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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 3

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C rl ýrîgt eide gntI le AtFM1, 1erci î1 lcnln i lnof Watr ollanid, presient e-d wib ret I ic f an iseNncAlni-it oewec cf~~ ~~ iriioebFodr i ber Judson, Vî-wlake. Thî a ic emmes and xcýtended- 100h yar aIHîlcret urs afamly aterig t hnor a ýispe ccial weJl.), e h Vhrdy Feba T 2 i Ms,. anld grat-graýnmIIhepr, M .,,Van-Camp o1f iBlackstecký,wh Fordei wui hveben 100 IRaU aliý cÏ orlm lonher)btrth - Ispe 1hee-ir indaas% on Mrcb 3 an hermanyday.Congratulation! amiseay fnind wee opng ha sh M'.and Mis. Dw c, Fi'ew - Coiered o[iescfIndi-a wr woul e preinbat e lFt fî'om Malton Airoto sonb Miss Vanamp enjoyi cithaxdn.Ths oasde- Saturday, fer a Florida vaca- Pictuies c mud bts, ýýck, make crec, 11hr i 9e aicCal- tien scenesp, milk engdliee wnigt bs bi anthel cfOn Sunday Mr. and Mn t useen hopovd ils atie daghtr.Sym Gordon Cooledge and failyi hiioncnanesiee pathy eetne ebrCaesarea, visited witb bis rpai-utngugrceheegb d;'augbt1cr, r. oy Taylr nt, r ad xi Lwrnce îng or cottenl. wnewng1,w and famiî. and t ber sonCooiedge for evening ýdinner wmngidnga h be and is F. ,M .an;M s Mr. and Mrs n n ict S 311 e [l f ýa aecompanied by Mf s. Iva n pep-al and haya rees, water ily. Proutt and Mý,sýIissRuhPt,(uti ufaoo-crte. reefscpe plain, te rriwere Sundca,-flrnonanrtb iemeÊ'f rnpe-, attndtheWold alonand nmodern biliîngs DaycfPryer Fidy, aîcbevening dînneir guItsIf rilltes, 2,:nte rsbti'all Cb. and Mme. -John PBuchian, Cameo-1 Nestete. M. Rck lîyn and Duls insy ndisp[avy werepsaris wbý icb sturentminiten w~l bethe Mn. and Ms.ClankeWil- were trnodeled y me.A'xi speakeýr. niliýe, wl e liam wrestra kp ngedWlas n m.Lw The Tmefl Inittutedinnen gueesewt m n ec acl.Ohrcob ShrtCure shoi Cues Mns. Robert Baird at Green- ing, Iorn b", ,th1e pe a Sn t, aS -ý fo Yu"wil e el huýrs- bank. mdle b isVan CamnP. day rch in Ilem j O -ýian Mr. and Mns. Dave Rob"'-in Jewellry bead,fguins 4 .m i bePrsytninson, Toronto, spent the week Hndi Bbechol eks an T in- ~Cbil1Uncb. encdi witb ber parents Mn. anidiBbe er hon Te dlîghlfl edc ineea Mek n W. la viîtdli M afunMeetiIrbine, wseperiencüd, wpk n saw wîl er dinner guesti, on, Sunday-, dauogter Me Don N',icIoswr r Clifford Sedman, M.HladtakdMs wa neyn subrn va- Wilby; Mn. and Mme. Orarn Van Camrp fer- ber splenid,, catIn iMoore,. David and Lynnepî'pctunes' and cycellent cm-(i Semny te repoîl Mn. ~~~~Lant eîeei This was a familymnayi îî' h nu ,Mathîisen had tb1e iefetunielgatbering te bonor Mme.1 Ra-is and infoirmtin in re- tefactuebsleg recently. 1in on beh 2lth[bdy. adt h flf n The cemnity regrtthat Congratulations, Nancy! csoei h atcuty , n'i Mn. Harley Jcsni a Werd bas been received by Me omnMis e- '"- patentinOsbwaHospital Nestîcton friends Ibat Mn. rlry ed h inutes or undemgoing eye smey and Mmi. George Donnerai Jamymetn and ceirnes-...... Tbe bouse 0 fMNli. and Mmes. bave been in the Fiji Islande pendenice Lettens anune Bud Train, Caceanea, wasand are now in Australia. the Piebtna Ana et balydmaedwen a car Improved bealth le wisbed ing in Tiity Churiich, Bow-1 wet eut of cntrol1 and fer Mme. Lonne McKee andi manville, Apil 1, and the 1lunged mb the sie of il. Mn. John Maîbison Who are' Os5a,>eytm UCW Luckly le was injum-ted currently in Port Penny Hos- CenerneiKingview itemsa.pll Cburcb, Oebanwa. Apil 241-25, M\1. and mi Normaný Mains About 3:30, arn., Sunda;.y, a The Switzen Birethens, Oshawa, lef onSunayfoxtbre ead-on collisien eccurred on eponsened by NestIeton UC. 1ek1 aato in Flenida. 7A Highway. Invelved in W. will be- peenting the'ir Mie Dane air e -lhaa the accident were Jack Quack- pmegam in the Receatien fi kepîn theborefie enbusb ef R.R. Nestieten and Centre, lBackslock. in April. bunîg urngbe prete aPeterborough 'residenlt. Botb Watcbforadvelieng.Fin- e are a v'rite-off. Jack is ances weme alee, repented. Theý Suna înrget ihin Lfxbridge Hospital wihSocipl Committe le in charg M.and Mi Victer Malcolm multiple inijurîi and thiedb- f plnin an Apnil wedding. eeMn. adMn aeMl-c youtb le in Pont Penny Hec- Mme. Larence Mlom colmi, Janele: Mipitl. Botb young men are uinit laewbo wae Ir, RaphMacomand Cinidy; lucky te bave surviv-ed the rchargýe ocftibeDvtoa D)on Miille; Mmi.iandlMme crash, chose "Love as Iithe"em HaTrv Malconlmanqid familv, Sunday aftemneen and even- for hem essge, rceading Cor- Vevro;M.and Mme Jas. ing dinner guesti ef Mm. and ýinthians :1--4 ,nom the liv- enOmoe;Mm -lin Mns. Bruce Heasip weme M.igNw Testamren)t, "The- Hn,Anthonyand Annette, adMm.Rse Curtis, Oillia. Greatest jeLoe".Loeis' r. andMm. MUark Malcolm scouting Newe wmsip and bî'nsevn and odi Mn an Mm. Wyne On Tuesday evening, Feb.adgvn-gvigflme Malpcol, Shell andKvi 20, Cartwright Cube of "B" talents, possessions. The oui Packi and tbe Brewnîes beld caîl -Witb a Bible verse on Sa paty in Caeanea Hall. This Love was well answecd. znn 1Pcefe v aste benon the birthclay of FelIlowing the Mlizpab ,Bene- Badenlci Powell who on'ganized ddition unh aeserved by llaln Sbtac: se ,ScutîngMovement. Th n. vaclrand Mm. R io ftelf fBâe alr n1 Don rF1npw Shrinks Piles Poell was beard. Floigetne h pmcain the pnogmam games weme e (n- The Mamb eetiing will be, M 1 jeycd and.lunch concuided a aIthfieome e, f Me mw Fxlaivhellgsbsanepcvntshihappy ocasion. (One inew nmemn j ointhe ti hemrroI~ ad epir amge tiSie. Offîcers in B Pack a re- gmeuip and two ohn pa i - A renwne reearcfh institute has rnastem Wlter Welts, Leaders their, annlualfe. found 1a uniqie hoa'ilug substance BarHudson, David Adlamei, atronadeeig hmn iiosapasa h n h neiro h pccssr with t 1he ablity te shkberner- Babara Welts, Ray Geid. ,rdy~ i rhofldsilssly. rtilmieves ithag then Gmevies. LaenMs. ef " YELVERTON tene th Bwmanvîle Banhof the Trnt-em une, taken frn thc iean cof the buidinig, n aae speede uiýp healiug of [lhe injured, ebI. eenM s. Cook, 1 Mme.oiBal a .rîý duidisptýý.T-f onlewofc,,\ i chishin, -RbisenPfYelemo ami ew facilities drew miany favorable cnimîents. Thiese intspectionj ,gUeis SwvEre ltreatedc to c)refres-hments. Il aseaftrcase, while gf-,tly cGeerctn-tw hôoes sho)w the exierior cf thet-branich as i wevling pain, actUel reductien 1On Tedyafeno tesywrae cu'rrentlbask- "" 'nkae> tec plce.Februamy rmeetinig of Nestitoi lng fin ble Bahamna.,la'n dtiotant of ail-recits U Tnited Cbhurcb Wemen wasl Maiýton by a, ir on Satumdlay,! h pst o c g h t a t i i r p c e d i n t h e b a s e ma e n t o f t h e i F e bL A2 te Thiý, Nvs (»c,,opi,,edwili FePllowing the theme bymniobscmving thein 6ilst Wedding\ r) %hich qulickly help r-i o-ar11i heal iinjtied gthein famrily. Albah eafr, .RnBa n mly usaFb 0h ibtefo hednewl eI x ae 4 25634 cele ad siultes grc'th cf nwRentaCam fer j mer Road Superintendient c f Pr cnwreSna -pledige. Rai!c] lwa accsiilcf 58On Theif ud cnts1E'niskin1 33 tissue. A ~DAY OR WEEKE ND avm T1s) i bc get fMm n miuere eigtchigue wbl t-h wc weme deligbterd wIlhtesp ucls----1 31 .Nw icDy e e eedincuit- s o Re..caaiyhe !aerved for Oee1Byat wanndJleland1atwek'.a11potrcevdfomtr poi1Tmn71 3C enntan s~pcîer frr clid 2fyar. elbrtlg lc' imthday. ine ea te1inuesofrhthiIb cmmniy. Remeb' Rurae (-r7 6 2l3 Prprtin.sfoiaaldu ONToomibrpn ta n M.adMm.RbManprvesmetn.Kai ae otiutoscn tl e eia- 26 refuilded. i63-56vcoved in a car accident enygeisc e pmns M.adwmelub avmeyofmn35;hg rplCec I1______________Sunday ,, which onecesci- GETr. CASH aiili ;n i TOLJf1;DAYne ~ tatc bis mmovalte Per Joy.Camelt's birtbday waýsithouir sipletnendo, hw f- CLDA p0LIACSTe vrae Uxmi dgHospita l wh ïîe me ha Iv t c111 U O D ArP A iES iT p 1 * IN ~ A Rwac opemted on rfor emegn m a m.Ji aCmae werked (ion fliing cur B. Mantin 22SI3, J. Coembeý-,23 m.., mx. r ency repainsricudn a bro- port Purrny, ]Mn. and iin.An- gmmnFaplqun and TAT MA . ei l 2, R airJ.~ D V D R PA RS0 NS ken anm, d camnaged knlee2api, thunn Camp nd LIJa,i- aking our nteThe me- C L AS S I f 11E DS 20 .Combnes , J f brknteeth, cusan lricses. ScgoislnwreSnargws lsdw hbc4oPONt2-33 in22 .Vame29 Ail jein in wuýiirg Jack a dîne gettfMn nd Mmixioto Lus Vnap epeey rcovry.Hary VaýnCamip. Tis -gathenic-C.S.Nw CRTI1FI1E D GENRAIA CO NT NT On SUnday, aea 0mem- ing wîlaclbrto 0 r Cnwngtii'Snols bers of the Maicoim Clan and Conie's weddi,ýng ni itnCmnvlwshl-a Igatbered aI the Victo Mal-. vensanry. mdyer 3d il da coliste benelr týire matriach -mn'. ïand M p eionDelwete odtin.A an-SMSN 11C KING ST. EAST Of oui ariulrbrancir cf spent tireweked n Otaavton Ii ear waî the c,- n tie fam ily tr ac -- iM mcr . R ae w it b is ;ro thr, .11 and i en f a C m i a i g an Mlo, n te occasien 'cf Mmi. Reger Dnei osni n etecr aOceHeWAm57a6-Mme1RaeMr. ad rMm-ýi.amebyenfitCmvaRng Maci adter lmesons ,7Graham attended tr ik eIMNagln ndbsto _______________ ___________________________________________ adtbim ivr ,VicIe, ,r,,am- iProducersz' meig lHic- prinesBî Wcsan e Ivyadpiand 1etc peler dunînilg the wc rwod abncie e I llustated HitoricalAtlas A thenthre sick of bbc ern-cognicon n th Tom onto prpria"' gflA L u 1 1 1 1 k its latî adition-ii teJdywoude1n smeyilTrreflowdaw evn Askd ate wat e .4 aying t id) elfli esaidlr hov hi ura eeoea r-Seiesn set iday inPan em 11(pinceses.'la been tfalking ,te the Lordj 1, eYinpavn navle ai, "Lrdi je 1le collectirlg for, tire Oehawa vsta aml cdssuet ad voted atscoo pýmjfick Ilem Upand l'Il puit 'em dcjwn. You pick 'em ap anld HatFa.Se pleasagvnrelatonnndtiresix-ia-, swn Pu 5 Hnln l'Il put pepl fo scba wrî'îyatened ir In calct m.PgvDLn ya ) a HOEFO IIHOPRRIS O ROS cutElioFuncral Home(, inson (ycar 3p ndTemy ,OVBLGAIO1T UY ADTOA OTA eny y xere e videxloinad lire. TDUU 0L I.N.L cd ai tirehome le pay me1tregirlsga a short speechP% epct. n trewonk t Cf ire Heant * bHOlCE 0F POSES 'OLDDAY 910F1PR AYER!Mm.and Mc.J. Adtame, )I Mn, rýT.vsfc d r Lawnenerxocha cfouadnatio, 1nd1wtri judged fo RO uPS 'ýTAKUVN AT, ri92 ÈA cHwADVOiiON AL I1 MD Aapi Grve, iitedwîtbM.N e ovile Fomantirrt of on beirp eeciappeaceý-Iti(c h Savation Army -Frl, 3March 2d daeovrtiewekndBnktn)i aptin i E ULÏMT5 "EKS TO 12 TEARS Mme. ýT. Bailey epnt Friday Ohaa oîîal(Een0ge pîead icciy.Croe wîlb Mmc . F. Hamding, Oshra-l-wish fer a specdy re covem sIbscaiHan ue VU fMs Eiaet renwa m. Il iVins C.Cooer nwed y lit ycan's, Mies TuesdA!y, Feb.,2,7, thru StraMoreh 3 .~ D~VVJYLM ,VY R.LEIdinnen 'guest of Mme. . ýBmy- Ooo pn a bs "wée l, cat ant no.Tr MtTore l h ClEA'lNE RS LTD. -nM.hseHcii- OeliliIrnuýity lecxtedd ein oftrfilhmcle osa' e a s Taylr 0fBlacslo aandan\J.ffroo tir marhan GathelPot Pcmry. ThirmMnHari caghî ifrilc ocPî~ en haaCnr tir T .6352 any fiacn dsbr wsir tram Nestiete, tircî,fmilesai d sraa "WeSpciaiz I ShrtLandein" spid!coven'ýr,. fiend!ý. la tirh asn Tn earsHeat uxd cl Mn. and Mi. W.Wetenheir n malien laiýt wvak.Sirlcico bas enscasu avcepaxdd hyMmr, . Cwas la ij er 1001th yar anaihurai.estbteiI fpi UMPERIAL CDtOUR Wed, Turs., 'Fn. - 9:30 8:00p.m Sat,- :0 .n.t 50 pm Stojre Hus 119n', Te2;St.-9:0an. te :0pm Wed, lThurs., FrL.-393 a.te 9:00 pmr. The Canadian Statesmaoi, Bwanile eb. 28, 19737, I RS.T. . Br BAR i 1urred on February 17, 1973 i eri tvdsn br Maemorial Hospital, Bow- PCýrr1 Auust 4th. manville. ifn ber 9th yar. P~it PrryAugst 4th 184, The funerai service was was, theI daughter cf thie late'held at the Northrutt Eliott William iDavîdrn andIs-obel Funeral Homre on Tuesday, L at imrer. he ttededachoFeb. 2Oth, at 2 pm ,-Entomrb- at PotPry cggIsILind ment vwas ii rno ith - and aga terment later -at Hampiton hi Mrch 912 he ws Re. J.S. ilchritnf St. marred n Hrnitonto Ij_- Andre,:',s PreebyFterian Cbhur~ ard GorgeSlinerlad wlOch conducted thre ervice. predeceaseri 1er in 1917. She IAmong the mny l,ý ovelyý 1bad two èidedeatefloral tribute-s, Evdence of late Mrs. HH Strutt' who ïire- Lthe esteern ini which thede ,cieceased ber on Secptlit, cenýsed rsas hed wr hosq 19467, and William Slinger- from B3urketoni Community, landC W ho live in Ohx relativesi, neighborsShrii Oni Dec, 4th, 1921, lx MyreDept. of Gene ra 1 Mýýors she m-airied Josr-ph ejai Bowmanville Poît OMffIceý H-u bIla r d vhn p ree e i ased 1ber Safadfriends 'and 4 î- i onJnay3rd,198l Seha ors ,Cifrntnon. 'A's "weiIL three chlrnr viving, Al] urer'Ous donations w e r e den an Mrle cfBowm n de in bier imeimory to theý vPie andri ni'fTreniton Onaro eat oundation and, Sh i al su,:vived fj e0t-eCanladinDîabetic so graýP1ncîlrrn, elght g1- Icate s -te, r. Ella Kr nt À~ V isit the . r. Hubbard lilved in ~ the~laro Unte CubWoe attened S Andrw's ros- Lateat Cutting Tchqe bytria Curc wen hePvOEp23-45 was1 ablel Uu, ch-i, gcrSti_ W. thrce wCkîS, 1her death! oc-

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