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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 5

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Choose C. H. S., Heart funé Queen Mi.W1n .HoeJilîjHospital fol iiiacarx-truckiMr. MrsÀ,7 Kena and Paul of, Toronto spen1711t accîdprt <on Hy.115 1on Wd1eedinner, Tusdy ith Mýr. and is. nesday of last week.i- guests ofMr and Ms.Reg! Hraice Best.cý" Mr. and Mis. Horace ]3est, Sutton. Mr.ZckAasM.andiMi. and Mis. Ivison Tamblyn The Woid Day(of Prayer M1rs. Waîýyburn damso', Bow- returned home on lVonday Service wi'll be heldeon Friday, manvîll-iie ste Mr.,ndMis, f irom two weeks in Hawaii. Mac Rn t 7:3,0 p.m. in the Reg uttn Sudayevenng. Mr. Sid Lockhart of Pr ib etna eol h Mr. and Ms.A[ietRna oewas Sunday supper guest thýeme "Aleit to our Times". ofi Whitby l spntSuda ihof i hs cousin, Mrs. Geo. Moi,-!Thi.s service is non-denomina-] her "S sitrMsiel uiy o.tional and ail aduits and youthi Mi.Brin Hddr o Sci-of the cornmunity are cord jally boiogh ad innr wth i Mc and Mis. H-aîv Ginn, Mr., welcome. and 'Mrs. Glenn Tennant at-i gîanparnts Mc.andMrs J.tonded the 50th W Aedding An-.OonSeorCtesme- E. Mddltonon Wdnedayof niversacy of Mr. and Mrsis î sonThiay feno, last week, ~~Basii Richards in Millbrook 0uic ls nOoo .00. Mi. 'Wm-. S. Mofatis îfing Fîiday evening. Congratule-Hal Mïr. n . Granit Mofait and lions. Mi and MÉirs, James Pow'eri son laOak ithî week. Mirs. Jennie Richardson isý-and, sons Craig, Mark and Tre- Mi ad is Gro2w. visiljng with friends and rel-- v"or ofHam-lpt:on we"re Suinday et eednnrget of MirtvsinTrno nîgiuc-sts of Mr. and Mis.i an Ms.Ore alisan on1 Gordon Pow;er. Have n Fr-idlay evenuing. Mi, and Mis. Charles Armn- Mis.O. M. J. Faigan of M1ark-I Mi.PnRobert G, C.1 Cothaým ilas stîong of Peterborough, Mi.' ham, Mr. Bob Co-oper- of Agin-1 retuî-ned to lis homie fla Red 11and Mirs..Wm. N. Armstrongicur visited thieir miother, I Ijeer, Alberta, aftlr spendlýing,,are enjoyinigIthe Annual IGAcortF.0 Cooper. IL, clys i-îtig is il-î)jieý ai-,-lg i's tii) ýid w l ' i s.p F 1 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dy viingls ote.Mngr tpan Paper Drive - ïonStudy Mis. HalnsteadCoaha ndsenig eek in Jmîa~t9:00 an.Mari 3îd, by the son Tomns, aýnd Mi.andVIs.M.rand is]l,. James StaîkiOrono Sigmra-C alid Tyro By Tedf Coatham ani-d famv'y (if Sakvl visited Mi. and'Gr-oup. For- fuither informna-ý Mi s. Orv-'ille Chiallile (o)f -Mîs. Qcordon Power on Sn inda 8-76 Pnyolla ben taigdyafternoon. A v-eîy successful card party wiïth thl Tegnn dldien Mi. and Mis. Fred Stois-' was, held at St. Savîoui's An-ý whie i. dMs et Tre- bergen retuined la7st week glican Parish Hall on Friday, gunna weela Floridia. from a threeweekq motor tîp e'vening. Mi.Wm.P. rwi waiapat- to Florida. Mirs. Clarence Martin, Mis. enin onavie Meorrial Mr, David G'ray of Kingston., Sadie ,Hamilton andjMis.Le Pears wer' e reent patients inj Bowmaniville Memi-al Hospi-1 tai. t t'~PTti Ontario The Task Force on Workmen, Compensation Board, Ontario TIcm TA % no c apointed bn'îhm Gover nmfent et the Prin0 et ýýo nai 1 tuand rleport", o'n le aminisratie practics et îe ormens Compensation Board is seek in l iws of the pubic as ihey relat t iuntenrms cfrefiernce. 1The temi etW&ence etUlc Study incudethe ilWAng; 1 TIhmaageentand admninistrative srcueand yprcs oetMnthaormen's Comp»eaion Board * Whthe ~rhabiitaionservices,inldg e Workmns CmpenstionBoard hospitè anirs] o tîndîg prgramcoul effectively be provided under coietteoulside ergnizations; * The rcltonhp'tthe Board to the Minîslry cf Labeur;ý e The saet funictions cf thie Eoard and the Ministry of Labeur; * lish compositon, sie andiresponsiblities of the Board, eRefiemnt bnlisand -attendican.e ,creditsfremîye * and Board embers,. Wittj en mssosaeweled byPtheas Fre. Whil the deedae rwrig uQ submisis MrI3,teTs oreuld eppreiatereceivin lIsumilssios arier f ifspssbe hoeitret. mkn tîmsinst h WakFresol eus eoad eaîgt h '~~~- ~ ie m1hd fsbmsia: rm Tfelephones: 3b-457, ext. 66 A. P. Ard, Chairman, B RO S. s Irlscing at homec fromn surgeyý it Port Perry hsia.Thei Biock'a n d MKyfamilies wvler'e guestsý at a 2Oth bitday" celebration for Jim (iBrowýn, Mi, and Mis. Wayne Bîadt, Kevin and Dale, 'Mi. and Mis.1 Mike Tarbuck and Susan, Osh- awa; Mli'. and Mis. Dave Run- nelîs and Neil, London, weîe visitoîs with Mi,. and Mis. Don GriffinS. side. Mi. and AMis. Dennis Moore and chuldin, Oshawa; Michael Yurnko, AMi, and cMis. Heniy uîoand Shelley, Oshawa; M.and -Mis. A. Beth, WIhitby, visited at MnI. Aindy Beth's. Mir. and Mi-s. Herb Owefn nid f ailyý spent the weekend 1\th Mi.and MiTs. John Mc-Kây, Stirling. Mi. andis. Tom Hunt and famnily, Mi.and Mis.jack 'Mainiguy and famrily, Oshawa, wee uests of the Moitons at a snowmiobile panty Saturday Mi. and Mis. Stan WVotten, Glennii and Grant, Litile Bri- tain; Mir. Cecllitn-ey, Wh7it- by, visîte M ir, NimnStin- Son. 1Thee ws a goodly number at the card party Friday iiight. Those who -won prizes wene:- Mi.L. Rodger-s, Mi, _Russeil jWright, Mark Cummioins andi(I RickyOwn 1The UICW have been bu sy quiling in the dhurci base«- mnt, and have complte th«Requjits.Quiltg is a Wat sfngOccupation. Busy iner seem o ,Stimruilate ovrsto a"d ai have a good tme wi the rwadof sornething ue f ul qccoMpIiShe(d. A sage fromr this aiea re- inaiked once that the faster womreu tlked the harder they worked; but imen wene the opposite; the nme interetg, S the convrsi-ýon the less nct- 1 LVERP LAT E At the annual Heairt Fund darce in the( Cartiwvight Community CentIre atL Blackstock, these st1udents7 from Carwright High School took part ini the speýak- ing comipetition, with the winner being "Mliss Hleant Fund" for this y-ear. Thie canvass of the township, conducted il, the students took place nn eb. l8t1h whe.n they raised over $800. The 1973 "Miss Hear Fund" Terry IRobnson is being crowned here by last year%-s winneî, JuantaAm)os. Tlie otherL compjetitors, fnom lef t to rigtMihelle Robinson, WVendy- Lee. ah Gunter wvho camne second, Peggy DeLongwho came third and GIeiaaCaet__ Wins 7Tie as Carnival King 0f MlvileNewBrunswick, petacoýuple rof days with hissiser ndfamily, Mi. and Mis.Alle Downes and fam- Keda omen's institutie met WensP vnn t the homre 0f Misý. EddieCo- otux with cughit memrrhs pies- ent. Mis. Mà. Manders opened the meetiýýang in the absence 0f oui Preýident Misrendr .soni and Mis. W. H. FosterL act- e1 as secî,etary la the absence 0foMi. A.adnLow. h P Oui dollars and not being f(ooled by1) aise (avertîsing. Luných was roidd y Mis.ý R. 'l'oltiTe next meetingi wýil býe lhe]d at the home of Mr. Aithur Thýomipso,) aiined on their aunt Mis.,enaBur- was 0fCobuîglst wCýeek Mis. ack Fonk and Mis. W. H. Jioster v-,isited with M\Il. aad Mis. Je-rryvByjers of Wcoe last Tuiesdiay. Thursday evening supper guests of1Mi. and MI I [S. R. Elliott we11,M.!and isý. Aithur Thompson. sons inStJoeh Hopa, Peterboîough-; aiso MiJs. Jack ernnd ciRuthanne wicSuni- day aftrnon istor o Colintayo adWj inne Piot- ter, Bowmr-anvilie. Mýi and 7Mis. PBobl)Speer anrnddaR o wmnvillile, visite (d wthtMn. and is.,y Gibson. On Sundnay ateinoon tWei R. Gibsuns visited Mr. ami Mirs. Gl',en Pugsley and faim- The Canadin Statesan, Eeowmanviile, Feb, 28, 1973! Trying to Organize Midgef - Juvenile Basebali Club Here by Jins Cano M idlgat -, ýJuveaile team wil11 A ny bos (15-18 eeîs c opanata la' Bowimaavllle thjs cg>intanested la 1ýplay ing summer is at this time a Mi;dget -Juývenile baseboal i question mark. Bowaavllasholdconta.ct As a starter we wouildlik citerLaîyPeis 6-î23-5838intohear hem any bil payrs oýr Jim Ciaike 23507 gcd 15-18 years of age Itý la important thet paesthe nesponse is suff icient get thepir ýnms in as sni asthere is a very good psill posblieauete icaýgue ty that Bowmnaavllie Vwil1 sdhdui-n me e tin g ,s taka have a club operatmin aa M AP L E GOV OnTesaFe"l. 2ot,the fui wulewe lad our -ieade IMaLe G roCv e 'Brow1n iepSad Powel'l dislay p in their Gide(-s lid terane ohwom thier and, DutaBnqeon SaaFl 5tli, w wih alost 10 tedne idoul' i durlcI eviea ýOui guait speakeýr wes is.,çMapla Greva United Chunrcb, Joan Hacss. Also piesent wi The chuireliws filied to cec- Mi4s. Geeiinck, a Pont Hope pacity. MYrs, Joan Russel aadr Gu ide( ae r MisJean another yeîmg lady pleyed Hecornwagý, (.Oui na1(w Districtf the piano, hel pinig the Cub Comisiner, and i 1r e na with thein song, We aýr@ Whinay who wa's WPreneated Climbiag JacelsLader with a "Guide Ring" 11,0n1-t11y Mr~ 3d the~ ~ ~ ~~. PaetCmttefr han Ist Mapla Greva leaderm many aarsas oirDistt I w iiî leatndgtIRgi- Commnissioner. Sp)ecial hg-Ic ofruet ei n ligî of he ecnin wasLVishave fumaend fellowshIip; tse Shil iarchanti1eeý Irng 9a 'n. tei 8 p.m. hc"iRoundfCo'd".'Si ]sý Support Scoinlglayu tcdaughter ofi Mi. and-Mi's.1ae. AdVnHmmn MWark Mziýchant. a_________________ M3aple Grove 'cubs I Rent 1 aren fe On Wednesdey, Fal, 21lst tIc 1,t Mapla Greva CulAA O WEKN ma n exciting 1vnig tAsk for ]Rae... ibtyBowl, with 22 Cubs C(OUNT), eu1t 0f 2C )iin Ut oncUH SERD GEL, igbt LIwhea it was snew1-ýliaIjg hleavîly. TIe winewnea s, follows: Lana 1,Tmy cf kin; Lana 2, Ted Rsel Laa3, Deug H L G 'r "t csh oa Lana 4, Robait Davey.-ý; ane , ros a!-,6 Býi F or Old Appiances nIy Wood. Nice going, Timmy; adTec._ TIcladekpt thirmegh score for theos.S T A T ESMiAN coi,ýn ty ysv Dde c LA S S jI FIRD S owýner LodJames a9 ndch1 PhnRI]-30 bts Scie staff were most hbelp-1 PoeC-3t *TUNE-UPS *SAFETY-CHECKS *BRAKES *MUFFLERS Now on Sale at MýacDQN ALD FORD Gel Ready for Spring BODYWORK and PAINTING FAST PROFESSIONAL WORtK ATI PRACTICAL PRICES 623-4481 patt TCV LV 1. t Th epaternyou chose yesterday Ilooks, love- lie r than ,ýever today. That's why we're o-ffering you this specli op. portun,ýity to updaIe or add to your service. SPFCALLYMNUFAC-fTURE)TOORDERS RECFI' ! N FERURYAN ARCH i'FOR PTEM ýBER [DELVER,1Y. Follo-wiing the Miss Heart Fund r)cntston(m iaynight atBacsokC Principal Gondon Paisly announACedte ainners of the ice caînival Wed aWie- in the dy.Neil vMclaughmi o h anvlKn wY n his way to:ý acceptit, lx-rowd cMis;siHeart FCHIAscîown and fLowrs. ThUn ners up re Ken rafrefadih oos TownagePyof As LockeN'sa5,DefeutKramp' C hrysfrs E d CsLage McNIvuftys by Jis lake tiaued to lead thein cha'rgýe, utysCurt Vanstone p1lug- Ch1aîlie G Crceenand George cwihthree goals and two as- edail entrances ir ne- Sainsbuîy powcd Locke! Ists. The leaues ops orig pce nets. Oay four Pen- TV to a 10-6 devison over defeacemanr. ray Rendmul altie wC=ecaled, two t KrMp's Furnire lanlestpotteda pair of gLoals, wh"1ul adLh club. ITursdey's opcning g a me, drawng two asi st.BbHeW- Everyne cnctdwt[ while County Chrysier sciap- 1aiicm ccnted Cethebintueths eao'sto lea:gue aie a cd past McNulty's Spoits 4-3 club's ohrgoanl in tI ,he 1 idectatbtickets are sti ia t.heq9:30 contest.opnmth Kamsmiuavlaefrtisauda' Both of these beat .of five, sevceaNtp hnds ilaDau ce rit tSe Centnnal Hl, seifnlrounds are nwGeGrWlsnRayat 8 Q'p.m. squa1red et oaa"wia aic.Dooleand Bilan Ive n, ----------_ Thîs Thursday evening, Mu- tiiUdS1J atter40 iinmu . Nuitysrand County nnew After 616 ofdtAhrd, Lo4ac »T~f~ theýir nuglabegningat hd%éldaned tîir iend tori UJZJJ 8pmwhila Lckc oandThTV tnoop V held a 5-1 dg -,mp quarecofjeathe late duirsg theclo nr2,mnues0A te i i and sonf ai.The inneîs got fagcdOrng Hlltezes outsandig peFrf mens was by oficias Bruce Sh-mpsoa Mis. All owa; a Ciarlie Green, who îmmndamid Doug Cruliocke's ,high, Joe Jlsnand gcnts home tîAr"gols, Tii eywerc ccu Tny Bck maipu- lwAgs wCurtis, 1TH oor his frtaslmqiA tc 7-73 letd a 13maiincup. rie'a wa"y'.L.H es seasn, daspite a steady,1an- at1ic second cnet htmiglitbaebea ergýetic effort tur nped hla CouatyChryiermauledc serusficlst9ndyl throughout tIc Yvaon chanli oeli ani opener, tuîned Kendal staîtd lanthe stables 15 lamgue gampsaapa QMPyoff prinsMcNity Spnons * ' ownied h',Mn. LycilCarrol. match, finaliyabIrtoconfine tdulzet De)spite ýthe-long goal drougît, acEgsvngs Mcslty ai-O Mi a'nd !Mis. R. FÂlliolttor- seaonwit 1 asiss nd sl c p waaJolhn Rk 1ýkaî cospanid Mc.and is.R- usu OC10%plus effort. îcountedImm fr om ayPiral nd land s cof BaîIeboroand ;! suya15 gonaL conaiJohn Adams mat 11:20. TheMiss laie Seens of Petei- dluing tha eaîran îerd thc winneîs recived goal o abrogh te St, Cpeeinsfor onffensýive solgtwtRCa-Aes ary Vhrtue adteweed nStîa lie, asuliecolctied tîreLanny Burns in th idete tedthehe ir5OthWad goas. thn mkmenfo peiouantCy scood loto a ding AnvneyofMr.i.ii(d th Lcc îopwern cky,- ad.MNlysre-Pps Mis.jack Bnadshaw. Hughes with two and Sinesloti camefrrn B3ruce Ma udy iioswith IMn. fîom ljoe Blo n onedw, steSotnmv nd Mis. Roý,(y Littlia wa simpson, Laîry Pces cekc t ihnasngeoaMi.SleEotadso cdi un foiasitwhi ct a i14 iue u fPr rny V n Bungesiadded eatiof etl>p 5- Mhi lbuld coo~tMaL s.CRon1Din-nralisM. and ens. n il th il ram1'a, asCoun- r im Ltie, Knanp% Rc oiexcn ysRaQdy Thileand Mc i.n antMs. BdnLt14 1847 ROGERS OD 80 King St .W. A T E RIALS BOWMA NYVILL E announces arivai COMPLEEULNE 0F New pringf EVERYTHING FROM EYELASH to EYELETS AuthorizeciDeae* o H USQVARNA ýSEWNMACHINES THE ýMACHINE THAT IWIL SEW1AK IN A LSURE Trade.ins Accepted. d4% 'A àf

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