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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 8

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3 ~he C~iiadlan ~taternnan, Bowmnnvllhe, Web, 14, 1973 1. FLAHBAK -25 es Ago - Twenty-one local atb1,eeip e: rnt on r a 1 ie car C.N.R. special ski train to tlhe Lautjrentia n hisU at St. Sauveur, 45 miles from Monrea lat wekedleaving Friday night and rtrngMondîay motrning. Skiing conditions were exelnwith wý,eather ranging from 20' below in the nmiring to 20' above at noon.,Those participat- ing weire John Don andr Dorothy Brooks, Ivan Wool- Iey, cosJf frey,-Lawrence Tabb, Len KnightL, How- ardJ SturroL'ck, DoMijagee, Pearl and Ed Breslîn, Bill Dust, Cick ChiUlds, TDoug Harnden, Marg Nichols, Frances z Rowef,Bettyf Bettles, Bob Rogers, Charlie Fletchecr, Ron MacDonald and Jack Tafit. V1.LASHEACK -19 Years2Ago - The Local 189ý AlStar ino-Up ho meet New Toronto Good- yerar Ail1StasSaturday, 8:00 pm. at the local _rena, was announcd today by Hockey League repsident Jacilç Baker, They are: Vince Vanstone, "ýSlip" Roe9ob MaýLrjerrison, Mort Richjtrds, Ted FaýiYreyDon Proîut, Don~ Masters, Arche Crossey, Lloyd ilaailton, Raye West, Ron Fol.- laird, Jîggs Cowing, IIank Lane, Bob Abbott, Danr Girardi, Fred Cowle and Nelson Yeo. BENEFIT GAME Plan now to attend the beneflit game at the locala.rna o-n Saturday, Feb. l7th at 8:00 pITm. to help defay epen1-ss icrrpd by three local rresijdents inýjulred in a, caraccident. The game will be bewenMcGregïor LMIdgete and members of the 1968 Ail Ont'ario .JuLvenile Champs. To refresh your memn- ory, the team roster of 1968 follows: Doug Hayes, goal; Dv Wright,sugole Larry Devitt, Joe" HRircock, Johin Hamiilton, Kim Rogers, John Oylerr, Sandy Brown, Gariy Wilson, Brian Peters, Gegg Corden, Don Fonrseyý, RTicky Woolner, Warren Aider, Dave, Rafuse,Ry Preston, manager; Don McGregor, sikboy. BnrinPeer,)t Lakeheaýd Uiestis thie only ,pl'ayer lunable to attend, buit Raýy Preston, Bryan HAughes, Ron CarteranDveCwelil be icuddin -the nu. LYOFS-have begun ll)ýand over the week- end MeregorMidgets -,on their serts' ve Por 41pe i wo gamnes straight. Knapp's Major Bataswon- two gazmes straiglit over Mark- ham with scores of 1-0 andl 7-3 to -t'in their serîes- idgets and Bntmsnow await anucmn If the nxti uns.St Mry's Cernenvt J1nie were eetdbrakaitogm tagt D0-N ATIONS1,\ o1rizes and cash a1re being made for the beniefit gam atChe local1 arena oàSaiuday If yu wih tohel plese cntac MrnMicael Pruy. 273 Liberty St. _ýNorth. ,Phone 63-03.F.3wngi aIlist o0mechatswho have ý1ready contributed: Candin Tre Strrckand Sons, MeG-Ccre-gor Hard- war, rak amesnGlen Rae DiyMttnSheli,i D &R Sort, Hope's -pwier, On-sumers'Gas, and McGregor Drulgs. Ptease 'brîng tickets purchased as theY areyu admission to the game._ ZONEFIAS-oth otBolnCo- ,il 'were held in Fpterborough, Saturday, Feb. M4th fo1r RTI s 1ttnio)rs. sejniOrsbowlrd al Liberty Bow, Sun4ay, Feb. llth. Jud'ly Holroyd won the Bafanm Singles wt 672 triple. Juïnior boysteaRn of Larvy Bishop, Gary- Lane, John Lane, WaneMosher and Rick Stacey won first place with lJ290(3. Donna Bradley wou Senlior girls wVith 748 triple. Seior girls tean of ÇSusanDavey Juilie Fearson, Bar-baýra Barreil, Barbara Gibson and Nickie Terry ithl 2988wnin first place. Forcharnpionships iN mighty fine lbowlin,-g. Conraulaios.The above niow bowl in the prvnilfinals i Scarborough onm 1'arc-h llth, INJUED1,Inan exhibition hockey -g;ame at iMrem- oilArena recently, Chýarles "Chuck"Jamesson of Mr. and MsArt James, RR.6, Bwavilwas hit inder the righit eY,, with, a slapshot. Hloe was later taîken b (kSt.MchesHspt, Toronto, where a spcaitoperated on the ey e for several hours becausýe of a deta--chedrý retina. Chuack, also sustainied a fractured che-ek bone. The doctors hope he iwill retaîn hîis sight, but at the moment it is not a certainty. Te helpoffet omie oi the expenlses, RnThompson. coachof Ch ceam-, andl Ross Jhn tonte man- aýger, of the ýBanitaim Cubs are organiizing a 50-,50 draw wîth 800tckt t seil at 50c apiece, the draw t 0be imade -onMior ockey'Dayý. Tickýets 7for the- dîraw were generouisly donate.d by rd ipisof 30 CUBWINNERS -(Shwe)-Sat., F. lth - No- 44 Ron spiniks, No, 119 Fearb i ConiNo. 9 i Sellers, No. 150 Florence Cryderma.'n, No. 3ý5 Peggy, Colo STEHE1TBy N - s on1ofr and Mrs. AUal TabyRR, 2, Bowvmanvýile, is making excellent progess foloýWing open he,çartsuey on Thuýrsdlay, Jnay l8th in- Sick Chilren's Hospita1, Trnç St1ephenT, an Outstan-ding goalie, played on two Al DEPARTMENT 0F RECREATION ContytWestern Jumhoree Simday Afternooun Feb. l8th 2:00 p.m. BOWMIANVJ LLE TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM Gue-st A rtist: TOM SAWYER Members of the Westecrnlectric Mir Front, roýw, left to right: Bob Bickle, John Davis, Jon Hogart, P esto-n, Johin Conbohy, oet ritnTr Sargînson, Eddy Mfike Go;sick, Tim Vanistone, Jerry Joýhnston, Sami Ellîott, Barry Gruyters, R.on Jukic, Tom Connveil, Jerry Leddy, (Manager) Don Livingstone; Backrwlef t to rgh:(Coach) Buck Janacký, Maty ogarthl. Men's 1Two team-matcsfre ime battIlefor hîgh triple h weck, . pam WDck Per,.fect bent lto Brio( L by ,4 pis Dick, had gaicý,nesa 793 233 fo)r 855 viij Bocky had top team honora, Theýy hadl 1293 for 1high in bgle asud 3 i for high trijple. A'rlhur Raviehd 8 (0) Oo 0) Okf-7 7 6 ( 34 0),John11Car -t -1 er 77 31.LryPiper 74l; 4 c, s N,1Tright- 732 2l) Broi.l 726 (281), Hecte(Jor Bal-ý lantinie 706 (28ý), Ai Osborne1 701 (273). _Dale Terry had a 288 sinigIe ind Si Trewin 281. Lrry Piper heldhiavr agea at253.Dckerctm - :ed imli second iplaýce, 24 andi John Carcter isthird Pat 240. Frank's Vrity s ionto-p iv) the teamu stanidini, ith i14 p)ointa. The Pepai Cola teani lsecond at 113 vihile Lander' Hiardware bas Il tDs. Averazes (18 Gimes) LaryPier2,53, D--ick Per-' fect 247, Johnf Carter 240, jDoni Oke 23!), Hwrdromneil 237,ý Elton Brcký 236, Morley Etlch,- er 2M, Erniie Per-fect 235, Jack Bond 2,31, Dr. H. B. Rundiel Team w Spepsi cola -1 1. G. A.- Lovel -..--9t Beaver Lumr - 8 -- Noml 0O-borne Mu tton Sheli 8 Cowan Pntia Buický - 7 Coronati on Resauranit.7 Dykstra's Food ----- ---. 5 Ladies Monday Nig H. >S inýgle P,- 'Eva Whi- tehemp H. TrpeAm NnyEa H.yc Av. nnaBr218e, Av6, Eirages M oier2j.4 Doadle Bra9,Dotey 248, Shale Calav234.2011 , "Tnc ir224, HelnRoer22 BiJoc Tenant21, Pafel 1,'vHelen726 1rde 0,,DotnBrook Sley Davis 207,Nami Berni CaiTery208 Don 0 B Trieyple5 NancyBEoaks 1726, Depýhn ew 71, Donna6B Jie Dai00 Donn Braley 11478 Marilyn Coloe 10ne m ElIl ooe 1 1325 Helen agera 1j PVtn,. ý1 j ,Me-n's Town League Basketball Coonation CfesW in and Ken'sAen 'sW ea r L os s Cýr eat-49kes Fkirsf Place Tie ' TeCoroaioýL n Cfe sFadpo 1tfor(7limwnerinclu d- leryaiudciK pli'SMenPsWca r all came oto k iijn1g ing 10ipinta ilu th-e final quar- wa-ýged a tighýt bIlle from0 1 aga aiSlehens uels ilu at 1ei. Tammate A. Murïdocb isînta t is'l'Thescrwa Thurjsday-ivs t/1e n' Basketbaliwa ri ghýt bein-d vith 13 tie t55ait thedfcl a acton.TheCoronatian rvi vpojinta. K. Eacuc isthe first period and, b.y tihe end o puImpedJla 17 pointa i the- bet for Stephecn'nç, also scorîng thýe hali, Hooper's wnshodn flirat quarter of plny aqnd veit 13 points. an-Lta a îeuumus -11-9 ial a)n ta set awa corig Ti TeCraatIllStp e tethird Cquarter aperS,le for h esa iha oo gaine was ,marked by a grýeat byý, C. Steel's six p)oints, iaut-~ ing 47-29 xictay. numer o)f fouiis. ThLe S bnsucored Kei'a 9-G sud wntoný Il, fthe ether g i,àme, nsce iatngd ie nd te -in a 218-23vcay Men'a Wenr reiinqushed thieir Cmornation cashed iÏn for 111inýeNite ta'hd coe baldon frstpince iby tdr,0oppingpitulolthor h iomnge ahtfrdul a 28-23 decîsion ta Ithe tirdt- Caranai'tion Cafo player-S verfo mlae oJi o oil place HoprsJewûel ly team. caught f Jor 10 foula but Steph1- nmes lhuhC t Ken'as, vhave vanonly oaemi eri'aoly managed ta , pick lup and lS.Blysma fo)r Hoe ti heir past sni aea, aetrpointa On il io dJeadloý-cd witb LCorona-, Conation-'s tries2came ce wiin P intak tion Caýfe stîop ith e1ue selt Iviasingle garine high a qvisthe high scorer or tei stndns.Bth tLeama have 16 tihe neason, Fpo-een~intsKeacrw nttn eih points la t1heir credil. Third la the mont scored b omie team ponts place Ho1op.er7 ' tail by fil a ajingle gine- and the game H'ad the Kmiashooter ' beenl p)oints,vit a 6-7 anýd anc talai ai 76 points makes il the !a -1111e imore accl-r-ate from recrdlhgbst cainuonteat playcd Ethe foi une th.ey mriigbit !have- CrainCaeled ail the thiS ypa, salivagedt a vicilry . Tb-ey miad e wNay ila the ighý,I-scoring openi- 1lu the other gaine an- Thurs- good on anily fixe cf 15 foui' îng gamre. D.ý Wi-lson ted 1.5 daý,y, Feb)._6tý1booper-'3_Jevel-tros_____ Mark#,h amr ,Beat's juveniles 1 M iidg etli sOu Sf xport1H ope 13 by David he ter Sco0red _Mr-kham's fifth il The St. Marys Cem-,ent Red- ga.JO"n"' htnmautie h men .qcompleted their Seasn1aâ1o1ape0etl1tp ho la.s Satrda nigt, limial-by Steve WtoTenx r d by Mr inmlutwo gamessix minutes wepre ah Mark- last we,3 ta 1 in aka m a aneCre n 1adlosing '7 tra 6)Satu:day RobPaterson surored ta suaike' nîght in BowmanvOuilorle, .05 8 Thuirsday nighü 5an Mark- At te 19:48 rmark or the hamthe fIrseperlod ened In pOwd, Steve Wtsnscoredý 8 ascoreleaS tic, ta) make the courit rend 7 ta 6. la the "sEond, arkham The assi'tvent ta Tom Con- 8 potted two f1luky counted on the- scoreboard Thýis comnpletedl the sao 7 Steve Watson scored Borl- frteSt. Marys Cernent mannvllle's lone goal after ho- emn 7 ing set up by Doug Tamblyn, TheJveis have a gcoad Theic third period saw Mark- nulcieus for' next y-ear, and1Ct 5 ham acare the onsy goalof untilthen ACet'shpe tewîllM fthe pe(_riod, ary a alrsagin oly 'ail On Strdynihn a e wyin 1the playof fa. Gilmiour opieed the ornMDGT WN ktof the perlodJ. - ad ar Ibb' wogol Doug Tambyn came bc ndtreassit led Bow-1 ta tie the game four minutes manvile IMcGregor D run g inrte assîts egaîng+0ta Mide tt a 7 to a ow p «er Wayne ScyMUrand PtePat ope on Saurdy t Nomln.aPawBoravilethe ap d 314 Bowmanvii l thenSAkt pruiyta melet th!! in ns 726 i sSteve Watsn7cre nes)faseisawnpo y 248frmniPaul Sheehan, DavPe Gimu pte heagame on A A r bet esongol es er E Deher-ti luthe se on pe .....M.rk os vu "t lead tesga", (6, t12 on a oayb Bd With 30 seconds played in I] t he final stauza, aynCa- On Saturdy, Feb. 0h 'a d e y e st er l c tric M îo r B a ni- I H L uVV t TrOPhY at the 0akwood Ban- Pts. w 7 7 .7 6 6 6 s 5 5 4 HEATING SPEClALIAST PHONE 623-'7591 21-4 POUR SERVICE 011, Gas & Elect"ric Furnace &z _Air Condition installa- tos-Central & Wiow Uis- Claree Hclap & Bw mn1Lvill-te's finI gaine unied la the lasI perîod ta bac 6-5 The mcoiuwpîys sfor Wetensviere by Te-rry Sr gisnfrom iiSarn Elîlortsu EddieGruyter, and Jerry Ledy ssstedby RonuJukîcýU lead aIte end ofoan c period.j Tom Cou oeil from Marly Preslon sud Barry Ling atoeý, suî'd Fotnuasn gresa betLween Býa y ig annd Markham. To the second, Bawmni- viiie'sJohn1Wooid Openred Che scoring afler being asst edi byý Andrew MT'j1cK-enjzie aud Grant Luxton. Before thbe periodwa er Allan Emard had twýo goalsq be-hind Port Ho-pe's goalten-1 d er. Allan got assisîs, from Rory Gibbs and Ron) Strike, ad10 rmriutes InJter fromn Pe-ter Demeter and Rr Gibbs, Iilu the 1third, Allin Emardi comipleted the ha3,t-trick, with, aýssts going taO Rory GlbbF. Brapd Davis fromP<ft iHope scor1ed thleir 0o11y goal cfte game. Rary Glbba t!hen ltook cover1 the scorlug as he potted two goal VIui lesa thon thireemm- utes. Allan FEmiard aasisted oný tie firat an)d Pea-rce Wlo au thie Other goal. Ron Strike cmltdlm goaMesmscig atrbeng se Up by Andrew cuenzie Iectrics lWinners i Tourney oni a breakawýa.y lncreased tbe lcdt -2 at the en oftbe, second., The last penirod vn ail Woodville as" ou'r baya iet up sud wcre o 1sordfou'-ý goaIýls ta on by John llDavial fronm Tom, Cominjcîl. L le bb eodgamie, Wes teru Electr-ic took a lopsidedâ 101 inaer Sunlderlland la wi.The goal scolers; vie7re: Canulleli, Sais n, Ju Lkic andi Bickie vii two eacb, and6 sin-gles by John Con boy and John Hogarth. Assiglm scarrs veretva ach byý BclJuktiead Pson withoneby edd, Ehjott» Lýivingatone, Hogarith and l Da- vis. PLACE TIRD - at teSixýth Aînial World' Invitational Mixed Foursomie Chanipionship Golf -Tournament held at Cas.t1e Harbour, BPermuda, Jan. 14-1.9, Vic and Jean Pratt, of Bowmanville Country Club placed third ini the net champion- ship flig-ht. With 81 couples entering from the UntdStates, Canadna and England in the 54 hole competition, low gross honors (233) went to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Wall, Lexin-gton, N.C., ihile Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hicklin, Burlington, N.C., took îow net (201). t t t ftt SIMPSON PACES NATIONAL','1S - Ottawa Nation- ais may be sorry they toak sa long getting Tom Simpson into a regular shift. The former winger with Oshawa Generals of the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A Series reparted te camp hast fall at 215 paunds. Coach Biliy Harris benched Simpson until ho pared dovin ta 190. A trimmed-down Simpson got his first shot at right wing with Wayne Carleton and Bob Charlebois Tuesday night, Feb. 6th. The resuit wa 's a goal and two assists for the 21-year-old speed- ster and a superb fore-checking job ttmat helped the Nats camne from a 3-0 deficit tao defeat Phihadelphia Blaze,ýrs 0-3 lui a World Hockwiey Association Eastern Division gamne. 'Thevictory hhled a0n umewinhess1 streak 7by the Nats, who -,nuiave( d -int afft-p ei a&ith ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-1 th atcibn lzes ipo a i ver thice agaiusýt the Blaz7er, ta the delijgh-t cf 2")13 Ottawa fans who wre gnru nterapplause for- the -youngster's efforts, ind took seven of fthe 37 Nats shats at Philadeiphia goalie Bernie Parent, BASK11ETBA:LL TOURNAMýýýENT - The Oshawarv PiLstons Bsketball Chlb yulhast Oshawa's First on Saturdîay-, brar171h, 9:30 a.m. The day long3-urnmentwillinvoixe ei.ght of nai' topintrmdit teams Who ivili be competing in two d4ivisions ant G. L. Roberts Colleginte in Sout Oshvia Besdesthe Pistons, teams ns.o peati2g are Oakvill'ýe Canada Trust, Peterborugh FitzeradsTorntoDrîfters, Londan Dilt4, ville. lFinals bei t 6:30 p.M. 1>LAY-OFFHOCKEY -in Mrkhamn aými Stmday ]niglt z wBwmnvlo ralng3- ith nine m1iutfes mingin tegie.H .Wood Major Pýe Wees commmingf4)n1bhid awiDon Farrow came up w%%ith a hAi ic,,,k, nnd in over- imýe Brad Codfrey scored the tying winning zoals. XMarkhan:e was eliminated in two garnos triÎght. Bowmanville now ueesBayRig, plae at, 5pImll('h he hot' team Oakwýood ýas fthe oppons ents, ThS is asaverycls gaME, with B -owmnanville eg Jerr Leddy opened th nTe hih average once aapn Vandnbrg qcoring by stealing the puck charoged hande a. ary piper in teOkodend anduraild oaur only 800)fth ro inthe ýnet a cor nnig Y oake top spot - 815;-, unsssec oal. akoaici triae, games or 0,25ac the game in the secornand j 23UThe only anther 30)0)game/4y stayed lt c ay tH isiwihjust wsb ai ros(0~ 35 seod etler on.Lry eammatepe a 4/PTU OT cnp'Sd in fron sdfa] t arti tam5eY, //N Pegv HIne 76 (24 28), tO KEP A îb thm wimn (%CapaenJohn ýNormMKen4 28-5) # Hugogart ccped lhe consola- Fi ar 720 (298), John IV VV1 Sion championhip trophy O Luffman 715 (271), Dois Joli behaif oP is team miatets. 71(5) ar nar Bowmianvileacre vwhaut707(276)Rass rgt 0 anie of h i g guný, Robx 27) Orm-iston, whPo has been iii1 Team NStndings Ion very YWel aangw>oh Jerry Sheehan- 10 572 P Johnston Who Isbac ftrWrgt -- 8, 5 mising Mehe ihree gam1es Patfeld______7 OCher outstandingp1 a y e r s Wray 8 S15005 were" Ma-rty'Pretn o ans~2156 ConeiBo Bokeand groal-Ceaieel 5332 tenders Mike Gosck and TAIS ol 7 152es Weten letreare stili roay 6 15063 S EL wtnfr >a wlnnier betwe Msrkhamand BayRidgese-MRY AK SBoln r fore startIng plaoyolf fa. February 5Sth fShieehan 8P,6 , Sarginisai CET CA-SH TODAY 18379. Siebarth 8365, Townseley ýýq18.'KINGiE. ForOL APLIACES 8W57, Hisman 8ý352, PMoore BOWMA'liN VIL THOUUHigh Singe, Ari Piper PHONE 6 23G-54G ZT A T E 5 M A N 251; Higli Double. Mýlari Piper Don McL0achlan - Do CLASSffIDS 16G(25j, 165)n High Average, ue N'S ieII vice LE 162 ~n Plain RIGHT..O RIGHT ON WITH ALL THIS AbS-STAN-DARD EQUIPMENT 1. 2300 cc overhead cani engine, 2., Front dise brake, 3. Knit vinyl interior. 4. Protectivesdegrdeas in the doors. 5. Sound-absorbing dloublepae roof. 6.Fail-safe fuel purnpl to proteet your engine. 7. GM's comprehensive safety package.i 8.FulI-coil suspension. 9. Pull foani-nolded seats. 10. Poweired interior ventilation systern. 11. Corrosion-resistant side-terrniinalbattery. 2.Big 8.7 cubie foot trunk Capacitly. REGHT NOW at 166 KIN G STREET EAST PHONE 623-3396 -e ïý

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