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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1973, p. 1

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HamD t o n Jr. Public School Presents- VOLUME 119 NUMBER 10 Last rîiht thte large auditorium of THamplton Jimuir Public Sholwas packed withparentj-s for tic Fifth Annual Variety Night presentationi by ppl oif the scilo)IL'The top)photo showvs Primary i pupils per-foring a Swedishi dance and Jin the lower pictur-e, Primairy )2 pupils perform a p TeThe i1 GoaitsGrf" Unotn tely h illy goats and several others who took part S iin this ly er at thie oppos(-,ite side of theae when thle photo was taken, Cigarettee nButtsi BIamedY For To SearateFire Giasoline firom a motorcycleiface and cbest ouik a hcbbgnsorl le engi n lasiCn bamed for reeaed after treatrnnt 5:01.rAmlatTuesdal, tr- star-ting a700 fire in the BoWrnanvlllejj( Fire iff vlldunithe bsretWls borne of r. and MnirsCharles Jirn Hym nsid the fire,! <TURN 10 PAGE TWU) Moilclnon ihwy2, anari nrestonvileon Tuesday Feb NDM r.Borufski, Who lîes ta f A cc1 . of the Me1,lll oine, was re-1 paýiring his morntorcycl wen ur r1p1 e w the gaisoline gntd n dastare e Mm lae.He wa; id rainy etesn eoscracdnsrpre taken te the Oshawa Gene.(ral heavypufo usmu e onucive n thearea. I{ospital suffecring from ci l ,afe driving becautse, aIt The omnile Plc oni dcre brns t) bis handilsj e frthe past few weekS, Dpa1mnthvenohdto aind first degree hbuma tahi- luiee ,bavebeen nîlext to nm netgaeayaciet)n 3 e% e ý ou- v jeràsonaluiS m Over 37 Dropous h s tweekend bas been! in a) lon'g tirno(", ai least in terrns of auto accidents. So Far This Year2SICIarIl, teteat It wvas reported ta the Boa.rdwill increase very muci, over "surprsinly 'f('w"miapb of Educatioec, at lsw eek'slast year's figure. "The great repot hei weekend, de- meeting, that tic student estnumber ofdropoutsuuallyrspit% fi fg. eccur Mathtic eginining cf tic:On)min, rtwo-caraci dropeut ratebet eenSptem. years" be psA l"ost of the 1 TuLRN TOPAG1TW ber, and- Janluary of tisscoltunswo have stuck it out year h up te 5M alroady. TMs tus long wi&D stay until th< MOVE STEAM SHOWV represonts about 370 students end of tme year" 1 Wud was reeivd ths who have quit se f ar tW year. Director of Educati MW. morning thut the Easten Last yoar tic total dirop eut Tiem pointed eut that tic Ontario Steam and Antique rate was 8%. Hcwev r ir- students dropping ont wereAsoitn is mioing its; es Kennedy, head cf tic BHS rnainy in yeaýrs four and five annuial Show fromi Camp- G~uidance Departrnnt, doesn't (Grades 12 and 13). "There beilford to Mono this year,. ;hink fiat tic number of stu- appears te be no rhymne or reïa-I Tho event willi be held oni dents drcpping out this year:son to if," Thorn added. Auigust 4, 5 ajnd 6i. Ejighf-year,-ohd Shaughin Houston from Bowmianvilhe is pîctured above receiving aý chequie for $3'4 from Kiwanis Presîdeaf Charles Reid (left) for his perforïmance at, the Ski-a-ý-thon hehd ut the OshAwa Ski Club on Saturday, February 'lt'liTe cnergetic Master Hlouston mnade ai total of 34 runis dowDi tic bihlu mone ho -.riad raised -a total of ahmosf $32for tie Canadian kiTeamn and fihe Canadian Ski Patrol, At right is Sagnsiice rc owlthe 2nd Vice-President of the Bowmnanvîlle Kiwanis Club. Mayer $,O oni ,5 e c'ii I Bowmianville Town Councîl passed a by-Iawý at their March 5th Council meeting which increases the, To p S peakers n Lei salarv of the Mayor to $3,500 per year and the rest of' Council to $1,750 per year. T.his represents a $1,000 raise for the Mayor and $506 more for each of the other miembers of Counicil. The Iast r-aise for B mavle'seet- ed representatives camne in 196i9. (TURN TO PAk., TWO>u InternationulBo dy IlonorsL ocul Poe tess Recen tly, Mrs, Minni~ E.1 Our sIncere congratuilationis iMeclm of 31 Bedford St., g0o ot to Mrs. Mc!H101-1, whose1 Port Hope, a frequent contri- ag we don't rscal eise butor to, The S1rttsmanr's other than It rnust be betw,ýeen! Poet's Corner and the author 80U to 100,poaiymc .... f several books of pes oe to thela( ltter fgue receiveýd notification of a dis- She is stIli as active a s ever t-itconrindher manny frleýnds -ancl ad-1 The Board o)f Governors miirers hope sh e'l 1i rmai and thie MemblersipCmi-ta way for srtme time toi tee of the ,internaitionaýl Plat- cre MayoD.G.Newmn atform AssocIatinbasrecomi- At dign 1973 the Canadian Club !,f The, Merniberst)bipCommitný WsDuhmwill ifeet a is tininter 8:1,5 p.m. in Trinity United,,ntoaiv vi(ïidCo Lhich Hall. Mayor D. G. ntoaLy nwn writer an1 Nèwmaiin of Whitby will speak wiîe t 1ýý' hs or on'1o (in "The Role of Local Gov- mnyotertonfiTo b ronto thee ou yun1 Mc, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I( Nemn s n spesnaîie r litepd aýs Chairmaun WllamMorioMrch It iniiiPeterborou ___________________ indmaer r yJ. Wa1t- as the be;xst here on Sundav seventh year as nmayor 0 mo r f te1sscaton of Eowmnili11(le P.UC.,DrkGro fOhw .hitby, ihavîng served for twol couGAr's WN OUT \w-e r mngome 1500 De ý odn f0h years on council, as a school trustee, Chairmnan of the Reg-ý On Monda nigh in 4Co-gae fromthogo hetinRoHoagr onal Pann Board, a D:irec-1 bourg, teJunior C Cu Province wlo atne theseki om'sry,,o ;or of teAssociation of Mni mrswiped oat Port lHopIe Ontario Muic'ipa,:l eti ersekn n'od îpaitie'sof Ontario, Peiet ateshopen o dac sito onvent iat thel of the Can1adian Fedcceration ofr in ihe next round f]oy-al York Htl Mri4wospkonYut' and tbepîi3aanoffs rom alilre- to 7 Meyr aMnic-- Jl, ipalities 13pors, it a eipae MArp~ct bu 5 i member cf th boado in uc Inc n f th 1)ý of ticmmbrmniialte w1 an1aianM CunclEo Uran and wîththe Pantholmrs aprxeael ,01,00h (TURN TO PAG TWO) ~ downto a 5 -? osdo"cstmrs heAqo FIRST AT'PEAIR VNCE to rive Coboirg Ille sre intrad1itionallY 1MaIntain' threeraesto two. c -doecrtncfpwrc.-R S u n dii a y i ft e r n o o n N w a s S- o u g i I n o e t a k n g t e s r e h t u e s g e nd streets wrefiiied with A___ ~ osil ot drivers taking datg A b '1gh f -tic on1er of Ille nici eabe. URtPRKN LT nc a1anadrss yWl Iloodn th oenur0f nd 'r ivso n CIurciSt:. r. Dain h 9r'e-q 1M Id t meaue n -l nm inorcyclesdi-hsbnimrvdbtc TUNT AEWO unate epeaiyfrbg.v nfsr kefforor FR1TATlé lTORIS frectn, Yajcr Ic t t leoccasion. parking. J, BITS el PIECES if WINTERIZED - Out Burketon way, Bill Stephen- son was chopping ice at the south sidle of his homne th-is wýeek and picked up a reddish brown and black caterpillar that apparently hiad been frozen in the ice. When the balmy air hit the crawly critter it began to move, much to Mýr. Stephenson's surprise. H1e now fias it in a jar. BONANZA - Ruminor hias it that a local nurscry rcceived a sipmcnieit of tuilip bulbs recently fromn overseas, probably, the Netherlands, but they hiad been dclayed and werc too far advanced to be of iuse to the nursery thiat, refumscd to acccpt thcmi. 'The truckcer is suipposed to lhave dumipcd thjem and then the ncighibors be-gan to gathier. Shiould you sec an immense increase in tulips thoghu ne part of the tonthis ycar,yu'lknow if the story is truce. CHANGES - At The Statesmian, we are smnack in the mniddle of changing our entire miethiod, of settinig type and miaking up pages. It's exciting because we'l1 be able to offer so much more versatility to the ij'ews pages, the pictures and the advertisers, but there are stili quite a few bugs to be ironed out as you can understand. We ko that readers are going to be happy with the better reproduction, so watch for the new developmnents that will occur each week. P1LAYOFFS - Hlockey'vplayoffs are coming up so rapidly that fans are advised to watch the bulletin board ut the Batik of Mnra corner for dates and timies. H., L. W'ood Major Pee Wces play Kingfston Centre 70 here at 3 on Sat- urday in 'their 'fir-st gcamýe of a best of three series. At 4:30 WVeste rn Electric Mlincir Ban- tamis play Kýings,,toni Centre 70) in their second gam. .heMcGregor Midgets play Ganýanoque Saturday nlighit and the Vowles Red Eaglcs play Lindsay lun their second gamne Sunday night. Thcre's aînother playoff on Sundfay at 11:30 but the tcamis have not been dcecýided. EARLY SPRING The 50 degrce temperatures of the past few days 1have convedted many dirt park- ing lots to miud and certainly created havoc in Port Hope where they had a major flooding problem when an ice jamf formed. There was somne worry at Vanstone's Mili too, but fortunately the water didn't reach emnergency levels, so Liic picturesque oid dam remnains intact. Sure looks like an, early spring and the 22-odd would-be gofers who t urned up for instruction at the Legion hast Friday man b in action outside before they expccted to. HI1 COOKIE- Arca Girl Guides are spcnd- ing cvery spare minute, going fromi door to door- selling their allotmcnt of those delicieuis cookies that help thcmr to raise funds, and provide somne tasty snacks for aduits and child- ren. Piease don't tuern them. away. SOLD -- Wc iear reports that, another area farm north of Bowmnanvilhe has been sohd for a fabulous price to devehopers'. The happy former owner prob- ably wilh he heading for Florida for a long delay0ed vacation. Wonder why we didn't buy some of those farms a few years ago?, Hler MjsysLylOp- frustrate-d araill iast nirlit in theiir attempt to deýfeat tion Ltiat ic heNDPcouldn't support, but David Lewý%i> sud, bis members wrn't, t(e be forced il)an dMc tjion at tbis ftiime; i-: 1vy voted with tiseirorlmienit as did several Socreds. raoson Sunlday Iatenonl t heLgin;al 11n2 .einDistrict public sekn otetbb edon .Igh Tejudues chose ther. n, afemuchdi ffîculty iy in the ,Zonefial. he aeinth fur -caitego"ries, Cathlie H igh rd tuet\oso on"Adver- ode 6 student FmiSunsetHea hi0 Public Shool Panker a rad 8 tudnt romR. CrashePor and Marilyn Knox of Ctheeonaygrd13 oni GaGcek erupccd loto Sudayl aïhr - la bncti tic ew Jmi tly Il ynmietocla noo, Virc 4 ,I aîstg , I -nod1bige irl to .D n i-, firl ll. bil wiat as ben cl iesticam no1onngfePr 0rI n ag rn na torre nti fwhm boefe Teir oe n wle ir mucb 'more rapidly a m aprxmtl :0pm omdup attic Rynods ORTOPAEW> pcry bdowfow Pot fom ie ride. arg coe..A rport uTu esday's Hepe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~cie oetreadfu otHp ud ttsta Tic pcblmbega on St- fot tick, vweure sloly being ln o cnsrc u B oard of Education Must Trim Spending Esti ates !For, 1973 by $750,0 O"'ýý' The t uuesfor hie Nom-pn itures o'r ihi e seonid;ry C'f Educah iolereiaaTitrsosdscsds spcil ead eting lat oral rcaýs wIlereCfie , n c t n c thing close te o ilinigtie nuiehr of teaClccrs fromI ticir esimated expentlb- special d cahioitn consultnts huesfr 19 73 bu: order f0 ould!Ao or painfing adgeus eet spnigcilimpos- vwork, ans Lnterior1dorera cd by tic provinc(ýial oem-tin, furniture and t equlp- ment, ment. Tic estimnatesi o)rd:inary d-Tic longcst dsusince- penditures for elcmontary tredarndhepsbifye scioels will have te ho trimn- roduring Ltic nurner ofte mcid by $ 475,000 udiile $7 chers eemployed tIcbar 000 w il haveho o cnt frorn inut ne dofinite decfin the est matcd arinary cx- ITUPN TO PAGE TWOI0 Exhihition ofl o in Sculp tures apen t Mcuglnàirr C. A. CERTIFICATES MWr. P-R. . Bane law- Shonu, son of Mmi. Ronald Hawthorric and tic late Mm. HwionandiMm Riobert L. Hanilten, son -)f Mm.I. ansi MIrs. Arthur Ham- iton, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, received their Ciarteresi Accouchant certificates at tIl, Preseuntatien of Mem- berslp CCrhIficahcs 1iclid byi fie Inshitufe of Charteresi Accouchtants cf Ontario et bbc Convocation helsi ln fie Cancdian Boom cf ti c RylYork Hotel, Toronto., on Fridayv, ïMarci 2nd. Mrsln HawiercMr. and DJMn. Plamoilton ttndsiticir- pres-ive cerecmony. C11ARGE» WITH ASSA-ULTI Exford Mellion 'Mecoy,1 48, RR. 1, Orojno, appea,,red in Provincial Court hiere On Tuesd.y, ar. th, faig two crharges f indecent assault. H-e was remanded eut et eustody unti! April 3rd whcn the case will be heard. Close te 300 eegan1tly LIossesd a rt levers a tt endesil 1f[ie immesi epning of aný e-xhibitioýn of tic Sculptures' ansipd nig by Rosie ans hisConempramesat fin Robert MrLangili aler in Oshawa on Tnesd(_ay v- T IR T PAGE TWO> May Be Laxe With Statema A, tîsis bcing written early Wc'dnesday af on thero appjears c(vcry likeli- boosi fat Tic Satesman will lib e ariving in Powvmanville fngh The many chaniiges tiaf have takecn place in tic( proucton cpahmeh ofi The Osiawa Times tha donsTc tsmnspresý_i- ,vork, ibave slowetl tiin 1 d cnIpdesably for cfie muatim. àf mshopesi fiat a spccdnp will cnie sooni osticir sta,-ff b-ecomes mr famlir wthticnw ma ciimes. Don't blairneyour paper dclivery boy or gi, please. maner oiey ete 1 service re rihtnte "d on MonIdaý,y îte:a cer- înitec of MHamilton Twp. Ifaproedtic slif-ter wn ai cst about $45,OO te constmnct ndsu d ld ini- (ldean icnrtrfor injuned orpiseased ammai disposi. A and severance Soeotytego alsed with ifs planstypurciase pr- ýPerty ud roced cemptitin, blinb London, aochodn pinplque sic jusigesi scýýrapbeo)ks moide bytie Ary CptanScot ciîrn rm 741 onresHwet i odngacou arouýnsihtic wo-ld i ici d- wic ws ar 0uhr prize. pictsci fie istoy i fnac- I P r f1ic ra- okdealt fon fthe Amy, ititelcl dmnil Onecf Canadisentis uae chapter,soCptabn Hewlett 1 2eam-od McloIy Abnhunobedydobyprend i agrd 7 studenit at Centirl Melods ,arns arc 1Mm . PulcSI)oc ilansi sie m, ust ani Mn.Cecl Alinf Jack- bIave rprs a xelnmnsRai.M.Albin bhas ýsapbook b cause beruenty ben tic ianlît Whti tiSal- ini tic conuSe ws M' e a tonAtrmy fer tic paît 24 third prize. ycarms.

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