuau etnlihn imiaty 'prvd Fonlf a îlti h ynasBuiuT aLm ae i rwn h ar of~ ~ A hme fComreo a ed tirpnebanc sophtarMrlnCtBw cr TePtSop Ir GlBaa tr;RssJka, vorynatlyteraeswm I no obtinedwhenthe raw Show trcatcd taaufn trasutcS ronOhw;Donna HaULan, Bowanvîle TWC Hl. i f cîeld of cuty mî, die, W ar masters 1mdfes en isqittm lm, instruent, acud;th GoplSnswcea spr- baioadsu te. eetrcefla, i c c.onc 1ooL boy s a briad arg rfrWyyward ta, at7cl u enade n veleBnjdte anr oe one u leu fa",r o e ngm Jad gut ssand rie WpaaoyI d we um.Tigoup Mac ao VoIEGI bus th !ugteenagesan wllb apeaig gaaanth ex ~u UcR'ADU -Spea ks aitC of C Dinner Mayor Nobbs Quotes Fi rocs t ,Show that Ratepayers re e re axe ess than Their N ýi b rsi 1 1 'Ist, c'à îeS 96, 41 1ïý 1, 9 a* eý- 29 1, 000 45 A 22 cw rý;ý w Crowd