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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1973, p. 4

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4 The,, Canadiian StFsaBw avle !eb 7, 1975 Eý-DUTORIÂL COMMENT LEt', Ke Powder Dry (From ,nThe Oshuwa Times) Are youistnnMayor Jamner Potticary? The Canad3ian Statesm-ra, Bowmnlle - usatlly So sedate and consrvativ,-e -- ot tcrigger happy the ote ndyin uedtral aelled "Let's Plyit Very Cooil, Ohwa.Whn the s-hrootingvwa;s o)v(er- if wasn't difficult to tell who the tucviian as in the wmeekly's book. AMayor "Jii" vap Uhe prnime taret butnone of the elected ai cityhallcameoffwei The tatemansaid it wvas happy soetim-e aowhnit heard Oshawa wa lkeyto be Tnamed (1headquarters fo-r thie uew reion. But nowi it's begin. Osaa tno supc, wants to takc overa enllaer without consuit. ing ay neihborn unicipalities. Aud ta ist ail, I. t feaïrs Oshawa has becone ove-aggcssiv audthat soorm jitwillbt usigsmlenuicipalities arounid. If thi happents, it adds chaos wvouid resuit, Each muiceipality wonulcl try to hue p suportfor its oxlself isit ineet.The haite-Qsh]lawa camlpaigr Vvo0uid 1b(ý oacerated beyýeonid reason. Th-e Statlesnt rie t sounid reas- onabe i this instance, buit it onl1Y Suc- cedspatill. ts soeasy today -!r theheaed hetricof thie regional gov. erumet arna -for visions, to get blur. redandblaantparochia1ism to ,run ramipant. ThieStatesmian is unduly harsh * wîh Maor "im"and automatically places to many muicipal sins on his doorste. The ltter, as a ehief magis- tra, h rely had)é timec to dip hig tocs in the reglonal pool. W'e didn't scec anting sciiser, as dIlsTheStatuesmnin his recnt act ol presenting Fa brief to Premier Davis supporting the city's cdaim for consid- eration as the headquIarters site It was his duty toiplace thecity's position offically on the record. It wuid be iioiet seriouisly 1try I by Alex 0 ýfMERESTRUCTUEJNG OrF LOCAL GOVERNMAENT silice the oeinn f civîlizý7ationl" mnen anid womnen who grouped them- selves toge-ther inu commnunitiesý, have bDe ri facecl t mP roblemerns-f seigsolutions, t'hey have been han., dicaped y inoraceprejuidice, apa- thniisujnderstandinJýg andpachaim 0'f thiese humnfiurmsudr standig is perhaps the greatest handi.. cze% Hiie cnsdr Yin fthe proposa] by the Ôntaro gvrm for a re- stnii,.cturfring of localt government in the lnci apprere&'i is ýthe opsiinto theink iwith Osh. awaaud wthten membl-ers on the pro- po ed Region-al Cu qclnd fthe inf luj- ence of that clt-y on the area. Actuall.]y the objective of the proposalisi- to pr-- vent such ata t idevýelo g Thne pla,- J nis t surrouýnd Metro T1-or oDnto with regm2oualgvemettop- vent the>i urban spal whlichb asrsu- einthe undesiable developmnent pres- entî eneloingcommtrnities ln the nowfomedorbe'ing formred w'est, norh, nd astof.Metro, andc sepanratedi from hat ig ciy bygreehbelts will preeuttheindscnminteusecof good agriultual lnd awd ie h gro',th of ant~rLas ýAugeles o)n tihe shores of Lake fOutario. The ur1,-prwlisoccnuin tnot frmtire nrtrbu ather east frn Mero, audl-, orcjer to r) levenitPr becoing art f Ohawa a nd the grow.. and tire (CoourgPport Honpe areca. Tir popoaiis vto retairt1 afDar- ligoClarke Tonsvhip, and the- and uralparway t hi te presýent urba sprwl,~nd reseve ome of thr best frm land lu Ontarlo fromt spiecu- lative dvlpr who are araymov- to defe-nd the oýfficia attueof Vie ýs1971-72 city coul iÎln, i;s eal-ings wi-Vtht ineighborinig mdcpaiis i Ith i dsphiere. it wsunduly tough,absie s hort-sghted, andi helped to discotirage- smeainrgfuil dialogue. Weeptimistc about onetphng Mayor Pttcay illdasialyalter thssituatioû, estalish better relations, with theP city's mnuicipalI neighbors; but he won't be able to do this if somne critics keep shooting at bimi indiscrim- Yinaptely. Wýe don-'t seriously bele e h has contacted the dreaded "HIogtown disease." So let's put our ,,hootinjg,,irons- aside at least for the present. Wiho knows, perhap-.s we wonr't need them art il if everyone (înicludinig The taema) triesito keep their powder dry. EditOrS note: VWe arpreciate the vourtesy of thue above reply to our eb tonral of last wee-k, even Iithoghi it isý somewhat paternialiti in tone'We also arï.le ell aquintd ith MýAyor 'Pot- tiar' fine qualities and feelc rtýain that he and his council Cill do their utniost to exýtenid their fullest co-oýpera-, tion to their probable colleagues iný regional governmnent. T7he editorialws a rather pert-in- e ent suggestion, we thought, that, attis tire, when feelings aginst the Oshwa- hcentred region aippear to be running yhigh ini certain sections, a bit of res- straint might ,vell be advisable, instead ;-of a top, front page story Wh the head- S lne that "Oshawa Wants to be Regioni Centre -- In ýa Big Wa-! DBut we a h ardiybManie the mayor for the heA- ] ine,. We are pleased to report that our Sfiens in the east end of theprooedr region did int react as wve expectedi, Sthey would, probably becaume they still n hoipe teycan persuade the cOntlario govcrnmcent to exelude them from this yregion. ~rruhersM.P.P. to wirat is ýaiready hpe in lCtie ruiral areas ,iirrouncling Part Hlope ande Cobourg. Growtir will take place wbetirr w isl or not. From Chica-go on the west' to Montreal ou bbheet tire Great Lakes basinr with Af advantages of %saler navigatonbs A airudance of wmater for services and pollution con- trol Atsready accesetoY markef; and its acssiiility tarei uce ljd! tn, to becomne theindusria nd commer- cialirheartof tire Nor-tfir mn cncn- t inent, Let us make sure it develops lu an ornly mauner. If we are ta protccb Port H1opneand Caouolrg firom tire easbward sýpr-aw-l, if we are ta preserve tihe excelent agri- cusurat lnde of tearea, t-hen thoce - ulnicipalibles ,formiug thre grecpenit muet ire compensated for tire lbe of -pobential inidustniai aîsse-smen- rt, Tinis caui ony ire accomýphisired tirrouigirfln- -anial asistance resuing partiy from *the increased wecalth generated in tire growbir regi of Oshrawa and Bowmlau- vile on tire West and Port Hope and -Cobourg onitire eaeb. Tirezalternative Ïle tire unfortunate situation we find. in tie omunities on tire western bord- ers of Mletro. * l~gionl ietructuring a oclgov- errninet may ire siifferi-ng to a de-gree from growng pains in sonie presenbiy,, establisired regions, but tirese difficul- tics nul ire overcome and are insigni- fiant when examnined iuntire ligit of (bef er plannig -on a opder eae;tire preserc vatin of green espafce aid f m lard; tire cori af growh; tirecif- ination of compebiion amo-ng urunici- jpalities for uu @ri ! ndcoe)prcial asseemnt; tire chea1per finanlcing or sevcsand tire contrai, of pollution. Modeorate tax iikes àinnue aneas Mray ire neceSsary, but tire p ilenot too hiir lwhie wecnidrtire dire jorsuits if we dJon't, Aledloa mucir time iras been iosb. Let uis plan and work *for a betten communiby. A lt Daytona Beach, a steaui car reacired 128 mcph - . in 1906! Thins-was a record tint etood for 15 years, says tirte Ontario Safety League. luIhn camne year, 1906, a Cadiilac --Model -M sold for$90 a Fard Model K sold for $2 ,)0 0. m1 EDIT OP,-Pu-7 xasY5jj-n Duiham Ctauuty'a Greaî Fcrmily Journal Thre Bowmainville Nevs The Nawcastie Indeipenident Tire Orcio Naws Se-cond dcemail rgetainumber 1561 Prodîiiced every Weîdnes,-day by "HE JAMIfES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED) 62 -U 8 int SI. W onil, Ontarirj GEIO. P. MORRIS PATRICK cGOUfLTD (£ Bunzuss MGr. ý SALFES MANAGER pliont C23-3303 DONALD )BISHOP PLANT MCa., co~t nd/or properily riclitessbstet ithe image nppearinq on tus pon.peratssicn tii r ýlrdue pwbole o- liipart C'nd it ii ay orre wiatsoever, particularly by 1p.iotoaqnophir or offset pOec'z' u1% a pujbutn:OtionI,,, m e ioined ho r ttthe puitesher ord the prnittr. Any -iruouhonzedý rerdutonwil l be subject b recourse ini tw."l $7,0 azyear - 6 mnnhs $4,00 $9.0 a Year -.-n the United States strictly in ,jdiarce lfhlough everyg prenoutonwj]l betaet, cviderrThe, mrtgSoemn cet dets 1n- in ttS clu or lithi, understondtng fiat it wil$ flot hli able for amy erras i amyadetem Pubuiniied hereundEx 'nlesn a proou of sunh advertisenîte srequlested iii wuttng by the advertiser an eundto The DCa-nadinsttesrean business officedlv iqned by tii nvetielod iti h rrror crr9taspIi lIted i i n ,itîngtierel i md i that Ca e ifany erras orote', te not rrr b-Y Tlb.Canodtop Sttesrmcn ifs ibi)îty eiU ot exceed s i oportio'ln t îbtib entr70-Z of e~h ovensenntas lb, epace ocupied by tii. noted errer benne te tii.wboe pore orrupied by eurioveteeet 111~E C/4i o PICKR/46'-- WIfVZF-.,PC/VDE 70 Oif l n the Ediflor's MailI Jaaury 22, 1973. CANADA' PENSION PLAN Bownrnvhie CanadinStam an" Sir: Oaa sboj'uid výalue t rutir ,roi-aysore a n tre re odls f lbow rudaely lb mnay be greeted iry othierg (incuding Govemameats). Considenable ruth tabout ftie Canada Persion Plan appe'areýd receafly un11der bbc baig"New CahLkl an Pension Isu"by PHarold Greer a Toronfo correpn- dent. A few of Mc, Greer's ac- curate ranmrks ment pcm- phaýsis bhy repefithon 'for your readcrs, as follawîvýs: 'The main torus f a b Oarpargument is tint if tire plan ms cbanged... from bbc plaa's iavesfmenf fund (ailt ept Queber wýhicb operates ifs a, wn Pen- sion Pbogrm> wU iifnd bc fund exbausbd la a ruetve- 1), short tm, "Tire Canada Pensi Wtdduvd froil-Y ce aadn mloe contrýibu- tions bas beç-om(e a mai or sourceaIPrvicil ionc lig". "'Offario), for eapa is barrowing $550ADIA,00 tins fical year foni tira fund. . - 'C..ThirFderl Gavera- ment confercded that tire pro- 15 YEARS AGO Thunsay, Feu. l9th1948 Tirel'atepayerns fN - caet e decided birat Womcn sr Bev\eragýe Rom wul say la their villag e att ir c4- flan, Wdesn.Theaictu- ai iguesarc: Dy 3 W c fc2735.y ,sP o ile balotýs 3 . 85 pei r en aI bbcvotrs tumaiicd ouf. Tiradrs aileti ta get bo-siord me bcvota. Murs Fank Hoopr, matir- er aI"Sony"wbo p!;ays for, fie Osawa jr. B'i Wa bllht bya hockey stick wicb mahsed a hig gnase egg an bepr forcbcadi. Snysar ment wif h ToroatoMae Leafsiras hMenrewcnd for anonther ycar. County Coes ay Court- ire beled ifs firsfso (cýi lh ie s~alon Jan. '29 whbh Babe, and Wlt BownJean anid WValace TMuaday,Hlen and Sim Van Camp, tire comnmit- tee inchre Ke%-nefb C. Cm'agg, sno Globeand ai,Tarnt o, died in tireprssgaierry, Hosni'CmoOftLawa, Stiniccn w r ý 1 ibh1 ircaîf atck in'Pbc Pare ,ashis-mother, ily was borai an.Also Ieae o tire Pas(ýcS 'he fie area, O.L.'.,Whihyvisited bler Garcr L. Wagar, belav- cdbanchr aof BUHS., passcd awaylais o Rd year af bis homre on CentreP Streeýt on Feir. 12%b Showing af tire Rayai Theeon Monday and TuayJonCrawfDordand John Garpid im Humor- esque plus Fox late new and a fechaicolor carnoon. Mr. nd rs J. Poalf on, wîl ire af ýt borne Lota bir friends on Saturdcay, 3-5 an', 7-9 on tbc occasion af ticir golden wedding. Tikets for B.H.S. At Home WenesayFeir, 2 1-nay be abtained fromaJn Lufrnain, HinsBelima onr af tire oficeaIS. R Jamers and D. A. Mý,cGrego-. Nigbt j anitocrrquired.I Mut ire tictir boanesb andr psdPensioni changes woufld StIileave substa;nnta sumns availaleý- in the fundic for, Proivincialborwn for the next .15 to 2'5 years". "Ac- tions . under the propos- ed Federal Plan, the fund wili peak in 1980, and cx- haustin AUllocur in 2007" "The fuind is iuseful. , oniy so long as Provinci "dras" eceedProvincial repayments , " The currnt, hushied, argu nrt between Federal and ProvincialGoen ns ab.rout spIiinlg an annu11-al billion dollars ofrotiu tions colhe quite anl eye- opener for, those Can1adians who were takren in by prppa- ganda, sice195, that saîdr the Canada Penion Pln Wasdeveopedtoprovide penrlons. Houpeliully, forMr.Gee' sake, vhe truth that the Can- ada Peinsin lnwasdesign cd to roduce maýssive Gv ernment revenue,, vbout callng it; "Taxes , 1 nnoW accepale. an intant loud roar from head" Wialter Gordon, Judy Lmaarh, etc.,immediatly got tuOe oiiaxes Swing- in~plingg "!Ie may' bave Kld the truth, but hie had n riçinght ùto1c dO ~". Now; 49 VCES AGcO ThursdayImbm I4,1924 Town anclmiabs on H-igh Street,rfcrda Waters Commibteat reotPoo)l Hllownr pcftioncd caunc(il bo have liecsreduccd per Itl. Prinipa W.J. ,Mrrîon iskC'd forigrn a $30)n bebali nI Pubjic Limamy Rcv. 1D.,W.,1est akedfor gran 0f 500on biafo laws pappoinfiag tw f fiiiswere paýssed as 1fol- laws Ton ClrkJohn Ly--e, J.P., $,0;Towni Treasrer,1. R. Jollaw, $800: A'ssessar. F. B, Whit- lng, $25; Tax Collecto, Rd. Jaris,$30; Ciief Can1stabLe R'd. Jarvis s950: Nighf CasalWaler Hal, 95; Hoffel, $1,200.ý J Among tir huf afth Bray wddinig on Feh. 91,1 ,idiutNon-xvoad Plac , home cof bc rîei anf Mr. adMs .A otr Dr. nill, -e eDr. Wilfîd RudieMissGrac ia , Ciss QucnieHoutan r.Mahe . ray csand D'r. and Mrs. HnyW. Fosf cm. TymoneS c boa Reprt lass V, Fred Goodmnan, Moc) Hooper, Katirîcen Gibbs; Sm. IIV, LeainMoare, BugsAthu-r Ricirds; Sm. IIIAnaleGardner, laorTIronpsýon, Ivan, Siniitir. Jr, II, EnlGood)- [1mnClarcelm Goadman. T,IoeCaeo, milFe Clamenp1ce HîatIrcmly, "Carson Keclr. Sa. L Itme Annis, Mahbel L. Wigt, techer. A Ilarge numbero)f ladie1,0Us' p or ch dresses froin $1,00 fa 2.5-Coucir, Johanston aand C.G.I.. Socil andPro- grm, Tueday, Fec.lMi, Mcbedisf Sunday Scirool Roorn. Pr-ogram consists a pinrese" a'-nd ohrlfrr grain15< nnunlmumSo- in other 1haids, toeae unar stili swîgng-. 'jours truly, Jonr Kroeker, B. ComF.S.A., A.C,ýA.S.) PORT HO0PE BARRISTER REPLIES TO M.P.P. Februt'ary 1, l'""r Alex Carruthers, Esq., R. R'.,1, Campbcllcroff, Ontaria. Dear Sir: Ib is- wilir pleasure that 11 reply ta your letFf cm o Mr. McCormack, Editor, Port Hope Evening Guide. Firsf of ail I wis in tpoint oufn fthnequota la your latte,ithougir accuraf a ha itsecf, was made iha1a brief f0 representaflivas of bbc Liberal Party con JanuLary 18 n bhaif of Citizens,' JInput. Tecbnically therfore, you sbouid bave requcsted sub- stanfiafionl or refraction by Chhzns lput andi not My- self persoal. Tire facts upon wbicir bbc stabemnentl was madle are bbc folloming: 1, As our Provïincial Mm ber of Parliament your first duty, as you ;o Wcll nw is f0 acfin haebcbutf infeste of your consfituents fo an- sure that their righte are adequafely rcpresedet Queeni's Park. This dHuty branscenids tfradifionaipat ines. Over a perîod of 14 years as ,M.P.P. for. tbis area l arn sure ,you havealay endeavorad fa discirarge this duty diligentl[Y. Ciiensý' Japuf dace nlof question y0ur over-ali record ex(capt la re- gard f ePro0vincial GC-,eerinenit s announcament on I3ecembr 18,1972 Prior fa bbc announcemlent Iof bbc Oshawa regonal gov- aninent on Decemiber 1, I 197 you unearcwahl awara of nhe fcftacet je only no tohe Unitecd Couatires wb%,icir herefofor had been includcd hn an Oshawa reg- honal goveramer ýeawrat[ire Towýýnshh ps of Carbwrit and Dringbnicludhng bbc Trown 1of Bowrnanville, bbc Paterson Proposai, OAPADS. Fuithermore, ail bbc ofier studies and reports w7lhthebb ~xeto f asecond report comisiand y bcdoe mriftedlv ws iaseldon limiit- cd studiesconciud dbiat tbc Port 1Hope-Cobhourg areaý conisbifubed aeno- ana and and should unot ha aignedi wit h an 0Osbawa regioni govemameatparfhcularly since bbe T.C.R. report had dsigniaed bbc Port Hope- Cobourg area as a growtbi centre after 1980. If is therforeaccurabe fa say that if niicipal reformi was siaf cd for this area, wVhhch no anc deaies is nec- cssary, if ivas fbbc general concensus thtit l w going fa fake place only afllcr act- iva consultation wif b local mounicipal r e pr eps tafivps and resýidenlts anid cerf ainly nlot befoote cPolitical and TciclTask Forces, es- fablislircd ila Augusf 19,72, hald d mwn )ptheir eprt and subnissons. ThpeeTaski Fours had been given unil, April 1974 tfa make their reportÎ. The keýy fa) bbc Pt-roincial Govaninntspolhcyinhaes- fahiibîng regionial gavera- suans bas always basa staf- c:-d as anc of prior consuif a- thnlWhth local representa- ives and residents. An(, yet thre December 18 announce- ment clearly dcmnsbrabed'ç thafthile Prýovincial Gavera- mrent no longer subscrhbed f0 ifs owa policy. You have sfresscd bbc fact thae bweu "nsme22 muni- cipalibie-s wr avl ,if wxas imposible for you ta "dibsclosa bbc def ails oaIlbbc prpsiproio fo bbca'hove date p(Decembher 18)". W'e apprciae yurdifcty buit dthaf was not and is not J'Icepointl. The point was andic is thaft yaur duby fa your conts- ucnlfs was f0 nsue1fhei iinteesf s and at bbctheProx'- incil Govemnrnent's trcts werc mnade lknn faQueea's Pr.As I bavec sbated, poli- t"il aiafriliatlinidoes noilas- sen 1youlr prima rcosponsibility ta ynur connstiue](nts, Ycf bbcp silihtstopporfunity ta Par-. I o o ko wh-at pres- surespou were subjected fal f0 agrete bcposi.You have sfated that you mian- aged f0 convice tCe Cov- caetfaexcide ost 0f Manvers Towns id a1.t of Cavan Townsh4p. Suireiy, however, if wAs your duty to clearly indicate thaf you werc not preparicd fa accepb the regional plan uintîl bbc Goverament had consultcd. If affer consulta- tion, bhc decision fo iniclude bbc buýlk of bbc United Couat- tics stili sfuood, at least y ou couid rest assuiVcd thalt your consfituents had tbc oppor- fnty osugs chne prior fa an -announcementi, We ïsuggest fa you that if' tireGormefwsnwi' inmgt facaeptyorsbs- sions fa onsj1uit fir-st befre announcig a regi na ln, thenAas bbc M . h-fortira ai'ea and in tireCin eeto your cnsita t "'if was your ddy f0 bring it ouf lan the open, 2. Tire Februry , d (endC-. ABOUT ZOMBIES, TEETH, AND BLACK FEET Sôme random shots and:ehai!ts in we.Today we were missing some,400f students, from. amonig 1400 at seirool. TbabL'sabu double for tins tîmre iof Year. it's tire ' 1u 've neyer ceeu tso manym kids and beacirers dragging around as thougir biey were nat long for- tis Croaing swatig, uligmay in Colon', birey are like sQ) many zombies. Wiry doni't they il staylu mbcd? Well, I have a t ue1r aou1ttint. Bcd;is on- ing, uneeYou ae ai-( d luslee(ping, or came otirer lesra occupation. and I can' aid tire feeling inthtie cruel moir of Fe-bruairy1, is tireloia time ifor lb oýrableC,'but miorfaýl Lnmievsice is a i.As a lteenag, i Eîre mteeir hed tirh sse nof cheese,evy visitwa atrauimabie xeiuecrw io tire chair, wisin[g tire denbtisb would have a hearb-abtack or somiefiing before you- did. Clutcir tire arme lur, a deatir- grip. Open tire muir and peaeto render uip youir coul. Muý"titer "Aggir. ulg" slire isked sbuipid quest ionis about whab raeyoui wce rl tis ,vear. My attitude ta tiire man i i)lu tire wiite coat didn'b change luiiitiresevieJust b 1or Iws sirpped ae 1a, d1 miliag 1inancaffeimnon. No aaei- tic.Tiremani wio ddm filled irl sixcu n, tirntfe d mny ek Ille tespos inlgad trehe rb less swine echnin ests wifir tire nuiýse a îs 1I i tireequiverýing like a brout just pulled out a« tlire r It's no so id 'wifi ie ncwý, "an less" drille.Bult itere in't mucir ta work onl anlymare. Ibrakqapiece oFff' a totrgob ire deni b -and whmnore, "Couidn'b you jstbil in p n more ime,Do" It's rat irerl.ike h'anini1g a man a cinigle brik,,mad askg l o coul- struef a higir-nise % iilb. Howevcr, young ,,Janie imioad of Meaford thinirs dentit re pretyf;ine feiw.Sireiras won a pnize an-d a plqefrom them for a poster.,chosen tire 'Pest for Déntal Heaitir Week. Janie dcsined ireposter lu ra 'iide -5, andi she's niow -oniy twclve. Anýd came ta o> tirna identisbs deserve a decent iving and sicame rc- ogaion. 'Tiiey are mm i'morintret in in you-mr teetil t1ýiranpulingtiem Andâ any im-an who epenqxds a lot of time Uine Io-, brief youhave stat- ed was considered aeut time to allow YOUF conistit- ueats to respond to the Oshi- awa regional governm-ent. Citizens' Input amongst oth- ers bas always been of the opinion bhat this cut-off date was ton short, Wýhy? Because there was no prior consulta- tion. In the context of the state- ment made to Liberal Party repesetatvesonJnar 18 thec suspicion was that the Provincial Goveroiment in- tcnded to proceed xith its plans regardless. This sus- picion bas now been con- firmed. The fact is that since you originally considered the February 28 deadline ade- quate it appears to us that it' is somewhat difficuitf or you to now take anothecr stand notwithstandînig the fact that a very substiantial numbe,ýr of yourcoastituents includling local municipal representatives have publicly endorý'sed[ and requested an 3. Prior JO the statemnent of Janluar'y 18, you conisistently avoidedi making aniy public statemient ofwbreyou Stood fin relation to the Osh- axva reional pa.You knwyou could caIl a pr-ess confer'encef or a public m-eet- ing inoimake a statpeent andc yet, youl did not do so.Yo attendd cithe'Citizens' input meein 1o .Tnury12, aind (i',c et oudidno take the opprtuityto express your thuhsor eveýn ask' a ques- tin. Wby? OnModJaur 12 you were the gucst speaker at the Port Hope Rotary Club dinnepr at which %ou stated "I arn not in ;a posi- tion to judge whetber thle proposais are rigbt or wrong. Thycertainly a;ýre coing io ireqire soieni0mdificaitions". Inviw f ,youri-prior knoi,)ýer1geof bbc ec be 18q proposýai, surely you lbad an1 opIportunlity 'to for-nisaille sort ofjiopinion. Certaily Yourcostiuetshave forin- cd opinionsg. The(se_ are the factsi upon wbich the statemient, f0 wbih ou object, was made. Yours very trul *y, Roger N. Carr. MNAND» REOUirCýS Ontario Commrittee, P.O. Box -223, anry31, 1973 1973 isMan ;andRsore Year deeaeto teMnand RsrcsCnfe'-rence, 1 in- vîiteyo oiltake part in tht' next 1phase of this progri-n at, the Man, and Resour-ces By Bi ,Smiley lôoking info imoubirs like mine can'1ý ire aill md. And au Ou)tania reader wiohaî1 from Wrexham, Nortir Wai]es, rt after I "inniocd that town in a !,rc eut coluimu. I spent a dreary wvintr firere durinîg bcSae EwadJJoues. wanbs ta know if 1 wich any aid cun- tacts iookéed up or- have aniyancoe for tire Wrexiarn Leader Please, Mn. Joues. -I.arniapil Imarried man. Auy old cntacts w ýould3 ire -ticyout of itiepcur.As-,for anre(.cdotes . , -wcll You mit mh nention bbcn igit !he; tion of figirer pilots, !because aiof og, We wePre so overjoy-ed, lbh istrucriSý and sdntfiat' quite a celebmatictu developcd lb begnmwiti r upn emptY PISr becrmugsabtfirc dock en tiemate. Wihrn we rau ouf of iri ad cock, anobirer game began. Tues wae au nicd R...favorite. Tir ero takes oiffschocs andsaks lies down ouniris baek and irlackens the 1soles of his feet luhir coid fieplace, . He tien mnakes footprnts uip tde wall, 1as higir as ie eau reacli 1-e blac1kensý feet again, gets, ip ou a chair and makes,. furtier footprinits, higier up. Tis con- tinuies ujîf il iele heid up ta tire ceiling by' came mates standig atap a table, Whnit'S finisired, lb loake exactly a% birougi som-eone iras taken a ru atftr Wal, gone night tnp Wacrs tire ce&i ing anld down itire ofir i. L was iîamlou.W% tapecd tins off- with a game of ruger lu tirenme. And by ti rne dtueneded, Hf was a mqàsý For- came reaontic C.O. uns nA amiused, wien ire suveyd tire msun, tiramorning.Sunly old cot. ncat. about twntyor us feu qutid cacir Lo ne- deconabe tire officers' mYeýs, Ah Adean.No dnste'daui flagratan ndahiei d cock tie fax"'. payer for tire damages.hiaPime <aye, l ashigi spirits. and vwe paid tic siot ourcelves. Or, Mni. Jonces, yau nmîgit mntionir fiat VWrcxiam md one Alticaps t irc-' key teninsis a ngan. ewere aboutL eigify pecr cent Canadian, witi severai hockey players of Jr. eAcalire.Our auO nlshan , md lived lui au ada and loved tire ganie. W vnee game, exý:epbtirhe crucial mest onie. Our goalie biithtie ice wViti about twelve pints ai bitter lu hlm. He was aubtstaud- in.Every UmnetIrle oppcing tecnr chat; lic'd stop 1two YofpcMmre pucksire saw, buit rmis fe tirrd. Score. 4-2 And a happy Valecniiuc'sDa and Sice, Distanit Past Froin the Statesman Files CommniyMeeting auî Date: Monda , e.?,3'73l Trne: î8:00 Pa. Location: Durham Cllge Simncoe N., Oshawa, Ontarin If you have b-een follow- ing the progress of iVian and Resources, you will ki)ow-, that it is an ambitinuýsan exciting attempt on behatf of the Canadian Counci of Resources and Environmepnt lVinisters tb gîve ýindlividualq citizens andcitizens,' gop an opportunity f0 be invoiv- cd in deciding wht L)r resource problcms re, caýn(- bow to sol)ve them. In nother words, his a h anc fru; to give a great deaý inmre than uip service to partici- patory democrac. If Ail started'last spring Community Meetings, wcre hcld throughout thbecon try to discuss env-iirnmentii problcmns. Study gop wecre forned to exalminspe- cific issues, andevnuly in Septemnber, cach oà munîity identifîed its ni,- ority; probicins, at a finial mneeting. Delegates wer5 thený sent f0 Regional Me-,(ü ingps where regionai priori- tic wreestablishect. At thi S ture, 'two brief sfor th(, Oshawa lgroup w-e suibmitteýd, one coin cernjing tbc proposcd Pickêrrig Air- port and the other -wat disposi., Finally, reginai-l. delegýate's met at Montebenllo, Qucebec. in October fo)r the National Workshop. There, bbc 30 dle ,gateis from acosthie country iîdenitifiedl 1priority esureprob- lems for th1e(' nation., W"e have îtow racedthe mnostincrstngpha'se of km -IlIng stage . Sug- col egovernninent policy, in thie future. Pleaslont, pas's up thiis oppnortunity t 12 Briga rs. ickeing,,Onit, 0f Orono DrownIS Mm, -ýJohn MAckey, 27, ;i îesiîdent 0f Tami-wor'th, waa drone Fiday nighlt wh-i bis, snowmobr,,ile ,eu,,d tironugli th-e JiP e'on Beave7 r ~kn bis home. Mr. Maýckey wasin m ployes 01 thr' CoMMuItjf7 Tèlepone ompany and fôg,, ambe'r of yars was eta-- IMr.Mckyisrivdf of. 0Bancro)ft and twl

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