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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 9

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623-33O3ý DURRJAMCOLLEGE -E kicks off natioinwýid1e soccer survey - Hoded f questionnaires are on th)eir way across Canada,lanhg the firsýtphase of a fouir-part surey t determine the presenît status an d fuliture hopes (f soc(cer in Canlada. T11he qjuesýtionnaires have be peardby Sports and ciEntertainmen,1t Administra tir)n stujdents at Durhamn College cf Ap- plied Arts and Technology as the initial step in pre- paringp a report for Toronto lwyrBruce Thomas, wehas been appoinited to direct a taýsk force on1 the sport. The report1, requlested by f ederal Labor M1 in- ister John MuILnro wh1en hie held thie portfolio cf Nat- ional Health an-d Welfare, is planned te dletermine the needs cf Canadian soccer at ail levels and mnay resuit ininrae assistance for developing soccer programns and orgaizational situctuires for the sport. The surve'y is aimned at the following: 1. The general public,wh it is hoped will respond te a short ques- tionnaire puiblishied in newspapers from coast-to- coast with the co-operation cf the individual papers; 2. The sports editors and sports directors of news- papers, television and r 1adio stations, wire services and their staffs; 3. Sports personnel in every province hopaýrticipate -in socceýr, fromn players te coaches te referees te club and league and association manage- ment. When you receive the questionnaire, please fi it in andrern thus aiding in the survey. t. T HE 3 D )AYV SUPER CURLING SPIEL - held at the Bowmianville Country Club, with top cturlers, on the weekend, ended i a tie for the IBa3rry Colemlani Rink from the Terrace Curling Clubi, Toronito, -with Coeman, skip), Bob Morrow, vice, Peter Pililips 2nd and Dave Pbillips, lead and dhe Pauil Savage rink from Scarborough. The Savage rink are Ail Ontario Champions and will ho repres-etintig Ontario at the Brier. tt t ~t SUSPENDED- Smith s Falls Bears and Brockville Braves have been suspended from the Central Junior Hockey League playýoffs, The action is the direct resit cf a gamne Tuesdjay in Smiths Falls in which three Syniiths Falls players scored on their own goal te give the Braves a 6-5 victory and third place in the sixtem lage.Although a league meeting Satur- day in Brockville decided te fine each teamn $1,000 and allow them te continu.e in the playoff s, the Ott- awa District Hockey Association stepped in yester- diay and, after a telephone vote, ordered the suspen- sions. Bill ïDillaboug h of Morrisburg, ODHA presi- dent, said the vote wýýas taken at the direct insistence ,of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, ilwhichi obviously thiought the" decision taken by the league wasn't severe enougli." _______ Drug AMidgets wllprobably Tilay Saturdayý, XMarch Irdv 'is teEastern ine, [t he gamc-e to be played This carre Pabout as Bow- m, rie llinat(-d By id- ges in tw'o sîraiht game--s. The opening game cof the saemi-finals for this region ivas played in Bay idËgsat th1e Don Beer Arenla, -with Bowmranville taking the first .. game by p scor of 9q2 Anldrewv Mackenzie opened the srcorlngc, frein Johin Wooc¶ PHIL VOWLES HEATING SPECTA,%LIST 1 Queen Street Bowmanville PHONE 623-7591 j 24 HOUR SERVICE 01, Gas & Electric Firinace & Air Conditiont Installa- ions - Central & Widow Tiits - Clare Hecla & Findley Equipiixenit Free Estimates Budget Ternis Avallable FRIDAY NIGHTI Feblrulary 23v4 Ladies' 115. -IH. FBrcick '210 Ladies' H.T.- L. Richards 7 Î90: Ladies' H.-L. ihrsi1 Men's ..-G.Wco30 Men's HT. C . lcx7 7 Men's HA. 1,M. Richards, 243! Team StanIding's Teain Pins , Pts-.i L. Siniale, ------ 21013 39i L. Richards- -23 918 37 D. Bradley 2')3733 35ý M. Richards Il -12429 2 Ii G. Piper "I23779 3I1n D. Orme _-_-- 3733 3- l1 R. Selleck 23ý516G 27 G. ,Wilcox-----237Î D. Reynolds 23444-2 E. Bck2054 191 T. Millson - 2 802) 13, Toip 12 Aeae M. chrd 24, . '- nolds '23 5, R. Seç-l1ck 222,D. Orme 21'. SmI-ale 220, L. Richairds 219, E. Bok219,' IG. Mýilîson 218, H. Brock 217, T. Millson 217, G.Wiox2, M. Etcher 216. Charterways February 2lst Top Ten (72 games) Marg Geddes 185, Rose Ve-' nasse 183, Gloria Munro (9) !R3, John Geiddes (69) 81 Ray Venlasse 178, Wes Martin. 17é7, Leilh Sommn-ýeriscales 173, Sain Hïitchens (66) 16-4, Jimi Gcddes (66) 163, Gwen Som- merscales 160,'Doris Quilliains Ladies - High single, Gloria Munro> 245; high triple, Gloria Miunre 579. -Men - High single, John Geddes 256; hîgh triple, John Geddcs 573. Team Standings Teain No. 2 --- -- 62- points Team No. 3 ---- - 50 points Team No. 1 37l--137' points TeainNo. 4 - 2---/-- -? oints and Grant Luxton la the firatlwîth TBay Rildges in the open-ý minutes% cf the gaine, follo-w- lng perled and it took th1el cd closely by one tforinAllanlteain Il mntsbefre the ýy Emrard wîvth Beyýd Knox asý- could score. Tom791 wla sisýting. 1la th1e Cosin min- scored vwith the asia ging uites cf th-at periocidà Bay Rld-teGryCox c nd Joe fHum-e- gsscored one cf their gas lk ending that period 2-1. Fiv-e minutes later, Rery The second and third per- Gibbs lncreaaed the sýcore,ý led produt-,cd seven mnore w-,ith earce Wilcox assistlg goeais froin Bowinanville boys ýla nthe ,secondi, Allan Emar and one fri-nBay Ridges. sccred the on1y second stna The scoring was freinA-golwith th a.ssit ,0 t dre Mckezi csiscdbyRery ihbs an-d PBoyd KI-nox. John Wý,ood feor Andrew'asec- B ay 1Rîdges cm back on ond cf the ight. Boyd Knox a 2miýscue as Mihke Lablanu scored flroma Allan Emiard --ld scorcd frein Joe Lo-wle. Peter Demeiter; the fifth and In the thirdI, Peter Demreterý 1,ixthi goals both frein Deinnisý comýpleteci the scoing witn Bamber, the first asîsted by oniy, a minute ieft in the Torrmmy Nowlan and second gaine cne frein Gary Ccx. Boyd Off theiruulexlen Knox notchcd bis second goail forirn thlis wý,eek, Itlu ishoped frein Allait Emard., A beau_- that wbhen and if theymneeti tifull goal frein Grant Luxton1 a stULbborn oppotnent th,,e unrassisted for the eighlth goal lcas an again put, it ailIteý- and John Wood scored ilhel getiier and piay their brand final and niath, goal. ofhoke jrsaing, shootlngi In the second gaine Satur- and -aIl aroutnd play-moaking. day nigbt before, the homne Last w,%eek lan the repo)rt cf town crowd, the MîIldgets pa-tne benefit gaine, there was, cd caiy as weli as they hlad a key ;playe1,r mîssed on their ta, te eliminate Bay -igs ide- cf the "68" Juvenile The score at the final bze capRay "Whîtey" Pres- was Bowinanville 4, Baly Rîd1-ton, lthie 1maýn la charge cf the ges 1. crrent McGregor Midgets as Bewinanville just tenyed ltheir ecoch. ________________ il Festival Week with JUIN~ The Irish THE FUNw oonhiers ut the MOTOR I1NN - MOND11AY thru SATURDAY MARCH lIth to l7th This liel rish Quartet will be, on hand to help Lis celebrate St. Patrick'S Day Irish Boer and Food Festival atmpsphere deçor NO (O VER CHARGEtiu There will b.ý a covr charge Frî. & Sat, which incluxdes favor Llberty St, S, and 401-Phon-e e62-3 '373 Do WeII in AaxCompetitioný lied their'forces in the third Perîod and managed t0 trim the- margin te 10 pointfs, 26-16. HoeeHooper's camne ack strengly in the final frame and, once again, kept the Cor- onat ion shooters off the score-[ boardcifomp1.etely and walk- ecd off with the 30-16 victory. For' the Coronsation crew it was one problemn after anoth- er. In addition te the ab- sence of A. Murdock, one of their more consistent jour- ncymen, J. Bearn, foulcd eut in the third period. To make matters worse, the Corena- tien shooters were good on only 2 of 12 foui throws. C. Steel paced the winning Hooper's Jewellery sqîarl to victory wvith a 16-point effort. For the losers, P. Wilson man- aged 9 peints. The play-off semi-finals conclude this week, and the winners of each series will ad- vance te the hest-of-three gaines championship round on March 6th. Tis Cnala~ taes gni5wmanvllle, 2U, 3 17 Locl 39 b.Boxer Pre pares for B-out, Monday ïin Toronto by Jim aClarke IHowie, marie, wth sa Bowmanviiie boxer'lHoward three-yearý-olid sn, w 2 Edmondaca wiii be a particl- wlnner RIt a iC.-N E. mtu paut next Monda4y veniing at bov,-ing prgri a17 Lansdowne Park la Torento, Twcothiler îher r la an i g bt-bouit card1. The the Ohaaclub wîll b par- 139tpeund Hunt Street resi- tîcipatinig l nxtM da dent hs been trainîa1-g diligent- evening-'s Ladwe Pr ly for bis upem-ing three- show prornotedfby Bey, -Car- round scrap wlth an unnamed ter, a onP tmp rof( ina Toronto 'boxer, boxer ad pnsre "h te Hiowa7e, a miember cf the Ontario AtietieCommissin. Osaw oxing (C11b, expects The 5'7"E onca a toog uting inext Monday postinan ilacnad o nlight, as the Toronto-basied1 ing and fising fan, .repojrts hF boxers are a fineiy trained la in gcod shape aând wî-i l' groop. Despite this, the Bow- gciag alil eut fonr avictnry manvilie scrapper la hopeful next -MVonday aibt. he frs of posting a victory. bout gets underwayct :30 Doring the pat two years,l rounds with Oshawa's Rd Hfeckbert, wbo at 135 -Ibs, is i tNew r the current Ontario Amateur Ligbtiweight Champion. Heck- Fehniary 2htý' hart, who pessesses the knck- 111gb Single --JD Ixo I29 eut drops capable cf chilling High Triple - f .Dîe 4 any opponent la bis ciasa, la TeaniSanig expected te be la Edmond- C. Bruce 21,81 2 qaea's cerner on Monday even- K. Raîston 22,001 20U in.Bill Golding, former P. Ogden - à 20,865 f1 Midàdleweight Champion cf B. WilbUrf 21,276 .14 C'anada, may aise be la at- 1 K . Camplbeji 20,313- 13 tendance. B. Smith 21l,118 12 Commercial, Hockey Playoffs Vanstone 'sNef Mindîng Piuts Franks Over Brooks Muttons Trail Spencers ~ .~ Walter Frank Real Esta te, behind V i n c e Vanstone's .........standout netminding, i e f t _k Brooks' Supertest on the edge cf the elimination cliff, fol- lowing their 4-1 victory last Sunday at 9 a.m. The Real Estate crowd now lead in the best of five playoff, two gameýste one, with one draw. The Brooks gang must have a win this Sunday when the series resumes ati 10:15, te, avoidi di, appearing froin the playoff scene. ~h1fiv~i. ~In last week's other affair, Spencer's Real Estate kayoed SMutton's Sheli with a six goal - ~ ~barrage in the third, as they captured a 7-3 verdict. The Sheli club's predicament isr.'t much' rosier than Brooks, as they trail In their best of five Tam y PesonJuie igt ad onn I'~rha round 2-1. A Spencer'.,;wln Tamm Prsto, jlieýVi0ýtali J01111 11;«ra'ký1- ýthis Sunday merning -at 9:00 Oýn Sunday, February 25th, tenout ocf 15 competitors. ive ealuleai pacd1oudshn Ierof h ree mebrcfteBo-Jna nrlîm cine'gsev,,entlî an !lie Bronize Initerpýrepayftrc ulie WightL, Tammy P Eareston wthuleWgt ing Il years cf age W 1Alter Fraink le'w. afe aleng jth 1jgý,piacedc 1 ýc d Jonnta Ingraham, took partisvahii h ialsadnsý Trula Ingria1harn> aise amc th first and :3-1 feowivng the eir- ficeitein inout cf 17 comnpeitors. ber cf the BwavleClub, two periodas, Their ScOrers 11n e Ajx Pie Rdge nterl. as UnIable te participate dule!thle ferel _ontested niaLcl- uIlb Comrpetitions. Julie Wight,'sý performanice ina'te a recent ilîniess, were Lny Buirna. Randcy Tammy-, Presten, cempcting th1e figures piart cf the Roger-s. Brian Bradley anid the reiiayGirls div- titien gave lber th irdsptJue Cogaltin te heeBbHla.Teony rok oni, up te and including age gave a n ot Hfiawess free young ladies for dloinig c a playï-er te beat a, superb Van- 1placed fourth in the figure1skaii, ng rga i ng b e iob on ý,ther it t r . Weatn ws'TîyTopsn .tcgery and fifth over ahl frein th-ird te seconid in the!wish tlhent much, success,. in the 11oeclce at1:2 fte ter the free skating exhibi-ifinal stanidings te capture the future. fr, but i e chi:32ed the Suiperteat saipers the rest cf John Stainton Is New Mianager t( ;ywt on eak able saves. ______ - ____Officiais Bruce Simpson w e and TerryBaker called eight âY% s %11penaltie'ýs, four te each club. After thieir three playoff icon- tests, Walter Frank hav e eut- lezqÉ 4anksin their next outng à wouldend Brooks' hopes cf a Dperte Aîgin hi;s Year corneback cuthna ia the late game, MuLîttons by Jin lare fnes basbaî plyer. Acy.delicate 2-1 lead after 40 min- Bowmanville's Locke TV My mmeryof "t il The ncxt imiportanit get- utes cf breathicas playoff ad- rlectrons wiil oeatcýgi!f a o,1hUnsmix)looth erfer teEer venture, The norrnally pen- * 173.Thecloda f dubtstrdiGoutfieldeir, who as will be, on Saturday mornirg, alty scarce Sheil tribe exited ýgardîng Intermediate base-Iperfo ý)rmed effectively on thÏelMarch lOth, at 8:45- in the fro, a traumiratlctird ses- )Al for the ceming year were, moundc. John informed tliose old town hall. ýýio,ý-3lsr atbywe ïsso1ved following a success- in attendance at Sundiay's At this turne, membriers cf ien - oesa hyw ul mieetinig beld last Sunday meeinig that.he will be mazk- the Electrons wlll be cn i1 o'clock in the old towa ng ar ý decison on bis coachingivassing the town for suipport aýil. aiýd wlthini a few das. for thec 1973 basebaîl yr T ,e we attended gather- Last season's P r e ai d e n t book. Ray Crombie, M ho pre-n oc gawa unanimous ot of George Sainsbury thanked sideýd over this eperatin a, prvlfor the Locke Elec- everyene for turnîng eut and year age, will againi be i(t the ens te again, represent Bow- reviewed, the various jobs, controis and is hoping te- sec i W Lanville Ia an Interm-ediiate that last seasion's executivel a goed turnout of players and W ,oup. It will be the fifth:,members had te perforin te execuitive members on Saturi- ,ar the club bas sported thýe imake things operate success- day, March lOth, at 8:45. TheI arry Locke TV colours. fuliy. 11e praised the excel- programn, we feel la aniilin- The team's new mnage21r lent work turned in hy who-1 portant part cf theEecrn iiil be John Stainteon. Ji. re- ever was asked te, perforin a baseball happenings and thne Q a ii ent ycars, John bas beca auc- partîcular task. general feeling is that it Qisfi ive as a coach and player in The 1973 iexecutaveý was appreciated by the fa;ns anid hc Bowmanville Men'. Soft- elected at the Sunday meet- 'players. The responsefri )al league. H1e la best, re- ing, with thie following per- the local businesses in h embered bv local basebaill sens appointeýýd: Presidlent, past has been enceuragîn arýs as one cf's.ver-y George ,Sý,insburiY, Vice Presi- and the Electrons are hopeful' he 50' when Bo,.aa 111e Rey CrOionîbi Treasirersor town's sportsmînded me- w'asted some cr tie dsîrict's Gary Akev anid Mis. Garylchanta. asketball PIpayodsT ( en's Jen'A ClipStephen's 5-2CML ~ooper mat Coronaltion 30-16 Thefiatrondcfth pay- ,c.f 47 Pointserepresents mrie peint lead jinto the econ)Ld offshi ha en' Tcn Bsk-tha th entrgme'ssor-haf cf the total point seriesJ etbali League virtually dupli- iag in the Hoopcrs vs. Stphi-1bult, if the next garne la an- ctdthe action cf 1the en'a atc. ther hg ceigaffair, naine prev-rius weksfinal sao1ieplyr i ordube onts ay net be a very SAC gaines, îHceper'ýs Jwnir nmer athe luide openmargin for thie Ken's rew contiaued the-ir mas5tery cf'Ken S vs.Stephea's battie. K. CoronnCafeon the the Cronation CafeteainElachuck, who mpoed the other baund, havewý their work wlth a resoundiag 3016 wi.end b% tpoins per gaine cuýt eut for then.Thir 30-16 Tlhefrs-od playeffavaelaverage over tie regular bs A) Heoper'a Jewellery, two-gainetotal pointsafia csn(Ils), popped la 18 leavegthein with a 15-point, adthose 14 pita l loch lie oints for eSphcn's nrem defict teo vercmeands if a pretty bdgdelffr the Tepammate BRElhert wsntfrpr ,eulaines are, any imdi- Coronation shnotezIs eove-bhndatîng 15 pointa. Forcratdon, U It wlbe an U ual cMme. aalar a taol h înrR îsin ý1ÀtaIlied tuge be ited tAt cnee cf Corona-15 pointa WhleM. Draper and jCoronation and iHooper's iens beat shooter, 2.Mu-1.J, Cmpbellacord 12 and il clashed mn the final gaine cf doc'ký,1who finishche seavlwsn poins, ,eapectîvely. the regularseannand the wîjth close te a 9 poits ne fr Aci'tota f 38Rsotswere patera cf that gaine was gaine average ,dîda sc c-takn ren he o une Wla veîyamîlr teThurodwy ien cgannutFpenr s. te sue'a- Sten each ngh' îayff oner.ina piar outsored toplienFel eah Sene -swre rgood p joir n the opening quarte-r 51-42 aine= cf the bîgest'on 3 of 15 attmpts wle the'-cf plan. eouer's led 10-0 scorng ontsta il easn Ka s hooerabit9 cf terctrte'ia eidls Byhattun te crews 3foui trws ee rd ithe coews17 2502 lu r en'S and tthat tt,al 1Çen's no takesa iebi a it lftime, Cmcaîari 8 CYL. TUNE-UTP Plus Parts tagged withý six cooder-sen- tences.ý The Spencer outfit, frus-, trated over two periods, iren- cd eut their offensive wrink- les during the closing 20 min-i utes and won geing away. Three ot their six goals la the third came withpoe play attacks. Spencers, ahecad 5-3, counted the gamie's final tal-1 lies at 19:15 and 19:40 cf the third. The wlnners' Wray Rendeli picked ap bis firat and sec- ond goals of the playoffs, with singles aotcbed by Kimj Rogers, Deug Crough, Ca-o- tain Larry Perris, Brian Rowe and Jin Baker, Mutton's 'Bucky' Hughes' bad a pair, with Brian adding the other, Spencers beld a 1-0~ m iargin until 5:15 cf the sec- clad whien 'Bucky' struick. Brian gavce Muttens their onily lead ila the scrappy af- fair, teami"ng wýith Rc ol cis Baker anid Simlpaca tiag- ed Motonýs %wïi seven cf the 13 penaltlesç. Whlle Seces puitnto gether a brawny, haýr slk7t. ing team effort tin on vlncingly, Muttoni'i donifal' was a resuit ù,f numrcus mulfed scoring chaànceserl and a disastrous thrdc"p reriod.ýc The Sheli outfît receýived a strong workout from iAI,,, Wiseman, who turned in îk king slze chore on the slmrt, handed Sheli defence, ot 'Bucky' and Brian wereotr Mutton's top workers, e fencemen Murray 'rir and Bruce Ogdenweems' ing with Injuries. GET CSHTODAY FOR COLD APINE RentasCr f-or A DAY OR, WEYKEND ASk for Rac OPENUNG SPECIAL THE TRANSMISSION PLACE M97 BlPoor St. W.- s ha W,7 1. 'Remnove pan and c1ean sereen 2. Oil change and new gasket 3. Band and Linkage adjustment 4, Road Test ONY$7S95 emenf eare pleased to announce that our service station is now a DA Dealer for Allen CTRO NIC INE-mUP éTE- ELECTRONIC, SERVICE, Plus Parts -4 CYL. UEU $7,50 Plus Parts Get your Pre -Spring Tune -up Now at.. COOK'S GULF SERVICE KING ST. and WAVERLEY PRD. - BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-3136 McGregor Midgets Oust Bay Ridges in Two Games L r,

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