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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 12

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12 The Canadian taemn owmanville, Feb. 14, 1913 Orono Forestfrysý Station Marks 5Ofth Anniversary This year the Ooo Fores7t Station 0f tbe "Forestry" a; at il known locallymarsitS =Otiyor ot operafion, The #statin egan funlctionl- mng in the luof 1922 when ,some 3750 )ne f ighb, sandy soîl, Imdaf1yf) the West 0f fievillage o)f rono, were pucaehy the provincial 'hst anie lat] 200),000 fwo- yeur-old seedlings wre ob- taîned and transplanted andl theb fr8t seedbeds were sown. This won a busy feitfor bbc new Superintendern,1Mr, G, M. Linon and bis saff. j'osite chosen- for the nunserwas largely Inuene- e-d byifslocation, iimmediate- ly ,outb of and about Aid- way along bbc "Oak" or 'Tino TI is 2pcial -moa Ine('ex <- teýnds fbougbonk ýConity n thce west fa Prince Eýdward Cutyon 0the east. Tha îdearea confained tons of fouvandsof acresnofaband- oned farms and deset-like a reas 0of 1bl>owýing sand wicb wcre in urgent need of re- Onrc te bcnursry asesa lisbeddemand or Lfro cs sooIn< TYRONE Ftdyevening f bore a Vary good attendance at bhe chre pi-c arty wîtb 15 tables. Magre all, 1Mn. ýFred Part- non, MsDoris Mnas, rs.ý Alma ,Wite, -Mn. Cr i letIt, Mi'. Toni Horstmapn; 50- 5draw Mr.Edna Viviani. Ar% and Mrs. F. L. Byami efon Monday for a fhre Petrbooub, lsiedon Sun- day îtbMn.andMrs. WI Park. Imn.and Mrs.LJ. ur- dorh ,iand famrlly, Bwavl wono suý'nCay calions 0 f bbc parka. M1. n, ant$rs". John Ovendeni on bc psi o he o motr Mr(à Cooï,rBowmanville. MnandMr. JohIln Rni and Gil are peased Abe able ft('Ihe hock li thir boyrne. Ali~, and Ms.Johni Oke, Osh'awa. wroSu.nday calions oýf MnT, end Mrs.-' Johin Runi. Mre. Edna Wiood is a paf onf in MWemyornl Hospital, Bow- iranviuse. Itb pneumnia. Mr.Edith YMurphiý s a pin l Ohawa General Uos0ýpital, peeyecovery ta botte heat tabo'l t tbosc ladiel, bufj7 our fa1,oida Mre and Mrs.Thomas Holmes of vWb tby wero weekend gUeEstp nI Mn, rand Mur.Paf Èan andPatrîciaq, Xfr;7d 1IcIs Hdkn Smif b oop -Icllrs oi Mn. and Ms C ongrdatuatons and best, wîcbea tIo Wilberf MNark who wîlcelebrate b i, S2nd birth- duvau afthe Wodley home. Mn. anud AMrs. J. Wnooleyý and fanly spent the weekend wvitb ber b 1rothrand Vwifo, n. ý I ýnd Mrs.1rraly dkn sri nd fam)ily, Londan. Tho Jior îChoir iftl ho on&r hand, tSuniday Imrornting, fe * MnaidMns. Bnian Pergen and Jneomy, HJ-amîltdn"; Blîl Ralim, Orona,., were Sunday dUjinnergu.esta aofMr. and Mis. Wvaltor Behm and od ay luncheopn gesawon. anid Mru. LesaryAgincourt. Rent a 2car for A A OR WEEKEND Ask iýfmor Re. COUNTY ~1RYLER-ODGELTD, sprea f0 reasoutsiJde the Oak Ridge and nursery pro- ductionr ioe overthe years until, just prior f0 bbc second world war, ïlb had reached a level of 4,000,00(l trees. After the wr demand for trees inicreased sharply and the old niursery was no longer langpe enougb to meet this in- creased production. In the late1940's an ad- ditional 1.000 acres of land was pcasdimm-lediately f0 bbc west tf0 allow frcrnïursery expansioni. The present fFneaftStio consists of 1350 acrues of land of whicbi about 400 is suitable fornuer produiction, 300O is low-lying creek bottoni land liable f0 flooding and 650 is rougb rolling land suitable for plantiations andI see-d collec- tion areas. Toeassociatied xith the staton oebte years have eemaychangies. Mechan- ization bas baken a good ,deal of he bahk-breaknglabor out Cof sowîng Seedbedmstansplant- in , and shîpping. Rt is ex- spected that about 140 local Cpople ýwill e ir(cd durig th 93sixwekprnsh- Ppinigseaso n to ift, grade, pakae nd ship the ',9,400,000 treus tatar rea»QDyr lant- ing. Ovris 0years 0f exist- ence the Orono Nursery has [supplid many millons of trees to recce indvidul-s, mnunicipailities and t'ne pro- ivncial gworment to Id in the gigntc efohresttinpro- giram"me thiat is ncsayt k'eeoOitaîforests pout 3ive. WththeforeastdemnId for ood to almost oule the begýininrg of the 2lIst Cnt- qury, it is epce that thle Or-ono urerywil ontinuie b lya maýjor' role in the procdution 0f orseystock for- refore'station projcts - -ide. Paul Hellyer, M.P. fo lecture a! Durham Pal Helly,ithe(corfl r.elerhsadao- Canadian) political leader andIed bulsineuscrehig roesieConservative M.?., beenr President o-f Cur-i - wîll speak a-t Durha-m College,ill td., Bujilders anrd Coni- Fridakiv Fehri-arv 16 Fat 8 p.n..tractors, and of Treuil Rea;ltyj IAI~Afuneral service8 held from the B HS Debaers Pace Scod in IA A istrict Finls OIUAYNorthcutt ElotFuneraý Home on Saturday, February MRS. JAMES GRAHAM"r3rd. Internient was in Bow- Folowig a ilnies o tw manvi le Cemetery. Folowig a ilnes oftwo Pallbearers were Messra, yerthe death f Mrs James anl Stewart, Ian Graham, Graham of Valleyfied, Que., Ormand Burkholder, Douglas ocurdon Wednesriay, Jan-BarGenPotndSn uary 31 Ist, 1973 at Montreal Brar, n Sa GeneralHopitl.Fratsigt h hg se Born ai Cobourg, Ont., theintttngtthhiheem iwhich the deceased was formr Cthaine Steartheld, were the mnany beauli- Macdonald was the daughter ful floral tributes fromrela "i oEflithbetlate WWilliam John and tive, fiedsan ogaiza- Elizaeth acdoald, nd r- t nong which were those ceived her' education in Co rmoodyear Bowmanvil]el Schools. On September 7,ya cdOfieFnneD. vision, Goodyear former Val. 1948, she married Mn. Ja*mes lyfed ang r ansferned Leslie Gra -idha d whosuries.intoNcw Toronto; Goodyar The deceasaldyfhed Fnesid Cd inl J.Valleyfie!dQu e., for eight VlefedFcoyCuct year, moing ther fro Goodyear Valleyfield Account- ~4 Bowmanille. Mn.and Mns.Goodyear Val. G rahman vîed M r nBow mrnn-. tieofeon ServiDevandnPrGod uc-- ville for a number of years, Contallyfol dvisions, od and' when residing here, Mrs' yeabrMVaerfie]dRecraffiof Graharuva amebr Cu, angradSafo Trinity n ated mCh rchof teValleyfield Branch of theÇý the tyCanadian ImerialBako Unte hu, h Bn ,o United Church Women cmeandCndinore -- ---- the Jack and Jîli Club. She o m mor er , Ca adan o in- was also a member o~ f Frsters, Hayon Com. Canadian Orden of Fonesters, miiy Cu 1 Court Venture. The deceased was a memben of Valleyfield United Church and was Treas- urer of Valleyfield Sunday col.She was also a mcm- ý ber f Valleyfield Golf and dount,ýrIry Club. A housewife,62-33 she \vas a loving wif e and imothier and took much pnide ini ber children' and home. She w ýas a former employee ofi ile, BellIJTelephone Co. Bezides hier husband James,-ý Mis. Graham la survived byý three sons, Garfield, Gordon! and Gregory. A broýthlerMr TU'IE RUNNER-UP TEAM Tistem f'o Canles Buier', Da aitre, Jeff Hlodgson, andlIBruce Macdonald., also -- Bowmai-ville placed sconid in th1-e District finals of thile Stehe Goodmur-phyý. Thecoc was Lloyd Johnason. vives. I.A.PA.snfety quiz last week. Teami members are: Photo coumtesy Port HÎoue GuieC Unied CW.urch codce h in the' lecture theIitre. i Lbd. JH(,scrved with the R.C. District finals la the Indus- champrion (of tbbc Petorborough sef(ety meteral ,for the ýst udorts topics of /Isafety: indusrtrna,, Mn.Helycrbasoften taken AF. duniing Worfld Wer Il. trial Accidenf Prevention As- district 'and Bigon rjla sthe ta study e nd Ithon bbe studenfs home, braffic, boeting, electn-,' an independent position la First elected fa thle House o1 saiation Higb Scilool sefety champion of letbo Pot Hope- ,write tests, on tha21 mat criaI c-al, etc. Cenadian politirs, and la a Commons for Toronfato Daven- quiz finals were held last weck Cobourg Distriict. rand sft a~nnl Judges for the, Contest wereP forerCaadanLierl ab p n in949, hoe was appoint- witb Brighton High Scbool h inigfa mmes The studentls who ,sc-ore Ennest Carey, LA.P.Adistr ict otrc M,inister Holea labae- PnmetryAsstn jf oing onit on top. ec ie nz f$5igcfo h rolea-president and Jim Taylor. Johni unqepsto obi tnbbcth-Mni r of ational De- dwere e mienapizeo 5iationis form a foam Lfçnm Myles, immediate past-ri- tapir "A Cncitical Look alohïa15, eaeAsc- Th uIt n ~a îmn h une'p emrc~ ta scbooî wbich plays off[ident of the district I.APA2ý Caaiamin Plitica".- ate Minister of National De- Brighton defceated the feam eived prizes of $0eac (-h. witb other schools ini [e acted as m-roderator. fnc'la1957,. and Minister of fromn Bowmanville witb a Prizes wene distribuited hy n.înîi.The winnen of bbc compefi- National Defenco in '1963. He score of 95 ta 75 affer fwa Gien MacLeod, a supervîsn a this way tbc I.A P.A. tion witb Port Penny will go, f 11.. w ~,Àas appointcd Minister 0f tie-breaking rounds at Green-1witb bhotuhcla trnghaey.oleg 0ao f h atraOtnoDv II2 WI(~ Transport ini 1967 and was;1wood Tower. Durbamn Board Iof Educetion. rotaubp fstdntno sb inals la Kingston o rairkMortgegeand He orngCn_- Ite . ron f h!Eacb yeer bbc I.A.P.. ,org- juat tLhose wbo appear in thie'lFbr-uany l4tb and the division ' pý1 oran id ol 1968. -C-provincial pley-offs Bigbbonianîzes seafety quizes ila eecb final contest. hmin il opt l Lu~UAE raMion ili e re[9 cd ro competcd with Port Penny onlHigb Scbool witbin ifs district. ýThe 48 questions i la lstIToroato for bhc Ontania Cbam- Mr ele eiiidfol j1(. £tt 'Por yt ., igteifo. LtCAJLCthe- Âi.itt,y ±t.itVV contest' ..i.-.-. llIt sin in AnLit41l. Il. J. l ~ W> t ho Cabinet l 169 ad ater 1 for-med bis own political ong- byDaeBarnietf anîzaion, "Action Canadal". Iguless worell issed Hîs sympathies are now wibbt Old -Manr îne'sculty thjis bbc Conservative Party anId bho yean. This ,mey hbave been an, was elected as a Cosre advanbege for bbc track stars tive membe r cf P arliament dfor because bbey were able ta Tnonto T=ininitl the rerent stlant their training eenly. geeleecon On Monday, Fob. 5tte,bc Adission f0 PeuilHeyrs senior betsketbaill eam had a talk in the Durbiam Lecture gareoagainist Port Hope, De- Tper, .m.Febr)iuary 1 site miuch effort on the part is $1,00 f0 be paid et bbce doorý of Clresteami, we bat. Other tar in bbc ýh Durhami- On Tueisdlay1 the ýgirls hd ecu eiSoes includeRe hirnegular Valceybaîl prect- ligionl , Minonity Problenýis, ice. Tbiey wvork veryard nd lCan-adinitîgForeigna Aýf- because -of this fr hyar-e fe'ins WomD-CasAfasB- aýble ta wi ny ge eics ad a Rigbt now mnany ïpeople are-- bhinking about tiheir future. To A belp bbem ,along a nurse con-_ 0 sultant came (-and alked 1ta a group oO"Ll0gils. anC S S 'ing courses, I guoss a t hthse R gir-ls' do not realize thiat nîlI their use ilatb(c guidance off ic e. O)n We tes eybcgymnas- tirs club bc-,d theirre 'g u 1,l practice. Anolthen tbîng I noticed on this day wis bbcI closerte.,a b eahr a studenits. To illustref e thiisi point, Some f cacýhons andIStu- dents bave ïa hockey f ernt lo-, gether:. This reelly. shows --theti dlesp.ibe tbbce,* argum-ent thatý there la no lack of communi- cation b etwlee-n olden and c youlnger p)eople, this fart ceni hoi wrdng and mnany, timos is. Also on WednresdJay, somie peoplbe went ta gîvo-,; blood in Bawmyanvi lle. This rcally shows that bobb f earbens and Fstudenits can. ýiOn Tbursdey, bbc senior and juInior gfirls volicybal eamas played Venier. *They wn thliree ont of four gaes. Th-e plydCobonurg, but cdespif eI hy Sueice Tepat xweok wns e very spots-oricntod one et Court- ire. Thile Vwintn.seasonI's ferna are nally lafutl swing. Tie weslngtem ro- petedd on Frnidey in a tourna-i ment et Geacral Vanier. Tbey woni 60 per, cent of thein atches,bbc wlnena being P. A. MlacLoan, T. Buchenan, . . 1Macbeean, J. Adi, ien Creighton end M. Johnson.' Thonn Thýunsday bC tcarn' tnavclled to bbLQLSSA r om- peîbon ax ýJoha]Son IwonI bbc 15-lb.b'ible aaýd oth.en in-! dividuelwinr were Johni-i VooysJohn Adair, nIn Mac Lean, Jim Smibbison aadfTe Buchanan. The býoys' bahetaîltema but bbt eiosbt nte 'O zu Chani 1-gbt WOUthaY DURING OUR PROMOTION FERUARY 122-4Vit WUE WILL BE GIVING YOU SOMETHiNGmec *FR11*Eeù 80 OZ. FBI 100%te PU REAP PLE JU.ICE mn with the purchasýe of Pu n 80 oz. FBIC7xplua CGod s PURKmE ORANGE JUICE 010nil TOTAL$ à%% rirlUS2 pEPSI ad COST on i YOU 5SAVE SOc ca AVAILABLE NOW FROM YOUR HOME DELIVERY SALESM-ýAAN Onp Help conirol pollution - buy juices in returnable glass hî otties Lan, IF IT'S IT'S GOO)D 1' ~-O. L L "'r'IL 'r'-ed, bbc appreiainofrheMnand Mrs. 'Russell Griffa lan çlouirn coir for Mrs. Asbtoa'ýs feithi- Ibb death of Mrs. Griffin'1s- fi rst servc for severel! years. Upon Donald (nee Buby Hammill of negainiag ber comLposune Mra. Fongus, Ont. Asbtn gve sirer thnka Mr.niAd Mrs. Leonard Stain- for bbce lovely g-estlune and boa- tio ce Sundeyeenn sp uitiful gift of astrlngsivr5ergust If îMn. and Mrs. pin a a priate design fCclMlsMpeGoe thie imuisical staff witb a rose Ma nd Mnrs. H. m(cGil l!jý as Ibbc treble clef. aend Mrs. B. Vir'tue, jUdyIand TÎhe 4-H girls met af pm.Lajuiei,. were Sunda visitons, <:1aii~5e Enniakillen Churcbi ba Se- ofM and Mns. Garth McGil1l ~~nmont for their second meetng. amily, Elmira. After bbce girls showed thelIr n.I- S. Kersey, Hampton; maitenial and told what bheylMn. and Mrs. Douglas Ashf on, wIere making, we discussed oun Bowmanvillc, were Snndeya club name. Finelly wo cemespprgstofM.adMs uIp -wýith the "Bnaiskillcn Nifty1lHenold Ashton. Kaýi!ffers". Bonnie Wright reed MnU. an 1d Mrs. M. Pollard ind the minutes and thon we got BndMn. and Mrs. S. 1Lamb labo discussion. Ouri'x iand Penica ad Sundayafter- thits year la "Kaencks 11bbw)on te, with bbc R,. Hw S Ncck~nes".Next-e laidon Mn ad rs H. cGl bernals ccbckdgirl'!S. Occasýion (of Mn.Mcil Miniiid Mrs. R. lHowe et- birthidayl onrbuaios beadcd Centrel Çollegiaeo :schoiol plays as gucats of Mn.FYour Heentat Fuad contnibui- and Mrs. D. Pierson. Osbâa. i fanfîhb ei el eentl Mn. George Pebbick,' Scer- atbick, strýoke, high blood pro-(ýs- boronb, wa e viitor ,on Sun-suire,vcuatic eepn day wýitb Mr. and Mrs, S. IR. rbe(Llmatlic !eant disease, con- Pethirk. go (nitel betdseeand an M.dM ra eoBt-ohrb aend blood vessel well Bwmnvll;Mr.addsees Mrs. Bob) Sellick and Teimmy, Osbawýa, were Snay supper gucaf s of Mn. end'Mrs. Clan- once Sf aintniand f amily. The E. Wnight f emily eit- tended bbc funceral of tbbc laboe JoebMuilen of Coîborneý. le97 B o w menvil 1 oseverel iportenit issues witb OuLr sympeilitbfo bbe f mily. ibe 'o Commerce beld a the diroctors, ilpdngbb n- Mn. nd Mrs. C. Aver, sailn meeting et BHS on jtîveaation of mnain abreet anid John e nd famfes, were Seburl- CP nesdey, Fb. 7tb and wore bbc importance of fonnism tIo d ay*Vevenîng ,dînner.,guosts of nlabe o 0hoeable bo use bbc the local mreasMni. and -Mns Angus Kinîg,ý Ictivo ewmreigarce If wes dddi ilt bbcFob LteBnitein. hoi meei n bcbak-7tb meeting Lthet 1the Clulhemben n ed Mr J , Bnw ild o)f ibbcpicture a lr bcof Commerce wo l baldedeeOsw;MadMr.. y window iwbich a>rc a sperlel meetingonTusdy A Wrrwr-Sliyluct ofl the marketIig dopent -Feb. 1.3th, totae Plibc f e'n.adMr; ay e forts of regioner oenmn wcOsea 1db ~s Blpb r~ on localbuiese.Fre Ms.SLmbvstdtbb mono ethusistîrener i. officîll reseat bh! o n eth1t0Mr. Lmb eld knowledgeele than oininsaou1ego1lgo- M.adMsRlhLm d a c. rnt )et an open meeting of antd Lisevwere visitors Fat bbc BoinenviieTo nun- Mn. aad M-s. F. Hme',l th nght a te guaf it M inday , , PPtrbrnh or fr lbbc carijng, M.Dona1ld Ir Illbbcprincipal Mnvi. and Mrs. C. Avcry and Goîn mmbr f Ibbc .goverament sý7pokesman for tbbc family werc Sunldyevng lien Chamber of Com- iregional goverinmoant proposails dir.nnget fM.adMs , oGdin dsuse ilalso attenId ths metig. oe ekkpir anid Scott, New- ___ rabtle. kM M. ed Mrs. RuslTbb, VE- N 1 &Y 1% 1 L ENors e t M.and Mrs. S. Lamirb's. mrlýh,tSunL i ntc 11 Sua- Of little, William Fraalk Bn- Mn alldMrs. Geo. IrwinI moria, bngd nlly by nebt, son of M.dM rs il-wer re en iiosoMs lad billfa ow\er bbhe im Barrett (nce Editbl- ae oe, ocyen wind Llurc 1ta eo edngry o1uneo) h o -edMi-, anldMrs.VWearn eýnd a goo firf reson o etreside la Don Mills. M.Nre ngb aa -I o(i a- toat-MnI. and MAlrs. F.Dold bbce f'ýcbn serviýe witb The rogular monthly'meb- wre Tnesdeé ino getao oý -,ýthe rewedipg pbeas-Fîag of bbclle ittie MAessengrsL an rs C vey snýcbl a a Inevealing son- coia1cided w itb bb aitism i!Mn., pnd 1M1s. 'J. sleionaend by our mînlistonrbesed on oveaf SO(i bbc litble foîksanad Ms E .Siem11on, Ennis"kil- 0 word tanbcfGle floas ftheinladr MsamsEa1b;M Geta Slemoln,vw The a" Be. Hopkins non Wenr,,y âed Shiirley' vStaîn-1mnîiwn inrgct mcd ncily tat esston ocrupied bb0c fronit pwâo nad Ms aî lm ced bc lw'scurse fram fa sec bbc ptiml fr eIamtno ndy ~ bcwa o bc ros.tining to bcS..romfo her Mn. aend Mr. Bckb are nw-froctoreciemeeting. sctStre eeîgwb Spjroise.C h -rbo7gbit The SS. esio iws ed '1Il Mn. an)d Ms uaoTabli,.SR i? f abb w'bodgifonligwan:ship Ihy MAIV Bweado aInb laod [ o expen J. ýWcnnry edMse ct M.edMs on a God's lav 7Isbapplyo ry withi ss Shaýron WrryweoSude istosofMn ual_ gfsc..Love, Joy at bI ino etTurdy n13a le WeBw _iP icr. heSenior Choir 110 gis and baya sectd frommevle iIifs usul msical mes- bbc Jr. ind Si" classens wn Mrs. Wallecc rifa n Mwitb their ifiie n dancnthegusof Ibbc Nonthumbrl!er- aald Mrs, Russell Gif îi- Ath ickso ft iuxuiry CI îe enbem C-istthe lndBoard 0I f Eduiiîon et ifs cd witb relatives aet Guelpb irnt-ihlIoe bbc She o oqo," A spe- negular meetin aCobourg. ad Fengus lest Thursý.dey. onc cremony w e bcBaptism These forbtunabe youing fîa Mn. and' Mrs. AllenWey '. Iowthd ____ receved heinla v tab aoed femily were. guests of ~ f~ îy, iihe Beatamaioisbeeithbbougb olui, local rpeete r.RasaLee, Kedron. nanville 3:2-26. tîive 'ontbbc Board ,,viz, 1Mn. A. Ms.Clark Donlend,Lacr iFcb. 3 our judoboaÉ J Wery Two ofthese stU- Michiigenl: Min.ed Mr5. E. A. RUBBE te i bb dstrctdensl i4ef spechesP_, gv Don- OZ E pioahip.This Iarludd thein)pressions of bbc meet- înwr eudygcb I fram jex, sbawaing- viz: Debe McGilladD.adMr.CakWiy vill andPetnborughSecott Wenry. l ubr un tbioe i~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Blszc n endy e..essions ontns wi!l n a n.Gr cktPOEýO A ;hboion th-eir -respect-!conitinue th'eso bn-iifspches xelnca;Mn. Vend Mrs. Rus- ue gir1ls vol4 eybpIll emasr ice bcsr. Choir nd b- Mn adqrlsi F. Beck-ebt wce d gia 'Ni n rMus. Chemff-bera gathened 1for, Suinday lnon dinnie!,guesaor, 'l'ai t Basdal .fheia shonrt blýime n ap n Anid Ns. W. Bcckebt car M dale by scores aI.5-1 "and tirfnom bbchoýIr. p- afew Oun epest symprathy [frorn KN T Fý word Mra Chabonaexprss- bc cnisunity inextonded ti ofticeTownidets Ail Persons intrested in tékingq part in discuissions on1 THEPROPOSAL FOR REGIONAL GOVERNMENT IN TIS AREA are invited te attend a PublicMetn at the New Counicil Chambers, Church Street, Bowmanville on Monday, February 19àh, 1973 at 7:30 p.n OFFCIL5FROM THE PROVINCIAL GOV- ERMENT wilfl be present to receive a'ny questions, comments or opinions on the Po posai and hold discussions, PROPOSAILS There are a limitec{ number of copies aal able at the Clerk-Adminisirator's Ofic1t the Town Hall and copies may bG- peruse5d îat the Public Library., J. M., MIcîlroy Ivei nL M. Hobbs Mayor ETSbyZ apet. Lusýtrous cut pile, nylon. fpatterns. As durable as it is Iovely. . d cown colorand pattern, ,sq. yd. ,RBACKED 0111y .69sq.ydROOM SUZE :$3 .28 623-25412 BOWMANVI LE ý I.,

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