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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1973, p. 8

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Bantams, playing iin Orono,ý def.eated Port Hope à-0, talk.îng the twýo gamre series 8-1 for the district chapinshp.The Jantamrs are the onily Bowman- ville tpam tIn enter the, provincial playdoývns this weson', They nmeet Omemnee in the next round. Lire-' up: Goal 'Ken ingdefle a Bickle, Bob Martyý,n, centre Bon Hiaynes,wng Don M/asters, Larry Dew,ý- ehl, sub Ml lSellers, Bill Ellis, Mary Brooks, Terry MatrKari Piper. Abs,-ent last gamne Bob Biekie, Jack McCoy and ý,Clint Ferguson. t T t t t FLASIIBA'CK - 10 Years Ago - Fat Lucas and reggy Franikwo a thrillng 18-17 fwist gaine and camqwe frm ehlin to capture the second and the LaisDouble crown at the Belleville "B" Cent- ri Ontario FBadmiinton Trournarnent on Satur- day. In the MUe's Double-s NMel Buirgesýs and Joe. M4arkle downe3d Keith Siemnon and Frank MUohun 18-16 fur the tile, ixiýed Doubles championship ~'vct t Fa Lu a ad Keith Slemon who defate Pegy rank and Frank M Aohunl. Bow- nwanvilie domnated the action winning ail three chanipionrips, two oft he inals being an al Bowmanvile show. JUNiOR W %EST - placed first in the first race on Surnday ai Kmwartbla Downs, driving bisow oreZ Yankie Lar*.Gerald rohinson finished fiftbl witb Frimia Val erie. ln lie scn rac'e West piaced third with MJigbty 'MIL Robinson fînishing fourth ýwitb Babe's Gïi. Keith West pýic-theourih race finished (oirth M-411i ,ee's Laird. Glen Tenniant p)laced second4 last wveek in Kigtndriving GiysDolly. t t t t posted a wvin at the Kawartha D)on Racewvay on Sunday, in the third racse riing Joedale Trna, finishng in a time of 2.11 and paying Sulu, $550 Plid $2-40 Îin the sixthtl race, wîth Lordi Valiant, he fînished svnh TOURýf(ZN ANiE N T -Tbis year's Golden aBail Onnrieo hig'h scbool b-asketball champfionsbips will be heid at York, University, Toronto, Ma1rdi 211P2.This year tbe exécuitive plan to produce videotapcesof Ithe key gaines, which Nwould lbe 1aVailable to) bigi scbools and broadcast television ou'ilets, thiroughou)qt Ontario. The videotapes, coufld be n ksed for instructionial or entertaininent putr- loeFor info)rMation contact David Honler, T.V. Production nmanager aiYork,. CAMPING - and'faesgringrcetoa purasi is camoping. -ACCording to the Ontario -M'in- imtry of Indiustryf and Tourismn the numbrner of developed canipsites in" Ontarjo 1hav\e increased fo 7,500 in 1960 to almost 20,00 today with an estimated 5,000 adtoa sites planined for 1978. People are buying mnotor homne traiers, camnpers, tents and a wide Variey of a% ailable outdoor living equipment în n ef for t tonsceore of Canada anýid lbroaiden their horizons. NO lourer is camping confinedtonthe sum-n ~n~An ever inereasing iinarof J Are nom'cmnping ini winter as we1l Ter xmtel tn Million ac-res of recreational,1 n Ontaio1aloe, seved by Pa netwiork o! 0,03 miles oAaccess roads, ino960 vemilion MAole ii"d the exlisting 72 proincial parksasi yawelovef jr hreen illion pe.ople vsie the present 113 parkiawarunci Ontario. The latest in cmigequi"pme-nt may heseen ai the 'Toroqno tIl18att he eW Folur SaosSheratonHolop- site Cîtýy Hall.-p COACII ARTgRENNICK of- et bcRed Engles Junior "C" club, bag been deseribed as a coach of 01e.future hy sorseditior Juin Sbaw, in, an article puidisbed in Thisn Week. Art has played hockey in Ajax, (Osbawa, OkiiBwavle Ujxbridge, Stoufhqile and Sunderland. -Under coacli Rennick, Bowmnanvile las been the sur- mrie club in t10 Junior "C" league ibis ssonl and as a resuito! bis coacbing techniques the teani Wa a solid third Place in the nine ieamj leagUe,. ï,t t t t t BASEBALL CINIC--- On Saturday, Februjary luth thie Eastern Ontario ýBasebaîl Association wvi con- kuca-ciriic foirbsbalunipires, maniagers and coaches 4 in- the Bowinanville Town Ha -fll uitr froi 100 e 600p.rn. -mîri. Dke Bruint, President o! the Bwmanvhle asebal Association is pesdt Markhom Hns - Defaton Roberts SwimingPool Teamn Men's Maj»or Lge. Jin Br,;m.(o, (lie Orlon flashJ, ws ir oly b lIl aver 800. Ji açithree cire exenl gemyes of!'260-298-278'for 8-16. lhis 'le Br uto besb eff orti his ceas.401 Th1w fathlitr and son tea1in lcf Geore and cLarry Piper lai e bioight. Paltlle eog liad -183 and blie higl imcingleof the sliedle, 67. on Lrry fot 75E(9),Hnm"Fats" Etchr 73 (21),Jack 1Bond 76(280ý), Les Coombes -The Haaii 'Ki ýd" 736(i(263iIl) , 1How ,- ard Bromelil] , 7iýl4 l(28)J, Jimm IvcKniglit 7-25 (290o-276), Goi'dI Wcx721(249 ), 1 M lCec Anneiei t 717-. (306,)i , 1El to0t Broçk 7 15 (2G0.), onilBagu- nI714 (3:11), 1 Ru1sseOke( 712 (20,Dicli erect -710o (30). Pet Mupy707 (268), Te d Biagn, ie11i 70 9 (2ý51) RonSel- lek700(27) teeO 700 Dr. . B Rudlelied el9S sinri Ray\Van Meer 276, Don O1ke 27,5. IG.A. -won al[lanhnr ýwitli bigh li ingle 1293and 348ý9 for higli triple L anvry-vPiper, top )bowler, witil 253*1 qeeage, D av\e Ren aide, 24_3 end Mn ie 242 Franlks Vrie(y eed miîll il points whlile baneriard- ware d Pepsi Cola are tled et 10. 51k Week - 2nd Schedile Top 16 Averages < 15 galeee) Leîry-,-Piper5,i Deve Reyn- olés 1225, MrlyEicber 242 E1 rnie Perfect 20,Ab Semi-an 239, Dick Per fect 239, Jeli Carter 237, Dr. Hi. B. R1undîs 2.15, Jack Bond 2135, Dan Bagnel 235 Team W L Ps Veiely - il 4_l H'aArwr 0 5 .. G. A -8(6'l MotonShli7 8 7 ConnaIonp Resturant -fi 8 7 n'>ks Mr p " Nie Od lon I RURAL BOWLING Teain alein 15396l Enniekillen - -145W) Tyrone 1400 Issels . 455 RtSinea- - 14288 H!igýl i nle -- ).Talo Ig Tine -J.Coomes Top 10 Averzge R.m Lard231, D, Wed 21-5. B. Me u',n '207, R Meer 206 W.u Crelg 206, PIs, 14 il 8 9, 7, 61 31 2 275 787 Win Silver Stick Ail1 Star TrophiÎes Durirlg the recent Silver Stick tournamnent in Sarnia, these three mnembers of the MGeo Midgelsý won distinctioni for tesle as top mnembers o! tlhe leamn Ihat >w;on the MWidget A cham-pionship. They wvere namned the Most Valu. able Players in theircategory forAl hetamaome ingiad rcic nii. u 'al trophlies. They are, frorn et brgtfai tev Slp'Rw, eneanl and Captai CJe lHumeniuk, centýrery ibsThey wýill be in PaJction here tis Saturday in the playof! s against Port Hlope. Minor- Bantam WesternEIcfisDw 1Peteý:s 5-,2, Tie Ajax 4-4ý On CuWedneRday, Jan. 3Il i, reenied oIn mI p a 1(11e wthbely end SariFIllot't dreco W trnEle(cirlo iner Bn tebig ]e iaçId nd were bd!,siteo he oas main defeatd Ptrbruh upayd hut crecta In the lesi'tipriod, Robri Chef TUony iViloor Bnens5- 2goalting nyby M1kAGlck O miton blestedonefon ai, the Memoiria] A\ren11alaed Peerorough o=7te1;twig îti(lea.ce Bonavle tre ey ene gopal j endbt i~final gjing (o a i3y Preýstonp, aed fatbulin pa - la3coea ,S2 thé,t nnrowed NlecoreCt) acfte' rtIwvo, pec rodri Sce")ring On Su 11ndayý v, Y .4t, a -3. Bomavii (inpll. plys cornefroin Terry Sar-AIl-Stars were in tewn and ed the goalendrrfor a rixtli ginsen, esis(ed by Sein tul- wmanville stcged rrorecfatiacke nd, with iry sec-ý liott end EddrieGruyler Bob theit f0pnee cmebcks of lie onde lefinicthle geme Martv1 Bicke, asste byJerry Led seson(o ain e14-4 ( Pr ste cored cîtheeulia n1y; end Leddy fromn Robert wan e very rugged gaine and on a. play set Upr by Rzo-r Ju O isafer *a "-0 lead et Westrns mlo rc- th'An heldkie ;arry Livw.gsztone -an d teend o, one pro.In (lie their ewn In (tehe evy bit- Jerry Leddy turined !in !geM, scnPeterborogli tellîed ting. gaireselog ithgolner once before esers iii for Aja sarrdvry f1 'dMl Gec adTm yk (woTr unessi-'eed g,,Oasrby Ho- ied owanvll dwn 40 I Weeern Eleerieare now lie Or mistn n Try - b-_ r TerSarginsýon scor- wlig for tbb winner le ginen ed lwice àn (le let minuC teclween 1Mrkliam and Baf nri the lstperiod Uthe boys tin secondpeniod. Jolin Con-_RPidgee bs te ý-,rt (iep01- f Preston's ,'an- Win, Los e and Tie itsal24.nIF LuIw100nore îvovice eiçiuon, DII O n Wedady, Jan, 3Icil Terry UMI1i r .cre i-wy býienecftrin1k, Por Hpevicited (lie ow- through lthiiproda- Prt Hpegi hingalf LietyBlls1manville Ar 'ena and (lie heet eýiFc b Bb alli ami lie ie eid.Toi h chlb, Pr-esion (lie Moyens, B ret Clmen. Wti(lie second reine Spte ru u Janury 211e weremcc unknd.TA sore gaie on (pho bce'ian" an Pr(o'on golMssA TearSa n4ig -ede -iiaver of Prestone. xta frwrdon (li icefo er- De Lucaad Daral] TeIwom f PinfU In opliePutspeniod Prestonhle last nmiute rens l 1id ody akShacklcqn a=1 s7o2 cdireeles; B,,:ý-obWs lo ie pucýnk alacoun a lndb John Stoorgard shard of' Celville 7646 g rrnChuckbWelh and Randy sWyPnt but couldn't(e He gane dngl hi1aie n 'an 11)9c7 Crossy, o BOO fronscr.bath playedex(rmc motwl Robents 719 7 teveHuienean, the oWesetne trax oued l0Port Prestens are g o oN Sheelin 6897 ps trm Terry Dere j-and StanHope on Sunay, cbs411inirke Fi. lth(o ar Hareimn 709 6 pGeeni. andn-1, hgaineowas ovor pte in ;,Il8 teaiurnaen Kron7324 5 In (li scond peiod Garf(lie scmoewas led 1-1. Thi4 There leno cwrdyeon plex- Daden - 7 59 S cQuid scardasses(ed jpganp e furemd ilotsetexcic- effs or rW'o aur oppent m Hi, CoFs 959 5 Rab DeBoo andl Steve Braun , wtnd ino end rushes i, bt w xertbg e t Lun Stelies , - 992 44/ t(lin Terry llerfrinBrun adjuprl3alenep a drwyon FPcb. l7th. Gibon 939 4 Part Heope's oy goal came Booý;- 66U 3 laein (lie thsidper ed HihiShn, ety c- (On Seurday Feui.rd, Donnald 8; ii Dul,1,stn raeld (o bnd a Carol PReits 479 W(204, >and were defeated 41-13 bnd-J TpAveregers soy cOormd Wi tbefereTey d-icd 20 .Mcoad23 (le'ton rldM 44 ihy 19, S aine 207, May[ Ilgoal scîtevby Sancres MalnGbo 01 ,Con ed Ceey aond 0-- nestedýb, So Js e p is ÏMIxe d BowingLea(gue E'ebruarây l4th Teaîws 3 Bi 1olod 2 2 11387 7 i--jmm îPair 19 î13494 r---Allen MacIILeen 19 12703 2 -LesHua - j :26 7-Gerge ibli 14132 77 Ki- .k m- il v1 7 TheBemevilcRoberMs sd eft-winer lmarkAb!itLdes il til.Eieen Pou Ackeyy68W; hir l co ingpg , Agnew Swîmig PolMinr ov- tUrned ln goed promnesMcen251. MVenRi Hgli kien dropped an exhibiti o wel.tiple, George Giblis755; higli ga11 ine leMarliam 5-1 Mr-anwasfe rmcngleGearge Gibls 305 adoré of>n i', weekendThe (hein Mg win aven ey Rldgs- Over 220 Rowmeanville %tea Ne am ne- and (bey wene ealy fBying9 George Gibbse 30 5-254, Ricli ortdlybady et-pey inleThiey ied 1 mainy\ three-ma ai-ilKle' 8,BllHooy Vhegem,. duing the gaie Uend The Swvimminýtg Polsua iitïl't l iup 1(er!,a mnt. Ane'aba 51, oi tlbey cen Andtheir lnugoa olbyslandé e, n27 1,JmPar2021 Md aemy rml u01e4i àb1 Ame'mng OHA olayf! e.No 2-06 ayConway 22 gamo.Centr TmrnAlmodi d~05 bae bee setaz e.21 Mixed Major Leagu&"' vu JwN PAd(, Don1 Bag-,nel hd atied621/ 2 L67C j hbigl triple o0 h igi 9 Coey6 12041 (274, 300).,Ïerie BudayÏ43 Wry .6 12013 (26),Roe riht d735 (265)I ane 6 119 lorruper;722 (287),anWrgt - '~126 J% i ndruon 707(2,25. Sulie5 126 HîTgh singe, Ron Hiayneqs Vandenberg 5 -1156 M3,Orol te 300 rolied 'TJl 4 129 Top Ten Averages her anul"Md7î. Bernýice Buday 241, TLarýry bep Ceein- Up1aty e ____________________ iper 240, RoFse Wrighit23,MoiaCubHsels _______________-oAbrt San 23,EriePerP St rda vcnnJn h season' pl~y s complted f t 3, 011ePatfield 29-7,Marc (silcneorAn ibis wee. VinceCaIýnne 226, Don B ag-nertor«ani7ed aereatevn. Juveniles neli 22,Pet e Dbhios 220, ing, h ice god musîre and Alter Mengid&e for amy tJîm Murphy . lunch (sla--uplid y foGur wek Rowmenv1,' Tp,,m S ;indi,p l éwr tb,.f + f-P,..,. I .1... ýJuven île team gret;s bac nto heenl ationwth Fa playoef fgamein! Býuday i8214 iVlarkhiam on Thur-sdayý,T'ehi. Sthat :00pi..They retui L Pcb, lth al, 7:00 for the die A a.nulanorrylirth series end (the siteand tire36migptil, on rd orcf1 l (id game as-net et lpy 83;higlaeagD on na been deternd. radle1252 Se o n h lyof.Dnnvrdey-83TripIle CGo Bownv'x lleGo halneCan- 657,Triplei Joye Tnnnt - 35Tiple Youth Dona 9 Gmes Wý la e A uxon P-atfîeld 22 3. Fern BPrPadleyý Weslae 3 Rchads2: aîev209 Fileen Moore f09Ber- 5, J. LuxNto 0 Hane 3, Gili- sn i2,TenSanigC F wlg Luxion 17, Westlake 15, Gili- Feruarvyund Hîh ingileS. 1-Iatl Pter81 8-2421) E. Gilisoni 171.79 MesigisnlGCoh Higl doule- . Hath .301, Cuc 82(32-8522) Thecre wil ieno "ot ~ Bolingon Feb. 1lOtil. R.eslk ..119 2 BANTAM BOtYS -D--No ---n -14219q 25-) 1Carswll tAide 0;IRichards P. Murphy 14463 24 3 1Bnd2 N. Dawson 1410.3 24 TeainStanding A. V, ýanGoor 14626() 21 Bond 21, Carswell il, Rch- .W Gold -- 14265 16 ards 10,Aide 7FiRSmitlh .,14081 15 Hih inleD.CaswllM. Rzm --1,9926 14 204, M. Benoît 200. J.Buobinson 14040 i4 Hl doula D. C a).swellP G. Heat - 148 70 i 31,M. Ben oît30. G. Couiii 14070 il JUNORN. sWilliams 1---1I3436 8 JUNIORC. BOYSl 2 Top 12 Averages Crw , , ithel : BSmith23, ,leanan Gryd5,, & rooks.0 . 235,P. Potier 231, G. Coude Gray5, . Tylo 2.2 28, P. Mupy23, R. West- Team Standinz Ilke 223, N. Dawson 218, A. Gry29iolroyd 21, Taylor Va n G oor 20f8, M%'. Alr 1,Mithell il7, Books Il, 208, L.IWOodcock 207.YGProut )\Civ 9. ,206, B.Enumi 2M5. 24a, B. Taylor 10, C. MitchellH Rent a8 Car for 20, 2041. JUNIOR BOYS Ask forRe.. Renods7,Bisliop 0;SMacre WHUNT Y 5, Lanle 2 od ,Coombes 2.CHRYSLEr-DDELD Team Standinz 6=3~2586 Lae24. Co)ombes 1,1reyn- olde 21,Stacey 19, Bishop 13, &eWdy7- 27204~i~I-~ eyoîs'Basebali UMpim aci,237K22and Bchop201 217 K rrr I212, G. ,ýlanp 2 10, S. HaIIll 0, G.Combe 0 rrAft Fe 67%0, b. ishop 6=2,A. Song: TOW N HALLA 1603, K. Ko"naki6u2. 1 40 Temperance Street,1 6Coomb-es 2: ray 5, 3&esr- r et esUp sn2; Rrwïley 5 Davey 2. iieaini StndngAssst g Robere 31, Bedle 2, r.Jak anie Uî aley17, Cwlo2M, CGam5"M.Gangae MatesoP3,2ro5 3,1.LkehoeBs- C . Cradley72,1, D. ray 27, G! OtRlo BSeha WEILL PUT YOU IN Jusi $2470 doors.ý If you're looking xfor ail eCC(oorny car ta' onyinlsid4, cAn bandie plenty of luggage and realiy -knows lbow to handle an high,71 otur neýcw Astre iý riglit on for yeu. umHiCulmmu A amm-n oraee. ii n arin, con- 0 -i "" - flndueyto scoir lnre (mes., uned (heinwinnîg was(si, wit h ja -2 timhover te TafnlpndswSw ýN ew'vdIIe-Starkville visitingwhutby sam, lnanvile ;Téy l'> x týHihi1 LeabsSorlied lead wnA Herysetd(ineaLw(ian exl- Bo iig eau Porbee scered withL (li gaine Cellent goal (bat really Ilredý Febgay iI nly 25 seconids ld, However, up tihe home teain.Rey Fe'orary d ýewmnve was not te lieGiblis anri Jee Humeiuk Top 1? Averages 1 oudone uld (ledftle gaie updre.w assiste. Marlene Stacey 195, Doris 80 seconde laler on a goal li evn iminues Iltr Jet! Tempkins 19, MergMacDan- JeHumnonuk on a perfect, alId 187, Joyce Stecey 187, st-pfrom Jaon Wo nd LePere madie it, 4-1 w i(lie Doneohy Stark 186, Oi v e Andrew M0ackenzie. si(gîgtaJeHmnu Hecndersoil 184, Marie Trnn Ate hi.s OpeainIg Luryonce(g, n 182, Rorie'Woods 181, Grace (le bath galedes lee hitby ýge aý goail bac(k wliný i Arrew 179, June Mckeen i he gnées. In spit ee na oryforasUtle (lie puLck 179, Lynde Illkher 177, excellent semoiag chances and end w"en in alene and beai, Peggy lleon 172,. meny end-pr-end rushes, nei-Bwîavlegeatendar 'Slip' Higi SingeOlive NHene- ther eani could find te tee.Oneaei, Bowmei - son 292; EHigh WAvraeeMer-:liandie end Cle pexiod ended vile caine niglt tock and (hic 1-ene stacey19;Hil Tipa iia 1-1 li, ime PaceWlc xerrod1 olive Heder ,n668.The second ponbod wm, ha a cl-pt frt (o g9 (h 200Ganes- lie Hndr-ove bLoe .-Hmry MMs1agoal. 'Mes"st WensteY Rwr con 292, Marie Trim 028p stenout Ailgaine, banged GilsGilbe roundl-I(ed out i-,i D)orothy vStark23 20,TJneborne a pees ron Alen four-peint nigli, canig bis M\cKeen 228ý, 217, Maf.ry -Top- dE1aLid. G !bbs idlogoals secnd goal, unasseteit, II pIte 224, Dois Tompkis2CF', Wand a p>r ofAss an (lie mke bbc final score 62 Pt-g.5y Milîson 217, J1udy t-eeig'h7gm a amu eev21,hasoe(ye i21 n for the IWcle lyf~wil Gaine Won 14anna Soîts i 1(liethigd erîod, lbut le trtsom owavîl wl 4,Roadrnn",s 32 STweiy scond freme sn munkd li nMt lno mo que r apn-j Bu'da , Fittns2. fx eatetw oBw n will be until the regulai niece rTerry 208, -enDpw 208 G, Helen iRogrs 20ý; 4 (3), Toota WýV,-Iemn 203, Dot Brook, 202, ToM Terry 201 Weama andigu f)l1ýPinslPîc. Donna Bral jers6e7, Shirey Dvis l2es Judyi of'g 10 ZAV DONF'S 9 9 âa. A 1 l#ýý % ff m IOM *%, A. '. J. m ý ý

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