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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1973, p. 5

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I'ey Fais Gap by1 ing8 Ho urs Later Dy CGAIL 8 TOCKHOLýGM who had been teaching anrcarthy and countrylsh iln E n --,u r r Ma leïî rihie unusualïy boavi' acheduleo of'characler, and the last holds Howwoud yu lke be leSssons at the Conservtor marvelous cotrasts, first of cail aIthre icitheIora-from 9 ta 6 during Jtho past hi-e fluthe,-rlng and caiprlioujs ing ~ ~ ~ J ,n 0h kdi o tbrcc davs, had asrml water srite and thoin of the coud wlptogth apiano durlng the carl' hour ftc ctv, feminino nature recta hfor na.. o tîcm'orningb pulogether a she assumeý-s. Dudloy's p1y samo dy? full scale recital of eighl Ing wasý best, 1 thought, iln Tha ws ba *hppiencd virtuoso picces and practise the "Ondinie". to ai'Duici, CîlgCn-bm He gct goirng labo morea ex- seratoi'ni usi panit- For ont- group o! Debussy. pressive playing Ir. thc dark in-raldeiceThurdaywboen pleces, hoe didnev-1e-ýn have sonorilies of Lsts"ueal Ih MticeMusiai'aSole- the music at homoi, and ils" and ended the conicert duedaris, ar tCs 'a, took hadn't plai'rd the pieces ici wilh a goup off four of Cho- a hadfai on Stouffer's Inn concert since Novemriber. Ho Pin's most famîýliar works stirway afer cisectilng thc picked the music up on the ý the sentimental love soag Brnz Bomwhrethe con- way tri the concert. Ver' few stmains of his Etude, OpLus 10, cert w Ls, tkepla-e. (Mm. performers would ho w1Illig No. 3, the cbromatic Valse In Dudci'isthe JO!0fMo. C.,,to ake on the public and t-be EMor, the m elanchocly and H.DdeCutc, n nisudr hs odtoscontemplative Maýzurka, Opus natve f Bwmavile). but be know the Matin,_ee17, No. 4 and the famous A- TheufotnaeMisCot Mscaewomenwre esFitPlns. bad no roen 'XbonES, but pecale wlth a turnout. of 1000 HIis Chopin playi*ýng ws badfly t îised br 'ack anti or so expected. Ho tooka en but somew,ýhat hl nekfocig er10cace chance for Iheir saýke. hckem-otionalli'.lie plays not or] e Cninaicn Afier the concert, ho saj(jid iîic a manner siilr the cený L husdy orning ul ith a smile, "You knjow ,Haydn. - flent b ut-nol'i- also an apperance aI thewhen they telephoned me aIa ran rmanlcwaMes Wh!e ~oue Tursayriiht.3 .m. Ithlnk 1I must bavepcily intercsling 10 mcl MenwPe, Mm udîi'Y, been stiIl asleep whcn I said, was bhis encore wbicb idn' - Yes. l'Il do it' ko, ya Hess' arran-ge- P. li Ia, m Bt'ýntl nd apl -ent of Bacb's "Jesýu, Joy ofi I Rni Ca fr Bt t~ tleend bapîl'.Man's Deirlng.' I thoo,,ght D A O W E K N D T h e l r e c r o w d d id s o w U p . _,erje l r e e t A ~~~There Ihedn'i even heen lime1 i W------ Ask for Rae COUNTY CHRYSLER-DOOGE 623-2586 A A e e 847 ROGE-- r TITe .,T h4 The'L-! pâ tfer y Win TroDhies for Writinq' Remernbrance Day Poems 01, Sunday afte111rnoon at the Lelgion Hfall, these C'ourtice S.S,, being congratulatled by Deputy Zone ~oung sý,tudent wincr -wre pruesented with thie ir1, Cormmander Jim Sullivan of Ajax, Billy Franc-so trophies ,,Inlte Zone Literary Contlest o, h etCrwih Central and Stewart Smith, of Solina.1 poemns and essays conicernýing 'Remeomb-rce Da'FThe Neaýrer Remecmbraince Day, we hope to publish several winnei(rs, from left to rgt Elaine Stade,, Newcastl-e; of thiese poemis and eqssays that, are most interesting. Mary Clugston, Port Peýrry 2n) Therese Brown of adto ,announce oeach num- voieryrsetbl rga ber But respeUale or nerCornes Second at Napane 4th UDowrnanvolle LTD. auIenetkt h eggûn such shiort notice. i'd woman wo was ub PackAttend IngoL young man and bis pro- grece with the general seniti-' %u ad t e d -~ grm.preserit fromn the cormmunity' lieplayed ail eight num- where the planist lives: "Fin- <ua i accur aly. wTh auie gavend sadt lmepatcly A n aanquet ber clml, ithpose ndneytown Ls proud of y-ou!" flý hi astndngovtion at the1 Youcan ltIlia poe.!os Sinday F,,bruary 25th, 1973 Derhy â edan h t -Aidtlsw of the r atiudehec.h cis r wsthe wn pof Bdn akbrought hmetc sai ths ws oly he ecod idow. Ddle ba it Poell Week trophies from the finals. June standing ovation given b,, --Cincinnati Enrquirer. t in the miorning thie b 's72 saw the auction sale, and th clbwll.lnThatte-no:ýd dst.Johnli ngicnCamoî was also held in cil er Chu vch for.theScouts Owchthis: month. Cubs endced ini Perma. Ti ~ ~Sevie aon wîhMilothier June "72 wîth a ,basebal zoule' rogramrl began' flhnty U Y W Cubs, P Scus rw Iend game, and wiener roast. witl Scarlatti's Sonataiii . in ...Ids September '72 saw the Cubs Mior . 4. TaynInte veîg hy ee uy ith a bottie driveand ho bas a nîce, neat h eur etingo Lg_ na dicîiouïs cîkndin thon iin O-ctober '72 was the ligh!t touclith such classics. UCW was hleld-in the e richurcb -niralPrkatlilApl Da- 11n Haydn.'s Iast Sonata ili hail.l. Mrs. T. IRehdcer opened ,nrbth MmoilPkanalApeDy the meeting wýitha ecoe *5 .- socaion whosponsor the TetsulCrsta aty -FaNo. 6, hle again show- .4hPc adsre y Thewastld withSantiýsa Cau edcrsp distinctions between t al ie ad a e red- .w I ldies 0fthe Assciation tto pand legato passages Jh erfect Churiich"' -->> .Gac a adb1eyTbigpeet aidiarticulated some of the frM te Combo magazine. îi( '/-acriOe ark Cap1Y îT.InnJo1973 the Pinetwood Derby anmute tit h s of the îast mieet i ws el in January aind theý coo n raata hi'wr ead by Mrs. L. oîilng ho, during , temonn 4th Pack again had oneiý winc- brandsome lato work bas.Hi..Toinsevcbaben renede. Interpretatîve approach is snadaprvd'raqrr"11~ wt cu Pae cr J erayth t ak somewhaischolrly an a reprt rea b..Mr. A. Wfrom the 4th iCub oPacýk. ime(t uw!th the 3rd Pack for a utleband temperament-'lly Hri n r.F aneo -"-ý gae h Crrsonin ece Presentatio)ns were mde to, Foni Night. This brings us i. [or my taste theM !(,four laesadthe aoundagain into thebanquet.1 ho eslow movementNfet trysReprttable goests and o(ther 0Onc1 of the biLgblights of the' T Mrs H. Jefmefarcyo m(laders and group cominmittee l 1evening for the Cubts was the that; IniHaydni's aetln ipa bnme ceitoue.pectatiun ,of the Ciib Pins. truc held May l~~7111 and second- Oi r.Bbe ab ws time tempos were f,î1werber. Niebiolîs, thio D.C. iEc boy a called t ther ,Ihan our's today. But by the edb rs .Slt.Mr.K! ,soke- briefly. front and Pis his record wasi MacKenilian saetoken, thie music rmiust ze iiesi n b gue ýtstspeaker' of the ornad bis pin was fastened to, bagtogether con)vincingl oia cio omite gv ýeeiîgws i George Char-< bis oeckei-chief.- frtemodern car. Too riuh asor al n icsso o - ad, th(' D>C.C, wlo was The 4tb Packs would .lik2 spacinig out of the ideasre us . -e urg............. hi lat i- pent e wîth n, i aay ora duces thilemomentum and Di veris acugnl odd . i - h akH k oan ik'sFrTpîs0 casstemdmlsee 0for the Caincer' Asoito.w~' h Life of LordBaencoel owngîem to) Pttbe Scout-! -Ise.thmoenlsee oMrs. M. slute reprted o0adgae)os ifrmtieGudeWek display In bis losetrack of the linos 0 f the "iiveove" projcts; MissIl mial ý architecture. Muiel B-- () i(ý jIniaI adswt a e an sides. windforow. The Debussy group incliid- afî f By.Teeeîn a ocue oigeet o t Er'ie Snideur of Niciiajoigua, and d"Brouillards" (Mstsý),"'a.wtbagopfshrmvisPc Mrc 21,Skin Puerta del Vino" and"On- he Canad-iý(ian Indians in SaLs- The Zone 9Oa omncto etvlwsbigson at;Arl141h, Visqit 10 dine," the last based (onlthe \katcbewaniý. . Or ocial Con- býieldF I -, ' In paooee with sîDelakoîs front Se\on' Doring se vnigthe ScieneCnr: a 2h venr rs C.Donc, gveîLG 1,M LItîa1re's repor0 1t wa givenIAuction al: ay26tb, AMhl- tailc of a water spirit whobrrprt oicî e cmen)ro oson o - Mr.andu rs ýda eumof rthe yea's Ictic Dy;June Srd, Dir-: gained a soul by marrying a Unt 'rwsin charge of the aol aio,0ap0 came tlsecond in isiý class ýnd atvte a read. bead Srie oclt-7h The irs is ranparet wrshi sevic ith Mriis. C. is beîg reenedhee ihbis awaI r"-by Jack luirla arh,1972, Ithe boys Cuborce.Soe imin Ma -iteoeodi rî'sni hehi.Ms.L tteOtroBlevle tdteAeaand wrfw opetohold a bo4ttilrie _____________ x-drbftest'dforhir skatingiadFeÀ lic 4til Pao-k Cube re meet - ng Tlie Gîeateâst ,iis rus ai boo.sor ndGop omttio Cthe interrupiïons wic oan __________________of_______________________ J BF)O0 S1 L VER P LAT-1E s$0 much t10Ius as they -iid t o noroih ed G ArtePncàdams ucesu er Jesus, anid wt live a chtail he in tu ti s, theIm pression of ~t c nMrs. h. Ayre favored ul s p c lrn C m et io witb a lovely solo, "My Task", eak nCo p t i n accomipanried by rs J. Mýuni- day Prayervas given hy Mrs3. D~ y IAleen Aked î esenited by,,'the Prýi sdent 0L. Tomlinsoni. makes a wî ne<'*' Per-Ms Akeud, for beîL'ng top) Re.W. Oake shlowed clr as absamabov a1iýl eae fo DramCu1y ed lids 0 th Comunsiproducesta 4ailty 0comr- second -the ,Aleen Aked Chiistianuity Woorld Pence Tour. munica-te, to iil icapur anudi-Aac w9wnby Susan Hlis interesting and informa-oneadooteudo.po-Cty Crwigt Pbc til iive oîezbyrb Notbubelan- Shcolxx o;p(oke from c- We'T Yos l n uram Cunlty Boar id of pieinc on orthodenctia "Bma- liog GermIlany, Bulgaria IEducýatio, 12 speakers ailwi- e On!Y,Teeth' inciz oncise, andre1'tilirn to New ,York. MNr. noce font ltbiirsoboolii, oe -illiietrativýe omannIer'. '"1ird Oakwashigyhonred le ted in the 1NortbumberLand- aadthle R. J1. RusihieldABO T HE F UR seron Durhm ubicspe-aking finals'i1o (,;ilanFinilay, H illcrest in Germii', Prague and Ms reeetiyschools on F'eb).'Public SIchçîol, .%ith "Extra chose esterdy loos love 00W.Mrs. E. 'TIompson eLXf4ha c .B oesSnoyPreto. pcese0tVnk e0Mr. y meSehool, Porit 1Hope. suoetsl cuddimgn 'and RevthOke. - HosilfortA.ovLitl s ian uerstition, problsWE THE MANAGEMENT AND OL IMrs. R. Coomrbes gv-1ePicpa1ay .Lt o hoof beilng a child o haIngtwn. 4{e7nq thi î issonàY Prayýer. Mrs.H nîdcdCarmnGre rtes Chtalie( 1rownil you peci Gp-col%,ell h)ougihi cards so-Witilld, Tr-ustee from - anoatihui poy Kng: YOUR HEALTH AND WELFARE, BECAUS lia).Judeswer Ms.outh Snoounoo s 'e a dcicjta you service. ing the wayin wbich 'the lMonagba.Jdo eeMs' ibbsoia aî nCb Crsma ads.are used thatlill, Mrs. Sue Lawson, Mr. lourg andthe atomi b ) o DEPENDS ON IT. Swe send ho Rev. Ted Coîwcîl IFred Thoumas whule Mrs. HirosIhni. lDuringi interv-als, a inBmzil rs-owels 1Nancy Thomas was lime-keep - îarge cidrnschoir enrter- has doniatei a seut of T'V tabIles eIr.- Each filist was introduc-,taIined wit songs, of Canaoda, ______________________ l the hurchhall n memri' d hy numberi, spoko on theirýWbistle ia Hîïppy Tune Ibo -ir ,ECR BU H ULT ofMs Ae îd r ndr eece ioio(011 ho xcedljoy ini -inging was greaitly ap-E AEABU TEQULT Soni.. MetLing closeýd with h ive inte)asthon as1kedprcil .Many jumplïs and - - Mizah Beedicion. quetion i' eah jdge1 Lîips cr done ini a tulingir_, ING; OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT. Stamrps, Doinion Sftore tp etsublJeet kowcgeind acrobaI)tie poîforman(eune osnyon ad uedeyglsses flisbed hI' roiading a few para- the guidance of Mr. Richaýrd A . are equested.grpseetd by a judge Holm, Cenitral ulc eol Coig vnt:March 2nd, fo okcoe ytebybsppl ubt h m WE CARE ABOUT THE FACT THi Wo(rld Day of LPrayoai3al- speaker. The restiwas a azemni itof tihe auience. vatio ArmyCitaýdel - 2:30 deligbtful evening ofi enter-DAR INTE IS IC, ND NED - 2:30 pm Mrh201h, Casser- tajoment. AR INTEDS ICNDNED7 'Ieupper- 6:30 pl.m. Bringý Each contestant received a fvrt ecipes, for cseoles, miniature trophy. First award Geneal eetng hoDawson Sbield, went 10 Iind Sebool, wbooprealli' wongihe!l7o , BUY THE BEST FROM YOUR ONI Apil4h Pehyera A-race on biis "Ten Speed Bicy- BY PHIONING 623-5444 - OR BY SUPP09 -' , nal Meting t TriityUited ,cIe" ici alively' enthusiastie C1îc 9:30 ar, Bey R. C. maýnne, riandilso won the - ' C Plant will ho the guiest sPLak Durham Couniy Club Sbhield vSu ic liM, Y! E Xi !IOW'.IANViLLF. G;ET CASH TODAY FOR lD APPLIANCES CLASSIFIEDS PI-1NE 62,-"303 The th,"e, as wekai rî ~outice wsthie (n 3k. Plan Fourtnostt'U ful annual ublicto of the spec- orne plaice in whch few students and teaclaers h ook part. After ý'n Port Hope tuhe presentation, the sales sky- r-ocketed Iand during the whoile The annuai home show wl ek sales douled. býe held again ibis yenir un -May On Moni(ii dai tfenon the '251h and' 26th in the %ee-sholws visitedh' aver' Campbell Memiorial Rink, Port lalen1ted 1and ihlarious basket- Hope. This announicemeot wasJ bail tcam cailled the Clfmi mnade todai' bi'Al M. Morris, Cutiesý. TheLy put oniaver promnoter of the show for the fîuncryýiic'iy netrii igper- past four years. formanctlle and beat ourita, Mlc.r working on the flooir At Belleville on Wdedy plan over the wcekcnd be thle Chi)ir competed inc te said there were the regular Rotari' Music2 Festival and exhibitors lin-ed up plus an ad- boglhomie a firsi prize in dition tbis year of antique fur- their division wihha excellent niture anid if space permhitted,, score of 34 points. The adjudi- bonits, moitorcycles and a smalcatorcmmne on tlie cn-, showing 0of sporling goods1thusiasmi and sýpirit of tire choir along witb hcampers and Ial- which ,is la credit t10 hhcm as, ors. But, he added, first and well as lu Courtice. frmost il is sili the Home TeBna cmpae and Gardon Show that baq agamnstBomvil on Thurs-i pleasedl the public before. -, day and losI hi' a lone baskýet. There- is stili sonne centre High scorer for Coiurtice wa s space 1eft ho rent as there, Goyno wiithh16 points. alassome "late corners" he- The irls' Gynastic team added. if somneone is re-mod- bias been practising over thie elling ot, building or deoorat- ps monlh or so and are now ing, Ibis le certainli' the show etting readi' for somne up-, 10o put i'tou ini the mood as il cýominig comnptitiors. On Tues- covers everytbing. Last showv day, somne of the girls travell- was att.ended hi' over 8,00 in cd to an invitaiional mecet andý the two dai's and as usual caime up wvi1lh a fine shoin , there is no admission charge which gives, us se in îSighl and f ree pautking. loto thei'r comnpetitivo sceason.î The Canadian Statesman, Bewmanvilie, Mar. 7, 19735 Pu pi -Teacher Ratio Increased The Board of. Education for N-orthumberland-Durham vot- ed at their Thursday Marcb lst meeting ita tentatively increase the pupil-teacher ratio in' secondary . swoob fromn 17.5 to 18 ta i1 for thé Comlng year. Director of Education W. F'rank Thom said, Increasig: the ratio may mean that ýthe teachIng staff may have to be reduced. He added that sucb teacher cutbacks will bel divery, very few, 1 shouid hope." One of the Problems which bas arisen Is that some teach- ers at the secondary level are specialists, and cannot be re- assigned to other schools In the Unlted Covnties. Fo7r, ex- ample, Mr. Thom said, the-re has been a general decrease In the number of students taking drafting. The Board voted: unani- m"OuslY ta set a tentative student-teacher ratio figure at18 ta 1 this year. MAPLE GROVE 4-R Hom emaking Cluxb On Wednesdlay, Feb. 28th, theê fifth meeting of the Ma- pie Grove Sewing Club was ;'ed In the chiurch hall. Pre- iidenitBeverly Wri ght 'lcd thfle m-eetinîg to ordler and eacb giRrl showed what she had done on hier garment since last week. Mrs. Prescott de onstrated how to set Ina zl-eeve. The res;t of the meet- 1ing was spent sewing on our outfits. Be sure to visit eur next Beltoue Service Centre HOOPEIS JEWELLERS, LTD. 29 Mutg St. E., Bowmanvlle THURS., MARCII Sthl 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. DIANNE BERNATR 410 George St. N., Peterborough, Ontario Phone 745-3244 *TU NE -UP *SAFETY-CHECKS *BRAKES *MUFFLERS Now on Sale at MacDONALD FORD Get Ready for S--pring BODYWORK and PAINTING FA'.ST PROFESSIONAL, WORK AT PRACTICAL PRICES 623-4481 &E DAIRY CARE 0F BOWMANVILLE JR 24 LOCAL EMPLOYEES CARE ABOUT SE THE -FUTURE OF OUR FAMILIES OF MILK PRODUCTS YOU ARE DRItNK- AT WE ARE THE ONLY CANADIAN ro STAY THAT WAY. LY LOCAL SUPPLIER. HOME DELIVE-RY RTING THE FOLLOWING STORES: * A & p store e M'acDonald's Variety * Graham's IGA a Frank's Variety *Dykstra's Food Market e Larmer's Groceteria *Bryson'"s Smoke Shop e Bolduc's 'General Store *Goheen's Handy Sliop * Tom's MiIk e North End Market a Dairy Barn Store IF IT'S 5kn Raw IT'S GOQD AID WEARERS Botter service for your hearlng ahi Mans better hearing for, yfl

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