Auction__Sales WFEIELY LI.VES-zýTOCR SAL:Uý OU PurIIham Cety Sales An >elline Heorses, Catie, 8wi 9CvS, S he ep, etc. ch ar ai.Anctioneer amd M prieor.2 BOB ad FIRANK STAPLETON AUCTIONEERS specialî!ziftg la il type SAILES and ESTATES or Nwtonie786-2933 16 Aur-tiori sale et FethM Au'lctîon Barr.Hydn mile c-iel of Enniekilen, sý urday evening, Fbru ary171 China cabinet; spc-ielit week - nidl chumcb orgý lawn mowecsv, combir lio ciclmcwnod anid co bedeo, eal nice chieel of dr: ers, triuck hoad nfoÈ the(rd ie.Sale lime 7o'i Clîff Pethick, Auctionecr. Walker - Liptay Lt Auûieneers-, - Eveluatoi Livesbeek, Estate Sales Real Estatefor Sale R feal Estate for Sale FR1 VATE Sala-Orn, w- R VT SL slocy thrce bedmoom hume, Two honîce et Bowmanviie ~ anr oomr off large kýilci- EaIsb Beach. One 3 bedroom., ena -n. Phone 983-5261. 7-2* IMW2 bathe, lectrià-ect; one r.m Two story nine olm hme 4Ubq,,,.mTwI4pcbaWt, m"e, b Omone , nIl func, ui bsmnt nie athe fou bedo cm , 1/ Oeil 623-3984 flor inspe-ction. 'Utelaundry oom, broad 4 Pro- hoom, garage. Lcldon cx- 3-!Ilarge wall tmed Mo. Aek - A iog $990wt termeq. 983- GEORGE VA Y 5427 eveninge. 4-t REAL ESTATIt - REALTOII _________________ n1i1CHURCH STREET o, 7L.M TED 3¾ UýACRE LOT - Aetuction of LTDR of Hwy. 35 and 115. Ferly 623-4403ing $ 0,800M.0 6-tf H1OBBY FAIRM 1 - 5 yeer old $29000.00 Unîd Compare -3 bcdrom iibungaljo,on 7 Us Thi e atelyMAld dbrickacres yfondt Gondbarri nule lhomne iausvc yproud owne-s 30 X 50. 7 miles nonrhof Sus- but ha ve. ,been tmaneF,'far If Orono. Aekng $36900M,00 7t o amreode soc LOVELY LOT - ue asb of his homes wibh 6 etrv areuotyoo n vdrod an; moorne, boetdioomcdnic(o, I lbidn ie euiu îne- garage anid vcenral Osba ic.Asig 590.0 oaci; wa --Oealtonlight 10 ocee Iis 7C iw - 00el. art- Neésl 2,0.0Gracious ick. Whe do >ou 0ind a 3 bcd. 2-S3torey Home 7-P yMnmbungaow jcl ose10sehoos and shojppg- flybmna)d- iSbaa on Grooms A-venkue, loomdAbachcird caport and oe of Och1awas highy desi- cule drve.Large lot, I d areas. Huce kitehen, sep- [td, hddplus STREAM mrun- anale dnin% rons and cozy ins through il.Cali endliving ro. Thnee good se w'show; you. bedro omniid lbroedloom frons î7iý)ot ;îoses , HamtMon, For Professionai Seirvice camliý STEE IPAYRare tri-levai, 4 bedîroomeýI R.R. 1, BOWMAN VILLE w wIk-in closcts, large 418-23-217 fa iizd kitchen. AtteIa(-ý 8-bfpIlus 2G' x 40' pool, fuiiyý -_____eqippd.Loi 13' x 165'.j Copeepivacy. Pull11prica 201h et 7:00p.m.Antiu u- tiono0f gond lass,chinatale, HsitlAnea hanging and wal! laiî1rs, pne A sicýing a ailiy wlln and mnambIefumilm v ood-i-fo li tie of e Semi-detacbl- en andimnarprmtives, cn. 2 sborey elucco, 3 bcd- etc, Ovar 250 -ood cohetaile rmorne, sape,-rate diniog m, oom-. items, et '"Hemnoiigate ,Couolry Large lo)t. Please donl tweit. Auctions"ý - locaLed 4 miles $26,900.0 north of Rouige Hlili oni Albona, Road (off No). 9Ttgway'u.or HamiTptonl - 10 Acres 1 mile souithofWitveN Juet listed - Two 10 ace reserve. Terme .csh. THenmy.1percale in Hampton niaea Kahn Auclion Seri7ces - 668- Building permit aitailablaý. 6189. 6-2 F avad oad. $19,900.00 cach, _________Terme. Saturday, Februery 24th et Aften Bone Cclli: 1:00 p.m., cearing houeehoidDai lso98- efetfor, Mme, B. Clcgg, 53 ei iisn - 97 Mitchiell AeuBronklijo(in RubY Ingleton- q 623-2 sub-ivison).Consisbjng in Melville Dale e 63 Pari: Pair ofmabhio MaîÏy Eîfriede Jost - 263-2 Gregoryvases, Wedigcwood tee set, Oriental vasas, R.S. Fmus- W/m. MeFeeters - 725-1 4867 2627 5638 2032 1726 7-1 hall entrance te second floor. Wclkou.t besement. Garag e. Priced te ,-!i quikiry. Cahi GEO. TWAITE.PS at, ý723-2008 or 723-226eý REAL ETT 360 Binig St. W., Oshewia 7-1 33 Bing St.. Eme, Bowvmanvlle Phone 623-3950 or 623-3111 38 ACRE FARM: 3 bedroom home. Ah] modemn con-ý vaniences. uargc barn. Cal !offrice. LOT: ACRE AKESHORE ;ýO::Askiog $25.000. lDurham Club Lec Plants Need Love b)y Aleenl Aked 11(o talkýd tu plants andC pmaya. Witer Île a lme 0 To tontos 3Dumhriýýta Cnciu!îityv reelt ap"lantsI ned eep t Club b ad ehoa îulu e cc- boopu affodlil bulbe b m ing on Jaouary 26 et [tha tic refrigE:rator. The fig trac, Elducation Ceulmea, Collge and eyer bloome but baus a sck Mýe Caul streets. Mm. Rose wb';'ib grmws larger ald larg- Sbnnehlous s moge ,jcjnmcc tinge4this 10 vanorintrodlucad thespakr mekefruit 2and teeare fige -Mm. Fred Focwclkoown on ttai ti me.Mm.Frost boaIhie H1alham Stre-et cnin ib1h hie planti, - grenho sa "Mt bbcfrochrsathmuewithuttftow- 1that freeSe buLttic Frost that cr s caused by lack of suonshine toleases"S- UrmOupded by rare in blreýst irce(-Pmon-tbls; a and' commonplants Mm.' Frosttropicalat w1hich scalSis 1 dmaw -fromt expmlienca 10n a lefbapping %wetcm ied in- fater b ccii 0 -yea - ldsecls inisida - ront a favorite grenoua usnesan1 fromi in lindia beaeuse 0f imalar1ia; 40 yesas spUiredet fa sniieplant mwhicb mc- Dulferirn Si.Uniitcd Cucspondcd 10 e th und1emstorm'Il lis(cussed"h ac oaite f amb im f Chi stmas, fthe F ait Lfeas I Sec, Il". Poni n -et tii Sbo, waS 'Plant-s arcwn, rfl hey stextedf when a litIle girl are Ciivlon onments. prayed act the roadeside for e Evcrythin le ishere for a PUr- Ioloacm b teké b ticChrist r oe boti plantls and pcople; C hiildÀas aep gifb and arws everÏy per-soi, ecyp lent is tic poinettia wbose lae diffmen; eemyweed bas a, tumnad, fmon) re bmd pupsf rgcdlibs Ofcii'adacrprsarc ficia1haa PeheCior chIard, ocama bcklmuhon a ehiîckw cdisje gondlin salaids- nwmedicine siirnýir 10 îg i deoelio leees a spich tes.smadie fm-om bu!lbe of bbeý 'tle ioots have their use, iy-fb- allad thcebetrl Peo;ple akfuoLetos . oifBeh1bm send iflowers oniWý dnasdey if bbc-taswibh-i ater every tic day je 'fine , obhiemwise day: doni'bteî iclarg- send !thanmbc1 ay. eom".ieve p iedon in sul Stri es on1 hyeciith b ulbe -meri,,) irnucb becusa ils ar ýA custo11rer skiog for. hem m-ont ysteni '\witb1ton muc1ii was i bld h he)d ro hainhwae ots lie ots; ee blbeIlf, only E.and ,We'stîng- use plesliec cvrs for, par- Itus -huband eeaking 'wifc Iennials or plenîs nubside in wwae ihicbul e wnt was cold weather bacause freeziog told tose onis wenl in tic and thawiog cn( auses troubDle In coup". Omn miracles: e agreen- plants; smmiciarae for -pojn- bous uss cyanide e x- caIlles, 'cul b1ack, plant in ot tinate iiý)pep(ste wbien i it15 nuteida, bi i b housabefore seidoff for, boume, s.Ouafrost, ptl10 slepet injg-.hi ni it, iding b ouse ,il, iiS end fertilize. Remember, a fait Io ired 10 ofum-Iigate - plant j ife! iaI iniglit bbl polce ounid àMme'. O. B. Dieklio.son tbenk- boy hd rokn zîo tc d m. robThere vwes 0one gracoouse.ý, li "Ticord ïStop- other pamisoii whom she 1knew ped mic!" Onigbtlie nil who wmkd ibh plntsand humer weob off ini 14ldegrea ed Iem- eelxîofow wcabber wcna snsnrm crI11 eS je ike mSiC, teeare (local ooly> ocrd ticl25,000 non speie'.Mme genhousswiýth insuiatïing W.C.Mulrmy and Group 3 snonrwbîcb s avedl the plants.,". we"tecnaosfor me- Plants need lven(laefaimns ceibages. potloces, , oneboe Mxlme(iccgwil icFriJ are most subj ccl b l oving - d" ayFebmuamýy 23, 8'pm., t lieworld rneede love - orch- tlicEuceionlCetra, Colege( ids arc mor,-e nervous A min- aoiid ]McCauil Streets. Tic lser praycd oercomo eecd - soe'îkem il l hebbc Rcv.R. 'T. il gew, hé ,payed oegatjivQ]y F. R-aîn,1 .Ç ., L. ThU, R ec toDr and it diecd. An inbemstîog of ni'St Iolin-'sAngÎli can Churc h, book onIissbjcl e"13i- -Fort RowVan, Ont., wlio wihl ogaphy - Geor-ge Wasington ica]of hie Trinliby ,Collae Carver" by Rakman H1oilt, Scinol Cdays ïet Port, Hope in Hold Di strict Finals The Canadien -tateemnn, Boi rrns111?~TansprtaionClul and are'oIdCharter eeting ~'Durhm - NrthumemiandAbout130 popsle o c ao Canad a as we know, Musical1 seleclimon0f opnidl e ngfr bbc cYhrteruakesi eadiioýc Wdui Cnnuie.ýci. Dubamibs always i5 aain Isiub fc rfi lbab tice lWc weicoe. Trffic and Teospobetin levl 10achiaee 1ir onl ______ ClubMontral, stcssed ic di ide aî ,Music ResuIt's The fohowngl a iet or sîînesiilcanidaesini exem-i inlionos heid r(Cccntly by tic Roya Cnncrvaomyo! Music nf To-on to jo Bownmnvil1îe. Tic- nai1pS es a'rmauged in order of ment. Grad-ý ie VIII Piailno-H(onur's, Grade -VII Pao'Hnue calmol E. BernitL. Grade V PaoHnue M'oika , K Koozlmaun. ýPeesS Catherine I. Gracie. JeffreySîneRicharýd Sicns. 1Gr'ade il Piano PFtýt imelCles Hnuoms-JoetA. Mndey Grade I Pièano-Fireb LClasei Ilonours-Drbra Pedwell. jin (raindsrc n eooie (ePl marie a 8ma hc showed theb n h roic 1100people emp)IOyed cbyýj al modeýs of trani-sporbtabion11' pn!inted Out Mm. Hie Haienton b nsay tîhat Ï1n11 C'anada abouIl 10 per cntof ail cmploymcnit and 20 peéri cetif al epniue in- vèlve(d tran1spor. Transportilion Clubs Inter-1 niatintaIibali nogaiainin-J vol"ving, about 300 braf[fieclb like bbcecwLITO, ad las bl1,1 me mbersbià p of 60,000. The- pr-iimary objaiva 0\Tý,(f th bbc oraia i e the force- fui atclio f bbevtal,ýj mol plyed in transportation micstrctu e," dcecibed Mmi. "We beionig to an indluetrv without which tiare wouldâ s, 1~. RoyI Baý,- 4ie and- 123 ACRE lFARM: Good - W U J urineRylartcade buildings. Brick home, r.AP n va ria, crystailet c.; Tiffany offace1 <Disr'c Curante> vncil FeidExeu1 Co 'MalOrangIl eiLiG e holer Lmog, ipon Be mde coveiece.(CDiistrc(1harnâet) r. Dal icirdiný,c(ur P, ro- table liAp okchnina cup- O1audy e.ltino ercso audy bonr (eryiorate nd uua i);Fpl.àAuditorim, w manvl l iWe r and Im gar d W ls o nt rn e Lo g f W s baor baild - c.tlw feet), BOWMiNVLLE:3 eromth innuai Pinew1uOOd Derby The Judges ,fer the Distrcepe fo P r de table, chair, cred e za (el - ke sf r e . A sking $23,500p.i.,L P r ea t :% r c 4ýr Jacbea destlpoe- RAETTLaTD 1 tryhmVr elDsrc ae o ofCb ae a ateam from nCart- gnt), e ratc iim: OS M ily credsta wa AI d10 w r hldetS Jseh" rigt isritu 0itigof The ennual meeting of the -- Tf Jcobe)ýan platers, lmarbf e bedroom home. O0 heated. lhe foliowing je a isi OP ayGoid ad reandnd DuIELSCoit rha ange ld i lack- o topped brass stand (Fr ench), ah LrebaJrn1. WellflriRayner We1 ý rr 'is-n sock iod elciFbraySu nt~ d oudoktabl, gunistock nnd cf2 3 4 Kng st. E., Bomanlville fenicedCaîl offic, Design i uýners jisi,nms es owt omn nqeSh îhWr onyMse reedbac-k car,4pse 2-' 96 ACRE FARMU: Br ick ragr- 3rd Bowinmnvlle Ad, ejil, t, cho'ose fdopa and R Bmown preeiding and Bro. ~ ocI h.ets f dawes, orn. Al mdem coneni Scti-Head, liicret Hlhs orne pretty ees y oesUaeR. Wrightas Deputy lMaser. esers, bookcases, Bnwo3uAr emece.2bre alofc.Icrd Steven i ,Browns; ontetakto hyar og a pndi h '-Rficker, McLagajýn record play- 1ip-îoofd alvanized bain, I 4AYCMECIL ,th, an olr edl ob omne o o oa rhdge ihpa-~ r rse er and4 recOrdîs, so)fa, pair of eig gHGHA OMRIA U isel ct,3dBou_ uwel donie. er-And Scripture reeding. orlr Tuta niatcing hairivarons ugeapproximately 70 Suiablefor mteapert- nmanville; 61-h, Shwn arrdng Grand Lodige 0f- amps, inctuirs, vnFrgidarehe d of catie. Ideal pond site, mente, etc. Cali office. Nwate. Cable T.V. was on hand sa0,,I) b Visitr o duaun f Iautomat, icuwehe rigire w.goodi producing fDam soi, ' fany of yo )swo u mmbr owecmed ihem theirimeietiinýg n Cobourg least atiai ahrlienwToronto 50 miles. Paved road. OSHAWA: 3 bedr ioom brick Speed Winners-le14. Robbi'boswo ino ficers wr pesnedtote TeBad fEuatoe SpatanTV an mey the,$5000.00, Terme CalDane bungalowlý. 01heed -cJohnsoni Hillcrest FReîphite'~s; yorsifOf elviiowthGan1Ldg-Hnoeweek, decîded to recommrrend Ï intereslig ies uto ilb nMndyeelgRgtWr rEne ineW. VC. Down, e former taus- ee' nt:ThssaeofeFund 623-3965, bat. Vey wll kpt. ric 2nd Josph ercz Bron's ernoeTiNe Hn1$271501. Terrme. 3rd, Michael Pogue, lili Bow- et 6:15 p.m who celebraed 50 years in the teeamas ecanidatefor teUn 7 antique and coilecçtabi e itemns. B1avlkstock 15 ACRE FARM: wilh 41rmanville; 4tli, David DemAltr edr av uiOde a lo ooe. Lemip 0f Learning Awerd.ý ThJrpry0foe0 h 50 acre faim, approxim- bedroom rbrick home. OP uBHiîcesi 5h, BernieAngoplecoopereation anid vithout Two minutes silence ;;as ob The award às presented ennu-I Tlereddcash.Noe Bs erve tely 1600acres ar'n. NewtonvJi1le; 6th, Kevin Low- itheir beckig the 1973 Pine- eerved for the foilowinIg me-Camy"h chool eech ers dr- Truse ,sol. 'Hn ry Kh Ideul for buetfarmîng, creek! Pond.'Excellent. garden ]nda r endel. ood Derby would nothavesbes wohave esede a lion.eahrsFeen,' Hos O1d iný ahn originales On pirperty, 4 bed- Oeil office. Hetiacngaultins1gne as smooithly as c i d. during 19721: Bro. C. Oliver, Auc8ion1 ervices.Tejephonrmoom hoe, L-shaed bamnail Iliese boys and their me-I Thus, I fet it saee bsay tnis Bowmanville, 20 years serv- Candidat sut not be a 668-6189. ~ ail in good repar. sigMe er laou. clianice for a job well done, was the imos,ýIlsuc ceseful and ice; Bro. Frank Maicolm, ebeIi0f Me teaching pro-ýý S $-i_105,000A00.Terme.COIlPhyllis Harry Voeemaii - 6234759Y end to the leaders fSr geiQng fumnfled Pinewood DerbyBastock, 50 yeers Bolesison. They will bc sMeeced Real Estate foi Sle cRobbie Harre' couitte 725-2649 their oysouito tciteeta ee u ha heslid Ilprh ooy75 reers, Dev-lbyaepeýinel0f judges on the ÏÏRIVATE, 3-bedroom home, Orono Area Joa HaBernei 786-2356 We were piased ba have bo date, iti's; Bro, Wmn. Weinnn, Keni- bss0 i rle used ec. room, cOer" "'aal, 0 yeersingonriutonto secondery covre0,111t rmwîtn a ve. ooým, F. DeWith y 0 yaý-;.educetion in Onterlo). yparc o%. Phone efler 430 rn:Meos godEl arsns2 s4 esports from tdepimary "bpart'ly I 3high stables lodges ithe County were meo- This mey consist of cn 62-228 7 bar wt hghstblsex e slUepy Aqderson 349-2669. là. P e EPO RTIli ceived and the recuite we re 1stuctive participation i n cdui- ce rng.Rom s - , J 2U4forwarded to Grand Lodge. cational affairs over ae ýnmber- Peter 1Ko1wal, Jr. cetll e . ask ig$50 aien 2720 h em.Cî ulTr 1Wom. Bru. _R. Brown, Cqnty Of yeers, or of work on some:ý REAL, ESTATE asy __ - -~' The Newcastle Deteclment Orono Fiatly a car stolen AMaser, gave his report for mecent and specific undertak-r Bomnil f the Ontario Proncil fmom Oshewa was ecovered the year 1972 and thanýked rn, heecieemnts for 52 in St W -Bowanile Age cone lire bdromPolice investigete-d the fol- Iabandoned on base Ine rocid everyone ý ifor thir blelparrêtwhich a per-son e noinated phnne 623-2453 bungalowwihexre.Beet - lowing motor vehicle c -east of Couriitice Roed.This assistanýCe. inay bepmic-wd r oa Mhe high cosîs of bding, in- iions and occurrences be- vehicle susianined extensive Bro. G. Cole gae eport nsp. Large builing lot (ovcî one epec bS poperty now. Ask- I tween February 4th and Feb- damage as tlie iglit and on the progres and arne _______ W9cme), cose0Rice Lake. A ing $3=1,0 (0 Ali Pet Yeo. ruamy l100y 1973. windows were bmoken and, mente concerning Ihe Orane good by t $2450. "en motor vehicl accidetz ents Iaelshed. parade ta be lield !in omn Centraly located tIbm e,-i Courtie Area - meeinvestlgated b hlcl A residen)t fiom-on-ylil in 1974. bedroom home,. dininm ronm, 19cre, hghayfrntgefive parsswmehjured and reportedc the theft of a tape G;rand Lodge officer Woer.M fiepche, fudhlivbasemteary nar Courtice Ideal tnursery 3 une kiHled. As e resuytsix player fromhile ca;r, while ît 1Bm. M1organ Brown conduct rxpnso itcencend fulivisng rooawthsituation. 5I00 suare feet 6212503 personts ar-'e chargeii with was panrked et ithe Newcasileied the1ctiO f officers tfor pouseesin. greenhosseplastic covered. driving ofneincluding aena on ,he eveniin9 of Feb 1973 wilh the folloinSme Eigityfiv ace frm,802 acres asperaguis, 4 acres! Bowmanvilie- nmpcecmpact Ithrre 'criminel code drivig 1b, , 173 irsiilar ocClcu uie:Bm. R.Bmonmaser; Il .ee ln WAW01 rc ram, 4)strawberris plus m o de r nbedroom bungalow inthelAsnn l acres ,workat-)], tiJl-rincrnhbuglwwthntrlnlhed 1 pvddieofnerues ncewsreporied o e r.R rght, Deputy Meet-, rianiral nonýh6ehd,1973, where e repe 1ev- er; Bml'. R, Petton, Chiaplain;: pienty of watem, large bosefieplce $ 50,000.0 iî n u fmnce and se'parate din- At agie accidehiýt claimed Myd113swelta ee BrpC nig ec.l,-Scy GoyemTradRule and bamo.dspaeaeton terme. Oei Pet Yen. -ng oom. (0ing 26min. the ife 0 e resderitfmoro r an ers son Bm ! rngwom Akig $&I, tiQuecofa eb. 5, 1973 , fo aca arked et e serý- cBo R ÈPmescttTreasurer; Co. of Canrada iLld., TootoL,, New ï-ei, in gnd r esi- GrenHh Bwavhl 2soeyod h 's rpcdisdeievisaton Hwy.2 we B5, R. Van Campi, Mmhi;panee$6ml nexpansion e2ienH 1odh m mpdmud eD'saino rýGien Lowvery, lst Lectrur- 0f, il s vd-fe u. r denatinlalee, three hedmooine, cm home with 5 bedimome, 2flinMg Mwreckage o of eiclofromnil.e n m an oey aiyiiQetr kîtchen wilth larg-,e eatîng amna, 10 acres, nicely treed, gond bathe andlag cornier lot prad ýlant 10 eneble àit manrufac- nice living roolni, four-piece epringeclose ta highw'ay. Ask- close tu hosil and ho-înove i eahcecar rear In nmany cases of Ihei, thep2nd Lectumer. ueslrdaltrsfrps endi two-pece blath, Peiectric in .l090000 O ilBihTu1r- ping. Asking $33,000. end cliinon Hw 1 01! îim oot eeeogiTheannuel Primary Lodgeisenger cars and trucks. bet ulbasemenrt.riced ansky. oarm enviHlc. prceuion [0 ensiutht Ccli Pars Sweoe then de- art$2,00fuli Newcastle are -ivy Ain w1h iie ute, hir vehIclies or buildings cided u ined he121 ofThe plant, opeind in 1965,! After h,>nrs -Cili: Nwate$900.Onrfiepa1 1ce inIi ivn mnIpitd 2 0eerlinsi ga)l- wudasW t rvo heft. was fiCnp whc e o e s rtuck and eathmover --il buiet ýo sut puchasr. s -1 im aes of convejntildesigne. J.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Betn 6'-09 wilhul sMupurhae bodio tcugo iasotons of wdhh1 was brenk,--An investaton Yiseing held in PPor erry o uyTe xasoal ees G. eeli - - 62-565I OilNom Wlhmu. ttacled garege. A S ki ng etradthf,6teft1"oduced cbiheudemuc- nh. Teepnini $33500 withri)terme areud investigati, 2 wijflpthon of a hemn thet was d-R. o.Bamorgan Bmýýown, hecause of the goîgpopu- P. Kowal - - 62~-5868Orono AreaNcwcaste - iovciy 3 bcd- demiage complainteý,, o dis troyed by-fMe on Feb. Sîli,(rand Lodgc, addressecd h lrt fdc ailtr 7- Apmve bilin ltner-rombungalow in bhe soulli turbances, 1 areon Investîga-1973. A few weeks piortu membemshîp, efler wh mogNrhAm-erýicniauto-ý ---- acre. Asking $4,250.00. end. lias separate drinig moomtion, 2 assaulte, 2 durmsestiMte bemn fire, a vacant bouse lodge closed wîth prayer. miotoets Oeil Audcrey Plainfncdyedand (co'e rd coplainte, 3 erretie or dan- ai bbc ame l1cation ncar oris as FO SALEBuilding Lot, Bwevjle patio. Asking 232,500with1gemous dmîvng comp1înt stehe n iii Ruad, rnorthgCntrcinwllsath ru îX Af Apr, l and is cheduled for Lot 50' xl IO'. vîomi!Ie- 10ac ans ei Th report.' vPdfbowmanile, Ar5aso sadIs-U . ..Y cnpeiobl7tila shop22x 2 on property witli bush and good cinhvolving M&c recn)very,, of pecte nbt 2' or 0teuîJyýe 623On94cb.:8, 1973ea.vehîche Elded U C W met in the Ploynant of 700 and wiltiad d CalDane Found 623-365. Asking 215,000 wjth termenriesffondpopr puled bilt ie TwlieSpur unday Sclool Romon Feb- 437,000 square feet offlo 62-64QitAreet. ACorskîeng a12,50. elo encean 7e ondruoasioe perty, ande crStation on Fwy, 2 near Osh-juary Sh th h 15 I.-)adu,ý ires- spac thbbccurent produ- 62366 Ae enCosierng Mlimokre -27Acrs',,! wo pel rsoinsar fe ohamgcdawe 10 purchase gas. The -ent.ILois Yelowlees, rcportedolinaea of 426000 131 King St. E., Boiv;nvflle MOVE or TRANSFER? 0f properby wibh cek s-wl rmnlofne,2driver oifc f cObservrsbcito C NTYLVNiIbsWe -are equhpped tel handle ing $18500 mith terme. perrons chargcd witii lquorve ru3clt, offecesNand6 prinn chis-quîckly depambed trainbbc isIand said that wc wulnd be Bowanvlle-) làacr kt bCanda nd T..A. Llod ing for he gas, but was soon It vwes d bjedtat Our uit' earu couhd qualify Tfor, V.L.A, ASK- Aa ot-- 7505 b etwe aea olw:A ag ftetwsh Idbooks fr thechi ING ONLY $26,900. Edwhn Jeans - i623-7(152 A cttag e lca a Wbaginrieeaer rm"0b;W dsuscdteuogmem LESARDROA, 2yee- ~MecacDo l 2-91ha' onLk cugg, aw'a me suhedule for the comîngL M N old ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 3 ero rc n ~tHawke -983-5274 otg1ra a epme1Dii~ p- yeeandlaerr'angemenîs for bbc Goo)dycar TTie andRbe aI uminum homie with attacb- 7-1 boken hmm on Feil. 4,197,. "WincreOd Dii" Wo id's Day oýf Frayer On Athe C fCanada Ltd Toropnlo q ed garage with patodoors off After 9:00), ccli:-- - Tecottge sietcrd bynFor an accident frne win-,evening of lMarch 2n1d inour ba eased its linancialreport dining roomcai;xak-out base- Steîn 2330 rahgonenl the firont doorer, maesryordvigcuc.frhecrendDc31 men wih fnîeed oon i0BihRESULTS COUNDT! OcLnsme teuknown Js wintemîzed, sri as adus i-nyeVbce bad charge 0f the tbc basement beastefily decor- Audreýy riin 6 23 -35 63 pr iespnihie c'aueed hng Sto wintcr drlving cond i opi ch was the imoue- LtetYe Ago e abe. URY N TIS NrmWeterp 73-409cosieraledaag bthe tiols. Slow carhier for curvec, bon of Our stuLdy on, missîoS 9,562,00) $1.,753M00 j LOTS end LOTS i0-f LOTS, 1 2-077 inteiokr Of thc otgbW oniicoe, hoieeetne "Ask An Inien Aboruia" . a eo-- 6I337 ever nocing wae ebon. r, Malway crmine, and anry She bold us abutithelace ofhhr Sanuil Anle - 23-7141Dî::F1nd - 6233965Three cien automobile oher location wlerc the h10-Iajn women n Ahir eoiety. 1 Samel nus6=0JneFo$d3A3929 $1 29,21 James Robinson - 62-3795 DlrsRc 725-1498 wm eoecdqadndho ablity to stopr couldi be ftl Mary Milleýon gave bbce Devo-Sae MaySnîh ay Brown a -t23315 bbINwcasile area bctween b moving traffic, busvemore tionel icl was on bbceme$26,00 $8531,0 786-22 Newtonvile Fostir- Orono983-580 Mary Smitha- R MULTIPLE LISTI801SER I cb5Aliand Pcb. th, 1973. sinpping rom bctwecn ynur "iàviîg Wabem"prcpared by The companry atbrjbues the BRanner Passant -623-=589Bh Tu rabbiy -623-7159 RalEsat B&rAT Airtti drem Bethcar and the car Phrad. En- Frainces ïSphensn, a mie-improvemeant 1Aconinualion Else Spencea utie or rv p ecvdna 5-2sieiyibrH-63-29round imy 1iodMA.XIof a consolidatinpmogmam 613w95. TAfink a car154) bolcp , 0 vlshilîty. WneNlddi ing Maïl rin mome od ri irpinc 'adoJptin the-, plrevo two~ Rohîr 'Specr 623i-7694 J.ais Oudehooris -623-298o4 OshaclWc & Bowmanvifhe w locaid h Isa metfor sfewinr Ko oervcd ie sul 'ienldhy cas nsay-is it opneth 7-1 _______________ U rhit oLoce nri i odxlviàng, cup oVI tee enall unch, I way foi am expansion phiase Dwmanville, Web. 14, 1973 it me îg Sm t- tfnui Tasoiain We mon,a14 Taic Canaie Idstie ecr , ihcd, iec i 1916, nd cirsses àtc 11H, fièer1 m -Jb, f the q_ýç_If" ber e ad 1chrt01e r s-- memberst, E. FIe QUliTY AMPLE- FREELE AT EAR' 0F STORf, TEENPER - JUICN MenACPLE LIC TNEDED CotageRols BRAAT O-RAmAcsTE 4o.L NEW' WHIExhSLaeD PROEN QEMPST TENDtL EE Pius t OenFrs Kaiser Roli i ORA GIS79c Et a agoSier DWEEP DISCOUNTI PRICES5!1 BRIGIITS - 14-oz. Tins Sv ~ RED PITTEI) cHEïF.R RI1ES 5for55 LBYS .-c1Tn SAUERKRAUT Ei" ID.S I -19oTn STRAW RIIUAR3 Sftve 0 Io3 9c Save 17e Ifor69c, Save 15e W1AG 7TA4F F E ASFS' T. - Il-oar Save 26 J.AMS 75orv JE LLI1ES5 f or 79tc LIDO --lbc. Save 29ë,,, Spaghetti, Macaroni 2for49< ICEC31M MARGARINE 100% -pore VEg. Od OU MLKPRICES HOMO B0 AGS Sc 1/ aI omo 68c Quarts Homno 35C Choc, MAiIk Qt. 38e 21% JVGS-1 76,c PULL MILK PRODUCTSFES DAILY Tue,, 9-C FW od Martid9 WITH and EE P DISCOUNT QUALITY&SEVC Teachers Art, Workýý WiII Be Displayed In1 Cobourg on F eb. 18 P i-veliundird places o! art: le 10 beach teachrs ýncw -art work, will bcon dlepley et tcnqes'aod bkpreentnw C. Scloo aterielnd idece 10 them C. . Gmmo S~ool i lacî îîey CIVcenippîylu intic( Coboumrg fmom 2:00 p tm 104:0 alacrisimoom1. ,Tic course w7h1,icbý p.nî. on Su1nday, Prumy18.lespno"dCIha MoIrthum Tic art productionýsfafit loto ibcnlan ao tDrbm out tic categomies if dmeins, oad !dcabion jeunde prinîs, papercreainsculp- ileadmeipof Pr.incip)al ture, dasigo work, andpupý- Ann Thominpeon. ise Thoamp- petry and are tbbc wnrk l- c sonlcmmo n i an az- over 00tchswobaecd etoii l)1iic amount of art spotthirevoigsthis M11- womk and bbc, scopIe of ic rt, telm abeoig oifs~n wnrpoduced by lhi taci- Educabion àart course. Tic areF,. ;Tiare oi niobbt iat teeciars frim o mli eimntary \ tjiicchimn in ourecol and sccondiamy*v cehnis an, will benacfit from thielemo mainlS rfoom mturbeadinpmcae" and Durham Count)ies, bow- 1Tic eart d isply e ralnd ever a numbar 0f -panisons frmnm Lhi beechare wclcoma Ihle pub- bobi Ontario and Hastinige lic c i vsil and sce lhcjrl work Couiltias bave cnd:d-a plearî;ýt Dproj cclfor 'a fam- T ,'h iprpose -ot the -course ilySunday_ outing. Elect New 0f fic.ers lu