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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1973, p. 7

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'~ &lem of Jterest Phone 623-3303 Mjrcand Mr3v.:Jirn Aber- Teen-Do -I - Yotq"-elfgru i Vh erE, Tuesday ,supper l hwas hel IC n teB guesta crf 3M ricl 1d Mrs. Frank manville Higb Sýrheol ym n1 Abrnth.Grcnan. Wedne5cday e veinga w lil :w be hield oni Saturday morn'ng Mr ad iVrs H Aer-in the Gym frorn 9:00 an to nethy were sup e i-ts of m,> an There is no ',ee f or IVI. ad "sGeogeBowers. ths class. ,lust corne and en- '.,estletoni, con WedInesday. 1joy yourself with basketball, Dr an Ms rgs Blair volleybal, ' tersot eld Catherine vîsî'iý,ted %with and activities. f1rïrnds and'(eativs11nFer- ,The Robert McLaughliri gus, Oýnt., over thp-e1eeknd. Gallery invites you to join A newcr imemb-er of Kate McCabe and Margot '~th ~omanile ountry Club Sarnuel on a Spring Museui '~Z~1il seson is enryv Champ Tour-of New York City andi of CTV Ohannel 9 news staff. Westchester Cotu-t, depart- ~~~,R Mr_,drsRseliW- ing Thursday, May ?, 1973 jiarma (ne, <Gladys 7palmer), and returning Mondaýy, May N~aaaFis Ywr in 7,1973. The party w.,il leave ton ,,,wlkan attended fromn the Robert MeLaughlin the uneal f teirnepewGallery, Civic Centre, Osh- 'telaie -Donaýild1-H. Wllans wa, early in the morninge cfi B'Thursday, May 1, and travel Mran Ms . enro.nbyý deluxe air-conditionedï bave sld the fan n mtor coach to Tarryon 'homfe to Mr and Mr/Ps, Weslcey NwYrkjhr\ ewl ;Dw nd at pesntare , 1i- Yok hr w vil 'ing inSasta Florida. AI- stay overnight in the luxur-1 :tcÏrMay 1ý#, ithey w be in bui Hilton Inn, on the Upperr Hudso,-n River. Anr' interesting; ,OshawaOntarlo.prograrn of tours llcn '4 MsBenieCole', 1King St, tinue until departure imie. Eas, asreured, recently, Cal 576-3000'for more de- 4vom n laanlii at Les tails. ýsoules, Quebec, with her dau -_____ ghiter amd on-n-lwCapt. C.h1VrsiPeter.Lenties and PONTYPïOOL Tom BO"ckleý',Oshaw~a, eailed The Sfýttesan roffirce Mn, ýand Mrs.Daetion Moneyas nfrinfor- Danny anird Joanne, rmoved y,ýton ajnyon-e rmî,ght, have on over thie vekend intIo thirr wjherre tueE Norrh-erni Shores new home near Yelverton. mecntîcineci iii au article on We are glad to hear thlat the Tri ]1 lyls week, Mrs. Dennis Carter is hlomei are located1. îMn Bouckley bas fnom hospital. Mrs. 'Barryý wovcrked ithf former Premnier Stewart was also able ta rc-, Leslie Frost on cornec' f 1t-be tu]rnhome. IninTrails, aises mentioned-, Mr. and Mrq. John Van Mr-;, Edlward Weeke+ssi irngn wer te Satur ed ber son and daugî'hter-in- - ýn t essof îMr. and Ms lawV Mr. andl iVrs. George Rick Sh3akeýspeare of Sca- Weekeýs, on Saiturday, Jan.1borou 'gh.r 27th -S- rai l frns fom mg his mnyother ac- past yers hen Mrs. Weekes complishments, wep are glad1 lived in Bowmnanville, calied te report that our friend,1 in the afterneon. Tea vns Bert Porter, lhas been offCi- -eCved wlth Mrs. Stuart ly, accepted as thie Ballyduff James eu idMs.Alan Fire Chief. sorea ndciMrs, Robert 4leven ta blesof euchre Weeks asistng.were played irii the Po)ntypoc A fmly gthrig panedCpmuntyHall on Fiday, by éher twe sons was ýmheld at ngh.Winne1rs wereKay PtA)ie oe> ç Mrs . A.WHr-BggElaine Van ienipingenl, djing, Llkerti Pla;ce, on Janij. GeraJd Fis k aný1d Leonard !Z7th iih o f lher frh an In the childreni's games, ecoming birthiday. _Those pi- JAneF'inney and Kar en sentfor he hppY oIccasion Neals weethe top scorers. wer be sos nd ive', n.Prier If0(the card Party, thereý and rs PulSymýons, Et.was a bake sale at 7 p.mi., foi- Cathan Nys, M. a7m rs- ellowed 1bY a sing-song of Scot- vin S"yrnona and I(j an fPort tish songs with Jeanne oMc. Credif; Mnr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mahon accOmPanist. Wes andý Jeanne MeMahon*then en teýr- Maldonld ton.tained wibh slides and a -veryý MIr, n rs ar Mtb nteresting fravelegue of their-ý rly, Oillia, vlsited bis Me_ trip te Scotland. Thtey were l th e o S tu da a S ns t t a nf ked y U .C .W , i idý Ledg. Thy ejoye a vsitJessie Fisk. Wninens cof tck tnilcbi renJn, ewr- draws were Leonard Cainj tonîll, ho ecntl reun- JhnVan Wieringen, Snr ed home m s. 1the hspitalFaliNeta Ranisbury aýn(7 adaferfoors. H1e'Ïatherly et ouPetn.Drn 'utotesup)pcrSunday visi-lunc'h, Mrs. Fis1k gv u tos ith Mrs. 1Hatberiy vere svrlc-e nzst hn ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'hmre u~ his P1î1er1ly, son Richard ard itOi?,ec ~.d, M1slsnaua. wVdd net peaiTad hadl ~-~~he lowranvlle opat-- e py asmall fin1e. h men Rcratio untry U.C.W. .will hoid anether cardý and estrnIambnore"e wlpryIn February. he eldonSimndaýy afterncc'n, On Menday eve-ninig of t February 4thi, in thIeBw- week some 50 or se int-rest- mian-vîill1Tw Hall Auditor- ed ctzn attended a-- meicet- lum et 2 The gucest art- ing in the Community Hall tei jsýt will lie Marathon Record- express their views on the iing Star Bey, Marie, wi regienal changes. peposed by k'nown in the Oshawva area. the Provincial goverijnment. The abre e olr f .10e In plans drawn up,Mavr rothýwell, Jc Manile, Ken is to he divlded, with -ithe irst, MýcDon-ald', Roin Carey,, Ger-ald two concessions going iii witîs Bllot-t, BRrucoe Bllot-t, Leigh the seuth and. the -,reauner SoereleCbu1ck RKilpat- geing te the north with Vic- rick, DcavýeEvn and M1,aster teria County. Thlose ptresent of Ceremonies JT. C. Coyle vot-ed unànimously t-at our wLïll be on ha.qi townsbip remain Intact and Pr-e-Schüolens L1 e a rn to go wholly te the nortu. On Skat0e-Ne members are the platform te st-at-e their 11,,now elng accepted for thbe views and answer questions Leaýrn fa Skate clasises which from the audience were Reeve are hecl nMonday after- Harvey aiom h-atd1 i noon et he MmenilArena ,apacltÏy ofChiman, .Pop.- from 2:'00 te 3:30 p.m. The Reeve GeorgeNesCnc- fee i 75cpor esso The lor ae Curtin and, Nonne ~ Propp, Ros Davidson-, Alex ,.Carruithers, M.P., ajjnd esaýrs. REOBTHMorand McKaýy, WaýrdLen Chrisfian Reformied Cuty 1 Word was receivpd in thbe Church village on Wednesday t-bat %fyept Janet, age 4, and Danren, 2 tSUNDAY SCHOOL broken ieg. 9:45 a.m.' Our local Midget Boys, IJutiiors and Intermneffiat-ei Hoc-key vTeam iplayed Oirono a.m.Prsmry Mdget01onSundy.Tough TRIITYUNITED (HnoURCH Minstr Rv.N. WslyOakeý, .Th. SUNDAY, FEBRUAIRY 4th, 1973 1(00OOm WORSHI1P SERVICE Id ctin f nwEiders and tew'týards SUINDAY SCHOOL HOURS Junl ioFC,bintermediate anti Seior Dptat 10 BegnnesKindeýrgarad Yrivnary Depts. at 11 Nursery Care iii Chuireh 4parler A WARM' WELCQME TO EVERYONE èongrat-ulat-dod ri ticplaSy and thbe srunk t-by hoed iu f acing e team wbîoh hbas ot lest a league ýgamie this ycar. Yi th Mut Foujtnt-s coach, sudc John a Welneas- aitnt hese beys t ravel t-a t-bey psy ,fror Ice timei froni 'Il m t-o i p It- osso a s'hame te-ba1t we on't ihaveý beýt famiie u cr owýn young prepis. Perbanps wben plans mih ho mado for an arena b int-hic ares. Local beys playing -on t-býis eâare:R. Bowor, r y, .Torry anlid Mark BaboAFalli, B. Faouis, MRy sWdRonnie csRLethangue, P.Ri- Dr-c, .Townýon. ,R.Vn Wierningen suld J.Willis. Te are- ta play tý--e ilbro9-k Midlgets niext Suinday. NE W S Tbey are inow oe.Ea Thautonnc week pernd %when th- mindis cfsuensare. t-otaly corupted wit-h py-i sics, englisb and ihist-ory ail et once. Buit they are nowý doue wit-h sud t-be studeut boDdy can breat-he a sigh cf1 relief (until Jn) On Januamry il, oun b 5asket2-- bal teýama1 compet-ed againstý Osbhawe Cathefio. 'Tie Seniers, aftor an excltiug game, cdged t-be Oshawa scnoi39-3. S'il Bantame' were defeated by va cingle basket-,t-be finalscr -e1154-4î for Osh'awa Cat-h- dbi. A]t-uli'ai gt-be Jun'eirs came tohrogbwih au honior- able efËfort-, t-be opposition 1was- t-oc strong sud tbey were boston 63-?35. Mý,arilyn Knox, t-be [onoe Courtfi-bc comipe[tir, won t-ble Onit-aria H-fydre Puiblie Speak- iung Cent-est which was heldý apt Bcwm-auiville IHigh Sheo con Jeniuary 12. 1TWe weks ago, t-be wrest-- ling team ijournieyed t-o ae itouruament- at- OsbawaCa- olic. Teewere cigfit feîanis' iu total and t-be Courtice- squad cbalked up seven wins, Max Johnson with t-hreeCam Creiht-n wt-hwo andBia NE WTON VILLE iýSorry t<1 repent younr negul ar correspondent- Mnis, Fran-k Gil- mer is iu Port Hope Hlos-pit-ali aft-er surgop-ry ont ber feet. Carol Heuderson speuit-th weekend with Peny Webýst-er whiteelier parents M.andý Mns. Fred Heudenscu a îre hol- dayig in Bermuda. Mn. and Mon. Wailacel Bougbeu, Mn. and Mrs. Ewart- Robinscu wtith Mn. and Ms Hugh Sale-natt-eudedtb IIe Capades in MýaplJe Leafý Mn. -,id Mru. C. Hl. Lane Speut a few daya lest week wîth Mrn.sdMrs. Williamr Wceke-S.eono Mr, aud Mrs, JTim Adanis: spent t-he weekend with Mn.1 and Ms J. Field, Rexdaic. Mnr. Gary Stapietonl, Hamil-1 t-on, spent- t-heweekeud et- bis" parents' homie, Mn. and Mdrs Don Stapleton, Mrs Don SfCo a vo~e as able te returu home froni Memonial Hospital, Bewmauviýille, on Suïnday-. iThene were 10 tables cf euchre et t-be Comnmuity Hall Féidy cenung. Winers:! High lady, DiannEu Part-nidges; lowv, Reg, Blliott-;bgh -ian, Lance Payuie; leýw iman, Jim Adams; Tfe 50-50 draw w-vas weu b-,y tMrs. A. Mlilligan. Mn. sud AMrs. Don -Vinkli spent t-ho weekeud itb Mnr. sud Mirs. Bill Clark and f arn- ily, Bet-bany. Mrs. Sid Stacey is 'staying with Mrnud Mrs. Peu Owies, Brockville for.-a' short- tuie. SMn. aud Mrs,.John C(ochrvane, Coiborne; Mn. and Airs. Jim Wchýister, Trno:M.aiRd Mrs. Art- Bradle.y, Wbit-by, were recent- Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and tMrs. E. Mrs AiMllga ed on Joues t-be president-ilu t-be chair. It- opened wit-h t-be singiuig cf Happy New Yeaqr,l follo'wod by tl)-oLrd'S Fraýyer. The minues sund correspond- oance were reed by t-be se-m 1tary, Ms C. Farrow, The roM oelil - "SGmothinIg wouild Mîketa do bot-ton t-is yeanr t-han last-" ws answered hy t-b 22ý mombers, If wss decdt-o (Thoe oo a-e otaue sud are now huug). The dat-e of t-ho ad suppor was set The Good Fniday speaker W! ho Mrs. ýýDcws omnv ille. The meetfingst-ootlc[i-olest- ýWeduesday cf eaoh c mont-h et- oight-o'lek.The D--9ovinal part- f t-bhe prcgnam IY lwý As faken by Mvar.y Wad-, Lot-sSais PhisPeck nandcMarlo Eg was sonved and a social Ume El eci New, Direetors for Chamber of Commerce The 1973 eýxecut-ive and board cf direct-ors for t-ho Pogue, Vice-Presidenit cf t-] BowanvlleChamber cfCo erewr annou-ncedi manager cf Toront-o-Domir on W,,edne(sday, Jan., 24t-h at t-be Annuial etn and1 1973 President cf t-ho Char Awards Banquet-, held ait t-be Flying Dut-chman Mat-ar Uphoi0st-ery; Mnis. Shirley, Inn. In al, 15 directo -ans olnt-eened ter t-be job, in add i Treasuirer; Mirs, Freda Knei t-on t-a t-hofourye-eber cexecut-iv, ct-uedabove, in ', Unfortunat-ely, several t-ho EckRo, f rom bf t- t-e right-, are:,hale1Canke, away before t-hic photo was fnomBowmnvile Hih Scheel; Merv Kelly, Barber- hoolyý, Honeywell . ., Kelly Law Firmn; Da-veKig Goodyear; Jack LocKke Nursery; Bob Burnowcy Past-President, L & L Tools; Fred ppns Fednck's Club; 'Willy Vandenlinideli, Pharnmcy. MacKlenieCenadian mpi Front - ow: Bob Pyst-ra, Djykstra's Food Manket-; George Stephen, Stephen' Marilyn Cet-y, Bawm-anville Travel Agenicy; John Beaven Lumrbe. BLACKSTOCK Joan G vaws ho1,es fr deh execut-ve nmeeting held, ouWednepsday, Jaiuusny 'l7tb 1wichwafi nteud'ced c y10 mebr.Tlie new roil calîs for 1973 wneplarnned andiC The girs deobded t-bat- i' vwoud be fun t-o ave a Ho() Tes t-is year ce visitolsns my !biecoige a n mo Thle New Year' Eve Paeewas againdscse but as cf!y-t- ne orcestra bas heenhokd Jon senved cake sud ice croam wr coffee s-d"Ca e adlf t-be rmeeting closedi. W'innens at- t-h Senlior Citi- zen1s' crdpartY Which bIadi 16tbles %venrsLades' bigb! R caiLemmn;sec nd, rs. Plogbmu;t-biin d, Mynt-l Manne; 1meu'S ibigb, C irl Wi ight; sCond0)ý, 1-1anry Mo- Lauglini; t-ird, Met-a Reidi. Mns. Rut-b Wilsou suld Ms MoIIQueie joluepd a famuily ge- thoning at t-ebe omne cfMn. and Mirs. Loy WiLýr insdý t-aof V1ncafirsi brtb dayý on Suudlay. Least- Monday Mn su ad V&r, Bob rasvsle n u ýMrs. George 'Bnns suid beysý lur t-hein newhomne ;a)t-Camn- standng1sidescomrpýlet-e wit-bsont-, se Canada Cordis woe an excellent ceimmnrtary on presout-ed suddt-led by Cap- bis trip t-e Feking, China t-oniu hire hMeeer aud t-ho Trade Misio let Au- Leïutenan TinsWal-es.Thie Mst Mn. John iWolt-os tank grls'fat-horsPrseubt-dthein edi Mnr. Pewcy fTor. hicfiue10daughters with gifts.JBrowvn-j cotiuint-o t-be eveniug. les asud CGuidesPrpreýceted1 The ladies scieed efresh- t-hem with photos, sudiMrs.! nilt-s. Necil Majcolm ni e ýp re seunt ig Fis aaaCord Ceremoîiythe L oca1 Asýsociat-icu gaQve for Ialwlge -h girls teach a Canaýda Cordï pin. M-àrs. Ermna Welt-s ouiho- Canada Cords wr wr-bî of t-be Mot-ber's Auxili ed te four local grlAne eals 5o imade a presentation.ý Menlow, Cndy Moel, Jan1is of a giflt to oach girl. MeLaugblniiisud Terny ,Robi- Advaucemeut rm uid à-ES son on Sunday, Jauuany 2:, t-eiRangors wa othon stpr 193 Alrge crowd gabened; for these Canlada Cord Guides lui t-be Unit-dcr Chucl, Black- sud tbe er reoeivýed by stock at 7030 t-o boueur these Ranger Presîdent-1M an ily n girs, ho av aoievd tbeDuff, Captabu Shirley Turner highesztawa'rd blu Gu!iinrg. sud Lieutenant Jessie Gu-er.ý Rev.'V'iot-or Pansons wel-' Prier t-o t-be girlsncev i comend aeh presont- sud recev-t-hein guest-s, Mns, Erma Welt-s1 er t-be oeurs. Ranger AHicelpresanted t-hem wmit-h a sprayl Anu Carnaghau sang a sole, cof ned sud wbtecarnations pauied by Ranger MeJrle Van -A necepticuwa given by Camp WhoeM)ainplayerthothenpanent-s, Mnr.sud M rs., onrgan for t-be Raugens wbo iîýJames Malo , nsd Mnsr 'estet-init-ho- gîests prier Atthu-r MCnlllri sdcis te t-ho e ricj-e:HaBrod MLaugbln sud Mn. Mnis. Dojuglas Soe, is- sud MrsCeam Robinson. t-net Comuissioner, was ur- Pouriuig t-ca wone Mrs. Ro,,y rat-or for t-bje p ;eram A kit McLaughllin, Mrs. Frank Mcs-',uteri by Brownijes sud lkim, Mns. Carl W.rigit sud Guiides was enjoyecî by ail Mne. Robinscu. Mi-ekguests cf Mn suad; Divisio o.rns oIr a Mns. Bob 1Brypasswere Mn.1 Hayes_was unable t-e hoc pro-j WVilf Brown, Court-be , Mn. su r.Vie Hano, Il . Vin ginia Fainoy, Mn. Lanny- Piper I I Mrs. Neil Leeý , nsd Ms N Ocdse Keeler, Nestieton, Mnau' L sudi Mns. Roly Coy,1Mn. sudFA i FlIIIULI Mrc. Roger Lafouiteine, Blacý-' stock.H rtclu On Sat-undayMn, lild MrF,. Bnian Hampililton, Mn. sud Mrn0s. r î N tU Neli Bailey enjeyed e day'c;ýjTi curling bu t-ho O'Keefe Bon- Th Bom vieDstc- sp1el et Font PnyCuln ortieultural Scetyheiri bts Club. Pry1Culn 7t-h snual imeeting on Jay.u- Mn. sud Mrs. Cecil Hyd, ar t- TnityUniteri Rohetn, weeS undea y C ý-hSunday Sehoo! lïHal, guess cfber et-hn Mr. a potluck sutppor, gi;st ofhe Mr,.1,very mucb u oe by t-be Argue sud st-st-en Mn, sud Mrs. largo gathj-imnbng Tom Hodge sund family., The tables wen gily d-c- At St, Jobnt's Anglican oa-r i-eu-flarne Cbnc.ouSndymcnning meut-s cf whiite-e sud yLl ow, t-bore mwes a special sud very 'mums, rmarIe uýp by-Mrs C. impressive Cen dIel g h t-lun g Tink. Shle was aljso rospons- Servie-. ible for t-be lovely corsages Mn, sud Mrc. Verneon Assel- womn byifl t-lie o.xecutiv.el st-lue asud Teres visited memnben. Vern fis-e, Mn. sud Mrs. Glen Virtue., alou wiý-t-h P. Nic5 ani, tbi aesd Wat-son sud F. Wlhenter- visitedrýiis ot-hon Mýrs. Vicot t-aiued wit-h somre deligh-t-ful Pooe .,ole lu i a beespital musical select-ions wifh aocom- nearby. paniment- out-hein guitare, A fine crowý,d Fa t-ended t-ha iThe audience joi neri lui somne dance spousoned by tf-be Group Of t-ho choruses. Song,-shootes Commit-tee cf the Scouting wre hlneudi t- sud!M. silut-e Association sud hoiri -*Iit-ho led t-be sing-senjg, accomïpanieri RerainCentre u atur- by bis csii Allen pIayiiug,,t-ho, day ngbt.accordion. MnW. asud Mrs, MarWood Me -- Mre. R. Dyvkst-aws ap- visit-er iMrs. Bihl Waunan cf "n a ucag fth Oreon ni day. aP1who ad ilmarie our past1 ALIniesît-ral Societ-y \year a vey uccessful eure, The annuel met-1ing of t-ho Report-s wr preseut-ed by t-ho Blackst-ock Agricultunel Soc- chainmen of t-ho eniu e lot-y met- et t-be Towishipmi-es Hall ouTbnsa cveueng Mr s. P S-avnof[ Hanwood,ý witb au exýý(cellenit-at-tendance.i(Ont., Distrjit-4 IDirect-on, àon- Fresden MenihiVanampducter it-e elecJiol1n [ cf ne pesdedfor -hobusiess c oficens, as fiow:Past- Presi- t-evon-ln wboh osiseddont-,C.TinkJ; President, maiul of nceivig reprtcAchie Wi-mc u ie frnom t-be vnessections cf Pros.,Mr-. B. Dillinig; Direct-- t-be fain. Ail, iucluding t-be ors for oeejyear, E. Bradley fînucil s-a-orent ldictedW.Maiudold. Mrýc, ý1s. H.Lak, t-att-e 97 Pinwas indeed, E. Suowdten-, Mre,. C. Powue-y; a fille succe(ss. Mrs. ube irei-ct -ors- for 2 yeac, _Mnjs. s, Wot-teu lu hon report ias Lady rubrg M.Hatford, K. pneimi1nsry list-s are alneady Clanence Tl, beroninlg emýipiler(i for t-bisyears fir Peîdu-, waýs thauki byi l sur auouowho wbshes t-o ne- Merl Ste for, a!Ilbis fm ociv euemay ontact- -o upfforts gve to t-b Se. socretny, Jyce Klly. cety. ot-b nsd MNll. T i'zk Dunpgt-b dntbn f t-i !îavo ecut-nbt-elri t-in t-aiet- VicFeietLweceM-igttbntobeeut-îfy o L ur ToiLdies" Piuo1su(wulllie'to e i or G1ý eri qf Kelly; ne mmer fyo hv dib1e Diec-r.MDon hontige. rc nit weom - j u diect-en fer thead work- t-e owm;ý'andvegPuble hiýs social ~~eîgcu cluderi t-be finet Canada Cord4 O fficers Meeting ai Societyfl ready fer, shows.-, on e are sbowu naturealîdsdflow- on rruig Somet-b'ing cf intenest for evorycu)îe. MAPLE GROVE ,e Chamben of Comm(-erce,ý nian Bank; lralph Whyt-e, The Canadien Statosman, onil, Jan. 31, 1973 '7 ler -,d Wir4fe.nof Uinite d (ute J, Wost-on Baunis-,lt-ho62- t-ofght-hod-oUn-d yoan-old Dcpuýty Reeve of Couie tet-be s ogas Hope Towuship, was elect-ed possible, bu-t lho added tatbh Wardeu of t-be Unit-ed Coun- t-hougbt-t -berovirncial gev1-. tics roceut-ly. Ho suoceods erument had alreadyý made it-i lest year's Warden, Roy Chat-- dondson t-o go ab'ead, wýît-h t-on Srcm ,Bnîght-cuý. rogional goverument, Deputy Recve Banîsrten won "Th î,-is g-oing te ho uA eý- by a 51-17 mergin- oven t-be tb ot oetesvas ouiy ct-ber candidate, Reeve auhi msoy, h si. "Wýat" Lut-bon Olan of (Cavan Town u- itr, I sbip, -wbo -wecals- iueever happens t-o us, it- is notL ont-ny, going tefo rt-hoeuft-b Iu seekjig t-býe Warde-n's wnd tho Ugbdit-l e o chair, Baniîster said ho waagt-oh teisi-o. piuch-hit-ting for bis Reeve, I tbeprvice pmced Howard1 Quant-rilI, wbo de- wî-ifsrgonlgveuin cided ho badi't sufficient-ly proposaý,,,is, .Ba-nîster could recovened frem injuries ho re- hotbe tha ,st Warden cf th ceivod lu a car accident iset Unit-ed Counties, wbich would fail t-o haudle t-ho post-. hoeplîft up aff or over 1v( Wardeu Banisten pledged years asPý a governing body, Bd. of Education iDer c v' yT sýTwo a ppointmontc i fot-ng Fnanok, C of C Secret-any'- rust-ces Wiliiam Caýrma,n and s taken. They are(>Don il-ngc tho orumel maileGolf ani C-urlJming Mn. Carma-ninwill ho har Canadian TCire Store; Mac man f t-ho Tea cilngStf )eial Bank cf Comnmerce; SaaryCommilttee.The(pur- ,Fuels; and Jim ,ThaJin, poe c t-eommt-tocIs to Wi'ýith t-oelemnentary sud sec-, *ndary -staffs cf t-be .Board. Moved by Joan Russeli sec- Mn.CarmIan Is ise, a meryi- ouded by Margaret- Book, br cf th-oCouinitt-eecf No- t-bat Bot-t-y Sniodeni, oun me-ITacb!-ig Prone, T hic presontative t-o Commiýtte cf, commýit-tee negoato-ss gnec-1 Stewards, advise S tewrd en-swtsert-na.cae U.C.W. would psy f or carpeït. aking s aff adsarisc for nont-b stains if t-boy woul personnel not- on contract instal came. CairJid. TbithtbBad presisident asked t-bat- t-be Mni. Lysîil was appoinit-od t-o nominaýtion cf Betty Sniowdvcen t-be Tran-spoortat-ion Cmi- as oun oposntt-vet- tlie 'tee. This group ngtae Commît'-tee cf St-ewar-ds otaspraiucontractsa sud submitted t-o-hem f' or Sp- deals wit-h matte-ont-ce- proval. We wee sked te !ed by Board pclicy heune tbnkaou-cu-analUW qulired. Cheirmeývn "or t-bisi Sunday sudalci orneto -eCeI - commit-toc bas rnt- enar- ruar metin wit-bsuo- nucd tin.It- ws dcide!id t-od Mn. Lysl wa;Isiced o s wih t-be W.T. asusul iwt-h t-be Roman Catih oliJr arabet-o WI.Thie (UC.W. Separete Scool Boaýrd b)ut- comtteteJoan cýrussjldooiined, in t-unuing tdown t-hoC Merl )HotbY sd a jon 0îb Mn. Lyell st-at- I ha 1b-' Bok.Presidenit anncrdÎlioveilu ct-ato educatbe" n sud I Wor's .ýDay of Fraer te howould ,only cet- ifn ttrouble; heid arcb2nd -with FEben)e- i Iat- ou t-bsomitte. zen ï sdCourtice .. e Sbd Woîden cf Parlin1gtou w -eakoed t-o cont inue svigwa iaPpointed tot-ho Domlinjin StÏore tpeoud y rasot-tin omi t t-eL glasýýss. Mv[O d byWiBowbioAAHStko asr secened byJoanRusseil t-bat appolut-ed .asiChainman of t-ei neBaniquet- Februa2ry 2t- lu tho ftureforoaeng Te Woirbip erie a cened b iugin bhymu 662, Th iereeding wes read, by arjrbeBroofks, Betty Snowden read lt-be medît-iatîcu. 4RIGSAT Edua Laird rend a poema, SrJcA s "New Yean Wisbe-s". Tl,,e- vc wscloscd Witb a pae suad bymu 438. iM"s. Harris spoke t-ous 1ohoosing as beFr subject "ai ng on t-be Sea cf Lfo.She! read s passage dcnbn IPauil's sblhpwreck asud (omtpan-ý ed life t-o a voyaýge. h si vs'hile he ave net-bing t-esa about- our ogiuuing lu lf we de0 have abouit- oun final go al. She elesed writ- a verso PjJu ) Fie-Me". oet-onbowing nigbt.Tue win- nons wene as follows,ý: Lajle I. Mie asenr; Lane 2, DonaldJ( Daile; Lanc, 3, Deug Hoogo-l boom; Lane , ed Mason Lane- 5, Tim Hamst,;ra; Lene f6, Russoîl Preece. On bebaîlf cf' aIl t-be Cubs, I would lîke t-e, lbank t-be manager et- Libertyý Bowî aud t-be ladies who kept- score for t-ho boys, Mfr-> Brooks, Mns. Pavoey, Mm.. Vauson, Mrs, Vari.n H eme,l Miss Sendr-a Cox sud Missl s Donina Datigie. January 27t-h was FineWA C WoedI Derby Day. The Maple' A C Grove wviuuers were as f oi- lows: Spood: No. 1, Bannyl Wood; 2, Ted R .ei;3, o bent- Davoy; 4f Scot-t Vansuuý 5, Terry Manne; 6, Deug Hooebom. on Desigu No3.l 1,Deug Brooks; , Roey B1rooks; 3, Pale Buban; 4,l Donald Peigle; 5, Robby VanC Hemmon; 6, TommyCuic. t-e District nun-cffs ou Pb ruary lO1t-b, 1973',, et 10 'iJCck bui t-be ,mring et-St Joscpb's; Audlitorium, 127 Llbert-y St-.> South, B3own-1nvill. Se, boys, _____ keep your fingens crosser sud goor luck. Akoe: ýAnidy Van 1' Hommnnen, Thsnk you Missý'l .Bovevlyv Daigle f'or keoýpin1g score sd Ralih Pavey ,ýfor is t-errifie job as hiot- mechiaube. Maple Greve UC..wasf;oick in t-be C.hrist-Ian Educabon if Hal to JauaryVbwt ,17 uobr rsu- Tpop roident openurdtb t-ho Fat-ohW00kBook, To ho unison. 'Tbee fcrc o Bnown. Minutescý)f t-be lDe-' et- Onlîha faort-s sent- tod le thel eýt Chis-ms, asno Majoniýe Jeffery ýre-portcri -be' 1raur bnoek A M b eonSt auitci-sud fouri orc- Troesnen'sreport %wýas îe1i Non-Teach.ýig Personlr1Cern'j mit-tee. A, J. Wrrryaieo Tarlingtonwaapet-dt be member cfthe Tcacbinjý ment Councuil. KrENDÂL 11u2 annual cnrgtoa en in1g Preýfceding t-be meet- the adis. ev.T, J. Si-ob.- grovhe opee tC emeeiS ednar byorayeohr. y-- ree 1by t e derent rgaP mafor anthryeri o t-ho h-elp frei Llthe grou leýad[- ers and ai7mmbns Alvin eaiunt-Hp on, Tuecsda.Y atro G ' poainith BAH A ULLA PHOÏNE 623-3171 >OFF ALL E 4 i (SOL CONFIDETSBA SPRA Hf~f EMIINEANTIPERSPI RANI' SPRAY 5K S ~ pR9AY AG LIST$1.,MSGGLST4 McGregor 1.D.A. Drugs 'West 623-5792 Bowmanville

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