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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1973, p. 6

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The- Canidai Statesman, Bowmanville, Feýb. 7, 1973à, Trinit y's LCongre fnon Hears LOetlails Of Pro gress' A ch ie ve d ï nrPatYii b1y *1-A. Mcogl Aprcainfor work par- flMénie ntiadherenfts o fnmed b'ynti the caîl 0fý Tr--inijty Uniteti Churrh- i n- oduty wastngblPcknorcw-J berig over 200, attendeti a nledged hy presettins to, Pot-uck .supper at 6:30 p.m Mis. A. Bothwel y P Charles Wetinesday, An. 31, fllowed Trîm, Mru. B. Bahf hyAla by the annujal congregational Lohb, Lse Langs by Cth meieting la the Sanctuary at hart MIcDonald. Iwo,0 The Jack & Mîl Club Tu Hure Assitant NMserj led a Sngsplratianý during the, Tha budget for 1973 wvas pre- supper haur. sentati hy retiring treasurércý M\rs. Nelson E. Osýboirna L. C. Langs, nating that pro-i haadled the duatirs of cond1uet- vision hati een matie for àan1 ing the nwxeing in a very assist ant'minister-, and that the capable mannér and thaeitems %ost of supplies and services of busiess were racortiedibybas Showa a;-imarkLed nres1 Sýecrttay Allarn B. Lobýb. Mrs. Jneessitatîng an appeal for la- Jack Mîundtay was thé cacomp-lcreased revenue, Ha intra-ji ,anist for thé hyaùis. , duceti the new treasurer, Mr i. Worshîp ser~vice was conr- Paul Chant, MAr. Langs wilý ductad by Robait SheridanJ continue to parfonmr the duties anti W. Ross Stike vreati the! of rail clark. Secripture and "I Memorîam" . Report of Session list.Charles Trim, Clarik of' the Rav Wsly Okeg vea Session, prasentati the report neu e 0fhîs 1iistry at for 1972 wbich -was a a ost ~Trmnity siiice aocepting thaeý1ncouraging anae, with a de-ý cal .in July ani éxpresseti bis cideti increasa la all activi1tiesJ tharnks for fine coo-peration anti attendance. Maay chang-U and help fmm oma ma"y. The a s took place la 1972, Rav. fsuccess 0f tha work ofteGe.K. Ward, pastor for past church is tiepeadent upon tha saven years, accapted a caîl tq people anti youl churchi is Bridge Strant Uniteti Church,' wrhat Yoli' make It. 1It thnives Belleville, effective at the andi UPon ilyoui-r praYer, your inter- of dune. A pastoral relations eSt, your enthusiasm, your camniýttea farmedt tase- ,support. Work for it, think of crea replacement ministe, it nt tlk orIt Pepl mkaanti Rev. N\oîm-an Wesley Oake 1 ojui nation - Oui world. Ira the of the Miatiadn Pastor-al Ch-argeJ "totýal mission" of the Ch1-urch,wa calle t tach the Paston at, your influence cen Shape h Trinity. dastinles 0! a trou-bleti world A number of selsrvices if you nmke your ChrisHt ii- wera helti, îiacldiag crusý)- fluancé heard, sean antiM felt1mLotigaNo. 31, A.F. 8& A.M. ia tnlace8 of social antipd iie annual Church Service, antiý powe. femýem-branica Day Service, at-: tandati !y mambers a! theh Royal Canadian L Egi on, Brancb 178 ant i te Pipa Ban-d.1 The Golden Lagianaires Glea, Cl ld-te singîag anti pro- WELCOt4E NEVIFRIS VIdati specialmusic, The 137th, taOU TWNw~o Anniversnry Services Awere TO OR Tom vv'D - conductati by a former pastor, LWE To MET YOU 50 Rev. T. A. Malrga. MO~ AOIINOYonth Rally Novembare 25 andi 265'l i long be nemambereti-as the finie of a most inspîirational 4e ~andi successifuil 'outh Rnlly, sponsoreti by the Christian Education Comrmittea undan the direction o! Haroldi Ram- mnti, chairman, ably assistat hy flav. Wesley Oaka Tha "Youth of the Church" con- ducteti thé Suintay imornîag LUAmI~~Iservice with a near capacity HARUVEY congregation anti the Switzer Brothers sitdwt era '~JVKItKgospel h.ymais. The c-vaning service was participatet inl ORONO 983-5206 by an overflow cangragatian ESgu HMME HEAT SE]7VXICE ndth sevie as ,arried ________________________ 1acloseti circuit' TV for thosa Who fillet the Sunday Schaol ha». Tha attentiance was aven 1 l2t), Again this was a ev ~y f 'r ~OBI- coadctetiby toe young. uppeanti ceaSwhtzr Broth ars of oshawa, through their wvondcrful musical talants, cmoemlééy cptivatti tome fortunata cao(ugh ta attend. NwLoceation for Offices 7; The pnopenty to the cast.or, the chur-ch was -purc1hasedi fram Mrs. Lecslie Coombes; ani followî1ng renavatians the e . curých offices wera mavati fromi the Uppar Hall1 in the I Suaday School moims to the main floor or thîs propeîCIty; pu.. l ýA also, tha l\fiistar's study, formerly ii i cmanse, la n yylocatetinl this building. DEdi cation Service was heltio Noeba th, with "4open, bouse" biefora and .aftaer the -idîain. Thea UJ.C.W. ,pro- videti -efrtshments, -Yonth iParticipationi Tue Session, t the Dacem- ber nmetiag, decitied ta selcti six young mca anti womaar ta serve an tha Session, affnti- 'AlIr1sI~ Isnrace ocver ing yongpeopleaian appan fus,~ewiycaêas tc. tunrity ta pearticipate et al s e *lavais a! Church hlf e. -New , agaiast theft, ioss, or acidjen- Eldans appointati: David, An- tai da,1mage is a-vallable from iarsn, eather BniTed, the Jamies Insun'anee Agency Bu-tten,,y, Louis DrýcL, Sharon Ltd. Hammoai Ian ovey, Jack Lyan, Bryaa Marrisonj, dca- nýifer Rebtien, Robntobin- son, AMan Shiort, Drý.Kit S1iemon, Ms.Ciffo-rd Trewia. ThCywara la dettth ~me~ flsurflEe morning service onFul. 4h d Thaeu wer e 34 baptismso, 23 mariages ani 37 deafli dur- ing the year. The ticathéin- c-l1udriet(i: W pllac C. c Stia 1IDnton,J U4 lOg SL . E, Bx 100n i. ajoi1oa, Rev, A, BOMÂV1LE OTAIO W.lrrdng TracaA,Dr- O)ffice 2.68 .ZI'-' Ms ay eisr'Wlr Clark, BaDby ,ýBoy apEti- gar F.Bfr, Sidney Littlc,; Mi.E va -Hachin, -Mrs. Fini- Notice to Residents of The T owns5hilp of Darlington Ail persns iwtaestedli taking ar in discussions onk REGIONAL G OVE RNME NT arc ýinÀvd to attend a public eenga M.'i J. Hcebbs ho, TunonRadl, fHampton Monda-y, Feb. 12, 1973 at7:30 pom. not ater than Friday, Fruay9 93 W E. Rundia Garnet B. Riekard Clerk-Admnistrator Ref-ve Mis.', Mari -H. Wcstlake, Mis.ý MiaBtagneli, Albert Etiger,- John McCulhl, Kath11-leen sbaw;-Mis. Winniifi:rdA.Fry RussaîlBîonMis. Shrle A Cow1 van, Mi. Ma tjan ic e. Brealiga, Mis, Lana Hliicock, Robait J. Wlatknls, Ivisan !M. Mttnndày, Mis, Viol et H. Bryanw', Robait Thompsan, -Mis. PRuhy-! Cox, Athuri W. Milîson, Helrry SaninCarrie Paîinton, Mrs. Sarali An~derson, VWn-ightson EK Wighit, Mis. EalnCowle.i Board of Ste-wards Cthha)rt MvcDonapld, chair- man aof the .Bw of !Steward, prasantatiaa dataileti-report .on the financial affeirs of the1 Chuncb -whiuh showad much1 fproge's ver 1thÎlepast -yýeer.1 Ha tj haniketithea mambars ai atiherants for their continutlii support, also thé Unitedi Chuîcb Womea ifor e donation 10f S1,000.00. Gratitude nat !tbaaks wcrîa axtendeJtoiv irs. Leslie Coombes 3 for donation1 ta provitie furnishîngs la thaeý Uppar Room io! tha Christiaîi E ducation buildin, la mi- mory 0f lbar parent 's, Mi1L. anti iVrs.' Rowlaadl Cale; ta Mis. Wilfriti Mýainidoneltd, forlher donation, usedti taprovitie aJ new Ilmntt siga for the churcinilaemamary aof han par- atRev. anti Miîs, AI fred Buriner. Haexplainedti lasonmede- tail the nacassery relovatins and repaî.rs ta church pr-opeity wvhichi hati baca matie, antiex prasseti bis thanks ta evcry- ana who lied cantrbutetinl eny wayv ta assist thie Stawartis la caîî ying on thé finnial anti physicel aspects of! thé( Ncwly appointati Stewards: Miss Marg-iea Allîn. Don An-. darson, Mis. doycc Chant, Dr. Jolhn Hîgginson, Ken M1c- kéanzie, Don Mor-ris, W. M. Rebli, Eanl Tbampson, Rex Walters, Boydr Woolley. Tria'y wcr rinductad et thea irnting1 serv:ice on Fehnuary 4thb. United Church Woýmen iUs. Thomas Ralider, --iis tiento! the U.C.W., presaeti( a variy concise anti ealigbten- ing report on the achIieventi S o! this bard-woîkîag anti tidi- catti gnau-p of womn, rum- baning,, 190 mnembérs, 40 Life! Malmbars anti thosa wbo h-elp la varnus waýýs but araeflot affiliatati witb any ana parj-1 ticular unit. Thie thèer for 197 2,"Lv is - Caring, Shar- ing, Dig was c iri 1t'n maost sulccessfully.v on th1e UC..for belp ila carrying an thir wîk Bbl Sehoo1, fo)r tritSelva- Lian Aîmy-,ý, Street Havea, Oshawa Men's Hostal, MUelsi on Wbeihs, Operaition jacký Frost (wearing apparel for Nonthernandes:RtCrs katUing, m-aking cancerui swab, etc. Mi. ani MiS. à,Mauice Bredey l misionwork la Africa, Rev, antiY is. TatiCal- wailan iraeceivé ass'-ist- aInce thîough the U.C.W.V As- sstance -was gi-van ta the IYouth Relly, Junior anti Senior iChoir functions, Camp i- Mio-Lac. Used tp-n1aps arce. col- lectetiSfor leprosy mission, aid eye glassas ta halp pepl i South Amenrica; Domni o-n store tapes ta hielp buy aý kiti- 1neiy machina fan a ljittlé girl A. A. Mrly ueitnd cnit, g ave "a th-oughit-ýpravoký- ing, telk an thle work o! the Suadayv Scbool, anti how thle observance of Sulnday i1s chang ing. The teachers hava; io acontrol (a! atteadanca w 1hicb;ý fluctuates from 1wek rta -cak anti nust wikherd taopie- sent tan aur chltirea the C11rîstin weya! lM ifa. Hai cameniet Rv.W. Oake for. iaca11rporatfing "TIimie for tIle Ci]lien" into tha regular wrh0service. hisen (jeCav ,or1 taG.builti rahýiius- priaciples frI(omthé rots shoui-lticvatul ypydl- dentis. The SniySho participatti ]-ýlaFoeSudy Thé Exý1plorris, Messanarser f.i T. aýnti Hi-Cgouipdtrhave ance et the meetin-gs anti spacial funictions. This clubi helps ta fill a tifinita role la1 the promotion of Christian1 Busi'ness Directory 115 Liherty St. S, Bowamnville Phone 623-36M2 WILLIAM fC. HALL, 3615 King St. E, Oshawa GEDWoN uANNci,1 Office iu S ýr Poe6250 lu ne- arDoiinSre p si t and CormueIl nty, 0f thieir projects., icri aýpp)-rcated byalmot 20re- New Organî;Lt Hioward AynCha;irman thelVlsicCormittee, re-' ported thatMiss CGail Thomnp- ison hadicitende7red h leurcsigna-ý tion as ,Drganiýst, effective Dec.ý 31.bu had sýtayêd uptil a re-j placement had hien pracuired MIr. lohn Crookshanik has been hird ta paythe organ and drct hechoir.He filed a similar position for twn ycars a:t lst Avé. Bapfist Curhini Toronto.îlMr.Crookshank is! Ma thi(,maticus t~htat Sow-ý ianville High School A Revieuw 1Jack Munday vec,(on,- prehenC-sive review of theç work acconiplheed in Trin ity, Chiurch. Thrre hai;ve (,been many changes, ail sanctîoned hy and with the hlessing rf théi group )or cmitacon-, cerned wîth itat articular aspect. More inivolvemnent from the nîciiembéshipD is looked for -more tractos, not detrac- tors, and the vMwso Junior! miembers nn the board are keenly ancite s it iSý through thelir iný,vlvementl that new ideas, young ideas, will bear fruit la the years ahead, ln tune with n chang- ing mWd. 1He paid speeiali tribtde to the vork 0of the niter, Rev. Wesey Qake and hlis inspiring, leadership, and extended appreciation to those serving et the mieeting. yThe Switzer 1BrâothrsCana- da's youngest gospel quartet,i ini the first Tyke garm' Play-. dn Tuies-., Ia, 2Mrd,th Cardinals defeated theInan 5-1. T~he goal scorers for thef Cardinals were Danny Elliott1 wvitih three and one assist, Gr lowens one goal and three as- si5ts, Malik, uisIain iine goal. The, Indians' lotie goal was! scoredl by David Hogarthas Jsitcd by Paul Gaina. lit the second contest the Arnaricans swarnped the For- eLsters 8-0. The Anmericans were ledi by Brad Clemens with five' goals. :Paul Stocker, Jeif Tate and R~ay Brooks had one goal each. The shutnu-t was credited to John111Maguire. Theéïfirst gaine plqayed on, Thiurs, dan. 251h, the Steeler, defeated the Rangers 3-1. The Steelers' goals were scored byv Dreim' Kearniey wt two, Ai]lai- Hjcéy onewhle Ch11a rls Green àand JeF, VyfshRft hapd one- assist ec.The Rangprs goal was scored by Gregoryý 'Dreossi.« In the second gamne the' Indians defcated the Ai-ieri-anis 5-3. The Inid*is' goals wr sciored by Jimmyliy Hogarth treated the appreciatij*ve audi- ence to Fa program, of old tiaie favorite hymns in their re-ý captive and inimnitable styvle, wvithI R'ev. Wesley Qake act- ing as chairmian for this fittingý, flinale to a Most encouraging annual meeting. trplt on~ e pi, GCrgé Bôw three as"-ýst7, K'trnt îVal and Joe Guest one assistea, vThe Mt.Royals galswae Revmejsscored by Jaêy FHUIs wo and, oeasis, Sandy Kernp one goaialiad Jim Larkin one with thîge goals, Steven goal w5s cored hy Chris Wil- asist, Whyte lhad twoý goa1 lsad oaluhy lasist IleP Kevini White pick- la thaý secondc game theý ld Up ane assist, The Amen- Rangers deféated the Leaf s 3-1, cans' goals ware scored hyThe, Rangers' goals werae scor- O nt. Schola rs Pul Stocker ithtwo, Pet-!Cd hl y PauIl Fice two,Doga rick Greenham aona, Eay PiekaeIl one MAichael Lynch Buoostwo asisi. two assits, iugias Gould and & Ie $ OC ATO1W LEAGLIE Kerry -Davis oila assist eaichi. IU In the oalyAtom coatst heLeafs' goal \was scor'ed3hyý ýplayedr in the woek, the Tigers ýMartin Gruytwars sitdhby Edcation M\inîistar Thornas and Clippers hattled toln a 2-2 Camaron Gordon. WVells annouincad last week tie. Thé igrs lga swere EA,'NTAM 1LEAGUE thiat the Ontario Gove(ramnent, scoréti hy Barry Wlhelar and Mocnday, Jan.,22nd the will this year award $100o to Douglas flilling vwhila Wayne Braves defetd the Fîves ailOntano Scars Porter and Paûtick rikow2 .The Braves' goals Were ftary award for ntarlo cha pîckd up one asst.The Cip- Scrad hY Tient AMastersrwi t'uarhpwinner, M. Wllssaid pêr' galsWer soré hyCar to. Thée les'ga was tha, the Goveram-ent hati or- Chambar.s. scoreti b.y RcadKrakenlierg iginaïlly intendpd itaCdivert PiEE' WEE LEAGUE assisted hby Scott Jacksoni. thes funlds into parm Ia the Peé WVece aia played On Ttiesdy, Jani. 23r-d. ta hih ould provide mo,1rel ont Mon., dan. 22nd, the Rang- Klinspen defecatati the Sharks financial aid for the general cr-s depfeatet the Bruins 8-3, 83. The Kiasmen goals noeeStdent awards program. The Goodyear Rangers'90ol; scred hy Ron IDusEldop and Spaking ta the O)ntar(ia wére scord hy Pul FWe with John Gvoctfeiars, 1to goals thloneADuglas Piékeil twoleac, TIaJones ana goal an< goals and anea sAsi5,Mchacel aaassistSteven Hogarh oneV Steven Sandarson ana goal andi rown and ,Ioey Burns ana i . 11M Rl. ni ltwo assîsts, Peter Whlyte ana (-goal and ona assist, R1alph gusi moue Kerry Damis had M<-'Qpaid1, DonaldOnde antil twa asists. The Bruins oasWan Dn iechipîcked up CIIARTEHED weio scored bhy Earl Doyle, ana assist. ThalieShrksq'gol AllnBrunt ana gnoa lani aona wera scorad hy Jim Mîfaguir nnuicst asist, Gardon Sharp ana goal. wih a hat trck, Glenn Méar- r'ridaya, i.2tith the Beav- tin two iasist-, Barry GlaspelI ra ers dfaeithe aaiasaaassist. 3-1. The Baes goals warUMIUET lAGUE 221 King St. East scored ihy Steph1en May1rryOn onday-, dan. 22n1d, the and Carl Smi-ith aa o al 4odandCan cefeated the hMt. Rly- PHONE: anai asiSt. Nail Osborneana is 1-:3. The CanuchkWoas ýiisss579-1361 gol wNhie Mark Luxton had1were seoreci hy Tomi Wreggitt Oné asist. The Cndas iha lhat tnick, RîckKia -____________ A DAY Ask for - al' eIOJ came -evid< sgnificanca part df the hpaward estiinmated, nition of act cellence, ai ta aur yourý "We havé we bhleve pression of ar ncting pesO f "The Ont araf awardeJ ary school tain their I diplamia wit 80j per cený t ba Car for -DGELTD. Br A. C.A ACCOUNtANT tiée at f bis Oshawa Resi4jnce 576-3367 ~7~?7 Z ~> ~ Z 7 Z Z ~ /~Zv/ t 2 ;77Y WE RESERVE NiE RMGTTO LiMIT QUANTiTIES ~iII hé sat ithad h- nit that, the fu-ll 0ýf the fiaancial Ontario Seholar- shati heen udr bath as i ecg ji 'evemient and ecx- dl as anicetv ig -people. listened ta ht is a maji-ity e-x- opinion,, and wc uýpon that x opinion," lha saicl, tarioScoasif 1 to those secontr stùdents woal'- th an aergaol or betterý.

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