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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 10

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i.. The Canadian ~tatesn'~an, ~owmasiville, !'eb. 14, 1~7~ Durham Agri News by Bob' Watt i I Assistant Agricultural RepresentativeI ja or 1 wlueci n i er months, grow susceptible';and for MnesanidCvn- AtazneCaryavccrops in soul samples takeiinlordn-1Staples,. Seso-lnontrol0f -an- from the top 8,to 10 i1nùcsý pua1iirandpeiýenia eed in Observe the plants for at Dr,. Joe Meicsser ofM the Cent- fierld nroideen on the per- lat4 to wCk,,s for ayriTesting Laoaoyi sîtece0fataznein the soU, poss.ible injury. Thn om-Gu7p , av aalk onres. fovm-, at rle ast a year with- pare these plants wit ohes ig f imilkïand ilsrtdi etout applicationi of atrazine Js grown lu similar soul, buit fe iheape of proteinbt- ,,euie bf r-tazine-sus-, of astrazine esidue. terat ndlatsleesn cetbl ros can e rQwii, Kemptville College milk. He ý indicatedc that on P_ [R. . Brown. H-or'ticulture Career Day Fbuaimlkceue.tese- ý5nr1Biology Diso ,pgtown O ~~~~( COnee fArcloalTc- Thursday, Mamch ittrcmaueet ilb -:"gy any student wh o is interestecidictdadpouesw ilni, i Agrculureor Hme co-be gîvn anopprtunity to, Crnop sw such as cucumbers, i g utr rHm c td hogotthe ,yeaýr the, nomics is invited to, observe reainhp>ewe utr ~ re bet, htebens kdnythe XmK ll ollege in ar-,relt o tein and lactose bens oions tob0aLcco and to- ton-eptilee no epa t n This will be an oppor-'fat andiadlco matoesshou]datie tuniïty to discuss the pi) roas vitliin t1heir owvn 1herd. Heý ~fietrea rPted with arzieavailable and emnpîoyment nictd ha heear! in fuehr styear.1 Spring grains, portunities, as well as sec thf el i nber of factors thiat can sobasand ncw -forage coleg failii*sh affý eheI elso ach O0f sýeedîings cao tolerate some cîee cî. o lthepsc compronents la moilk, suchi Car1ry -ove (r. Uuiy a good further information, you may as: the stage 0of lactation, thel oiwthplenty of organic conactourofie 2-34.ra1tion, for example if there is miatter, sch s a1a loaým, Ml omte a higýLu roughage content - for is lcslkely, to hv a ligh Ana tetn examrple, - afl hay this could atrzîe ary-oer Ijuy The Durham iConty Mlk cd f0liglu butiterlfat test and: moe ikecly to occur w ýhcn Producers lucld terAna e rtein, herca, as the( plans ae uderstrss, scluMeeting on ueray t t amont 0f concentrate is lu-ý ascoddrugtor exýessive the Orono I lO..F.Hal. The crcased the F reverse trnd is lîe A fnew direct ors for the '73 year! seni. He fePit that more wr Theýre a ýirec several fhings were cllectecd at thiis meeting must be donc in this area of . C.yo c o to reduice cairry- an(] are asfollws: Rpresent- testing, and it will become very ovelr. pply, atrazine at a ing Cartwright areBn De- important in flue future.r The comstant speed wïtihou over- Joug and John Wolteris; for othecr speaker for the evening lapi. This is epcal im- Darlington - Ross Sharp, Gor- ,vas Mr. en McKinnon, Vice- po t n t uadads ispose don Barrie and Wilfrid Bow- Chaiman 0f the Milk Market-, of worn aprayer nozzles. an; for Clamike Toiwnshp igBoard, who briefly out- nfamtests cao ibe-. cmade Francis Jose nd Carlos Tlamib- lincd ýsomre of the upcoming 1of sou susp c f i atirane lyni; for HopeTonhip year-s' activiies that the BoA carry-oiver. Duiring thle wn-Lly elo and Don B udd la going f0 undertake. Average Earnings $4,861 Fa0rr m ln co0mel CM ust IN1se OF A ExecuÂti"ve Meàý-mber Bruce %:TayorTE IlsGov' -Thefalimirtuncoe picture, iýs far from rosy, dsiefed- ral govecwrnmnîi, Jgureb sshowv- ing 192 s Othehig-hest net Min- 1, C Oriro edra tionmlof ~repoi3ntout tha't the 7 v 1rageOnalof rerean h~snet us miel hie family'S laoaid bismagmet Licence Plate ,Sales Lagging tionandi Communmicationls, a- Lcnep lates wenclt 0on sle bto roths ago bpu ut teeare. m iope1than 1,6i C0 00 d r iverrs who have not etbouight itheir ilun a evlo s the deadljine aproce~"sa id Mr-. Car- who h ave not boughýýt their ~uwplates wi rcognize the rittuation and corne forward as SOOn as psil" MN1r Crtnsaid halýt inl lceerping with the practice ove-r the past several easthere Dl beno exten)sionof thte1 l'hrary,,2': deadlinie, The inew - styemui-ya rlates are Xepetçd to1 ])ast un to five yas egsrto feswI onttinue to be, paid on'i yerlybasis with valida- tinstickers issued for bonth ow ýnrrs' prmits andliec Annuilaltcost for an8-cln der vehnlicle is $40. a 6clne 1 3 and $2l ý3'for. a GeneralIn ra e FIREEand -AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Cotat:. IIARRY VOEIRMAN 62-11or 6335 33 KENG ST. E. BOMANVILLE "The inqpme of farmersIon market value;- govemamrîent 1mpst risc. In construction, the!subsidizaptioni of fparïn labor; average wvage was $ 10,000 last and abolitin of succession ycarý. ln forestry it was $8.170.1dutica which'i.m-pede thle trans- Betwýeen 1961 and 1966, onie fer of 1land from one genera- Ontarlo farmer wcnt out of tion to anoctheru. business every 3.8 hours. The "4Farmners need m any formsI rate bans accelerated u7ntil be- of lon-te,ýrm security. We ask- t~ cn 166 nd 971onef am- d for. anid need, land zone-d er left the land ecry -2,8 solely 'for,-agrîciuue; healt hours." nid housing gieîe for iin- Taylor was ,parit of the .OPA tensive livestock pr-,oduiction; delegation which today pre- aniýcevnsîng ýof farm'ers, The' sented its anniual briPf to thle OPA bhas draifted gidýelines Ontario gvnmt.For licensing irn order thiat The brief akdfor aa;ieshoafpirrs, not corpora- of income boost-ers whvich n- i or part-tÈime operators,ý clu-de taxing farm lýand based ill destine thle future of on itsprucviyntsoeyfrig" ________ Mm. and Mims,. Geo. KoxMmiad Mrs. E. r. Taylor oýf vsitcl on Sna ihMe Bn~iln Wm. Koox at Fair:view% LodïgeI On SaturdïayMm and Ms Witby.vRaphnDa iad M.andrs. Messers -R. Fraser and Bob, Ross Kossaatz atteonded,- the1 Tom Lng ai, Ala Wtonopni ofthe ew RCMLp and Briani Pascoe spent the bild(iiinl Toronto. wekc-nd w,,ithý friends at Mi-, anid-Mrs. Raiplu Davis, Huntvile. cresaturlday fsupper gues MAn id Mrs, Wes Ils âan o Mr. and Mrs. Lamre Hoskin,ý family- attendcd the Open rBlacýkstock. Hlouse of the Listitute of Mcdi- Mm.r and Mrs.Brue Tink cal Techinology in Toronto on weSudysupper guests of Saturdiay. Mm1r. and Mr s, Lomne Tink and Mr. and Mrs. Granl-tDonGery the latter celebrating and famnily, Sundcerland, wvereIa hi ray. Saiturday inn eluetsOfC .Sincere amatyof the and Ms Johin K nlity is etne to Mr. Mr,. and 'T. op Snowdenl and .MI-S. Frank Westlake in and f anlyowere Suinday suip- the passing nof the latter's per guests of Mm, a'nd Mvrs.lmthrMr.s. Cook, omn Chas. Langmnaid.1 ville. Mm-. Bruce Taylor attendcdd 4-H Hompmakers the aninuel meeting of thie On FPcb. 511, 1973 theý So-: Canadian Federation of Agri- lina 4-H1 Homeming Clubý culture at the Chateau Laurier cld tà heir first meeting at the la Ottawa last week as a dele- lSolina Commn1tty"ý Hall. The gate from the Ontario Federe- meeting wns open-ed vwîth th tion of Agriculture and, on 4-H Plcdge. MïVrs. D. Taylo)r Satuirday lue attendcd the 1Pro- introducd herseif andtheý vnicial Conservative C'onven- other lead rMr. F. Watson' Lon as a mnember on a pae and Mrs, IL. Knox. Nexýt Mrs, discussion on land use in Ont- Taylor -wclcomned flue rnmohrs aiio. Whuo had bceen aslked ta at- Mýr. nd Mm lU.Glen Lre, edthe fira-t meeting, Blackstock, were Sunday, afte-r-ý This unit is to be onl Sportsý- noon11callers adShelley anld wea"r from its and duirinig Kevn osstzwAcsupper the meigthe grlsrceived gussof Mmr. and Mrs. Hervcya ;great deal of informaion Yelowee. n nishow they re madelcl,l Cindy'vTluompson, Osbawa; Mm. The electi 1on (Jofifficrs wal and Mrs. Murmay vFlett wer ci ldwich lrcsuted asFl-,I cusson Satumday at the; los: Peiet Debhie Drew;ý Tacek- "Wilken wedPding in Sc. - TesueJaniicc Yel- TColonto.lowles;Pess Rpoter 'A- , 1\ Miss FHelenBkeToiotoi, netteTayý1oY. Mr. and Mrs. BPon aer s-1 I wsdc ic htfrt awaï, vere Snd vivsitors uný i,ýt the lclub nameýj is to hej lW11andMrs. . H, Peeve-ingwasadjoumned. - by Ani- janl Mr. and Ms. J. W.Dycm, nette Taylor, Press Repornter.! OsawwceSutndaýy callers on MIrs. D)orothy vPescoe andi far. and Mrs. Don Taylor KENDAL ,iwvere Friday dinner guests of _ MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM, FUEL OIL and STOVE 011, CALI, 'ULLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial I6831 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY F:"OPPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE The rarem eeting o0f Kendal United Chureli'Women was lueld Tluursday aqffemnoon, at flue, homne 0f Mrs. Rg %liot Ith ciglutme er member. The new Peiet Mvrs- AllnDwe odce the mneeing. The convenor of flu-e meting was -Mrs. Elliott wuo (chose to speaj- on "The Day flue Carbibo Came", on a Sunday mromning n fu Northu West Teriories. Te! moll cal was en Sw ere dby1 naing a w,,,Ld life anilmal of Nortlemn Canada. Mvrs7. W.LH.ost-ý er rdtfle surrpture rcpading wlile Mrs., Garland Cetlucart rcad fvrm our study book on India. A' deliclous luinch wes provided, b1y Mrs. W. H. Poster and a vote of tluanks f0 Mrs, Elliott,ý the hostcss 0fflue day. Th e Kend1à ia1 Rcreational' Park lus been made use of this past cold wcck Wth ex- celent ire for skating. Tlue ponds are Maintaied ia ex- cellenit cnition whenper weather permits. Mn. Carence TAlur u e MemorlialHospitel in Eon inanvile er e lues been a aient for fhe Poettwo Unees tue hopeunlue w0lbc freltng! p.' «MLÔk 9flott~~j~ t&tck WE'RE S0 SURE YOU'LL ENJOY A&P MEATS, IF YOU'RE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED. WO)NDERSOMFT Panty Hose (ACTION PRICED) pk 4 9 <: Frrn(Apple, Cherry, Peedh, Cocoanut)(AtoPre) Banqujet Fruit Pies 20-u; pka 9 .IOHNSON'S (FOR CLEANING FLOO)RS) Mop MagiC 3 io plastic bil $1 .6 9 ISATCOFFEE Taster's Choice 8o jr$2.1 9 Al'P BRANO, INSTANT coffee creamer A&7 BRAND, INSTANT Coffee Creamer WEILL GIVE YOU DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK (Price label or register tape necessary, of'course!) GRADE "A"- BKNLS, EI-OELS OVEN READYSm kdHm Pi ie Rible Roast BUIT 1$ HALF lui w Mil 1IIANKMQUARTERS !Lb 98< FIRST 4 RIBýS ONLY HAM STEAKS 1b $1.O8 mnen"YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT AêP MEAT PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO NO CENTRE SLICES REMAOVED Por Chps 9 TO 11 CHOPS Pok hIN >1A PKG California Steaks I$12 8 EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blamde Steaks ',,$108 Cross Rib steaks b$1 J18 SUPE7RRiGPHT QUALIy, SKINLEFsS Sîiced Beef Liver l 8 SUPER-RIOHT 5RAIND, SIE Side Bacon îîvap$. 0 8 DAVIS 11UAND Canned Picnics -ît$1.18a SUPE IGHT lýIFýOUALITY Pork Side Spare Ribs lb 88 C'hicken Legslb5 8< SHOiPOF Wieners AIL BEf 14 i-lbvC paC 74,c,^ (ACTION PRICEO) ORIOLE BRAND SO%^FT 71MARGARINE 41.00 Prîme Rib Steaks Pctato Sa lad Beef Brisket MeQUAIDE BRAND, TOURTIERE, STEAK, CHICKEN Meat Pies 8-or Ib$1,28 24-oz ctn 68< twîn pkg38 BURN BRND, BULK Beef & Pork Sausaýges l 68 SX BRAND, FROZEN, BEEF PATTIES oRt Beef Steakettes -21bbox $1, 78 SX Bologna B YTHEPIECE b3l ;P)U1K, NI1A GA RA SX Pls asg b78< Burns WÎenerS 2-bapc18 S HO P 5 Cole Slow 24-oz cin 68< ý 16-or jar il-or jar N rPRCED) -A SUPERT BLEND 0F OF 0% BRAZILIAýN OFFE 5 113 OCLOC (,6.1JAR Instant (of fee 1-rjar$ SULTANA(ACTION 1.0 Peanut Butter 2-lb D iar 9< STOKELY, DARK RED OR RE fACTION Il rKidney Beans 14 f-oztfin2 HEINZ, WN TOMATO SAUCE (ACTION PI r 68< Spaghetti 4 19-I-or tins$ (ACTI1ON PRICED> GARBAGE BACS A&P POLICY Always do what isý honest nd efair for e1very! RAINCHECK: if on adve-rtÎsed s pciaI is eveý-rjrj out, as'k the- Mono9er' for a Ricek It ettsyolu Io the some -tem at the sanme speciol price the following week. Or if you wisb we'll give you a comparable ite.m at the çame Pe-_iol price. A&P offers an uncondlitionol moneybock guanimce. No motter whct iftïis, no mottecr who aks ti A&P sels it, A&P gaote t 7LEP jJANE 5 ARK ýýERWIE l CE SADWC RATIN. CD <Buy 4 Iav 5 avz ?4c) JANE PARXFU, VANIlaA (ACTION prICED) (Buy 3pg ~e2c CUP CAKES 0 JANE PAR.KER (TART 'NWEEWFT 'N GOOD TO0 SATI) Cherry Pi*e ful 8", 24-oz JANE PARKERr, MRNU Lemon Pie tuiliM"", 22-r) JANEý rPi<ER ( ACTION PRICED) CinRamon iRolis JANE PARKER ~ (CFFES CA Kcs) ATO RCD DanishRsp ry pk JANE AER PLAIN OR SUGAR1 (ACTION PRICEDI ,Family DonutsLkc JANE PAVKER- SPICY, RAISIN RiC;-il Span ;h B r Cae il o DEL'--!OUS PLAIN OR TOA'STEDI JANE PARKER IrPK Hot rossBunspkg. JAIlNE PA R KER snowflaI""ke ROliS (SAVE lot) oz pie 59< (SAVE 10c) M7 pie 5 9< (SAVE 14c) i 839 (SAVE 10e) o6 59< cake39 KG 0F 6 43t) f 1279< ,3 pk g, ,f 12$ O A UPERB PBLEND 0F 100% CBRAl LIAN COFFEr, C'p GouNDïo TO) OFRER (LB BAG $,9 RICEO) CANADA CHOlIE A&P 79< F' Tomato e5 328l.zti$ 0 RIME) BORLAND BRRAND, CHOICE QUALITY (ACTION PRICED) PRICED) TOOTPHPASTE(ATO RCD ,00 Cet (miysielOLb 8 CARLOAD CITRUS SL (Direct fram Florida) PINEAPPLE VAR!IY, FULL 0F JUICE Oranges 5-lb cello bag WHIITE, SEFEDLESS, PICK 0F THE CROP Grapefruit5-lbcellobag 9 (ACTON PRICED) HiElINZ SOU PS T-A>Y' Tomat3o, Ve5etable, Mushroom, Chicken NoodIa 8-fi-ox -"7.O t10< (ACTION PRCED) V21âOO DETERGENT (king size). 5-lb box$41.19 1- ppRPiCED$1.59 Our Shelves are weII Stocked wi'th ail of YorFvufeBads Creamy White, Choc. Fudge, Dark Choc., Buttter Petan, Saur Creeam fWhte, Sour Cream Chok. FROSTNG MXES TWSASSORTED COLOUgrPRINTS ACI Fa(elle Royle pkg f2ri Facial Tissue 3 3Piy sheets $ d. sIr

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