fetîg rave 4.2. Fr thé ' 1 ý,im -ve r rik Lé*&::î A s gr;1, t6 is1i dy6 Y ay] Reviews ""t" hAtrrkit lDrha-ým 1Ang1îNIuý Neil Rysa, a5istIIrIgJlAy B Tueda, Fb.1, MDo- ATWM pAGE lane Hu;skies:13,3.For the MI»GTLAIJCt a goa ".,l ancl onie a Rita odyh MÔnd&Asstn Ariutua Representative 'r Am 4têd:ýii JômOs byJii ogrhBrit~-0 Gal or ýiranks Todd Paynqe oegaFn et o1 obDngu w n tra eef IpoeetWith thesefctr ogteta mpaios Thr ecod gme aw he eot a Dve aso tw, Mke ss(sFre BigeQ oîe gol ad Robssia, uloti-enTe nue Mein ortis Inae Tax AeetinZ conrerence(dar- Ild ie ýsit, ï-ýei 0 ) am01Hopkins, Bro s eiby Holiday linnHespeler, there Cali 7,-s. For the -oréiSthê ah. galand Pce o npîai- ont'asit.CosetA }tiVéIuaFl tOrn. heges Bdfead ,Charie dAc- vwill be the Annual qoaide 18, s iIt -IR]ti h frtStrdygm ss otAaaagalimd ône asý- Speaker f or the d faywasMn est, lilph Ro:ma 0woFisk Fue Sairscne hre1",-p say, entlIi t Pavingt, Bob Shackîcf1tôrl one FgOI, Charlie GrCey-ý, Who is ýthe cut1t>nOsa1111,eMaktngCneene n h . goi~an naaaî~a Cri gas ihleGehmsIG.Beves eeaedShrs -2 Rsy MCQL;uajidné gAl ýJ, ohn eréay- Mlanager f tetegus pakra e-h the lbgnai :0pm auI Shugvn1-u jlneggoal ýc oalJit 1-osto o n oniikCosDv or, nflpP n SSIadIo in oeo h ra ta e dy ec 4hbgn uso.On the 7th there illIof w~~~~~~~~~~ bié i-l sns, Dnt( Isat iinSmt as ol oa acpAsitawntt Cwé n asstirEbt. ev iscued re fý thËrt 1 iat 8:00 p.m. lHa wildi2- lhaspeakers on the topics or JoeyDavs, ncl Makeyand nciMar Ro~rt an 111st1,thee nd an uasay e .nalîs defAatad dsyýstem, crthe ipresn- euesareals involved in Icr neetri Roadside stand ,anldRa Johosn tw Doron as. Fr th Shaks Pns Bdeé ebôô I0.A be graing e x Filinig, as well asothen Pfick-Yourl-Own Oerators. th Sté~a rwKare n gas llen ureytwa asý- Glenn tMerlii coLiinge bath trick for Bryân Heflani, 1ýruÔa goiIng ta make to the commît-Ior goa ea an asis. Tevo s5t~ wa -gals aaSistin-g wsBrr yrtwo g.oalsm ed tîw asýtpe oni food picas and also the, EMar. ** E Marînoa galandMihal hesecndgee'ayis îafel ndJohn iCastîs. I Rte ob Brou.gh îwyô igoeîsjstand thet ,vas to be taken an]W E L ' I V M N1 N.LML Glas oe gal.3, lipers1. For1-the winnls SîraM.Bublels ,Cube 'B,;îck SwPeman osé fgoàî Am- the luse of the horm-one,Dihyan Thrsa, ebury15 i wsDea eblstwo goals, e )d« hr -2 us iî aRbI~nguMr sybstrli eaint S, The very lo vewether of' toski. USuLrfnshnets1e Blds el CSdnl~4 édy Wmerpon as og oalsDavi I l oe ga 1; ll n ,Ci>ýfols t ràn i) kru.bef impO)rte. ln the county m: iost of th1Cpastweek bas: end?,d the veing and ah ahi. Blaesgolsb:, Tohn VRinder and f1 lob a nse a.oe sitBbShantz, C1hnjý i l Te fil lMidget gamfê 5 Vdicuson, suich resas the helped toa ae a rallier trying went home with thie promise r two, ea ý, ingwcr slpr s galgoa eah nd fTimCorneli ana le4-1. MI.Rôa1 kal, On mrkecied, 1transportation ocf whIei n moSt ofteloapepesoînth tts odnAr HôgPe] anl lid dInol1 th hii 'd to-m ga, a s i .ForthePenhevsns-elKoIal5ki, JOay iilB&Sd ctîe rinthe viest and thje met thé, H-ope Couneii tea e- de! ,The collectionCof aven r WediFrte adhasMat insmécn défeeteri Mîlna if1 Po11!(cfck.Ianse galand ocne as- nd Ji ri n ehi-,y the chanrges in the -f)ujnepreas their objection ta r1i'T- -1lCIP i a1-,M w-,évnîtoward the fuind forTu Phillipe o'-,aument[psnedilThe PRelUs 4plannied garbaeédis- en ga, ar wnt n galHOleras oa ndan siTlst gamrie o te ee Cnukpil S terg owonWexctv ft' 173wapsal afagerzthanha r n uney ciel. -n enONi n sit tpé ur nagalaodrleonîychysir eeeis ' oal lveciéd ,indi sa as flowThe] heen formed with àâffetre>tromA Th-e inal geame IlSt week Edle LaIt anallesisIî. mayaioaFirst Place by idern assig reiet ieSawyéer -S~ omtealready eat work.'h hrnsCorpo h rf*fiiers d céferted yFares,,ýýt ers ý lthe iif in me SaLuidaysatneaNéwt Selby -DinýectnSMey viitd th hbî l Ided thne 1ladensip- i sing- 2-O.~~~ feérgolDogai rg'deetReBolisIREC11EATION HOCKEY LEA6UE STA N D .N G S (tramCavnTnbpanéPr: Kei port Hope duin"g the weekîgetcuchsric tWe-sn Bîka n oa n aseait nsZIpFros ol nt y UtsýL 1 érar 7h *3Clrk, 'Ied McDomwalland Mn-bui t aund nothing thers aom OSne onn.ea Greor Oro ýIIanl galand P1il Coak", In,,AS."ssiétWntpyli"A Meua sfrm ol icpe on-aas, hl hIb else1tei hr or 1 vhe coiV laBa ere.Pnthe Tem Le P W L T P ts. G F (Àship Bev.Ga ndJh u- IhomIes weeInany -feet loww Mrs. Denlnis Crofl as, Onti Bisns Tnr Bggrswîh!naTYKE LEAGUE relly -a ta ake Tùnb, lehîgtaend weeths orgenist and JohnGr n veld wo OTDT'Tt' ol.Hones 1i85 g165223Nan Slb, BîlAinand 111 ill lie. Onle place Issu- as leader in the abSencC I of CEE WEE LEAGUE Aeias --- 385 h6443 ike Swe rmDrig.pjiid cenlily by nI-v ater fromi kus, R. Lax. They sang a aI raErTh Wturh lEaé Bides 10716 442 33 anTowns-ip Garnet Rikad] aspi G, rt h 1eu hous, 1the- lilysaing of riaisë "Knac, The Wood Da) -,v yi - and i 1) rn- friCkarl-I a ýerseoau bilin, asanKnock, 1and the Door Will Lit COucforUnied Curch foGorynir1engpsen-".Th FlyMer-ch 2nd 5 ltwa pin. onLjjj goal was scocadr-yKei. adnl-----.14 7 5 4 14 ll 31j anl Neil Weirry - for Mnvr raidP wt rheai ra heMt.ambou'rs iatne. i" The sekrwlbeM.Me-Sehn itJunMpb[nias .- 1365214 2 2 ýTawý,nShIip George Neals agnd tha lie ine breakl, ce n n rs aodAs-1 'ý,1 b -M Nfi- -sseeian Mittchell.idansthe low,,en leveli in Ithe ciekb reund reet from a:'ýistig. le nsIo the reasons for con- visiting witb Mr. and mus, bawbî wltaio. 'U ne Thé irt FLiday gJn- ameswSelr 3 l3 Swine Workshiop crnAtls aropaauBnnSnib rckisi noynewb cn crn, eniwane Lmbnt ins efatForestersRoya1, - ý 14 2 10 2 6 il142 O'tn yiMrhSt rm ign stead thèin0'viws eYnd shle hvisn t h wôméiin, oda o un.Tbcant]hyse eees5-2 AOML GU10:30 ta 3:30 pi..thera willili musivl fashion. pat wekend Jhans, eand witbi 'chC, 1,tce l vi- i lThe goas anks \Inity 1 il1 22haa warkshap 0an Feedîng and Tenea epyprî aother parents iRose- lundbr ov-Wnsgal eesoe aaemn tteBedn for the Suindav School cbild- nâb inhae lut , atennd-1the seP- and aoneaessis-l, QinJamlmes R yas 2 2 1 8 j14 Herd. This Iwill ba hield et the inen arrange d bly SipetIinteid- iCé nd a hme n tnS anagoa an an asist ArtMarann Tiers Bi 4 Olii37 2 ito a Gveniment Bildîing ent Mutrnýay Payos enatd bis Tywilaso ie 'Il lme b1on angoal.ndor e Beaveist.A Farg,ýjoa T - ,7 12) 8 4 1O1763xu 121-) renindsey, Aréas ta be ov staff aI emé a OBITIJARY caôk supper. Blons ans ,goalend S0ot L48 2'4 inclucla tseding end nl- esig hr eeFia 0(, h e - eic nire w i inei buiiei up those pepar ndStpheinrMayberr aa golIisk Fuiel Seals --- 12 74 115 40 35 rit ion, r-ecords, bard he,ýllh, tab'les playing pro gressiveRCH R (IK put ou Ibos liolies. on theDais ivianans gal wbia Kinm~n --. 12s 4 3 3 31 9 ganrandmnagemet andbous-crakiole, as a gine a card varyý netdy eudyMc il si iSeilt a oal ios hpprs - 1 92 4 6 i lupent Snd menira dis-, and twýo tables pey'ing cîLese, SAUNDEJS .1 3 pli i,therePl a hé s. higbtïleîBu Péry Jobonston land 1posai. DLunch will lie avpilable with -1thie utIle folkénCItel-tain- 14 rawn, Rice Bowl Bisonis --13 3Il i 7 1il S 30 et tha .sane location. Tis ;anea ad wîihaclian, gaines3,Boy ýA worken at General Mtn ticee anse, 1run liv 11 uidasThé laIe gmLa Bae11G.A.Brutis 12 .3 9 0 6 13 'é37 l e heoming more and nmorea ad îgil tnpizas e,ýweewa to' n ýI7 yaars, wba raîred in ndSoutis. B peprs! eeat Hawvks 7-2. For. thé] Raa ,S1 2 1 1 il 0O 2 i impor'tant as we are finding jby I wa visitOns, Tom n d lci1965, IRichard (flck) Sain-, Blade(is il was a bal t iek fi' ha-ten l agveanali ncreasýe Lynn Bymnan fram-r Osbawe; "ders dlsd Satuirday, Februaryl ~ PeléNeinis, MareBissoette PE WEE EAGlEi thé Sizýe of brsas rai iw nîe wrewo 1ly17, 1973 et thie Oshawa Gen e I ana geI oal 1and1,ane ass5ist. jâyBae 1 022 2- 6 s ae a ment housing WadyPnîce and Steven Ps- relHstlsdSnyH Joiinsonl ana goal. Assewn WILA1 a s obes, Dallny erinGodyar Ranigersý 13 742 16 40 25 ITýîlieK IGlenn ill anDaisearylRaaryKrgs - 13 7 4 2 16f 45 33 HturE ipCOHE "1AX_ For, thp -ak Glen rAusý- Uiadas12- 7 4 1 15 40 35 U ï lii endTimaty Byin( ana goal ech, JasQ Nowvýlan10,1i oea-ConyCry ---1 01 3 AN~~6W~TM~M aist end Robhla Tennntan Wt ius -- 1 56 I 4 4 14 ALAIi assi".1H'k .11i 2 6 3 7 40 2,5 1 anpSetrdy aing Î1, Godyn Bruna ----- -13 2 10 1 5 41 58 ) Chrysier BEpveraý 2-0. Donugla Leata ------ --- 12 1 10 1 3 17 -46 pilagCI two oal fr ta ANTAIM LEAGUE Ragra ssisting v-as Tor enld Carla Zeppiere, KýinsmienIn id;ans -12 93 O18 fi 49.c RoayKo eete b nBuibhle Cuiba -Il 8 2 1 17 41925 in tbie lest Pea Wee àam, lFocilen - 13 6 52 14 31 3 -- heKigsJun urpy woShanvks - .12 5 21 87 44 A.galBnBugeasol Pant r-- 12 2 8 4 1 53 {IBIG HATINO Scot"i Coocui anso-al, Sýid avs - --i 281 5255 éW IRCNtTONING Seéenlw asitew ;lec- IHsis-1 01 325 56 TYRONE, ONTRIO glas wet tirPeter Bnas 11 im Liun and J1me1)enE.T L EA GUE Phna26-15 BNTnLEGUonet 11 s021i21 13 30SV O I MonaythaFlyce ougîî eneals- -- 1 9 3 1 6 46SAV ONILSAVE ON CIL c.Mt Rolc-12 s 14 8 5 1 17 6 4P ilon ievu Iyd Il al _ 46 '7,î1 î1) 42 5 7 93 I Satin Sfh~Iç and t 2 rk .NrtI OBITUAHY fmrn February20. 190 W A resdent of Omawa ail kstone. Engand, h wb e FSr lfeMrs. Fprbeh tHe- grred June 27, 1921 Mn St. kis ded Friday Eeb. 16, zrg e,'e Anrglican Churchl, 1973 , at the Osha wà denrai M& a.Homapitl.SAe imed at 19 {E wam 8 membeir ,,f the Roiwe St.,saw W'ý,A local 222, and the e- . orni ePt , A.1827 in rMasonjc Lodge, OsFhaas, MhwonAs hedau Lis ife thfomerHeln ter 0& the latMr and ?Mr,. dherine Turner, died 'e.« ibr tetjb1cahd 1970.in Oshawa. She wa a mri- [e il ensurid by two b'er of Simcoe -'str(et Uni:O ughtters, Mrs, EiCWlil uch. New Caotur two sons, sy& ýbalnd,HebrHoknwhn - .Saunders cf. Whltb, s,ýhe tnarrid in SlmmeôeStrêÈt se shtrs Mre. Ros Dlean nesîteMn. C, -H, OhwMrs. Edward Lk îla~Çeta f~w itof C8)aavon,Mmavle ary Lam,-bert of Brchin' nesister Vern on encm brother Leonard Savmn: brother NrmnAghiè7ï dtc e ofOsawa;1m rnd eoehcr, dren and four great- Hpisretde McInoIh-nderdn Fnera ndcllren Hme Funeral suervc Wu Ur. Saunders rested ai ihe held Mna,-era~1 rvice w;%as in the chapeL ion Os rawaUnnCéer. tv *sday- , follweèd b"y cea onRso fiit * Bey.R. C.VhjLe of Masonle serviceeuner auspices, of the CédeRr Mm- c Ladge was el Mondey îlpg aI 7:30 P.M. Jamorlal doatins t tei aria Hleart Foundaîbon Lid be eppneciatad. 7J Asic for Eme OUT....... Cjen eral Insu rance Ï0 - FIEE - HOMEOWNER.S - TENAM5 COMMERCIAL - tIABIITY SIKT S ACCIDENT - MORTG-'AGE REDEMPTION and LIFE TOP SCOIRERS TYKE LAU Stapjhen Mri .- M/arty EDrwin------ iATOM LEAGU Brooke Bin--------- DarireIli o .Jason Jahilson Douglas Dihing- PEE WEE LETAGI Leonard Whil Dean Rutherford AMin BrunI Jody Raýsa DouglsPiekmli Quinn James SinyTomiihnsor BANAMLEAGL I Tim Janes Frank LevA Don Cid Bob Shanitz 13ýN 13 14 14 i1) 12 12 13 12 U13 12 ---- - - l -MIOGET LEAGUE RuL s ty cu TCom Wegl Bob h acltn- - 'John rne - MW Gereoe Mî. DT-ouglas Meoin, fagan Mn.ý and MC G. Bake, An Buth and Garry pent Sussday with Mn. and Mnh. John Baker and failAdrhl Mn'. and Mi. Waiteýr Vin- eyk wýéIeguet e e thé 1i/ waýdding annlivanae'ry clba lion beld Saturdary avening for Mnr. and Mr. Paul Vanaden- Mn. Fred G. Smfith rlra home ftra m opîtAI lest Wcd- neSdeýy in tit'ie1celebrate quietly wî'th is fmiybis 89fl bhinîhday. -At limé of Wii- ing he isf.eeling Samt ebélIer. M nmd Mre. F. O. Sntith, BowmancHilwneasunday wup"r guetof ce aSmifh. i Mn ;mrd Mrm,.Wm. De Mille, Taraisto, were SunmRycaer cf thein racprafMn,> mcfd uand Mis, petéiï Ercégoacà n PLASTIC (O VER PAINT ROLLER BEAVER PAINT STEP*1 LADDER (LOTHSE BRUSHES Thins popular 6' .e P r o e e y u r fl o rS EuTi -F o r U a d w t b a e t k s esre t i g o u t ,f vrisis. -w te- a nd erate d si-Illtae a'x2 ire, flynel rouer wth % na p, 1 aporrt er oio IZaintaipain( s5 preventBigowfn- 7 6ceach99 "- $16Rc,$57 $I.38%.7 B EAVE RIowmanvilîe -623-3388 NOTICE MEETING Le rio -Ohawa Trawsmission Lime Project EAST WHJTBY AND DARLINGTON TOWNSHI PS Wed,.,, March lth 1973 - 7:30 p.m. Dar-linigit Townisiip Hall - Hamptori A new stuy i i progress to find thse best location for On1tariaro's East-West tranismis- Sion bines from LJennfox (-.S. teo shdalva TS. At thi's eariy stage ini the stujdy- it is impor- tant thet VOUR views be made kn1own. This mleeting h1a4s been arranged jointly by Eat hitby and D)arlingloni Towilship comincil in o-peatonwith O)NTA,'RIO HYDRO. '1 f I