The A-bllit'to Express Yourself Last Sundlay afternooni, more than LI yonItdns from the area gave their sece inth Legion Public Speaking con-ýtest here, and unfortu- 0at1y1ony 12 of th1emi now ýgo on to the next ,Jst.age iin the comipetition. Many of those ;n the packedi hall, mnostly parnts, gqnpret nd teachi- erswere aazdat the composure qlnd conf'1idence these younýgsters S3,0owed before siubha argecrowdï. In mnost cases-, they showýed no self-coniscious- nsfeair or nervouisness and several appeared to thoroughly enjoy the ex- Wvýe look ba,ýck to the days before the Tru-stees n eaes and the L'egion began sponisorjing these comipe- titions and recal hain an fthe Board of Education Urgesý" Province Not to Change Education Boundaries The cNorthJumbeland - Dur-reion. As any as 8,000- wvtb On tasio Cou, n hami Board of Education will1,0sdntwodhelscrae ne ig dutoal stoniyugebb roinil o b UitdCounties Boardrunit for the Lhl ein go eom n t eti bc if al h acs usie bbtheewas Iso considrbe ieî of thie United Counities Il fcOed t o her solboas ds.mnwe ool n te spite~~~~~ ~~ oftecagsi b o xmlsevesal utthe faC>!,itesbulîthy the had muncial oudies la1hidot cstesn bwnships ofC No-1arc in arens w hlie îoubside( by bbc egionalgovernmcinit thumbriand-Durbam wil he bcp'ildseinl on This ýis )nne of sevesal re- by ifbcpspoedreionl irelativelyncw schools-, comendtios ontained i budaie reedorsed i ncuigCuti Scnay the seven pare brief hc ucn Pr.The Board inbcae of Darlini o B'oard armnArthur J, dcain tnd l o wI s hi vicb is tb he Rowan will] preent bàtue P,000-7, eusuetsin thos transerred toubbcOshaw Minister of EducatJon An Tor rafte educational jusiara. Eduation D i reccot or onto on Fchruary11h ev ictionI lso ï transtcrrcd to Frank Thplom epinc tha erl oadbrstesidiatdHastings Cuty o lose Smc coos ud h they ~ ~ ~ Ar wilacmpn s oardVice-Chairma, Gr-a retfinlanciai hilow t b oanbToronto,. net Wifciworepse- Bo.ard hecause thfierearsil Th e bsicf nîso tte bb ensCavan, SouthMnahn ustn i dehentuses Con hoard would cnsides un- and MAillhsrook, ninormed bcteeehos thinkahie any proposai tu es-Bad ta libc bwnsipnGne of bbc strongeststab- tablisb the entise Region a ouncils in bis area bad tld meots in bbc brief was cc'n-, a sigi ducaional u init. hlmbby nu longer wishb baincd in eomedbo AI Strike, tbbc ,isusîefo M ain within bctohbu-eo.5. Bowanvileand Dariingtso, rposn-Dusbam Bo1ard 6f "in aypr udaysag strngi enossd Iis recoin-PEducation if theIr bownships hbbhiggcsb osisbcd alg niendcation. "I arn quite con- arc tasfse to Petesho- to bbc peopie. if pupils can, ~icepO that just onie hoardloughi Count. oevrRe epuled out of "ne scboolï (of educaion) sunnîng from jBoard voted 8-6 agaîst lin- systm A pub into another Aja toTreto Simjply i sn't, ,hcuing ýa resolution to Ibis h-ecause o potcal hounasy fese,"bcmmend. effect in their brief. The gen obnges; if t"ea ;AsnvbohaveË Trphe hard mmb R lo re eling was .that if bc delieacy chosen oe coo exprcssed ooncern about bciNosbbtum'herland - TD n rbha lmt system nlli e t ran sf err e d osbl Joss of stu dents wbo Board aslosesbu any tudenbts witubconsultation to an- rre resnti atendng os-to the juisdictions ,ýthen otier' ss-, tenbboe thumerlnd -lJubamschiools Rtie governmenrt of Ontarlo clear messaet thatpitcl wbich is oubidebcpro- mgbtdecide bu lumrp bbc Nos ur aucracyla prepared to ' cosed boundasies for btchew bmeln nhm Board ride -ronýighisbIod orvesl p2-1opel? BETHANY LONG SÂULT f Bowling Leaues Eaintondr. and %Mrs. PetrEceo Mnshighc, KnSica1;1h1Btan-.We-spprges aofM.and Moi. inen's hightriple, Frank Ah-cetl h3 1 tei cmbneoornToono by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A 62JauyanFeray et-M.and Mrs. G. Baker we MixedBowlng be ar a e u-gi,n te -nIdChichaueday supper guestseofMr., loupshhs c ngle, Dine sund ay,,School Hallan d vc- n"r71ehGbl n Wilon 266; lde' hgh tripe rsdntMs o Neals boys, Blackstock. Wis eai 65: mnl"sihp ided over the meeting. Mr. and Mus. Don UtpPen- igle Jon S~usall234, Aspecal ffeingwasre-sonand JameslMi.and AMrs. ~-ds high til, onSu-ciedfo he ladàies to aidWmJhso an fai, Kathy Badluk 225-234, loyd 15Syao ipae hsRowe and fal, B11owman David-on 226-201, Heather a seilproject to help vi1fl ere udygusao iorslin 207, G-Teorgep Scott- 205, te Soudatriorision. M dMr. IH. Murphy and telrMs* Trio eerti "hpy Jim loefr205.T earnA $5.00 donation wassn t Rw' i±dyi stnig:BedPots 7, Din- tý b Ibe John Milton Society oïa brbýecue in ithewes aber s72, Hppyý gang 61, Ally cas 55, Dead eyes M2fr the Blind,.1Mro and Mrs.YH. Mphy and GoetrUs 52, Dlngbats il The treasre'sreport was Mr. and Mr. G.Kovaca were, _, Hopefuls 4Il gîvenb r.Carl Porteos,; Saurday evening gresto EnebreParty and plans were macle carry viEr, and Mrp. R, Rowe, Bow- At thrnt euhrepart,1 n with thie payments for bbc!m-anvýille. gpnsrd yl.Ol. 1022j îYfodr cildr.tMr.-ad M-rs. G. Koa an Mrs Tm Wrdwashîfl hers.Jon eals thne1grsweeSnday dier andi WcTrWodue ieladies who lelped to pc upe ussof Mr. and Muss. lady; riHr ry ýPreon, 07for the Sunay School Stan Goble %Tyone. seodhigh lady; LewsMc Party, and nio thos,ýe woM.and -Mrn m.J011ohsn Guiblg man an Merdit heped in11catering ftus the Blaxckc and 1r.John Prestn, second high main. 6th -edding anniversary of!Johnson, Oshawa, wpe Sun- pproximly 32 peop0leID Mru nnd Msis. George Wdel a ussof Mr. and Mýrs. vttendld bb inuche re arty' It \wasdecided that thie A-etJohnson. ;nhich wan i bcOan 1na Ciken Supper wllbe club ,50 ladies will maeet on~ Hal in ethnyvhe ncx M1 held in tMrh Mbs year.Tuesdaymeenng, Pcb.13 at hel i th Oane HllonConvenors are Mlrs.Addisnrithe homne of Msrs. Stan Gobleý,ý Fcbruasy 23rd.ScoltMrs. Murray Smith ardd when ute illhaea an Reeve onors eMrs. Allan Beer. tie auc~nd . îfJohn 1Bake-r ConrtltotTan Plans were imade for theMrad dase Gilen Milbookuo o- WrldsDay of Prayer wMchanb niq on m ardiuest, ofpMr.aand eMr S,._7Da ve tsmoig FortClass Honlors b e 2d pecoaOwens, Brooldin. (9% eeeThcoervic 1ilhahldSi h r. andss, M. Carlc n ___ ___ ThoyBethanylUnlted Church. riv 1-i str Durîng the Woissip Ser-faiyisedtiritrMs ulû, ers Hm Cm fd teand Mvrs B. Lewis, Sharbot * p ice Mr. Rss Crr endtheLake on Sunclay ScrpreMs. Claren1ce R ________ an gave a shodrtdngand l\rr. se eaDonald rTeiv cli the offering. A solo waEtLIZABETHVJLLE,, I LKE TO,4NAElsung hy 1AFrsJean AMMo. -. ROTERCO r. agrtBUrwsljRV. JA.Rmî' soke (on î'r'sUk~ o t~Y chrge of Sthe rgram, "The ,"God Comning DwnThe ISI f Wýortb )f Womnen", AMrs. Bcer 1choi r sang and pMissMaaie FRIt4S IkN W' stated 'A huy womcn is e White opened the s _vcs on iappy omnan ibb est Sunday., lubricant of al hI auhter W Rev'. Ramit hbas heenask- yu fee'l blue, at leaýst bc- a c osa nte es hright blue". Ms. Ruth Jen-OnTedytelispu nings oomhined somà-e humior- iin another quot and got lb fu- oui notes- in Sie rcading psioshd. prdfor thle' topic as.Ms .~atrpti i e% of mE iany pst ,i"u"lt and had several nf the cor mplishmcîlnts Cf th-e womeniscl onThursday and fin-- ils ~in the commrrunity whiîch lb. proves that wvomen are the Seea nteae tted ha oin. d the fune al of the, iatu Y A Mruralcommuitesand the funeralof the lat PLUMBIG & HATING Aniyone wihing bý orderCifford lMcQuade onFidy ~dAÏR C DthNNGRe "Upper Roomý" choild pOn Wdnsdy ine lde contat Mss Hes Coppnt.-leîn bc Uited Chuscli Wo-_ TYROE, OTARO Th seviceWas losd ~ih mn atbended the annual! Nul n!apoem follwed by prayes. meeting Ort bbcCobourg Pres- Phoae263-250 IThe nexneeting wîll hee hyti n t Trinîy Unitedi __________________ hld n arých 26, at 1:30 P.m. ChbuscbCetousg. In thec mosn- SALESMAN TO REPRESENT GOODYEAR MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS! EXPERIENCE IN ROOFING HELPFUL BUT NOT ESSENTIAL! We are aýn 4ld, esiabWi'hed and respected firm )whi Sales Repesetatonthroughout Canada, thle U.S.A. and1 in over 50 other couniitries. Over thie years, manyv of opur mern STARTED iu Ibis field with som-e other Élrmn, but ,witelhed to Consoiidated for comuplete fulfiliment. The-y dlaim that ithi Consolidated, they are able to achiieve at degree of sueûcess and personal satisfaction not attain- able withi the othier llrrms. No OVERLOADING oi TER- rUTORIES! A more COMPLETE PRODUCT LINE, for year 'round sales. COLLECT PHONE CLLSluthe Hme Offies,! Field assistance f romn Office MVanagýement -when nîeeded. And FIELD M1AN'1AGEMENT positions ARE AVAILABLE. If youý're interested lu this vnique road te suceess, WRITE TODAY 10: Consolidated Paint & Varish (Canada) 1M., Dept. NA, P.O. Box 396, Monîtreal N. 459, Quebec. If you are EXPERIENCED la the field of Roof Cmon Sales tu business and industry, please state with what FIRM you've had ibis experience. Also, give your phoie nmber. Ail inquiries are confidentiîal. Or-, if you ARE EPREC yon dan speed things npiby h o1ning COIFLEUT (o Mr-. lim Byas, al, unr INTENATINAL EAD)QUARTERS: ?16-771-3258. Preident's remarks, mnutes,ý reports, budget '73 iand s calîs were taken. Litesatuse flasheswred- scrihed hy Mrs. Sager an Mrs. Hieagle, Camphcllifosd.A skit, "At thbc]End 0f the Rond" was put on. At noon two settings wce eildfori lunch as there were 111sg istered. 1A ladies' choir entcrbained in the atternoon, Mrs. Vera Grecs presented audio visual film 0f "Up and Donvi". The speaker for the afor- [noon, M.John1-1BIlc, was ints'odiuccd hbMrs.P. Minifle and -spoke on "Ev-%angelismp '3.A vr iersîgand infrmaiveday for the ladies. Mr, and Mrs. J.Dekoker spe-nt Sunday wibh Mss. H-. Tbickson, Mr.Stanord Stsog cdi on the weekendi and ,viil ihel buiried on Tedy Ms. and MjssE.FoesMr and Mrss. J. Ingram, M, r. an IVrs. W. CassePlnwsou for dinnjeu r on ïsiday e- Zoo-,8 students of those days attempt 119ex press t'hemnselves before even a sinali group. They would humn and haw, cough, twist ail over t1he place and sel- dom corne up with anything by way of a coherent sentence. M-any of thýem reached lJofty hieights of achievemnit in a wvide variety of f ields, but always fouind it a terrify1,ing job to get o-n their feet and express their opinions. Those whOi participate inthe public speaking comrpetLitins 1today later on wi tresre the itrinng thbey have receiv-ed. As one of the judges said, each one is a wvinner because hie or s'he wil no-w be able to say what he or she is thinking we the occasion arises. And that cani be invaluable in aduit if e. Store H0rui nowa n vl MO.TO WED, 8:30 'TIL 6JM TUSFR1. 8M30 'TL 9 623-3388 x io il Ing. Ikl