Pot opei Phone 623-3303 Weekend Action Mr ndMs BueThibo- Proje-ts pîanned is the "Wail, Thýs Bomaiil onum of Mther for 1the Animais" o be helder' asMiesply>,Pr deau proriotrs ope NchlonFieMieso co Mtriais, have rtre ue2 13 rdyadSaturday nights, frmaholidlay in Aauc, The Anglican Church 10f and c1 ompletely doinatedl tcý'he Mexico. Canada states in, its publica- Pr op1r, ysorso Mir. an11r1 s. r-Robert Bo ninThe Canda Cuo-14-O and ?8-O in O.MUHA. bague so sen tewekod n man, that 12 students, on aatin T~ro~to ith is famiy ad'10,900 Opportunities f o r whletcriclbrte lis Youth grant made a study in Defoncemran Edldy Osbornýe bitdywith tbrim. Toronto on Surday S5hopping. ndteBwanil tain Frdy' am cncl e te favor of Sunday shloppinglPOrtHopeolsad anigt, Ppe ig itrCri were 67% consumers, 14%gsom he ol n sit whchws o ehed nretailers, 13% employees and ýing on three more. Joe Nihili l1ý,1l ]n110%cle3gýT.was the first sniiper for the Gas IledlyMos ioite Crn-'10 cer .crew, assisted by John Klom-p- alevnt wl no takýe Place lit is iunderstoo that sev- maker. Ricky Erwini made it th eeed fFe.16-17-18. eral teachiers fromn Bowman-î2-O assisted by BiIl-, ly ogarthý Mr Ewnsithl, Third ville are attending the Nor- and Osborne. Rod Pllain 'fired Stretba bon isiting hortumeln-Dha Bor a goal, assisted Bill ais fnil I naaic.a Symipathy cf Eduication Ministry- of Ed- bury and Jeif Logani. Erwinîu l~exenedVoMr.SmthinuctinArt Course, under soe i secodHgrh and nh os fbebote whose the direction of Ann Thom- ieSokrasitn9Nbî unrlshe attendeýd while in sofl and teldPulic nights scored 1bis seconLd,Osonadf ~amaca.in Gurnmow Pbi School in Steve Caryv assitîg anth rpot0fAh.Wl Cobourg. There are over 100 Bwavlesoe he Çub pneoodDebyî as taking the course from the ov-inlesordtel wee th nae, 0 Bran area. mr in thie middle staniza,l .ý;jrk, fýýc, 'lai o f ryanHogarthi scoring from, Chr-is, Bruc tof thj Bowman\ille Tbe South Central Ontario Dyck, Logan from Sainsbury-ý Pak asomtted H ndhs i Gm Association will and -Plain, Kop e fromn car- came flfthI in thec spoed hold ifs first directors' meet- Osborne and Barry Culien. <lliision. So r r,, ryan, and ing Feb. il at the borne of TeGssudsoe i eongrtulaion1 Chuck Viner, 519 Adelaide .Tims he last peid, oeddyix Thie Toronto GrdnClub St. W,Oshawa. The steeringtOmsoiirne sIng biLfir, ei'v ho atOKeecentre will committee of the associationOson clg l flt ie t-u fom March 17-11. wh wicb was formed Jan. lBthasitgon toKop ke th tem fr thlis yarbeln1g \ilI choose its officers. 'ic and Nihli.Hgat scoredI his 'The Gardns of1the Wrd~formation the group basal-second, te siss ongt ready atrate 0 ai ,Ewin and Cullenl. Cullen firled ànd afeaturing ndemoa marker assisted byErin ~f Fowe Arangng y M. mrnbrsLogan scored bhis second _goal ~lergeSmih f Eglad. The ribbon was cut on Sat- of the nighot, assisted by his lu theSt. Pauil's Churcb(ý urday at 2:30) p.m. and Branch centreman Rod ýPlain whoý is fJirie-up be leder's namel of 30 of the Roy al Canadianiplaying extremely well othfi tbe ýTyro Grouip shioufld have Legion officially has 'a newjoffensivel3r and defensively., 7odMr. Daîrympfle rut àMrs. borne. The Brigadier Genierallsetting up many plays and OlvrDaîrymipie, aind Mrs, George H. Raiston building back-checking wlth authority. Vrnonî Snyd1er' namre sol on Toronto Road wvas crowd-1Oshorne fired the last two ha.-vr been 'inc ludfed as leaderi od as approxlrnately 500 peol- Bowmanville goals, assisted on I of teSga C. pie watched the ribbon cut- [the .l3th goal by Ný,ihili and Mv ndMrs Wilae un fing aqnd tble dedication h Cryand Nihîli set, hlm up for! -rs W- lamRainey. Allan thLIe lasf goal. daOhaa r.adM.P., Alex Car,- The Bowmanville squiad w\a>s Lloy Brome Soina an uherU MP.P., RusselRve passing, the puck'l beaultifuilly Mr. d Ms ar eelNor thumbii!erlai d_ anld Maornd played their Positions weTll and Bodney BowmanvilWadyk-ia ah spokec briefytu'aigi uhese spent ýFrîiday v ening Mkwlth nlc Mv. plnd Mr . Charles Jolins congratulating Branch 30. ýfor themi to scor-e. Thef- gamie in celbrtig Ms.Jonsi A Germuan âshe pherd dogwýuai a solid l eam eff9ort. 1 brda.was skinned Saturdayav ndf Brian Ruddy- and Kenny, hung outside tbe dorof a Woodard sbared the goaltenld- The now Metrorno home owned by aà leader cf ing d7uties. Zoo is-,sohC1e letaOPe" n lthe protest agaiins-t the pro-: tho spring of 1974 and the posed Pickering ai rp o rt.I On Saiturday vnig Fb MIetronoitan ýToron1to Zoo Lorne Almaek said the kili-13rdl, thie Port Ho1peNihlo gical ISociety is, attempting Vo ing was " -pretty ,sick, Who- File Mites were in town itforl vals $6000,00.One f teover did tit must be mean, an O.M.HA. Lealgue gamle âand littIe people," Mr. Aim)ac.k islwere defeated 8i-0 bY Bowman- f 1 echirmapn of the tecbnicall ville.1.1 REHOBOTH rI committ'ee of People o1)r The BowmanililIe attack a1 Pla19nes, an organlizati on. ofied by Billy FHogaýrth -an-d Barry1 Christian ReFormned local residonts opposeci ta fc'd(- Cullen whio 1both clotdfu Cuhra"l plans to bifil an inter- Points in the( gamo. natinal 1airport na hsIn the first period, 3Jeif Logan i1euzgr Sreet oomunpltity -just estof Tor- scored the -first gastu S62?3=7407 0onto. by Blly Sainsburwy. ýJoeNii The FVebruaryinîeet ing 0 ncrasdthe !cad to '2-0 ,fter SUNAY ERVCES theOshawa SecreturialI As- being set upl by ClIlen. sociation will takepaei n h eodperiod, Cle a. Mthe Fleetwood Rooqm cf the iscoreld a beautifuilgolth 7p.m. Genosha Notel on Tuo-sda, a ssist-s going t'O RwckY Erw'inl Febrary20.Guest lpeaker and Chris Dyck. Hojgarth er fak o Go)d ouir on this occasion willbe !Mrs.:ed, thie assists gol,intNiil SLo(-rraine Muhoney, îePes-woispaynotrel e, Dial 1310'Radio det, Allan Smart IsuaneadJohn KlorprnlakoPr. Ever Sunay 1:30 .m.Services Limited o! To'ro,'nto. The G2s squad frdfu She was born in Lindsa.y, On)- goRals la he final lpesÏoHd. rn 'EvryneWecoe" tairlo abd was an H-onnours sored, Pýýssted by llogarth; Languags and Hstory ý, aor Rcd Plin dth ass5 - tthe ïUniversitY of Toot.ggt io-ae oancn Mrs. Mahoniey commenced hr a-sbry Hgath s(ored tlhe - tbusi;ness c (areer with an lu-- îast two goals, both as-siste(d1 srnecomipany and teeby Erwin and Culbon. aff r spent several years -with ThFiis wnwa agai theres - -nonempboyee benle- uit Ofgod t a plyand as a U nited Churchi fit consulting organizàtio)n. eut, oa !5 crn Minister A protest against the ~-pirswsclotdb h R 14e. -.4ATure r eaein university tuition te ai-lrn latw gae B.A., .D fees hbeen sent to the Pro(- Ken Wodr an Bia Oraitvincial governmoit by the RudLcid y again sbard file goal,- Mr.R. eteif nited Aut~o Workers Wo- tedngcoesfrBomn A..I.. ACCM e sAxbrNo. 2, Osha- 1vLilingCoe e- 3w,?- wa. ther protesf s have cal- ret Rihars, albd U Il Cm.ed or ;a ,total ban On) f ire- from the R ecreation Tyk crcesand begisi3a tic 1a pJ(ýMIéli17-iy o PUBLIC WORSHIP Pagainsf flamrmableebdrnlagfiodivrywlfr clothing. They have iedr Steve Cary who inwas ont ofý BrussEnsemle plying quests ithat Oshawa green bel t action du e to -'iles BACH4 & WAGNER and b(,t saved for recreafion nPusay eeigal 6'001 CHORALES an t Bel anaa lo b p..,th CnumrGsMie granted any further rate 111-1wh aea xhbto a crese.Auilirydonations«'against the udfetdSuper- SUNDAYSUHOOL during 1972 irnciiled seve-n lyCntuto efaLthfi M:5aN . high ,5cbool burs;aries,- and NHL saatat h Junor an Iteredate mney f0 tu he sh and jgam-e will be piayein the il rn DstictAsocatonforthe N,"ýewcastbe Arenaý. Rindegartn aa Prsmry Mnt aI Rt arded bilding , on Saturda , b Oh thleirThr Anoulal Mite lmvi- TRIN_"qITY UNITED CH Ut RCH porhoeNcal, Whï,[v tniiiiPo rt fPerry, Mimter- ev.N.Wesleýy Oake, B.Thb. adBy llidgesF. ore otiand Orga _st JrMi John Crooekshaink he your favorite tea1m f0 S'UNDAY, FEBRUJARY llth, 1973 victo-, SUJNDAY SCHOOL H-OURS unoInterniediate and Senior Depts. t 10 a. BegnnesKinidergarten and Primury Depts. at Il Nursery Cure in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE ?aniÇdan s' 1' Coniserva tor-Y, WE ARWEPROU» TO ANUC TH"E OPENING 0F IANOTHER NEWN MUSIC STUDIO AT St. PauI's United Church Chulrcrh and lSilver Sis. - Bom vle home ____________________a 59-2 OurRegstrrs ilI be callinlg on homles in youir andt district in the next few weeks givinlg Compli- thb mnayAptitude Lesson)s, andildingRegistra- couldl tions for ACý'CORD)ION - GUITAR - DRUMS f eci PIANO - ORGAN Krar INSRUMNTSPROVIDED FREE DrVapc kstra, Wats Pijeuse m iail to 7'35 Station St., Oshawa Picl or phonle 723-0101 for youir mon's COMLTENTRYAPTITUDE LESSON a 71e in the privucy of yoiur hmex - Noy Obligation the sf andt B.H.S. Seniors Drop Pair of 'Tight Contesis Peterb orough Rink Wins Bonspiel On Safur.1day, the BusinsGlcýs Curjing Sectinrof !BowavilleCunr Clbý heIldthci r ;arinual bon lspi el wj Iharnkro PeeoouhClig lb winining the top hnr.They a: re beinýg presentfed ihir trophy in the above pictur,1e thnaf includles, from le(ft to rightG, PylsCusPe idet f teB manville (C1lub, SL-ip CavolThompson,ice ary Ean,211(Georgna IFenn and Lead Marln rtlin, Coordinators of 1thecevent werýe lMonica Gray', in thje fore- ground mnd BtyD iga er Commercial League Hockey Brok'sDump First Plac Spencer's 7-3, Muffn' iRiddle Wae--lter, Fran&%k 91 COMERCALLEAGUE 197273 FNALSTANING G? W T GEGA 1 9:00 am rosSpretvsWitrFrn 10:15 .rn. -Spenc rs v. Mto' hb D. Gren (W. Frank) - 41 PIM 3 21 O 13 8 17 g 3 6 8 3 Mufon' Shil nd roo's pener' cpture the à r;-fI th-eir, shooting oyos ifb1(-) Tee-!tre of'f4 sî,ded victories lu baf Suniday'ssei-inl laofe egn li dJoubleheader, The Shoîl crowd, Sunda;ýy paf 1n1>ne- a.mi,wîI third place finishers ilu f Ie Brooks and -Wafrrank ot welb balanced lbague. mai- lasinig, aiwhýt shouIél lerin h1andle-d Walteor'Frank Ra xcletround. lfi ereu Es,ýtate q-1 in the nnglrsesnmPeetings' ,1the to matich, buIliche10:15 afar1cubaeh vebuit WbfV;]' Brook's, proipelled by Capt.1TFrank b- hld a 21-12 eý,dge luii Johnýi Adm four goal total,lgoals soe.Ofne'o! tbevc-1 confinued cf0 rnystify Spencer's1toiescarn nain'st aIlsevenli Reai Estate 73.The twiin-bibbman,, Brooks bineup, whou fhoýyý Knapp 's Bantam Clob b er Oshawa by David Passant Bowmnv\ille Mfajori Ban- ïýýr P, ne, 11101s-c1obbered Oshawat sCana- IM ora nemofhbe-of dieu Corps by a soreof -O l(2 f0 i1oliidays aud eas uanexh'tibýiinameplayedLE ,owmranvibbe HgiSho tBwavleont Saturday, Sc )r Beeketbal foam etr- e. 3d. Tbe locas als libfle LE )action with Ltwo conteststroublewith fis sornewlaf (2 epast week. They -isied eak rnm s teydornin- Ki dge on1 jaauary 3Oth âYnd Rafe d play fioglu.Theo'"b ,d Pickeing ori Februavy visijfor-Sraagdafo osN )urning npre-seasoni ine oInflutttySer cp (b hebd a n i, he oss handlod byj,, Teddy ýTi- rdeau F'giving up 270.ad e Capeiwo o-7t] reulr ded1~co-binied goal1 duties t.o record tlIc h cd in Ubrg, with the n tear, cmlgawaywi 42 dlecision. The Redmieni ehind earby Yin1f'le garo, ! Night FHawks oûtalled onily 14 Points atý al!. BHS camne ouf m-ucli g ier in fhe second hl!, but' Bowling ni't oocm hi Iei Don Bradbey 1ed BRS o!-1 vely wif h2 Points. Doig, January 31sf np lad 10 and Ba-ry Hîigli Single-K. Campbell cr countled four., Bibi H-oe- 267; high Triple, K. Ralsf on Il 1,rEian Stain-to)n and Mikýe 656. 1 H, rn eacb n1etted one basket. Team Standings H kerîn, runodthe Rei-d- K.' Rabston -13709 13 h om-e debuf by posfing 1 1C.ý Bruce 13258 il -56 victory, The v-itors B. Wfilbur 13434 10 Bi ordthe- Redmien 37-22 lu D. )ýogdeu n12902 10 S. second anid third quiarfor-s, B, Sm-nifhi 13285 8 Si their 15 poinit mri leK.Campbel j 12792 6 Pý .stood, Don Balend Xeags(80adUvr Krapmp had 12 apjiece for: A. Saim 200, M. Trimble, Frank JasprFes1,.D. Ogdeni 195, C. -Brucel ,'Bill Hoekstrix, jDan 195,'3, B.sitI 1 ï)yk, r ock aid Mijke Wts 189, J. cea P7 . Wibhur Il1 _ac r Bra ifnfu, 187 ,Rîsou8,I.Wih- )cr fýý (oec eflicf183J-K.Cam itpbe [1,lM. Ovn-r v scoroga, , on l"32, J, RO-we18,i Goai scorors ýwere Brian) ïarfin (2), RaîpliCydra 2), Rick James, Ted Puk, Bil ,aman, Kirk Kemp anid Pu ihbil. Assists werecredif)f saman (3), 1Main (),Pu 2), Danny Cox, (2), ir e1rp (2), Soil (), Grl Bo àen il bgi"leyor 1, 7:45 e Meram.Mak .I. Tilpl-Jay a roura genie Bowanvblbe Joni)Sundeyil, 2 Leion Ldies Bowling ----- ;0 avg, -Joan Suitclife'24 Jo. TrpeSJoan utcliff e 759 W 1,~~~ ~~ Sige-Ja c ifo 2 Teani Sanding breezed fi a 9-0 vrit h Real Ett' o usi bi meetngswithBroks A ve neen- a n Gr il 1 ,a Br-ooks' Ste've urstl JOd1 lu the othepr ei-fnaroud beinnpt 10:15, Spencers The Canadian Statesinan, Bowigville, !oi7,1ý Fergle'StepplngDown Electrons Plan Sei Meeting Sunday, Feb . by .lim Clarke > ager of the Electrouisscud >including basf yoar, is ýstop- Despite the local basebali ping down. If is expecf cd season being9 months Plus Fergie will ho a part of the away, plans are alre-ady under club lu some othoer capacity way for the 1973 camipaigu, this yoar. The former Brook- T he 1972 Locke TVEec dale Roses' hurler, fromn the tronts' President, Georgýe SainsF- mid--50's, glovy years,' comn- bury, bas an ail importantÉIn'- petod as'strongly lu his mana- termiediate basebaîl meetinlg gerial vole as hie did during set for Sunday, February 1,',bis vears as an active player. af 1 p.m. iu the old Town Hiall. The Locke TV-sponsored This is an open gatheriug and club are ln their fifth year, any lut eresfed persons are in- aff or returning f0 the Inter- vlted, to attend. The main, mrediaf e scene lui 1968 as the business, will ho the election 'omnil erhns hr of- officors for the coming had beeni a lapse of about 12 season. .years for Intermeditehal Thie Bbectrons are also in fans inBom vie before the miarket for a prospective it was o in u 98 manager and coach. Any past Rememiber, il yo' aýre ntr performer ouf 'there, even ested inInrmdaebsaî slightly interested, j.,;aaked c) f0intown, opilato pattend the contact eîther GeocreSai.îns- 623-2643 to find ouf more par-_ ticulars. -Clint Ferguson, twice man will be, ouf to continue their' mastery of Muffons, wvhIch.' thiey exbibited during tei five lbague contosts. The Speni- icr c]lub, oozînig scoring power, bad fouir xins and a tfieý, with ani awesomie 26-10 c egeil goals Jfor, againsft he Shl b)uncli. Captain Larry Perris (5) andi Donnie Forsoy wi h, four goals, topped theîr friglf-I enting offence againsf Muttons. For the Sheil club, last sea-ý sonIs most valuable playor inIf fho playvoffs, George Sainsburyi ledl thte w wifb four goals., Irv Gi an Kenny Holmes, hiad an pair ice Ili basf Sujndýay'.sopene, Mufn jlu ne o orîu rarie, songrow-ps, fore bbo nl Che Wvaltr rankdefeiveý fabr-ic as tiley.ped to an eýasyi 9-1 ecison. t was, 5-0 iff ori two perIiods, with Franks Vanstone'sshutout af1:7 of thef finial period. GÎIba thwre gasadtwo assîsts f0 s "pavkz Mutnsatfack wbiie George suppiedtwoeach, Aleýc Wise- maRn and Rîllck WolnevrCorn- sîf ,turnied lai e rfineei:tIefort sïincejroin'.n Muffons bato r the se1n la ti-ie bat e'match, Bvook',<I .Supertesf built up a 6-0 Mar- giv aLfor 40 minIutrý,es ardwenf on f tcoatof0a 7-3 decîsÎion aglnsf Specers. KenVetci whor -aptulrecl the top goalie bionors by f hree goals ovepr Brook? rn Wih, a n o! hl iilneuon off daYs, on Suinday. For Brooksp ohnu dams bagged efour wh101 pencor's rnarks o wor Don Terry Baker and lArchie Crocs- 1sey.1 m7 eetine ieduled for Sun- bfh, in fte ad '73 PîNYUO WAGONS 2000 cc,4-s wheel covem brakes, bod r ear ebIecfrý license, gas proof guarar sPped, w,ýhitewalls, s.fn !dgass, disa y, sidei ,moulding, C de1t -,frser, fax, andi bifetîmne rust-. 'ùtee. $100 dwn 0$8.00pr ot for 42 m nPths atPl'12.33%. MacrDO JALD FORD e- ALEX~E MGE0R 623-57~ We strightWe luci tie nxney busi- necssWc lnvest mon)rey tale Mk moneyv, 50thawean bond mitoney. It's tha;tsimple. But, al o:f isn't ,ý worthý a pluPgged nickel if sorne- isimt corne kindio unilor.Ieo' try to puty-,OU downstare youdownr,or check h ls onyou5chcsButt mo impotant hew na ivey"Uau hat ban Thaf'rs one of the wvays henmikes hîs money. Sao you just feu lm howmxuch, how mucli you cax afford ,chdimonth, thonit's And withoutti ý-Ungf Y011 Iu Over yolur bead.And,that's ir, No red'tape.No edge about askIng. I~J thauoýn"eWefgureftwoeset out machieve gol,thym~tcrealt 1And thatgjiv;eclssl1M ohee over other baxîks. Besidcs takingtâe tdge off asking in tbIc Orsf plýce- cOnune KING ST. W. DRU GSý el. ý- 7,-ID3 e)f ï) il IS ÎC