~ÇIten f Jnerest f Phone 623-3303 Safety Leaguie sas t was ~mre'y a spring îriveni cart, but it ran under its own Mr. nd rs.Frak :ath- erl,] ýPort Credit, and rfl. and Mrs. Ciarence Htely is issauga, visited( on Sunday with tir nmther, Mr-s.j Annie orial THospital. Mrs. 1Hatheprly bas ssJnce-. returned to Sunsetý Lodge from ihospital. Mr., andMr,W Roy Web-1 beOntari o Streec-t, have re- turnrd frIom vlsting tieirl da)ughtepr and sninl Rev.1 and Ms.Doniald oweland chi drenc socký,-nddau- ghte.r iand son-ln-law Mr. and' Mrs, Willia.m Becham and chlldren, Dundkis, Ontarlo. Corcin--in an ed.itor-i lai enile Abilityito Ex-' press Yourslf' last wek tý asistted that 12-, f the inneirsIn Heegion m1Puiblic 9peaýýking Contest wi1l taý1ke îIart iin thernxt sage (d the, com1petitioný. The nu imb e r shoufld ha-ve been four in stead] Lions Club HocheyDraw Far1-ro ls j . Elett11; ,eb. 18, Fred ~eydenT.Mehrt Feb. 21, W Lotkwýo-odý, J. Clarke; Feb. 24, B. Luxton, G.White; Feb. 28, H1. Eiston, R. R, alson-, Jr. ""Fb 19, A. 'Eyeman; iýFeb., Cairl The1 ai1srvcernthe 'USA mstbe iust as unpre- dictable as ous.Tis morn- lng iinstead of reiceiv-ing Val- enieDay crdswe finally y (eve wo chrtitmas cards w reaties;n the United te thiat were ale on ]Mr.12tbi.Prlobaý,bi\y the Val- entie crdswill arrive about Batrwith any , vkind of luck. 3,000 yug risswill be Yeompeti!i-ngt the ,Kiwanisl Fesýtiva1l in Toronto for the' Dext t ùo wes sarting Sat-1 urdJayý, Feb, 10 -24tb. On Sun- Ia ftcrniýoYn7 of Feb., 25thý and March 4týh the wwinnersl of the mjry ; )-categorqies wjll perform 1In conce(-rts called Stars or the Festival] Con-1 cerLz tsin croo hCollýege. Col. Bill AMurdnchi, -wo has been) statîonýed at t'heCa- dian !Air Forcaen Ini er nmnycaledon is paýrenits, Mr anid MsP. MVurd.ch, Laýmbs Lae, opnrithe eeen REHOBOTH I Christian Reformned Sciugog Street Phone 623l-7407 SUNDAY SERVICES Baýc k l0to Gd Hou ar Dia! 1310 Radîip Eýývery Sunday 103e àm st. Pa uIVs United Church Mianister Rer. 1H. A. Turner B.A, B.D. iM Organist M. R.3Meteal A.R.C.T, A.C.C.M. 1il a.m. 1 PUBLIC WORHIP CARLOS GAOA Classiocl Gitarist SUN1DIAY SCHooîL Kindlergarten and P'rimairy Bes i Actresse.ý,s ai arwidiHiqh cilu 2 th aof t payo bevs Fin ben mee deal Ti mmo T be Steý toa set!] U.c Chu up plie aur disi cee are and Chu Ti School spirit fhi cunning hih let et Coutice Secondary Schoal prot ail this week. Called "Spiriti velo Week" ail sorts ai? hi-jinki Split have been ýchedu1ed., On lsud Mouday a coteit was hcld ita e sec' how many marshmellaws SI couild be ccammed into the with mnouthi. Tucsday, a pie ea1ting -'ar canteit was beld. Wednesday,ý o students tried ta guzzle asý1W man y soit drinks as possible.! ut Tusystudents had tCo se The competition -was close Tor thice Best Actreis in the Cartwrv]ight High or owfait thcy wnvap a partner, School's plys i-ithe eeknd.From left bî rifhtLeslie Wright aud Katy mloi mummy ý-styl e, in toillet paperSou Kbcadtewmnltbak ntewnigpa idfrfrt I wile Fiday was backward(4s t Peî ie] day-, witb evcrything ta be 1place. CiindyVan;'mcamp fram lnewS(,hool ýof Wvswas secnd, Suisan iThioml-. o doue backwýands. Alsro boysson from Saoap Oeawas thlird bedwih egy eLngfcm4chol?'s werc gca-,wing beards for teWvsa)d IHonoirable _Menýtion went ta osieFallis (if Soap Opera, nat show-,,n in Mi wvek. On Fiday t 2:30,1 ot a?0 awards wlill be made to thie --- -_an___sd winu11crs in the varialus events. cýdL Thie Bowmianville Drama nos n b si Acior (H w ýWonýkshiop, hiat work _again, (h s n A edl,-Cýo s at C ,ý-i' thits thime rebcarsiug for "Trie ci Madwonai? ýChaillot". 'Tle directars are Wynne Wouna as ýott and John Amesbury. The -'si play will be preseuted inC Apnl in, the new Bowman ville Rîgh Sebool theatrF.ý e, ' The cast ai? 25 lucludes John i Ameif-sbucry, Denise Beaupre, , Katy CvcryTim Churchihl, Ken Clark, Bil ling, L de Feccilli,Cathy Godfrey, Barry Rau,,eich, KihJack- - son Drcn Kituiey - Bo * Lewis, Lyn Lowery, _Peter Lunny, Boss lMetcali?, Mori s Meadows, Dr. Hiowerd Rua-_ dle, Tom Spry, RUgb Sunider,ý Bien Staintoni, Bob SI-er-idan,l Jean Sheridan, G e raldi- ïn e Vanden rik Gloria Wriîght,' sud Wy nne Wonacott, A young mathen of three childelen was recently bas- pitalized asudàuptil relatives-' coulýd be contacte& hiad eia alnc ta care toc tbemn. For-ý tunately acomu1t sr-j vieprojeet called Fish came ta the nesýcue. Fisb, a secret! M. ..12.7 symnbo1 ai? Christian brothier-1 hoodi ,in thie days i? thle Catacnmbi, stanted 10 monthi1 ago in Bwavhe bas m-j ccived avec 300 calîs Iu that time., St. Jahn's AnglicCne Cbhunch started7 the program 1i rerlhg volunteers Iromr,2 different churches sud the ta doctors, public ealhnur-ý ses, sud bospitals, wborerý people ta the gcoup. The na jority ai? requnests are, tac tcan.-portatlpn for medical services but FISH 'isu pr-ý vides ceompnlan Shi pfor thel Ioney,] em-ergency nmeals sud! rhîld care, neading cewitn for thie blind, oswc o IIbe sick or conivales-cent. M Tlhere is absolutely na moueyi connectcd wiLh thi spsrvicel sud no o)ne hs expeccted ta at- tend anyv pactIcuflar ,)Itucci or, listen ta a lecture. \Tluteers ace on duty tram 9 a.m.- 12 sm. 1 .m.-4p.m. 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Monla-y ta Friday. i î A Jd1ilayfai?25 mo1deIl built trambbienfesu i istecest ta the ann-ual Pe-ter-ý bonougb, Northumberland sud Durham Science Fita be, bheld Macch 31 ait Trent Unfi-- versity. The exiition ari? ýthe 15thcetr artist's wonk, on1. boan trami IBM Canada Ltd. will ho set up in the foyer aij Tncent's Bats Library sud ili bc open tao public view begin- l Thie Best Actor awrdia the Cartwright High School's progrnm of one-act uing March 24. Inluided lupaslait weekend we n ta Dnvd Larm er, left, who played the father in Jh the dsplay are nmodels ai?- daVuc~s des or tipe- irparieck's"NwSehool of i vs, Second place was won by BillWod for tiecced macine guný-, a parP- his portraya ai o a shipyaý,rd1 workýer.lu K irkpatnick's "Soap 'Opera". Bob Ryani chute, su-d is ariai crwwas third as the ianitor lu. "The Clubwo man's Club" nîso by Kirkpabrick. BAHAI Religion is a radiant 1ight and an imp eregnable BAHA'ULLAH PHONE 623-3171 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Miniister- Rev. Ný. Wesley Oake, B.Th. Organist - Mr. Johin Crooksh-ank SUNDY, EBRUARY 1l8th, 1973 lUa.xn. MORINGWORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCIIOOL H-OURtS JuniorIsiterm diatlad Senior Depts. at 10 ai. BeinesKîdrgrtnand Piay ei.at Il Nurse(Y care îin Church ?arlor ýA WP)WELOE OEVER'YONE Me.Don Gllooly and Mci.1 Col, Murdoch bas býeen trans- Rary olocut cevisitinrglferred ta , the teachiug staff lu t. athnini. t the- Mihitacy Callege, Tc.-I jj-J auto. Ris wife sud children Mc.D, . -ï C('ameýrn sd will be rcturning 1ta Canadaý Mc.A. B. Con, Belevile, t a later date. viste wih n, eoge c- Twýenty-six ycacs ego theý lVIulen.Wac Amps Key Tag Servicei R, L. olBwmnilsartcd the mailingai? key' bas completcd 30 yassec- tags ta car ownecs duringý vice with the Goodyear Tire the annuel licence plate per-1 aud Rubber Co. Ltà lad. The key tag money is Mr. sud Mci. Hussl o- uscd ta, help war ampe, need-! deMontreal, weré weekend iug assistance bcyond tbeir guests of Nf., and -\s. W. pension amounts and to, help, îoy be, Ontarioa'Street. widowýs sud dependapts of Dr,.asud NMes. petrnick ig- war amp. Send for your tag gisPeawwa vth býer today .ta 140 Merton. Street, parecnts Me. sujdMi.j. Welsb, Toronto 7. Ba1rba-ra St., aven thie weck- Iu the Edito's mail this ~en d . wek, s Valeutine for the MI. Margýaret 'ian sd Editor, -wîfe and staff was Te- Eýrin speut a2 fcw d in Tor- ceived with the follaowingc onto attenvding the' Kiwanis item salq c nclosed: I siled Fsia.Erin received two rcceutly whe-n I saw lu a awards ln the vocal section. local newspaper a small box- Mer. sud Mes. Gev). Bawers, cd-off section containing these Nestietan,'wece MTbursdey cv- sercestie comments tramont y eýning viit iisd Measd îrtatcdi editon: "If you find, Mci. Elgin Taylr niskil- errons in this publication, hewere MoTnda(y dinnen pîcase considen that they anc gucîsrai? Mr, and Mciur. Jim there fan a purpose. We pub- .Abemuecthy. lisýh something foc everyone, T'lhe irnt mechaniically dri- sud came people are always yen vehiicie wa built more looking for mi stakes!'" Many than 500 ye(aes ega by Leon- thaniki ta'Our anonymous ardo da Vinci. The Ontario, admiren. Sung. oit$79 thle present re PrJim StalynyFneClf ahs -andMr, .Va-rnaebk and Mr.Rap Hywh sSvrl 'oihrs wo luck farmtheek and a, ij, re o- A heen in CiviçHsptc ,Pte-nmbrPrzs.Te 1 PA ngt teoeteyh epr oog.A speeýdy rcovryfrom thee vninrgs, 0that1arechasd t IendaL. to themrnboth. lheld 1)yPontypool UC.W, Mrs, MurrayLgaîi pes M.Sid Pwr I ybsaegigtowardis thie ls CIety, aainigiFoia (çor, Flýorîda thjis enng.Welainof wash rooms in outr AtarenCamrof ' unestn ha r. echurcli basement and ohrCmec etn it was de- *, Paynie !,is er travýelliing ucom- necessary renovationsý. c1ciedthat we baqve bot water, paion. ICongratulations to Mr. and andsoapdipnespad Mr, and Mr. im Htarring- _Mrs. Leo Norman who eele--i- the - shrooms of-th ton and lJly aPre lm-oving o-rated their l3th weddîILg Pontypool Commuinity HaIl.' GSINCaroi HERBAL dayto însay ad M. n nnverscry recentiy. Tiese changes are preseni.tly -. IVM s'5l norexprlaef Mrs. Bert Granit wnnd fa!im'y Bey., Flko is interested in underway. A committcea's~ are, mcoving ilito th11eir 1home. ,h earinra im anyone who appointed to see about puri- - woo.JrieSSNESa, UR Ou-ide1ockey -Team wisbes to joib the ehurch. chasing, seeazml alsiNSmpypeetii opnS an L .I i i r trUGSORE sultered 1a -4 -defeat ,ýpagatnClasses are being planned for for the hall, Narmai/Dry i. ari tàwiIbe pI)!ei as bor .aiue aq2ainstyorhae Jantvile n nu Oak- those who do so. Fontypool U.C.W. Ir 13un akgeý uit ae wood. The sýametw tear-is Our sympathy is extended Followingý, a dlicis pot . will m)eet in this coin g to the relatives of, the latelluck luncheon atiith-e ] hý-omaf 01 nitdOaitti Sudy nOawoda han.Bb esmith, a former Pon-IMrs. Eve],lnEBaley on Wed-., p At thbe card and gms yoliresident, vwhase fun-Inesday, FebuarRIGhHtI Party lbeld tin Pontypool Cmiea wshedlst week in00ebruary meting took place muity UvCenitre cn Fr-iday, terbo Ilugh rith an ittendlue of '16. P va Feb. 9th, 10Intables a o ucre rs.Brce Fiaýk was visi Mn.isk opned emetng U*ýsluj Grae allsGen Vn Dm ay.clsedwih payr,1n e-x McGregor I.D.A. Drugs J Rpntanerday r- eotonl.rylcJeusaîsKing St. W est 623-5792 Bowmanville Rad 'lney" d Makcety îiîn eltve nUs" ws ung ehnu Iefo a Day" a-1 she j he treasurer's report was The Canadian 9tatesmnai, Bowrnanville, Feb. 14, 1973 7 Er.Ficko gpave a reort1onPlans, were made, for, the Annual Presbytrial inext two card parties. The]L ýetie hld iLSt.B ET H A ting cld t St Andew'scommttee for Feb. 23rd wihl urch, 'Peterborough n oiJan. beMrs. E. Va4nWieringen, feetviioswith Mrs Fn-ank Whltýi (e, Mr sBelleý h. The hfighlihts o)fth MIr, Nelsand Mci. MYcKay.ir'J-tenel coadwe-re: Mm. Smith, and Mrs JTean Age eting -wene ,the twvospeak- Fr rch9hMs.C rid vi. Robeet Bron,.King- BolnLags iDr. Normnan eezeMs ebadMe unodsaadMi ayRni ýke on evangelism in 0c_1f bnadMr.her eni ie ernoon iand Dr. C.'W. Sec- IlniMarch wewCAiý1l'be pre- oÀf Pontypool.MxeBolgLeueL- Isentinig a srhort a, "n- Mr. and Mr-ýNCMR n s e 1 dies' hsgh single, Chris Neale, shoed ilm an i 'keci - A Hosekepe". es.Wright of Ptrorub1 n 8; ais'bg riple, Chlria utindi n epl nte ikgv out the parts an ad Mr. and Mrs, Vincent jack- Neals 797; meni's îhsig nin. rrageent cwre miade for son, Bethany, visited with Mr. Dave MeRllis 221; men [n.~~~ Fid a 'ncarg the fir st practice. and Mn, Carl Smith. hg rpe aeMRhi Ihe pogr am, presetTig a The meeting closed wi 1th Recent visitors with Mr. 583, Games avec 20 Dianle 7acting h ae.Ms the Mizpah Benediction. and Mns. Ray7 Porteousý, Fra- Wilson26-823,Hida se1iIe were: Mr. andl Mrs Bigelow, 20520,BeuJali FBob- ney pointed out five-ays The March meeting willbesr, cudhp nthefuT_.w.field a t'oom f Mrs Carl Smitb, Mr. and Mes, .Carl insan 224 Ata Crts?14, [miutes of the Janutary Y7 vonne Fallis on Wednesday Prepiis .Jcsn IlJc rg 1,Gog ct eting wcre read arud ap - arch 7th at 8 p.mý The de- aof Betbany, MisGrace Smîth, 203. Team sar dngs Bed -vd idvotional will be In. charge aofhtb, n M.Ji1Bon oîs84 inglngi 74, Rap- ved, and correspondeneth aro o O'shawa. ygng6,Ga-getters 59, it ~~~ ~k 'Mhnci hlhc ndtepr- and Mci. Bob Renols Dad y7 57, A.ly cati 55, he folw n mtionswecgrm nchrg)f Mr_ .Fisk.hv ytri hm rmingM opfl 9 wedi and cariave-Flrida. om r m ensBwigLeague ba Ms.Isbe Cehie ~ fII"T1fUPiprenly vacation îng in Mens -ýhigh sigle, raýnkAsh- the r-epresentlaive to ý(ýthe U IUAR1Flrdear:Mr-, and Mn by l ' 11rr1,1-1211 hshtrlple, waý'rdship Commnittee. yeySih r n M.Io îhas60 he represenitativ-es for Mthe MR S. CECIL VICEPI ted ChuLrch Observýer ae ____________________CE___M____________ ask for $1.00 for ea3ch sub- fter abni? iini, he Îption, buit will acptdat ccunred o4f, Mci ;Ceeu 00. If it h neesaythf i e , t tofoe ai e .W. will pay SO5c and theiece, Ms. Herbee-t Coppins,. urchi will pay 5CSOcojmake1in Bthuyon Febcuary 2d the differenice. 1973, in hec i,90th yea,,r. f 171 $ Urs. Fi sk be pald for sup- Daughý,ter ofthlteJmslO/ fLC Ps Uscd at the canrd arie.an Prella (o)! _Rabbi rnlcss we have visitars et teformier Greta emlaWEAEPOD OANUC chuýrch mieetigs , wWilHbswsbou atrgtTE AOEPENING 0F ANOHE WensvrÀe w thai Iep-, e cii-qi luch Townoshl.p Dcebeitb, T1883, Wl]à ýde drise h at theproi- rcîighc dcto nNEW MUSIC STUDIO AT di ra th crdparie Crrght a nd AM a rnve r s îcc. cn ad ice, who pcedeceased Ji rF1 tthe Hon"John W iber several yars eao. Afteýr1 a s U itd C uc bern ie h Tholusbend'Us cdeath, Mrsi Chur1cl111(d Silver Si omnil tcesting the- Regioneil D Vc- ipsdo hchm u_______________ 1pnt nproposaliRhatwiIl Braokiilin ad ba1eidcdiiu t Pontypoal in the mniidle Beth-any fer thie past 20f)as, Ouir R'egistrars will be cralling on hoMes in your pigintaotyobe Mes. Vice as alogtime ( district in the next few weks- giving oipi ofme disC1ission took plcememerof the United 1Church. fh regard ta secpvsng o,?eSessnvvdby two is- mentary Aptitude Lessons: And takingReisra dpic et, the Churcb Auc(- trMi enDvdo i tions for ACCORDION - GUITAR n RM rSale ta be held iniai Whty sdMi.HnyJake-, decided tntaissiiis:imani, Bthuy Iaso preceas-PIANO-OGA ther af tee h ucinSale d y hressters, M\iss NtaINSTRUMENTS PROVIDED RE mitce bas mlet and md ab, e.To.Webb, Pn )rc definiite plans. tyol1 Ms loec Dvd lease miail to 735 StainCt,0%ha1wa \1nrs. Fiský thanked Mssn aasdbrbohr so fr te slvewa 1nsh ,,o E. Rabbi af St. Cathar,1- or phone 723-0101. for you1r ated for uise at aur crchccues. COMPLIM4ENTARY PITD LSO )pers.Nis Vie nested at the in the priVacy of yu- hm-fN bigto [n1. Fickoibas tpd utMckyFnea Hm, id iur act'ivities for the Year, s-qy, with sericelntheCa heeareta tobedistribut- pel;at 1:30 pi.Februiary S th, Nm - - - - - - Ae- this mronth. At the samle conducted1 by Reverend Gari-l e, the Visiting Commiirittee don Fieko). Interment iu Uion Ades------------h * ecenvassing for sub- Cemetery, Oshawa. ptious lt, the Unrite d Palbearers were six»eac unoh Observer, The list ewýs.- Melville Davidssan, Gr utuetCoc s read avec sud ia fCweur- don DviinEme obb ý, ans f werc ade. Gado Rbbig, HermnDv ollect("ion was teken aniio10i nsd PecyJkmn