BUM-Mr an Mr. ack plhtatan il tOQ e Wud lin thank nmy Vaientine Dance, So E "N ' A Y YEehaeorWS HOEorar.Ayhr Ovuenden are hapny a aý who remen'be-rd me ýduriing famMly, friends and CubsfrCmmnt alStrdy Rice Man as well Mas neinthe Bowmanvile -A xROOM and1 nonethe arrivai of thei r my ta, At MemorilHaspitae ir viits, cardis and gfs e.10. Raymnd Avery'sÇ)U IQSyour house.24 hours - 7 days. aea. 94-17.p l heBwmn B o w m a n i l i . A l s o thr a n k s t o c d u r- i n g m y , ls t a y ri b oh n s - O r c h e s t r a . P r z e s . 6 4 iT O9 8 7 - 5 1 1 1 n e o 98 7 5 1 3 M S T H R E b e d r o m h o u s w a n t rci, U4a.8 .ons., dagher the nurses on ThidFloor. pitl. Special thanks lto,,Dr. B Johnston, Newcastle.nt o f P a t a n d i J a k e u mn a N eW 1h a o g e ai w t a d S u r g i c l F b o o ro S o t P a e D i eo uN A EeST E T r i e P r a ndP encs ie 9 7 - 0 0 tmnrvile, on frrdavy ebunra-ShrlyBuar ,si Saturay, Feois 1l. Pleas ., I ( N ARVCSLE S!ï.tM.J.11 ý,le98_oý,,G.Mm.D. P. Col 9 93a hnnlHospital-, IF incerethnnks to ah i -_-----_---have bundles tiedand piaced 2 asSae orDistrict RmlrDsrc nl 2 ~3 tMeo~a o ouearhyo:0 6-1emar TialerDeaer.Ne an U1 T E RED couple requi-res un- Bo ma vil" A oter gand- h cem ee e whi othm mb ers of 1te BO w U The n ul Metn fT Y-Depa"tin l"eb 'y ,M a rdi 1 triles. A lo truck tos a frih d 2 bedtro)o m . a parit- Mnsmy o for M. andMrs.Sake asn'h'Bomanvilleand Osha- manvilpFle Fîr Brgade arrnWomuiyCntrle is ton A rl28 and Oct. 13 truAcamper. Highway o.mntsoaoue'rasnbl 38 H'ope St. A Aga Sr, Enîi en andi wa bopti.Seîitak icretak n prcn eheîd on Sunday, Fcb, 1 i, For informiatWo Es nd f wasle nt; by Aprillst. TelephbonePOuR T HOPE, "Fth Reat-grandc i of Mrs and Rs cKnze umytin 0 your prompt and Ï973 K at ryoe Hal lat1ip.m. otc 8 3X2clet -6j3232 a R.Cok Bw aniie adan osi;nursesand staff efficient rservice. _____________Ban. bird for .r. and Mm. Alfred ~~~~~~~~~~~~~and toERev, LnOvlead etieOhreEuchrc Party, Ncwtonvi] O7~TVTIL 93SOMBLS-4..Mzt.61 ondn, ow anvli. 6l*Archie Lun. 6i*6 Hall, Friday, Pcb. 9, 8: 1 5. Y Ad- 47,20 lhp. $499, 28 hp. wtn Z4 1 Misson$5ishu 99, 640 Nordic electric&WithTenders Wanted EV'J 1,j ý ~~~lu~~nSc.LdisbigTRAVEL C-ENTRE ")ýidJle1wni ucI v1-0e J reverse $899. Ten used asn- U-nteCo-niso Mrufl e NAlan nd , J ulc teie I oand mlîkes orak y woud ike toake t, his I 6-W 47 King St . W., omnleMobiles .299; 15" racks $69Nomthumnbemîand and Durhaml prýbdhouf ta nanc h fins n eltvs o ars pportunity to exprress my Dnce enesal Hllhnead 18",tracs $89; RoalP ~rh0 terdaunterhr- flnmwesW gîfte drîn y st&ysnce.hs a -.Mstr iesyeglR 9 OwTNESFREHCE 4.ie JuIe, 7 Ibn. i oZ5.. on lJ au- pin ospitaband a home.my riens QuecuS.,Bw an:le n, 2312-6 ý93 2370$0each.rs, Ontalo Sp9.o ;Ts, DRS1973VUILE ~ry29 173atOsaw G n osp iai aks ta D. es-and rltvs for loesFe.16, 9-"12:0 3prcul.2 wy.30 115c, O rn98-44. Selcaenes lar19ak- O TA3 ai sîar- 'L973 A lXttl e r- cards. gi 1 fts and visits duriing 1B , 9i ____S3___3_lu Sý pý sea otitL. H itu r â 2h-d nurses and staff on " "lBar prîvieges. Everyone wlc- ------ H cd15,as ta contents wý,, , 1;i be r& orTm y Proud radnr- 1stamn y stay ninthe WlelyHos- ca. IG -1 5 qa lA fliS1* cr' cnsare Ar. and bMn . T Har--- Dre ak 6 iaRmaeceivd b-t _ unersgne1NISTR91, 0F, and Mr, and Mrs. k. 6-1 hlMr. Oda Laing. 6-i bray16an ak1,e r, AH'I1OflY rorom iiLOAL NSOTATIO1 àwson and l Iad1973,Vfor:c Muile. 6.i would lîke ta thank ulmanvîlle Public L 1ish r a rv v 1742Br1ekSt:,,otfof-4 tiiends wobave beeina)M0 Weioud lke ta exprss(dawneairns).Sponsored by XNWHI1BY C668-889 1-ConAact 1.73-The supîy COMMNICATIO M~riaces conernd bou mesîce y ur appreciatnion tauailuriBowvmanvilhe inettes.0_6-2 inureseiahym cahreaivsand fricndis foro- alenfineEchrc Paýrty5 ' dut "Th oes rce nîhere uo oie- ,'LINT - PIPER-On Fnida, rB ianPrdy, MVanagerAMr.pahltbtipescardsdonats Jsp' al 2 ict ,I~T l -erIsalinGa te adfr ýohn'saChunch, Caralne Ann, IGas TkeAil-Stars. , pathy durîng aur recent sadisharp. Gaod prizes. Ljunch Relfreshmeý i n tS ___4t fto3,0 ...dm ~daugter f Mr.and rs. obbî-e Green (N., ). brcvment.Sppea tankysesrvcd. Admission 7me 6-1 :George piper wun ited la 61 to Erv.Long Afiskinidness. rds rniage ta Blaîne, sonrof IJin adMerita Willis Dance ta the m i'ofay FlDsuso NRVSTedrdcmnsadsei Mr. -and Mrs. Ken Pint il Te anlly aor the late aI re6iAasand the Couaty it utf BowmranviiiebyRev. T. Ellen McQairrie exres teir 'S - 'in netvihle Commuaiitalý gned1 at nov',7 cRS hareM 6~*sner hakst entvsStrdy c lin 0pî oColcin and ANTENNA-7S Thelowst r ay tnde Grce.ad rensfoi Itheir deeds 0f fn Mmoim opl.Luc'sLed6ho, otncesny Reetin kindnesiis, mesages of sm ODI odmmr !MNTf fG OMNIL NTLE T cpe.be ic- __________________nfond__________, pathy, loral trîbutes anid don- -yVI N T R BI G NL L A ations itaithe Heant Pund. a ul'r dean Mom and Gnandma, 0W oýIvRates R. A. Edd rý ~ Mn andMm. lonle Srpecial thansta wDr. IH. Pru-AieyJ., wapse wyTHITUSDAY - 7A45 Pm.mus.En, ~'Graham i vi!be p1eased t sn trtavn uri g um eFbruary 6th,1965. Sponsored br ' 860 il teet, neeveteirfrQjends on th e R H. Turner and tNMortct The gates fmemry eyer Osýhawa Minor Softlfa1iI IRR LOSEILO onis nîer 0 occasion af theirt Sh Wedding ev.ecloseJUBfLEE PAVILION Clu ytm oorOtno - A174,ivem a2 auraP.Eîat nea Hmel6c-Evr emmtnelosuad OS HA A 30-tf Auîulii Phone 623-2006 HeinSE l7htrm t 5p , t 1h The famtiy of the !Ate James Peggy and ganIdsansi.- Ken, - ir,vvantea LVEBElI hoerF trh lrg iri c eaf-,h idney Puîce sh ita expreBob n Jm 6iTRiENsi T 'N A1 WNed1Feb. 14h1or 72305198EabRECE hidnss M ,Rahtersncr hnstaa-C- -l-c -tf EPonIEN23-5455. 6-tf wishes on , please. ý floraltnbteiisdonations ofmy ýndear husband AMan W. 5ALICU EVCAINIISALAN A. Puandpr iehn tthe Cancer Society and Cînyton, whn passed away TO 61palNACE 98r 441. 6-t Deth heir many nets o! kindness Febnuary 9th, 1970. T0 IN( 0 le e Meoiiseîitank aRev'Oaký-e Aricles for ZSa',leilesSO BILR BBYSTER eevct LDEJInladA0NSl Gn- lrAt er-ep,t 18 t Lliqt ncw l 0 allfor HOT-WATER children.1Phonoe 2-63 H~pîa, omavîl, nan a heGou anthi petatresih, o1ws B 8irat Mtmoa 91SKI-DOO, hîke -HETE j___ - Pnd Y, Pbruaýry v 2nid, 1973, 1assistance, 6fi pain,-HE TE Roeloje Hfsîn, agd 75 - W whoioverhlmsIdly mliss DepattlIinMr. 29 anda Pr al63-08 ~No payments or sixMmnts PRSAnrqurd byuir 1 [ak, belaveflwife (ftMeineliPîngre-1Cay I takenthîs hlm-Cali1 ta assîst rmanagr in serv-,icng madrrother of George, enth2ant yfaiy d- gi.- -- --H R EY r l±1Jf ra C'al callect72-9. yAlce, Mrs. Alce tives, fniends and neighbors-lay eemee by hisBW AVLEycm o ae alHn orES evc elr-62T L wjad the intî,e John, for their vstcards, Ifruit anid wîf May and family. 6- ((1 Vn o, sl a n 263-698. 6i M LE sudons 3vealerW ris emi hane, Ba- -ri1Homiltl. Aspecal TAVELCENTEE.and uMC r eMr,.Ci dejans restedýc at the flowers wîeIn Ohaa eni- 1__~j FE SIAÊ ve ahant îytebg 'd. ailChifLPehick6232313 985206Oroo ppes. L nssons free Cae t vile Srvcewas tîeil; athanks ta DQr. akwiz CU IR-nivng nmmy 47 King St. W, Bom-manville AT83fan0slefd ieiv'r egio Hal , T Ced Iry, 73 ag laatsi ef Mznýratha Clni.tianReo - Meroasîs and nurses on 40 f i al oar hsand, Nelson L. Poet29-tf or pm ;ad' Church on Monday at i1Floor. :G. Cauivier, whe passed away 62DI182 - 623-5933 - 623-710 AT cutemnpro&Umc o o'jck.ItretBwa- Walte7r T. Pînýgle. 6-1*Ypebr-uany l3tbl, 17.522"EETOOEcnoe Znt 42 eun Ie Ck et e low 6-i Lo1-41ng111nd Zen 1d62 aPaISlmhisnn. ServinuEge -day'm ____ I 6ud1lketaixpe-smy was, Far _the .tome of yurie TV, hike new. Phonoe 2-71 Ôl .epei nceprefre, i v I s! cr hnSt aml ad U pr-!it and ' ust ta the end came ta Bmrwn sCammunt - w' LOrw: ee.Apy nwiig nlds yrC !~TLottie pay-.At the fiends fan visits, cards end a! hîs ,days, Cenltre ORd Tývyme D.nce, Sa- AB crnge ecellent co-aain-ttsaFO oc _ C~mnîy asi tai, port, oer le 1emra Sneeand kîntiin heant ant qi dy c b. lOth, 8:3Opcm.pdîtion , 5.Phono987-4967."10 omni e - aI834 Pryon Thursday, Pbur Hsia.Tbanks to frineads mmnd, $150 rach. Wood' suOrhpes. - -t6iOSA Al, V R-IEcahe awr 1973,Loutt Ma-Ie h oo et aad talWie 5ati im4oyoMc.asbry M. cie (Pgu'a) dany 6'c 'teto osîti and y eîowiet chnd.,ad1nsruto. kIDOUBLE set O!flaundy tbOham ..fietns ek ~Heasiip)- Neseton; Ge -Rundfe. nursne nd staffof oent$ys ndy-Satuir- IJED uriuýro and Api ..Bx10 omni evive(Mr. Penel),Thrd 1or ad -Ry Dp.HUK I ovngnimormy day, Pcb. h - t(SYat- ncus.PaddysMANet.Hamp- IROTORS AITALLED6h Kemtvile Pa1in (ns.A.Ai, Br a. 6-i a! our brother Earl Jams, wight iRecreation &Cr, ton, 263-241. 2-t bbtt), Gare s Land0ngand wanast aa ebnuary Blackstock. Aduits 150Luir- --p_ ---- FVF- CO«oed AclalfWAEHOSE hehp requîned Public cnt. Tarnto: als nuvviiTefa ~o the late Loîh thcis d 1P9 7-1. j ents 1.00. Curtain timne 8.30.S'IUDEBAKER Searice. new pts. and »HMes Pme-wmed for five-day weck,81à hf s.a by fiour granH'dchid i Byrswîsh ta expresstei w yashave pnsdfil__ ___ -i ni sti prt.Gchms ay h ncefratacmet l-Wor72.shi Guranee- .1i,31, /o ;ho adrian'- "ràl srvice ai;tftle Chapel 0wfiads and neghb«rs for fioniWenone we lvtr NAî HE-cnodRAcln i rct iSV O oe ttsaFBox 190, Brlow- MO certt- Pancabaker, port a buedona2tins nimues- ascalod aHaA TV AthInI picune tbe, mnvul. - - Perry, oni'saturday, Pebruaysages cf ympathy ha au ru:e-God,5took hm' om- 2-383 Ponl Sr t33 .. Itretcent _beeae nt Thks twsHswi; 18 tdays -departing Mar. 10, ' 3ra.oabe PoeJ-* 2-12 ER AEN oston a FrfhrelgULormocatse 49tco heCna'atCmmsior9(i Sudny t h asme and1 6ocah tTravel Q YPLtdI ~dai'îiay, ohruan Sth,173tayfexpessmythe rt j tacto, neyr - seti;i hbidueinworch. Phono 263____-254 IH A 0 evc et ece Fr IN l~i.. Sst yea, elvei us- bas, Re. it Ho Pnsons, a dcriean hand , faothe r ntDO Br-g l o x 149 jj jir Phoi n e u63-20 -Newrtorn fiMUi e asha - ortie oatm cto AlWrite Ativer- filter atfthe 9Bo im , accesaniî, 4âhp.EvinudeF45-760.l-2 ser 39, o oThe Canadliana >Stddeaait, aîl _______________ ,00 b. il tahe- -Stsman, F0. B,iox , w irThe ork lcolnis et-a Dof Be sttyl , thnst (Mrs. Gardon EN .inlob m m« f m e x celle.nt n eon 98-9 ecaste. 46tMRSP NSB E coupe C nanitue uder o! O51ý - a kv Illr nt ! Pot Pnncdsia fraderfath ame l c e d Cxti the Cava9 lmine; Amai t condtion dualperanft canefor n (2 Construtin cand of e ol en j23-367leý,UFor Reh iIrn ý 0N LONA O-, n t elerhy gentemanfcenral _rU aIted te a Wn n.Co 'a~T O N IIO T RO~tp i o os eî~~~Shy$4 ot ý'y r fan,_PeerandsErv ic o fa is iy, aeihos nd icts watiYa emanie ast farrf 1'Î.w av 0.52 ilbemte o nint rdtee heclsasnsant_ý o ý- li d,îghtor.M) usdy, Pc. 15 Tînt fiagenddf0 e sapie als;nýnfý1 o frth ins ta afo ntetinuche xbîglu0.AV Y A TN R Teehne63-64-6iîn-efrth osto-o -fc f h Cnu orgaa"st"anti chair leader forathe c cnt my wîfe. sel haks taS K % tin im y a 3:30. Froc atimi. ion nti Z17itM1r62 I Toï bdom aatnnt ntdCuc: ec-lsn u RsvlHapkns, SBONE-Iunevngmmmarddînen. ickes aailalelfom Oono983-206or, jnan eI moÈ cfs.' Beet Cruamnha" dm antio!ar dean her , Bricali ,,EEen i s -Chai M ens Chimn_ It ls tosapnaisries n aii viable. Ad- "Pro1 ' r Rctor & Rt a ei 4 _______ r Aonsi, recas aW-hts o s , psse ti anay hemi cas oa Bn, D-T I n K a pe1ýri ,2h ytino ava labe Mrh 1 'f aI r elesaig qulf- A BdBn aa :o fiestteanti 3rndtiE , Ploos whle a b4u ry th, 196 . Ki b e etiri Cana an B hî a eqspei $ 2 ; li 6 3 72 4y6i rat ins anti sahn y expoctetijjý aid l AdmisionGreta Fermelia -- -_ - lai __ tai iDo ntphe, R.Rn 1, r otn n' ede rc sha i pTambbm. Rghathosee-who- --our hetcyon eor Dryes dPeas.6-' mhboy16' A PlUESTTMelsr longont. ?= cE/USE Thrage space, 6-1Teaf Betany on Pnidaymp Lrrb ruayhleiwdlth te haes. icv Bti lie -ýrs WOODVIEW woodshdrsouPhone 98484R..appxoxîmateîy 5,000osquar 197, rea obn a on Lel ochmarin 6 andSwtly, tenner, isfondeatiP OMMNIT CENRE 1otee. Pone . Rce,623260 at 1mather fîcîtiscail kîntis o UsetimPunai- shtr o Gldi (io.Hesv n nt wue n eai nh NEXT F- NDA, tre, AtqusaniAplane. WAbt noo aarme, ail F OR Mën é anagrw ume Rhe(n.BnDvtsn !foe s paîsettias antimar s, yau..nlw gnpevdrle.Fikt vial rIn93M c 160% 0 b rclon ,it, aidb-sy_-irec'ed(r.Rv ao e. unratC-Lvngy rmmeei b E ba m W YNE ST,26-241.26tf se, tenhl avn anfiige-, ,r-lside 19 Kia Stor I eere SSHWAoEDROM uie, cm- 160 2-54.6i Miteac oMaillont an, Cat eletfrvsis hrdtefly.61 igsite ,P9-pilee; hesen- NE etiromopartcnt -2t 1t97Make P;n a iner ioe AxîiyRb ah iitanwti ie Poe -4-91. -fltrre od ýld Cý,I UUT CN R e'. Phohe 63-1. 6- j e* 2Mh an, be grantimother truo -1 atieri cne. Vie wt; T at e deyoui fade of Cit.isofwhh oit ram, mi. a -m onthy haiag ncuedm-n1Pbirtfte o liqqa Ut.nion Cemetcry. sp6-i Amy Taitn-d Orharsw oamstboencs haioad 20 îowat- medate occupancy. C a 1h ~l'e amly ! te at Vi Bt weawcsnwyo slepng arto luga carir, si10 E S, ooti a rming PART TIME - DAYS... wma vile O fic rai Gîdeanr Bibl e ndcietv. T RARTRA'In ýle rTractor Sales King Street enieecneIf yureio ingfrafureo e 4i Pe HlbroKawarta ariod fsymah niNwyuca ri ih oeSundýay, Feb, i stve, fompgeanti aircodtin ntla on the groui flor.- themay ntso!kinaes n Cnaa!Accommnodationi HW'Y. No. 2COMMTIE cmoi-staîln ,immeratepas- N31merous management Po-,-N Pine Riose Doitt hwn taos in the oss o aFani e' cses paiti whiile 12NOON -7P..eissian. Wriýte Aietsr350, Sýi0Pnsopenîng Up, experiene oA pî ovngfther t an ntfter rian!TaltoTaxctieduet - c/o The Canadan Staesmn, prefemreti. Applicants musti EATHUNT peia haaks ta Rev. Smchibe! For applimcinani - Cm ecn SRIESEILToo Larguý e -owluatinat grveoAhianFaeri tiWW wit: abr at $50P.jeox19, ownaile.behoes atidependabie. Fimethen Rebekah Lotig, Shi-SFEYDPATVIN erýbruaf:rv eb nî1prhr6- Phone 623-4481 -Fe d 11, AMERST lb CW.0Balu Via-llaRstË16BWMANVILLEnavate, four ée d Hoeat h otr ni TRANS CANADA VMT.4"eeËnc 7860 iaci )r, !Romp naateprss uie 16 ATRMAou7 .MaFO-APOICMNT ng CaFeTV rlsoabemrona iInerview wîth D i i s o n s t , o w a n v i l i e L DnW N" URSES' RESIENCE lus danig tJE omso!bath aur or eau 468498 un O~O~jTRACTORs &EQj MET U, nes Dvelpe, 14MCDO 6-1 parenlts. si! so1 - 4 6.i .odation Wanted BOARD FOR EMPLOYEES ville area iequired îfronimbe lu ure. rates per five-day-weck t o:- ineer, 'ransp)rtation and Commiunîcatîorn, V, O Lta,- Ao. 51- I 15 Éc- wTihcGloreýd appliances, supezrior scundl fcntipll e etrances with itom. able TVý, isd parking for oneL car, et&, TE N DERPtS lFOR [FICATIONP1S TO) AN qG TR-iC-KLINGC FILTER ng SLftretWsBwavle Ontario vui tof moiý4fications t oian exr4îng trïCkling invillz SewgeTratrnent 1Plant. of the fillomring:. ispose of the existing stone filter media drain system. -w timber underdrain systern. ce new hls-4m ace la filter media. DîUtoumenits may 4ee- obtaed from the ie Consltig EgnerA üchare of 10.00 tachi set hihwill becrf tne othose ients and p lasi gpdcond Ito othe iltîng Errgînes itin th im ýîty (30' day-if ders. Cheqtieu shahbe, made paab?leta te~mncd not necessarily- be ae:ceptctd, nmissioa iýiu 1 ri rot r etfema Limîteti Toronto, Ontario M4P 1HF3 LLL ORARNGi ORGG TODAIt PITHOUT OLGTO IVILtLARD JHSO LARD REALTY INC. IEY to LOAN Suit'Your budget -d in, Privacy of Your Homme 1 ction tloo Smnallor ochrne 85 -6 68Q 45-t DEU-,AD0LINmE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:v30 p.m.