ENNISKIÏLI L E N A trice Caadenwines popular songe 'e Cereful[ Stwu yeveing vWsîto mo..flmg wlt tsbîgi sa-Wie ou See, Hear, Sey, Do ith Ma, and M hrs. Foy îMeGIlIý ~hi~ urd mnywoshîpes adGo, et Mrs. Bowmaa's were Mre Md Mus. Cherley fiq th Sundy raoring curch ree maniner with lir( oes, Lengmid ,dFe,.Solia srvi,ýces.Re Tokî 'sr-stres and illustrations lcldn Mr. end AM. George Bar- mn h0 ledae hight note of lier young audience in rapt keýr and family, Oswa, werp wen ithifsfilte "Tihe attention, Sundey [tee guests of A ,Mritn Leu of Recomes. His T1he "NiTfty Knitters" met hMrs.C. Stento. pre _Leafen caiswe on- for thela ftouafli meeting et Mr. and MaTis, Floyd Becýkett clude i wih fIe bss of 7 p.m. Tuesaîy, Feb. 20th, in spent Sefuirdeyf evening w1ith Paui' word "fo whetsoeer tSe churcli besemnent. Joyce Mrs. Myrtie Burrows ert West a mfan sowelihthet sliel le Cliambers re rad fieminutesHi. aieo veea." Ouarral olk and then we discussed oua vAho.- ferm andgaden ouldexhbif 1d-fs lorsbW. 1Mr, end Mas. oýward Gimb- read4sappreciate our inbis-MruePoliadrd eplaned 1fous Jett and MAiss Vera Gimble!it, ter's rmsage. Refernce in about tne mitred nekhne.Osewe, ere acent vîsitorS 'Eîzi sitrck a rd 1KeAl Max wMrs habes iowed us fie 0f Ma ,)ad Mas, 'Roy McGil ~~vd aneruey a hr. trtenck ad ie lape a nd IMrs. Herey c-ý Uime wer giowlng xmle adneckneps.Mas. Werry GillBevn and WMrs.FR.C. tV provetfeic serousness of lmnsfratd Sle appliques. Hopklns were Sundey dinac eny ferndeacy to 50W tiserWe ended flic myeeting by gucsfs of Mv. enid Mrs. Mlo wrongrkicf ofceeds with ie hr lelpinig cadi other itli aur Stainton. delusiontWCato cn veap SE kaitteti fabres. Press report- Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett ri'gtit kindl of liarve9t. ir er, Debhle Howc. bat Sunday suppea Wth IMr, Snsli.ofaes of 16 pre and Sr, aad Mas. Gore ln-su Ms. Rusei abb1, the1 e~Hytenaers eaeflcic J. ey, Port 'Hope RbR, weae rU: occsion Of Russll's coingl choiru end its leader lu the cent visitors, of M\,r. and Mas. ihîrbay. choir alcrove, wbowrecx - O, C. Ashton. as John Siemon lis boi lubêranf l fieila musciel tcon- Miss Betty 'Wright vis,ýited dayinjg -wlth fiends et Acsi ritone n i1 e d "lrewith M-. and Mas. W. San- Ipulco ,end ]Mexic.Wewshtý Tent". he r. ongegalonderson, Columbus, on Thurs- Jessiee agood holiday. W55 1in charge orf Miss Betb day and Frday lest week. Asucun. Ma. anti Mai. C. Avery were Flowers eithfesitar wcre Sunday eenlng dinner guestsELZ E HVI E ir teninor af li-1c F 'Ma. of Ma. and T-ýAngus Kiag, 3IA E M L I-lubbard. formnevly o f Buirk-" L îttie B-raini. ton, iWe wcre rcnidof Mv.and Mast,. J,-.Kinsman Chuacli services were lhild. thc Woald Day Of yr cer- ndgirls spenilie wveekend Mr. Tom-riWilson, Port Hop, vig, rida, Mrdli 2nd, etl witli Mas. S. Kinsman etiîSpkE OnB "Samily Life .lu 1%0 pi, etOua churcli fr Westpoat. v Modern Times". Miss Nancy t~i wol care.Rev. Hecp- Ma, and'Mas. O. C. AcltanWelkeae sang e ýsolo. llswi1ll li e esekr werc Sunday guests ofMa. The 4-H Club met on Mon- ïVexf Sunay is Calnaien3 anti Mrs, H. Wordcn and Mr,. day evening and fie ladies B ible ,Sotccy Sndywilh anîantiMas. K. Worden, %Bow- I putl 'a cqult et the sanie -pe.i for i, enciisuport.maileR.. .tume, lathe basement Of fie' Ie us,. sesicon tiuei aan Ms.Ega Wrîght cliurcb. A quiilting wals belti j fie f amihy idca of lcadcrehîpj, attendet i afamnily gatherlng on Tue'sday. la _ifs o'peafing woasbip. a t lic homre of Miss Marguer- On Wcneda eenng weý Irs.J.W Bwna esîttiIreWrgtOs thfe oc- lied ant oystea su1ppeaet- ar byberysn-ii :c with Isgi-, csinof birtbdcays and enni- dca Hill churci - a good, lar acconionment for i irare.crowd eud an excellent sup- yES. WE HAVE A COMPLETE MINE OF TEXACO PRODUCTS.. Wý,E DO OML CHNE U NSTALL TIRýES AND INORREPAIES. Y LE OS ORSEIL WE APPRECIATE YOUR CONTINUEDi EieS T END T EXAÀnCOW 218 KING STLE - BOWMANVIILE Heon, Table ~ t Scout-Cub Father anc1 Son Banauet f On Saturday eveaiag, at the Salvationi ArmY cita-. del, Bowman-iýville's 5th Cuibsan Scouts h)eld.' their annuel Father and Son, banqu iet ,wtihtr.EW. Maiin as guest speaker. He showed sldels andï describedcorne of fie canoe and othler triips he and is f emrily hlaveJ ~tknover the yeers. Heiad t-1able guest-s are sh)owvn Scuts Receive Their 1 1 Mr, aad Mre. H. i:sn visited Mrs, Lockw,,vood and' helped Bo ih Moceebrate bis 85th birtbday. HP hld ai-ý ready had a ýcouple of parties.; ....... Mrs. Clarence Beatty wevntý te Lindsay last Suadey , wUih Vr .and Mrs. . Peacock.i They didnlt fid op Melpsin 1WMotesetibone but d visi Mr. and Ms Milford Wite and Irsn M Temblyn i Lida.They fou nd Mr. Mr.L. VMl'ldre..w .. .ls.n..t..im- Plnoigtomuh b planl te oni insertîng a aceake Mv.eadM r . ole t T'ather and Son banquet at the Slvation A 7 pent Suaday visitng bis unis- !.L I es r.C. Yerrow andi -%ls, these Scouts were presented withi badge , Ifront row, le Russeli has been in- the hos-l'ildenberg; back rowv, Caýpt.'S. Hfewlett,ý Robert Cordon, plitalend Mr. an)dMr.Y-Bid row have,ç had the flul, ________________ _______ Mvi. Ken Fowleri7 s through bis course and back to work hi Port Hope. Mr, mnd Mrs. Wý. Caý,sseltnýS 01N f Sim oe sligtbeir Ilest loadi Mr.endMr. JhnDehas Osýhawa, visited wîth -M'r, and Weslieserand Alsn l Moore and girls. M\4iss Dori-s Bat on l Iest week. p scbol break,1 anc1 goes back ftbiswe. i - ' o .7,~ et THERE'S ALWAYS ONE IN EVERY CROWDI NO MATTER HOW MUJCH YOU ADVERTISE, THERE ARE ALWAYS A FEW YOU WON'T REACH But did yeu ever stop Lu reaize what oLd bappen if you ldin'tadeie AI, ail? Nwppravriigcrteates bua"yer intercest, builds stoe traffic anid prouce byr Adveriseýrs cot3toinvest ]motre money cadi year ~ i nespaer dvetisng.No mý-etter -wialsie or bsiesy on cariï prftfronteuaravrtsn So yo)u doni't reach everynnýe .,think ul the oesyou will, CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT .5l n l 1e it OBITUABY ~' lnlLnf 2 %.a b.& a,%& %.A m ý, , %.. 1 a 1 %f %a %e %.4 p ' %W %ý ningen, GradVan Dcae MUurray Cooke sdDu MisCarol KuoxLoin, Wedislcussoti the -home s etaayf0sw1fhkis is- sni ils we t homne sîgmrernt sicet a d fine]lIy a.Ko îhp ic helpof' whlirprntsrM. 7anti Mhlr s. rdpclI dtishafif rc-aelviy m entILMrs. Waton gmav Msmoi Gui. uox.Mas, Tayor howed uls howIfisonfresig Mj\o fj ý dIlnlc ilufgrmns ,wi t hIFor lic iinn li w Wanespntfl1 i rwcekenPi) et ri acingas odel7a, Uoke n oLuagresad wit Ms.Raen slowee, Wfsinflen tol,çlm s ow f0 ten worn dsmissed. eos nsh d;iVr ndMs Dona wIe uni'dvA;tr wit Ma. and 1Mes Hre \ïyr andsay, werc accetI omen's *nsmutes , Ma.sudMa. LoydBrnieonthe, piano, ,aceompauisdj sudDle atterint iflic Wfintcî- Tic Solia Wl. Fbrur i inl ils usuel fine sty7le.. aus-etPcnfl ovea fie meeting bcd a Valentine) weskcnd sud Dele p~~-articipat- theme. The Culturel Affairn"'ex atwa ot0 cdl la the Novice Hockey Group - Br's éAres - was _going back f0 primsry echoolý in charge 0ftic pirograi rds-wtmahmme gaie--. va b lhrringing somcthiag for Show Mac. . Paser wc a urs-undea fl('ic cadrsliipof Masd Teil. The items were f0t dua effrilnonvý;îsitor . ansd. Mas. W. Hujils. 'bt md c'erb fii sund Mas, Evaefyerman. e he lIle Hall on Ficb. mascîv es chl otoe of Fridy ngitvistoaswif lYh. her huas a. Severalonmcm- Ma.sudMas Eeret Cyd- Mis Psaibeahpresfi- bers blrouglif a rnumbýer offla- Heimer Fi-cegsud Rndruésagu na oie aid scmlwd thir owu. Menyswrcil Bruc Mongoîev, 1fempon. icsirîgiaig o lic Ode suad vse pctre,_cus l i ilns VIa sud Mis, Ken Koox. epesfag t, ic Caleet.Mas.rendues-,' artil . edlaî Petabooug, sentfiewc- e!len Mîion, ece mmy-facyworkwood-w au , etc enid wti, u d Mr. Lonraeasure,:u ei-lciutsTi oieesloet usî Kuox sud OMancuti Masow- sud gave feLA me u nr-Nhe pusieiflc ekîofothcir f;Llme. Ma, HervenoniftPaeiief d woVaiuinv oursts Ma, acMacsHdrv Kux 0f .W for. Alettr- l1Tic ygroun in ciergense'-ved vuîe îf i omM'sPesstirnftiefor roimbeme f0 lunch of lhif une fbrullt if Faraiew otie, Witiynthynfavoe.Yf wth e uided candie" anti servetes madei I May Jci ud tee, Oia-cm.This one copny wul ie___ uni, spu auda ihM tudwied by memlbeas anti sud Mas. W J. Clarkics of uiutcaest dcus.ýfseti at TR MasWceYcilwles atend futre eetingýs. cd ea ica on Ssturday heldafir ntiu oneec tC home cf Miss Bernce wici s 0 ielilietWm- olpDyouascpr Cois BowAlni, ooauloUuCias ibMawas ice is being bitet l:Enni kýil- Mas.Alfad Alia.dicuscd. Mas. Fred Watsoa heu Unitedi Ch-uacliMrci 2 Ma, ýanti Ms es. Yiiw-vduuccedf0li-.a delegef e et 1:30 p.m. ices wcae Sunday supper forCif-izsip anti Woriti Tic Tymos wiiir-omec guete f Ms. ussil illCaf ar Boweuiil. Afa1s.their meeting 'Mardi 50i af Mra.msudMas. Chas, banig- It was tiecidt flonti'nue fthilausual boum, raid, Paye sud Tom were svîng Canada Paa:keas labýels hc'efaMa sd a., Suudy gest of VIr su Amog fic f em fi Infi-Fred Gillard sudJ daugliters As. Ovîlie Lunni, Per- fuewil purclase il)nieflic eaCindysund Debie of TPicke,- borougli.future are a cn pr ailagwho bougai'Lftic(,uew:v Ma. ant i Ms. Chasý. bng eceta'achel suld fv oeee fcir maSid Mweae Safuidsy cveaing dozea lance settingig o fie Meauof s ud M s gialies vvsî !)as N'il-Ma.esd M s aldisies.TI, n f1ý r"oy", iEnsliiu OaCssrl .unchen k rcti aîÀyWetHi, Mansd Mas.Nouton Fetceswefonal e ant ïiar a.anti Mas. Wayne Garkua enrog calieseo a udMsotnu crepond wifh Dt l) a is Geekin, Dawsoa Seffle-I Faank Wsseke, oa frmer adoofeti iuglieamnt, Ma, Murry 7Tiuer Ma. sud Mas. Franc West-cLoChîag as3cJe eoucef d Moncou, Were Saefu"adRe lae ecîaiiby Ma. Ihýle adienss ofsotrrte! is foaget f rMa. aad Masý. George' viîeIrM. sd a s. Elmer le ouare1-t cespndent. Fridy evenîg iers cas Jordnborcavilie. Mas. T. Baker reUored on 10fablssY of roressive Eu- a, su ad Mras. IDoug Flef is rSoHina Sciooi eh. lihe cimePrimzes ouientto ras c uais eeaugvîîor esoreor eifrani fie coml- Atu ihadM.Lance wif M. Aexant Mss Anuemitess on hw to clbat hre lîlUICox, MaPari borîmea. BowmaviHle, ua hOliAaiveaeay.The1 aect, arîalmd en iMa.,eStaiey Gaordon cc- Ieufoave s s uppea nmeet- _ n a îb ak 0 Moas Ji Gron sud Rupne t is uwilui ue M.C1.1odlyu sudlied auls e usfes s as. tste, Mvla sur. We hope oMrFei"ruIicfMn wa, ati a.Don Daew, Pc- asionwh c recli oua bus toafoi tFlVorida.ý Ti Mtîr îccrtîuqof flic FVOCWtepog r 1Pun".Ticeudyguesoffi Solina Weffovers wss citi aceponeofas fine onî Pcb. l9tl ifet t-ic Slîa Ma. ayia onL cienrgewoleys. CommaifyHal. Themee- Ma, ýW. Hn uigae fie mots f-.Ma.nsd MasR: ck Smît îag ~ ~ ~ ~ I we oeet y auyf0"hallenge Maires sds couCliistopler, Portý lee mAt lo iermiuti oCflCpoci by EtigeaGuest, "Some-LlydSîti lest, meir.ng. We lid fic otysudiIfCou.rid'tBel Ma. ud Ms.WiftiClrk roA! coil siiiawss "WhatnDonc - But Hie Déd V, TeewceSaturday vsors hav yu dnson youni-geai T ic uical fits brtcher, 0Ma nt Ms euti ant(i rcr oo îc Hir e D ansd DulsDweillar lak ! est eeing?" Ss 10tin werucli ApnrcaiiDay-- Ma. RalpiH qili, ofQue' 'ianHddouf oua greaduo- iusng vr- bpAuully jHyinivetsi f Rintoreturu.l- f ange.j %moln' 1Tirougli" aud any d uniay af fer spentiîug aý RAYDON Mc. anti Mas. Eti Hsk Ossaiere Moudsy cli cars et Ma.v, anti Mas, J. Patte-. Ma. s u Ms. Wayne Bis ch,- hum and Sujsea, Orono, -werc, Sunay supper ueste ofMa anti Ma.W Blackburna end femily. Ma, anti Mas. Ross Shar, KEtliy ati Gardon,Enik- lnwresuppeia guest 0of Ma. anti Mas.RocssAs;iionni f-'iyon Sunday.7 Mi-, sud Masý. E. 1R. Thmpur-ý sou, Ms. HopratNel Bowma Sevnl, Oonwe Weit- day vistos et Ms . Tmp Ma. Ge.-yThoîpson, Mr day ,-r viio of Mm.to D. K.t Tîonpsý .o Bomav. i Mr. âR D. Thosn, Hi ton,- were Moa1day sifoas af 0f Mr. anti Mas. Gerelti Sliackhîecn, Saieni. Ma. anti Mas. Arthur Trew- îu,Wilc anti Paul, attecad- cd flie 2Stli Wctiiug Arn- vrayof Mr. sud iMme. Jîm MVarfyn,. Dunarton, on Saturi- day Maýfs, Irens eTebli, Jiî, L.ily, anti Shibrley wcPî' -- supaca -gucst's 0f m1.aniMa.Rus- sli Taili, Mtidie Oaci fiel occsio, Rssl Tabb's hirti- ovmî itvsitoir 0f Ma. anI Mas, F. A. Osmond,.owan ville. Mrc. J. Potts returneiM e faomr Port Peray Hospital on Set uaticy *TANGLfE FREE 7ýAGITATO.R VWASU. R E G U L A R 2 9U NOW' ONLYI EETHE WASHER SI-RE AND lMA,-NY OTRHER GREAT INGLIS APPIANCES. AT C r egpec R ES5eT HARDWARE LTDU. K6 ing St. E. - Bowm« Phone 623-5408 anvilie mn th ecBank for '7 Thc it le car thaf does everything we.l ON VEGÀ WE HAVE PARKEDQ ONE OF OUF, LITTLE VEGAS IN THE TORONTO-DOINiqON BANK! IF YOU LIKE WHAT 'YOU SEE THERE . . , YOU'LL LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR AT ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LID@ WHEN YOU ASK FOR A PRICE. Sce onscof our courteow; sAlesmcn at BOWMAAN VILLE 622-2556 COULRTIC-E 7-78-6206 ýýn, Russel Osborne andi GOcRDfON R. ELIJOTT Manseil Staceyý ~ oiiHospital, Bowmanv ljw1ie (ý onSaiturda,, buay10' 197 fGoirdon R iioto i ntarlo ýSt.I_ wav 1 Bonin Emae n i W He eeivedbisedatnn Elmvaie ublc Scool1Ne:vbySur, Vi e Likar igh Schoolan North Blay Normal S(,)cbl,,Las1t week the judo tean Htagtone year 'In a rurl tavll' to a tournament nj i colnear New Lser eeb uh R ck Hall1, tbrecyearsin CoJbalt alid forla' r honadPu n yearswasauuerv s Princinal ofrththree Pui ( ionwni st in thieir c; Sehools in11CeCobalt aevsonCagCreîghton. Mikeý Wbil thre le ws a em-Verbggeand Helen Bl2SC7vck ber of the Kiwanîs Cilubadpae ecn n ila the board of directots 0f theLavUi(ieder woni third in be studied for adereadi 1937 left for Queen'(s Ui- OnWdesday, the Bantami ~~ versity we- i omltd B EamcomIpeted againstiV20, bis degree. [He attenýided ti 1 Hobs nd cefetedth College of Eduication ,in-, 7'9-27" On liusatreo ronto and came t'O Bowmeini- ortaswî i hiae ville Highi Scbool in 1940,vrj wavll.TeBn. aboefrnaleft to riht CAmate Car Mttn ee he agi for 27yasamAndSioscrsd- Jon anIpiiinie-1 co£,tm.,ti-F ne ' retiring la 1967. Durigt, ae adfultgmsi Jon a Hinnen cotmserEri Ciss~..p. tm ledid ps-rdaebt ae.The scoreps were S, HewIltt, GroupComite harmnLen VWilson, wr n eeieiaBceorl-6frte n a Il and Hlarry Bartlett of the Grou o mmitcj1teeý, Dr Mna and of Paedlogogy (frmTor-oto50-44 for:tthe Seiors. 1Hîig I Unîvesîtya n CdSpecialist sorrsin the Seniorgarni Paper rive hairma Aif rown.standiiing'in Guiidanoc. werRady le!niPt -- - Ha as a mmbrof Triai- Menwul, ur1Jnir Coug. week at bhis home. ýity Uaited Cbuirch and ]had ars vwere tronlcing 1 i the Jiotr adges ~Mr. adMs oet Lqerved a 's an eide. He asRema844JrrKaet iBowmnvilEjLons C1l1, ate 4pons Perry spent five y'hl-Me' aainCllub anid the day- in NewEnanSttsWsDuarCaainCu Atti.tneth Drm andQueec.club is peaigtwofoce- MWr. and, Mrs. Georg,,,e A11~~ei uvvd yhswfe c iyswihwi eetr t former 1_Lul ia Rathl, CCdIn onpL ioIatrlu drea vî~ed r. H Hary wom h mrrei ugst9, ter i hlpas re The Stjil andso Rusei adriss 1947, tredultrMr-s. Aampiand icýThe ando nd Daine hmseB ma-G ishop (Corinne), Suis;ian r oalysuet ietd : ,ville, o udy n aie Mr. ad Mr. Geog Rai, Re. W.Oake of Trinîity eta a-o Mr. . aifuerlservice herlcifrom tle Ask for ;""e... The flourth me1eting of thLNothcttElliott Funeral Pineridge -IHCiub waýs LiîdHome on Tedy erayCUT Fe.3lst aitheý C. E. Wirg. 3t neren aS iniBou-CRSE-DDELD Wcopened the meeting witb mnillei11 Cemietery. the 4-H pledge. Joy Love-IPlbaer eeRobei. Il-58 ridge read ber minutes of the iast meeting. The next mept-, frnp, is Feli. 28th in the C. E. Wing. Each of the girls re- potdthe progress on tîcir garmnents. Mrs. M. Yeo dis-, I gls cuslfacingesuad collar.s. M Vrs. Grant Glaspeli demon-' strsted a rolled coller. Mrs'. ~ I~-U Yeo demonstrate'd puttinig lu R b ,e a zipper in a turtleneck top. *HADEUPT 12LSWA IN iWe ciosed with lunchA OC