Chairman cf the scouters' o)ftèr !ndiddu:ýl àdviee on tax Theo-aa ianSttesmian, lwm iile, Mar.14193l Club, has a busy schedule. iUtos I'NF1~~~~ 111 On Monday eening hie visited p~nBfewoI a 'i I II~the new/ Cub group in Green- ordlînaing the dclinic, pointsý ~F'MhQ ,~N .A44~.â.t~~Q LLLN~mL~fPort Perry, Wednesday ispe- rmost people filled out a T-i8î ciai Cub ai-d Scout mnee n, "s af formn" whieh was veryP pu a S nd w ' R c Mrs Sm rerto Pone98-421onlScugog Lad On Thurs- simopliedi and was only for A ______San,___________Phone_987-4221_______ IVlssçort Park June 30ý 1 dy e is n nvtedgus'those il a ig farward to the leaders' meeting of È1eemlyietican. O0 es West Durrham District in whIo had investmnent, rentai B., F Gooduîchi Carnada td, 't sim-ýporýtan-t ta Canada St Bawmanville. ~or business incarne used a T-illast week anone a aigthtsm taiin Ilwcste r ngih.. t tsFie Ladies' Auýxiiiary - Browrnies, generai, which was more aigtueemnt thatli guran arPmantajined." said Maspor Guides, Cubs and Scoutscnilcae.1hi 1a heetteCon, uto fCn-Peiet avyM ue McoadF liM ,,oniday evexling, March 5" ,is only anc form which ever-y- da's oIdldestauto race. yF CnaMasitac. wt Editor's noie: The folliwing ]notion a Ipproved thie Ladies' Auxiliary met at ore wvîî use, and -nain peo- Robert H ErBFG Cn- aesure that thlis Most TUF, BES i b Clrk Tonshp ou il ecnti ba t ~ hecaearaCommiluilitýr Hall, cie vho used the ,"shiort d avettrn mnae,olQd unique event will be carried cS>otalanct~~esonaoneof he T tns aifCoincc'tenl s teEg-PeldiIm e!tsI.h m IndfiutyiiajsinvateClbmeigtCttecARsrwi ee rwl 17 ITe ladies wvýere weicamenb-L om"before wili have somel a Nrth tl oronto Motarsports in in ynars ta ýornec anid, 1 airnA n R C Ijsh lauguage ever introducred to a local couincil.i The icretary' readth 1 new formr. 'I thieI-- Coliegc'span has signed a two1-e c ure i th1 incrased pie D A SI N A I oiitoank-he'i '. F o dich-Iundown. .as alo ltes enwfr s1 aelerc t l -n1w be callcd. [hù ý,L-r a Latdie' u.o fu pgs. er e are eiýrý LdforTh seonennadSoitr' schl cn adprriustahveahadinpesi. n Cong ee ratulati n teMr and j l ý 9 ags anverasany, Sundahey e, March nne 's of Ontrlo, e peadad oj ternMrae uvs- DnPniteisthtf 5hi salihherc so llh.Thy el oen*~u "Ia teiovnnWn oMOtaia t n av br epot ndt of four Inned ,,.Tthhelptare e f , iCaada'3 mo sttreig' 2-167 o 170AuCtom o 95 ieianLadr avis. Marilnagoo.dgeVnede pIe me hae rouineetu spt offspecacleg, bies - k& 4 oor od. ofG, 2wheu ttvs nd n inda s. wo. nnsahelcia F eb. 111 8th at the C tnc;n tic bst Rev H. R. nd Mrs Ha ne tn. Aten the 4- piand Iner-od rnmd tal Afais. an roiht e ou sre t te Br w i unre straev L ip i ght far ard 3 as par et MopC'«s"nnul Uo. C E Q U IPM- ucE? Fln ceam wr T i n Treno ndCornish eneadc, her Doms._l inationg of InternationalhPnta 1158Jhne eTaco Pariamnt f tis rovncetha: nd Cbiprtyrecnti. Mr- nd hftthee ae te eopi D11Sp1nM.,te BF. ooThissne wit F/ w/'isekarba Sundayiautenoone rh p tes. the net eetngisen I llNe tCo u nand Ree e c C lrke Township e et DuivestYn econd i.-î Cleg s ntnte ï l i udo Is Cnad'sonl aD/orP/S) 0:00oTH R ofth irtcou le e. Hayne M8è a n..Y e tntre ' put.- on initiaer for ol tocarl en re o i hee-dà th emeu for e l s tht rfesins t amRSndy 4nnnedatSt Cemnts n-tnEg tc:n a ev. r.F! 1e efhoatrfMtrpltn ooît ahe id o anuttable v e be o pidtampan-s Or, n iz ted by tadti os g - thle Biakthoek R eereeillnifeing c e e servieTronto Mo Jietorpdnîs lis Mline1Tr"e;orl areColee ani ougmet cme o ce qw car depl o inca led tha-rtIlin etorshe ish te ihelp defray oîlege . therce hares lite fourdy o''/irl ermw Pren t Cnte. eeendwih teLorci ' 167 ti SatONA RrIOoer r he ii-\ hedopi ýd e1 ,eopy.undr heff prtevietan eeOfentarioid- Cavertwih afo ftIngý change cf $100. Mn Serie for le asada r" -. LlitnS p yo f g e i h t iing on M rc T h-ý ut the C. E. Wtng.of ileirli fe c renPîe i ncthei oven ý ,V bu wi th- s ur th r in g ou\ .re 1& Ilt nîhaei res tie fh se 12-Ca19pons ip. Bu v9yl. autoi - 1-l i i li uted ho g nd Tr Jnis h-înuc 1 0 a..Buffese ta- L obc 1111c1l.(Che., For-,pead i-2 f R .in Newca st . Congrt.end Anehr i lc h. Weai1-e1en1 f loaleletra, abin or any su nut- Sernd a t S eices . r ...und dakncss. which s whtCyl e. ly u laton, b ys an k ep up he 'ep rt d ur ro res o a r liyl e fitton ,tht ws ho ld bti r uddayt O h x , iin the P reshy en tian Chureh a e ie c i t IS t 9 9 wi n O Y tti 11 6 h v o il a 4 goo w'kl henex iaeiiets rs Yeheicused;orin, te mniten. i Rgr Pise temdSaeBd &1 otsTr se Nexyol Milcsi e 'ut inhles an de n-1 Aux, icntg md suc re o tng westeII)nîy ýi\:71 iSrdaY Q M'9on 0f St. erg'AnlcnPr oe th ein thlnh "T tes pnîne 'iles vete on Illade ive cf 1: 2-22i"Cn w frgie V . S fl&hcîaclis9170acd wic wSte 9Bd1- b 1956 on ydaui aleËtIl fl,,ris ci 1 d i a teno, E n- te -~-- - , egbr? W i eot mils orirý T.'lOghi al cneti e os y.ForJc oftee i-agcf , 1 aI 1, "hîrcîi o ear Bey. E. L i- xv-eeecedagontre enhsao8dosan cjit- yt te ihtWa" hooitLnTonsîto a vic 1Iflhtii cmicii i h p e ing. 1hi. î n n dc î m i i e a l I ed " V i7 1 ý (a t he( ' it". r and ir ar n s c hoe o f a ri v s l c ed p e i- c n te 1 6. h rnatudn v tak o. y -6 cy. -Vn ea r v c, oîba eesI , ak; ,ii« i" t -knxyu raci ! te dy. <>x& it - lis 1a% r - 16 ci ~t scialheur wos pentatte C R d Maeoim favoed wth a solo 6fliannel1m etinrenaon-1 ar ix hurs. Penn-e ad Cy. yd - Taile typ ;)rerie tenal acte K kE sce mresyead oem nt es ek.Iyaqcrsedte iis ic -16 Fr 3TnIa &gon ia earv î1tilbterbis idlfJI-ar I JamiCy infant idau hten, of!Mr..eid C I - mi W( ixvho1i wci'e later tevwit'il 1vH.P.iw/fverm 1-1964eBr;m-iloid TOR13 ALFeS TO SE t heOficairar ared taW ah'timtMnad MrX.Nei A.J. Bo.ikie i P.Eng. cf C uîsdo hmiehp.L~elr<o-leSnsrae vicentesien,.die c ld anz itre a rs VnIl o THATWLL LAT Lom i l ienem 1-1e-tl 'cclt u ' Qaceb wn o si ad 1o er r es mvt.I pidrge ofol t im o sleAmii Port P H T dgi neheon gneetBiTue pesients coucil or bt xvsrSrrectD, tei. EkSA! C NIiNS -Ies odfr 100 Mn oe iri. Joh RTidl'Ila V(1 andl MrlGeoroc UUVh2 - - vi ited berdiparents. Mn.ternsted !riun-tauumznnc i odendA. 1Frarne.i t MToitrt. a - tcmi. j Hute4-1LosggnýTltio ldis - ill . Suit1St e iat:J ri aeh:eisnea i o lvertissamoiUt.Wilinfve<> o-igd safe nuse .sinP rtoeo gis ansi Mr Iï: a e: P tiip, i tC ý. srckl tic; orsne iiCuain rc- ti aec luCev.ale , sue seflbi r e t yi ute to , fl(, rifI11 M rs. ab lW iki;u-i 1 llî c Lsh-tiex to d sn.etus holpet 1 omporl a Chanlesila Smoi!il,,rBlackjsho i 955 '3 1 Ci awa. was uncayesp(4rsîmedy ecoery..w wnd r. J D.fl emignetx-ýi g.iiut s e l duuig Geor 1-1967. uli ie alanceopwifoh ispucaseadr oei hi ý oïýkIl geoun M. ns Ms Dx'd evra Cntrgh rsunis.Epu'e ts. ih uak o fom Mnin rprt.Fiuet cmlt am Cn-a-9 nisi family. Onincomeellele ,Ioe'siý are n. CuBod, A-Prose auî Rex.fosirMn. . . iec hMu.a oiMn. a1id losofocsrice l on ndy ServicesrN Fshr.deost eig oreiedaid 5t i e ledrc rsae prci-r(-ýMfieeIoffilackprhockeoniSot- cvcnieg ileathouUnite1 TCtL neh ____gooue. Pul ane anTndy evnlgie iby orlcryDulen ulee caotegsobce. OcnSons, Aas.yau 1lxecsafcu A Sta eant mut eb>CAf r ERIE! ainu(.stthemirswie n i hîe 06dw6 IIQU.Chequs obeaad ayalmoTraufo ce osw l B w anlie h Oi om f i.aniMr.tos ou ono as niusiI on a Clu e rn sa pb rie' croouht. G Po Sc u lit IS - re n .bxli wene Suucla' dinen gueîs c Km Rai who w{ e hsts 5or issJud Lar our. a Mi.sts,îiO sevic ho hJ~îfrc ~s- R benton. Lynen; . B~ Pits ocheut u' Veliels wIl l sod "19le4 Wser Is" witlaTour Mn ii rg . onmai n hwe einioo' bi de op ee Snay dneisct ne sadi te ewLeg ntyS ret on: raîtad bSe tK.dealSaeT'e hr plcbe D jBetySnI.Bo.(le;(Msa niuîo Wakeu c guet wih n. ed Mcs tx frm Thse intretes Asti,)nkoa:A.(ouins pny td. Slc"hefoissaans te OitnlOReaio Saes e& ~s.~il.i*~VIU >I I! Mr.ani ns Cchn ig- iiiwcal. iine Vneans 2m1y. co 2ated uecïll-e forny Waaebng ad . .raca1ear ýs tVlwteiwl h oleilot licec lts hs i> GosI lU ood u lul Olsls. nu nhu ihrd n lod Mee B'in - Oi C o rcan' alernofn 0 a he dts Mrh1, hi.Cara. n lxaie ec sres eprcissialrth ae la as h re ie ani ras v hei Mn. ay ieiay rot, xa" a eee iste 'lach lti. MnIas'Msi 2 ni 1a 1 ..tete Dietu' r m Monïn Bare Pblc Uilte iseto carni e uyl aqails mcai n FUNCEISALAINSUtnyle wts Mr.E Lwon as Gcg Haip niMnEnn oigeLc uTeatr1 e nisn, unanUe;D.R.H ommissio or 13yersf ec- rt9631Cte 11 echnial itees issue Mis.Masnie Nesit. 7teuir ina. Dnam isrcor a.Kissoi W .Byea hire. H wsdrc A N D R E P IE Sbo cla g w 1h hie aun A sth nv ai scs spe t n- d tse ec slt - W t li m s ~ d- wil e pla n ise inc m e tac Ali eto : . C Tu ih pe, Pan t n oilM A I st ict2fonutem'ml' e i spe te i e th a ove loc ti n f o m :0 1e raipret. r edrut.iei atiIan1)(1rtndRedr t. Gore . .m n ye as ansýIiiastM.Cservesi it OuiSusia' n. ns ~ arhy ani ou.gls. trd- ltl, tedail r grup ev bE, S. MaErn'st W.A, esitiscoucl.D strit upi> B peody r D nvi- 646Otac wih nani rouWtG.wth heiIothrMcJ ve>((vu, te ecurhbil e tok;rr ,vaz A. G d ree , E- Port Hail190.le, Ontah'lo.ri - in Bew les. P . i' îtaioecerp. eSnis innsllle; G l 11asn IISll v T elptoe 8568 Ti ue 4822 K EIH D AR , A C.Geore ieas~p spnt n, asi ns. loy HucerThe l ct, ilgeepssifrhi en . tn. eusheim; V. E.toda ' xaCd.A'e oe L s emîvli Pnn. ones Grd, are;an Fiunel. M's.ctunel ýîueane MIhele Dylo teIhli peeie vuss idtasoi teAeanci a ntv c hog 0f Nurstnign the KemptviieDChunc shce unday m;reung wens on Mrs.niaNeil oLeeGrdtr, go. 0. AL CASES0FINSURNCE R taoCalfn parets. wee 5ncl.iPsi n tîsc INCULDINGoLIFE INSURANCE A A I OR E SKFNED ( 11enMrmany. Foll.owing thel P WOsk for IIseL FAThunc641,servcefMr. ansi lMnsS e ý_1 r cD o f wnel-ies ora a Tly vae ti loietr - teje i ResideïY,ý'Ntl - Buines - înd stro- arm CO "JV i nn e1r.VieThleooi- ohtei'uADullng' we;Nretým so TiýAT'RII fR l>DGFZTA5the ran iaensi s. 1 Georgesco fr 1- l borne.c. Othen gucets w inn9 LTutie Bnitatle.1L de CAeesereart itit ansi fr n u; i iiieo Ui' ied I'c'r ~~~~ s'd anil f owanilDra olg . ulrti;Al)l t niiIeoi f$0.0i ieveniegil-ener gudsts of lier The în (icathIiiiedmDu.,alful hechair ba frhi pscas nci liiàviI ci a sbee deiightieg Nestieton polery. aiur tt om if11d.k . bout thye xnu' tiny tlinotsdliregnctlcg tai Mn. ans inWie Mc- s ATUs )orosàîrn. ansI-tutr ae(I Mca. B.Ilu iHl',ri CTEUE Cîjp.toIf. S to r eyale _ 'Y!al ieown ed4LiOentMrio.e Uilo :i týe )-Mr-ajci,,'Ca -len E s.vsieincn L >-.Ta lncIi i Rrl% crboog ; . I î their inttelunioficf. and tn'c r w 1 y S1ratforc:R ,,0e lanin N ew cnlyandset lo e.ea ae 1ýjo (%!- ing, Meris1-4. our laIe.s .î.htrstc r .C ui Ir.uand.the Park igeal _aesT tuy Sîstr E. Baîem. Brotser i * on venient' Hour ýo( 111ilwife II !Iîn -te d te ch i n ai sllcb r-:a d B ~~wt~~~ 5nsteEsi tise aiesasiseiREW SRTAL(R1É COMPLETE ~~~~Norn fuI, o!Bra-ntîid, C n e n n o r >\""u If-.poebiefly; on tisefonctio;ns 0f oca cortein their 7,om- A motion was pasesi ta sensi a licieue o t lise Cancer oÀ Reerch IIunii, A- P îPre-sident Anc Lee 10hankenP M th]e gueste, etten whi'ch ;a deliciaus lunehen eve MIS pRliCE INCLUDES Sale positively ends Saturday, March 17, 1973 Sotn At tishes-,t scoiters' Clu0b OU HIC F5,î Sl'LS lAitNDCOLO LIRS. Dn or pri Y VOUR PRESCtIPTON IN WMITE, ROSE CR CtRE) tESES Crwngî edesweerc ILY * ONE SEAR REtC"ETWRRANTY ACAIN5T BREAKAGE %tw prese7ýntesi b Scouit asiter *YU HIEOCAEFOIAl Slin lpe Ib ,'-tersServing you thr-oughout Ontario, * 4.07BOITE EYEGLASS CLEAYNN&SLUTION oece, 'hoEDN SDA BI_____________ ea1ders Mrs. ERuby VanCeuisp, New cel i rîmei uvuav3ble il $1000 EIta Cbîie OPTICiANS-.OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIFEI CUSTOMERS IWel ts. ivs Cubree ill Lstprcî s pecial types if euii ud tius 23 BOND ST. Cain ackstîî lin ale 9.RYPTOK IJTEf FLAT-TOP Frida>' Wet9; eeertery Mns Mar EAST Tues., Wed., Thur$. PanîtaentCf Cenningtan.r OSHAWAMOINDAY CLOSED Bath Cartwright r --- OSAW hone: 728-1261 jworklng hard inpreparatton ;of hostitng thikR annueil event.1 Cubmaster Walter Welts, asÎ