12 The Caaia tatesman, Bowmanvile, Mar. 7,'1973. Towvn Leagu Basetball Playoffs i I yIash ini f DesLÏ it Lse n Fil Both Ken's Mes Wear and Hooper'sJeellrywere oui- scbred in the second gamne o thei--r to-am, otal-poirl series on Tedy o.27t1 but stl aa e 0hang or to their overaîl leand ad- vaýnce te thefias Kn grtyStephen's Fuel sqcýuaé but won their ttlpi OMSeresby virte of a 9-poir bulgeesaihd in the firai game. Sjnmilaril, Cornatin Re taurantcold'tqutebridgc the 14pit edbulît up bý Hooper'sJeeir in last weeký's cotest. CoCrnatio won a lwSoigvictCý,or Feb. 27th by va234 score but it wasn'tquite enough tc win the seriM. In marke-d contrast to th( Coronation - Hooper's seer both Stephen's vs. Ken- gaineS wýleewdeoenligl scoring battes The Stepb- e nmarksmen vwereled bý an excellent 20-pint per formance Dom K. Eahuk o3 Feb. 27th, vvith a 13-pojnt assist fromi D. Krm ul K en's had won the fir.st clasql by 9 points, 51-42, and, ir spite 'ofStpns win thiý week, Ken'S captued thF St Joseph's Mixed Bowling League Malerch 4th Team Pts Pins 8. Marion Van)istone ,29 24 3. BIlHlod 44 2513 2. Les- Hunt 3 7 243E 7. George Glbbs 35 24M~ 1. Jim Fair 3324281 4. George Chaland21 2412 6. Mke Knne dy 19 2382E Hlickey 612; H. Single. Eieer Hickey 280. Men -H.Triple, Marti Mollo 50 . iglB 2ory 16. Scores over 220;- BihHo royd U316 -, le icky2 Jim Fair -M0,LeHut2 Joan Gibbs 257,Martin Mo loy 2,. Goreih. Tony Horstf-ma 238-2.. Li nle!l>icev 22. ary rin id )r 1(3 nt .i r series by a two-game score of 91-8 6. By the end 0f the third quarter, lA looked as if Steph- an'a were going to pull off ýhe big upset. They were ihead of Ken's by a 35-28 2core t that point in the lame and were taligthe, series byv only two points. stehens, oweerw er e1 jying ,vith only five men' anid no substitutes so, by theI ime that last peried rolled1 iround, theuy had to be tiring.l Ken's outpointed themn 12-9 n the final framre and it was, 'no)ugh to send Keni's into thel 'ials 3aginst 1Hooper's next J. Campbell was the bilg guin 7rKesnchg 17 points.1 -ï le ------I- ï »« Hoopers mal Came Thie Coronation - Hooper's contest wvas one of thre loweest scoring games played al year. By half time, 'the Cor- onation sqýuad! led the gamle by an 8-,5 score. Theyv ma- ag-edl to increase their lead to 9 pints by the end of the thiird quarter but Hooper's battled them to an 8-8 draw In thec final period,levn Coronatibon .7)points dwnon the series. The2 two-gm total score enided 4-9 favor of Hoojper's. D. Wlo wvas the gamne's top scorer ýwithý 8 oints, The caponhprounid began on Tue(sday, March 6th,. Ken's and Hoope'r's playing a best-ofl-thiree game series t determine the( wiioners. Kïnapp s Lantams Lose First- Playoff Game Against Ganano que Surrounded, k' a Sea of Girl Guides The girs of the Third Bow- ed tb the, Bowmnuiville Public]servs a himncf thflic' the celebrantion cf Baden- mavll uieCompany r-Lhayon Tmer eStreet. ibar Bar,iad Mrs. PafPo' ilWekthouhot h d ~vorlLiadtenoantlis, cf cently p for Jm'a bSaeman Holdieng heportraiit, im the lMcFarane, the iueatof cuseIhu imac who sItrtd picture along witlh the beauiti- rear-centre Af the phboto is the Third Girl Guide Cm-chonholeScotigmoemn fui Karsh -cf Otaaphoto- Mrs . Stouit, the(had ibr,5r--pany. w Ic ed'to he sabihmn graph of Queen Elizbh ian. She is flanked by post-. The Guides dmot j thed Cus, Brownes and Guids wvhich they hought iand donat- master Geo-rge V1,ice,_whio aise picture last wektecorepod s ---ell. i r by Jim UCryderman game. A ten minute over- In a gamne played at Bay timeic period was play'ed andMeet Again Here on Saturday l i lidges on Tuesday, Feb. 27tl, at 7:30 of the overtime p er-ý \ta!,jor Bantams Won, a co the am 5-4.O RN Bomnil np' oigilGananoque sçored tewin .TcorY ùover Bay Ridges 1) BhLaa, ar hc score of 4-3. Bowmanil etn.DanyCox and Gairy ,ý iI eiminated Bay Ridges and Ne is w rethe oal 'scorersý1g r i t nr 1£ division. eaiirned by Bill Lea n ()* isBay Ridges led 1-r0 follew,- Gcrl Brnt, Railph Crydeýr ~l5f 5ti' *JIk~M n s ednPw 91il h the flrst period. Bow moilii n ad Pau111sobil WUN P uEr VUE SEE WWNNVENNWWque D can Camef r nd Oswa 7 manv1Ille thon shored ithr-ee in [ran exhibition gamo play M - on Saturday evenwn 2 s row to lead( 3-1 mi (yid Sundayi, Mairch 4ýth, at 3 throiugh the third perioL od.BvBheil,%owmanvil]e( dg- b>'David (Goheen as ge 11,nefr [two mminute, buit Bwinvllsoeda r ndMr.Lorne Bw 7 Ridges got one back and w,, e Belevlleby'(7- scre. The \IcGregýocr M id gle i Allan iEmard scored ln the (ýgwovl oly e b clldacit m výte M.and Mrs. Jack 55 one minute te go In the gamLNextgamefor EBwmal- haeI heras-uithhis firsýt period afrbigstu sgigt aeateam, ie n natduhe 3 they tijed the score n a ile I, e paye tBw-rudin the series, because'by Boyd Kniox and Rrffort foi-J,r owmnville f0 get SrhLec saa 6 power play goal. The gmmavleAnaoWdn-Ganou sonie cf the big- Gîb. yGa1oqe)AlyerthyMj.an sO . Faigan! ýn hecame very tense and "'I dyMrc fh1t;:0 .. etcIlubs they hae et aýil B ïowmavil kepnt goýing haiiýv(,ereenble te ex\tend ljusýt ofMakhm pet Sunday n ony.ee econds remaiining TIs w Vill blhi sc gm ear-1-1riThey ca(ýrry the *uc-k1ibu't th e ee 'unable te ke0p a "litthe effort, iand lscore b0wthrmte, r.F .n n th'r ým-s ,IlT.aman. on iin heseries wî,.-th Ganan %,.ue.'wll n sot ey cusf- nug laeson the Ice,. agnsweeremsbuCoe. na p)assfsom Ralph Crycsl- _- _i1 Bl-anaT(se-ndpcsiod Wanothe%,wlulhave te play M.Fe asns t r mavent In ali alone on th n pîayed coreîess, Bowanvîîîe ni IýAd 6fo (0 inties. Crasenc Woodtie of Tylrn gie nd pulled lm ide ' ioque to a six te fo)ur vrexeln scorinig chances but omnil will mi- e e t cr tckd hepL1clklinto tht Me n's vaIor 1t1ime win. audy hthey couldn't comipIete the (Gaanou audy ih taeon a three weekbus tour :et to wln tLhe gamire.Thu eedfae uoypc' rvlit h .thelocal iuce palaice, wivh the te hoada lrst tree gols mwese cerd ow'ard romll lhit 80ngt te1. The thiir.d period saw vGana- start iat 7:00. rMs. Couiîalor(the forme cy rian Martin wthTee 282l32) usHlia clpen ed h ou coetertcgoýals cLet's !go, BOWMANVLLE. rs . w.Poýtter of Eniglandî Pýuk and Jim Hutton asft ~<~9~Bob Lailid 766 (315) l-cirng for- Gananioqjue at te * o hermrrae nMody ngRaph ryesan ssstElton Bour7410 (2-52), Rossi 1-seconiark. of th', flirtl O(onolurU us eini a r 26tb, at Tor liity dl by Da,,nny Ccx and Bh>Wrgh 76(2pu DueCptpeio04he hlmBwmn-ChrcBoxxmnvle r 2a(8),DckPrfc ille at h ay 'for aperiod adCGIT er hî etn ,.amn adBill Leamn 2 ,11(294> ,, on Oke 719 (28),!nquares, s te loals et H ndi nassisf ed. March,3rd d Lslie 7Ï18 28),Mauric e Gananioqcar ciry the(puki1ppeaat t Lliomne ncf Mss. Mr Onl Satur-day, Mrh 3 ld72(22 o Sl jh hdoalld: *I c oli nWensa eeig eck Mavile707 (250), Bruce Mdcc 'dirin't pui(tltheir uulrobuist'C nf Meerecict IvIIS iirso Mss. 7aanncqu Us short noice702i 91), Haold iMichelson finesse inc thir gm ef lp fle l .Byocft keof. s. teopen cu'P their selI 02(264 ). IAln mr idi g a '>antthe- Eastern Ocntane AI Oshorne had a 307 single,, - the 6:8 ark fte eteCongratulations te Ms.i 27.iod atr bIg st Mrr.cal( Li llc nl orclmeI Thomas William i cox,! ChamYpions.l apuBowma1nville di t> ti) ch3eorge Pipers Karn275.- netL play up te pas and Wt'Laitry Piper ýis tops i tin od ate bic etupbyMal pctr aperei f nganatnbsrv te hid' tefomeXMssKaenPal fatigue an important factosrvuge,25;Dick Perfect I h hr~Bwavlec s -anri Mssf. RyGoe ain eadsgaeIlrocram a -onSa1turay affern "iacacoque were alwdI 4,EtnBrc 3. Jecagdgol wc sOoowo io emaet r rm nique obsrva-iMach 3rdin rco Uite fie the- score et 4 with clo PsCl a iso top with Dowcaigd scoals the wo mrk saf a tenDvlpettooe nteetr p brh e.BslE og -1 minute remaining In thri 19 wicsF, Landes Hasdware owlth vo io1;tti nv D\uop1qttolon h ýrîL II il 18 Kc' Mc' Was17 ers for Gananoque acd Bo-w- Cnr1tHubnCiegprlvchvn oewyBT.oiciated. F,' Lng ÀA~ BeverLumber had highmnilecutd w ols etcTheenr is the mnissors and seilauioyMs. ant1>2s. GordnlPowerJ ",-arferwaysiixe . inl,127601 ; Nels" Osbesne the first by Allan Er bi s 1ýoly ,one built on'1 h campuols Cequipnect frlooiet sta1ff Insracehihtriple 33.second cf the ga,r-.wi!th lnd finst cf'ninebing estab- anildre i te iferent 3owîng Lagu. Aveaek s (27bspIki p helihd rssteprcvinc, ibis rwtype 0cf "Out 0f ithe next I12 driv'ers Februa>' 28t Averaes <27DicisLes-thegame eut 14:35 cni an n-rit tePeel indIBramlptonfclte-o7eareic1de o ncutr hIie s Febriiarr 28th Iry Piper 2.54, ik Pe-frrtefdcbl el\,l(nom t,,ae To e Aea~s fc 26 IIo sok27,Rcassisted goal, te force teAscainfrieMtaywihmlihndicaps adth moe will nef havea (75 gaames) Slek231. Don01ke 235. qamne Icto ovestim-e. Ga nna- Rtrd v ad, t hose re,(quiin pei e- rveslicence". The on- Gloria Munro (12) 181f,, oleyEtcber 234, Gosil- noque's goalie play,.ed a fani- wt adcpneî ainwsneeiteMin- Utario Saifety League ýquofes I MrgGede 1'I RseVe- ~232, Ernlie Perfect 2 l1' tasýtiegame, robbicgBnpcilmdcton ss fCommurnity and Se- hisrmaU. nuac nse182, John Grds(2 erePipes 231, John Cairt- manvîlle blicd, epcal tA peet ua avingcie l Srie prve c aaie ds Teeare, 18,Ray Vecaszse 177 c, S l21-th n f h hidpr-d ernr ig agug rii ostrucýted 'th e Cenitre in abouit 120mlindrvroc Mati 17 Lig omes ra w i.~ is With four minutes; gene In teNainlhntiuefor the 172.Suisan ificds heu wokthe ,US. acd(f abo1ut10 million the Claertime, Rcry 'Gibbs Bi' c i oc itb the m 1ost icterestic1,g aspd ws-e hi r rvn ihu scaes 172, Jin Geddes (6 9) 'cs oa 1 8 19 br1 e te1edok, atsScuool for the De af, bas inlg. Shie is aordut f hv c ualifier(i for a' liene 164i, Sam HMitche.ns (69) 16,-Landies be-ing set up by Jeff Legere charge 0if Sa,6 vyeass, blinlar 1,ke Hligb anri fSir Sanriord os ffer baviig btadctheir Dois Qilams161 Hrdwaire 18 9 18 and Boyd Knox, Wifbthe n efrnebrh b FeigClee1eeh icnessedr srvkd Ladies - Igh sing le, Gloria Ken' Ie's overtime almost over, Gens-[sînc coîngte the CetreougOnaieOeo ies Du ed is for strictes as Muinro 236; higb triple, Gloria Wecr n17 0 17cqe-uldhi gat thne' ioctbis iago, Ibas been Mucro 620. snlCr rnaand Boyd Knox deposited ccd f0 ommunict iubr, Men - High snl Crila ]vitb hlp (,f spe ilf- Clar 25; hih tipl, Cr ait 6 h 16 goal icte the unaftecded net, s asier-e 'e al Clark527. . G.A. u15½1h! and the game was locked cîlti Teans Standings Jury %'& Rr ib elteass. ena iffle ecosa TearnNo. ------ 6 ull 4 1212 141, 1In Gaciaceque cn sunlday, witbdded lbelp from tlf be h e y Team No. 2 63pts.i Lovel 14, 12i2 1 pwminville played agziinçst lmedicl fieldiaripciaed TeinNo 3 51pt. eae thin opposition plusz the re- ainporisSa c Teýam No. 1 -- -4o, pt.Lubr 12 15 2fees hce,-med te forgetbcm pca iieni O NDSLYA H Tem o.4 30/2ps. Neli Ohore hoONoud et he enltytATcomuHty insusenrce 12 15 12 anid just' picked out, a lnmber Parenits or fortes, parents, Rent a Car for' D kstra's froin Bomniwile iand h re"Iol t imst N ,î RWIEEKEND bcd 10 17 10 k forRae . .Cosonation ~AS esturat 1 17 10 ouith Bwln Robert Pools T R N O -D CO0UN TY luttorn CIRYSLýERDODGE LTD. Sheill 9 18 D atmGrsn2 lm ae 623-2586 Cowan Pontiac Hayn@es 3,J. Luxton ;Ei iae Buick-------9 <18 ,Fairey 3,Wîllctts 2, Richards Bo mi ilf, oer uilr-t~i 'b '~% 5 5ît. ~~5s~~ kh-ACH lIth to l7th FE STIVAL HALL OPENS A5T 7 P.M. EACHI NIGHT This lvl Irish Quartet will be on hand to hieppus celebrate St. Patrick's Day Festivitieýs. ---Ai g, Westlake 2. 1Teami Standing - Fairey 30, Haynes 28, A. Luxton 25, WeAtLake 22, J. Luxton 1, Gibson 15, WIllatts 13 Rich- ardis 12. HIg;h Sn - j. Haynes 234, E. Gibson 211. High Double - J. Haynes 355, L. Cain 308, S. FPce 308. Bantam Boys ' Richards 5, Bond 0: Hall- iman 3, Carswell 2. Team Standing -Carswell 22, Bond 22, RIch',ards 21, Halî1main 15. Hligh inl R. Bond 150. Hjýih Doule - R l. Bond 274, Junior Girls Taylor 5, Ml'AtcheU1 2; Hol- royd .5, Chow 2; Gray 4, Teamn Stan~ding - Gray 45, Holroyd 33, TaylIor Su, Mit- chell 28, Chiow 16, Brooks 16. Hi.gh Single - H. Gray 284- 242, B. MvairS '279, B. Tay lor 2ý72, L. Conahian 239, D, Oven- den 239. High Triple - H. Gray 705, B. Taylor 6413, J. Hqolroyd 627, B. Mairs 614, L. Conahan 601. Junior Boys Coombes 5., B1lhop 2; Leddy 5, Lane 2; Staceýy2 4, Rey- nolds 3. iTeam iStanding, - Lane 37, Stacey 32, ReUynl1d S 30, Coomnbes 30, Leddy 22, Bis- hop 17. High Single - J. Edmond- son 283, M. Reynioids 239, J. Leddy 222. H-igh Triple - M. Reynolds 64,J. Edmondson 59t). Senior lxed League Coombes 7, Davey 0; Rob- erts 5, Cowvle 2; Bradiey 5, Maseron~;Gray 5, Brooks 2. T7eami Standing - Roberts 45, Bradley 4, Coombeýs 27, Gray 25, Cowle 25, Davey 24, 1Masterson 19, Brooks 115. H-ighj Single - . Whyte 290,ý J. Lane 2(6, D. Gray 265, D. Bradley 263-284, J. Brooks 262, B. Barrel 260, W. Coomn- bes 258. Highi Triple - D. Bradley! 781, D ,Griay 726, W. Coomnbesý 695, J. Whyte 664, G. Master-ý son 663, L. Wbiteheaid 659, K. Joli 651. micg Pools Mines Novices elimicated froin Lakeshore, playoffs by the highi scorIng; Bay Ridges taI - . Bowmnaivllleý carried the puck into Bey, Ridges end at- the starting wite not scor- ing, and Bay Ridges re-turningp the rush and scoring - this was the tsend for the first two perlods. Bay Ridge-s bey-, ing the much superior shioot-I ors wese able te build up c, 5 teuO lead f Jteýr two per- lods. The Pool beys put up a wAeil balanced aLittack in the thirdi period wthBey RIdger macagfing cly a% ne shot on the Bowm-anvIlhe net, but the scmne old story a il 11seasan,1 the Pool boys erce unable to score goals. Toby Rowe, wbfo reheveýd Kev-In Wehsh in goal in the first period, md severaýl fine tee, saves. On1 th.e bluec line., Paul Dadson was the towel of strength w-,Ith excellent cbicckicg,, while bis mate Vaugban- Wells continues ta imprve ech fme Couf. The R obert S-wimming Pools cen now look forwasd te the LNHL Pirovîncia1 Champioc-ships in Grimnsby durinig their mid-term break. BUR.KETON Ms.F. Tabb visited recent-1 ly with MsI. and Mss. AI Swaîn iand faily nHapton.1 Mu. R. Grace, Waterloo' s Fpent the weekçnd wý,ith Ms. ani Mssr. H1-. Grace and frmiily. Mr. aind Mssý. D. Gatchel, Dshawa-, wese weekendi visi-ý feus with Ms2nd Mss, A. C., Stephenson aind filyi. Mrss.E. Bsown and famiiIy, Port Perry, called on Mss. W ErynnîSunda(y. Ms.. Lee, Oshawva, wlth Ms. and Msis. H. Gyrace and W a ilv.h'In M sr .aid Mss. A. Ham-: bly, their son Ron and fam-' ily for a jewi days. Best wishes for a speedyv reeovesy froin bis miany fri-ý ends In the village to Mr.1 Pote Gatchell Who is in Osh-ý awa General Hospital. spent ovýer Saturday n1ght and Sunday wi.th Ms Merle Power, Miss Hazel Power and Mvr, Harold Power cf Oshawa. Mirs. Win. H. Robinson spent a long weekcnd wlth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Syer of Cavan and other relatives.- The Orono School Band will be ini attendance to pro- vide mnuslc for the regular Si-n-day morning service at Orono United, Church o MiardhIlîtah. Mr. Gerry Thompson ndý sosMrk, and Steven of Les- kard visiteci Mr. D. K. Thomip-1 son of B-owmanville recently. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc Laren enjoyed a winter hojli- day ln Mecxico. Orono United Church Wo-ý mnen held six meetings thi s1 week: Unit 1 on1 Monday af-- ternoon t the Main Hall;:ndl on Tuesday aftemnoon, Unit 2 at the hom-e of Mrs. N. S. Mc- Nall, ad Uit 5 at the home 'efMr. veett Brown. Oný Tuesday evening, Unit 3 ati the home of Mrs. H. E. Mili- scn and Unit 4 at the home of Mrs. James Hutton; and Unit 6 on Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. B. Murdoch of Leskard. Tlhe Orono United Churçh has, obtained the services of M.Doug Dewell of Hampton as organist. M1r. Dewell wIl11 fill the vacancy left by the resIgnation of Mrs. R. D. Mor- ton, AT.C.M. It Is under-, stood that Mr. Dewell, who teaches music in a number o area schools, wIll take over the new duties as of AprIl lst. BYAMA PLUMBING & HEATING anld AIR CONDITIONINGx TYRONE, ONTARIO u Phone 263-2650 NOTICE Town of Bowmnanville BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT THE DISCHARGE 0F ROOF WATER INTO THE SANITARY SEWER, SYSTEM 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE. The attention of Owniers of Property in the Town of Bownianv7ille is directed to the provisions of BY-Law No. 1792 passed by the Town of Bowrnanville on january 16th, 1961, which are as follows: 1. No> person shalh in the Town of Bowman- výille discharge or cause or permit to bc disciiarged inîto the sanitary sewer systemn of the Town of Bowmanville any roof water, collected bY roof water leade.rs or otherwise. 2. Without lirniting thiegenierailïty of Section 1 of this hy1a) no roof ,%ater leaders shial be connectedJ to tiie saniitarY sewer system. of thie Towvn of Bowmanviie so ns to dis- charge roof water into the sanitary sewver systeni. 3.Ever :y person who fails to coinply with any provisioni of thiis b-lshall be gnuilty of an offence, liable, tipon conviction, to' a penlalty of not more fthan S300.00 exclusive of costs for each offence. .1. This by-law shiai corne into fcrce on June lst, 1961. It appears that a nmber of hiome owners have not yet complied ithi0 thte terms of By. Lai,% No. 1792 and Council hias agreed that the time himit for sodon shall be extended to MAY 1, 1973. Ail roof w%%ater leaders, therefore, whivh are (dischiarging to the sanitary sewer system 1111:i le disconnected by MUAY 1, 1973. Thiis action bias been taken tîo avoid overioading, the sanitsary sewer system and -,mage disposi plant. An y enquiries on0thismatter ShIOI'îlbe directed to Mr. H. Wight, Buiildinig Inspecter, J . 5M. McILROY, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Administrator Towný of Bowmanville IMINION 1BANK COME IN AND SEE US TODAY FOR DELIVERY TOMORROW, ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. YOUR CHEVROLET -' OLDSMOBILE DEALER' BOWMANVIILLE - 623-2556-72-26CRTE - 728-6206 COURTICE,