4 Thýe Canaian Satesman, Bo*vmanville, Jan. 31, 1973 EDITORIAL COMMENT C ongr tations T4o Mayor Hobbs Last.eekit thae Chamber of Com- merce', Ann-uaýlmeinHis Worship MayorIvanM. Hiohbbs made one of his raepublic sece and it was a wort-hhle effort thfat, -provided valu- abea -dinteresininfo ri,7rm)ation on the tow'sfînncalposition anyd its future potetial We aveincluded a consîder- ableanamount of thle datuail in the report, of 'th e ieting, and-, hope next week to publisi. the, entire address because of iimportance. Mayor Hobb5 s nik ayother heads of municipalijtie,hac doesn't sýeek opportunities to makec specche,(> r obtain publicity-. But when he does,, hi-, remarks have -myeaing mandrepraent a greýat deýal of preparcatory work îin his; araybusy s.ehieduile. Our cnglratufla- tions On a fine effort. We aroe certaiin Bowmnanville's; citizens would lika to) hear himý more oftani. Let's PIay I Very ol Oshawa In recent ed,,itions of The Osha,ýwa Timesc, there e been several stories indicating that itsrecantly alected rnayr i a bt oerzeaious concerning Ragioal Gvamnent.In fact, it has been uggeted hatle ïappears to have contacte the"Hogown"disease, usu- all asocitedinthesec, parts with Tor- Worsip im Pttiaryis goîng ah Out to eruad te rovncalgovernment tha th Ciy o Osawashouid be the locat'Àinfor 'the Oshaiwa-centrcd Reg- ïonai Govmnmnt eaquarters, when anrd if it i--,s-taýblished. Ha dcaims Osh- awa has t e t valbeto construct a suitable srutretat.ould be ade- quate fo)r thie lrerg a staff, that wudhave to hac accommnodated. Ha has aleady ada 1-ns pitch to Premier Daiond is ollo iup with a brief On thle sU'bJect. Thîs mybe ithehaprdi-seli, ,oppor- tunJýite ayof dointhinsbut it car- tainly _ý-i't ging uto it too well with tha peolin thea Cobourg-Port Hope, are, or elsewhere for tat matter. Many ouir,,ýtsda shawa arte ialready up in arms ov1er the prospct of being includad mayor îli oly jutiflteir fears and thaýt Oshawai outto 'grýabavytig rule theic roostý and to heck wîth c eery- boidy else.We donr)'t kniow howu Osha--wa es-tabhlisheid is'tch- a nasty: reputation but Mayo)r Potticar-y mayha nterested to learn that tlhe worduhs apparently spjreýd asf ar as Manvers Township whee tey eld a mecetinig last weak lu P-on t-pool and overwhelmingly voted bo copt out of this rag'-ioni and go with Victoria Count .îayb Oshawa should tr sigScopa for bad braath or soma- thinig for tLhe underairmsý, as they do On telavîson, to ake people love them more. Persoaily waLook foriga, edat tha startht Oshawa would be the headuararslocation, because aveni thgh it isn-'t centrally locatad, it is the largast ent ,re -in the reion.But, no-,vwa arC e bgjinig to have scond tho)ughýts about it in ýivw of thair -ap- paetover-eagarnass to take over without1.î conýsuiting anon ase in the i-eion, If this new gvrmna sys- tam is going to work effactivaiy, its opemation, wiil have to ha basad solidly on mutual respect, good will and under- standing. Otherwise, it will hea.a fight from stamt to finish, with avery mnuni- cipality trying to- lina up support ftor its own cfs interests ard advantMages,. ThePend resuitl1 could be cao, wi th wasýt agisFaSt, n-orth vss'ouUh andevry bodygngngup onOsaa In onje of thie Oshawa4 papars last week, it aL sgetedtat Bowman- ville wvas to la) for (or should ha creditedwih)the 'suggestion that Cobourg and Port Hope ha inciuded in the Osaacnrergion to pravent Osaafrom d(ominating it, In view of reecent developmaents, -,ve are incline-d to- hcap ýhýih praise upon ourelcd officiais for thair foresight and wisdomi. So, ,ve might suggaýst that if har- nious reiationships are ever to ha chaved aong municipalities -ýinvolvad in thscomplex Ragional Govamument expeimnt1ý, Oshawa's mayo-r, andc coun-i cil if theav are involved, would don wall to traad softly7 for* a while. Otherwise, oppos-ition to the current proposals, mnight wel spread so rapîdly and in- creasaý in inte:nsîty so much that the go,ý-verument would find JLit oliticallv unwise to proceed with its plans. Durhami MPP 'Anse-;e-,rs Criticism P'ariarnent BuildJý'in gsý Januaýry 26, 1973 Dear M,1r. McC.,orm-cack: The f'o iwigstatam.ent imade by r.Roger Carr at a r.ecent meeting in Po-rt oewt arsnaie of the Liberal Patyheadatir by Mr. Donald DeCacon, M.ýUPP. for Yo.rk Centra, cahîs for sm býclaiiato.To quota Mmr. Carr "Ouae of the chiaI reasoins why lupu is rowivng isthe rea-lization of xnay idiidulsthatd the traditiol mto of oicin-g one's opinion audc iloucmitroghthe ccaýlacd'reprasanta- tive'rs !in uensPark is not, in this cucial ise effýctively possible. To date, hot memersof the lagisiatura repesetin Nothuberandand Dur- ham avec inistnly-avoided, meetin ýg wVithha people of thii5 area to opanly hoth mabars haebeau couspicuonusly silant as ,:to hthy have beau doing at Qeeu' Pak ouourbehaif", MayI rspetfulypoint out that I hae bau uhiyinvlveiover the pas,,t weeks iin tha is,cussions rspci th govmumntlevaiandin the county. two years i .mv"eprfomQuas Pak"Ihava laei phss outhie rasrucurn f local gový(,emt on a ragona baisand n as m!any occas- ios -s osible endcIaavoUred to intamest thalocl ctiznsini its concepts. .As somd 2 muîciplitis ~vre ivolved, 1noue f wiChwem ativiset i prior to tha c'Decamba18 idata, if îas impossible toý dîscloe thadetails of the proposai prior to the aoya ate. Si)ce eambar ,18, I beiieve, I whemre theý proprosai bas 'beaundiscussed! except thle recant caucuts nmeeting of tha N.DP P prty in Port Hope. !r My opinion it was 01nly pr]opaer that the 'pr-oposai should fisthadis- eusse(dvwith the local electad municipal officiaisý. This is tha- policy being f ollow- ati, anIc hlave beau prasaut at avery meetinig calad for this purposa includ- ing the îmeectinýg in Millbrook involving the MunicipaIities of Cavani, Milbrook and South Mnga;thea meeting in Bowmnvila\involvinig theMucia- ties of Damington, Bowmanvi [le, Clarke and Necsla;ad the meeting involv- ing t.he mnunicipalities of Port Hope, C o1bour, g, Hope and Hamilton. In addi- tin I pamiticipatad in a irecent meeting callied for discussion 'of the proposai by the Mý,an-vrs Ratapayars Association in lPoutypoolIn the tima avilabla to me I haqva ndaor to fulfili my duties as Chimnof the Onitarijo Select Com- mittLee On Motorized Snowý% Vehicles and, Ah11-Terra-ini Vehicles, wh'1ich is presently touring t ha province, and what is of primeimotne deait with mauy personal npoble-ms of riding con-stitu- ant1 s. I dio hava to Ygat a littie slaap, bu1 it il- aueffort tIo dtrriai htres- pect amnotflfilling my obig-ations as an M.lfP.P. I would athrresp)ectfuhly raqestMm Car to provida me and the publ1ýic wijth facts to support his sttnrn rIpuhicly rtriact the sama. Ovr ouefouirteen yeam,ýs I have an- clavmtit keap )f aithl with the citi- zensofuha Couinty aind serve thair hest intara-sts, reg1ardless of poiti cal or othe, afiliaion.I w llotinua eto Cdo s0 in tlhe daahad.. 'Yours vary ttuly, Alax Carruithars, MPPDurham Durham Coonty'e Great Family journal Etbhhd119 yea1rs ago in 18541 Also Incorporating The Bowma nvile News The Newcastle Intiependent The O1rono News Seconcý class mail registration number 1561 Produçeti every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -6B King St. W., Bowmcnvile. Ontario GEO. 'P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULb BUSINESS MGR. SALES MANAGER Phoi.wý 623-2303 DONALD BISHOP PLANT MGa.ý 'Cpyihtadfo porr ights subsist in, the image appearing on this proot. PeTMiicy on0 'erdc a whmte or in part and in nnvooytrm whatscever, particularly by photographie ozr ffset prce n uietia utbeotie an L ubihrcd the prnter. Any ,ncuthorizýed reprodluction wiil Le fo et 0recOýrZe in lojw." $7,0 a yocir - 6 nionths $400 $900 à Year in the UJnited Sie strîctly in c!dVanCe Alhug veyprcaution witt Le tairen ta avoid error The Canadecan Scteema-cn caccepte dvrte lsig l in s ýclune on the understandinq îLot t wilI cal Le hallefrye rrar b any advertieement pubishd hreudesules a proof of such advertisment is requetsd a !wrîtîng hy theadetîe an, retiurnsd ota îe anadiau Statesmian busnesrs ffice duily îgs b le a, etîerandw-h'i errr o crretioe tanotd in writiag thereon, and iiitt ilcase if ay rror SO oated le sot oreedby 1h. Caadiaa Statesmnan its iabiltly choit nat sxaed isch a portion a a ti r roe of ech idvrtiempa osthe spore occupied by the nated erras beare 10 the Whot sAPRce CoCoupîd "y uhdereee. DoTo~CLU1S~7~1A(JPAY 1hIn the Editors Mail - 1030 Nanton Avenuec, Vancouver 9, B.C., January 2th, 197t3 DearSir: While Canada flounders in a morass of unemplo- mrent and inflation, >so '1, wan' ecnomyconinues to axpand Currentfiua reveal Tjwin's gross nmi- tional pro0dUuct to ba up 1.0 par cent ovar 1971. Agri- cultural producion inicreas- ed 5 par cent. Fishery Pro- duction lad tha way follow- ed by livastock, Rica oult- put incraased by 3.6 paer cent, deap sea fising ,,by 18.2 par cent, fish cultu're by 7.7 par cent and pork pro- duction hy 5 par cent. Industrial growth increas- 25 VEARS AG;O Thurday Fe. lth,1948' New,,casfle Countcil bas beau fortunmata in obtaining the servi(ces o! MmI. Plip Williams as -Villagec Cons- table ant iehaassumeti bis dutics lasi- week' Wadnesdàay aeigthle Young Peopla's Uion of Wesleyville met it h a ,,oood attendance o! 1P, m.Geo. Tufford, 'woship conenior, took the topic. NestIafon W.1. met a't ithe home of Mrs, Jos. Fortier on FebruIamy 4th with Mms. Cecil Wilson's group lu charge o! the Meeting. Mm. Frank Mason, Osha- wa, MmIL. and Mrs. E. Ormi- iston. , Bowmanville, with Mm. anti1\11s. Wý. J. Olofis- ton. The fiuLnd a mnita ICl I s !S building cntrcio is- anceünt c-ivilization are the ýsamre totiay,, stateti Cordon Flaxman, Bwmnanville Con- fractor, in biîs classification addrass at thei Rotary Club on F'idýay. Cluib Imat atth home of Mvrs. Wa'itam Woollay On Pcb. 3.Pras. Jun1e lLu f!man apent-idthe meeting ïand il Joyce Grant reat i the mintas anti Mary Alîtireati "lbReader, gava a eati- ing oin "Invitatons". Nx meetfing will be at tha hbome 0f Mrs. F. Bruce. Tean-Town are holding their a n nu a 1Valantine Dance on Saturday, Peh. 14, Several novelty nuýmb1ers anti spacïialprizes hava been, planneti anti the snack bar bas bean wall sfocked for, thosa who are bungry or thirsty. Plan now f0 attend. Mm, anti Mrs. Harrv E. Grooms travallate 0,0 miles hy auto f0 A conven- tion for the dca! ini Los Angeles, Califomnia. Ms. Grooms is daughtar of the 'tata M. atiMùs. J. W.' Bros, Son, at itro 7. Quick, Jarký, Sam anti Har.vey Brook, Staplaton, was detroycd h lima un Tuesýday abo-ut 2:30, cd hy an average of 26.2 per cent. Manufacturing in - dustries, elactrical machin- cry antd chemnical roductioni increased by 30 par cenit while building cntuto lad the way' with a 3.8par cent increasa over 1971. Inflation? Con1sumer pic indexes icasdoniy \-4,9 Par, cenrt. Caad'sco- sumer priecendxrose hby 5SA par Cent iii 1972-?witih food prices up by 8M6par cent. Additional,; Taiwn wa able f0 raduic e 1rural taxes, lower the prica o!far11m im-ý plamaents impuo\-e market- ing practices andi tha farm credit systami. Could ha that Prime Min- 149 YEARSAG Thursday, Feb. 701i, 1924 Mm. W. B. Tapson], Pres'i- dent 0f the ehds Church Choir, precsidýd a the election of officer'sfo 1924 anti thanikati eva'yna for workinc sohaonu- ly during Ibis f crmis o!ffie Those electeti were: Pres.,,-W. J. Bragg, 1sf Vice, Dm. C. W.- Slemon; 2nd Vica, W. B. Pollard; Treas., MViss Rata Cola; Secretamy, Mliss Helen Morris; Executive, ?Mesdaýmes W. C. Cola, T. -W. Cawker, J. E. Anderson, Miss Valma Spargoý, Messrs. Tapson anti Hircock. Reprasentafivas 'to Church1)Boa;rd, T. S. Holgate anti WV.B. Pollard; organi- 1sf, T. W. Stanley. Principals report fol Jnu amy ro!'Publie Sehool: Rom 6 - Sm. II, Newton -lackneyý Caroline Hamilton, Elsie Ai- lin, lia Valleau, Bob Rau!- fauf, Clarence Oke. Jr. JI, H-azel Curran, Katie Ir- landi, Doothy Edger, Lyle Wood, Room 7 - Sm. Il, Stan1- ley Dunn, Edwamd Bagneli, Ruth Tuemk, Charlotte Em- ery, Charlie Cawkar, Betty Morris anti Marlon Baffle equal). Jr. II, Walter Hate- ly, Violet McFaatars1, Neti Rebtier, Tommny Lyle. ' A Cobourg hotal keapapr was finati $50 for' sailing over-strenýfh heer. Miss l\,jary McClehian, To- ronto Uhiversify, sprnt tha waakenti at home witbh lem parents anti attanfdeti tha McNair-Hazelwood wedtiing on Safurday. The L.O.L. No,].1,Eninis- kilen, is holdinig an Orange Bail in thair hiall on Friday, Fab. 8th, Ladies rqett f0 bring efrshments. Comae and anjoy a' gootitia Walter Oka, WM;Cal Potter, Sec'y. Mrs. G. A.. Edmnds,,tone anti Miss Dingman attendeti the Spring M\ilinery Open- ings in Toronto this week. S Citizens who hauve not yet paiti thair Wýater Bis ara requast cd to dýo so bafrore Thumsday next, Feuairy 14. Any accounits outsfan11ding1o that de wiil !nece'ssifate shttgthe vwtar off thle prmssconcamnati. By orde o!Counîl.FietiC. pl'amer, Ennrear.. ister Trudeau "recogize/d" the wrong China! After al,. we might yet hiave to a1Pply to Taiwan for -"foreigiu aid" and a shiprnent of free rice! Yours sincereir, Patricia Youin. January 9h,17 Ijear Mr. Jameis: We were very plaased Iti raad tha latter fromn Neil S. Allen in your January 24th issue. This is exactly how wc feel about the program of Regional Government, although 'to far 1 haven't been able to understand much of what it is ail about. But you suggest in one of your aditorials that you are not g'etting enough comment from this area, se I an ak- ing The liberty of sendcing you a latter wa sent to Mr. J. W. Swackhammer, Q.C., aftem we had a latter fmom himn asling about our pro- tests te h' new irpWït. It wouldý be too bad if il flic people whio realiy love rural life and are settled in thîs area, have to move further north to avoid ha- ing swallowed Up by cities. Why can't the future cities ha built in the north, or in parts where the land is of no use agriculturally,,. Two o! Mr. Davis' main advýisar:s have quit for reasons not altogether clear. _Maybe, they have had a change of heart about the plans or eIse public opinion was too- strong for them. I balieva thiat the further vou get froin grass roots deimocra-ýcy the more trouble xev wll ha in' both financially and socially. In view o!f isn food costs andi world shoýrt-ages, agriculture will haive to make a comaback ini Canada. It bas bean the forgottan inember of the faily ' vtoo long, and we have ta ha st landi in Canada forgrwn ci-ops-, right hera in Ontario, I arn enclosing a litt[e poai which tells ho>,,,I1fee(l about the whole business. Thanking ,you for readý- thisi, and sincerely1, I an, Mrs. Peai Craig. Sugar and By Bill'Smiley , SELL-OUT znd plain stupidîl BY A 2NY OTHER NAME been content to con Recet nw somis aoutfue shrt-o1lroiè as hèwers abot fLil 'hur-érs of w7ater, and ti age inNawYomk cif yand a numbér colit foig of ujomth-aasftemustates Jmust hava beau AmardIan ainEu a reani hocot ouly to maiiy Ameri- Thamas a greai cans, but tno evamy thinking Canadian. îonaîismn in our cou I know il shook mec, whau I considemed uiua'ty-fiva par c( thea implDIications. womds, words. ItfTlns the first stroug vwarinig of The people xv what's f0 coma - a wold-w,,ida shorfaga decisions ara' not1 of fu>Lel anti anergy. Anti that's a frigb-t- studlents, but the c, .in pospect. men who sit in t] Exp-erts hava beau issuing wamninigs would sali thair for yas but thasa usually cousijst of slavery if the inta. au- article iu the Saturtiay suippiemaunt, Thye the hi easily forgotten or iguoreti. our fomeýsfs and mi I'm o expert, but anyiý school chiiti pawning oui 'eut kuoows that thara is onjIy s much oil tLhay're the birds, anti gas in the eaamh, that thaaisi oniy exceptions, who ta so much viatar-poviar to ha hamuasseti, nuas or Swifzamlau( aid wheu that's gona, it's gone. For rough andti hey've gooti.1 To most, of fh Alraady parts of the U.S., especially ara an unforfunatE the heavily industrinlizeti anti populaf- nacessary nuuisanc( ed aast, are ou the verge of a crisis' in evary nickelù ofg the fieldis of energy anti wafer. is. Theay% know av What happeus in the States xiii are the real antic inevitably happen in Canada, f hough it zens of this cout may taka a liff le longer, bacause of our Holy smnokes! much smaller population anti much' sounti like a con greatar reservas. not, I just get sici But unless science cani coma up wiith what's happening soma new,. cheap menus of produciug Talk about'bha auergy anti fresh watar, things ara go- rivers anti ahi our ing to ha pretfy shaky by the tumu of, Canada might the century.1 Youth can, anti c Parhaps, ns always, if's the oniyý without a thought way man can learu anythiug - by hav- can dance anti drii iug if shoveti dowu his throat. day lu the ain,1 Parbaps we won't stop wastiug the floor, ski al eucrgy rasoumces until we're raducedtiet sleep ail day in s( the point where we're cooking dinner 1ýit impercaç ovar a fira of buffalo chips, as the pion- dauly, the youflh ears diti. Except that thama wou't ha any luxuriant hair f al buffalo to provida the chips. eus, the paca slow! Wouldu't you think that Canada,, to ache. The euei having witnasseti at fimst hauti the rav- up, much of i t us ages the Amaricaus hava matie on their board grovis pmog, own resourcas, would hava leamneti a Is that what lesson? ,oui comparati ve], Woultin't you think that wa'd ha Ara wa going to'ý hob*rding carafully, wifh an aya to five 'arthmitis, anti a p( hundreti yeàrs from now, our dwindling to put in if? resources? Wnuldu't you think that oui, Anti vhila so-caliati leaders coulti sac more than bafora oui ayas,1 twanty-fîve years ahead? Mauy of them h lke pammots, joc saem to ha thinkiug no fathar ahea i their 'eyas fixati than the naxf election. pjast. Oua of f 'hase fine yeams, uuless vie I've 11o soluf i býegin to conserve anti presarva, fhere'll ighýi tisggesf, in ha an 01di iVother i-ubbaird story that crisis, is that ah fIl ,Vil wmeak utolti mjsiay on millions Amnemica hb iit of humau1às. mnake an ammb But that's ni>,I tale, of couýrse, in right girth. Aud t thîs country. Tlwoughi a com-.biniafion of natumral gas in or human greeti, shorf-s;ighf cd leadership the crisis for yea May H[ave To Ei Last week's Financial Post pubiish- ati a most iutaresting article ou John D.' Baker, Presidant of Genamal Motors of 'Canada Ltd. wmittau by John Davidson, iu addition to the parsonai article, there was also a front page story in which Mm, Baker, as raportati, opeuly expmassad the opinion that the faderai govrermemnt's Trada Minister Alastair Gillespie was far from tough in dealing with' GM ovar its car prices. Gillespie, ,according to the, report, fa-ileti to play Lapse in Wa are not experts at, humor. Faw people are, in any genarationi. Perhaps this is as if shoulti ha, conisideming the diversity of gifts naadad to keep the -1-r As-A4--sposi --tion anc-i 1-- ---ut-1- bricated. Yet peopla geneaallyshc tam at laughing than they nl We wýere remnindeti the iug that Laughtar once camiE force. Tha childran of oua upstaiys after dinnar iwatcl Laurel anid Hardy, film or pouudad the floor anti shrîe laughtar axactiy likae that convulseti us lu our seats at day- movies a number of yea of the chiltiren said aftem don'ttfhay make movias lik( to? Today thay're ail sick o sexy." --Now W're notdevofew 1 LIREE 1FIT'TE TINGS I lova the liffla chiltimen with thaîen ager shining faces, Innocent andt tusting ant i1illing to habcpleaseti. Listaning anti leaning, anti lovaly lu iail. races, Surely bappiness anti joy araý fourit wifh suli as fbase. I love the liffla birds, that spanidtiie wintamr rear us. Thay hi-ave the snow anti bitter colId anti manage to survive; They dine upon our wodwsil anti neyer seam to fear'us, A miracle, such tiny things can avar stay,ý aliva. Little toxmns ara charmring f00, wbiera folks can know each othar, Anti recaivac cheriy gr,(eainigs fr'om most o! those thay'sac, Honest ant ifriantdly, theashoplkec-pers ndeavor, To pleasa you w ith tir maerchandise, from -dvertising free. I lova ftha liftl churches; that dot the rural landi Whera folks can coma f0o worshipanti for their faults atone. They, have stooti tha test o! tim-e, anti wara by our'Pathers planneti, Who knaw, full wall, that mnankit cannot live by breati aluna. Godi must have loveti the liffle things. ha matie so many of tbam, It's only man that wants things bîg, anti far more than ha neatis, If hae coulti sac that livinis n, lot nmeasureti in the mill ions, But simple, littie, lovely things, ha migbt for-get is greeti. Mm. J. W. Swackhamma r, farday', regarding our oh- QC. jactions f0> an airpomf bcbng P.O. Box '30, huili 1near Pickcmring. I will Toronýto Domýjinn Ce-ntra-, bceeby trv to state plainly, Toronto1111, Ontarin,1why we objeet: Your latter recaîveti yas- larrmiig anti ant1 i o xcp inv stos:British5 at lot of redI-hot nat untry thasa ase u ntof it is wýords> vho makýIe îthe real the writarýs, painters, cold-ay-ed, grey-hairred the boa)rd.-roomsiý, îand Sgra,-nmothers i.ntio; ýrest rates w'ere rgt ibies wvho have lootedi ines and arecurnl ergy resouirces, Arc) with soma oabe .ke off for the Bh. -d when the taxes.e emade their pile. hem, the unedmplo%,(,,, te statistic, the poor 'a e. They knowwhr government hando uts 'ery tax dodge. ThCey only second-classci- ry. -muniFtagttr m à at heart whan 1--e to the country 1I love eing sold down aI ou -pipelines as welL ;be comparcd t th .elii oes, hum up energy it for the morrow, H nk ail night, stand ail Eitch-hiking, slep n day on weekendsan ichool. ptibly, .mhd then sd iis middle-aged. TueI [s out, the beilytik s, and thejo ints begîn l rgy has been burnedc iselessly, andU the cupj- gressivly bare. we're doing today viný .y youthful couint-ry?- wa1-e up with no hir-, oet belly with noth'ing- this is taking plac the politicians catte ,kcying for position, frramovably on thae don. Thie onlythg nview of thie energ-v [e politiciants itin No 4 ;hey' producaeng ne session to staveof ars. ai' Those Words his; tmumýp card, a rascinding fhs MVayý's fax cuts i the company dicdu't. fal in lina. Our experiauce with governmants, and cabinet ministers has led us to th, conclusion that the oua thiug theyca' and won 't stand for is somaebody mk iug them look foolish or weak , , . oir 1wmoug., They also have-long mamorîi:, and bacause of that article, MmBa. r and GM may not ha so fortunate ux time round in daaliugs with Mm. Gîk' laspie or oua of his succassors. Laughter days. Prasent, anti future absorb u more than the past. Yat we thiuk i-L womth uoting the rarity now of alI-oiut laughter. -ýI1gence lu- Thera mnay ha socialrass for th1is, Tha serîousiiess of civýil righits at mau bul haIbat- riots and Viatnlam issues of the '60'sa oW ar. the presenit hava brdanti ta pulie other aven- consciousnaess. e ini greafer -BuIt timas wera ro)ughl) u-u ha dys of us ware of[ the great comics foo. Indeati, ifla -inig au olti not thieir oles as.fools but their genlus- I TV., They at staying a hairsbmeadth fmom e-oge, ekad wîth a nizable tragedy that won fham hai which haýd pace'anti following. The public semarýd t the Safur- to haveanau nspokeu pact to meafthi rs ago. Oua probiams not wt morosaness, bnut wifh, ,arti, "Why joy. athay useti Laughtar may ha cyclicai. 'Wea may, r scamey or ha takin g too lightly the womk of toclay talevision comediaus, such as.Bil osy s ofthe olti -Christian Scienice Monitor tional scanic haauty, anti in a counfry whare such lanti is Iaýst bcbig put undar con- crata, anti bulîf upon. No more( than 30 Miles north in Most o! thase areas rock covers'most of the terrain, with not more than a faw inches 0f 'gooti soil. 2. This part o! Ontario bas more. peopla alreatiy in a few square miles'than most of the rest of Canada put together. Suraly someona on the planning boardi bas hearti wbat this doas f0 the ganeral acology of the country. 3. Iustead of trying to cram'sevaral million people int S ou t haern Ontario, wouldn't if ha more sensible, if îýot more aconomical, f0 spreati large towns anti cîies over a larger area 4T Wa listen f0 the traffie reports on the news most days, anti in rush boums, if is bumper to bumper on al.] the maiýn riotas. Thiis isn't healthy anti sbouldn't ha' necessamy. 5. We bava bearti on gooti autbority f bat- this is not a reai ner-essity, but a political fotal othaf the Toronto iaderai funtis. (Mr. George Hees). .6. We visiteti Englatt yaar, ant ithei r Kw Gr ans is close, f0 ona o! tha large airpor ts. A beau tîful place but the ajir is pli by jets goingover about avery three mnts 7. Our proparty is not hal,- ing expropriatati, as yAbu we are.close anough to get a-ý lot of the extra noise, as are many thousantinl this part o! the country. 8. If bias neyer beau piov- an fhiat biggam is baffer, býut, if bas beau proven that our supplies of a number !in-i i erais is growing very scarce-, also that ail anti ga-ssple will not last much past h anti o! this century eI.tille present ata o! increase. 9. I feel tbaf if is fime? that our govamuments took a gooti long bard look af th-e direction lu wbicb our economic policias ara heai- ing.ý I certainly bliv that people, anti their men-- tal anti physical wall beng' are more important far 'planes. Even more itrîport- ant thani votas, in the ong ru. f~~~~~E [Cs' an înee anten Distant Past From the Statesman Files Pon li