Maried50 Years MVr. andi Mrs, Andrew Nicholls 1IARRED 5A YEAKS 2 col Mnandi Mrs.Andre wîh- tlnîtedi Chulrch on Satunay Januery 20,193 BuniuViJc aheit, dube of Eddie Wethitandi Audrew Nîchale, son cf DoIp, Pr. P. W. FBeet, Jnuary 24, 1923. Attenýdanjts wvre hPils brothr JaesNichoýnlîs anfi Col. R. J. GUlI, a onef Ithe honemoouin Bffulo, i gauFaîs anf!i Toont, tey tnnk lup nsdneou thein wber thy lied or 7 years. On etibngfron farm hf e, they moveitheThiird-Con- csinsti!l on bot 6. Con. 2 Manîposa. Eunice, ha enative in churh wak, staendingeanl1, Education,,, a total pe iod of aven 30 yeans. Bath Eunice andi Andrew attendefi Bow- manville Higli School and inl 1950 lie was grantefi a bile Membershlp ln Jerusulem Lofige A.F. & A.M. Owing ta the wonderfui weather, guests attended from Kingston, Gaît, Toronto, Kes- wiclc, Orillia, Baltimore, Ont., Balentia, Barrie, Woodvill, Uxbridge, Oakwood, Bowmau- ville, Oukilhe, Oshawa, Betb- auy, Blackstock,- Part Penny andi Seagrave as well as muny local guests. Mn. Jackson Puriament, Reeve of Maniposa presentefi the, happy couple with a Serol andi Histcry af Victoria County an behaîf af the Victoria Caunty Councîl. YELVýIFERTONý' anfi informative with lis ap5- proach tab thepnoblem' sane- wh at diff erent than usuai, and certainily well worthi heuning. On Suuday evenaing the Janetville Pastral eChange haLî their nmjeting af Session in JanetylilIe Unitefi Church. SMauvens Townýship ýCouncil attended twaý meetings thîs week pertinent a Regional Government proposaIs for this region. On Monduy evening a public meeting was helfi in Ponlypool sponsorefi by the Townshîpý Council ta get a genuine andi broad expression aI opinion of the particular area residents ta be sepurat- ed fnom. the balance of the township (the first two south- erly concessions) as suggested ln the Regional Government proposal., The unannious ex- pression of opinion thut Man- vers Township be netainefi as en entîty was forcefully pre- sentefi ta the closefi meeting in Bawmnanvîlle with Provin- cial BepresentatiJves, the fol- laawing evening by Manvers Council membensý and neceivefi favorable attention. BURKETON Mn. and Mns. B. Bake, r anfi Pamn visited i wih Mn. und Mrs. Gardon BkrAndi fani- ily. Long Seuit. Mrs. J. MGrvyhad. a successful demaonstrution panty luet. Tbursday evening., Mn. andi Mrs. P. Gatcheli, Oshawva, werýe guests aof Mr. andi Mrs. A. C. -Stephenson andi familv on lthe weekend. Mr. b. Plain, Onono, callefi an Mn. Chester Haskins and r. andi Mrs. J. Sinclaiir andi famîly. Mn. and Mis. J. Abbott andi familywere visitors aIofMns. Thoynpson, Haydon, receutly. Mn. Frank HTolroyd, Cues- area, visitefi Mn. ani dMrs. F. Holroyd Sr. andi family on Saturday. Mn[i. S. Graint andi boys, Zion, cullefi ou Mrs. R. PuveY rne- cently. , Folks af this district are welcomne ta attend a public meeting ut Blackstock Becre- 1tbin Centre on Februany 2 at 8 pý.m., regunfling the forth- coming Regional Government, ta heur the speaker Mn. George Mvat'hison andi bis committee Input. Dýo make a special une for or aguinst this new government. 2 yens asScretary aýnd Mn. andi Mns. e, pnee Tresurr f te Wme's s-are scheduled ta leave faor W SE IL soitbnPesyeia fthýe Arizona for a winter vacation E L Y I E bindsy, esyey alndi vwas7 911 Saturday. Pore sauls, go- mufle a ile - Memer1 b 1968. ng ta miss aur typîcal Cen- The endi of the bulmy wea- Anflewwusasacatei it adian February winter ther annived inl the early the PlicShoh s Secrep- Mn. and Mrs. Pale Stinson bour,,,;ao Sundy mornnng aud tunyTreauren lirt wih -S. andi family moved inio the Na. 5 ten-wth chal Ae1 ewhm arco est ex the icy nain put a damper on Wo. 1Mnioauntil anc doar reighbors, ou Saturday cuc tedac.Toso Tonhp colArea was Welcame buck, ta the com bovel bas been ifile iu Janu- omein.luMariposa where he munity. ury 50 we sbauldn't 1camnplain servfi s ScrearyTresune Mr. Fcyf Stnso f we have ta, use it lu Feb- 1-ltil the foWrnintion cf the sehedulefi to enter hospital on ruury. Bath chunch andi sbooal Couty ondy 0 ths wek.We ttendauce is down, nat ouly Vicori Burd aIextend ta Marjonie best wish- because of slippery noads but Ret o ra es for a speedy recovery. flu bas victinis lu a great B- ey. Genalfi Brown af New- meny homes. ThePickhusons ADA Y 0ORl EEKEND castle aund Chaplain' ut the andi Ashbys are recoverîng, Asýk for Ruec . Boys Sihool, Bowmalnvill, but Ken Pinnens, Arnoldi IINYspoke ou behaîf of Alcohol and Thornudyke, Murnay rayntes 1Prug Concerne Incorp. ut Yel- und iut leset Beverly lu th CHYLRDDELTD, Iventon Ulnitef inChurch oýn McCall'1 boseol bve lied i 623-2586 i-Sunday,. His iniformai ,--ne- u venigdges mak eebotb inhte),estinýgjThie junior chaoir p1ravi.de6! the peciai music tte sr vi aWelcome ou Sundjay If morning, singing "The Plgnini ~ ~ Sang" andi "Seeli Ye First the ~L~#ILI N U1 1 'f,î(/ Kingdam"'. They wene short about six an eight of their A ltti wtch dssaisiedwih bin haa ocktenvedmembers too. disatifie wih ein iqR pckterve," Several from bere were ut !31g Ben, the great tower dlock. 'I wishI couhd lie up tee1 the Alisoni Funerel Chapel on 0ihe litthe -watch. 'Il coulfi thea serve the multude." And Tuesday and Wednesday af sjsddenhy th lite watch had its wish. It was drawn up to the lest week ta puay tribu't taa toweý,r. But fo behow it *as invisible. Its ehevation. had former neighbbr, Mrs. E. EIey anduff ler sympatby ta bher becom annhilaion.bereavedfi fmily. Thle cam- CLOIUÎS MNT:mulnity also extends sympa- CLOTES CRE HNT:tby ta the fumi!y af anathen Do I yorsef des at ppl ta he emoal f sotsandneigbbor in Monisb, Mn. Non- stusfroini Yourg ens Expert qaified attention ie neefi- Mn. andi Mns. John McGuink cd .. snd them Into you dry leanler. cf Parry Sound came home ta CarraIl Nichais on Saturday UELP'îUPORT '-HEaltennoon and netunned the tIEL SUPORT HE ATHRIIS SCIET îaîowing day. 'Tle occasion Cnpgnfor Funds - Jan. 29 to Fei). 3 wus lu honor -of Mis. Me- Guirk's binrthday whloh la oni the 29th. D~I, IAA hiclouigl of Peterbarough spent! PeOWMENU gI UE the weekend with fthein granfipanents. the iHarlolci Bar- I~I ~ kIED IT l owcîoughs. C L 4& % RaI L 9F6 Miss Berie.e Beest uin . E. Barrawclough atnlf h r 84 KINGC-, ST. wý. 623-5520 -Rota posreitrvlou f held l hee, are lu t f, i Port "We Spercialize In Shirt Laundering" Hp nTirdyeeig IKnow Your Milkman GUS' WILSON Bora in Port Hlope, Guis was sehooled ut ZDon north of Newtoniile. He remembers playing base- boail 'wth the Starkvllle team n sd callin.- off et the local square danees. Gus went farming at Kendal asud started on bis own farn north of Orono, on the 8th lise at 115 Highway. When Guis sohd ont ta Ontariaortfr a Snowmobile Sales outiet ue hut a new hoeme ou the Winter Road south of Orono, where hr- 10w resides. Gus is marnsed ta' the former Leona Claýrkc and they have twvoPgis and one boyuo on their own lu the world. 1Gus started with Glen Rue ta 1969, sund hue stuc. been deh.iveYnug a home deltvery route west of »owmiuville, takîng hlm riglut up ta the Town Line, south to 401 and north to Tauntasrî oud, Gus le welI liked, enthusiastie and yaung fo.r his years. He heu a bard tume to sleep ln the morningq, ar- riving for work at least a half hour before ue needs to. P'-ý:ONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY Gle, ueDaîry Kfii st, S.W Bowmaenville i jMrs. Turner Ikr ber lcyAl ,s,, Tht Canadiar_ f atesmnan,8owman'ýille ~ÂII sistance ta ber hu sband ir hi,' Cubs Wiaten Their Cars rerform ministry a b ercotiu tions ti tewark of th'e church for m am .ris -a- E LIA ABETi SurdaySýcooltechfi, unit E -iz A leader of the United Church11 Mrs. N7Ga-_rdine7r onened in Os Wamen, a leader in the C G the church service on Sun- Muldri IT, and a graciaus hostess at 1fiay.Bey J.A. Ramjit suoke rnents. the Manse.o"The Importance of Pray- be hoi Eiders elected ta the Ses-e The coir sang.e slan were Mr. Rani Hethering- On Tuesday the ladies -out areaa ton, .Mr. Rass Stevens, Mr, in n ouilt and bad Ai quîlted Bon 3 Daug Kemp, Mrs. Robert by nîrÏght. About 10 ladies Mr. Marîerrison, Mr. Neilson Mc- attended, It was, put un in andi - Gregor, Mr. Sam Buttery, Mrs, the basement of the church weekr- Alex McGregor andi Mr. andi spansored by the 1.CW. Scat' William Brunt. We hiope ta quit another one r Members electefi ta the SOP Fowle Commnitteec of Stewards were The 'flu seem ta be nrev- days1 Mr. Ray Brysan, Mr. Leonurd âlern in the'area, Those suf- er ha( Jones, Mr. James Coambes, ferîng from severe doses are% Mrs, Mr. Robert Carruthers, Mr. Mrs. B. Wheeler,Mr. T. Wood ber t -M Rofi, Stork, Mn. 1Hernfian Huas andi Mrs. M. Mc Allister. Sev- varen andi Mrs. D. McArthur (U.C. erai lighter doses are report- Cs W.ý representative>. efi. ing a Mn, Gerald Shackleton was Mr. andi tri. L. Muldrew are Mr. the one member electefi ta Port the Board of Trustees,ý Church u nd an assoclate Cromi Mr.Cp urwene'ber of IMarnoia1 Hosaital ed wi WPaKinpditar o re-appoîntefi as Auxîihary. She was a former cer S It asdecde toofer ormember of the W.M.5, and afIM. It asdecde t aferonthe Wýonien's Canadian Club. Newt sale the.,remaîning churc'ý. MiUs. Chartran s-suvied Mr. dîrectonies, wîth church mem- b, bers and afiherents beîng by two daughters, Mns. borne dây. gîvn pîorty thir ale McQuurrîe (Florence) and Mn A letter frani the Natianala Mrs, John H. Boughley (Par- The Trust Company regardiog t e wi), bath af Bowrnanville, ta bo, èstate of the late Edpa 'T. Cox AlSo ýurviying are four grand- revealed that she hqd mufle a children, Laurel Ann Me- ziubstanïtial bequest tari Quarrie, Charles Scott Rough-,IS churli A mtion wus a- s l Jahn Andrew Roughley efi înstuctîngothe Cal-mmttee and PFaul S. G. Bughley. af Stewards. taer 3oceefi îth Mrs.Churtran re.sted ut the the purchase and ntllto Morris Funeral Chapel, 30w- aa stainefi glass, wndo in n-un 4e, with service inSt the church sanctua@ bhe Andtew's P rerb y t e r i_ memory. C,,hurlion Wednesday, Janu Bev. H. Turner mentioefi. anyl24th. ey . 1 , SGilcbnsti - et that a newwindwouvfld be con1'ýductefi the service, an, I e 'l'bc We.7t Purli rPi n e -Bragg, AMatjî e rh erd, PaliFVri, Tofi-er-unveiled and dedictedlut e nterrnent wss in Bowmun-, wood Drb ws elfion Sat- Bill Spears. Ter'ry gy , Ter-wlegrDene adnhucurhscuryoSnuyvleCmer. urday aut St. Josephi's Great ry Martin; ped:SteplhenivlGreg ?McKennan; PýSpei-d: finuary 28hi1. 7, ime allbeunens were Msr.Lat, Hall, with 10 VWolf Cub packs Wood, Perry RPcýimulerî,lKe- Pav1d Part, PRab bie onhsanmaryOf thie late -Mr, aiMrlls. Iian Ross, Don Mdflveene paricpatng inlung 176 vin Crugo, TddBeers, BnianI Pavid Janso , Jmb -Ha-,ChrisM_ Carruthers. Thî Malo" m MacRTenzie J arc k boys, each wt'bis home- Buttery, Richard Elat. Donald Hart, Gordlie Gihr îdwis aP, -ift of "Ir-. and CaleGeorge ee mufle car. ire o f this Munvers ines Detii- g c.j MsrDoula KeHeet oonnat1 event will now purticip-ate in Sean Lebneeu, JohinRa on, NwnvleWn rsD-iB. Haroldi Turnerc the District Pak rnoffs on Scott bebeuui, Rodniey Waod)c, sugo: Pucn Tîmle Dewpessefi for àMrs. Turnei,riand Feb. 1th, starting ut 10 Randy Finney\, Anidy Fshe; cQueýt, Doald BnownAli-ln imee,-lf bis heurtfelt thanks ta the Clerk of Session for isý Winnens ,werl, as follows- Speed: JohnKe, Rick Ever- assel, Mark Broqwn, J errn ayknian op etr Newaste Wnnes -De-ding, John Wow rd, Bo- Stacey; Speefi: Tirm Tnim-Ible, nl ianand t tco nglirega-i sign: Shuwn Grrafi, Michael- ne rstog eff Bern îene Angie, Kevin Page,1 tion for their loyal ty and sup I 11 John Charlandt,Hay Hirsh- Warren Prestan. Beugle Angle, Douglas Lam - port during the24yash feld, Clarence Toni, Michael 4t omnil inr- et enPrhnt as been the minister oaI our- Benett Nli ejog;SpefDesign: B rdley ipnRb Hampton, Winners-Design: church., Winners: Geoff Halsey, Noel bie Kirkto, Chis ýWilsoni, Brafi Clemens, Brent, Clemens, The m-eeting was uiunf Lak, Lnud Hrtord Jhn anrllGouey BadyHr.n- Allen IHickey, RBlt. LaIent- about 10:)40 p.m andi was fol- WidBranVenbeek, Cci un, reld ippins; Speeisofer, Paul Menard; Speefi: lwd yashr-oca1eno KnappMichael PauRnyLkCagPwrAln Hn twhc time ligbt refresh- A Bandy Gibbs, FBendy ouey inRBbbie McKy, Se]-mente wene servefi b th Mapie Grave W=ietn- Rolibie Bond, don Htollisten, NoirmanHut ladies of the U C.W,. sign: Doug. B r o oks,. Boy Kendal Winnerjs Pei: Craig Paýwers. Brooks, Dale Bubar, Don"lald PnyFwen, Ea Bry- Bnowns Winner.s--Desig9o Paigle, Robbie VunHemen oeFnn nst, BnPiRinSteven Adams, iJeu Golf-den, Wood, TofiRussell, RobentiSFi: , D u vifi rnk, TîiSteven Zulaut:, GrliBath- OBIUARWCO E AD RCKE Paley, Scott Vunsen, Terry W(yrich, Stevenýý Clarke, Ke na;Speefi: Joseph M Nenez, i'RS. SIDNEY BRDC-HEPRCE1A Henne, Doug. Hoogeboom. v i n Lwn DavIfi Elliott. Jeffney Welter, ERobent Fank, CIIARTRAN CAS HA EPBIEUT I Srd Bowmanvllle Winnens HIillcnest Heights Winnens, Donald Fank, Marýk Simrpion, C R FEBA Tr-! Design:__Bussell Scott, JamjieslPesign: Scott Nicholas, Srott Munlitry Stoufter,j The death aofIvrs. SidJne Y, ERY, FRiENDLY SALE .G. Chartran. 81 yer, ,cqu. 0%1. St.PaukI's Congre gation Holds its Annual Meetinga The annual Congregational Meetling af St . Paul's Unitedi Chrhwas belfi on Wednes- day, .Juuuary l7th. The mieet- ing was openefi withb a de- vatianna aadý'-ing niiprayenr byé RexHrof.Trer !h chaiman.Alte thereadîng- 0of the minutesI the lest annual meeting and twa special meetings by the caugregutionul secnetery, Mn, Mauseli Stacey, t he vernus churcli organizatians present- ed their annuel reports. Mns. James Petterson was the leader of the Messeugers andi was assistefi by Miss Cathy Pattenson; this group mufle a substantiel donation ta the Mission andi Service Funfi but bas been inactive for the peut few maunthu flue ta lack-of members. .The Explorers, udrthe capable leadlership of Mns. Paris Semelle and Miss Marion Vanstone, andi the C.G.I.T. whose leader lu Mrs. -A. O. Pýainymple, assistefi by Miss Heathen Moone, Mrs. G. La- vergue and Mrs. R. Stuinton neportefi an active andi pra- ductive yeur. Baoth mufle don- ations ta the Mission andi Ser-vice Fund, Iuneadditian ta their inegular meetýings the Explorrs pr tîcipeted lun a Famiiy Nighit ai a camtrpingtnip. The C.G. I.H. also took part lu same spDecial Events, such as visits ta the Fine Hall, the Museum, the Police Pepartmeut aund the Council Chambers; they participatefi too lu the Yauth Service lu March ut the Beho- both Christian Beformi ch urc eand inl a Hobby Fuir est [tie Lions Centre. Ilu Mey, ut a Pot brick Supper for the C.G.I.T. and their parents, Jili Colville andl Lynda Graham graduatefi with five years' ut- tendance. At Christmas the C,..mufle candy ýfan the patients lu the local nursing homes andi sang, carols ta them. The Tyros, with Mn. Stew- eat Tripp andi Mn. Ken Mc- Antur s teir leaders, andi the Sigme C, unifer the leufi- ership of Mi.Oliver -Pal- nrymple,, assistefi by Mn. B. T. Watt, bui.aýnother successîul FearY. In addition ta their wekymeetings the formier gnauýp af boys enjayef a tnip ta teOntario Science Cntre andi t4t lutter taon()ïtunio Plc ,DBth mufle donations ta the Mission andi Service Furfd. The report cf fthe13iniday Sehool !was gien y Mn. P. W.Htey Sunduy ;Schooil Supeinitendient. H npone' e total sýtaf'f of teachers ai offces ithirty-five ut the 'twov loca'tionis (St. Paul's anfi1 Salcm-) dn the yeur aufd expresseci hie eppreciation ta theni an bbaîpf af the congre- gainfrtheir efforts i'n spreafln1ing he Gospel oai-Jeus' Chriïst ta aur chilfrcu. --Heetd, hawe, sate bis ïcregretthat; munyparets ave beene-i g b-t)gtamake su1re thbat fit of gaining a koldea t h e Bible hby regufla tted The wo ai r dnions ifupe inteudeut lunflic Sunflay ~co1and tu th!e Mission- and_ Service Funfi, ing the past year. AIl af these Inusoi fan us the enorand except thnéeequlîts IFbd ef bee Junior Chairs weref conceru- solfi on sent eawuy ta vanqjlous: cdl Mn. Boss Metcaif, arýgaubuit places. anfi chiras er eti a Mn. PRase Stevensý,teaue very jbusy a ni r, outv IteMsinaf evc yean Thememerslip a th Funi, epantf Ci t h e tthe SeirChoir was thirty-five amaount ruisefi this yean wesi undt thut af the Jun-ior Chaýirulmlost the samne as last yean.ý was hiny-tnee Thee aIfA -otion -wus passefi thut the their miajor activities wre Presblytery essessisment for their caunib uti of a Easter, 1973 be esteblishefi as aur Music, an Buster Suuday ut goal. whichý timne they wneeussiet- Financial reports af the cd by a gueF.i chair from Board of Trustees, the Christ- Knox Unitedi CrliI Pet- ian Education Committee andi erbýonaugli, theirspca music the Committee of Stewards at aur Annivenrsary Services were presentefi. Mn. Ray Bny- an Octaber 22nd including a son, treastirer af the Commit- violin fluet by Miss Strama tee of Stevrards, gave, a veny undi Miss Merkley andi a truni- detailefi uccount andi reveelefi pet solo by Mn. P. rMcA',rthur thet the renovutions loan ha aund their presentaian of the been cons-iderably reýduicdf. Festival af Christmas Music 'Ple report afI the session, an Pecembel-)r l7th. Tbey en-, given by Mm. P. Kemp, Clerk tertainefi such guests as ithea«Session, sowdan inc rease Goldenr Legcionaires, Central in eburch eme rhninuring Scbool Choir with Mme. S. 1972, but thiene lias beecriit Cales as directon, Ahi aine rovals byý deutli. Onie 4ai Anglican Choir afI Wbitbyv, those lost by deathwe the Glenn Alun Famnily, unii the late Mn. A lex MeGrega-, twho Senior Baud a Bwmuvîl thnoughout hie entire 111e- Higli Sehool. Apprciýation tiîme lu aur cammunity cou- was exteudefi ta Mise b. Os-;tributefi a greet deal of btis banne who suppliefi ut the,ý time andi talents ta aur churcli, angan sevenul timies during the us elfier andi Clerk aof Session, year, andi ta Mme. J, Bice who, trustee, choir member, sololat assistef inlutraining and dfîneét- andi chtiir leader, aufi Sunday ing the Junior Chair. Sehool teacher, secnetumy andi The main activities ao hesprftndn;the L-)SS ta Couples' Club cosîtd ISt. Paul's aIsch a true andi decorating the c anc it h faithiul Chietian one wl Thanksgîving andi Chistmas be fled(e)Ir ply eitby il tÈhe cou- seasons. They)bave eiiino gregatinn yor an acamre. regulur meetings dunIinlg the- M11. Kempexresfiaprei peut year, ation on behaf a -I h con- 'lie reparLt aI theý UnitefI gregation ta Mný/T. Wilbent Chu rcli Wc icn, Pa,,ve ry a ct i ve e epie for henini1g t1heP dis- group a,)Èthe churci, \vas giv- tnibutt.on iicopis Ithie Upper en by thie secretary, 1Mme. K. Bý -oom and [hie assistance ta Shuekietoi. 'Iu addition ta, n Turner witli the memrrbe-r- the uniit auf generel mi-eetingsi slip rails, ta, the Sunday they beifi2,a bazaafi aaru- $chioolSupernîtendenit, af- mnage saie, catemedfe fr a uim-1 ficens und. 1teachers, ta the ber oIfdinners, providefi for!tmagi-bewek'OuJP lead- -repeiin bu te Manse, placefi ens, ýta tic Unitefi Churcli fhouwers lu the churcli each Wýomei-n, ta the orgenlut andi Suunday, andi rememberef chirs, ta the Comte fa shut-ins at Christmas time ýStewards, to the Trustes, ta witl i glts andi visite. Speak- the enyclope andi Mission andi ens heard by this arganîzutin Servi ce Funiïdtreasu crn,tO during t-be year lucludefi Mrn ar steniograpIicr and fiiule- Bïrrce Bul lio gaun illui- in editor, ita our ceretaker stratefi talk au bi is toyerandfo taa] i thr memblers'a stay a3s teujcnlu i geria, Me, the cougr egetion wlia bave Fitzsmmou, Hom Ecoamis,usistefdinluany vwe;y. wh sae nthe Value aI F Ou tis, the litoccasýion Afvetiimnt iss Aphla 1t4at Mn. Tunerwill preside Hofigins who sokeou Lj, u t ao ui, a:3 Cngregational anfi BeyH.Turner vWb gave Meeting, flue ta bis iretire- a shant aides' t the Crs-ment Iram the,,mnistry th1is, ma7 meieing.Ty ad comin'g Junec, Mn. Kemtp sok large dý JrPionins ta t1b VMission lu bigl i tnîbute a M.f u anfi Serice Funrd. the Bu rse's 11e aofrad antfitb dur-' FunRiOve1ses Relif, the iuig bis 24 year's o afîilul Building ,,Fuýnr"i, theCommryit- ;unfidedicateirice ta our tee af Se ar 1aud tý iepr- cbiurcb. Hias serm-ons bave chase aI BRibles for the Sunj- been outstandrag andi au in- day Sechool. A mrajor p-joraject s-pirationai guidance, andi aiea af fhec1ladies oa i the 1U .C'.W. -.,as ibis warmtb,.constant coucern. the purchase af themtrial auf-ïýi selI-suenlîlce ta belp every andi the making aI ofnew chair miember of aur cougnegation gawus for the Junior Choir. uas well us thase not, closeiy lu berre-part ai S-upply frrounectefi witb oun churcli 19ý72 Mme. Boss Stev-ens atfe ave been deeplyî appreciatefi. tiat a total of 1360 pounds, af! Hie cbildren's stonie, tou1(chefi clothing befi been shîipped i ta witihbis kinflly humoný, but such places uis thýe African fii a sim-.plicity andi a clan- Cango, Hong Kauog. Stiret -ity ta couvcy a meaniingful Haaven aufi imncceStreet lu mesc,,sage undenstaulable te ail, Toronto, the Notheu n af bsflwut-erlipay hurla Indiens aPnd the Cnîpplnefi wbeh filiefithe heurts aof the Cîians. 1, Funthrmaeaco-peophe andfi reuchi pxal sîideruable amoliutI moey a Gfiwill be *long emm wa rlsfiIrm he sae I ene1.Hesîcrel theuikefi usei lobin afifna fou- M, urerfanoivîgta Sýt. tion. Aea Itenearte tha Pel~eUniefiChuclithe 'best the- larries aI fthe meF uiîug nfi yas11-b1sli.e-u1ior hia quîtfltîn1g 4gnoup wîch meet uudy(,ýing effor7ts ta enrgeaur eguLarly lied mufead te n1 caigregatian andi ucli up the quilts, ane crib aquilt, thnee chiincl. He ulaex-,tendefi blanets rîfionzjprezL_ dur- !aur proftound apec iD ft red sýucîddenly at 66 H-igh St., B;owmanvlleoniM on ida y, January 22, 1973 Daughter of the late Joh,,n Andrew and Elbiabth (Cmp-r bell) Wood, the f arm)er Anme May Wood was borru PtPrs cott, Ont., receiving heýr edui- cation in Prescott public antf5 Ulgh Schools. COn Novemj-ber-, 9,12,she miarried Mr. S ic- ney Ga;rfield COhartrîan, who 48 years, naminïg lhere ro Prcoctt. As a housýewifeý, lberl chief interests centrefi arcund e ber famlly andi home. She was a memiber of St. Andrew's Presbyterin I NUMBER ONE.* (*- FORD RBUILT MORE -NEW CAA IN 1972 THAlN e, Jan. 81, 1973 3 IVILLE ýrawa at present. Mx-, ew has doctor aIppoint- S.i expect they wý'ill )me later in the week. vý houses going un ini the are John Quantrill's and M'ercer's., %arnd Mrs. J. Quantrill famîl1y visited over the ,nd with Quantrills and. s. E. P'owler andi Mrs, K_ lr celebrated their birth.ý last week., Mrs. E, Fowl.- Pd dînner with Thicksons. K. Fowler entertainei brother and sisters, hex' nt Mr. and Mrs. W, ilton were in Sîmoe sell- aload of tobacco, and Mrs. R. Mercer, HoDe; Mr, and.Mrs. R hbie, Bowrnanville, visit. th'Ivir. afld Mrs. C. Mer-. Saturday.- Other callers, ard ivrs..R. Weat-,heuser, onville. r A.,Trew took Ken Yowb.- îck to Torontn on. Sun-~ Robt. Miercer went on [ay miorning tbowvling teamts were in Dwl on Thtisdayéeing. it the . p~yeý v ,calizing in. Penne - ColorsG Clairol WIgs, est Cutting TechiquiIïes PHONE 623-5455 37 King st. 'W. Z;owmanÊvilleý TO TUDR !E. LCW ANMDTHE L FAST DELIV- SMENI, COURTE- WHY FORD is VEHICLElSIN ANY OTHER "Were F irienl-y People ,Meet 219 King st. E. Bowmanville 623-0-9811 It'senogh o ter nagmotwte o wagshimzs and laundrles týhatiit ta-kes ta kee yar fam ily ard oui home sparkIýlng en Cascade wi Cgve yu family îze bhot wtr becausit'1s designed for the job. v Thie Éelecrical industry put years of researchiix into th)eCnda family's hot water needs, Cascade was t, he eui-bu by qualified yeti of dpnablt nd compi exe satifamcon. Gerhe Cas,3'cde,îth fli-Ccapalcitytt-q's rlgh.t for yanu a,nfi(njy bot waterfamly-sze Cascade, ic c-Ieansf, fiint lcr ae heater, Yo02ur yr