'(tems 0/ Phone 6 Dr. and Ms Howard, Run- dlie have returned from a vaca- tion in Florida. 11 iLss' Jean Northey, Toronto, is visiting Miss Elsie Oke, Temperance Street., 1 Mr.. and Mrs. Byron Van- stonie, have returned from a two weeks vacation in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aberncthy were Thursdaydinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Reg., Sutton, Orono. Mr. anmd Mrs. David Rut- ledge, Bancroft, visited, his sister, Mrs. R. Byers and Mr. Byers recenfly. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dale have returned from a most en- joyable two week vacation in the Barbados., Darlingf on Township Reeve st. POUF'S United Church 1MinIster 1ev. H. A. Turner B.A,, B.D. orlganlst Mr. R. Meteaif A.R.C.Tr., A.C.C.M. 1i11a.mn. PUBLIC WORSHIP SUINDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m, Juniors and Intermediates il amn. ,Kindergarten and Primaary REHOBOTH Christiîan Refomed Church Seiugog Street Phione 623-7407 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:,30 am. "Everyone Weieomîe" eqnterest'I 623-33,03,j -and Mrs. Garnet B. Rickard -returned recently after holi- daying in Florida. Mrs, A. Sul, R.R. 5, Bow- mianville, reports that tweo rabins were sighted at their home on Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence Mason lias returned from. vacationing in Florida, with M%. and Mrs.ý Laurence Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. IDick"I Lovekin, their daughter and niece, Newcastle_ have been vacationing, in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cowan, il Southway Drive, have re- turned from an enjoyable two weeks vacation in Mexico. While in Lakeland, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin attended the "Canadian Pic- nie" at whýich 565 Canadians were present. Mr., and Mrs. William Bea- cham and children, Dundas, Ont., were wveekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Webber, Ontario Street. Mr. and Mrs. David Rut- led.ge. Bancroft, 'and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowman- ville, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burrows,I golf pro of Bowmanvillc Coun- try Club, and former residents of Whitby, have taken up resi- dence in Bowmànvfie ia the new subdivision off Waverly Road. Paul Sarginson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sarginson, 20 Parkway Crescent, leaves on Friday for Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, to begin training in the Army. Best wishes on your new venture, Paul. Mesdames Aileen, VanNest, Lou Lyle, Ruth Mutton, Marg Consort with the, followers of al religions with friendliness. B AHÀ 'ul'L LAH PHONE 623-3171 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister- Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th. Organist- Mr. John Crookshank SUNDAY, MARCH l8th, 1973 11:00 A.M. -'WORSHIP SERVICE SAICRAMENT 0F, BAPTISM SUNDAY SCHOOL HOURS Juinior, Intermiediate and Senior Depts. at 10 a.m. Beffinners, Kindergarten an~d Frinmary Dept.at.1k Nursery Care in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOMý,E TO EVERYONE Spring Special on MýANY 'SIZES & SHAPES AT VOUR LOCAL PHONE: 623-3388 KR-owYour M' Bob was born la Osi and schooled. Tbe famil: and la 1958 Bob went tt Tire and Rubber Comp >ýý bis good wifc Marilyn fri Bob bave oae son, RicJ<, . . .. . . . . .It was in 1968 whei for Glen Rae on a retai into the country nortl o years be bas been deli'% made up of small store stores. His route today t througb Newcastle te N 401 to service tbree Servi Dutchlrman. Bob is :an early rn quietly aad efficiently. Ou ing, bard working empli BOB as for the last lve year HAYWARD PHONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DEI GlenRe1 King St. W. Towairds the end of a mrost ,3u-ccessftil Rotary-Lionsi Millionaires' Nigh-t iat the Lions Centre on Thýursday, the atmosphiere becamne quite tensce, as names confia- ued f0 be dIrawn out ujntýiil ly f ive were 'left. Herb Knapp, one of those lef t, was nof present so, the others held a caucus to decide whiat to do , . . either go'for the bDig, prize of- $500 or- spli*t if. If was decided that No Cavities? 'Almost N K<nappý would have gonte for the bundie, so he was noti included iii th1e dsýiscin; hîs nameý was1 drawn shortly afterwýardsi,. Laïst to renrain 'in wns Don Seykens, sec- ond from left, -,v on $200 wiethe, other three, John Witheridge, Irvini Taube and Ross Wrighit won $100 each. Other special awards were wvon by Jim Tamrblyni, John PogÏu2 and Phil Hlarlos. la oTeeth! SOLINA Wes Yellowlees, Mrs. Harvey Ye]lowlees, Karen, Brenda and Janice, Mrs. Murray Yel- loWlees, Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mrs. Ross Kossatz and Shelley attended a baby shower for Mrs. Harold Yel- lowlees held at the home, of Murs. Karen Robinson, Bow- manville. Mi1s s Helen Baker, Toronto, spent the weekend .wlth Mr. and Mrs. Tom BEaker, MTr. and ?Mrs Tomr Baker and Catherine werc Suanday supper guests of Mr. and MIýrs. Barry Cowling and boys,I B3owm ianriville. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinnii and. fail'y, Oshawa, were, Sunday supper g ests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman. MIr. Allan Fraser, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fra- ser, MWr. andI Mrs. Allan Jeffrey, Port Credif, were Sundlay During the H. L. Wood Pee Wee and Kinigston Centre 70 game here on Sat-i urday, Brad Godfrey, of the Transporters went flying info the opposition net on aius that d.*i't score. He appeared f0 go fac is nt h rasa n a knocked ouf forsera minutes. Fortunately, no damage resulted. The Trans- por-ters losi the game 2-1 but won in Kingston on Suniday, to even the series. WelcJsh, Anni Heavy,ýsege and Jessie Siemnon have refurne' 0 R0 N0 NEW Visiting lMexico City, Acapulco tMrs. Fred Lycctt was In ing, fovit her son M4r. Doni- and other places of interest. Toronto on Saftrday t0 at- aid Cam n, rs. Chiapman, plan n o f0 attend the ftend the(ý reunion of the fo)r-ý and grandda.ugýhter Amanba Spring Concert f0 be held later mer staff and students of tiie and grandson Paul, af Bide.' this mronth in Bowmanville' Balmy Beach Public School f ord, North Devoni, England. High School by Courtice Sec- On Pine Ave.nue. The pre3ent' Mrs.C. L. Myles, Mrs. F. O. ondary-, School Choir: wif h building is shon to be replac Coper, Mr,.'Harold Hooe5, guest chuir-fromi Silver Creek ed by a new school. Mrs. Lyv- and Mir. R. E. Logan are High School, New York, USA. cett, the former Ethel ,Winter, partients lin Bowmanville Me- Mr,.iand Mrs. Gordon Martin was a member of -the Staff morial Hospital. have returned fromi a tw for five ycars prior to her Mr. and Mr.s. Grant Moffafý months vacation ai Lakeland. marriage. Of Oakville, Mr. Wmn. S. Mof- Florîda andi they report cool Mrs. GCo. Morton was Sat- fat and Mr. Lawrence Squoir weathecr. They also visited M!1. urdlay dinner guest Of Mr. attended the fuaceral service and Mrs. Earl Browýn at Free- and Mvrs. Gordon Morton, at theRos'týs Funeral Chape! poýrt on1 Grnd Bahama Island. Kendal. in Port Hocpe for Mrs. Hubert Winnýer-s of the Novie Minor Mr. and Mrs. Cha-rles Gruy Foster, niee Rita Mitchell, on Hockýey Club 5-3-2 Draw: lst and daughters Shelley and Sunday, March 4th. nrîzu '$14300, C. Naishi, 488ý Julie, Mr.,and Mrs. Bob Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wal- Wilsoii Rd., Oshawa; 2nd prize and, son Darren werc among lace are on a holiday la the 195.00, J. Nowell,, 276 Central the, relatives whd attended Bahamas. Bv.,Oshawa. Proceeds f0 the 40th Wedding Anniver- Sunday visitors with Mrs. urchase equipment for Mari- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Catherine Se bwecler dau- snn1a Tigers.1 Spencer of Newcastle on Sun- ghter Mr-,. Geo. Jacks, Mliss Mr ndMs.Siýbiv r day affernoon. Colîean Jacks, Mr. Donald Mr. and~ MrsSanbrSr, M. and Mrs. Ken Bail Jacks and friend from Mark- Wellington, visitcd their son, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard ham,, Mtr. and M.vs. George Sains- Staplef on, Oshawa, on Sun- Mr. and, Mrs. iReg. Suitton, bury and family, Parkway dyeeig Mr .and Mes. Kennedy Gray Crescenf, last weck and attend- day cvcn ondg.am visited their son Mr. David ed the Knapp s Major Barntam~ left te Toronto International Gray af Queen's University, Aîrport on Wednesday evcn-, Kingston, on Sunday. el game against Gananoque at I Taylor, Mrs. Ken Henderson the local arena.1 and Mrs. John, Forrster are Vewers of Channel 5 onienîoying a holiday la the Sunday evening were pleased Southern States, lilk ,U lln7 f0 see former Supf. of BT.S. Orono United Church Wo- cane, ipeanddogon hand Main Hall on Thursday eveni- wit cavas pantand brushý- ing at 7:30 p.m.,, March lSth. esinAlgnqinPark. Lorne, Miss Doreen VanCamip of Green was the narrafor. Blackstock will speak on In- hawva where lie was raised er~s, Myrtle Burrows, West dia,- beautiful dispIay 0f, sou- [y moved to Bowmanville Hill;, Mr. Bill Brooks and Mrs. venirs and pictures. Special ýo work for the Goodyear Louise Sheldrick,-both of Col- music. borne, Mrs. Ed. McWafers,' Mrs. Kenneth Bal of lKirby )any. In 1961 be married David and Rick, Scarborough; gave a miscellaneous shower oma Keswick. Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ross'Black and at bier home on Saturday now 11 ye ars old. Tnicia, Ajax, visif cd with Mr. evening for Miss Anlene and Mrs. Leslie Brooks, Scugog Walkcr of Willowdale, a bride St.eleef. Mrs. Bal] was assistcd n Bob first came te work Several members of aun. ,by Ïber twio daughfcrs, Mrs. Lil route, wbich took hlm fromn Trinity United, Çhurch Bruce W. Mercer of Hampton of town. For the last two Women, foured the Robert ' and isSuaoal fTr veriag a wbolesale. route McTLaughlin Art Gallery, Osh- M adMs i bre ~s rsturnt ad han awa, on Monday. The tour was Mr anhy 0f1m, Bowe esretauans ad chin conducted by Mrs. Edward ty f omanrvIlle wercj Lakes hlmn up front street, Samuel, King St. E., Bowman- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 ewtonville, and back the ville. Tours may bc arranged Reg* Sutton on Thursda.- nf !e Centres and the Flying by confacfîng Miss Kaf e last Wveek. McCabe at,576-3000. , Mr. and Mrs. Hank Vander Brink Who formerly owncd On Monday evening, Mr~. Ed. the Orono 'Bake Shop andý Leslie of Bowmanvijlle Clean- SnkBrretenr ýi! iser, doing, bis deliveries crs, was the guest speaker af ck Bin a areeThne r busi ur bats off to a good look- a meeting of Port Perry Rcb- couple, affer rcfiring frorn loyee who bas been with ekalis. He was rcpre senting their Orono business la Jane- fhe Dry Cleaners anid Laun- my'92 ilcmec h S. ~~derers Institute and spoke on y 92,wllcmmne -h "Professional Dry Cleaning" operation of their ncw bus- giving many pointers on the. ness on March l6th, 1973. Mr. rigt ad ron wa t clanVander Bink bas purchased rigtht and dro sng y 0 ea a sizeable bake shop on Main- - clothWea ndebed o Prfincipl 1Street In Napane, He as LIVEY Weareindeted 0 Pincial tated thaf lc may cxtend the - ýDouglas Moffaff, Orono Publiceibusiness by including a snack School, for sending along a, bar. He further statcd that most întcresting ycarbook Of lhe had missced being 'in busi- theschol.Eatitled "Ag theinesand Is nnxious te take Years Go By" the volume con-1,over biýs new enferprise la tains a sam(pling o- f peaple , Npn events and feelings from thle _________ par.t and present. Much credifi Bomavîle pupîlsis of the 1971-72 Grade FOR OLD AFPLIANCES VIII for fl ic armoh job BY UEING theyhbave doc. There are silli S T A T E S M A N ~~ a fp~~n 'w copies ahl.CAJLD 'Uurity' NURSER KIl PLUYTEX Tampons SUPER DRY BenS"» lodrn ANI PERSPIRANI $ 3,,T Su',TLi , tS 5. 9 5 f 3s SC.LTA SO TI U $127 12's * UGBath Beads or ClOU ofdt i SUGG. LIST $1.89 EACH E..,11 ISAVE UN THESM SPECIALS* NO ITDAlex McGregor IDA Drugs n llý11 <King_ St. West 623-5792 Bo0wmnk ,nvi ille visitors wlfh Miss Eîleen The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 14, 1973 17 Hockaday. Mrs. Tom Flett, Columbus, Mrs. Walter Munroe, Oshawa, Mr. and 3ms. Ralph Coch- was a Thursday- visitor with attended a s urprise birthday rafle, Paul and Randy, Osha- Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett. iparty for Mrs. McKay of Nova wa, visited' Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bray Scotia., Leslie Cochrane. were Sunday evening visitorsi Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wotten If is earlly to see s0 meiiy w1th Mr., and Mrs. !-ugh and sons, Litt le Britain. Mr. birds here., Let's hope they Bryd,,Oshawa. and Mrs. S. R. Nichols, Bow- are not sorry they came so Mr. anid Mrs. Russell Vice, manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. soon. Mrs..Clarence Vice attended a Fred Samis. Mr. AlbertSamis.' famlly gathering on Sunday University of Waterloo, and Rt the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Miss Dianne Stark, S. ath- Gerry GlaspelI, honoing the armes, were weekend visitors f0 Gor' Mrs. Gar- with Mr. and Mrs. Samis. ADULT Mrs.RayGoye, Ms. ar- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wright net Goyne and Mrs. Chas. and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Langmaîd were co-hostesses Wright, Lindsay, visited at CO N E LN for a bridai shower held at Mr. Russell Wright's oný the the latter's home,, honoring occasion of Ken's birthday. MISS Cindy Thompson, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tay- ERVICE. awa, a bride-to-be. lor, Susan and Gary vsited at Glad f0 report Mrs. Bruce Mr. Ray Taylors, Oshawa. If Yeu want te do Tink ls home from Western Mr. and Mrs.- Don Griffin, something about your Hospital, Toronto, and we S. side, were visitors with Mr. education ... you probably hope she will soon be feeling anld Mrs. Mîke Tarbuck and >, herself again. Mr. and MVrs. Charles lGrah- tan. Mr.1 and Mrs. Wes Hilis amn, Oshawa. SeYu and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith Seltcouer Bray are the hostesses for and Mr. and Mrs. Winston Aut onelr the nexf card party at the Petherick motored to Ottawa hall on Friday night. last week, visiting the Lalonde 'EVERY 4-H Horniemaking Cbaroilais heïds at, Fourner WEDNESDAY, The Solina Weft-overs held and Brockville. They report their fifth meeting on March lots of snow banks and frostyEEN G 5th at the Solina Community air on the way.' V NN Hall. Deb Drew opened the Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamb- meeting and we repeated the lyn, Orono, visif cd Mr. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the 4-H Pledge, Annette Taylor Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman. read her minutes of the last The card Party held Friday NEW BOWMANVILLE meeting. We 'had the roll cal] ni.gh*t resulted in the prize- HI1GH SOHOOL which was "Whaf have you winners as Jim Smith, Mal- GUIDANCE OFIiPCE donc so far on your gar- colm Simpson, Kelly 'Simp- mnent'?" Our seventh meeting son and Alex Smifh. The servie Is free - wvill be held on Monday the Rîckey -Taylor is a busy cnieta n Ot'h f'rom 1:30 to 3:30 p m ldteedas en mploy- Next meeting the books are d after school, evenings and no appointment fe bc handed in. Meeting weeý(,kends af Memnrial Hos- Is ne"esahry. we wil 1bie idesreview Btâ, owma nville. and or comentrlesshould bc ln by meeting seven, Our garments are to be, donc by April 1sf and on April llfhý we will hopefully do a, fas -____________________________ hion show for the Solina WT. We were thien spllt ilitotre groups and eachl, eader fookl ,agroup andi demoinstrated I howý to put in a' l :eeve. 'W e0 then discussed, armhole fln -_____________________________ ishes. We workcd on our gar-i ments for the rcmaining time! and were d4smissed. -by An- nette, Taylor, Press Reporter ENFIELD hohave been holidaying in f V Haamare returning, thi-9s.,r fýee LIa p t n stayed a few days with Mr1' and Mrs. Terry Smith ac AN1 INTERESTING DECORATING, IDEA, A Sean, Kemble. 100%o BULK CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, To- ronto, was an overnight' visi- ROOM SIZE CARPET. EDGES HïAVE A SZPE,- tor with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid CIAL BINDING TO PREVENT UNRAVELLING. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thylor' CHOICE 0F COLORS. vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs.. Stuart McKay,- 9' X 12' Nova Scotia, are visiting witfhRe.$488 s l the Brocks and MrKays.Re.$88 Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKay, ,>t. Catharines, and Mr.ad