2 Th Caadia Sttesmi, o'~aIvi1eFeb. 28, 1978 Hope Township LCitizens Protest Prox-posed aLumnp by e Bob Beruo 1Aj iu5iiuthè PérI HèI~ a±éa h ver vé 0bancies t~ethinke lyiý-ng dcéwn rIau ~inruthe cae Iof tima nrrez, gnaoduî'u'îpù<Ocope, i Ut 'aaaitary land fl'l) RieTcwnshimflicme le ziresdetrbare nunning true ROdIJalneunceti thaîr plans; l"eéa snay land ti ~{igway4&l teaccomrnioti luW200tcOns of garbager .rnY for 15 yÈarfs, Onen esda, Pb. 2ý: .,pv&r60Hoa ôwlhprè '1dnt. mnyfref bcWel îtiiH~ore To-musnhip Cour( ,Ch-ambera te ragitar tlb, , KrîltMunya resideat jIFoçýè, h~lives alongizt Lakes-horeRatwèst ,of We ÉLyvlesalti aI lime rme iïn,"I an very bitter ahi thiî E.ven if il ware P nsbl ot hava the rp ~tO±f baling the garb puc 'T'tt&ly ir nik uris I lieDbve an ) o fns i r-ièdte Ias 1;tWM'xaneu eerati euch as côal, natlunal gas, o-il have s.àntatIlyescalat SHiZher- neicÊS a-e lbeiilg , lhr. e~inunt, amerials, ~ ctielis.ThoÈra is a gr j"a! of ernchaOla beng put th e erciol.rmual conitrol jpollutio!n i"Itu lime Ir -thèe of etrýcéarcli, to proteOt (our v~o~ AeU t time he ad~lêk1 ~tly le- ievhý - Thî i-e iI bilimaet ~ we1O~1~powerla11 ~ t tnt the PrràIjInc4 OntIa!nlo AUil anrgyopodrtc Utilitiasc e thlie cour axre txperîOneclne lMiuvv n ressua.in thée tnited Stu alone, the aI av nn A db s sol Y1%unexcase cf ïatr5lé in CntlnîôNpeéi lsthe ýunit pnîca cf ýý trOty lii omarsfavt, ablwlith ht of a decf- ego andi ixsue»antîn i anthýr lit Il mzas ahait aý tury ago.Betwéen 19e1 197, the, Cpnîn,émr rPnce dex rose O3.41 anti the <erage wag andaar-y ini y t rte lis itr'esd 5, avIIe imeavr-age cI! lima ru-ral -a»r-qas- doî 114.5, % frn L.9e par kllov Ihojur iii 1961 te .68e par k ~wâttl ou l197! '"Atlime, conclus5ion cf ~1 ~sser'l sudyavenifa rut waerd liat your Cr isin'Vlll strive le evrtm Itgilcarn le holti mer-casa le an amsue Im muni."r ~è Councllor David Gnay saîd rl aw chan1ge hy the Hope te $omc c f the rasaancrchi.h Coujncîl tc aiilow ýCPR te go n L CP Rail pnaela bCouncuýl jaead with tire projact. uèd on sMoîday indimted that Deputy tevaWatc Ban- M ke è a "aUcdanger Of Rany ler indcatad that he is ep- mncr îd f corautamnton te tha pxos-ed in pnincipla, te buny- )cal surreuniding area. oeen araeuder Ltha grouad.I te Mn. Gray addéd, "Irm iacli- "The oniy anaer e ncyc- ad wbehasuspicme" Mlinu,"lharesaid."It'% nogood CP Mn.iald Mrs. Howard Baburyjing thinge ,sthe next gn tî hsehome la îmmediately enaUtn ilwish thay had." le -east cf the proposed site.cure Durbam MIPP, Adex Car- o d C"onced about cie oduru timers, agread wýjilb Mn. Bani- te lime cevaluation o c tir pop- itrsseniet. "Toetiencoun- reî erby, pollution et the ibrea;!pti Curi)wflzb ' turus tr'ama aarpcent Lote)e ae Iis (dumyp>woid ba t il, site and limaspoiling cf -a viei-C)Cou rag ny ctio b rs- eautiful area. Mte(oot)t eyl. ~y- The500ace ste n eea Carruthena also poiintad cul eV Te 50ac Cein uenbat the Ontan.o Mniary of tue tion bas been -deaciNîd bbcQEnviroamrent bas the Wci dC officialsas "Wrubgrowlim". powavrrto close any dump and air H-oweva-r, according nte i th tene tuse applications forna n. Port lHopIe Guide, tleime aadunipa.The-nrham PP cf hnre tIl nesmblaca e adcd hat the Ministry cf time bbC what One would considar Envîrnomet Irequlines liat s-crbland, wcdacp, wool-, very etingant teaa made et- ai ravines cul through theons ppre u t. ue Mpèryand sèvral bwauli- o an ppoad dufprsite 05, sands cf pîna and hadweod hfr- a pliain'o p hie Cré dllielndcpvnim va1 la aired aI: a public ta- area ai usad y local raidanta eni gefor zsnowmioiîîng min the wijnî- Ca rutbenas Ad liaI haex- an andihuatig andi fiahing la pacte the finaLDll' ubl iaanng limasumer.on lma PR pplication im.y frotecion Ava"llable L hCa hlty thé Minitrýy soi-e HOpe eaveHewad1Qun ie laIe 'la March. tili mrassurati the,80rio izéenOCPR bas idicated thayare wvho attandad the ceuncil! prepaed leotten Hope Town- 1eeting liaIlewhip',7s hip 5c, par ton for garbage OfficiaiPlan, wmihbas been 1limaI is dumnped aI limapropos- apprôvrti hy tima province, bas1rd ita. At 2,000 tons par day eýsinated the roos011up[ha w[k0et e 100 nr da-y ~ ste s aruiultraland rural fr lime Township Treasur. ncé and lima our tdo aid Area Teaîcheérs Discuss Reveille Report and Regional Governiment rie Puhlie cimOTéacheraý' Fadêration for ima wester arcs cf tie lJn!Pedceut met, la-,tWec1dmay vnig Fcb. 21a1à 'hotui y rch Hal Thera wnce M niamîr tenca et dscussin aI Ibis meîmg, Lthe Revaille Rpot ;1 15-aeprovincial repart eus1 lah-ciolhoard ne- geluatio)nsla ntanad lime affects cf reinal1 govaria- mccl pon ducainlaNon- thum bc7] n l-D u rfam, Accerdilg l povnca NDP educatien eie, %Jin' Bantams 5Beat Bay RidgeDs '4-3 To Win Seýr*ie-'s te -.go flu tlie gie ta fer knapov Toing ajour Biuntaime lasi nlit 4, wnts the gaine 4-3 and ou-'t By3y The home tbant wasmuch lnspevedevertheir C-arlier aperneliera lad wmeek- end w h en Bewmanvill rast thein 9-2. They %ere aggveseiveand dermlfted to aven the carias ith Me officiais, persnItting a geeti tisai of rough Play. The K na p nsponugerd Banitanîs wvill nwmet a teamu frein theKngt- DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELIS Cbartered Accounitarts OFFICES 1-N MAJOR CANADI NCITIES BELL CANADA BUILDING' OrSJIAWA CENTRE - OfflAWA PART~E8:GORPON W. RuEL, F..A., RALA, GORDON er GCCA BURT P. WATERS, C.A. PHOýNE 728-7527 DANCI NG 5-AT. NIGHT 9 p m Io1 atm, TED KOS$ &C(A VALIERS Return to the New Dutc 'Great DanceMui * Pent etFree Parking * Cop1em~itry lte nack No Cover -NoMinirufum Arrive on11 j'ur machines ,and we'1T1 have a "amrupr fpca or ynu. THE NEW DUTCH OVEN 6 mi les or f 401 On Hwy, 3ý5 & 115 ai Nor-Ey11ast à ri f Taunten Rond Fe 1da m ntabo lacharc lagsiaionQucn'sPark at. tempîs te pasase;d rna thi Revoille Repor-t. Foulde Si limaI limercmmna in the report wold caka(n Ltht tacmr'bsrýga-inlng Poitini and prevent imrdom ak- ung a Meaningfu centnib pducaonai peicy. Thp ne- ort bas aisebac cniticizerd newslettes. GuarssaI lme Pcb. 21t meeting iineludad Mi PP'c Ala Carruthans aad fRuseeli Rowa, as wall as provincial NDT candidatýe, Doug Moffatt anc timea echool beard trustees. muiipalita0r la ibe a, Regon nd ha population wnuid han108,a22 f roposab,tb ne nsa y r fle slle lie Vpro, posed yg régo laia wo cm munîties eof eeS, .é., . lima Pickering - edarwocdi Wbîlby - Oebawa ccnu'nunity and (2) lime Po-rt Hope-Cob- ourg communty," Il addcd, r Six Coutice Guies Receive Ail RoundCrd OORbe Woks ProestJob Posig :At Sunday Meetiîn The Go)odyacal' In'duoasi'al peîvedaia ýcent ar btratin - ~ Pmodpct,std ýplant in Bwaadin respect te job ecat- -,vml~ws aaînio nad lbes acceptad ut andt- day cdespîti uget nataLis actîag in accordance wth uin'inmetigSuniday that itthe ternis cf the award." be shut down --Tme Unîtad tubberwo kez,(ra Loc)al 189, saîd a mnembeorsJh pee îng was haldSudytds anke, cusa probiams which lad te wýo-k stoppage Feb, 14, M ~The comipany vîolaltad a contract are a llowing prmoions for emipîcypes with RO PA O-E theý mot sanioriity for a trial ing teele u t h perîod la which te prove they worîd marke. ucl 1ý arequaliflad, Mr' Ucoper 5 Cldiar ette eaumto -Anriarbitrator rulad tha la Bwranain thoe rasi cf con,'pany" had breaached the tewrdl nraig cotata usqctab- The tbaot rdemssn tiration meetinug, lha saîGý dl. .sien' enae-kitfhthe Hrooper sa Iidwhen hiea a-mnfatri a nlnl proached m iana gemient abý-out met the FenhTebacco Mo- the issu(,e ha ws told tin"fropoly la Paris, the Italia@In gel about the past.," M\onoimoly ii Rome, thé te- Strike Issue bac-co mnanufaicturera of Dani- mnark la Copenhagen and the Abou QOUunio memersBelgium taeIn Brussels. voted i n nimousiy te mak the mater a strike i'zl issu îmd r Neell lsotated thétt a top pieroity la the forthcomn-'bsgopmewihhCe- ing çentract negotiations xP moMa e >ý mtua pected te commence aroundharseame odnw Mi.Hopr>iicaia tie eardingo nai o n, oýtbacc v-)I ot Ilthe fIra1t genral m e1adIla extendiIig the pcriod of )On anedy, Feb. 2it, orda ware presena ete etdLet.Bni ue ene n"Our Th1)iank in g Lbershî i meetinig aftte ngti of th-ir e)tr sxmemibars 0cf lal0iCorticelgir's parent by Caýpt. Bishep wihber ll-year servýicestar. Day Trac". Everyýlnne v te in cmece'h reet ilrt~ztc Gulide Co c, wr e preaenited At Ibis timté,aach girl had ber i mûe Europcaa Ec19,m1i 1F1ooWingtMs, Cap)t. Bish.oprememrber a Guiide in an tetetatepre e.1,i7.Cmml, uni u iEnti 178 ic wil:.tb thir il lRound Cordsý. cord placed ae a aorrm evdbrLn evc onr ehnsîo sfm-"epexeepet Iled mso tat thIii-Cormmn- ThecCom-pany foried a, by bler parient."li oi srce1l J fi-d1riC h,-orsashea, then the six gilDistrict Comm, Mrs. A- Br nd cerItificate. Let tUante a, we llis ln d vup ercr&.vand God Ionly wealtb rlaeti Tariff Liaut. . lar P-r -Luke gav"e a r nd ;ng nos Wtil hpe, r i h hsdcloe from laft to rgbt, Pai.Tuerký, aceott axpressad lier cnrt-LUkec and Lieut. Mnrg Pageut1ver hoe SandytesWa n i sac -'DonatMrsitlia eyinoe nli iackCnrtlainleeigDy Let aecoa agly'n oetere wntc i ha (a stiehecausýe il would H adta byhdè HartnndWendy Heyo, cama cf tha parentcmita r-epe~ o vnoah lbPae.be ilgliehasaid. c Te-ntiweaher rtIl, heirè forward tereceve their seatad each girl vwith aciita snigc BAO. A campf ira o)f Son n d;Mrlooe s dhpwl as Ire fmisor-th su cordC a .cpI. EvlynBlsop., Th- famlilleý-s praenIted the A4%Tiakilng Daïy Programvn.stery hrought a cvr mrt osi a ccate hn vr a he suri fan nibepase icr irls wtbtheir 2AilRoutnd was ld as w-,vell Ihe caa sive evening te a close. Mlcet- CI union's aiý, te dat Ile-1 weela Enad, hley rea conraultins lacb gilCerd pin. ' eing Eacb Guide and ing 1closad witb Prayer aiind legail-lcouns io for thaeir work walldonc. The Commn. Ancolithenpre-_Guider 'cama_é,forwýardplacinig iTaýpa._____ -b tkna slm. ennrk whrhenusIn. in1gwa more onfeowbp Jc Taylor, plant nmager,ý the fiinancial criais- Canadian and discul"ssion tIhan on substan- salod: "Tha cempaay bas jrc-, or .Ame1ricen dollars Ina ny H O' or D partnq H dro 11 a gutefo-rm wera net nceptad for Honor De artfigtydro Coleague, Week's pay a tha 40-holir tbrfee day-s. analian aI Budet peeh 'aIlent teof vacation, or two par cent cfswvr oived the misstr'n's aYaetrnfr txhas be"n1the previeus year'a earnings, difficuities. dnopa Ia e ver is greatar. Before MrNwllxpcatei7 iPolluitin (ta oeamn araent amploe -eacrop te hc the largest tehaccui dl ,~~eeI-r)ste ha gettinlg a haie 11were raceiving a Iwo Par cent cerop grown in Ontanlo 'fir the -le - nte nbembtIeia- fiat rate forvctin asd01 u- i yas Tobacco toce alisand fne ae arte te revicus yaar's sa[ary. il cf Ontio' rutua ni mailite act as a, eern ,,Paid holidays will aise ha cash c (rocs. Il eouljd wJellÉhe andc the HiopeTownsb i m-i creasad: Dec. 24, 19731, a ful.anacon the criuntî-~ ('il would pr'ohably hab more. day înstaad cf a hait day. andl Durhamm andNonthumherland' fof an assaI than ri ahlt teDec.,31, 1973, a full diay nta brafu ilo instead cf HIope Township anid ,such, land- et a hait day. itwo million p-ounda cý f Ichacco fll proj acta are tha onlyý via-2 Vacation perioda are now m ray haprduedfr cxport h-ie solution at present forl the a-xtendad. The most an ,rm- alone, not cntniiig on dnic- garbaige problemis etlarge pleyee couid taka betore waa ticrqurmns ciles like TonnaioIj t) our weeks aftar 14 vears cof empiyee Tobacco n it dollar vleià Stvn'gopas ocrd service. Nw'n slCanadaý's second ms mclIponýt-' on the prohlem or Canada's enititled te four weeks altter 12 atancl.rleprhig pnatur al reseurces. Tbey agu2 dyarrtsrvc n fv ek surpassed only hy WesterrI that the rate et xtacIon eIattr 20 years et service. w1heat, and xot r b_ orraw rasoucsl a e h elaîwnei as' , depreaaIe -,,E: irfýj n o Th mel llwane i i11slifehlcod of the Canadianý- rapid but that theCan din d te $2 Der meni fnoms $1.50, cnm.Ptr ealeae m peýopie ara pr'ohaly uwilng CUPES viaws te akath neesarysarîfr-Conicerned that their bs hat the tohacco expert die, t as, i te rc therystandard andserymahaafce vaomt Work donc hyh es, ivnglpot let and reac-b egionai goveaet bu ohcohad lefaned niale these ncures .'i(fo mebeinirs efthIba Canadian oey yth r a la the Roar huitis~Union et Public Employecaemsifr h ée resident-m 1i '(CUPE> ara suppîying local i Cnda (,ccedback Bernaird K ite-, I weiîh a'lbr Cr e Bowmanviie's Chiefet Pnî- ir views on job pro-i Rn a o ica, who bhas racoverad trom ta ction. Bewmnanville town A DAY OR WEEKEND hie ecat ilnea. cuncil decidcd Monday te in- Ask for Rae cdeCUIPE Local 74's euh- Attndace haimanRexmisin lalhe tewn's bnief oni COUINITY WXer prasentced an Cattend- îaiGEte ha aWapi.eDo-taisfo 2regujonalimt eprasentad l CRSLRDOG LD alcepi t onStlimaor1, ttprovicial goverrament hy 6325 ntrsofperfecý,t attndl c a-rJ -Tîme ___ru,__________ wbile Fred Beaucage was cen- iiii~~:l. .;,riW!ated on bis rýce-nt hilth-1 --- i "economcalmm AM rM ar me Prsieo ivlona lufo links between th-ese two com ou er o rv cide "The repeat pattein cfotofor treae]t, cmet enaitwnarcutrlareasning "i can't thi o f a better: an actonlnd.. squite vol ' unteer effort." lfentote the much mn'ore i1f A gettt herw.s Iheld ;at the Flyýing ,Dltchman ïMoter Ilin on_________ deelp nen ithe West Re- eenig, when H-iydro colleague.- and area friends sidfarewell to nKeith Jenl- ion n~t-ings, left, vvho leaves this week for a new .esing le started with OnrjlFro ~ u l ~ rPor sad tat f telydro in 1954, workedc here for a while, wýa- tranYsfe-rred to Regionial Ofic in rtOshwaceSaelre es in Tornto.(, returning to 'Bowrmanviile inJanuar 1969 as Agrici itural OI they wll be do (mîatedj by an Sales representative. H4e'ha-m now beepr romot:ed to Saleos and Service SupervisorCk iarca ti-at dneg lnot unrstand 'at Frankýford, During the evening, Doug Ti-emnan-, h, Sales.Supervisor here, cN~MPAEoLE I or share the concern-e cf this preseted h?-i'rjim with a 4)t n behaif of his fellow employees. by c8cent nhour or $720, "Th EStReio iéese aequate, at liastfor alçiing take a more active part iin A nw d, ru pln will b urban corrîm nitofan thir avillble light pictures for thelhelingti orh nttutionlrnplentebsdoi2 surrou uding rural ae, adnewspaper. slichal iii maat ntters sinle afld $40 bparfa, th Lîti. Thseconini r. Strika agracd wt h ith as fenid aisinig, the f uiicno t epadbth tiashav litie n comonSiamon that the proj act wilil wAith the r iuch nmore ighly require akiliful andci intelligen1t BbSaaswstefnlBwavle n ru ie urbaîze aras of the West 1"RM fPAr;C ONE) handling if it- is to gajin thieRotarIian týo oliahi-firaside irsurance 1forone~adahl Begion" He uggesed, "f any eait rimarly ,,hsthe necessary accaptance. T!che flý rimeetog and ha indicaitad 1that tmsteana aay cf thesecomuiteswere of a new sports complex for c wulead ente ogaizaate sofhsgrusaen mloeswiinw e deahdfronyi the East Region Bowrnanville and area. cpbeadetuisi en and nclned n th Wet Ra- DKeit Si hostd nittee, including net only R- ion, ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 tDrul idthmav hs etingsleand bseuonearians, but aise memrbers 1cf -41 lf a large moetticslaunitidecidad ail the service clubs in townI andproiealtveldnetbe bvicua need for a new recre- wiiling te contribute hia or ber cG re o ' "D C ander ther attituldes, ned httaawaa swl sayn wol reprea nte r consîdared as ationai complex in or near time and energy, weli as ini a grou-Lp which town. It was f elt that prierity Mr., Str-ike added thiat the sha~s h ir enern." sbould be givan te provîi need fer a new spDorts cern- Taxes ould Icrease another ice rink, ithar indoor plex, net onîy ferBo anie Oneqf the prncpa eje or eutdoor, depending on tbe but for the surrounding areal", tieii n te the provincial region availabie funds, and te an In- incluiding Darlinigton Tewýnslhip Sthat the W Is Rein laex doon swî ming pool. 'Dr. Sie- as weiýL, bulheimrsd pectd tegro var rapdlymon reported that other facili- uo h aeigrgoa j ndwii eqir nje srce tes were considered, such as geveromený,',It ait 1the eariest pes- i nsaiatessuhs, e a pa fn ield le at.BUILT-INFOAM are fr ae- tennjr is outs, playiag lageplnsYatrfil- n met-ing rmoims, but that D Seonumid p h traion aind swae ,itm lîfïirst consderatio)n should .bantî ofhe clu byla and mjor rterai rnds.Lit- ivente te pol an an ce dicating that"smtigcn tle' reprt sggesed at ax- urf re.crete mîght emerge la thent paer i heeatenpat fTha Rotarian is atfDr. Sle-to-distant, future." th i Ohvaegnwuden.o'sfiresîde wre Îbasic Thare waeethreohr ia-I$ I E PE SV up) contrîb.utig a 10t- accord witb tha othar group ides ýraently ani they war wvards thie deopmet cfthat discussadja sports cern- lhos-ted by naw membernt r NMla di' c sin dwth vinlyl foam thes. srvies. coa-sha- lexî It was el the prOject Newtonn, 'Jack Lyna anPd Bo ilng cf eaxpenitures (for suichtvwouid ha toc large for a sn- staens serics) ,melikýely tema le service club te handle, and The meeting at the oec that peielvn u5d h daally should involve aIl the Nfli Newton, ",aLtop Candia majgor ubncete ihave siervice clubs in town, as waii photegrapher", wajs prirl IY um rurri tecmtt et he c of as the surroundîng municipali- davoted te good feloshp.N I FCIIFmm may iad sevce rornilias and iatarasted individuals. Newtea's group aiso dIiscuiss1ed 1wýhîch thepv wvli darive ne Rosa Strike hostad tha other ways te socializa new mambers A S E I benefit"fireside which daalt wîth the te the club. Hae commnted - Lîtle' Reo tais sated, need fer a sports cerplex. Ha that firesides are an exc,1ean "ýany rgolgoverrinmant es-rportad that, as is obvieus, way te get te knovw ther Roti-9'xI R tablhii woulxinid find its(if ob- the present arena ila "compiete- arians hetter and they shuld romi 1' oe; liatd t frnsha unîrl'nýily -old-fashioaed." The ice sur- ba stressed ail tha more. stnd rd fservices s tbrug-fae ate mail for uppe-r Fred Tippins, whe intruc- Siz ouit its ra This oul iead levai hockey, the dressinIgs ed thae ther speakers, dascr'ib- te the poiin in thaeaa em are, at hast, marginai y ed, the fireside hosted by Jack - cf euaht, e a hgh sandrd aequt th whoia arena has Lynn, who was unable te at-$ 3 9 cf sevics hich la both un-- bagua .te settia into the ground tend the Thursday mieetingiYr neceasry andextreely cx at a unhaalthy rateanad tha The focug of the fireside at-MIl( q\ar pensive cte pro)vide u n slaal Towni Council bas been forced Lynn's homye was vocatieiil towas ad ualara." t spaad $15,000 this year te andcommujin)ity i vserv\ .ice in en A wonderful ne.w kind o(f comnfort! Warmi. Soft. Qiet.ý Th,- Counties Counc1il vot)e direpai r the roof. eral aod cripPIed childre laLxriïous, easy tb dcean, vinyl flooring cushioned with toirefer thaelan 'rihack 'te an On the brighiter sidle. par ticular. Oaimpor-tant point ' comittea, and Mr. Stieaihat thlne -akagmnitioned b)y Mr. Tippins la vinyl foar . oftred if; richly embossed to heip hide heel Littie or '.'plisbingUp", thn, f aclities re la ecellantcon1 hfcttatte saw 1ri- marks ...ask uneven floors. Just rollil t ut. omes afte th finl pan a aceptd diionandare capble csu p- pied Childreni's Clinîc cdaservas N eetn edd dalfrsseddfor.S byCo ny euci,'h'? pro- poii-,ag a~rice sfai'-ce, much more atenion andsup- psiwlbuh mitd oth ro iht"beadrlanthat, r portthan iît ir-cives."A stag- iovely . 50comnfortable . . o inepensve.'top i provncil goaraant s a thepoit ofvîe of he tate- gringamoet o eu1patent"' tdayandseeail the I ovely Srdpaýtte"rrs and colors! 1can1treýd plaa, ýinrg inthe old arena la areyTpi urged Rlri tei MOST 8 CYL. 1 CARS *New A.C. or Champion Plugs *Points * Condenser * Rotor *Gas Filter (Air Cleanéer - Distributor Cap. - Coil Extra if Neededt) PERCY'S FINA- 146 LIBERTY SI ;TSS. Bc PHONE 62,0-2500 'OWMANVILLE )RATING CENTRE" M IAL TEN DAY SALE- Ceramic Tile 1x1"FLEL.KE 'LAY113 4 'x41A" TILE fr49C Sur ;UY NOW 1BE FOR -E AMA JO0R PRICE INCREAISE F RE E INSTALL.ATION KIT with thfpcae of 100 -,. elet or more during tliis Tan Day Sale. ($2M89VaIlue) HA RD WARE lq $IGT, WYi,3OM AN v1 Ij M-OFOR TUPýi,-eUP $28-75