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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1973, p. 3

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L BLCK STOCK Winners at the weekly card brate her sW~th blrthday. wOZ. party, this w#eek sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth carr the W.I. were: Ladies' high, Samnells have returned homc ced1 -Annle Manns; second, Predafrom an enjoyable fouirweeks' moQt GIbson; lowr, Margaret Wat- holiday in Florlda. They were ô] soni; men's high, Osmond accompanied on their holiday l1ac Wrighit; second, John Weaver; by Mr a.nd Mrs. George its iow, Charles Smith. Sarnelis of Port Perry. wasi Mr. &and Mrs. William Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Don Swalni cond Hamilton, vlsited Mrs. Aima and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swain high Fowler on Sunday'as well as left on Suinday morning for a the Mr. and Mis. George Ruther- holiday In Hawali.1 of ford, Seagrave, Mrs. Annie ypt oth cmunter Fowler, Courtice, was a ypty0fte-ta Thusda gust f Ms. imaity is extended, to Mrs. Roy men' Tole. rsd yanuet o r.A Taylor and Mr. Harry Mc- be Julie Byn entertaIned -a Laughlin on the recent pas- gani number of littie finso ing of lheir mother, Mrs. Jos. hope Wednesday afternoon to cele-Fodr Rev. and Mrs. Philip Rom-ga cr11 returned this week' fron' tean Annonce New their visit in Jamaica. NMext Aire; they are scheduled to trave] for Hleaig ustne to the West to visit their Ricli Slirnks iles British olumbiÇa. Romeril sbrînks KksMr. and Mrs. Neil BaIlley rer, ~vebmU~ubsce~ovetodre~Mr. and Mis. Brian Hamiltoni Deai hemorrhoids and repi. uma tmS enjoyed a day's curling ortea Saturday in the B3owemanvifle we'nt A renowned research institute, ha» invitational Mixed Spiel Lar found a uni.que healing su~bstance Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tomeý Laug with the ablity to shrink berner- were Sunday dinner guestF cf Cami rhoids painlessly. It relieves itcbing Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp An and discomfort in minutes and In Peterborough, celebrating com]y speeds up healing of the injured, Mr. Toms' birthday which .i, entry inflamed tissue. coming up this week, Con- Ralp] In case after case, while gently gratulations., were relieving pain, actual reduction Mr. and Mrsý. Burney Hooey S3choi <urinkage) took pae and Roy, Solina, wereStunday Day!i Moot importanit of al-resuits afternoon' guests of Mrs. M Jami were sothorough that tbisimprove. Argue and Mr. andI Mis. Tom anîd mnent was maintainied over a period Hodge and family. eîat of many mocnths. Blackstock 4-H- - Meeting Thej This waa accompished1 with a nuimber 5 began with repeat- tic-ci new hiealing subsftance (Bio-Dyne) îng the 4-H- pladgle. The roli, brokE wieh quickly hep heal injured eall was answaredi and Loise the ceils and stimujlateso growth of new Van Camrei ad the mintues Neil tissue. of the previeus meeting. Mi,ïs. Roy- Now Bio-Dyne is pffered in oint.. Martyn discusscd with us ner ment and su psioy om a ied ans for Achia-vement Day 1oid Preparation H. Askfoiaal gWa ware divided inito two and stoes Saisatonor iyoual r ony *roulia and ware shown neck_ý sentsk stoes.Satsfaio oryou'nooylina finishes and siceve and day, armhole finishes. Wa- then Th __________________Th( <Gid Q7lz e Style slh ppe SpeCializinlu: P ms -Color s - Clairol W igs Latest Cutting Techniques We are pleased'te announce k. Y5.,' ~. 4eX ('.5>' Enid Clieff fias joi-ned oui staff Enid is expcricnleed in ail phases of hiairdress- ing - Latest Cuts - "Surf Cut"- "Little Boy Cut" - Blower Drying "euq Valet Service for Lonig unir" PHONE 623-5455 37 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE . sayng it ail with a ki8s and red roses. -TWO LOCATIONS - No. 2 Hwvy. - 3 M1iles West of Bowmnaqville I Phone 623-4441 292 King St. W. - Oshawa ELLE Phone 579-1118 rkedl on our individua ,ents. Oui president ci-os the meeýting with the 4-1 tte. Janet Parsons, )n Tueýsday, Pcýb. 27t1i, thi tkstock Curling Club hel( annuel Bonspiel. The ic( skeen and ln excellen idition, comPetition wa h and fiowhpwas o hest. To add te the fur the event, two ladies ris were entered. Ali th( 's teams thougliýt it woulc nice if the gais eon z ei or two, but certainl1 )-1 it wouidn't be at theiî nexpiense. WhUle severa: elýs were close, only onE m toppled to Womnen's Lii, eady the gais are planning next year. Club PIresident Lard VanCamp presýenteri Bonspiel Trophy to the ining .rink of Glenn Lai. ýwith Bob Fletcher, Tomn m and Jim Jamnieson as -a members. Second place A to the entry of Ralph ner %vho had RoyMc ihlini, Harold Martyn andI neron Porter as bis rlnk. indication of the ketn itition. the High Secol ,y waý; ticd ln points witth Ph Larmer until scores 'e considered. The 'High ol team was made up cf d Larmer, skip, Lloyd [eson,' Floyd Asseistine Paul Mountjoy. It was a ýt da2y for the Larinarst ncxt two tearns were, also, but when hie ic(-,was en, fouîthplace wntt Floyd Argue's -rlnk witn _Werry,, Jim Grieve a-nt ,Werry. Flifth place win- was Dalton Dorrel], Hai- McLaughIîn, Ernie Swain Heîb S-wain. These pre.. ýtions concil'dcd a fine hursday £vening Guild -e Thursday Evening d- met atithe home cf Neil B.alley on. February, ~i th 15ý ladies present. Devotional wasled b y I e Bailey w:îlheVeryone2 Ig the hymïnns. was decided te Save Can-ý Packcr.s labels ag-aini. Lomiex offered to be Iný ge of them..VWe voted te hase aduit choir gowns iirgu,-ndy wvith ,lte col- 1Invitation was extcnd- fr the Worid's Day cf er to he helýd in the Nes- riPreabyterian Church arch 2nd. T.hare is to ha ;pring Bale packed -in 'h andwc aire t-aked te, ie household airticles. L~ocal Deancry Meeting is (on April 25th starting '- a.m. ln -St. John's ch. ile serva(d delicieus des- with tea and coffee. iMarch meeting will be he home cf Mrîs. Law- M4cLaughlin. c.H.S. the end of February ýotal amnounit collected for Canadian IHeart Founda- by CHS students wavýs .5. This Is about $75, than iast year's total.1 Thursda,,y mornlng ix! rits participated In the )r Mathematics contest cred 13ythe Uicst 7terloo. Goond Luck, stui- Fîiday, CHS's two hcc-- teamis (a gIrls' team and Ys' teýam) had ;a practicej eparation for taking on, 'ook students on FridaY,ý h9, whien ve are invIt-ý o participate in varieus ts at their annualj Wln1ter Ival. iough we are al look-, [rwaîd te the mid-wii-; )reak, thlere, is a s]ghItý cke In the interval in the! of second termn exams; iwili be hield the week arcli 12. Mit the booksi kitIs, and sýýpare youî-1 somie agony when Juitel salong. ?2nd Our Elaini singir Itv ada Mrs. purch ln bLi lip's. An ed fc Praye tietor on M. a sr Marc] inciud The L to be at U Churc Elal Oir at th rence By the te th eC tien S802.1 more On studer -d WE 1dents. Oni a boyý in pr( 1Mardi ed to events ing f obstac forni wichl- of 'Ma now, salves cornes Gel Cash Today For Olt] Appliances through S T AT E S MA N C LA SS 1F1E D S Phone 623-3303 lvý àl' S-1 Il ie Id !e it n SI Le d ir 9 it d e n h d 1. n h, These attending atialast -part of the 3-diay Ontarie CeetI Hoadirs Convention heltI tis weFcb. 26-27and28, ait ti Royal Yr in Terento frm Mavrs Twp., incluid- criaBraldlay.Clark losDa- v idCIsen , ÙC'uillir Lerne Cuiiiin nd Heve ïand MI". the- convention wvas "Piori- tics', uith many h' igh-lly çquaIï-] partipan ant at the varius smînas, aneis and guest speaikerIs. Amiong the Iiighi-ligh)ts wara2 KXynoter Des Newm-an, Mlayor of Whiit- by, the annual addicrass by the Minister et the D(eot. of Tran- sportation and Commýyunica- tions, the Honi. Cordon Car- ter QC.,' hacommants et Deputy Ministar A.T.C. Mc- Nabb anCi asl, a grand finale, thc addreas(ot Paul Caouatte, M.P., whvchj ws supcrb. On Saturday avaning, Yal- va rton Chiurci Hall vas fuI- .. ....cdi teocapacity ta belatedly honr i. atIMrs. Vaughn 'M 1il(ncAudrey ish er') _lh praseýntation in hono ef heirSeptember marniga. Tc %aveing ,was 'Mr. and Mis. Michael 11. Strenge plaanl ase ancig te the msic tGary Bnistow's nnslln United Church slcc ' nIlavishly tr '1immd rio.A inghTryMail- 3hcrl Maie Ahton aniriMc. acetd icgwncllalr. al,ldca t tt'pltfrmwerc \lichal HI. Srnaecag igelc lwr de hTr eda ihumoreus poc Tüt- vow t 33 graefultran anI th elbw-fclddresS ehis ow cmpes- ed niarTrage trinnt tlon11i(the first sampile fo.r ûMgock on Saturday atte- 1,n1th ilwih ascuh ubc ~Oon Decmber23, 972.Thc a a îlibx hcdpice..H c censumption) te, AutI- 2"', 972. he yand Vaugin. They were rrld istha augter of i. bida bouuetwas t hliythen prescntad with a ina and Mis. Rois H. Aaýhtoni, and ed crnatons.cabinct and a leather TV si 1H.1, owmnvileand tl)c em s thesonefiMlan(Mr. R n dailLongied.val rocker by tiec committ(e Îr Rudoîf S(Betijn( Ash)ton at isresponsible which incleri ourt, R.'trange)ftAlgin- Bir0ara Asit(n1wera te Try and Brendai acom du and thc edig nduhrn eeM.Gy was ply yMi ay As-(on 1at Mr. Clan Asýiten. on.~th Thaolit Ms Ele Mser Cat ito o The ,bride, ,wio wsgiven rcep;tion wsheltI at iîamp- in maîniag by br fie,n tonHll.Mi i i. Stre'nge oilafo ù gw f wie r eiiga' 2550 phaýrmc-i:_y aýtm st Yla puffed CAve., A cerApt. 1006. TMLa A0W1 Hold Surprise Party To Honor Couple on Sil'ver Anni, Aý belatad surprisec party was haltI racently, at the houme et Mr. a-ntI MrS. Calv-in Crago te taktic ",5111anniversary et tlîi miage. The even1ing1 starited with a birthidayý suppar rat thc home, etMr antI Mis. Blaka, on- tarie SLt.,tecelebraýte her mothar's birthiday. Tha.y re- ceda L tlpone caite ra-ý turin home te fînd thaîr house bcauitifuilly ,dcourated alid ful et relativesi. Dorothy and Calvin ware escertad te tiaeir seats an-d Kevin pinned a cor sage on his imother whiila Paul placed a bouttoniara un bis father's lapai. Mi. Jack Crago, best manl eti 2f5 yeans Pago, spoke briefly nnd Mis. Ernie Blake, thc bridasmaid, read n humoreus ccount ol tiair romance and achievemrents as wall as a nostalgic poani that brought back oltI memiories. Their dnughter Teresa, Mis. Lagon eoLf, ie .Paul and Kevini, tieln made a prasenta- tio)n to thair ï0ara,-nts on bahalf eof a priesent. Calvin thnnked the guests and axpressad their pleasurej a' h iaving eveîyone la thaîr honre te clebrLata ths very àappy avent. versa ry A ieraspîrîtcLd card gm anI uch- reminiscing, every- beaÀutifully t(ILcaraLtcd hrid-'s table te parakeoeta sump- tuoius buffet Lsupper. Th(-- re-iced wadding cake which cnîdt'icbe , ivas matIe by Mirs. MaLrk Mar- chanit and iaa,ýutifully decor- ated by -Mrs. Aithu'r Lagon 0of Peterborough. Rural Bowling Februars 274th Team Pins Pis. Hi C's283941 2 Moaplae Groea 28243 2 Salem 12 738,5 15, Ennis illen .16620 15 Hussels .. 26830 , 2 Tyrone . .267413 Il Rural-,- 2 4,242 7 7 Solina .* 5648 îý 5 Single - W. Ceembas 336 HihTripl)e -K. McGill 850 Tep 10 Averages K. McGill 233, D. Taylor' 230, D. W~I228",PB. Laird 225, B. Martin, 2231, W. Ceerra- les 218, J. Coombalos 216i, C. Goodmran 216, H. Va)nmr-InL 208, J1. Luftman 207, u ne Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ryley, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald JacksRon, Mr. Trevor Nesfbitt, Mr. Ian~ Page and Mr. FrankGabeg. Vaughn and Audrey, each ab- ly ekpressed their appreia- tion and a eliejous lunch was served to conclude the evening. Sorry to report that Don- nie Hughes of Janetville had the rnisfortune to crush his indle x finger at work in Lind- say, necessitating itsý amputa- tion. Speedy convalescen-e. Mr. and Mrs. Jamies Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Long- field were Sunday dinner guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wes 'MeMahon0f Ect'hany. lst Man.vcrs Cub News supplied 'by Leader Bruce Kellett On Jan. 27 and Feb. 27, 197,-, the Cubs partîcipated in the Pinewood Derby in PEowmanville. On Feb. 17, the Brownies, and Guides enjoyed a film on Scouting to which the Cu'bs. Scouts and Ventur- ors were invxited as their guests The lstMnvr Cubs heid their f irst Scout Church Service in Janetville United Cîhurch on Feb. 25, with the service conducted by their Chaplain Rev. Gerald Hofs- tetter, which ,vas well at- tended by members through- ouùt the township. Following the service, the Cubs provid- cd a display ef crafts and an apportunity wsprovided for the paenstemetthe leadeýrs. Thie Cbatrex- !presses his gratituclie t) al ivo ssisteci in rmaking theý ocaio uch iia suIcSS. areileVoluniteer re merin and! their laie njoy-ý ad a banquiet on Et vn ing, March 3, in Janetvillc Community Hall, followed byeý a so)cial ave ning with musie' foýr dancing supplied by ai disc jockey. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Picet and famnily of Torýontoý,wr Sudygue"sis wt r n Mr. onal-idiBron. Nght Hawks Hlgh Single, J, MeLean 2,57 Garnments are rined by pressing at homne. Proper equlipment High Triple, J. Mcecan71!J is neeessary te de god pressinïg. (244-257-212). Team Standings I"A IHN IDRES K. Halston 24,835 23ý"A IUI( *IDR ES C. Br)-uce 23,861 22 'Sundayý, March llth - Toýwn Hlt B3. Wiibur 231,8ý95 18 TwoShw 7 pan. aud 9 p.mN. B. Smnith 23,8 76 16C D. Ogdcn 2 3,30-)0 1(' K. Campbell 22,8,91 1 Averages (180 over) I~U I I ,The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanv-llle, Mar, 7, 1973 Citizens of Clarke Meei with Hydro on' Tran smIssI*on Lines Citizens of thc ai-en were stnip and then lease it back given an opportunity recently te the owneîs. at tic Claîke Towniship Hall A typical question at thp lu, Orono te express their meeting was, "do -yuu velue views as regards the placing wooded areas cil crop lands, ef, Hydre -transmission lines or orchards, or turban arcas across thc aiea. Tie meeting etc. more than something cise? was sponsorad by Ontario The audience was aise given Hydre who were in attend- sheets te fili eut neting their arce along with represcntativ- preferences cf what should be as froni their censuting fin. pîotected. These questienaires T'ic audi'ence ef soe 30 will ba tabulated te ascertain wazs intornmed that the meeting tic, wishes ef the people. . was called te acquaint tic Tic meeting was infonmed peopla et the' aiea with the itint a f uither meeting wiil be aspects et planning antI plac- held lata in Maîci or April ingn transmission lines across a when n proposaI will be pie- municipality and mest imper- sented by Hydre for n corridor tant te fid eut wiat values for the new hydre uines tie people placad on the phy- tirougi Clarke Township. The sical and psycholegical aspects corridor will be of suci -a et thair'community. It was alse width tint adjustmients can be stated that Hydro bcd as yct made whan reducing it te tic net set a corridor for tic requiied 600 tact. lines. -Orene Times Hydre will censtruct tiree towar lunes frem Lennex te a Rent a Car for tmmnsormer, station te ba ocated in tic Osawnaiaea. Iti A DAY OR WEEKEND ivas aIse stated tint tuis site Ask for Rac hiad as yet, ta ha ciosen. COUXTY It was pointed eut thit the I tir(e transmission lunes will1 CHRY SLER-DODGE LTD. r-equLirc a width ef soe 60 62.3- 586 tatHydre rlprhs u ______________ ~flry Claners 6kuc/dec A young Scientist wnýes tlic inventor cf a rocket projectile. Hae tooik it te the testing grouinds eut in the desaît. It was set up, teuebaed off, and fiew% straight up for hundreds ot miles. Wheni it renchedl the penk et its fiight, a caméra photogrnphed the entire earth. A tew days inter someone asked how the picture had conte out. "«Net se geod," was thke reply, "Semebody moved." CLEANERS LTD. SA. Saiman 197, C. B'ruce 194» B. Smnith 191, D. Og-den 11 K. Raîston 19n. J. McLeani 188, M. Trimible 185, P. Dyk,- stra 18,5,'A Lerusse 182, 1I. Hulma 1821, B. Wiliuî 181, A. B3urges 181, T. .Wright 181, J. Rewe 180, K. Canipeli 80 623-5520 "We Spacialize In Shirt Laundering" ~'F~NE84 KING ST. W. Mr. and Mrsý. Ronýald Albert Donohu i a vary rtt ed gformial langth gown e og o-da cf silk ilsinand she caur- on Friday veningi, Ja nuary c(e2 ii nlncrsa-ried a bridcascdeere 11")ý,, 9,7. Reereici arrs lute - i,1 ýroscs white caýrnations -and l9ith,17,Ha adHrrslteeoeigtime ihbaby's breat-h. itdin miarri;age Marilyn alancon lace î. ILong ,s'beer The bri d Esm, a îd w as Miss Lou)isa Mteai'dagh(a)etpuffed s vaa , withil long Jacquclyn Davis and the best Mr. and Ms.Alvin Melteaif, tength cius xcre t1rinmmed maii Mr. WyeHres RFI . 2 Bwavle and Hon- with hn-aeappliquesý, Aý A wedding eepinheldi 31d Albacrt Doneoghue, son *of mandarin cla and an ajt- at the CenteniaýiHll wa 1s Mr. anrd Mros. A'l1bert Denoghue tached cashedral trin wii ere followed by aàoeyontrip Of Bemavie is. Court- trimmied îth lenconlace, te Niagara rFalîs. The h lappy ice vas the erganist. The( headpiece etcrysta adcouple are rcsdîing at 15 NaL- The bride was lveyin ia sequins hld ainge-tipve'ilson Street,Bomnle Married in Ennisk illen United YiVRO Mr.and Ms.GaraltI Mc- i ii arr-ivcd hoe byplane on Thursday, March lst tramn the sun ny suhwhecre they had býaen baskn ini the sun the past 2-3 ek or se. Mi CaeRobinsonairriv- cd homa thcu latter pat thîs waak tfram a short lholi- day in the Bahamas, nicaly browne,(d off by tasun YelvertenU.C.W. e Aoc 4 thc hospitality ef Mli. and . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . fflMrs. Ailan H we fer their Marchmetn on Thursday, MardhIlst. Thu meeting was chaired by the Pies. Mary Moore withi Sccretary Vera Staples racardinig tic, minï- was mallde te Chutrci secret- iar-y nd $10.00 ta 4H1-1Clb Dýcoratinig the churci was discussed. Pregram wý,,as pro- vi'ded, by Thora Gray and Mari aria Stinsen. 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 623-4481 "Where Friendly People Meetý"I Carpet IN, BOWMANVILLE LJ , BECAUSE WE CARRY EVERY TYPE 0F CARPET PLUSIIES - TWISTS - PLAINS - and PATTERNS WHru T AT PRZICES FOR% EVERZY BUDGET, NUDG TH15 WEEK'I#S SPECIAL O Z Tr RUBBER BACKED$26 sq. yd. 12'WIDTHS -ALL COLORS WE CAN PLEASE EVERYBODY WITH OUR CARPET SELECTION PROFESSIONAL APPLICATORS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Use Your "CHARG;EX" McG'REGORmIHA 95 KING St. W. 623-2 542 BOWMANVILLE March 1, 1973 Dear Friend: The Bowmanville and District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society is conducting its annual appeal for funds in Bowmanville- and the surrounding area during the mionth of March. in order to mnake you more aware of the Red Cross role in this commr.un ity, we bring the followirig points ta your attention: a) 987 units of blood were collected at local valunteer clinics ta ensure adequate supplies for our local hospital and to f iii requests for special blood types for heart surgery. b) 24 aclts and children received new clothing and bedding following f ires or family emergencies. Several other families were outfitted with used clothing. c) 125 articles of sickroom equipmient <hiospital beds, wheelchairs, crutches, etc.) were loaned FREE ta persons ilI at borne. d) 2,100 sewn and knitted articles of clothing and bedding were made by Womnen's Work comnmittee members for LOCAL, national and international disaster relief. e> 25,000 swabs and wipeswere completed for the Blood Transfusion Service b-y local women, thereby reducing the cost of procuring life-giving blood. f) 12 persans took part in a Home Nuring course conducted by the Branch. g) 35 Girl Guides in Orono and Kendal received First Aid certificates. First Aid Demonstrations were given ta schools and interestedgroups. h) Red Cross trained instructors and examiners led 1,500 children and aduits in Water Safpty & Swim programmes in four communities in the area. Equipmnent and teachlng aids for these classes were provided by the local Branch. i) Six Homemakers were placed in 1l homes where illness necessitated extra hetp. Everyone mnust help if we are ta assist ou,' less fortunate neighbours as wé, bave done in the past. We ask for your financial support so that -Jhe Branch objective of $3,100.00 may be reacbed and your Red Cross can continue to serve the people of this area. This î-, a practical and positive way ta put inta action your desire ta Iielp others. 1~1973 2-DR. SEDANS 1600 C.C. ENGINE, 4-SPEED TRANSMI1SSION, RACK and PINION STEERING, HIGH-BACK BUC-KET SEAT.S, DELUXE DOOR TRIM AND CARPETING. No. 1 IN SMALL CAR SALES s2u34~ *APPROXIMATELY $150 UNDER THE QENERAL'S SMALL CAR PRICES. HOW ABOUT THAT? Contre

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