Shaun, Dean and od i-Lm',Byvle ____________________________________________________________sissauga, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- _Mrl ad Ms _____________ A Spring-lIke m o r n~~~~pinsail fry andi younger ,tpp(e"Thie Ligit of the Bible" byGiwee uny dnerrwn OrnM.Rssl guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vir- Omso eeSna vn cold not induce many of our v I re lesa energy (trie way explaininjg its value: (a) as tue and girls, the occasion of ing clesa r n r.M Auction Sales Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Scfle foks tethe imorning services, wVe sec itaywy> ur min- te ost supremye plee c uysbrha.Cogaua titý~ rLsi rgt txwith týe lite-rature, having th r vd J dY. Mr Auction, sale, private estate, PRIVATE SALE fatigue 1cfrm an]Overioad o m of the Canadia-n Be over many Years, evýen lin r n r.Aa alyLidawr eetatr propety o Mr.JohnNelsn, To hoe~~ Bowanvîle FR SAE soial vent. S.. atendace ~ciet Sundy, vz. "hy cmparson i th Shke- fld athrn, Pterbroug, non calersat M. an Mrs 23 Lrida~ r. Ohaa,11 EstBeach. One 3 bedroom, howed a dlecide I 2rv-1 Word 'is a lampný to my feet 1spieare's plays, also ThaekeryMs L M S E I c/o 0f te PublicTrusteeto ment i attenance over the and a lighit to my path." Rev. Diekens nd Seott's excellenit .osee ss uan .R. yor. behl tSitvn' u-wîth 2 baths, electrie heat; one mert in atend, 3 N an dAlsnLe bciMa treat' u-fbdor wt - .'ah rrchurch service as the Hopkinis' sermion illui-inated novels; (b) as the word of, c and Alls. o on Le , d- Te el eepoe m Os,,,a nThursday even- o11 furnace, full basement. God it is superb literature MsFaklee, Oshawea, were Snowoie rtvt r n Osaa nCaîl 623-3994 for inspection. wiha inrmann fr inMarch 8 at 6 p.m. sharp: it n nerY -nn frI 8-*237943Sundaoy* s otameetra*guests of0f Mi. ai dMrs.Ala Wry'onFdy Kelvnatr eectrc sove Vik 8- 62-769 m a ~ itheology. Envelopes were pro- M ng conpertone 2-dr. refriger- TWO-storey nine roomn home 623-7661 R,' ,fr pca innil r and Mrs. R.- Howe, mn MradIs m or ator (lke new); 3-pce. Ïbed- in Orono, four bedrooms, i137vieKiorngciSt. E., Bowmanvslvihleir ad MsBo roomn su ite, chrome suite, bathus, laundry room, broad lare12n-bIn JUT LISED, bedrû Casupport lf, socitntfos tes LambchirelSunday visi-arae.ening supper guests of Mr.eve large~an-icked hairlargeloomgarag. Locted O JUSTLISTE, 3 bdroomThe following motor veh- accused mran assaulted a New-Cnda il Sceysgettor.s at Mr. and Mris. Kenneth nid Ms .R alr Oak deak, chesterfield suite extra large well treed lot. older home wilh garage oni a icle collisions and occurrences castie cmfficer whl naking "epmibmt. hs mre (!ike new), gossip bench, spin- Asking $29,900 with terms. large- lot in a nice villag e. were investigated 'by the i the arrest. gifts may continue by dona- drY washer, apartmnent size 983-5427 evenings. 42-tf!ASKING ONLY $25,90q. Newcastle Detachment of tI-eý An investigation by the tions to our Treasurer.wih D~ m '* choe uie,*pwe lwn71 ARE ,withi small Ontario Provincial Police be- OPP Auto Th;eft Squ1_ad, To- -Next Sunday, March ilth, ! rnower, o7pîtngprabesr A REigSh, uhthween February l8thi and ronto, resulted in the arrest there wili be a special united vsonsfal e prandcofe roery go rn ilae Oceagi posradan 2,whn ondtobei ps-E L Bgb il peher tables, lamps, brown sofaA 'cedi, ideal for hoîtýes. HURRY wahrcndtoscuhttessio1fasoentukadTyrone church at 2:30 love seaýt, \vacuum rcaner a - 13N THIS ONE. wahrcOntoscu,:i h rai adreodplyrlgRILSTTLMII LT ndLTS0 OT RS UY NLEO otrstofguard,seutn automobile parts. (or our congregation and Ty- uai ii eor lyr u- ELL YÎMI-K T ndLT f OS n a high weekly accie n Feb. 23 a Cobourg resi- rone's, which wili bo follow-Qu lt a d Sevc gagelarg quatity0f tOlI anne Pasant 6233258 Harvey Keith, President of rate. ThIrty-one mnotos veh, et a ice-pinte db n Officiai Board rmeet- and hardwýare, Plus commun- e asn 2-28H.Kil t.i lesdbil cienswr net-main street of Newcastle hi' in-, under chairman Rev. B1xtaVlu11ixe ity sale. Ail furnliture wel ' A Samuel Annis 623-7664 announce the appointment of latedl in which 9 persons suf- a passîng mIotosist and taken Long of ODshawa Psesbytery, AiRD RN come Salesroomi open evesy Elsie Spencer - 623-3259 Mr,3. Rubi' Ingleton as Sales fered personal injury, and 5 toVMemnorial Hospital, Bow- also a social hous to have an -]RD R evening between 7 andý 9 p. m Ja mes Robinson -6 2 3-3ý79.5 Representa,ýtiv.,e for Bowmnan-- persons wvere charged with maniville where hie was treat- opportunity toe becomne ac- S E K S L Tem ah yïes King, Aur- 12'4 King St. E., Bownmanvil'ville Marydisrict th -n offences. edfrkiewud.Ifr uainted with Rev. Bigby. UmSit - tioneer and Cartage, 725571 623-3393 7628 etnll Ru'by has heen chosen to Aiso investigated wçýre 83 mainlvae httemn inthe evening next Suin-1 SIRLOIN 10-1 ou8co6an2i2th3 enealoccrrnce 0' wic was drînking at a hotei in day, March i lth, an invita-T- NE Bomail ol zscr -623-76941ae n il give You honest, 1 wese break and entes, 4 Newcastle where he becamne tion by Oshawa Psesbytery ifa-ON AUCTI N SAL Offie spce fo sent- oni i01professional service in ail your1 thef.t, 2 wilful damnage corn- inovdia ihawhc extended to ail to attend an $35 pr suae oot Sitreal estate requirements. ~Cal plaints, 3 trespassing reports time hewa slashed with' a intesesting gathering in Port IN Grist iii ActiOnBarn dctordentit, insrance etc.Ruhy at 576-3333 Oshawa or 4 disturbanres, 3 assaults, 4 knile hi' an unknown assail- Perry at 8 p.m., with a titk WF -1KMIM LCA RTIR NE IO IL eycentral. Cali Sam Venni. at her residence 623-2627i if domestir complaints, i asson ant w'ho fled the scene. "Celebration of 'Joy", part of NEWTONVILLE 'l'yYou are buying os seîîing investigation, 1 missing per- . Defensive Driving Ky'3 owavIefarrms, residential or rcom- son report and 1 erratîr or Statistirs shiow that licensedKy'7.umn i AI UFt Saturday, March 10 BomfvIl fiebul-RI.ETT esedal properties. dangerous driving complaint. motoris1ts who completed the Any congregationnmenibers! UiIIIU l£11> 'IE IK 1:00 P.M.estr ing. b d- Ver ' etrlsnu 6800LeIMIED iteal E state toi Sale volving the recovery of stolen ing Course had substantially -n ua &urh ep r1mi'4edy to Se v Kontite, ehaste onin e- 147KimgSt.E.,________e - properti'. Eight .persons are fewer accidents and -violations avail themselves of a ropyI' n O ..... sutl eds, drhars, contin-o Estate Sale 14bigS.EBwavleJ harged wîth criminal of- than-other drivers. the church vestibule. Thelb drawers, -fridges, eecic 438 Acres - Brooklin - Ex- 623-7461 or r623-2495 PfrK w l r fences, 1 person chacrged with A study conducted hi' the choir's anthem was a new stoves, clothes dryer, ironer, relient Buildings, level land. $900 Dowýn - Bowmaaville REAL ESTATE a liquor violation, anid 4 per- NainlSft'C r L i hi'mnGoodnWho Gives to 2 0ianos - Hintzman Grand D'airv Farrnwith large quota. Centrally located, fousrom ENRA ISUACE sosahagdiencepard oledmoethn ,00-e LfeIt Gones, t wih l. veae 2lb p (gond) and Priacess Upright Good future-( subdivision site, bungalow with. carpet, newu igS.W omnil driving. fensive DrivirgCus rd h uinewsitoue A resume of occurrences uates. front '88 ro-operating and given an opportuniti' toc, PRODUCE DEPARTMENT PCAS! (good>,, 2 TV's, Pepsi-Cola Frontage on 3 ronds plus both oul furnace, fireplace. Taxeýs Phone 623-2453 învcstigated in the past week agencies. It sevealed thaIt learn it by j'oining witb thej NARON dispenser, uprjght Coca-Cola sides of No. 7. 5 miles fr9rn only $125 annualli' Bargain 'inTAsecnd eNo. on fridge. 28 ft. aluminumi lad- new airport. Excellent in- at onli' $15,900. Look ! Look! Look! are as follows: Sh)ortly arter. accidents arn-ong Defensive choir aseodrnion der, Pessurevestmnt. $90,000 all Iave yýur own2 bedoin miniDriving 1 araduates rivwererase- TheeeSundai'e SSdayoSloosessionn pump, table saw, copffee and Walter Frank. $900 Doxvn - Hampton ground floor living accommo- with a fiat tire on Hwi'. 2, ue ynal n-h nwsoee yMs oohýTable r% AE end tables, Sm-all Cook stove, 5 ce opr Four roorn bungalow situ- dation and an income of $240 eat of Bowmanville, contact- the year following the course,i Sharp and bier closa of pre -!-_ __________________________ many antiques including sev- 5 ce opr ated on haîf 'acre, lot, full per month under the present ed a nearbi' resident for as- wbhile moving violations wese teen girls. Ail thirteen mern- el rockers and wýashstands, Overlooking race trark, hasernent, pivate drive, paved set-up! Centralli' locatedi sistanre. The resident loane-d rut hi' one-fourth. The se- bers participoted in the Lit-ý FRES11, CRISP TENEIRE barrcjelleurn, oiu îamps, lant- sei odd In. nyra.Akn nu 1,0.'eclln odto!Ak the motorist bis-own car J ark sults also showed that somne any Prai'er led hi' Janeti Seelued Fam!opars.lUond.bngingtheotre.dued 40nor mre, ad1tha900thleadigxparslwertBey-RYiBR SSEL erus, box steve, Quiebýe heat- $40,000 - $10,000 down. Nrl n omnil ing $30,500. Good ternis! s andl flashligbt to make re- ty'pes of collisions were se- Rowan. In the pulpit a1soý L R er, crock, gl--a.;ss and dishes, 10 Acres - Newcastle Executive ty'pe brick tri- 83 Ars na Efed the motorist drove awai' wtb the use of seat helts had eretitn al ab Duncan Phy!,fe coffee table, as 8 cýs na nil re titn al ab weII as miany other items. Adjoins village. 8 acres level borne with attacbed gar- Frarn'1 bouse and large haro' the !borrowed propesti'. greatli' increased. Apgela, Koepp, witb Gai] HEART TERMS - CASH pear orchard. Excellent brick age, farili' roorn, large fise- CREEK and SPRING' Corne On Fnb. 18 a haroi at the Dcfensive driving,' courses Lamnb at the piano. The saneRI S RO T hm.1500' on bighway. Ter- place, broadloorn tbroughout, and have a look! $85,000 - rear lof the general store in~ assist toward bettes driving tuas' had a real touch Of ~f OBAcinD FrANK c iveten at onu' sunken livingroom, sun deck $35,000 down. Kendal was destroi'ed hi' fiseý- habits, and are available in spnring colora with three lov-e- _pg BOBAN FANK $7,00 Teni. ffmaster bedroomn and kitcb- Brand New!! to tbe extent of $2500, Two many communiti' colleges and 1 ýfiower arrangements at 9 ak STAPLETON en, i,950 sq. ft. living area 3 bedroorn brick semi on juveniles who were smoking safety rounicils throuighoutiLthe altar - a Sundai' ban hi 10-i 123 Acres - Stream - Pond and an extra large lot. A4k- Third St. Ail sooms are and playing with matches Onltaio. astlo . On vor ow ing nly 46_90. lrge. 1/2 aths Eletric erDRIVINGponTIPe orlsieDRVandTîRovlsMcandllNrandilDOLElDO No.o.i -- Newcat,. O0yu w n n'$690 age / ah! Eeti eehl esosbefrte Sombl aey their immediate families. 1 Real Estate fo Sale private retreat. Faist trout 10-1 beat! Plastered interior! Onl' fise. As fn uary 3lst, 31t March bas be'en a popular BA sra.fostbrough rolling $26,000. Terms! Bui' 00w A Bowmanville resident se- As fJaur As,31Wdin ot-, wocu property. Good pond. Ideal FOR SA'LE hefore price increase! ported the theft of hes handi- snowmobile fatalities were* in-h cbne weddingmnh ftocu- GEORGE VAN DYK for club or camp. $59,000. BUYERS ARE PLENTIFUL. bag and $70 cash on Fet. 19. rurred during the current plivsres b clhat e wcding ________________________ REAL ESTATE - REALTOR Terms. Cail Pat Yeo.R OUR SUPPLY 0F HOMES, UpÔn seturning from az snow- snocwmobile season in ,On-Mr and esshe5last wek, vz 181CHUCH TRET 700perace -V IRE LOIV!! mobile ride, the womnan dis- tarîo. The major problems 6 and Mr.on Pethick DEEP DISCOUNT PIE 181CIURH TRET 70 pr creBU V Im U E PRICES ARE FIRM!! covered the band-bag stolen confrontîng snowmoibi1«rs are 66 happi' year- andiMe. arr _______________.___________Far LIST VOUR PROPERTY from bher locked vebicle. the "seven deadly sins caus- Mss. Roi' McGill, 45 years of TAT ATR-WieSie 4oLae 623-4428 217 acres on Lake Ontario TDY, On Fnb. 20 a motos vebicle ing death".- wedded bliss. Congratulations P oe R A near Newcastle - 2 storei' brick REAL ESTATE BROKER C TLL6 DA -24 Y stolen fromn Brighton was se- 1. Drinking - Oves Ibree- and mani' happy' returna -o en BR A 33' ACRE LOT - at Junc- home, large h'aro,, 1320' lake 61143C L covered abandoned on Hwi'. quilsters of ail snowmrobile Enniakillen rommuniti'. tion 0f IIwy,. 35 and 115. Part- front. Easy ternis.62 -29É%69à After heurs - Cal!: 401 near Newcastle. a(-ccidents reported învolved The Wosld Day of Prayer MRAE' k.o hi' tre. emtsaaial.,ehayJBytn 2339 A Peterborough recsident the consumrption of alcohol. service, held on March 2nd at Asi .was arrested on Fnb. 23. when 2Eolsos-wt oo Ensiln Uie bsb lueberiry DONUT 3y Akn $1,0.4 bedroorn frarne home,. 261 Liberty St. N. G. Beech - 623-.5265 found 10 bc inpossin f vebi clos,, fixed objeets and was well attcnded hi' both i &Sorei', 3 bedroom fi ame New furnace. Cornerlot. AI Bownianville. P, Kowàl . - 6356 soe a.Cargels of s-othr snowmobiles. Trn n nikle o-SV O bouse68 ontolarger.Clot. Z"oned hargain- Troat nd 6ni900.enOcnncr bohtnus t lrael. n 17,500 ansto$1se9. CîlBîl Bilig o- utal fr10-1 sault werc also laid when the 3. Unsafe Ire - on lakes and gregations. Newspaper clip- .a. sin 1750 niostosll alBil 10 s.ft om nl 550rivera nvolving dsowning fa- pings, mapa and posters cml- iMARTIN'S1-o.Tn Sl-ter Vlley - 68 Acres of on'$50lf talities. phasized the theme "Alert In This is for meal. 4. Rîding Railsoad Tracks- Our Time". The co-chair- A B sc1rcî woods and mneadows, Higlhway Farm, Bailieboo 4/ Ars-Rtreat land,5 ~ LI Colli sions with trains.AP L S UC - rsi-\iw ag tot4/ Ars-R xhena tor k r women of the U.C.W.,Mes-SA C fo39 fnatrvelretut il roorn brick horne- good suitable for trailer or rolbin,5.Oeding HalhtdmsR.MGladM.PSV le streamn, on paved rond, Just barn on 80 acres. 20 acres asking onu' $6500.5Travedivng e a dights ae sRMcllndMPo-SV li north of 401. A'sking $34,900. woodcd witb aprings. 2000 Oshaw - Lrge 7soo ted oh nigt 10 lard led the service, assister TrsOsaa-Lre7ronTeleph one tTravelling b MtoomesaWPtratjects.RZ Termi. feet igbway frontage. Ex- brick fa mnili' home, ec room,~( L e i . 6. TravelIlinqg Alone - B - hi Med m s W Pak, AY R1-o. Tn 10-1 cellent value - $45000. Terms. garage, close to down town coming ast or stranided with Hoar and A. Werr. Our, min- Caîl Roi' Foster 98-50i 'd,% damaged snowm-obile. mter Rev. R. C. Hopkins, a. B s with Pork i fo49 Keda 1115 93-80. Courtire Ar- Compact »0%l7 ooeCohn-Bcm ua speaker, rcferring tne KedlHlsroom bun.rgalow ,'On 1¼ acre , Juualico muusax s ln, entanigled in imovung parts. Bible text fro Eekel37: S'-AVE 17c 86 aicres -8 soom bricklt u evie tdo sk rv1o cecvrdlks1-4, pointed out ithat this Mes-1 - one.Large borna, Spring- > ingoli'$2I,500, 4v1th lowl The telephone enquiri' ser- .at w ,eDpand Mr. Stan-J rarvera nd e-oe pulicsag1ha n1aniïg o- s0 10. r 1 1. 1T,-ls48o.Tn Cone raddonpametl101vice in District T uin 0f- buy.Pat epeieneis ho hfare bas t-ken the W e is O A O JU C o 9 corricr farni. Ex- ~~~fîres ia being extended, ne- hw is a niiisïeraetÏl o nwoieb 'ig epe't fIo-1 O A 01 IC f,-ýet value - $65,000. Terma - cording bo Hon. 'RobertL Stanl- sereived non'y in _th1e week fatalities. God's will, not wben ut pleas7es 1 CalRy Poster - Or-ono bus', Minister of, National from people who storted 1a us put as servants of t1- SAVE_________________17e______ 93Rvne ilottheir returas over theeetdr AgsLukteachings of Jesus. Special loa n og ekn.Harvey Robinson and Mcl Musical selertions and acroin-ý NESTLE - Readi' b Serve1-o.Tn 62-53Newcastle, Sck 'te A.Av iBothethe oal andtlong- we end service ap- Hartwig; Credit Committne, panimecnt of the hymns d6stance3oi-fren telphone The xtended NG i for 5 9 Wpit ell but3ednroo bark UMTORa service are being extended plies la telephone enquiries Siegfried Block: Supervisori' provided hi' Mss. M. Staintor PID U hedrosnbu lite. roSaexra dnigroorn RALO until 8:00 p.m. everi' Mondai' only and will flot mean a re- Committee, Alfred Perrin, ail at the piano. Everyone joinedi galowwthseýporate dining on lowe,-r level. Landsraper] and Tucadai' until April 30, durtion in the daili' telephone for o tbree-year term. n the fellowsbip of sefresi- SAV----Asorte-F--or rooml, attachied garage, rov- lot,60 x 200. Fcnced aIl 6340 the deadline for filing income or counterr service.i Musical entertalonent hi' the ments at the close of the ses- NSAE 0o a esed patio, feored yard with oround. Existing first mort-Ha tn tax returna. The regular telephone en- Countri' Fous was enjoyed hi' vire. _ ECF trees, close to park and swim- gage at 61417o intereat. Ask-ý apo The extension is for the ouiri' service will still beahl. The "Nifti' Knitters" imt in'an .rE min. 9kng$3,50. ig 350.CalJn ur- 141 ycar old tri-level home benefit of people unable tri vailable £rom 8:30 to' Russell Osborne introduced in the church basement nt, Orono competel' finsh- boosn 0ion a132' x 165' well land- use the enquiys' evc u-4:0pm!ensday t Fni- the speaker for thbe evening, 7 p.m. for their fiftb meeting 1 o ed basement, well planned Oee rascaped lot. This beautiful 4 -gtedywe hyaedy __________ Darlington Townsbip ReeveKelPo lledtbmius SAVE fGoc sec soomn with fireplace, OooAe bedroorn Iborne witb attacbed ..arnet B. Rickasd, Ris sub- af ter opening witb the pledCe walkout 10 patio and large 50 acres, partly renovater] garage cnes complote witb *,ý,,jet was Regional Govesn- Then we wesc shown by the NESTLE, QUICK21 Tn lot are some of the feotures bouse. Springs for a pond. a 26': x 40' in-grounid swim- I 'I/% I Mft Irriv' ent a topic of interest at older ones how to walk for M - of this 1 bedroom bungalow Gooci big bigh barn. Askin, uring pool witb adll ccessories '.r'I nEI C,êI dP5,, W i'iL y55 is time.,our fashion show. We went m Sa n tC 0 CÊilg ,O wîtbi attaclier] garage. Onli' $69,900. Ternis. Coul Bill and chainge b)ouse., Another Sterling Mather- tbanked up tb the front 'to identifi' $34,900. Turanski'. buildl'ing adequate for 3 cars y ~ @~Ms. Rirkard and presenter] Our samples of material and SAVE__________________________ Bowinanvilln -nire, rom- Newtonville o trg. sigP2,0.0ta s s 1/'r. O D iv laen 1 ýd by Curvply Wood Pro- dcSAVE 36eteyar wf part hbungalow in the nosth For the market gardener- Port PerrY des or warp knits. We continuer]se& lcw4 -Sv 5 enwth paver]drie gar- 34 acres - greenhouse., 2 ber] 4 year old stone and aîur- The l9tb onnual meeting accepter]-the rerommen_,dation Tliese wesn several door wt.orgret ni i- Dt u ri u ognwfurnace and separ- roon bungalow. Srnall haros7 inum borne on a 60' x 150' lot of Ooo Dsrc Ceî fteBar fDrrosthtpie.Edtals oan issal. ate dining room. Asking $26,- Asking $49,900 - Good terms. wvitb double attached garage. Union was held i0 the Odd o dîvîdend of 6% ibe paid on hi' Curvply, wnre won hi' Ms. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Cooae&N lLoe 500. Caîl fBill Turanaki','This wl designer] two storci' Fellows Hall on Fnb. 201h h Ie ibases of all mem-bers as Jack lli and R. Osborne. A Sra-rborough, Ms. aod Ms s. FAýNCfl1TAUILI'rT Bow-anville - real fomili' Aene- i homo blas fous bedrooms, large 1973. of Dec. 31 19742 and a 12% jniwelleri' case, donadhyjDogBlttMsisua, s k. homeon arg coner otbasStrke arilY soomn and fireplace. Reports w e s e presented rebate on boan interest paidi Anderson Smith Co., Newv- ond Mss. Jim Billett andl B SC IT bedrùooma and 2 hatha, close Bettes than new, brickr burt- Conplcteli' finisbed basemeot from the various boards 'and during 1972. rastle, was wvon hi' Carl Km Elizabeth, West Hill, Mss.ý 3ayFige I 10 sebools and shopping. Ask- galow - threc bedrooms. Rer]-lbas one bedroorn 13' x Il',, roînittes. Tbese showed Frank Halliman, sepresent-'rmett. A fisc extînguishes, Charîci' Loogmair], Paye, To m SAVE 20e ing $300 wood' sundeck. Attractiveli' one room 13' x 15'. Kitchen l'bat 1972 bar] heen a sucress- ative fromn the Credit Union donater] hi Co-opesators in- rnd SalI', Solina, Ms. Tom ___________________________ Bowm-aville- cottage lot decorater]. Priced at $31,800 ýwitbi double sink and cup- fui year. Assets- increaser] Leogue, condurted the elcc-I surance, was won hi' Alf Per- B1arri' Bowmanville, Mr. and - 90 x 1.,5 with wnll and septir witb terrns. Cal Pot Yeo. borsi 0'x5.Btbiroomn 16% oves 1971. The meeting lion of officers Dirertors n. Mss. 'Roi', McGiIl, Ms. andTO tank, aisking $6500, with $2,- Bowmanville witb shower. Seporate en- Mss. Jim KXinman, Lisa -,nridOPQUALT 500 dcown. trancéc 10 hasement. Oves VÀ pat .eo 23-077 eg.Aker72502 ih te Cji;utip, Chirma AlePlus Deposit Plus Depospusitpost P MULTIpLE LISTING SERIEP Mo---6307 e.Ae 2-21 ur. anad vr.s, uK.-£vcKsenzie, ee'uiv'wthth c ltngChiranAlen Lamb.tMsand Ms.Froncia Bark -- ______________________ ERIEDane Found â 623-3965 "Establisher] 19.36" Richmond Hill, visiter] the J. firm, asked, in the lettes, forsoir] that while Ibis increase mi', Oshawa, Mss. Marie To-Ga.H -i68'/ Real stat Boar Dolres Rss -- 7251498l0-~Jones famili' on Sundai' . on opportuniti' to appýear in norninga dir] not match the bîn, Cobourg, wese Suindai),' 1/GaHm 61/GI.2 66 Kay Brown 623-3150 Ms.on, M ss MlO n tai ln.eoe coni iepanthe ihocrease of 8% in osants be- visitors at F. Draper's. ____0w_______ and Mss. Harvey McGill, Ms. The fort thot the huge sub-Caeve of tpe retiveli' igh s and Mer lstS . nrry nr] QuQrasts 2% 34c BihTurnsy -Oroo 83-420 MOUMETS N» RuselSOsisNn, nRskissnedvison asno roisins -invl osoeroingnxnnssdfmvisionelaI Snda' v-ouarsromo3, OSha a& it IRoy Foster - Orono 983-5801 FN ULT oMs laOead s ln ________Bill_______ ARERSMs.andMs. EesetoBo983-5us420orinnsttahe rir] ] ouper wih adere n teofinggurtsof ns.'odMss _______________ _______________________ 10-1Orono, wese Sundai' dinner not seem 10 bother MsDo* iteei rIe speoChohoc. R acîMTbb te ccsin f hi.3remC5 ,~s4' ~ '!i:.~guesta of Mr. and Mss. Lloyd son. Rnewa reporter] in thebe noe]ta 'h1is uîtsRselsbstdy ogau hc ikQ.3c12Pn rftjJ~,j~, Ashton,: Ronald and Roi'. Port Hope Guideasoyg a yeor ago woan xetoolbtos ___1______ RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY respectfullY OFSTFFORD Mr. and Mss. *Mi ch ae I "wih ils rolling hilîs ne.Ms ndMs . tino. abeC. 35C wishes- te announce a 10% reduction on ail cerne- ) LTD. Strenge, Scarborouglh, Mr. drumlins, none of theL, n j The outlook for the balance Miss Elva OrehardM.anButrikQ.3c/2Pt Gle AhtnWansoo wse uiabe orin]utr." of the year is for earnings Mss. H. MeIGili, Ms. Rusanlk0 rallers at the Lloyd Ashton Ms. Dowson also soir] I got of at nat 15%, he Osmniston weseSnarîosHi n afCem-Qat 5 tery M em orials and M arkers ordered and paid for ý% _q r w h1 u d y d n c IH I 5 between now and March 31 for Spring erection. 1- rie oe tegvrmmn sgoiug1 ar.get o s n r.L ALL M1ILK PRODUCTS FESHDI Tu ffri md analyi odrthtthi Dsw Ms. and Mss. B. MeDonaîr], direct growth, il dons oil Total assets of the bank at Ashton, Hraydon. entire staff may be employed during the winter si and gsandson NoeI Hooper, growth. I know that, in othes billions. Canadian ecurrencyi Wright, Toronto, Ms.Noan ~ u ' - i SreHrs monti. RUTER GRNITE OMPAN liasan .~aiior urOsierS Bowmanville, visiter] Mss.' A. ornas, they have provider] deposits wvere $4,8 billions, up E. Wsight, Mss. Normia Brar]- D TI. IKMn9- Tbompson. capital grarits for industrial 12%ý, oves bast year. Total exý- flord, Oshawa, wese Surina' excellent selection of domestic and fereigu gran- Monuments There was o goor] attend- gsowîth and helper] with fin- penses for the period were1 tea gunuts at 1Ms1. and Ms. E us - îeihmny oor rm hc ecooeaIIE nce at the euchre parti' a ancing sewes exp)ansio-n." $1ilJ.5 millions comnparer] with WJright's. Wd - itsihmn clus rmwhc-,ocoo . IIEw!%eek ago Stui, lht a eRnalso imp'lecIthat ta do 1$94.4 millio ns for the sanie Ms. and Mss. Mussai'Foan-aret BUTTER GRANITE COMPANY is located nt 73.l Box 133 heC muitay CneHig the finaneiog 'of the major pesior] a year ogo. Provisioný dersonRga, wr undi ,Tus - Ontario Street, Port Hlope, telephione 885-5216. 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby mon, Jim Nelson: 10w man services, the developers woul'd'îfor income taixes was S10,21 ofternoon e7a-7l7rKsitgE.SSl. 9- Phione Whitby 608-3552 E.R Taylor; high lady, Rubi' have tri have provincial assist-millions comrparer] wllh 99,9,i Wright's. HOME 0F QUALITY aod SERVIEFn - -_____________ .Trewin; 10w lady, Mrs' Toblas. o nce. The first 70 lots in bbc milliuns lat' year. Ms n Ms onMl,ý The Canadian.Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 7, 1973 is 1 Ai ë ÊLÊ &II a c mer a a