6 The CndinStatesman, BwnvilMar. , 173 adIndians played toa1- tie Seelrsgojal was scor-ed by Drew' Kearney. Forý the -Indianis itwas Michael Larmer assisted by Kecvîn Taylor. In the second gamre the Arnericans and Hornets tied 4-4. Brad Clemenïs scored three t1imes, John Malire One and assisting was David Kraanfor the Aniericans. For the Horn- ets it was Houf Geis ier two goals, Ralph Rozemi-a One goal and Joey Davis one goal. As- sisting was Shaughn Hof(uston, Chris Mann and Stephexn Mar-, tin. On Thurs., Feb. 22nd- the Indians defeated the Hornets 2-1. For the Indians it was Kevin White one goal, David Hogarth one goa;,l anidJinmy Hogarth one assist. For the H-orniets it wias Stephe-n Martin with Ralph ROzemna assisting. In the second gaine the Blades heat the Ranmgers 2-O. For the Blades, Tim- Preston and Paul Canfield. ATOM LEAGUE Thurs., Feb. 22nd, Fargo's beat Fisk Fuel SeaIs 3-2. Goals f or the Far-go's were by Jason Johinson, Pauil Cooke and Ryan Kearney. Assisting was Mfa r k MacLean, two and SeeBn nister One. For theý Seals il, was * Gary Vyfshaýft anu-d Scottel scorig Ih LHenry Roz)ema and iMark Lemron assisting. Saturday sawv the Ma1-rianna Tigers bet te Ramns 9-0. For the Tigers it was Darrell Jones wihfive goals and one assist, Doug DiIlling twogoals, Wayne Port er onle goal anýid an assist, Robert Thompson one goall and an assist, Dan Jennings and John Thiiel one assUst each. The Royaýs cdefeated the, Kinsmen 4-1. For theRyas Tedd.(y Wicerpoon ,onega 'mailan asist, Dana Pee-blesl on and one, Kennethi Hoy one goal, Pau! oris n gal and Dan Sch-ultz one assiast. Stephen IMaguire suocredthie onyKinsmen goail. Bruins beat theC Bisons 1-1. For thle Bruilns -,Rodne-y John- so-n one goal,Dou lasAIman one goal-,, Alan Turney one, goal and John Gutesone assist. Fo)r the isons it was Bob Turriicoie goal and Dan- iel DesousIFa One aIssist. Frank's Variety and the Clippers tied 3 -3. For Firank'F Variety Randly Hanthorýn one goal and one, assist, Mk Joz- koski ne gaTodd Hoe one goal)înd BooeBinonej ass.ForY the CiIppersCarl Cabrtwo 0goalts, Brian éiNSURE MY FRENCH POODLEý-?" You ma,; be suirprised t Iearn h-1Cw many r is k s nd exposures you have ithat are uninsuredk. A free sauvey by the James InsulranlCe ALency Ltd. can give ou eneOf mnd that yrm are adlequately, but net e-isrd 24 King St. E.Cox ]100 BOWMANVII.E,ONAJ DOUGLAS S. JAiE:S~ Office 623_568 j <I~ Residence 62,15023 0 ~tonReviews RECREATION HOCKEY LEAGI as or Saturdlay, February GP w L TYKE LEAGUE Blades 15 8 5 Hernets- 15 8 6 Americans 14 8 5 Indians I15 7 5 Rangera 15 6 6 Cardinals 14 5 5 Stcealers 14 5 7 Foi-ester Royals 14 2 10 ATOM LEAGUE Frank's Variety 13 il 1 Royals--- 13 10 2 Marianna Tigers 14 9 4 Far go's 1:3 9 4 Fisk Fuel Seals 13 7 5 Kinamen 13 S55 LinsClipperas 1 3 9 I.G.A. Bruina 13 4 9 Rîce Bowl Bisons 14 3 10 Rama - ----. 13 1 12 PEE WEE LEAGUE Blades Frank's Variety Goodyear Rangera Robai-y Kingas W-L Wings Canadians Counby Ch-ry.------ Bruina Hawks Leafs ------- BANTA M LEAGUE 1 Bennetb' Beavers-- Kinarnen Indiana Mi- Bubble Cuba SharkF, Flyers Panthers Braves H-1uskies-- MIDGET LEAGUE Cornetas M.Royals P.R.S. TYKE LEAGUE S -phnMai Brad Clemnens Draw Kaarney---- Danny Elliotý Marty -Enwin ---- Jirnrni-y Hogarth ATOM LEAGUE Brooke Bain Dan-ah Joncs Jaff Sallowa -- DulsDilling M ar acLean ---- PE WEE LEAGUE Leo ar iWite ------ Jody -Rosa --- Ahlan Brunt - Dean 1Rubherfo-c1 Tin Jne ilrairk Leach Don Childa Bob) Sharîbz MIDGET LEAGUE 'O SCORERS 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 * 13 14 13 14 12 13 12 UE STANDINGS 24th, 1973 T Pts. GF 2 18 30 1 17 57 1i 17 48 3 17 26 3 15 27 4 14 36 2 12 32 2 6 il GA 30 29 37 34 25 31 39 42 il 15 22 26 38 33 49 38 333 65 28 40 25 39 50 43 40 e3 0 ! 53 28 4.5 26 46 34 59 50 66 M2 48 53 56 104 A, 1ts. PIM Piusty lVlQunid14 2 7 8 35 17 Tom Wreggitb 1 19 9 2 Bob Shackleton 14 18 10 28 0 Johni Turner. 14 15 12 27 8 GereIowan 15 12 12 24 20 1'E-E WEE LEIAGUE bbc eCainadians 8-5. Fer tbbc Thie Winigs daefeabcd thelBrie-s, Allan Briun1t i-ce ,Lentfs 7-1in la bbcfi-st gamaet olGlae-iiF-rrîll twvo, Gor- bbce wock. For bbc Wlags it w'as dlon Shr naga nd tbwo Art, Bons, thi-ce goals, Leonard assistas, ichard I-vina ena aad White one goal and tbwe assista, enae, Trevor Hanijiton oe goal, Quinni Jamnes two goalJs, Bruce Eari Doyle b1wo asssaad Gina oae goal and assiats!Aia Ashton oaa ass-*at!. For w.et te [oStaphea Laurion, ScottLbbc Canadlians, EKevin oole Lîntea aad Paul Osborne. Forlbwo goals, Jodly Roýsa(nea goal, tbc Lents, Maitic Gruytars ceid bbrea assista, Tomi Fowli oea goal wbiila Rodnay Dawallî Te- goal and twe a'ssisaIvanl and Camai-on Gordon di-ew Cunnngb.nm one goal aadi asisa.Bruce MvacLeod one assiat. On Fi-iay, rina defatbed Thie Blades beat bbc Rba- Kinga 6-2. For bbce Blades, lb] Reet a Ca1r for was Scott Down bw oalsand A DA ORWEEEND one, nssist, Tai-i-y Tran 9ne goal, tw,ýo assists, Jay N,ýi-(ugon oaaic ,isl for R'au . . . ge-aiand one assiat, Ben Kobes COL'NTY oe goal, Mai-c Bissonebte oaae LT.goal, aasisiil-g was Richard(1 CHRSLE-DOGE TDOshorne and Paba Namniaz. Forý 623-2586 bbce Kinga, Sidniey Tomiasear one geai, Jim Murphy Oe goal1 ndKeibh Sheeban 1twe asSîsts.J Si, ' . i, 4+1, +b us -iltv 4~ TRENT UNIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION 1973 AT TRIENT OFFERS YOU * 52 COURSES IN 18 DISCIPLINES * SIMALL GROUF TïEACING, *j VAAINADSETTING Trent's 150ar camqpus at the northern edge of Peterboroughs offes summer session students a femnarkably attractive conination of smal group teaching with an unmnatched suminer setting. Tutorias and seminars are used~ to complemnent lectures and to pçovide for individual participa- tion. Summer cmrses for 1973 are offerd in: Anthro- pologyý, (5),Bilg (3), Cheity (U), Classicl Studies (2), Economnies (2), Englishi Literature (5). Frenich Stud!ies (2), Geographiy (5), Getrmlan (1), Hsspanie Studies (1), Hsstory (3), Mathe- m-aties (4), Native Stu.ýdies (1), Philosophy (2), P'hysics (1), Polities () Psychology (a), Sociology (4). Two courses wvill be offered in Trinidlad this sttmi- mer, if enouigh applications aire received. They are An-thropoloýgy 30 (West Indian Cutltitre) atnd Geography 23U (Recreation Geography) and w7ill be offered on the St. Auigustine( camipus of the Upiversity of the West Indies. Applications for either of these courses nmust be received by April 2, 1973. Summaer session begins Ju]-y " and concludes August 1M. Deadline for applicat!ions (except as noted above) is Ma-y 1, 1973. Inquineswibe wloidby: Dirckýtor of Prs.ieStudies, Trent Uni-veresity, - uu111 uJtOll. Kci -slî'Beves defeated tbbc Hawks6-1.For bhc Beavars, Dal Viiantwe goals, oeaqn-' Siat, Staphen lMa-ybarry bwoj geioaa assiat, FuOsorniel Uea"goal, bwo assista, Carl Smibh neagoal, Oaa assiat, Davidi Kennedy t-wo asista, Perry Jehason onensi. For tbcHawsJea Fow!in acoredl. Business lYirectorv j Wm. J. iH. COGINS Chas-tarari Accautti 115 Liba-ty S't. S.,Bom vil Phona 623-U612 WLIMC. IHALL B>.Comnm. Chai-tes-ad Accouabantt 1t/aKing St. E.. Oslaaa Chiropractic G. EIIWIN MNANN, D.C. Chiropracter. 15 Elgin St., cor,.,ef Horsey St. Phona 623-5509 Olffice Hurs: - pjointintý -Dental D R. A NG US M. BLAIR, D.D.S. in6 FakStruet,Bo anil Qffnar DiriflStore) including Sat'urdJay Tle phoea623-3181 Dr. WV. M. RUDELL, DUDS, 22 Kin, St. E., Bowman-villeý Office Hus 9 a.m. te 6 p.m.i daily closed Saturday andiSaa Office Phone - 62,3-790 DR. WVILLIAM 1KENT, D.D.S. Pro)fessienial Bldg. r2owmianvilie 222 'King St. E. -Suite 106 Office Heurs: Waekdays- 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7349 IGA KETCHUP e3zT 27~ SUNNY MORIN PCWHOLEBEN ELSOW/ MACARONI, SPAGNETTINI OR LANCA SPGHETI~3 7" IA LIQUIO WA.X 32-n.59 GLAD POL. DEUI2 ýT.17 LEMON, NORMAL.DRY ORP EGG SUAVESHAMPA ilFL. f- t . , , t, t , ,,o1e t b, Seas uitOmh b holu ,.u1exos to I, g dli u, n uîe utos FTts.y ,0 D th buwD u obut.Thoyo,.,u'u ,uasto, btt ,ost,,oundbon.shoodor fus Ond RSPnONSORIG PkIdcto.,I,toTS~ n no OiRT., AIRP' 15 CARNA TION COFFEE MATE ' >84 ARC DETEýRGENTH 1 4 IKLELNEX ASSOGRSAD COLDO11, . HE pE PRTIN's, MARS SNCKES MNCHM&MPLAIN OR PEA-NU1 UNSIE ARIS FI, AG 79 TOASTMASTER (F uOFLABEL> OEMSTE S MFGfOcOFFLABL) uFro-en Food Specials" MINUTJE "MAI D CONCENTRýATEO FIORlDA ORANGE 0:CE IKO FRIED IN ATE saLtasURx STEAK&&GGRAVY ME T NTRÉS ie AUNT JEMIM COU TRY AFFLS 307 37 0PF ACIAD T HIS5WINKE VOUM,E No, ï ONi DESSERT DISH VLM $4 M WiA FURCHASE0F $50.C)OR MOREPl.. 1quo vOlu,..,d. p FUL. LIME-0F ACCESSORY PVICES ON SALE AT7Au TIMs oSotpurç NDBERH MOLA N PATYEATES TORONTO EY RIOGES S. ADERON DNNAL,. RAMSAY ROADSUCEE j J LIFORDDAVSON S.J, BO)NDI EBi COK<E NWMRET SU-SAN K'EN-NEDY7' JACK DAWSON STOUFFVILLE CL'ARKSQN TVWNESoDe i . KOF T HE LA BARK ER B ARR1 E pBAN1IlCRO F T JIM EVERIT., L. G. PRO7THERCE BRADFORD HAVELOCK KENNETH TRGO S. VADENaREK H. DAVEY AURo RA ARRiE AnloO's of $5,Winniers j oie JROPI~AL TREAT o LB. PRODUCE 0F USA PRODUCE 0F U.SA. N. GRADE NCI3 CRPISP FLrIDA CELERY SAK 9 SWEET t. JICY (SIZE 05»u CARROS NDEBMS03 ýICES FFCTIVEC SAI.C TSUt CteYNsEC the iag deeatd Fanks lable be estabiish this Galler -y Paul ety 5-. o th e Wngs, when he acquired a Cand PaulOshrne wo oal, Len- ounil grant in 1971. lard od Whie w olctt noo ne galand me ssstcNwt encouragedhbi Qi naeu ne assist, Artence to look at potprph O Bon on asiet Fo Frnk' moç eriouslyij than they prob Variet, -Donnie Prout onu newet of he ar"forÎ," he-e u-ct ofReretnDrer ge0aiAdy rvsone goal ad adpol fr"-tgardBd ann toeocth and ougls Bo twoassita. rigially theprogam ftbernuc mor fasinatng tan cuceeedpwmh tme, laceandto tinkig ofpictres e tems Est Bach laygundonl Mvlnday, F eb. 2th, Sh ak s owmanvie , Rtry Clu b a o er m n igt h v be. Bs p ra h_ o oor ap y ay c m unt u tbe,.an. on Steea nd ma ýrt Aveonue. b e t t h e T Hu s i e , s - 2 . F o r, t h e s c b dl e d l t e b e a d i s c u s i oiMr N e to n a t e dbt av eb v o uybe n q u t e s u - s o u h s_-c u p o r t e d . " " u ," r ï 1 F a n i o n g ' s em o t eP u Sýha-rks, Glenn Martirl 'Ou- of regional goverment by aMri colo r nLn esu. eao i itrsh da,hsi arely, if Ceuncil Mr. asoste "a po ogaoaal,one assist, Mathew gevernof in L> -Howhver, bane1 Jn Y o n ol a d as ss e kr f uen's Park uan i 15, ean a ar eer y.snn Jons negoï nd laa eth esucrtie ied ofjcern i"Otawa and othprs are onspromsinbg photogapha, or in- ment is a dire naed for the went-! lÉ,teo Neil Kilïeas tWo, ýould be found PSrsdent BEMeranntcocin witbbc ead any ar1,v sartist, aither chilciren a h n ec, Rany Lckatwo Kain ilsp. ommntig n te mrda phtog-apy, îow Naionl ilm oad f Cm bsw tousarve or 'go commer- Hence, Couadil approveýd tbe Whteeer and John Castle ene dearth e«wîlipQ roinil-e, Neil bias recently give each. For the lHuskies, Steve spokes,s d "bea up bis commerilsuIsin adaaveulas Many other cml" fl bstdi ,1,0ýa a e visbes te pursua purchasa of $641. la play- Grengrasa oae goalRosa aen a itte boucby abaoutrre- Toronto and bas lmesdwith gallerin elroutbobwhig coun-is work. Art lasimply net ground cquipment, including-a Maxwell oe goal.Assisate onmal evrnM, dwnt:lis oifoeand two cbiidran-;, f te esd beUnitejd Sats;rcgnre y ati-ntany teater totter swingis, a 12 Mt. D anny P asco e, D an y W a k r, S n tc d e bc s b du e1hir 3 ce <'o bb" ýy ta- n r n La-; a m, a o n p o l l u oci eIty as a slide nd a "'elep a nt clim b- osideEnaikillen. fH plans rman c bbon tNi Nw ein asitrmof en-deavor. er". Keit Seeraand John De program, a new ,Retariath d o btgah nTrnosl lsnNwo norg Voeuas.'pbotograpbalr Neil NAwonnother i-nom tethicbawi - isinton ary cd sayolý na wno kei.cturesag-ATES Tuesdlay, Kînsmien Indians -,gave a laýssificaton talk on bouse hbha wil se nas aï defeabad tbe Panthars 6-3. Frlbisvocation, whicb prevaed te stuiad be able te cercbe Tbp exhibiton un re ùMi. even sapos , elokNo CAF '0 t'le Indianis, Joey Burna bw h SIpse 7 00 pin. Tin a-imig mpracThay are eisoa goalstwe assitaJohn Groea-secred the oenly goal. grpy, taing pictui-es a isalryl eae o i eords,ehasaid, and presera beana ncgoal, Oaa assia, MDGTL UE stsy i wnatsicsa-Streat le Terointo (ju t eubb nvauale rmemeries. Ha aise Wayne Denmis oeagoalJohn T4drd. t ogeamiAndS. Clai),and ured Mhi tllew Rotariatite Semplonius oaa goal and as o0es0eete5h1Temoaet tTo-ne e ared bis -Rotai-y audi- gv camneras te theiryo)ung sisaiwent te Tim Jone, Lai-i-Canucks 442i bc lisat Midget a , Lagfr ad oni Cwe ae.Golifr bandtswa bg tp e- bcNw-Ceathtthy a sc ecl hldie ad echtcibo AS Y F' IN uerc by Rusty IvcQuaid bwo ton. a dmtsthtit rpe-adPlaces tbey ko if bhey te, use thein. Phetography lsala For the Panthers, Doa Chidb olsUa saaJhnTre sns"uiaafnaenciichacge,1ecd tMe cxhhin.Semaetfiaeguage, ho xplained, a ACJAETO two~~~~~~~~~~ goleaasaBrytogasHhî sit ut"l, ha cld, "Ivephotos iccucld nin bbcdis- nmeans e of rsaeewhich Bruat one goal, Allant Spencer teile Be xVearntibcebn7"vr,«e/ "TEKND0 and ~ ~ ~ ~ t ra Jaeenasatadb CoieBo Sbckto hapici. !Bay MiEl ho the studi(sos e bcyeucg peeplepick up quibe 1 0IN TA and 3r,-d Jaies ine 5searCi Dykatra For the!"I'm net taking slik, polish- peopleadteSae Ks near bis rcadil. 1L aacbi. Cacuck-s ilb_,vas George B,,,a cd pictures SSoW, but rather Enniailîe home.1 Moily Watson expresad bcthe D On Saturdaýy, bbc Cuba de- ea , goal ea Gucat oeagoayliphetgrapha wikl ai-e truc lan addition tW beng setive lubs appreaibeate Ami-.5 teated bbcheFlycra 3-1. For the adDu avr n s iat craectiens et the peopleanadjlà bbc Rotai-v Club, thbc ana-Nwoai cu rsda Cuba, Deug Hutton oe naoal, he b TciTuesFdaygam, bbcPlaces 1 sac-' Te this crintieM- atnbsba i isn elhdcpe enaassat Gln obeea eGnerals dfebe RS I11-2 Nevten bas bacc t akig pho- -icacing oiioreyraopyna tipeofthebcpestera publicizig his goal and oaa assist, BUi!Evars Fer bheGenecras, Kevîn SIm- tegrapbic studles et4bcocon- celiga leais. auhasape nfothemingexhiitin on bend >ýl De goal and Bob Shantz ena es bbrc gols, Bob Dono- bryide and btche opiein ala nfur iat rgnz n iM- Wlo la-r i asts. For bbcFlyca, ick ghuc twýuo anri ea ssaton- ,trounddbbcerural ceueitieuýlýcs spioe te Potgraphiwa, tibt yayeg"rmw KrakeebergmWith Li-i-y'Raid aid Pelak tegoals, Robet as-inIgtecTownsbîp-. l2 nbcBwavlaPbI c e tyu aet hs alsisticg.Brougb ona and two assias, B-tscaily, -Feu believas i i irr. Ma epai ti-smy ecolectea iem TMhe Bnatt Pavig BnesRc wem enoa and one, dowe-t-at approach te is) omnii r rbhy tl eafwyo-. dceated bbc Huskies 4-1.FoErmue SYer one and oaa, Paul art.Al lmteemaay photogs-ap-uaa- ht oisaial eehrRta- farBr>f Mhe Beavaseick0 Crss wolBola, oa coaFo-eib i- rccoconriwibandu- b Pblc iray heeisai-A1ednrE ie wreci AR E geais, oaaane t rnkLahVissrand ÏBryaa Hfellam geýtoin" ho sair. Ncwbon bahmcvcs a display oet mphoogrpy zgraucdontar ecn oe goaýl ad e1 na sit i woassaec.Fe b R tit ila nhe nt anatreor ether art wokp, eaiy itdysadbcwclu mR Sargiesea one goal and John lb was Smith oaa goaolads"oaa e b cecrwere o rd wa teel a xiito fph-br wcermidde bcOOO850 Smith two naista. For bbc assia, PatranteagoalJonesisrathr tdar what m1110 ha. tas taan ebi b toentse oi-thcomeing Roa-y L9n83<20qS HA SRVC Huskies, Raady lMýastersen aad lTaylor one asýst ec."'My i}otettra....." ho'7l-said, "3FuN'_,ýai.)onMr. -Newton was[Stag Nigbtoem Aani-h8h _____________ MON