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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1973, p. 11

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Phone 9874213, Mrs.,ý BrueTllsom, Editor Figre katngClub Plans Members Contest For Club Crest Design Ncewcastla -A genara meet-additioni, rm-aln moihcSans wre inig of tisa Nawvcastla Renea-~wtlIng t l1a meathir oWn.I ,iouaI Figuire ktigClbwa hit'scstumac. ThtCana 1cOm-muity Hiall wsaottewtstiseaxuivts 3membans peat(oh pcesoasandt1i lise pn es)' sonIs ta a akîgatarlgie R1equesîs \wera ý pra-santetji n-, prapa, etcuta arrange tisa anti~~~~~~~~ pemsingaltb ieporm eting aijornai cluis fan Jute, NanIcy an1lti JfayPayne ,te skate un isac Pl Hope anti Couboîrg Canai- Fgr k~ r As TNcwcestie Club d(oas nual hiava a lub crest, t was de cidetito hlaacnetfor, týisaCepet e 10 ibi o ,cmeup ith aý diesi'goihatlmselva'-s. 'Xanlcv awesle- n etua, I Stephansaoluterainbc ha Jauaay21, ..A et charmnoifcarg e tis, 1C)o!s pace leisNwcsl anti s bl il tt ilyarscuAea wtIasgrsuIýts 'as tiigtise aîelornm wanc'e fio isnbet 10tise youuigatens. Prelimhîny Figure - Sus- Final pnize cf $10 «cash t eaneWgn ha awri isa- w -n,-icania[ twvO wank lima imiit vwas set. iDti el ue otn Meeinganiouna('lWedyJo11Iisson, Fuona EB- Tis fllwig uetiyJe, ows. CaîhyMetaiterLance Tseond meeýg ting w'> as .Pa\ne C olltte Pilkanitng, soeyCati5Ls ise Iý-Tîffo0nl'i. Cannvai Vannîcns ama Canata WatiyJohnson, fwat lefi liste vrasLnc ncol lette Pînker- necceetCarnival p-,siliiios ng, CtisyTuffrd. anti w7eie as filows: CarnîýiaiSwving Danca, Susairne Ciserman. Balte oleru- aeCatisy Tuffoati. linty Cieime, arart iesta T e nig a 0 Shielley, Bra1Ttndon otumas ClIaîrrmanBrwn Nancy Steplisanson; Drssng iiow aiz-Pnn Wbs- room Superciviser, CoLleýn; Pcke-cnri ng tan. - Fl n n Ail hoapraseal war tan fqvon cf aigpctutras takeIn agein, aiVinki Leanick cof- fereCItn te Seitacharge. Il wavs tieiit hat w'e mekee oua costumacs Ibis ye.Vol- unier sewes wa-rc e Prunen antiJd i oinl Lowery. Girls from te Lakefielti Club who pass e heCanasta at the searntime were Jane Buckniýtell, Ca-thy- Wilson anti LauineMntmry - Specia thanks are due to ary Foster who served lunch to th3e jutiges, anti Ruth Tuf- ford, wvho wýas TC(' Captain for, the day. Thie NwnslB- creaionl FiureSkating 'club! annuel Cannival wil take place on Saturda anch 241h, ant Sune, MArh 25th. H AMON wll be hait on Wetiestay, Fais141s e 8 'clnk.Mas. i Bath willpresanýt a iemon- r.anti Mas. Johin Sîcrlt ancti amy rempton, Vwn monweekend visitons of Mndu MaArthu raw i ni f arn- MnI. ani Ms J. Polswr Satuntey veun eiisc Mn. anticlMasJim Getidas - Motor 011 - Fuel MIS anti bab, Bowmenville; i' en-!tci Greaseý Df"" lc-bl-1 ME.,~jNACE INSTALLATION7S Wibwr aute ven- AND REAIES cg calles t cMni, anti Mes. W. AND ETAPIS Blankisurns. Ngewcastle - 987-5111, MnI. ant U iMas.BeoîtWd gî ___________________- Ohawe, ivana Wtiesay Il ewcast/e Soc~ta/ anc1 9ersona/ Mrs. Firnce Fergu-son n- cenfly ý-accnimpanied IIber soni anid daBte-in-l.STlinéy1 visiteti With M.anti Mns.w ý Douglas Sykes anti baby, Sean Alxaner. MS. Sykas i lte fomrSharm"a Lyrnu, caugh- 1 ter of M.anti MrsSydney Ferguseil. Mesars.1Jim BeamandiLDon- ald Tilîson attendet thile New York Iimates -IMape leafs afternoon callars at M anti jrs. Rois Asbtons Dieirand s. Stan Cowiing, Saiem; oýMr. Henry athhr cni Mlrs. Fredi Tab'b, Burke- ton; -Mc. RU~SeIl I',abb, Midia Roati, were Suntiay supper! guesta cf M.ire ne Tabb ai Thmso nd Stisan,Le- ard; Mr. andMn. cngt anti Penny-, Bienhei, wereC Saturday eveningcaiens a Mrs. A.Thmsn.M. Lloyd Thomp1,so)n, Toronto, spent tha eekndwith bis m-othen MAlrs. A. Thomp!son. Mr. ,%and Ms. Jery vA-bbott anti Susan, Burketon; n, andc Mrs. F. R. Thomp)soni, Mn, and! Mrs. Dnald Thompson ant1( Donaldi f, Bw manvrilia; lle: Gary Thompson, NMaýrknd Steve, Leskýar'd, wnaSur1n caliers at Mais. hmsns M.Jim Grabiam, Ganfield, Grnorv anti Gloin, Vailey- field, uehaesfent soe itime ith 1bis pnanpJts, Mr. anti lirse LesIiie rabjýnm. Symah is etneinto Mr, Jim Gnah- arn- and famIily in thepsin of a loving wife anti mothen, Catharine Graham. Funenal, service was hi at thle North-i cutt E'lilott FunaralH oreme on Saturday'. Intrmennt Bow-i mnanvilié Cemeery. The ',mvit as shock-ý elto 10 har of the Sudden pDass- ing cf RBoy Thompson of JLes- keeti, son of MIrs. Alice Tbompsen. SymPathY iS ex- tenidet intais mother, IMs> Thmsnand 1his i eM; Rûoy Th-ompson and faiy MIr. atid Mrs.Bo PateisnSô cabeti on Mr% and lMrs.Arn- oi GllaghliAjxon Sat- urtiay. lrusLloyd Ashton andi Mrs 'oss Ashton ateta ashw-i er for Mjiss Janica Be'chI atý the hoe f AMrs. Q. C. Ash-ý ton, Enaiin Sybil Grahiam b at an ap-1 pendx oeraionin NMeroyîIýl Monday. Mr s. A . Thom)pson spent! Sunday nïigh]i,ýt with Mn. and l'rlS. E.,. hopon1B- Style tones by zij Nw,9 Luxury hoeFm Tuf tedj Carpet Ieoao oe I1 LSnew; ý, i s art, t's tOuLigt. ozite STYLE TOMES carpctistufte-dfram W ri ch-l vibrant ters.Sec',it t+,0y ,T A -Z ITE RUBR BAKE fromr $2'e q.yd'OO,9Z PlOESOA AIATRS AVAILABLE ONF MEQ 'tu E ST RING ST. WET 6324 BOWoNVmLL g ame a, t the Grdnslst Mr i Mrs. Dou-glas Wl ton, M and prs. Ruoer Shearar And Mir. anid Mrs.ý Keith Rogerson attended the Open B[ouse at the Port Hope CaaianLegiO on o.Saturcday evening. Hlockey is becoming both stitchles and goCals for ouirý young lyers.Thie rmst re - cent to be stitchetiup is AI- fred Adair who irequireti seven anti Kenneth B oyd whio re-, qui-ireti foiur. Bothi lads play for the N easte/fjdge-ts aànt each took a turn at hockey andi a tnip to hospi,,tai. Thei team t itihoe -evin their gama by one goal. Please rememiber tontie-u phone your social andi newvs items to 987-4213 HokrMothers Mee;-t !w,ýee inammerïll)is in at- tendance. It was noted dui'ring the buis>,iness thatthe gam1--1e orf br0oom bail playad betweeni DurhamAgri News by Bob Watt Assistant Ag ricultural Representative Remiove Saow anti ice imy be brokani andi the pl from Trees an-ti Shrubs Owsa ut cf shape-, says Trees and srusaru-e:ex- 8B. McNvi] ll, hrticuitunal sp tremely tough. Thiey cain be iaiist, Ontaie Ministvy weîgheti to the grcund wvithAgiculture anti Foodi. A tqý heaiv luadsF of snm or imra neet shrab Aui take seve Cahsnetted the Mothers anti stili ratura to ti4air onîg- ycars anti careful plrunting $4,8 hihthcy have bank- mnal shape in the sning. HTow,- retunu-i it te -its original c( etci iI hockeyneeds are re-an, -in _sorne casas, branches ditian.-- The Mthers have bcean asheti tu cater to twotora myeius arnnget dfo)r larnh ver tt row n H e ad s Chne w-il be wî,,th Novice týaams, the ther -Tyke teamse o oo tc lu a A motion has proposeti o c I0 z'>r cu ur ta exnbude pyn onaet The ma i)-,eliciotus csse- prt.Ha entioni ebsot fees to Ail-Star teams. ýe TIuhis ssalads, de-ssert s anti work cf Mr, anti Mrs. Zeg( bas been left over until the home-matie biscuits blroughIt uinteacýhing the chiiltýiren gpa Ma-hnieigbafore voting by memibens tol-,thle Horticil-0 ening anti Doser arraugn o n l. Tt ivll not take plare' tural Societ'y pot luck suppert~ are our future hortic uwnmet season aven if the pMrovitied a sumptuous meal ou turalis. motion carnes. ýThurdyJaary ,2th. An inivituation was recel' Il was augestcdthat 'if ina Itws eatfu uigtfrom ithe Oshàwa Soiat.y time ce-n bafouinti, an adiult:ca t'ier- wise,almost ,lka 1beat' AMn. Bibi Hanînol skating party wroidha pan- pl n, a veryý pleasat change Ferury5th at St, Geen, net, whihan amsi of50cntuo the -I,ether wa uisu-ally 1Church, Cenne Street, Ost per person. Aduits Onuy hava for our annuel imeetngs. wa. Eastmnan's P(a(, ec iai Mrs. E., ron acceuup- The Toronto Garden CI feateti Gianvýille's B's 8 tu ari nîcion the piano for a live- Show et O'Keefe Centrasi in their recent encouaeni y in-onIvluiig alfroom March 7-11, tha thei GC-oals fer the sinners war mai-hnounti the hall te thle boing- "Giardens cf the Weul scoreti as fios .Coa ueof Jingle Bla, anifaaturing tamonstratic han uaýssistetI, Cneig PppéArs. C. Bilins gave a- vary luý flow-er arranigîng by asittby Win1svoort anisanaveicome te Our Oniy 'George Snmith cf Enl Roýgers(un; Cociahan assisteti bp charer mcmber, Mns. E.- Tentative plans are te errar Rgrn;Wnavoort, assistenl Hemm who ws seatet ailt the Io ga by bus Con Wedniesd b)y Cnig Stjira; Winsvcorn, n- heat table. She aise an M 'cth. Funrther Parti assstei;(ms innis, unassist- tioneti the absenIce of sevèrl lar= etn Pd; K. DaJong, assîsteti by D. bwere lii, es-peialiy Mn. TIoi thi absence cf AMn. Gi Rogerson R. Coolahan un-P andthMrs. utarwawaeetu ter, Mn.LÈ. Jamnes vary cap assisti. NeIuameSatin- hava been on the pnograrm. ly filieti the gap. Though( day, Febnuary 10, SMilbnook t Smearl traw5 wrmati tnp -was uni as fer îafiab Newcastle. 12 noon. ithbir(thtiayinnen'oeilg iasneventhalassa meat lu _______________ rc . LM~ain anti Mre .F.lestlng a-s we tralvelledti lCewan. Mrs. G. Wetson ith Bru;c Pninsula The f qiJfly1i-d abo2sa M . vnR, Ac e alidaws amapof the1 yviI ±V-awth ia gr-eeni it ies-enre a s héAmwin g the roatd upItA ce n inners. 'of Ilt-heipeinsula te Tob The Ty-nona omnt Reports cf Ithe yansaniv-mora dstane of 64 niî Centre Boant i wcUltdlke!N e s waragiven eysMarearySturty abos aa a mst invita ieresic nlathe TMes. E. Jameis; Treasuiren, Mrs. Ifis part which featunes "fic Tyrone area tuaMated he A. MGi antiJr,. Gairdlenersa an pon1' ockýs, arches, caý annuel imeeting 0on Sunday, ýLeadeIr Mus. Zagers wbomF ne- anti hanging clifson uo Feýb. 111h at 1 the port hati been prepareti by parts cf 11he trail b_-eauI tiful, Hal. W ar hoefl tat Me. TnseY. Ail sbowei the fbowners Aounti includ lneattantianca will ha on nesu'its t vrosfcesflumerous vai na f oneh han tOt aet awbariyear Mdrs . A.Allia contuet- anti he bight retiIndien pa isuathle avantIs cf ne a31 et thepeetion cf affinera. brushi. Ywan anti maesugests Mls,.(C. Billngahantcd Closr tA hmie we V' fer tisafue.e ThiS is ynur car the reins of Presitiefcy shown the beauties of le oppaouniy te express cpm- te M». E. Browan (wîth a sîgh rahes anti strems w] ions. tn't rmiss it. A chic1ýnkenocfrelie f).The society 1la v a &his ma asfun,.If iilunch wii be senvati somle- gratetl laEilicen for taking orchiti blooti is nca I im trig hemetig nt ven tha pncidcucy fer tesvnyaabefore it I hilirng c l2nen kt f'dpeat yacar bacause she b1 lom ginatiI'te ýpa.rmiting, anti play in 'Lire a.sreit bspstintasln o a parkuintr pr viio.Wc ano Event te t0 isaleInthe Ncwtonvilie bog Tisa Trone U.C.W. mccl- Presidenny anti hopehae n- sasvthe fpitcher plant wvtt] Fab l4is u jytith "sim" labisop n cl ed flower, andim; Ag cil e ? ]haIt iwSp,. i1-l o3 nuse th W.î.Vng et P8 Mrs, ing remraits ha saisitthat vnei~of fenna Qu Kare Fîzsîmons îî m eucyon ceate ome l ight wvas thse formattin Econoial fr Nonisume- thine icm' indortopicuture horms'5heat, fnom a reotv ianti-Durham, s'il ha guusiaven if onîIy by planting ~aylo au o t 5spea1ker. lHan tapin t a basetifew seetls. TheCse cauî inlutise Durham Fôrest, cn theare System, Evary- beaulify thecomnt.W teos floral embiCmn, ana( winoma. anaoOpen 'taonew itepas anti ýtrilliIumn, w zeant n Trhe annuel Tyrona Congre hope more wFLtete an atv shaties, of green andi wisit gainlmeing was i on )I - _ - _,,AIl gi-cen. J~n 0hin IAnC. JE. Wingý. ani othereltivs.A fitting cnlso a lIt was gre t a wa seti M7 .anti Mrs. Waltee Park sentof alites epinting the gestata e aNrtbeys ware Sunday cailans ecf Mn. "oin Seasn", AIl takai Ïol foraLbairMsin The anti4Ms.John iHancock ianti [ha saine-,pot, forth cf1 antIf afinai-s 1for 1973 are: baiby, Oronio. karti. Sesson T. Picasanne, LSaM, anti Mes. Keith Goble Mn. Brown exteadtha monl, MD . .Co,,Mas. antibosBienkstonk, Mrn. te Mi- aniMus. J'amres A. ~ R KnwMn R uis, Art Fret Parîne r i-na, Mn. antiaxpre ithe hope that .Menmb«a ou]t brijng a fri yalungcman, MrSV. W. ahmMas. le Gob(Ie nt wtuenatmetig anti lance Pare; Stewards- M.anti Mm. G. K0vacand o enxtwsp mn, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iL AhnHansGLo-unycfM. AiMrestan ary, MJonVaney,J , C.Gable anti Bruce. c= V l1,P00I lCook santi ank V san Doip; Welcame b- Mn. ani Mas Tnutee-DeitCraig Ralpis Bai-i-tt anti femiy WhoaieTthTstewiys e GlCaspel. Robant Lamnbant,1 lving on the MnLauglii cf -air local ctzashave MunTýray Yo atn oe amantieanding Tyrane lurnetfron holiti i aitge, Lloyd SDamon ant Ai- rUiteti Chunnh. ide, nnméy: Mn, antil fredGan Ali Manr s e--jim Mn.ant i M as.Lonel ByaMGardon Krk, Me.ani WVooilay, Robenrt Lemborl, anti Mn. Hmio-Vrtue were Antiy Sîtch, Mn.andTi Mrysý. R, BiIs: isinanti Sunday attoon calicesupwith Cut urtisant ILn.antIl 'Service -Ms.R. LmatiMn. antiMa.John PrykBo wrwn. anti Doug ,ýSouthwebb; EV: FI- shew,: antid aeSunlday Mln.anti Mas. Gen Brac mn1Ia , - a. "A. ugnadinnenguetaof Maý, anti asr,; fIfor Fboritia ave lse Mr.S. Cornisý is ant MnsW. E, A. VnuOsaa id. !1oc ci dg e: Baises- Alf1 Nle nn Vîrci lu spnt ise Boy)lHmilqton la recup Knolta anigLacePhae, wackand wîthbié aunMdanti iauhmefolawIng sur NointigC mi t t1e ' a LIinria. luiir oaitl.Pelail PPa, is Glaspuil, e, .LPm- WMn it MUSRab eis oiat uIs a i shR wa nt e, .Dve.Pa-e teVrsc age Wer- Mn, ant iMrs, SYeo, s A iiKoulice,îMesa 4 fHClub washim Jnay Nnsonittai fcm l-i h NannyHuis SîsI 17, p et 7:00np.m. b taPof iplayraona ocal umit Tisrawan i tala e tie yroe . E biling Alerbos ockey teem iu EuHCbrepa iiy 'gouitie -Hplieg, we aett ekspprwr i P'rizes we l'O sMn,!Deviti affine r,: Pict, D a w nhPalGallagsr, Greg Opaî ( craig, \Ms. . RAti M, a ny; rasunMiAM e r y MntlKen Cey. MSoryboy Ruey Bina, win,DaHl, Conish: Pre rporter, Jr-nu- NMine abs3 cf uch s MrT. M Il l-,n; 5-50 dnav, 1nitFar Yýao anti S1usan Peaj latlu BallydufComai Ma.StanGola" mstbrC enc,'Wa iCîsatOnma fn iv Hail lalst Frtiay hanta fo i-.rlie otsMInrise club but V:111 leeVe Ib]is Wiunaers -were Wuinie SIl Stan Menas, for a future meeting. ,Tise (81), Mlrs. V. Strnlg, Mes Walten Rahm ernom- nxs meeting caFeb. 715 b n igbit and ti Wayn.e NMitu paiat bhar brothrJohn E. tisa C. E. buidin. MrsMI. ryMCCîuboujlgh w i-na lot their cui ieee as hGoGapelipare e n.antidMas, Jinu Propp Fankl1l\W o t t a Mn.Issuno' eadrs. sn, YaptikPdati aDoulas =0reweekent Sýympat-,hy e i sser a ise membens ant i tir mtisý- os uTorataII,) GnuteAdaman, Bwmaes buttiareuoepns fCongretOauienteMe ville. ïýIbiui, aisesisetoIt s Ms. im Wiilis wiso nec A nmbr tam Tynone;about "W2hatae ots>aniceerae isein 3ý01hwe communmity impiet Le tisadifernt intors rcf kuis. tisiennivensany.Due tec Non"tisntt Elic l Fnn e roaiuitis "Spmolwer traistnces, an eveiug that Chlapel to pey respect a tïis5uts.Ms. Vea o i ia beaupianntifor Jim ILteMe. Jim Grhem(Cais- gif tfer aeing leaderfor T12 Ma-y their feily, armeMenonati)wlisose îfin unitl, ntiise to ilslar èspne.Tisefaiyq Soci"ety Receives ReportsIi On Operati#on o! Orono Fair" iThec, urhaiým CnrlAgti- hood of!$'1.00.weperhaps toc )much for aý culurl ocet hîd thirPýI' rize' moniey paiti out at the, family'. it was poine ou annu l eeinl Oronio Sat- fair in 19 72'-1amiountedl to that thie Saturday igt at IUrday, Jan. 2th i vth ot$1,0,Judges 1,118, attr-acý- goeSfiat ant i thatperhaps thet 30mmespresent. Thec tions, e-xcluding the steer auc- fair should be conicludiet at meetLing rceivcd reports and t ion, a littie over $90Qý main-:'5:0f1 in the afternoon. ect fficers and directors teniance ani opratn17,365.52, The President also saidih for the ensuIing Year. 1hor-e races S1,536.811. wotild like tc Se frteras The Bard înds hemslves Grants receivedI durin% the sistaîice to thec 4-H ehbt ine aBomardfinncil psiton ear amountite $8,294.53, MIr. Wm. Tamblyn )viistateti thatý to tat fthIining Iof tha d 'onations ',',928.95, fees and the 41-h exhibit wasto be year,2t , wh a baini was owétd rshiem ips2,777.351 admiis- houti, in a large ttd the to he an infli aoun ~sion $,5, ocsin and fair but as the ýtenit was notý $tu00.00. hais blIeamntwv 0, ti .557,sale of 1ma- avaiiable the axhbithadti to was oveed y gant t arid advartisng ain-ost lbe crowdý-ed inýote eexii tthe Sociaty. wîng $,00(3 a n d miscêlaneous building toq 1l, 11223urther conisideration is 't0 The finanmcial report for Presjidénit Clarencj(e Turnier, be giveni the construction of, 197,2 showeý,d an ovelrdraft oflwhoi chairad the ineeting, stat- an extensjion to thie cattie, $46.4 hihs been co(,v- ed that weakécst part of fthe shelter, A donatIionjof 5000 ered eariy in Janluary tu gh Fair wý,as Saturday nfighit and bas been offere'd to the Se)- thi( receipt of varidus fedral tfeit smeinh1rov-ent wouald ciety -for this pros.The andi prUvýinia-l grants. have to be mratie iin the en- Society wouid1 also rcia'a It is expectati thaýt the So- ter tainent. Mr. Caýrlos Tamib- feýderal grant of 75 per cenfi ciety ,wîll start out on the lyn fait the entÈertainmenýt the, total c a5t astimated tg lbe 1973 edlition of the fair with q4uality -was good enough but aro-und 2.,ü00te 2o 0-h La bal1ance in the neighboDcr- that charges for evening shows: Orono 'Times. We [ant Taoitsuch tmgil la thai sD. a gacti idea te carefuliy ne- pec- mov),e the, ice anld so.Snow,ý ( Cani oftan, ha nemovad by iraimorediffcuitto emoýve, pr te tcuîarî-y on youing trac. aî R Y 'oni- uti"l 1the ice starts teinaît, Cthen shake it off andticntuim the bush 10 its natuirai shape. Whctheir the pnroblem is te fOW AN orswnmember Ate treat bushes anti tees gently. ii- tise aus imi- te son loe- luis wus urne leu ¶an uon oa ,thi tise Eat ban- liesi fr* ives tiýs, ig. hîda Mw otht aad wat ou to sie for yeorself t Vega is truiy the littie car that do-ca everythin wll DROleP IN TODAY! îID V ILLE COTJRTICE CHIOOSEF, lRtOM- A WIDE VARIET'Y 0F HAND TOOLS AND POWER TOOL ACCESSORIES ALL AT ONl-E FRIDAY SATURDAY SONLY *4-Pc. COLD CISErLSE * YNIOLE SAWV *Ï WOOD LEVEL MN THE GROUP, *DrILfL STAND. Hoit 329 SI7c 1if" *ý COMBINATION WMREN I RY & VlMIER SAIUARI wvith leve *SLIP ON SOCKET SET ¾ e5e * ADUSTBLEWREINCH * TAPE ASSORTIMENT' am PUS' I r MORE- PLANNING ON BUIUiING A NEW., Houe? araeCo ýDt tae JUST BRJIG IN A COY FYOUR PRINT OR PLAN NO OýBLIGATION BOWMANViLLE CUSTOMERS SHOP ATF OUR H-ANDY COURTICE LOCATION TWO LOCATIONS I ME 2HW-V. WEST SBOWMHANVILLEI 401-i nGffWAY WHlýIEIRE YOU CANSEV YIloUýRSE"LF I"NCMLTEIDO OU1,RTICE Z7pl- 1611 WARfÉFHO0U sEL UÏMB E RLAND 721 Î1~7 I The Canédian ttemnfomavllFeb. 7,193 j rnches ae very brittie and zatitrutes foi- mea)t. break easily. Eggs are a comptct ounop Eggs A"'re Ca Good Buy for Of othler ntiet.They ' én- Nutrition and EConom'y tain ailkno! vitamiuns, eXý Eggs are one cf our ot etvitamin ý?X and are a godr econornial sources of protein 'ýsour-ce.of nmineraisý,patclr sa), foodi specialistrs at th,'ly iron and pnosphorous. Iis OnajoFod Coni, Minis- 0f the iron is found intheg try of ArclueadFo ok One eg wit ad oneï- On-Co7pn egswegi1 bt dyolk contain prxintl lone and a haif pounds, auprovid-rei. hý lng bigli quality protein at a'fat contained in aýn egz is1 Meatmmey low cst perund.found in the yolk nly; thu Thre gs or twvo eggsplu'-i w t is relatîvelyfa- olne ounAc of otherprtn foodContein as ruh rten Ai h ntito o u.lg as an average servîg Of ma.consat Ithe Qexpeuseo i- Main Course mlt n'C'-tvl fe aois.Oeiud fi es, omnig eggs wt unegg Cngisonly 80 cal chesefis, susge, or lef t- ories.

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