MLr. and MVrs. John Ashton, Pickering, visited their aunt, Mrs. M,ýaude Babcock, on Sat- urday. ~Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Sy- mons have returned from pleasant vacation in Texas and Mexico. Mrr. and MIrs. Chas. Warren, Hampton, h a v e rcturned bomne after a month's vaca- tion In Florida. Mrs. Alice Darling, Port Credit, visited ber mother Mrs. Maude Dale, Sunsel Locýlge, on Saturday. Mios Phyfias; Emmerson, pharmacist at MeGregor's Drugstore, bas recefltly, ac cepted a position at New U(niversity Hosýpital, London. Mr. A. L. Ashton, Ottawa, Dr. Gordon and Mrs. Ashton, Guelph, Ont., vlsited their aunt, Mrs. Maude Babcock ai Suniset Lodge a couple of days last week. Playing at the Regent Theatre is Liza Minelli and Joel Grey ln "Cabaret". This picture hlas been nominated for 10 Academy Awards in- cluding rest Picture. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bilktt, Scarborough, Ontario, and Mr. amd Mrs.. D. R. Billett, Port Credit, Ontario, were Saturday callers with Mrs. A. E. Billett, Division'St. David and Erin Hamilton are spendinc this week with Mr. and Ms Don Bishop whfle their parents Mr. and Mr--. Lloyd H-amilton are en- joying a week's vacation in Florida, Mrs. Murray Cain, injured In a fallIin her home thrce weeks ago, bas been remnoved 1fromn intensive care and is now0 allowed visitors. IHer condition shows slight im- provement with 'some mnoye- ment ln ber arms. Dr. and Mrs. Allan B. Syl- vester, Concession S t reet, bave returned from a most interesting eigbt day vlsit te Cuba. Stayingý mainly at Ha- vana, and Vaýradero, the Syl- vesters aiso made side trips to various other places ln Cuba. St. PauI's United Church Rev. H. A. Turner B.A., B.D. 1Organlst: Mr. R. Metçaif AR.C.T., A.C.C.M, il a.m- PUBLIC WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:45 a.m. Juniors and Intermediates Il Kindergarten and Primaryj Bowmanvile Baptist (hardi (Nelson Street) ANNOUNCES AN INDUCTION SERVICE FORt TIIEIR NEW PASTOR REV. ROGER FELLOWS Saturday, March, 10 7:30 p.m. Visitors Welcome SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Preaching Services k, Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. Rel der, Beech Avenue, Dr. an Mrs. Keith A. Billett. Kin Street E., have returned fron a vacation in Acapulco ail aMexico City. They repor sweather temperatures -of go 950 in the daytime and 80 a night. J A card was received las week from Mrs. 0. F. Robsor Oshawa- who is spendîng th, * xvnter mlonths in Spain. Mrs rRobson reports weather of ai taverage hlghof 70' and a luv of '40 and that e'very niinuti there has been exciting ani thoi oughly enjoyed. s NeilNewton will bold ai exhibition and sale of hi Photographic Works, showin, perfect likenesses of h neigbbors and friends and thi local landscape In and aroun( rDurhayri County, Ontario, fronr tMarch 17 - Mard 30- at tbi Shaw-Rimmington Gallery, 21 Bir-eh Ave., Tc-onto. t At the Waterloo Spriný 1 Kick-off Baton Competitior 3]lst .Saturday, six-yvear-ol( 1Cindy Langford took first Ir championship, first in ad vanced solo, first In best apý pearing majorette, second Ir 1 parade solo, second in basfi strutt_ third in advanced1 strutt and fourth in military David "Lefty" Wright, in iured in a car accident neai 1London, Ontario, is proG.ress iing as well as can be expect- Sed in New University. Hospi- 1tai, London. Dave enjoys re- .ceiving cards, letters anc ivisitors and sends along a re- ouest to keep them coming Tt belps se much to pass ttc time. General MotorK of Canad. President John D. Baker re. cently presented a 1973 Vegî to the automotive technology deýpartment of G. L., Robert, Collegiate a nd Vocationi School in Oshawa. The car iý for automotive study an was used in pre-prodluctior trainin.g at GM's Ste-TheresE plant.' The Orono United Churci bias obtained the services oi Mr. Doug Dewell of Hampton as organtst, MVr. Dewell will filI. the vacancy left by thE resignation of Mrs. R. D, Morton. Tt is.understood that Mr. Dewell, who teaches mu- sic, In a number of area schools, will take over ii new duties as of April lst. The date for entries to the second annual Oshawa Ki- wanis Music Festival bas beer extended to March 7. Festiva' Chairman Murray Sparks saic the extension, was made be- cauise o ,f indications main, entries from outside OshawEý, have been delayed in reach. Ing the festival secretary, Harriet Holton, Box 921, Osh- awa. Miss Nancy Goodwin and frîend Miss Linda Luski, Lakehead University, Thiun. der Bay, spent a few da.yq wlth Mr. and Mrsi. Percy Goý-odvin, town, and whIkc hiere attended theCanadico Basketball Chamipion s h i Ps held at Waiterloo Universityv REHOBOTH Chiristian Reformned Church Sculgog Street Phone 6CS-7407 SUNDAY -SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday .10:30 "EveryOue Welc ome" h- ig id rt at st n e S. in e id ig le td n On Sun'day afternoon, while the young public 1in theL cantý,en. No wvord has been. received to date peakers were holding forth in the zone championshiips concerning thie (ibbage winners, but when this photo n the mi hall at the Legion, about 90 Legion crib- was taken, th)eplayers wýý,ere deep in concentration on )âge players from the zone were playing for the titie' their next plays. bn oys' basketboll ieam frory ce L akehead participated. T CongratulatIoas ta the. fol loigempboyeca ai Good. yea_ýr Tire, and Rubber Cern- rpany Lid.,'who have reacbeé -the foilowing milesiones ol -.te Bowmanville plant-2 -years, W. G. Burgess, office M. L. Etcher, H. C. Geddes O20 yeamî, T. C. Baker; 1F yeams, A. R. Nesilt, all fronr :the pla-nt; 10 yeam,. D. E ~ anlC. E. Tim, office R. D. Harper, plant. a Mm. and Ms.A. Fleichei -hae recetly eturned fronr Oa a mionith's vacatin alCo- Y fornia. Wh1iie fier tbey spcni - fhee weks w itir dnu- 1,gbtem Lmaond Ibuîband, Mn à nd Mmi1r. J. Tremble' and d chiidren in Soýn Diego, anda n few dy ihMmi. Fletcher':ý ýe ister ýChJrisar-d family Ir Anobeim,. Whi], thereý they h vîiied Disne-yland, Son Diegc )f Zoo, a day 0ft Ensenada, Mex.- n eu, and miny other points of Il inieresi. e The Staiesmni Office was )- deligbted ta mceýive a cal] tfroim Fafiy Side(nius Tuesday -eyening fmom Maifon aipri. aFotiy and 1ber mother were on their wayto Engiand to attend the f'uneral of Patty's egrandfathem. Patiy brought greetinags fromi Derek, formar ireporter witihithe Siatesman, t heir childre-n Sara Jane and i Cahenie, taliiag1 they are ai] well, and ta say hello fa, iheir friends in Bwovîl.Dem. a -k is presently emrployed wifb thc Vacouver Citizen. Twenty-se;(ven sýcul1ptures cof Radin and ao unber e! womks by Ficasso, Milol mBordelle Iand Coazalez w uiI be sbown from Mnda7 ta April i at the Robemi McLaugilin Gl- lery. The shiow la preýsenteýd 1bY Rhm no!PalMail] Canada Lid. hncluded 1in hic colcinare Rodin'sWakg SMon; Statue fa,! alac, Clok -d: To-s- eta euofomn Sfudy 0ý f a Condemac1nd Wo- mon, and portraits; such os ibhe head o! the Japanese dancer Hanako. M. 'Pierre Lu n aet, Consul-Generai af France in -Toronto, wiil offi- cialiy open fie exhibition of Radin and bis Caniemipomarics Miarchi 6 ai 8:30 p.mi. Public, touzrs.Including discussion on the exhiýbbition and Rodia's work in gereral will ha ield Mri21 rit " p.m. and April 1 ai 2:30 P nm. 0f McLughlin Next sommerý, thausandi o! atueni xviiparticipai e in inirprvialalvisita organiz- cd under tic Young Voyageur pogram. i i s etimated that -pIViatl 6,000 yaung peopfle will take 'part ibis yeam la 111ite pragram, for wbýiCh Ottawa la aliocating $.000.Siare 1.964, 35,000) boys and girls have patici - pated li, the adventume-. This frreeal goverment underiak. ing involves the joint partici. potion o! the provincial gav- emoments and the Depami- ment o!fie Secrciary af State, and ifs smcccii is en-1 sured through the co-apera- tien of educational outhori- 'tics. Thc pragram is desigocd fcr students fram 15 ta 17 vears o! oge. Tico studenin travel in groupa ai20 ode un of 10 girls and 10 boys. Two caerefully selecfed adulis, ene man and one womaa, occam- paay ecai gop The pro- vincial eco-ordinator a! thr pragnam, wbvo warks ia col- laboration wIth the princica! of each achool. is respoasibleý for sciecting the participants Ta apply for the Yeung Voy- ageur pragram ibhis year, s suetmuai iherefore la-ý quire ai bis ichool. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services 'were held a s usul. Rev. J A. Ramjit spo0ke on "Ligbt" TbEW ladies put in anotier quilt on Tuesday and heldl anather qiltiag. This wa., for the W.1. On Fiday we beld the World Day o!f ray- cm Services af Garden Hill Wclcome Ferrytown and Can- ton ladies W erc invited. 5ev- eral members formmd a choir> Mms. Martia, Fort Hope, waF tic guesi speaker. Afiemnoor ica wos served.. About fift, atteaded. Mrs. L. lVuldrcw is im- pmoïving. Mm. and Mmi. W Mluldrcw, Osbawa, and Mn L. Muldrew were at Sunny side, Saiurday. Tic Muldrew bo use in the village is sold aga2in. Mm. and 0Good year General Managerý WESLEY VILLE 1 M %arch arrîved lasi we(ek like a Jlamnhbut even if them-e is . . . .r.u.h.we.thier lofer on, thati will nlot prevent us frim'noy - ing the fine mrild wcthr n feel of spin oiweei th dstn'eths sound of a r'Obi comning thrauigb the fog mode onle feel tha1 spingwas î_ ~~reaill ere. Hoi-ned 1lairk s 1haveJ ILeen around for, aearly a . nontb a znd nuimbýers are seen alang tihe roaýdsides.î Mrs. Carroîl Nichaois andi Mrs.I lai-old Best atteaded al sbower * . eld or area, daugier of Mr s ad Mrs Hrold 0sborne, ait fh e lhome iof'Mm-. and Mrs. d R. Eyman, Morrish, on Mon- * day nn, Februry 26tb. i-* Ms. Hariold Austin, Mrs. G.1 n Tu-fÈo rd and Mrs. E. Barrow- clough wvere a i the home of Mr. afnd Mmi. A. Austin, Fort Hope,i lasi Tuiesday momniing ta plani ,ffr he -arh meeting of the local group of the U-CW. Mesýdamies K. Dinner, G. * Tufford, E. Barriowclough, R. Bes R.1J. Scullihorpe, H. Reeve,t T. WVilsoni and Bemniece Best aýttendecd the World's Day of ~e~4~~;i ~Prayer ai Garden H)-ill Unitedt s Church on FiaMarcb 3rd. t~i .'>aMs G. Tufford and Berniece s Besi sl)aredi in the reading parte S'i'of the serv-ice and miembers oft Sthe twvo lunits of the Welcomet LJCW provided special music. Te eeMesdames L. Keli- . . ... ... lgg, J. Cannelly, G. Byers, M.t Payne, T. Wilson. Mrs. Wil- son ac.comipaaied the different Thomnas J. HughIes numibers on the guitar., Thomas J. Hlughes of the GoodyI\ear- Tire& Rubber Pol !ii rawr Co_, Ltd., bas been appointed General Manlager - -ellocpe laiTudy tGeneral Products Marketing-. night wblen sonie attended thet In iis newly creaited position he will be r-espons- mreeting at Fort Hlope Ilighg Sooand othiers were ai thea ibefrtec-riainofalMreigatv1e Federation of Agricult uren *within thle (Generali Preducis Division, mueeting i Canton. As a resuli e"n izop thgY.,Qerglik Instiitute f Tckýerilh__we - L 1isblCt attend aý iiaton ta 'hear samee came te Caniada in l!)66 as MngrofGoder nfmaincnein otr OUwen Sounid Foami Produci plant.'n'1U69 be wslnii sites ini the province. relocated in Bowmianv\ille iand namled Gener aMon-froin Mm. Rae Cuaningham of! aiger - General P'roducts P'roduction, a position he( held th'eFerain funtil biis recent appointiment. M ýessrs. Ken and Roberti Dm- R eportiing te Mr. Hughes wl be ail Marketing nerAci Ford an-d Mr. D. f Barker of Toronto wr nortb Manaersof eltnghôs, fom, oldd ad etruedduriag the weekend for a fisb- and enginee-red prodcics. ing trip. Mm I. *D. C. od Gnr5Maae,-Gnrlrr- M. rand ms. George Tuf-a ducts Sales, and Mr. T. J. Hughý1-es will be located in'fard ine Mark1bamn on Sot- Surday t o attend the funerai of Tarante and will continue te report d1irectly te Mr. H1. the later's iuncle, Mm. Leslie M. Wells, Vice Presidenit - General Products. Bennett.c Also, reperting directly te _Mr. Wli re: J. T. DansCrf wo a he Taylor, Plant Manager, Ëowmaniville; W. J. Goodwin, camming o cas,, for saine weeksn Plant Manager, Collingwood; W. F, Fmaser, Plan1t Mon Ol is 'brokeun ankle waàs reýliev- oge, Oen oun; . M Homis PantManger Q e d of i ibis pasi wýeek ond '- ager Owe1 n o un; J.M. larri, Plnt Qe- ow must get the muscles backp bec. la trima ain. Congratlulations ta Donna world do you do ini the caun-1 This speaiks welcl for Mm. Sad- t Jackson wbo won the silvc-r tv?" There is neyer a duli ler's puirebreds as teey badý medal for finishing second in moment davn Cearaway; pevieusly seUl H1ackney pan-i the Interpretive B Skating as the Cammujniiy Hall bas a ies ta neighibors o! the East- mn the "Fine Ridge Inter- f ull schedule. Manday Is sehie- catis. Figure' Skating" 'ai Ajax duled for regular auxiJiiary- Annual Bas(bl ac Amena on Sunday, Feb. 25th. meetings, Tuesdaýy the Bo- On audyevnn ih Friends are pleased thai n ieÇ'S, Wde yteCbsannuel Sh ebaîldan esp- Mr. Harley Jackson eturned -an(! follewing t.his Is the sored by tihe Nestîcion Cania- on Saiumday from Taronto,'Men's Social, Thursday i, th, dlin Frstrwas beld la General Hospital. Please par- cildrean's H1appy Hour spor-, the Recreation Centre, Black- don your correspondent for sa)red by the Ba3ýptisi Cbumch'stock. Thiere -,vas a "selli-out" erroneeusly, eprting ith e in Fart Ferry. -Friday from c rewd and excellent music hospital \vhere he 'was under- 7:30-9 p.m. cildrea fmomn 9-12 was poic by The Mý,erry, going eye surgemy. yearîý have dancing, and from-, Makers' Orcheztra framn Ux- Mmr.and Mmi. Neil Lee were 9-1,1 p.m. ibase fromn 13-17 bridge. hasts ecently for a husband enjoy the cveninig. Saituirdm' Lucky "sýpot" prize, donat- end wife showcr ta honor Mi.ýFil lefi free for other aciv- d yBea,,cock'sHad re Lina Gsli 1 nd r. oh tics and mnay be renteciby' val lackstock, woî wo)n byMm Arbuckle piar ta iheir ai- group. Caesarea, is juif nanad !Mci. Jim Row;eit, Cae- prooching marmiage.' community and al thue eher sarea. The dCI niedonaet villages are lîkewivse us by Jobnitsione's Country Store, On Saturday fierpoon Mm. îmyîng fa find eaough dysNesileton,wa won by Mvr. and Mmi, Richard - Davison, and eaougb nigbts te take nd Mcs. Jaýck Chapmanit, Part visifed wifh Mr. and Mmi. care af iheir cemm-imennts. 1Ferry. Douglas Davison, Scatti md Mm. George Finale, FPort, Mr. Oliver R'ohmer, on be- Net, Feterborough, Hope, woî a Thur Asdyiper biaf ofhe Foresters, 1Neil Mmi. Wm. Bobon eniertin- guesi of Mm. and Mmi. Ciarkeu Mafralim and Larry Paintschuk ed a aumber of hem grand- Williams.ý, and DMmI. and MmIr. on ýbehaîf of the bail'club ex- childrea bait week. This weekl Russel Lammer, R.H. Bunketon tended ibeir aippreciation ta she is caiching bier breuih were vening visitors.. aIl fer their ca-operafian and1 afir vmy ajyabe bt hc- Mns. N. Bobel bas been paimonge. tic, activities. vsfn in Toronto - a respite i WôVi7men's institute Mri. Jean Hay, doughfer e! from bler first wivnfemr on their' "Fashion Cues for You" Mr. and Mmi. Wmn. Bobon, farm ai Nestieton. On Thursday, March 1sf, ,xhibited ber quarter bance Reeve and Mrs. Lawrence the Nestietoni Women's Initi-ý ai the Quarierama Horsé Malcalm riatfenided tic Good fuie short course "Foshion1 Show vai the Coliium in Tom- Roada Convention ati iCues For You" was beld Ila jato), on Saiurday. Congratu- Royal York Hoiel, Taron-ta, ihe Preibyterian Church i m 'lotionis tfi Mm. Hay whnse Maaday ta Wednieîday. Week- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mns. Mildme-d horse placed 6ih.1 end guesis with the Malcolims Mulligan, Homne Econom^isi,ý In the spring a young were their daug-hter Banniie Toronto, was the camm-en-ý rnan's fanêy lightly tumni ta and Mr. James Bilion of tafor. ýhoughts of love. One Cari- Queen's jriversit, Kiogiton.ý Demonstratians were giva wright resideni missed a A floclc of about twenty cn taking ,coDrrect measume-è I miale beauty frmm er flack eveaiaig groabeaki visited Ille meti Fs_ roper styling wos of ees. fie muh encmaneigbborhood ibis morning 4iaown for, different types o!, bey fouad bim nanchalaily end brlgbtenedi our day. They!figures and faces - taîl and viîiiing and chaiieiag witb have been here, ai interv.-ls, ibmi, taîl and heavy, short tbeir neighbor's' flack. during the winier but do flotý and heavy,- short waisted How afien have your city remain long. aarrow s i o p i nig shouiders, cousins êsked, "Wbat in the FrIends are pleased fiai -bmoad siaulders, round shoul- Mmi. Lamne McKce waî able dcii, full busi, heavy bips, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 7, 1973 TYRON.144E gtems 'o/&Jnterest Phone 623-3303 There>willbe a special ser- visitors of 1 NU. andi Mrs. W. vice ln Tyrone United Church Rahm. on Sunday,> March llth, at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Justice 2:30 p.m. The Enniskillen and, and faniily, Richmond Hili, Tyrone, congregations wl Il Mr., and Mns. Kennetb Mc- worsbip together to bear Rev. Dermott, Islington, were Sun- L. Bigby, wbomn the Pastoral day guessof Mr. and Mrs. G. Relations Committee are re- Alldread., commnending to fill the va-1 Mr., and Mrs. Lorne Phare cancy in the Enniskillen -Ty- were recent dipner guests of rone charge In June. Now 1,3 Mr_ and Mrs, Ross Pooley, your chance to voice, your Oshawa. opinion. Be sure to, come Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs visit- Take note, theýe is still thce d Mr. and Mrs. George morning service at 11:15 a.m Ward, Peterborougb, on Sun- Sunday night, March lith day. there Is a special, service 'ai Mrs. Edna Wood was Sun- Port Perry at 8 p.m. morE day evening dinner guest of oarticulars next S un day Mr. and Mrs Merton Mavîn ,ii-orning. ind boys, Oshawa. Sunday, March 4tbh was M r and Mrs. Walter Love- Bible Society in our locality rg, Jyan Chre at Rev. R. C. Hopkins based hiF -ended the 25th wedding an- ~ ~ ~ iiversary of Mr. and, Mrs. mhi essa eren alevel" an-James E.,Martyn, Dunbarton. choiem dee ovl n Mrs. John King, Jill and them.Lori, Greenbank, were week- Sce Coming Events for St end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Patick's Tea March 14th at Gerald Taylor and girls.' 2:30 p.m., in Tyrone Commun- Congratulations from Ty- ity Hall. rone friends to Mr. and Mrs. There were enrough pec'plf, Leslie Brooks, 13owmanville, on Friday nîgbt to have 11 uha quietly celebrated their talsfor the Euhre c t ')iamond Wedding Anniver- Winners, were Mr. Carl Gi- airy March 6th. blett, Mrs. Arthur Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hardy,ý 'Mr. Lance Phare, Mr. Hem- Whitby, Mr.ý and Mrsý. Ken- bIert M_ýurphy, Mrs. Fred Grif- nethi Hardy, Oshawa, Mr. and fin. M1r., Francis Thompson Mrs Clarence Bradleýy, Bow- Hlighest score fcor the month manville,,wet'e recent guests was Mrs. Arthur Richards. if Mm. and Mrs. Earl Prescottý 50-50 draw, Mrs. Murray Yeo. Mrs. Don Real, Louis and Mms. Edna Wood, was re- Michael, Greenbank, spent cent \yisitom of, Mr. and Mrs. the weekend with Mr. and Ted Wood, Port Ferry. Mvrs. Garry Cornish and chil- Mrs. Edna Wood attended dren. ,he Taylor -Potter wedding Mm .lrand Mrs. A. J. Hoar Feb. 26th at Trinity United viýsited Mr. and Ms George Chumch, 1Bewmanville. Wbhite, Bewmanville. Mr. Ted 'Millson, Newcaztle' M r. and Mrs. Walter Park spent the weckend with Mr. visited Mr. and Mrs. George and Mms. Leslie Goble ond Willis, Cannington, on Satur- girls.,ay Mm. and Mrs. Murray Tpbb.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ken McQuaid Bowmanville, were Satur-day and family, Maple Grove, Miss Louise Hoar, Oshawa, the morning session and en-' Mrs. K. Harmer and Stephen, ioyed the box lunch at noon.1 Bowmanville, with thecir pïar- Twenty-one were present for, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. H-oar the afternoon. on Sunday:, Mrs.. Richard Davison ex- Miss Jean Pbilp accompani- pressed the appreciation to ed her brother Mr. Howard Mrs. Mulligan for ber worm Pbilp) to visit their brother Etnd efficient manner in bring-ý Mr. Cyril Philp, Waterloo, on ing us up ta date fashionwise Sunday. in 1973, and aise tbanked those who attended.I Wofid Day.of Frayer On Friday, March 2nd, at E 2p.,the World Day of0 E FraersevieWomen's In- ter-Church Côuncil, of Can- ada. was held in the Prezby- COUR tenoan Cburch . The theme of the 5ervice was "Alert in Our SECONDAR' Time." Mms. Howard Lee,'the lead- er, externded the- welcome ta the cangregatiýon and led in1 W ednesda y,. the cail ta prayer. Others as- sýisting in the service weme Mrs. Neta Holland. Mr S. Vie- tor Malcolm, Mrs. John Ham- 7:30 - ilton, Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Mrs.' Carl Adams,Ms .R ___________ Corden, Mrs. R. Glass, Miss Ruth Prouti., Mr. Rick Glass, minister cf the Presbyterian Church theý guest speaker, chose "Frayier" 1B anai athe themie of his splendid' mesgenasing bis rema rks, r on Ezek:iel 37: 1-4, and He L1 Faîd unto Ime,, "Son of mn PU con thesec bones live?" and 1: anLiswered "O Lord God Thodi THE COM knowýcst." This was a time of abandenment. Prayer is a!O commiiment. It takes courage to pray, hi is a relation ef love ta the world - the saving Grace ofJesus 'Christ. Prayer B aha'i with faith bas no limitations but It must 'be fellowed by action ta correct the necds about whîch we pray. Mrq. Henry Visser sang "i BOWMANVILLE P Would BleTrue" witb Mrs. R.ý Davison accom panying on the crgan during the receeivinig of the offering. This was follov-1 Tues., M repeated in. unison. 8:00 At the close of the service, the visiting gmoups f romn the SPONSOI Anglican and Unltedt Chur- ches, Blscksiock, tbe Presby- y f Prta Fer, a n the nd a as Ptno Cbrcath, Son ad The B h s o Church, Nestleton, enjoyed the fellowship boum when 'the ýFor Information Presbyterian ladies of Nestle-! ton aerved refreshmnents. ______ m'IIah PUBLIC LIBRARY uirch, l3th RED DY 4 Bowmanville EIFICTIVE MONDAY, MAR 5 teSATURDAY. MAR 10- laD.A PASSES ON BUDGET TAX REDUCTIONS NOW! COMPARE THESE PRICES M ICE UWE ANUAW PEPSODENT HAl COORVELVA\\ .Mh HARCLRAFER SUAVE LOTION Svg iiUt$1.39 Sugg. List $2.25 C Sugg. List 99c FOS CLAIROL SparligFMNN EN ntaid IIYGIENESPRAY -ESSENCE Sigg Let 89SHAPOO S~igg Liet$ 1.4gSI List $2.49 Lam..Smx 12 ounce WR RESERVETHE RIGI4TTO LIMITQLUANTMES JShop ME. »,Àg&for A E, ATÎll ýISIN s SEVRDYOICESIS CTO ALX cGEORDrg 5 KING ST. WEST 623-5792 PASýSIVE RESTRAINT j,;A new passive restraint sya- tem developed by Britax Ltd. (England), and demonstrated in Detroit at an international seminar, comprises a pad or fcushion automatically retain- ed in place against the chest of a car occupant, and a knee restraint. The Ontario Safety League says th e restraint is held against the chest by a ligbt spring pressure, so that occupants, are free to lean for- ward to reach door handies, étc. But in an accident the arm supporting .the pad is locked in positon:and forward movement of the chest is con- trolled, 'force exerted on the pad being taken up, by an energy abýsorbing device. ADL COUNSELLING SER VICE If you want to do soinething about your education ...You probablY 1can. See Your Aduit' Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 1 7 to 9 p.m. at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SUHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential .- .and no appointment l is necessary. ZTICE ZY SCHOOL March l4th 173 9:30 p.m. VIMUNITY TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. N.,Wesley Oake, B.Th. Organist- Mr. John Crookshank SUNDAY, \MARCH îllth, 1973 11:00 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM SUNDAY SCHOOL H1OUES Junior, Intermiediate and'-Senior Depts. at 10 a.m. Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. at il Nursery Care in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE DANCING SAT. NIGHT 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. &(CAVLIRS ut the Neow D utch Ove *Great Dance Music *Plenty of Free Parking *Complementary late snack No Cover- No Minimum THE NEW DeUTCH OVEN 6 miles north of 401 on Hlwy. 35 & 115 at North-East Corner of Taunton Road CALL 1-983-5001 for Reservations 1, - 1 - , 1 ý ý -1 623-5792