Norm Uliïman Talks With Local Hockey Players Veteren centmenýý Norm Me ple Grave, on Saturday, star signed eutogrephis and Wee' dividsionls, will trlavel tai rtllan a the Toronto Maple Feb. lth, teiked hockeyvwith the enthu- London-, Ont., for aitaurnanient wa h etr trcýCounty Chevler-, the so' .iii March. Last year, ithe Ban- soc of the two recreation setcyugtr.tami selects, tram owan tioonj r1 foith young bantam and league teams bad donated'new This yecar, at least tre1vmi on their age categoryi myidge-t hockey players at teani jackets and, ta cap theiselect(al-ta)teains, fin championshýip at thc London Countyv Chrysier dealership, day off, the Toronîto hockeyilhe Atom, Bantai and Pee1to(,urnament. Ass Oc. Sponsors Thle recently foemefýd Bow- tendedthe clin ic. ýWede, the supervisar (i Ump- thi ~ienvîleBseaiAoita From leIt ta right abovejires for the EOBA; and, bhn chi wasý the hast club for aný Ont- are: D uke Brunit, pre ,sident afIthe speaker's pod!ium, Kith LIÙ aria Basebacli Associetioni-spon- the BBA; Spira Annis, Ont- Weese, the Umpireila Chief aI__ ;sored- Ump'tires' Clinic in the aria Basebaîl Assoc. Secrctlary, Trow Hal audtoiumonSet- Jack Mantie, the Urmre in' urdayFe . lth. Close ita 50 Chief oI the BBA;J-LT ta ov l ou h-ea iste onloatl pio Basef bai Aso G1, Pr __ umic n fiisfrni ail puresidentof the shawa; LeOýP es e% O In Chamrc LOCAL HF-ART FUND COMMITTEE C VS S oif 1 01 l thiome wethe canva4sser cataanenelpeivlibe bf t ;and your dona- ioný Caudrop éýped int'o you lcl aada Imperal Bak of ommere.orcontact the Heairt Fund Chairmant, Mrs. là. Lucas - 623-5445. --l BRAND NEW 6 CYL BRAND NEW FORD PINTO! s 2~-44S1 On1,Saturda, Fc-vb. lOth, Preston the Movers Novýice A's travcelied ta Newmarkct Ma particpated la the 22nd Ncwmarket Annuel Novice Iia the finit gaýine, Prestonsi won 5-1 over Denby, Michi ganl. Earlly in thec galine, SteveP Huissnmnscorcd, assisted by Kevi Nole.Eacb tcam scor- cdc twice in thc second -perîoýd witb Stan Greenham gettiag Prestn's govalasised by Dle Broome and Teery De- Luce.laIn e th1rd peiod, Greenhani sced aganin a- ssýted byRob DeRoa, DEBoan from tac go nalleP J ohnilSta"r- a Umpire's,Clinic ORONO'ý wcrIe innrI guesta 0f r. ,and I'Mr s. Geo Ç, Grr -P (of Sh11a(a)on Mord ay ýmr and MrVIIs. ca,ýrl -Plu, 0 Wiliowdale spnlt SuniJay afa- termýnoon Ithhs unt Mr s. Geo. Morton. M'r. and Mr. ob C'ooper of Ainccurt Sperit the wee end withl his mother, Mrs. F. Visitors with Mr.. and Mr s.ý Arcie Lunn were m il In Mies. Keith-Wood of Ke(ndal, Mr. Gerald Luann and duh ter Lauralyn aI Osbawaý. Mrs. Sid Barraball ias ee a patient ins Memorial Hospitail, Bowmanvilie, Miss Susan, Bail of Toron- ta spent the weekend withII ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rey. Chiaries Newton, Min- ister of Northminster Church-, Osh, a.aand Chairman of O shaPres.bytery odut cd tLhe regular Sunday m norni- ing service at Oron3o IUnitedr Church.1 r.and mes. -Reg. Sutton paid thieir respects ta thep late .Mr. Nels:on Hinln nOsha- .wa on Wedne(ýýday ofas xIewek and afterwardsvite Mr. -and Mrs. Oscar Adama lai Bowmanv ille. Mr. and Mrs. J. O.ý M. F agant of Maekham spenit Suýnday with her imother MýIrs. F. O Cooper. Mr. andý Mrs. Siniger ofNe YVoek City have, been visiting Me. and Mls Doulas Gibson) and son Carey and thiinfant of Port Perey District, ate of M/r. Alan Heard af Orono metBreaaian e Cmeteey, visjied -MrilanidMs.Ed. Far-., row, Oshawa. onMndy YELVERTON 'M,.. and Meýs. GradML- GiUI, ac:omrpanicd «Me. aind ë Mes. Walteer eeta Flani- * da for a wvinter vacaitîin there. Hapnyhoig The Janctviilc -Midget Bac- * key Tcam c amye frýom bebind -ta eke auIt a 6-14 victory over thieir Pnypouounterparta lai Oakwood, Sunday A.M. Two * aI aur YeIvcrtoýn Sr, boys are doing very wvell la the Part Perry Circuiit - Vaughn McGill and Terey Mlcoin asecond -, -and thirdc top scaing pas- -' itions we understand. T h ey are also playing la a Lindseyý .~ eage, oîn vry Weill here MI: aswel * Tlhe retuen aI those chicery -~harbingers aI Spring, the boa- cd lark, adds a spring-lk note ta our, otfeewse frigid iandscape. We c ve t their eb;iity -,ta sounid sc cheeri- o OEA. Mer Weesewa theI ful with the mruy-haver- icI înstructar at Saturday's ýing araund thiezr mark, MiC. Muaýst be a,,leýssn there s;ome- ______ bere. No vices Lose' >ionship Game, gýaard ,anci Huismian with his sec-ond from DeBoo and De lin the second game, Pres- toyrsrmet our .rivais from Lidsyand for the third tine thi.- season eiiminated them flrom a tournament. De- Boo scored the first goal as- site y Noble, with Lindsay t ; t. DeBoo scored again asqssteci by Terry Miller. In 1tha scoûnd pel'iod Chuck elhsco-redï, assisted by Garf MWCQu-a!d, In the ,tird, Weish and é ua sgame against,4 Aurora, rs etons iost 4-3. In the, fîitper- lod Terry DeLtica scored. as- eisted by Caluck Welsh eInd Stan Greenham, KNear ithe enrd of the second perîod. Aurora sordto tie, the game, and ïin th e 'thiird period they took over completey, scoring three times fia tIhrefe minutes. With 2:2ilft lin the game, Teriry MUler s cored ( assisted by B3rent Clemens, Stan Gen 'ham assisted by chuck W]h lthsgme Mark Sakeo played goal and puit on one of the fines-t ldisplaiys of goal tending we have seen In1 a 1long time. Comm-ýerc[alHockey Bofhi Relors WînGaures in Semi-Final PlayoFfs by JmCak Walter Frank s winner, had e great regular seasan for the The twa B~~~eal EstatspnBai stte club, fignishiag sore clus eeege wincesjuat four points behlnd Burns, 72ý-73 semri-finial, Spencers had Ilile difficul- tbc erl ganeWalter FrankItyla their 7-2 triumnph avec njpedBroks Sueeest31 a sluggish Mutton's crawd. onGary Wison5goletI :- o The winners, xvho heid a 26- of i inal periodl. The 10:"51" eg-a)olsdrngfv maitchwe a snlap for the seIIesoIIInimeetjings, were la fir'st place finisîýhers, pc-eharge tarcoughout Sîînday. cees, asi-by rshdMu-rien Raweý, an honesit work- ton-'s Shieli 7-2. er ail yeer, wes the Real Es- tete club's scoring star, with The two wianees leed theIr four goals end an essifst. Bey resýpective est a iesreCrombie, cýaPtaini, LryPer- 1-0,withSpecersmeeing,, Ke AshIton and Doanie Muton e 9 a.m. i-is Sua- Farsey 1hit for, Spencer's other daywbie Wli-r Fenkandscores. Dauig Crýough, althougb -Brooks clash et 10:15. hcld srel es, cantributed 1a- estSudeys fra COS-four asý-,sita and was seiling lest, Brooks led ï2-1 an ols for the core match. It was býýy Steve Buens vIoarlyla-oth 2O llrhe firat and 4-0 fol- thijrd eid Atraaoria a io 0 inutes. Spencers fîah emBun 'aetei" - be(fare BRick Woolikce with aid ronin .10eBlso ,n batlKen ýVeitrb et 4:07 ar 1440 aerPn' Lcheth Ci naýl Period. Mu,ý'ti.-o'S! McNaç sqardthinga, wit ohergoal ainefrorin the-ir' Buvns,woragUp "20 reg-i Elect N ewZ( ula'r season goals, w7ith 10 Cf mis th-ese cominig âaairnat Waiter ýiM .erno ia Franik, (ciicked aet .l:-'0 of teoii thidgiln ta Spelct Durînfg a î'eent m ieeting af rcw' e, a 2-1Î de Wlc Meinoriel Park Association, it Fýreaika tJiPcd t on, McNeir's Iwas disciosed thet expenses srcor)' nd goaeler 14:50 aI bcs for the yeer 1972 exceéded P ertiad. Lanny Burna ,13 and $5,000. Tisebrkd n is as BerrIy Wîe Pnasîte.The fallaws: HydIroý,icreaker, Beai EteIte r w notched telephane, ail, anaw remnovel, tace win whIcn talcir sceson's flowers, gita, ec.$2,385.58, scoeing leader, Gr isnBsbi xesa ti ei ispat BraOks' Gat rg et $294,38, -Donations $282,50, 181.Gen tai- Bl1d ing.(lside Waltr Fank' Bran 1cw-vndautade)$i,35.7, Prk cilsdrc tis ony pealt la rouda $94,6, Tlai$O , a~ ~~ý hift-ploff penr.Ba1P 92.53. gd oes)Wlgt %ndlVewi- he193 lctona«;ficr ne' Výinc es-n sr a edwthteeofcr aýcoring leader alil ye George Saiasbury, alter i4-:.lo,~ leaving the Sheli gang ýtail1- 1ng then, 5-2. Officiais " ,Ar - abie" Crossey and Al Junk11in tagged the winners ýwith tbr of tbe four minor en tences, Everybody ontac Sene club appeared sharYp for Sua-, day's outing, with onlyto players 9ailng tapick upa paint. Whe.c ianeri' vie- tory cha-in mwas (omnprise-d aI 13,soiid links, Mta' rw turned la a deearyefot Trying to pink stars n their Sunday ehawînig w\as somnewhat like findlaig àa su- vivor from Custler'î.Littie Big!j formnance over thc4 gua vchedJule agaias-t r Spiers-, was a 2-2 grebber;, la their fifth and final clasý-h. 1la their four other matches, S'3penv ccirs dominated. )ffiîCers of bark Assn. Stainton; Re ntai Caiirmanl, Mrs.Hen Criok BnoCar man, Barbi) rte;Ousd Propet, MGrii lre Inside 1Propr)Pty, ¶r.Aun Dil ling;e: ,u r c eC on venr, r LMrs, diapp; Sc ovnr Mrs. Eleanr Dason Cu Henning PublictyM, T. A. F rni;Telehon Comit The eanadan Statesrnan, nownianville, ["eh, 14. 1973 Town Hocker-y Lea,ýgue 'McNult y's Take 'Top Spot With Better Goals Averageý »Y Jisn Cla,,rke MNlyspoints king Buens phygot snarled up In twvo M utySportsý, by irt.uel added two. Other scorers iortlukewa0jrm ate Hspr- ofabett,ý1egais coedtctal1 thé vwinners were Grant Flin-nes1 a he bots ere Gari on h er, efided up as- first toîl (his eigbth), "Woody"i place esient folowing le .st Lee Witb numbers six ad1Wison and Bilan Evans. Two1ý Tbursdiay evening's doule- (,_sevea, andBrc Med s of Kramp's goals were o bdr.Tbe Sportsmnen wJiîp- (his i2th), They led 3-2,after power plays. Bob Hellamr. one ped County Chrysier P-1 in 40 minutes' utotinced af Kramp's moat cnitn the 8 p.m. affair, 1hii, County over the final 20 In- members this year,, was miss- Kramr1p5, sPsipped pasi L1cke ute 5-2, Ing. ,It was the only gameif' "Al"_>failed ta play la 0f th r TV 7- 6. For the socnd place Chrys- - ThleMcutbuc chsle uc, Don MeMurter, sem-i-final o-pponýents, in oneLuke Prout counted. The astli- 0nf thceto bet of fv af- diais, Douig Ceougb and Roilyý e e a fairs. These twvo clubs meýt six ippandait Out only five! turnes dueig i' l1e rglrpeatethree of them gaing A sebedule, wth M c Nui1t y ta tas lasers. McNulty's sea- U20 -}IRE -HOMF4 claiming eight af a posslible sýon cla.sing triumph was their' COMMERCIAL - LIAI 12 pointilsonI three wins anilcl ond inaa row and fifth in ' two) drawvs, They outscored their lest seven gmes. Coun. y -,CCIDENT- MORTG, County la i the six cOntcsts, over thet samne seven gaine, and -L i3«-22. -Kramip's Furniture and spread won four, lest twa Lrocke(s calildie la the other and tied anc.1 STRONG COMPANII beatý ofL fiv-e round, starting Ina the 9:30 eins',',,, eat 9:30(, Tu their six regular Bramps built Up a .5-3 lead sessiý,on cJashesý, baoth teains alter two periods andrtheC hold thbece ,ictouies, with bung on for their 7-6 verd-ict, Richard SChujrn îLoche-s anaging a 33-23 (Dave Green clicked forthe asin l goals.1 of the winners' total, whýlle la lst hurdays fratGary Wilson edded a pair PndiA ece matc, MNlty's Ranidy HoR-- singles wvent ta Bandy Dorai 14 Frank Street grsan Steve Buras b eaded ghuceand Dave Refuse.. The their- offenisive attack with Locke scorers were Kim Bog- Telephone 6ï 213-37 twco goals apiece, eiong w,,ith crs with tbree, Larry Perris the bard piugging "woo>dy"[two and "Bucky"l Hughes. or 24-ilour Sei Tee. The former also cbipped One of the few muscle insu. (Over, 25 ýyear, in1 wi th. three assista, winl Locke's lineup, Andy Mur- 119. Just t--o nlayers, took ~iar1t lnaal] of be regular sep-- ,von onstKramp's Rick ,Woolner aridhIds team-mate Bilan Hughes '. Five regulars faîled to collect, a goal during the season, main later erhiîh individual tn avoid or at ieait deiay heartý attack. Rcnt a Car for A D-AY OR WEEKEND Aski for, Rae... CHRYSER-DDrn~LTD. OýWNERS TENANTS BILITY - SICKNESS GAGE REDEMPTION LIFE EuS -GOOD RATES nan Insurance Bowmanjville, Ontario 716 or 576-5021 ervice 576-5021 Il1~ r To You Our Many Friends and Parns u Snee Thanks for Your Loyal Support.. and to Ail Those New Friends in Our Town, We Invite You to Join wieth Us in Ibis Celebration! FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS FREE LOUPOPS FOR THEKIS CRESTSCOPEPEPSODENT TOI(,OTH PASTE MOUTH WýASH1 TOOTH PASTE Onily $1.19 Only 93C onIy 99C BR Y LCR EEM VO 5 vo 5 $1,12 IAJR P>AY AIR DESSING,, $2. 1 -25 OnIy 79C Only $143 nI'ly 99 c SOFT 'N DRI CURAD STRIPS1 RIG HT GUAR,ýD Only 88C onIy 59C only 89C 'Your ONLY ATi EEJC' PHARMACY yQui, of the'FAR MER'S ALMANAC e j Ow Coy adigstcf wit Arid wisýdom! PRTENHave A New - Shanipoo $1.49Experience!S10 ONE PHOTO ALBUM PER-CUSTOeMER- HOLDS 48 PRIN1TS WITH A ROLL 0F COLOR FILM LEFT FOR DEVELOP!NG AND PRINTING THIS OFFER Î5 FOR A UIMITED- TIME ONLY! NOXZMA IENOQ'S SALTS,-,TOILET TISSUE LEMON MISI MOUTTI WASH $101J-2 ROLL AK 9e H AIR S PRAYV Our Price 79cj Only 67Cj Only 29c1 59e Vallue 19Ç PARDEC BENYLIN D,M, VITA-DIET CIDE' CHEWABLE Once-a1 Day C11EWAB jeL E VITAMINS CUHSR? VtmNJ- in1erisAM $4.19 Adult Formufla Y1T ,MI - OnIy $2.99L Our Price 1.43 $2.39 $1.95 PRESCRIPTION CLAIMS PROCESSED FOR: BLUE CROSS, GREEN SHIELD, D.V.A,, WORK<MEN'S COMPENSATION * . .CERTIFIED FITTER FOR SURGICAL SUPPORTS * - .WHEEL CHAIR, CRUTCHES AVAILABLE FOR RENT FREDERICK'S PharmayLd I67 KING ST. EAST 623-2546 BOWMýAN-VLLE Bowmanvlie ýcBaseball àSupport the HEART FUND 1! TR:NSMîSSiON2301 F R D 9NUMBER ONE rISMALL CARS 219R i. E Bûwmialivlle K '~Wher icnldly People ih, 1 l 1