Rais $1 0O0 t Ecitig Skte-atho On Tuesay night embers ai the Vowles Ea'ý-gles J1uniorC'teStMay Coernent Jùvenes a 2n the(eregor Dug IMidgets tur- ne u n iuilfore b ratse tunds cith a Skate-A-Thon at the Arena, hybogtfinsaogwt then wh aeed s sores, îth250 laps of the ice osurc et as a maimum. In tali the pledso any wwhere fronle te 5c a ola aemepeetedte bing il- Pbeut $ilue Top. phooros som SKe of the pla3ye ndJnorCcac r Remc hoalsb en hedstneTr. fth ttatiese.rsaper. the ~~c noe poo dbl ck Fre Reeats In Drigo ýVO-1i-:-LUME 1 '19 16 Pages BOWMANVlLLE~ ONTARTO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1971 15~ Per Copy Th tomavlePlcUtlite Cmmssio ha ecmne mprovements in etlgtn Stn e BmavL hih l ot an tmtd 3, in 19731 reascomn ec uo ng u e t SU ggR dsrtn atMi East, sringlat S Mp so c eLae rdb tcw dg ta tn and goîng starau te tnn toC -Wnlmtwa aie eo- liit , ela iet eddfrirrvd re S tre t asfa sth ot ow ihi liit, ot tee ecios ilTcsreti i nara e et driving offenee, o mpsn longer tirivin.g lcncJ use Siens. Jutige ,Baxter aSbat courts were justifLeti n tkin ao nglokatitrten Counici! SU UMBE1,8r ,',f nnua[ Pancake Supper. ttracts 200 Patrons their annual arcae uperonSaturday t heS.1 vation Armyl, and the ' fryigpans were wokin seo hard that a fuebelaing- the place i ei Maarnss t or abolt le miutese. aore InanpuUattenAl Crown Atorneab c ofireyunn paycgissaun. cmst [l k"pimine rs coff the rs ed dricoug charges awan sý beoe te lgsato, i, B w anFl a er I -,1 , Bonncasie siti rauousfn'cior atJi !flflorts Resolution Seeking Provi 'ci 1a' Grant s Ti tirait Tom "mai te p A 289 year old Quehec man vwas Lilied ifa aithreesev car accidetdnt atan )PP rabokonHg y4 01pra ner Nwtnileon Mondayatenon euryni Che flang iwreckage of a cardnMen by;Aibent t llordte T roadbock. TURNTO PAE TWO PrL liC-- PVU ut utîce. e recolation whi h was cd by tic Gleacceten ashîp Council, saiti. tiat uicipalities are calicti apon ravide normal municipal ces ta provîncially awncd I rcform anti correction- stitutions while reccivir g nancial contributions from provîncc with respect te preperties," c Gloucester Townsiip utien wifl lie forwartied axante 'ta petition tic lace ai Ontania ta amenti ageti bsaîrsor M niayrlgt viciol ~~~~l~~ pouastret n B i mcw tic s temns a-ve hg wreb o dsvg. cliin ntioccreceer,",r, 93I ubncs asau i,3daese Ticeweksag, eii]wee nvstga pose ic Ti1wekyaitrulatetitccmlit,3crtca ~cat hnseanthesam lil cwîst e etacImetai ostcal li ii 2 agru xvi tec Kn* Cocsson 4 laDanlCm-!OtaeM P rovi 'lai olc a mae vaceacint î-atii isngprnivei Ionnia ais raagei byfix. j ~--~--- vetîgteti n ihli 12par gaton. Oaa occurene i ~oth elorgte PtriciWhit FILLNG PO HOLS ion saf ene leroal ný,u , lv ýheti tc xcovry t,:Si êf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s B'wranii.Fie mrini tl i ntimea" rsatfîe eýos roe 2y psathr .aso Very utile tinancial lacs I tempe arclachie op ec cagt wt iiigrprta eni eet l~îon, n te aphatedstrets wifaldamge oî'plants 4 TURN TO PAGE TWAO) F. .10. Pesens 75h Aniverarv choIa',sh s Feeatt Wnic' l-iayA l MAdn e e od is iuaMLnhî Collge ironsulyart1Ce-plc nusi rsoietCadi yccar, riasantla wsous .ra.lg ee75i -nva- Emigme a'r~, 1Stda, CMIissJaie Crwý id cs mies B an Ontaria înist acter ai oe phontmo c Fire.-Departmcnt buildling for!mu an ne esiate hs eudgivenon the qantity ô mple syrupw hemn fte avainAry did the cnokg and teyun ilsatd switess ne capable iuPervisneof orgencze, rgry atettinYuthe aboe hphoo ebrnAAs- cunn p h i. ture hile hef ecil ibinplace thefînsed rd netso Vlt o id dm edlvr weekpu onetwfreaam bic Meeting F, i tf ingCosulPael heco su ,i Boran len Tona s nMotia, eb.thme'n tht0w PP Saf Segean bopi~. ieew l n pemub a arena and l ge Y cremeigo oniy .lt hé Povhie," - rope 1cranti-e 5 $,00 Bý lire îr le iltionSepeip bansd i okigfer tudent reetuit next Tuesday evenng ai 7M3, swhere youn emide prcesa ivsontdi îcul puros, excpi foî th îîeighber.. hlckey scasoný, tÎp4 oisaefnll thni Gregor Drug Midgete arein Port Hope. BMOI will play the econd gamesl heeuonSatuday Withthe Juvs at 7:00 nudtcuMitget saI9:00% Threeare betoftrc snes Ter helG e Somne eclethce noaesa~din fJe next flewmekIcdnal ieStrafi NppOrs hat-pmavns mohers Àaneates courean» youngsymoler s crwl iieon ous gai rhuis éwed t t osr-cup r oitoi te NO HORN MYEsiesvowhl rane au;theracous Klaxon fiereh e othe Fine CurAthbuilding o ChurSreet w, ieusbe dlihvetithoe tî nt i lng bgaemmeshvebe sabildJaiehr wayunassîl ne sste elasnionk otiras ell as xpAti% oslonrSiauhoe neary b nus fearsome -sou s Asnti lwl aei oreildumfemua:fo the fEdoe cvetefines!tînt eur uless arnaneinents canU ha estalisetUwhthpeoFie, Dp ret te phoe wan a blazeraccune, n atergoseason Pheacidhaventhose lid lundiesý aou ote orb crly Iofa> ule mring., ii-a pLroui trasurer antii posa ~ p spa oîae tat hai Tancrk Jc wMcory n-l pucetuithCou-L et oldngî gCvrnmet pAs anti wîi Rhae aeane t Bvilthi ot nonson trisue cbfor Couaciprepars tbeiurgi t ah Mciteo egi!awev nrt-, O unidw l tCouncRIEChaMsa tUcneAw M ucaluigton Churmm Sreat.30 pAmson la pe iol oue iln protets fom te cilzJ; aboy a inlisnetoffice asrile blnstij uieîle 3-mn OPJ Newmecastlestation.eWilso ook avec the posiis i fr Lau Swrnghmrner oi FA eb t I,7,StaffS gtWilson lad bePas scgiietice thueyPrsotri OF t ationfor tàrca yaars prerntenlis appainmane in Nwce Hau 1$ý oigrirlCri Geogeewn, One, is mnca oanti lau fOUr ciliran, tousci aisbm are stii anomme., sac tiew Area upsanyînetatin ant lii ery, a wae lete-unieker;Wllbu attaclati n;future year4-, Beiînti:Mn, iggon ipse1a rpet ouvatnsnain ln urns! mlierne lates.An estilaesti9500 plates ilb moid ho Bowmanvill tus yar but,'s eaiMFeb, si on 200ldbeenprcaed hapicsfo le 197luplate É i&gu iden mp, odal. Tus4a iccer jptes ar reieti forAS neo bls aunti co el ar set Man lý