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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 6

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Bot Lie lood ovr apeiod ofthirkin d i ntumer of ~ c yas lnadii;o n, ithe iand-Dunham. onaso puchaeePd the old On eafulpande- Short aroin iithe smeares.îl vatgof both the- b1ibnary B th en0f17,igtand tbie munici-pal building is c(ompeiePs lbd 1loýated in B () thtby can be eesily ex- menlvilie, aimoet ail 0f tempanded and hav efen octe in the ares of the e Line on sites wbich pielow 'ient Rio adc.Th companies in-,of Lroom fo future expansýion.,' (-ludIle Figo0, Hny iCon-! Thc town bas, aisso bulit al trois, 1 L b ooe H L ood ,new onksDepartmient id Tr'an-spDort, Puort H1ope ,.eadyv-1 ing and thie Poeýt Of'fice wasý Mix, Clairtenwoyý ýs Bus Co.., and aiso buiit (duning _MaýYoHbis Pawell ,RChemicalsi, wbîclh bserof office since ebafngeýd bande. G ji ll'e The 1Mayon a1,oýls si tatth MVarinsi is also bei'ng bltit OIl Toi Ciuincfl was aile to thesouhweteny scto f persuade ',the gov7eroment to teold Short1f1, m. retain the Cu1s(tme ýOffice in Tomwn .Council île e1l îb the owenile The gove-ýtf- prcsof ericn adex en sdcnsýidenedmoving pandin'g what couid be em-teoffice to Osbawa. i eci Bwmanviile's "indusl"triel 1Four,1bankebhav-e 211o be park" aiong tbe Base bine cte ui rr-apddr lioad. In 1972, 23 crsto be ,-ing The past 12 yeane. As\veli,j used as induetnial land sites. bofth te 'astl(" H-ot(p licind the wenepuchee d, a n- Fyig Dutlcbmen Mo or in cent1ly as the Feb. ShTonhaveqaldecdsubstantiel ijm - Coucilmeeifl, aothr 1 prvemnts T o thir premises.i acres aiong rir.cCemetcery NO One-H.retow Road cnbugtfirOm Glen Hien tbatBomn lae Dainecs. ;î.. "-.--j I. 1$ I I I. 6 TI~# Candian ~tat a r- , f wlle, F.'b. 14, 1973 'A Good place IoLive' Mayor Reviews Bowmanviflle's Progress During 12-Yèar Period rtjrs, ti e)i-Up4i. o u ract orisv- iville is t) longier an 01e-nurse Ate ndutry Hoeve, tene No ilstTo TaxpayerS tow, b thl uesnstatc- was nolthinýg T reethte( aynHois pCIz neiai dlev'elopmlentshav\e tnwncounil rom eouicingthat the hulk of these land oc redonCuh Street. lIIn 1fànd in thue lnme of the cor.-1puJlchaSeS have beenmade eatlltus contextb Mvolr ne- jratà )Io of the town of Bpow- littie or nio cistTo the taxpayý-1 ferre-d 11o1tile bTCBG and Carl- -Manville, provîdîng the nece-er evneswic ae ac- a-ien Tire Store. Gary sriesuch âas hydro crued from suIch thinge as Nian oe and sew ;, codthen offoeing tle sa-le of eising nicipal Ilhr land jfor :;sa laindustriell pr'opertie, like the oid post l o rei-clated ltbe comi bujilding steoffice, orth seiee ntPs' timt1ofa gvnoetofficia] Wiha program 0jorfljthis1toIthe town ecnt by Con- who 1bd toure dBomnil' natreb i, C ouncuil mdeSumers' as Tfon theinTrechNunsing huome, ail of whicbo &ý deeaI with Gien lise Dairv ise rene a,ae ben sed hav1e bçieen epended in tbe 1n0 oldae- igsa t cqIure thie industri iiel Paeet dc .Tbe officiel isaid iusnie obury Up a consid- ecrleage. Whern a parcelf heyWere some 0Of the f'inestý erbepareelof land elong the lanid jesold0oa ucomipany thle 1f)cilities bee had ev7en sein reFvenuI'Ses arotenl ueed Toi Re5ideiitial Housing punhas mre lands, As impre-,ssive as the coml The Mayon Suggstd [that merdi, indcustriei landini- e Bowmaville'sindustrial sites tutional1 eviomet, ay are Plniced vr-opeiivl.sound, Ithe growtb ofrei The 1T-o0f Whitby, rx- denillosing 9wiil be aven 17M FINE /OUE0 EPN ample, le changj1Ingà!imost twicc re drnaaic in, the rnex TNEW IS AN A R7 as 'uhper snie ce e er.A h rsn A M BNA THROON as i2 owevile ime,. there ar e -Lno lec th.A I fees owmnvll ba benstages off deveiopnient, Siat1edl ~i quite succesefl in using t is fr Bownvie Thsw ~ retho o atet e epeeta populatiion i- Ci LiI ostnyý. As peisymenl- crease 0f close to 6,000 in Éi(, TFUtionedl, libtnew idsrinxt few ,yeere. 1To Imeet 1this loctedin ownblte decade population pressurea new $1.4ý $ TA Rt fr'om 1962 to 1972. The pro- imil lion wtrflrto ln à g~rec'ýs and gotbfr1973 j S e: b ult g e ~ evenMore ipesv.The obalance of indul To;1 l ri dentieraareais jinl) 8 Sevn eW ndstres residientiel anld 2 in- At pre sen, ee new ini- den -cmecil:ob duHtriaT - stries c thdIlat thywi ulsîeT ee thie fgureloser latinBowylmnilile in 197.3. Tio a5-0balance butl, he add- PA N RAil"sev'en cmais aea-edr hn r aypae 01ON 98,-.5206 needy purcuhase-d land and ar1,e that are p- leck of a (lwoe ciTher bginning o buiidOr off than weare ., anld th' <I lOM HET SRVIE hveplans being rw U.statoierleiprvn" SD pnali lbtd., e plastics inmThe prospects for, parklandj has mavýed loto the old Pow'- in 1townilare dirfinitely iprnno- eH ChemniI'aildig t thceng.Eighteen aâcres 0f ýLparký- "BE MY VALEN1TINE", southen"(or Simnpson Ave. land bave rcntybenao- Bowmianv-ilie W _a r cehi usinig quined et thE es ed0 bltd, wvill butiidRanew Vware-'i ,ruonjingfomHgha Il 0 L........ year.pJPnsanStel ROm ar-' k.t OlurrL pently, tence -, \i:finOs ahs pnlace abuiid- 1sarysee r eiî aknb k tê s bae J~Alibieta ncil ta, acquire thr Bow- ni-ri ~kelctoncefirmî, Trade Bind-i arvile Creklep iaet ety(lb,1Cstrpad lnthe vwest end oM town, frTi k Cabe- Rels.Conserviln ubnit o k .k These omnpanies are fltLthe be used a aad oni nce wbch bdictestoc Recreation Areas- h. 0 Ii f induý,strietlnoperationiS lii~~, n omni.TBowow-ý While on thesuicto m -nIlle woundny re e-recreationl aras M yo dunng MaorHobsHobbs reinddheadience Tere i ofice Th GodycnOf the fIoodligits ,which wene lierclaim PlaýInt wa, coetrct-ilstaled e,ýt Mmoia Prk ed10164etacot f$13Amnig otber , i ng s, these million.IPretonsTrnpotfloodlighlts nmake pssbev ~lr-etablibedet te w -tned cing baseba an-gams. S f iule Base bine Rioad and lomn iiehe added, bas1 ni he 1.M. oinghee Crpo- nc (If the filneet recreatin aTionl bujt arge 'IV'ad- programe b i heIalea. In,1971, -Y" ~ dto.for e xemnipleP,600 y1oungs1trs Butindstril gowth -rerolied invarilous pogrni not the o, nly kIind of depveiop- ponsred bythe Rýcreaptio dbgl o kin llell-d en Bwmnv.1 wt-Deanoetincludgevery- ~~vtjmen do aceumulate expen neeseni Ille past dcd.No inlro oky n ae aN ltljg ewe1rç', sprt by a long shot. ýbail To balletý and baton twý'ji-_ ing ~ ~ ~ p god, Výtro qsp Mdicealite av-en n.Hobbs asenspoike highil niet, ameas et Hae t cnsîenbiyimpovd fr e-of the ýDm(p-iiiCent(er aod be adequateffl-, P'rtctgdwïlth ini- ample. A niew $,2nillion atnsutd uch o(f its asuccese ass'nc fom JameS surn [in as been addedTo he iTo-tire excellence of the spr Agency Llmtdmoil Hospital andc thevion Médial Cntcron Kng tt LowTaxRate was opec.rco the reeladvnae Muici(ipal Bildings of livi-ng In BowmvrIlie, sefîd Mayor lHobbs also refrd Hoilethe iow exlrae. Thel P n ie iw $4.8 mrrillion Bow- !\eega Texrate. per capita, James inuranceR mavle'igi School vwiti iB nvlele Joiy 1Y53,41 conidpaipide,Ante which je $20 beioxv the per rlceoit buig f wib h apt ate in PortHoe,$8 Agec~ im ted Maor ibrry whchwasioer thari Torootio.D wes proud j Th l Bow- ortHanObshae nd$20 F4KngS.E., ex 100 buit etau pcost 0 50ooOayrrobsÀem noffice ~OWAN iLE, NTAIO And, Ccf course,, theojre le :tIrte iili rate has rppc beauâltifu-l new municipl-uiid- wice andrmaedtesa DO0UGLA! S.iAMS/' ît\ing on Chrch Streetwhchon ootherioccasionI. if Theý Office623.581 >ý- bouses theCounl lChamnber-e ii r'ate drope egalin ithis yar esdna623 5023 \.1 th Courlt feciities and Tei illmean that il: bas niot Fine end Polpiice Dpatensincereased fori, 1% 0f theMaos These tbree buildings, Sid1l2-yeer stinit inoffic, Hoý-bisare qnth ie fines loin closing, IHolbbe offeed ai few reassurence abot rgi- Business -Drectlory For a great group trip, A c c o untLanric y W.J. H.C-1, N the STARTER SPoe6!21, CHART ER WAYS kthn__ iCANADA G.EDWN N_ ~r.YW ERE - CHARTE RWAYS ~~îg t M t WIIPlani The WhoI0e ThingqQfc Hus yaponmn Got ,a grautp? Gta etlto? h?, ~1 e D e n t a' I (crDoinionStore ee~Ig, ad waTevr epcie feaureyou ant ffie hers:9:30 s. te .9 m For fuîil Tsnfeôrmaltiôn, v- 'is or cail 1il rW,1Mr P, S n i Il e jj I c r, t _rieRing ST. E., flowmanvîlieit 7o A sTMAsTiR CRUMPETS 3~~1 KAIsTER i(; ROLiL >Z[Si PLGMeiR OIRMI POTATO CiS2~8 NEILSON ifecULM, DESSERT TOPPING 'i39 ~oc 5SA& 1. MARGARINE IMPORTED DINNERWARf T - DINNER PLATES "Él FULLNFACSSsoRy PIECES ON SALÉ AT AU. TIMES A NJEW HISTOR Y OF CANADA BOOKS (VOLUME 2-15 $7.49 EACH) Unqu ,u1en.Pler -we Idpln.15 Su ifll y ord', GREEN BEANS FISH STICKS su451 - FOODPRICES EFFECTIVE WEO., THRU S AT., 51. 14-17 WF RKSrRVE THE ItOHITO LIMIT QUANMIFS rDAMeAROPIAl TRUT, o LB. ORANGE ai g einnint,~Aaeary a r eD ~ I Islegi. ornetimc-, Tralhing choole inthe mr Ffil 1.8,b A d teE EI*wfelv hreaantAyourg person lav m u n î c p a i i e s f A ~ x , P i c k -I l / U I Ib r h s a d f r a a ! .~s o n O + r eng, Po incilyC upO1 J udgwez- Dan-h b'IrsÇ nobrîmînlrecôr.YI ton~~~~~~~~~~n an oxmnvle ee teaper nfaîy or d u si rf n vregio nl g vr- TD I i te uh o il s er te AlmnFo i o d c me t" r. Hobb hi sel ii C V I~ f ~ f i i tI E chage s fa e. he plic off 1e5n'ase i.aine. Ifa hu ban I w t e ic -c ai ma o t e ~ 4 I ~ u ~ i 1 5 er le h c ll d oP'n fy th lro ki g 2000Oiylrbnt NiPADS . Udy hat eqý- hag btth h s n wcrsf un i ecsar t ha g -mi ntthe nun ialte fr o em i trl andmeca do, uttis goI toSup ý,lýbjcct M 1 Cgrolial 1 n cnff~lco l lt oroy lbecause C i i iiil h f Bowmanmville aFnd Darli-,ngton reme Courlt where p aou11 Isubnmittd a jomint brief to the . by Robert Koer r Pcln fOnOîhep'si-Oh oca lnigCouni- ToJueole.out hen Veor0d ut C)APDS Itud- hc s h eBo0w m anrille M,'ving, tat otQuepn, cil - OhwSnorCtzn'juvenile is cThged uder 1 gesed laeshre-nietedCandia Clb hld ts e~~g l'v as said by Rev. .J, S. Drop-In Ceniitre- , Ho nora-lry'yarisof age, lbeor sc-Ie je il h pae vstak. e ing Por't Hope nd tCobourg, Peshytenin Cbùnchwith per was elV.ed by the ldi es Clb anid th, Big Bohestnc.Tisl wbnth hldngcoe&b iig Oli1. actu1 1ýatl plan pr'oposed by thlnT" P iss Mdelinle Mnlycon- Credit Cuslig Service -- ecase,. They tý ry to) help the he]d ljon arh 7th Pt proncia,13(l o vern jment. Mn J.L . O I UkiIRY tibuted1t-wo lveyviolin se- shawa So i Planing C(3on- young o n by 'flnintg out thie castie UnitedCbrh Hbsadded th fat lhe was ver, ctonilcmpned by hr cil - OSbawXa Senior iCitilns' homeo bleme ad if necns- plaeio be ableto suit ISF.M AtRIH ohrMr.A A elyojDo-nCen trle, 7onotanysnyafstrhmejoud ietaCa.o f'l~ bief to teMnseoi i~ rne ayGi he pIino. lIt wae î ic( etohav-e memnben oIf th haw RtayMiecsayhpjegvno DAoîWEK Wself{ajr.a etetaom n h aian . .Cluib and the Big BohesAs- preventpacýii lng h jvenilIe ]JA, fo se. "Th Cuny yctm, h baih pssd wa a th (icl ro n qeent :after CqociationH l ie aeawrddthe aTraining Scbo)oli f eo at o 1, ba be i efctfrvr 100 Othsilns.Piesidenlt Bickle Cefnt p 11 CaObyh Gv-care nssUtente oyo yer, is îaly afr ~ . n endynerili tinked 1the-ladies for t hiýe en- E ernn'nt Of Cahd n167Tilisn o a Taîig CRSLRD D E Lfl, regoalgveo en, le aid ryv 7,19 73, pt1rtinmlnIlt. ug cNilsok i Schoo Judge p McuNeill statd fi-,8 3"j li myopini:gC peci 1 i O, p oIce Daughtier of Ilth âe lat rI b Ceeoog JPito1 rpred speec about tat Ortario lias thle finetl _________o_____ lemeely rig ng it pdte e jcand Mrs. MicfiGlratjdc e t e set speaker, Joicge Provincl Court - family - sytmseweboro b in wma vif cNeill who l he Provincial Division confedeiting (ofrfaiiyi on J1y 2, 188. ise Famly CurtDiviion1oult brken homels andju go)fvrnent is c oIn c e nnt> dton ofFat rp or0'loin orldWa l be erv- mostdve caesweecou Hobbe ýsaid tlhat Box mnvýille ' li o' 33 rz,-r-o" C1iý_I i ba larcnrbtd 12%' yeirDI cen) aplbaee a dmnstao for- the ed 1)y oven fIlcrig. litsuIcýi ofhirnnual budoget to th, badge for one yvearu. Sh-e wsWmnsWef egeOf.caýpSIthe partiies are talkedCAREE) COUTN al oveomet hl robbl Knox Preeby7teIîninChuirc(i. SPI[ettieot Hose - BOy,' Club omtiesthe'hvi brnw !not reuie uc ore than lFunnalrvices wene e flid andthe CrinpleI bln' d rom to nt'- ifeeoEannouncesF;ilhe openilig Of Lîs thait. :Ii the Fort Erie Chaipel of the ScbIoo1 l'di raten entre finance p nis The finianclrcice a Hece Bxvanile' ps-David.îo ntl m I n Luntil 168 he Ippinnted oxayi natda nd rlow- ition, visa 1rginalgoen ThulrsdayvniFbury M agi straýte and Provilicial er paymnsaagetobl 21KgS.Es -Ohw me-nt iefailly Stnonig. "Bowý- 8tbW, at 7 P.. e E 0(2- 1ev. E.C., c Jde.n their buIdget. The cp l mavlej opa cet,,)Larnon cnuce l te seCrv ice. -p eserved foriever l ias 1," ive c vy ss1Uicepos1ý- PHONE: lîe" cncudd Hobbs.Ç, mand interment t'ook place on Fnl- con thel"City ofiawel resbl tIo prevent thledioc will be for a longtimoe today' vnorbg eur b oard - shawaanid Distict Motnroken oims, liesaid I Bsns 7-81Rsdne5636 1corne. trBom-'av-ille Cmtr. Credît, Counlselling Senirice -wee aused b lj.7 cohol evei ___________________________ Jan. Tth and he gave a cm- rpeensîve Outine 0f the grnowtb nddevelopment in owmanvllè duing the pnst 12 years.Thi artile isa con- H sainof Mayor Hhhre- vîew of bis term in ofCeP. Th Myo bgn by notngl btatii191,the iret yeair as Mayor fos ýMn, Hbbthe PopuLlation Of t hi-ton of Bowmanvillcdrap edby66ý peopla It marked tb e Tret tie Si14 >mars, to hât Poin, that th popul-ation Ihar;dpd- cndand,Myo Hob pw reedvesnce. servied Land In the PMIy 96uw e eet- ý represontalves T onrow thîng abou atraci nw in- dutr oTwni. Unr On- tai vlw nuniipalites are h ~obbiedfnom o 'ffeing spe- i. , oseircoeve, Uchas tax iCA CHERRY PIE li55

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