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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 9

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Murkhum 2 Struight In lst Plofi Roundý Knap p' T'Jo wiing Mvajor Bn-sulsplay-etéi a omail amhaewon two 5straIig- o mSatay, Feb.l111h, isel amsto eliminate 'arham.hometai took a 3-0 leati in ili the "besi of tre sre.the friperioi ani went on fi, tbe first game plaýyeti ai to tiefeat Markhamr 7-:3, IMrkham on Wednlestiay, eb. Bwavlecotneil ihi, Bowmlaaville came- r-up pa ot okya t at wth a sitrong game and i laeytoublioe lth t h njry hy a 4-0 score . The Markharn l trobeil heiý"ay goaie asouitanlin, ,-)rMItiedi Mnrkham Club. Ralph goali te wsotrespectabluCryderman scoreti three goals 'efihl or e spe unc t aie. forBowmanx ille and siles The gme tuneti b a ere -crediiedt luGeralti Brui, rough cotsi in 'b the th-mq'irtiTed Pvk, Pauil Sobil antiBill peioi it ottam r-Leaýman. Kirk Kernip, Ted f cevngmjo enlie.Bill Puk, Jirn Hu1 iti, ileralti Leamanled Bwrnanvîlle -wýith Bui ikJans an two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cx golBiaMri ni Gary Nernisz qnti B;11 Dann Coxscorti cngles. Learnan earaed une assist each. Ted Puk anti Raip eCrye- Ted Trutiequ anti Chappeli man atitwoasssiseac, shareti goal-tending duties. ChaI-ppehlwen the diîstanýce in Bownille will now rneei the ret Io earn ihe chut-oi. the winner ut the Port Hope- Ji l ih cn d g ari e o fr he B a y R i g ec is Vwe s' -RedEagriles Drop T wo Gmst NgtHawks Bowling Hligli Single- F. Dyksira 2.53ý Highi Triple A. Sýaman 675- Team Standringsq K. Railsti- 1,59 1 D. Ogden --15,377, il B. Sm lh - ------- 15;'F 9 99 Averages (130 anld vr A. Sarnýan 2 -05,C.Brc 196 D.Ogtenj95, -M Trimie 92F.Dykstra) 191, BR. Wil- Raîston 18,5, I. Hulme 184, _M. veen184,A. Lousso 12 A.~~~ Bures,10,K.Canpel o Captair i oi-f he nChpn OnStra ih he goalie. ýXLdie JuniorC Ragc1 travelle to With a loss of 3-0 thlLiIFI Ma rkh iarnaan e hom ç11iý e Pagles finish up the series wit a o f5to3 anti will now wait for play- Scoingfo th Fale were offs starting soon. Corneou Don sniithfrmFor seyad and watch the Bowrnanvý,ill Jhonwt Bra Grbb team in playoffs andi see sorne eerar getig heotertw gal.good hockey garnes. Fýr;r Scrig orMrkar wre D n'tfrget threrBeneft 1T. Avg inan Sutcliffe 2201t Fizatik, et, lasgan, Saturday, Feb. 17 at igh Triple Fran rie 9 Dons nt MDnadUi( 1).m1. for the accijden-t iHgh Silgle rnB c 7 on ah.trsDv rihMieWl Team 1Stanicings unda Jih nBwna-kn n Coleen CookeU eePnfî Ps vil oetown rcrowýd le yin at the Arena. ovr100 cheerring fan)s saw ai- Brýuce - --7---26---12 the agle plaing ooti hoe- RuriB iuii utlfe190 7 past a uttnilPr Hp Taa.Pns9-. 00 Games Hii C's 18939 16ý Fran Bruce 27ý3, 214, 29, 1L4 DII Maple Grove. 18787 141,Mary Gray 27,'Januto, LiueLv ii Enniskillen 17502 1il 251, 216, Irene WVýhitney v247_~ - Salem .-------- -18320 9 Mar y Westovecr 237, Deise Februay 6thTyrone . 17700 81 Annaert 232,Brnc ane Rusls. 17582 8 232, LîInda Downey 26 Dor- Teaa Saning Slin -17180 4 othy Oke 226. DOianie H at Tem ~ r~~ Rurals ----- 16171 2 222, 203, Joan Sutcliffe2, Robîson 132 13 SheaI___ 89 igli Single - D. Taylor 343 200, Hilda Sirniýk '2041, Lor- ovie936 8Higb Triple - D, Taylor 889 raine Bruton 20', Au1drey Kiktn 24 8 Top 10 Averages Bate 201. Lad887 8 D, Taylor 234, D. Wood 231, 1-1orýj îan - 1884 8 R. La;ird 229, K. McGill 229, Roers 92 7 W.Coorn)be S 24, B. Marî t oeh Coombe - . 708 ~ 218. J. Coomjbces 217, C. Goo-r 875 6 an 05,~ Ca~~ 20, ~ Bowling Leagu.e G ibson 8713 îî Vanneer 203. Bos82 oet eTeaili Ca pt. Pl,ins ,64. HghdouibleC arol Ro- i bet388.2-64.Fbnay8bBill Holr-oyd .ci-29 ' 1676ý5< Top12Aeae 1. Jim Fair 2 6 1645 9 . To'2AvrgS 8.Mari'n Vanstone 22.. 16594 .. .. C. ïRobert9 22, B tpes MreeStacey 1957, 1Doris G-o- -rl-d 22 1627 220, Maionn Giîbson 207, S. Tomýpkinis 191, Marg MacDon-n 827 , On Saturday, the Bowmanillje Consumrers' Gas Lavigne 207, S.Sitaintor n 203, aid 187, Joyce sta"e-y 187, 2. Les H.unt -20 ( 16034 Mites Won ail three of their games to take thie chlamp- W.Cobs201, B. MD Dth ý,Stak 187, Olive 2 Alia MaLean 19 1535 al 9 HS obinson 195, MayilHenderson l186, Marie rin7.Gere ibs- 7 153 Aireti19,M.Polad189,' 182, Grace Farow18, Por X1eikennedy13 165ý99 IProud L iCi rB111 grt Thodn heCndin'1ire Cook 1189, A._Bonis 18U. Woods , Jn MKe 19 Men -HightipleAllntohyta àprsne y aainTieSo Lynd Wihsher177,Pegg M lan675; ig cn l, e et anager Bîl1I1Hryh1oruk.i, Rent a, Car for [Milisýon 17ï2. Seto 21 A1 DA-Y o. EEENigh csingle, Marlene Stacey "Laýdies - IHigh- triple, Eileeni In Bowmanville'q Third Ani-coasieEihstMes-0 As fr ae. 25;hgh average, Marlene 6k\-52; high cingle, Eileenlnul VIte Invitationa ura - lu, the firstgamie of t he sec- Iý1 ftoyr9; ih rplOlv Hcey23 ment, Sat., Feb. lth, bowman- ond rouznd playdown-is, Wbý'itby- CHUYSLRDODG LTD. Ganes Won - Banana Splits Bi lee ickey '83, 226, Joe ions anti Cobourg won the Port llope.W.ib-roki 5 8 r: H45deroin45. 341, TweetSeto 271, Oe; 200 loy268,Cosastin he hap B:klnweemtheais 3,Flintqtones 29. Allan MacLean 254, 213, 203, La the- first an of the day theMwinners lu i i ntet by ToyHorstmarl 250, Eada 8:00 s hty-rolna Score of 3-0. WVilhidal 237, Father Fran-kIwAas defatedby Bwmanvýille The netanme featuetI the MGary Conway- 23, 210, -1c-tefenidin"g c1hmamp-ionis Bay Bld. Doris Jeffreys 233, eog Goal scoer fr Bo auii- ges a;ga!inst thie Ihost cý'lub Bow- Gib 2.ville were Barry Culcen with mnv,î-Ile. The Gas crýew eii ------- - two, Bily oga-rthi witlh two inated Bay Riciges frUom .ifur- ant i Blly Sainsbury, one. As- ther tournament play by a 6-1. * ft*. sists went to H{ogarth withscore. une, Ricky Erwin wih two, Goal scorers forio: an Fo nayJohn Klompmaker antil Roti Nihill xith two, Jef Logasrt Februar-y6h Plain one each. anti Klompmaker, oneic goal Team a dig Ken Woodarti playet iii goal apiece. Assiste went to Mik1eý for the Consumers' Gas squati. Stocker, Klompmaker, Plai Teai pins Pt"- 'The second geame of the day Sainsbury, Hogarth, Erwin anid (TO FEBRUARY 1lti> mae as l 3 gis tePr Hp Nco-frBwnavle iking sv Ilý-AU ~ -GUtter Baîls 18R189S 8 defeýateti the Port Hope squati The eighth gamne of theday' 0,l ('HA N 1ei6-Aces 180,51 6)"by ascr of -0. sawv Ajax meeting Pott P(" LadecHig cngl, . Hr-Theirdgaeof ibe d(7ay Ajax hati vrylttetru n1eeSS266; high triple, S, or asael ,thriJller, wtAj-ax ýwinning, the scorebein;ý,g 7-0 don 613. oýolg921!i hi io, lni-aii P rt a fld FI LTER Men~~~-gh silgle, R God d11, gCbur -, dyi terfvr liiaigPr CARS$Oo Gies20in:Oe saw Port Perry Lý,etige the New- thie Championsbip final aýgaiinst1 CARSK DaerWilaCtionTrophy 217-210, B. Partuner 243, C.on a in FOU, APPOINTMNENT Knlapp 2926, A,Adas 216, L, Adamns 209, S. 'Cornish 202UH Cail Arche -623- 481Shaiit7- M, q. Ballantine 233- Sweetrtian 245-'201, S. Adames 219 Kinig St, East 9-omavll 39, R. Sti-les 221, G. SimpsonIl 208 M.Adarns 205,A. Co : 2I0 3 B. Adarns 203 W l l otipenalty perfectly' anti the lime of Plain, Logan anti Sains- 'ifesbury cheeketi ferociously toi keep Ajax off balancer. gBowmanville ý. onit the Cqaain Tire Trophy [IfII1INIEEm by Sports Depi. Mianager Bill aith accepteti te trophy on behiaîf of histe -mes !1SOIG[Ifl 512"kwiri was a team victory wiýth every player on the team atiding significantly Bowm iailv :le. to the vcoy.KnWooiard The Consolational finalý was was in net foÈ Bwmnvll a very ectn anptiganti was justspeb Cbu aga;inst thie Whitby - Brookhin sqiuad. TeWhib-) Brooklin team in',aNvic Pol 2)-0 leati anti seemeti to be on 'their wvay, but t1he never-say- die Cobouirg Acme Dellver Mite trme i)cetotietheDrop Two Games scor:e. Cobourg jumipeti into the leati in thie third perioti Bomnvll Iinor Novice anti huingon to wna very Robert SlcnngPolsdrp exciting gamne. Thie W-B squad peti(ý two exhlibition garne(s lasi putllýeti their goalie lanfa or ofweek. Wib-rohnwr an extra attacker, but Cobourg lthle opponents ini a garne refuseti to '-et tbern havýe amIy playeti at, Ne-wcastle Tulesdayl skating room. mlgi anti after two periods The Cobourg Mites w o f plaýy the sýore 'wa-s tieti presentetiwt the Bowman- 2-ali on goals for ornn Iville Canitadian StateSman ýJTro vll fronKntWicxys phy by the P'ubIisheýr of th sei 1by linPoie.Jonl Statesmaýn, Mr-. Johin-M. James.Jaac got the f'othermark The nexi garne ac h sitt ylnrae ei Chamrpionship final anti pittet inkan i WicoX. BowmamviIie againsi Ajax. TirniAlmoni buctiaso iAjax jurped into a 1-0leati of)f 'the goal lpOst early lu ithe: în hefistPCVon1ly 10 bv iidperioci. Tlie garne r- Roci Plain scorýe oný a beautiil i lu B rookýlin's favýor with play to tie the score 1-1, Bily twoShois getiig _by oaJer Sainisbuýry sent -Rot inathe clear, Toby Riowe wilhgotps- on a perfect, pasa to sýet up tIl-e. tional play by Brookia for-a, goal. final 4 to 2 uouai. 'ThIis wps ln the second perioti, Barcryth fisgaewinseib CulIen put Bowmanviile lui the youv reporter when Bowrnýan- 1etasseib o iIi ville outchot their opposition. î Ajax came ight back to t ie! Robert i wirinrig Pools lhe score again. playeti in Markham atntin were S la the late sta ges of the se- hut oui again byý a 3 to 0 onti perioti, Billy Hogarth1-1ps- count. Th-e Bowmaavlrn-,lle teamý eti the puck to Rick Erw"in iIn! were ln the game for the first the Ajax zone, Erwin turneti tw'IO eriotis with Markharn I anti firet i hgh dive 7thati holdinig a i to, Olead. The stukCl nidfetdl Pool boys were un able bt ake into the Ajax net for thie gaine ativan2ttage oft penalties tol wînner. aka early la the third The thirti perioti eaurtiperioti. Markhm - (Catdtitwo beautiful Ihockey by bath m, rore uaineedgolslte teallns, anidthse goalîendinig was ithlit iwl,1 th iog -skating.l super'b at both entis of the rink. Ti-e,(e, Sîmig ol The 'Bowmanville defentiers wclcomed -Doug Dilling, nR ýplayed 5sohici 3hocrkey andti thir player ta ktIre team upfrom forwards wo7çuldn't give t-ise'tIe Bowmanville Rceio Ajý'ax shooters a chance ta D)ept., thlrouigh tIse -pea shoot tIse puck. Erwm anidtion. of the coach-mianager, ý ,Hogarth killeti off, a thirti per- a5nti coavenior. rThe Canadlan Statesmnan, to#nt Bai Players Between 15- hy J. Clarke Ayplayers between the agesPf of 15-18 years, interesteti lu playing for a Bowmanville Miget-Juvenile baseball teamn this season are asked to tele- phone eiher Larry Perris 623-5888, or Jim Clarke 623- 5407. It is hoped that if enougli boys are inieresieti a club may represent the town tbis surn- mer. Lasi year Bowrnanville had E.O.B.A. Atorn, Pee Wee 1anti Bantarn equatis, with a gap frorn Bantamn to the Lýocke TV Electruns Intermed- laeclub, The B.Intarns are in the Market fbr a coach anti man- ager- fo'r 1973. Any persons wanting to find out more de- I tails can do so by contacting Mr., George Legere at 728-79081. George handleti the Bantarn team in 1972. Regarding the Midget-Juv- enîleý basebail situation, if there is eog epnefrom, yougser i te 5-8âge group), the porssibihity oF >sijch a~~~~~~ tembcmn 1araîyti yericease reatly teame oeraiing ite com-, bearweaterplans for the upcrnîg bsebilyear ini town are aedy being formu- late'd. Thei(-, rnan ville Base- ýbai Ascitin with Presi- denit Byron "Dujke" Brunt ai the hlrnl-, appear quite capable I.of chlart'ing a successful course during the summer rnonths for o,ýaseball playing youngsters 'anti their adult heipers. Re- c ýreation Director Buti Fanning and bis staff are the essential pa inr nl allowing the As- soi tin o perate efciey TPhe Lce VElectrons are FEBRUA FreChampagne MJUSIC FOR LLBY Arnold Wallace 983-5614. - sanville, ~'eb, 14, 1§73 e ;Wanted .18 Yrs. l holding theireltinoof ficers meetn bsSniy February l8thaiim at .1 tir Qiti Town Hall, As etin etiî lasadweek's paýper,th Electrons are lOong for aw ; coach-anti manage-rfo173 Club PresitientGereai- bury le hioping for a>o-t turnout ati i una' gtý ering ihat cic leopent te iu lic. pre5ents anl English Fesuval Week I.ffl MVONDAY thru SATURDAY FEBRUARY 121-17 FESTIVAL ROOMS OPEN AT 7 P.M. NIGHTLY featuring ANITA SCOTT Queeni of the Pearlies NO COVER CHARGE monlday thru T,,hursday MOTOR IHNN- There wMI lie a c-veýr charge l'r, ami Sat, Lîierty St.. S. and 401 - Phone 2-37 Bowman'ville The Mcf\,ite tamfrom Cbugwon the Covnolatin trophy n Saturand l hs htCatJh Hutcinï, sacctîThceaaîî taemntoh from P-u':llsher John U.Jng,

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